HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-19, Page 3',0. who OId *att* Remedy. 1'A Ies•rtrdl Ev rett. Young oasis 1(departing for college) The nominationo i:.itvard Everett ; Well, father, good -by. You may ex- as minister to Great D: itaiz> rust with o 1jflde to icor -> poet to hear from me often. and I trust unexpoeted opposition front, some of the 1 bays not been unmindful of your self• taken upon it, one of thein called I one wh fussed saarMeing efforts to provide me with an education. Good by! Father, (with ernotlon)---Good-by, my son, good -by. Young man (three months later" Arrivin r front college)—Ah. Governor. that oft my return you will lied, that I southern senators. Witco action was ; WOULD SA 1.1'(1 the attention of the senate to a . eurehee..4 to 4. so trans published eorres Ionrienea, which lea rho uranutar'rl' 'rho 1 tloaler who buys tc s.sit held in Tris stands, between lilt'. Everett ' again moat .r neasae,rity anti certain :Ibotitioniats who h* ad-, have n preset. We ^.ltrirrr dressed to him n series of questions � i ti g ttYe sn of is to . l touching the subject ofslavery. The gran et theflview* (t7' n s how de do? Delighted to see you. language of Iifr. Everett s letter, which areleagthan auz pen i rlranuTu i aerrEQstu1@q•+ant Bali .fove. Beastly sveathaw this. dont was written when he was a candidate. site you lloheaper. giand towget home, etc. folks. 1?oosed torid to governor vu y str ug nods chtitsnone `testis Tate old gentleman thinks of bring= of the aoutliern s. natois conatdereel to ing suit against the college. be justiciable. 'rue senator. having read the correspondence, w:Ede it the , text of a strong itr sic oetory speech ' C) I stile ,Tltntplat t'rtltn Jumping (Creek. agarinstAit: EEverett.et•itrtlstlj* and re- ° helirently appealing to the represents* C. S. G1DI`.F. OA) t'1 ?1xI"I1itil ]'te 1� T*'ii`141ttti'er.,ti.1 WQI,.D can speciatetttentto to our undertaking depart enent.whloh i1 more OQnr eetetbauaver,aa e<e have ,ddedrr@vera few deafens F. of late T):e beet coding t askets• abrcuda.aud every neer,] requisite at tl•eI towestprfecr Our new Hearse is proncunaed tel competent judges to br seeoud to acre In the provinces Emblems of ail the. Different Soo) sties EBTAUR toad eyYr he:g,alled't'o a poi ignart* yee* Viva of the southern interests stud la- — y !reps grends,. hairs ettitntitlns to shots body to regard their i lase chola W th u 4712" ntonce of coudetuaation against such don't r ember." pig?" Funerals t o e veru e.k t di. �r „ ,dangerous seutitnonts' by rejecting th@ � eouduetea at Eire eery let; nomirtRtion of a mon by whore they eat resat \Voll. w;tnt to lirrat hien tip. if were put forth. g ,s ats se ndt to yau'11 help we to find hint I'U goal yea , Tho correspondence. together with and wo a$woe4.owl any a yoke of 2 year old steerss- thea each of the senator who brought ,argon :equirltrg anything yoke he done?" It forwent, arrested the attention of the to thtsline alis an,lit tm '•S3 ! I'm nnad all aver bet i cau'G A CAI dvantngeto ice ftc • - whole senate, sad awakened new Roel � a call Moet et=•rite tet Joel but. hal "al ltal,-Fou h at the g. gthefriends taemaoh'eg. P ;tion„ apprehoasigna among way ha gumfn ilea tuts halt an heel' ,pf l ?:Everett ae it the 'fete't4 his nom. A,SrA. I Ili A;:lett I =II I'm ret oh Pas" Illation. Soon after the senator In 1 tura for cows'. Put turnips with a heap rineattvn Mutt arisen from his seat and f green tops!" cenuuenced n ee in . Air. C:ay was ; "Whet's tho entry?"' observed to pause in his wall: to and i "Wen, was