HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-19, Page 4Pe Fxrier gimes.
THURSDAY, MA.R011 19tb7188S.
Cf? UtiC/LS.
already being diseeesed with a goad
deal of interest, though no one as yet
bas condescended to partiouiere, or
indicated even in the vaguest fashion
wbat hie ideal may be, or by what
rneAus auoh oonfeaeration is likely to
be realized.
Floe some time tt has been a moot-
ed clueetion whether really those EDITORIAL NOTES.
Duos important bodies, known we A t E TLE71t'1ti who bee zecently
County Counoile, are not more ex; visited Winnipeg on bueiuese obaerv-
peniie than benefit to oonniies, Our 0i that au ells city swells, and quite a
correspondent, "n. iu one of bis John .tdardeaatle,
ie another column.
member' of bueinesti fact), as test!, not-
e.eriea of lettere bearing upon this withstapdiog the dull times,000tinued
subject, advenaee as bee opinion that to wear twenty dollar fur cape, and
there ie but little nee fur Uonnty 0,nen: i cue buudred doling fur coats, as dur-
cits as they at preeeeut exist, add pro: , ing that ever•wemotable period of tate
and sub�
possa to do awayp 6 who uvea there, *hie to a frieni}, with thsub-!boom- �Tentlonin
auto) a more i ere ensee0 mode of he .vas told that
conducting the affair* of the couuty. tones articles were "ea ague of extra
The executive at Toronto, in order to vagence et all ; only the realities of
test the Boutimeut of the oanotiee on former gtarldeur."
this very rustter. ha* fregleently of
late sett! oat circulars to the County . ow1:.G to the adoption of the Oen-
Councillors (Reevea and Deputy- oda Temparanoe Act in Huron Cone -
Reeves) waking their opinions on it- ill, it fs ueceseory that the appoiut-
It appears teat the belief bee gown. !Intent of p+areQoa iu each municipality,
whether juttiftebly or net, that Eller, who ells!l he aUthQtlZOd to felt llguora
is a hht;eeilsity for " }tin'tn. 6 t i .reformA- ;, wider tete regulation of the .Act, be
a rotorm whtott by tome ho tbougb �hlatte *loon. S It is she det+ire of the
riould extend to more and some. less;,
iatportaut t cdia;f then County count;pubtia. geuetally, that where preotto
alta. The syetterpl of representative B able, none but drugg"tats shell be sp.
goverlrment-Mut:ieipal anti I'rovin- Painted, The eo°veuieuca of the
civil ---thea grown, by reason of rapid I'uulio who ruay require liquors for
itlarea a it population, to bo very ed hlmthili purposes, willebe best earl
complex and exoen4ive. It is quite y bstion
aip,lareitt that representatives et the Sarnia Canadian. -The Minister of
people area been:ping too uuulsroudl
for the newts of their ooustituents, hiducetion has felled to explaiu the
and It ie felt by our o trreepondentycanoe of the disorepaucy between the
and the pnblio generally that many f countoipn.l returns of the number of
leas would be eaffictient to loop after
their tutereste in the counties, se '°ir mhos! population nod the ro-
wel! r*s is the Outerie Patti:mein. Ili taro*. ipubhsbad by the Educatiou De-
911ort, wp wre too ninon
0""°64/"1.The aril ilnartUmZuita, ntrheabt► gttlrgrputs tohahva
Wiseacres rontnoe
'trying to devise a aobeme t•1 a nal),! fc H If Mr. loose could havepa
de prime*a alis-
elettera--to oonstruat a elitrtutnt;'rectory ense_xpleu*tiun it ie reasonable to
Tierra entertained by our o •rrespoutl: eUPPoat havinghe truaiovedve dosuspi-
alt are soaewhat it ttceorlanea with , civil that rests apo° the Education
the following, Welt wa hef rtily on-- I De ertment, the presumption is. and
doe: That it l4 sea nsdry, lu ors �I will oeulinue to be, that the returns
der to work a reform, to b +t to I',}Wel were ',soaked" to aid the `exodus"
where, null he taker; comity c tuuoila. ort• .