over there under a wag- fru, :teff, as the Aouator front the south ' on eouutiag my money. I brought Iu meowed in his aper4:h. ho (Mr. C.) i $15.. I wits ri wondering whether 1'4 lhlastule Moro anis more interested, un- ' better. keep it in my hind pocket or ;ria tri, at length, he returned to Id* occas. it inside ray vest when the little chap tamed seen, testi ism atitudiug by it ± 'Ceases Greening under and naps: Tan" *hen the paatloaian who oeonpled the I tier. tllorf ei :t wicked scans araaati leer littistted his speech with the fol - here° Itµrtint molter lit tour boat.' ;lcwiog emphatic language: "If, under Say!" �Cheetl siireurosttillces. hit. President. ittektou.weetutann,Win. beltestawl t:lituvLpe "Yes." the NO etas:l eoufirllt the nomination liontb,eaatswndwea:,iueualt+r; dttutet,•ltunttiltou. Itttutr, ]Iuptreal, flans Struck um as the scnsiblest thing 1 of hit.. Everett, 1 consider the union ; tttatritattstatea.t:n;�iatranaatr.,;t,taaltR could do. It watt in bills, end I pulled virtually deleolved," you seed tt,a 111UStatthe 7 1 "1 , t .LBIE1 1'MI1.Itt+It: 11rave iustre.•e yea arge stack tYa)n•tt*ad Rosewood Casl.etc; also eliding of every •Ieterip. Oen. .4 complete .tet•s et Itobea and Trlmmu:ge taxes' Art loose. The ]stent styles of , Chamber sed Perim. mats, A11 kind* of Furniture at ` the 1o7restratac. IHEST ISEA.It'i IN TIIE VOUN 1 Remember the plugs•-:ereetly oppertite Kern',ta `f"obaeeo Store, Iifsin.si reef, Exeter. t QIIN Aalt4 W Exeter Q O,C uAIf.R it=s0 Tabl]ro@ off my right begot and, chucked 'ant b* "And L spy, sir." said Mr; Clay, ie. t sootlr,east west de .., orthand east.iueludionOoderirlh. Winsh&trt.Kincardine and all point anortlt Say, d'va SW 1113)11)10g green in that?" stuntly taking up the words of the hon- °' orab.e senator. "that if this senate "Well. 1 hadn't Walked areuud tong ting on the nomination of Ur. Everett, N befuro Za chsgcomes up and remarks or any other roan a`, a minister to afar - that ho has NO to bot to a quarter that, etgu court, shall take upon itself to re-, ,I do can outjump me. Se►y, ti ye know jot thet uominatluu on the ground that r mer' the parson nominated has expressed to ' Lhttxtir t'Ln 5Z. In tib,e p.m. 9.45a.tlr.'o,eu N. w ,.Ia ,,.tui t 3:. t.. +n Rtrst'o,d,Torouto, ltiontree Land Fileteru titatev.. ' t(.etta.in 8:711 e. to arch east, he .., Ray >lttret+ta Tortola ys„ The;rsslas e oral Sams-A*ja •'21,70." his neighbors anti fellow eitigelts of the *"Wen. when I'm home I'm the tall state to which ire belongs sentiments *tOast tll;nt:);s jumpist of Wesbtenaw county. Ijutup Pot 1n accur„iun a with our own, yet in rsiep iesidl;tarti ,,t tift'at4lOnil1rQrtt@rQljlc6in Jr11DA1pinlontl=(.antulat.crreaturit.fA.na'., higher and farther than anything anti- no way impearbing Inc character or af• • [reTaad,Rrnciah T.dila, Nawcoua•tiand. ltalr, Aestra %a,I+ew 1y.ut11 Welft*, T* e*iaaia. rear island. nisi or human. 1 itivor more ground tt'ctiA�, life qualifications for the past to a 1s.nd1 Swittslei lnil Austria Hai x:, MuIuap ti.rt nitett ntaca �.J wastesau ll la l,td is 1'a 1rt11• d than a pItther. I sail higher than >k which he was numauatesi, thee, air, '5,Se p•nt-'a.YO p. fat 7,19p. tuCC. p. re. RIxgm ,1ece+tut jumping boss. I'm open to oven hots said Air. ?'ria\. elevating Ithunlf to ilia 1 day or night, stud I go out and jutup full. height, and railing his voice to 'toren feet just toastonish the ehildrea. } that clarion -like tone of impassioned When that ego stranger offered Spelt i el uouto for which het. ahovu all lir- Itarat,itswlu bera,i@tvto o Wise rat: row 61 t@ o i; Ia@p.