es a oleos of h uit traria which would
,stand to have dome of their branches Tux: St.:1loryd .larrrlltrf given the
lopped off, if, indeed, it were net bet 7
for to hew down httogetiuer and plant , f•r' stein; rel•Iy to ata town cam 10
a few new "atoms." We trust, that, referet.ce to •ho tlecresee in echeol
artier to gtre the aubjeut a *liar: population :--
tlugll ovorbeuliug Roma person trill •'Tb-,trgus ctatea that tlreWare2,Calitlets
take uti the subject for dbens5ion chlidt,'n of woos) age iu the emuty of Perth
wltli "John l arilcA+,tir." �, to -day than there was six year., ago 1 We
presume our totem hes taken his statistics
l: VT ffl !s l'!1, llf)I:PS" from the Minister of relocation or ,Sir Rieb-
an1 Cartwright, but thq are none the more
likely to be correct, all the same. Ent these
tueahius with lees gesriug in. it. The
when lit. ,Mowat passed the Act :l:antlemau hasp threat partisan interest in
belittling our country ; but it is atrauge work
for the puuianmeut of bribery at el-' far oar neighbor to aid in depraving the sta.
eotions fur member.. of the Legielat- One Of his own eonutry. Now, this loss of
E awl..w1
population in Perth would imply a
the Assembly there was groat rejoic- c:;rresponding loes of about 700 families, and
fog in+ the Reform press, The !},let ly to uoa hardly
tbo extent of at hole town.
wished lorioe Wore to ba sevorly pun: 'ship! The thing is abuird and the animus
ishe•1 if mot. A. penalty of $200, I rna,)o npI/1,4rent wllon too diminution is at-
tributed the 1\. P. Ctar ootom, not con-
diequaltfioatiou for eight yearn and tent with kitting off 2,000 of our young folk
imprisonment far from one to two iu Perth, proceeds to Huron county and
months constitutes the ttlreateuo„
puniehmeut of the briber, while the
party accepting the Witte was to be
disqualified and fined. But instead
of the vile Tories failing into the
meshes of the law, it so happens that
members of the party r.f "purity" are
the first to feel its effects. At the
recent election trial in Lennox brib.
ery was unearthed to au alariniug
extent, and the full penalty tire law
provided for was meted out to the
offenders. The nefarious Miles and
O'Brien, in addiiiou to the fines and
•disqualification, were each sentenced
;,o nine months' imprisonment. The
law student, Audereon, who procur:
•ed the funds for the briber% brigadein
some mysterious manner, with a few
of the leaders in the good cause, is
rusticating is U. 8. Domains, and if
they return will have to answe: for
the part they played in this most die:
graceful affair. The court has made BLUE books issued by a Govern•
such en.examplain the Lennox ea.e meat are not, iu common, expected
as will deter evil doers not only is to furnish interesting reading to the
"masses", but an exception tothe
rule is found io the recently issued
there demolishes 4,000 m gra 1 Well, this is
a wholesale slaughter of tho;,innaceuts 1 If
this exodus continues-wnother to heaven or
to Dakota -ere shall soon find aur country
entitled to bat one representative in the hails
of Legislation, Figures, it is said, will not
lie, but in the hands of Messrs. floss, Cart-
wright (and Mills) they can be made to toll
"whoppers" when party exigencies seem to
require it. It is not credible that either
Perth or Huron has been depleted as these
' figures would imply. It is true, within the
last six years there have been many changes,
but in every case as one family moved away
another mored into its place, and the pre-
sumption is that neither the adult nor the
juvenile population of either countylbas been
reduced in point of numbers, and it is crim-
inally disgraceful for any print to give pub.
licity to such a palpable falsehood, for the
mere purpose of toying to attain a litho pol-
itical capital. Ft is absolutely untrue that
there is any diminution of adult or school
population in Perth. or Huron, and that is
self•evident; but the extremity of the Grit
party requires au exodus cry, both false and
foolish, but still in keeping with the tactics
of the faction.
that constitueuey but all over Ontario.
The amount of corruption unearthed
at the Hawley election in Lennox is
soffieient to disgrace any party but t'b'orestry- Report," oompided 'a,t the
more partioularly aparty which has t.