+tft^ra abrai sou t r t e vc,a u'r- �1Geeitit:Q*p@m. +utereoist 'ctcInt.t:troun Dasa*;astoasinus Hauktscce•ttntr,tce .'eTiro 1 odds 1 looked at his legs fora minute 1 log egad. visas Su justly dr.tiat;uishanl, �q,iPtA,ta#g, m. iutrr@stat f t'etetattxrannum will Ito allowed, on elldepositw 1, and remarked that 1 ;eras his heckle- tl "then. sir. I to.1 tun heuunrautu gentle - berry?" t men In this seenatu that we have no • Aldaelteeret'el"74ela.m.to", P.rri. "I see." • logger It union to di+3ttivel°' Proceed ,t Letteisintendeeltorregistration ueuwt be potted iS iniuut@5helot a the olcaink et gash mall. "Say! up went the stakoe,off cum my fag from this point. lit. Cay poured a Nis -itis pattlRtltar.y requested that the senders et lastser will kindly butes. and I outjumpod bins by three forth for the spites of about ten alio• i f anAasaltotkaaddumt.o., ?oda the nate@sat rte feet six." utes the most eloquent speech I ever 1 "And what?" EI board io my life. Ansi tout vent: set - "And when I looked around for my fl fled the questieu of Mr. Et erett's nom- i butes that inform -1i little hornet with lnation."—aver Perky 1' ore. the sandy mustache had made off with - —01-e-..........--.... 1 the one the cash was !o. Sail" POSTteFb",t 11 SAYI?1i18RANE. „ ; Cremation is g.atniu;; adherents is ,. ens`Ctork New City. •I live on Jumpin' Creek. t'm the ( A Californiaork farmer killed a squirrel er ek ntyselL I'm callose *daisy than ; from whose month he took S91 korne&s I'In home, and every time 1 trade !toss- l of fine and largo wheat, their actual es or shot guns or dost aarait-al the e• other Toiler* i'fu praviousltr, I'w pros- iraehm±t boil.:ighttvaauir inoutllfuly tare sic acid.rt i m razors. Say. 1 about equal to a pound. res, "If I kin lay hands on that little __ ' : '� chap i'll make every bone crack. Bat it,ls+as a good afro on me! Eh? Ever NO P O I S•''''''''''.7"..• O N sae it beaten? Played zue fur a fool r and hit no the fest time. Say! If you see me—ha] ha! hu!—laughiug, don't #5' think I'm tight, I'm tuad. But say! old Jumping Creek was too smart. wasn't he? Needed something to thin his blood, and Lo got it frotu a chap who didn't seem to -know putty from a band voill wagon. Say! Ha! ]rat ha!"—Detroit Free Press. A Canoe Race in Alaska IN THE PASTRY At this season most of the Indians are off gathering their winter supply of salmon or laying in stores of coin by working in the canneries and packing houses. Those remaining had been practicing for a great canoe race, and on the arrival of the steamer the crews were gathered in and the signal given. Hadashaks, one of the Stickeen chiefs, commanded one long eanoe in which sixteen Indians sat on each side, and an- other chief rallied this ty-tww followers for his long war canto. They were picturesque Sight as they squatted in the long dugouts, wearing white shirts and handkerchiefs tied . around their brows. While they; waited each canoe and its crew was reft91 d in the still waters that lay withmite ripple around the starting point the shore. When the cannon on the ship's deck gave the signal they shot forward like arrows, the broad paddles sending the water, in great waves back of them sand sending te spray high on either side. Kadashaks itndthe. other ,ehbaf: ,sat .in the stern to steer, and encouraged and urged on:their teyes {vith igaree groats and words of dommand, and elle In- dians, paddling for: life, kept time in their strokes to a savage ' chant that, rose to yells and vier -whoops when the two canoes fooled just off the stake