,been Incessant in proclaiming their instance of the Ooterio Government,
'purity, perfection a .beim I by Mr. R.W.Plijpps. The.eui"bjeot
Y. pp ,� ' g nlnpQa
'equal to the angels. Sudh-newielimua!t of the preeervat"rd id -:per:jietuation
eurety be vety diasatirfying to Mr. of-trlle fore: a is.;ane whioh, has sud-
Mowat, but. he inay quiet his con- dewy•• t� .nptn � nxportanee ;
Science and get hie -mired relieved of and in re r:port Mrr�.. Phipps has
ole burden by treating the nation of collected all the information available
the 'collets With •c,ontempt, ,as its Vie, both as to ttie mischief which must
Dowling Daae We think It ;haste .follow further destrpotion of the Pro-
time that both Conservativeslap }Rtes vinoe,"and the' 'hest' methods of re-
, d
formore should re tea from debasing medying g tele damage already .dope.
the a:ectorate,;es,has been so often, The work gives ie the email compass
clone by both parties. of one hundred and sixteen pages,
hundreds of instances from the exper
• s"hence of Ontario farmers, proving the
THE confederation of the British absolute neceesity, if we wish our
empire, and with some the coufeder- farms to, continue fertile, of preserv-
'Ilion of the whole of the E'igliah- or replanting some forest near
speaking peoples on the face of the them. Amongst the names of farm-
ers 'throughout Ontario who have
earth, is coming to; be opted Life pro- given' their opinions coucerniug for-
minont questions of the flour. It is eats we publish the following from
this vicinity ;•-
btr. Henry Donee, Kirktou, says ;--.1
must say there bas been a drying up of
creeks since the forest has been cleared away
-that is the water hoes away earlier in the
spring, and is less in the creeks in summer
than formerly. When rain falls it gets away
more qutoktv,which may be accounted for by
Q o rinderdrains leading to creeks and
srw,ll Weems, and also from the sects of
vrintt arid, stip on cleared land. Ake to the
quantity of raiw,Z would say that I think it
eery little loss than formerly. During the
past summer mote rein fell here than in any
season for the !islet thirty or forty years.
When rain falls with thunder, I think for
the time it last* that it falls more heavily
than formerly. The woods are getting leas
/every year theta are a few farms that have
no woods standing --mostly all have how
Erre to twelve acres o1 bush. I am speaking
of a radius of ten miles alt around.
It :also elves lettere from the woad
wcrking fact .1 fee al the I.'roviuce,civ
fr.q tote values and wee of various
woods grown here, advising that they
are beocming scarce, and suggesting
retnediee. There are also full Untrue -
noes from leading speoialiate in tree
I, planting, treating e;.haustivele of
soils, methods of growing, care of
,.huts!:ions, ate, etc. The style is
eminently otleutated to induce the
reader, the permed oua 115%444 to con,
*irate to the cud, white the argu
meats set forth and facts to flub
stantiate, aro ouch ee, if be be a farth-
er, to i dlusnce !lila strongly iu the
direction of praotioat application.
Via gerryfaauder bill, under the
sauno of redietrhbution bill, introduced
try Ur.. &fowat a few days ago will Lava
tete effect of ,hanging considerably
the present repreeatlutation in the
Local House. Algoma. which form-
erly sett true member, has beet) di
Bided into two ridings, which, of
cloture, mean* two members ; Toros
to, naw represented by one man, has
been allowed Parkdale, thus entitling
it to Iwo tnembers, a Reformer and a
Conservative, when only one, a Cote
aervative, at presort repraseute the
oily. In consequence of the red's:
tribation Bruce county will send three
representatives Instead of two, which
will be a gain for the Government of
one eeat. Grey cuunty (uaith) wbiob
give:4 a Conservative majorily of
1555, has been deprived of Sultivau •
with a Cunaervative majority of 185,
leaving only a majority of 20 ; and
so an all thranAtl the lief, In many
iustances the ounstituencles have
been so remodelled that wbere nate
t'*rvativo Ilse the Peat, a l:eforinnr
will horefter take hie place, and where
Reform tna;otities are smelt, the cos:!
atitueneics aro so arranged as to in-
crease the majorities to—in many
cases -•some Hundreds more. AIPo
where Couservatives reign supreme
by fair majorities, the oonstituoncie,
are arranged eo as to reduce the ma-
jori fey, 9a ehnen in the ease of North
Grey. We have 1.ot apace to Ineuti.0
all the constituencies *bat have un-
dergone a change, but the resu't in
ganainl will be that the number of
members will be increased from 88 to
89 ; two new seats will be secured by
the Guverumeut—one in Toronto au.l
one in Bruce ; In eight seats the
Goverument atreugth will be largely
increased, where at -the last election
they were slender indeed. The Con
servatives will lose Cornwall and ant
of the Leede and Grenville seats ;
their majority in West York will by
converted into a fair Reform major-
ity ; their majority in North Grey
will be reduced to twenty, and their
majority in Kingston to under fifty.
This estimate of the result is based,
of course, upon the figures of the lase
election, but at next election mattere
may so turn as to put a damper upon
Mr. Mowat', calculations. We notice
that there has been no change made
in Huron, her past record having
been satisfaotory to the tyrranioai
Hon. J. C- Abbots, legal adviser of
the Canadian Pacific Railroad, said
on Tuesday the directors of the eom-
any were about to male a prop( si•
ion to the government to the fence.
ng effect :--That the lien of the goo
rnment upon the lme,which include
11 assete of the oompaey tor 480,
00,000 be changed into 'first wort
age bonds. After that is done, to
xchange the land with the Govern -
merit of $15,000,000•ana take in pay
moot these bonds, which" will be pitte-
d upon the market. By complying
Mr. Abbott said, the Governmeut will
not have to contribute any more
money and every dollar realized by
he sale will be applied to the comple•
ion of the road and its equipment,
hereby enhancing its security. Thi,
will also advance the 'stock, 94 the
Government will have no preference.
The line from Winnipeg around Lake
Superior to Montreal will bo finished
in three weeks and opened shortly
after it.
'The death is announced of L.' M
Wilkins, an ex -Judge of the Supreme
Court of Nova Scotia,,and at. one time
a member of the Legislative Assem•
bly, aged 80.
vlsix. >t SliNcr 181.
The mostinteresting feature of the recent
exhibi ttou et Montreal was a company of col-
ored.iubilee Singers engaged in manufacturing:
tbo celeb_ated Gold Coin .tobacco, aua at the
same time delighting the crowds of spectators
with exquisite 5outhernnrelodies..t goldmed.
41 and a spaciatdiuloma were awarded to this
popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the
thanks oftbecontmitueo tendered to the Ad
ams Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit
for working people. Send 100004
postage, andwe will mail yea free.
a royal, valuable sau1 le box of
ofoinaking more money inha few
days than you ever thought possi-
ble at any business. Capital not
roquired. Toucan live at home and work spare
time only or all the time. AU of both sexes
of alk ages grandly successful. 50 cents to $5
easily earned every evening. That 411 wbo
want work may test the business,we make this
anparalleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfed've tctilyentl et to 13a, for the t.oublo
of writing us. ku11 particulars,diroetions, Q:c.
sent free. Immeusopay absolutely sure for all
who start at once. Don't delay. a,ddross
Srn,sorr &C:z.,Foatlanci.Maine.
uction Sale
Three Acres of Land
And of the undermentioned Factotum,
aud Household Effects, Etc„ Etc,.
iilb lil'� -. ILL BE SOLI) BY
rubiic rtuotiou, by l alto Gill. Auctioneer
on ilio promises cu the f.ako Road,Etetar, on
TUESDAY, 7th day of .APRIL, 1805
At 18 o'eioek. fintli ai•J•ectltu et.eh conditions
R8 Shall ellen b pwducecl:
FIRSTLY -Attend .singular that certain par -
col or tract of land and preinlies.rituato, lying
and being its Inc Village of Exeter, ix the taun-
ty of Huron, containing by adnisesuremont
Tbree.'.aci ea, more or less.aud being aoruposed
of Bart of lot number One intim 1lrit cones*,
minuet the township of Hay, having a frontage
on the Lake Rona of three chains, and a depth
northward therefrom of ten chain., These are
the premise? lately occupied by Murdock Mo.
lunate (deceased,! There la a Good trana.t house
with a brick cellar underuoath, a woodat:ed a t-
tacued; alaoaftioo.i triune barns, a Young or-
allgrd lust begimuns to bear, and never -failing
pring,onthe premises.
SECONDLY. -Tho toilowisg coou,and chat,
tell •-1 Cooking move.! Parlor Stove, 1 Centre
d'abie.(e 1ladsteads,5 Ilurean.. t Cupboard, 3
ch.ren cavo twttomt.d Chairs. I necking Chair
i CO,r.1 Heifer two years old, 9 lllattrespes, a.
quantity of Wood. son e rarpsater'stools, and
other small articles too numerous to mention.
TSBMS OP SA al -Ten nercent. fof the pug,
cheat. mousy of the Real E abate to be Laid In
Cast! Olt ills day Of sals,and tela Valance 011 er
tie roe u tbo 7tls day of alay,1t4... with interest at
Rix per cent. per annum until ' i . The Coat-
tail me44 he psitl for in cash on rhe day of Pale.
Far further tt*rtu. u?era apply to the auction.
eer, or te.
11,'V. E1,1,10
Vendors Solicitor
Ila* •d at Exeter, t hip Iltls ,lay .1
Ce(e6rated Zpic1a:1ss
The Louses of these spectacles, being soi-
c'ntifieally ground from Pure Pebble, aro
without esceptiou the best adapted to pre-
serve perfect virion and restore the sight
when damaged by old age and other causes,
They have the reoommendatio i of the moat
eminent members of the medical profossion
in England as well as in Canada, and a large
number of our most prominent citizens.
Chief Justice Macdonald, N. S. writes : They
gave the ngltost satisfaction.
Senator Archibald writes; I have experione-
od groat satisfaction from their use.
Chief./ wake Sir Wm Young writes : They
give a clearor and purer light under gas than
any' have previously obtained here or else-
John F. Wood, 111. D., writes : For ease or
comfort they excel any I have ever used,
J. Mackenzie, FR C S. Ringetou,writes ;
Carefully constructed, good d power and
glasses in each frame of focal equal length.
A. C Blair, Esq.,PronnorN B, writes: Of the
comfort and assistance experienced,
Lt. Gov liaviland, P E, I. writes : I never ex-
eerienced any strain on my eyes alter using
Rey.FatberBolduc, Quebec, writes : That he
finds them superior to any previously used,
Peter Lynch,Esq., Q 0, Halifax, writes: Using
otic pair of Laurance's spectacles for 19 years
with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes.
'De Cure De Quebec, writes : Re is more than
satisfied with the selection made.
M F Walsh, Esq., Sec.•Minister of the Interi-
or. writes : The glasses suit admirably and give
of ery satisfaction,
Dean of Ontario writes: Of the great comfort
and relief fount in the wearing his speetacles.
Lt Gov Sir P. McDougall, Ii C M G. writes :
Ha is greatly pleased with the selection made
tir,P.lrelan, Hingston, writes They supply
to thoao!*rth every derangement of the vision
along flit want
hole Agency
:Y'd 1 Bdrl+QWN'bV'isl,
Isn't it?
But we must "Keep the Ket-
the Boiling," and will con-
tinue giving
Great Discounts,
Gone and be Convinced.
ti11Spring ii C:g
And you ought to see our
We have piles of them Just
new in. Also
Startling value in New Goods,
Caine ono, come all to
Bulter & Eggs
J. Matheson
Has opened out in
Bath's 018. Stand.
(2 Doo:s north of Post Office) ✓
, Jnet received is splendid assortment of
Spring Goods, which we w?11 sell at very
close prices, Splendid value in Cashmeres,
Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canton and Home-
made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins
and Covers, Splendid Wineoy, Grey and
Whits Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Beady
Made Clothing very cheap, A GOOD SUIT
for $5.
GROCERIES. -We sell 4lbs Tea for t!1 ;
75 cent Tea for f5 cents, Sugars as low as
the lowest.
BOOTS & SHOES. -We have added some
new lines and are prepared to sell the beat
goods at close prices.
A House and Lot for sale or Bent, Apply
A full stock of all 'kinds' of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes,• constantly on
hand. Winan's'
the'beSt ..
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip
ec easefully: prepared at
the Cc ;'i al Drug gtore Exeter