boat. It was the most exciting boat race, and bets and •en'tliusiasm ran high on the steamer's deck 'during its progress. The money that had been subscribed by the ;Madera in the town was divided between the two crews, and' at night there wits a ,grand poti- atoli, or feast, in honor of the regatta. --,3t Louis Globe-.Defnoerat. The Edison .'EI13ctric Light company has three farms in Northern Japan, comprising 300 sires devoted to rais- ing the bamboo whicb, splintered and carbonized, are used in the Wanda - tient lamps. .As,./T2,= V 1. oan111a.Lenton, Oranges ete., ils►vor Cakes. Crenms,Pnddlntrs,Rc.,ne delteatefyand nat. ern llyam the f7rsat flrore which they are wade. FOR STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. • +R1PAR1e aY T$1 Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, 111.or AtAf1R1 6t. Louise Mo. Lr:Price's Cream Baking' Powder - tMa-- 3r. Price's Lupulinteast Gems, Beat Dry, Slop *esst' 'oms to s 'Q • n 23"2'c#Tc Qq=t- Fes. tvE mum BUT ONE QUSLITY. LIMIT ;;HEAL H#Y BREAD t VUO ?htbesidry hop yeast`in tfi8'Worttl:`Be��d raised by this yeast is..1pght,4white `and..whole- sirte like ouli:gIatrtrtilot .ey lEsleticteus• bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. Price 'Oang 6fooTH1w, er Co., balled R. Puce's Special Flaming l xtracts,. I Chicago. 111. St. Louie. Mo. 1uTO1311R,. I'oetAla*tar, st LtituR IRON BITTERS • Health & Happiness for all. WILL CARE OR RZLIEVIE Biliousness, Headach , Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice. Drop:,-;. [ 1ultaring cf the l asst-, anti L%Cr'V' `'.t'e t c- t ( t,: . +•:e t'1:vet„ fr :a Impute ]': sat, .' .• idlC!r: REMOVAL ! REMOVAL i TIM GENERAL QUESTION Agite ting the Public mind at present is whore caul;hey get the beat Bread, but this natter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by osl]lint.an .70701w , the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find jut what they want. • A �Superior'quality of Brig i always of Hand A1t;o a itrst•elasa stock of Busacirrs, Brum, °Agee & Cogrecsroues'r, whieh:.will be "sold. :cheap, ; Whlleopponettte Lave ,started.,ltusi- neve,, and field oAt,an4left_the .place, Mr. Bell hap beery fotind'at his" post, dniring tbe•paat eight years, ready to attend to 'the \vauts of the Public, ARNICA, and CIL CURES ALL Pains and Aches AND 15 THE MOST PERFECT MU MOM in the MU SOLD BY ALL DEALERS., PRICE, 25 AND 50 C;'JTS i':; t13TTLE. N HOOD Now Lost, Row Restosed. R6VII,I1)SIa7LEWITLS CEFSBATIESAY on the radical and perm alien tcure (without me- dieine)of Xerrous Debi/ Ity.:dental rn:l physical tneepaetty impediments to 11etitef•e. utc.,re- suiting trete exceseea. Price, insealed envelope,ouiy Gcents, or two tsosta.oe stamps. eleahrlydemonatrutesfrom hirtv1yeare' suocees- ful practice, tlratatarmingcum sequences maybe radically cured. without the dangerous ueeef in ternalrnetticinesorthe use of the knife; Point - De t emote of euro at once simple certain and ef- tectun I,by mean e of which every aufferer,Inomat- Cor wbathie eonditionmay be.may curehimself ahant. y,privately and radically. 1. --Thi lecture should be iu the handsotever, youthande.ery man in the land. Address THE CULVLTtn'ELL NIEDItjAL•Oo 41 ANN S r..N1:W YORE Po,.t()Mee Box 4E0 Ii +' NSALL PORK PACKINGHOUSE iiaving commenced hutineettor the Pall and Winter Trade GROCERrzs. We ar'eprepared to purchase anytluantityof Owinngtoipereasing bueineee, Mr. Bell ha • Pork ,subjecttothefallowing regulations found it eneeessary to remove to more can iW;e will take off two pounds per hundred if inodionepremiseg, and has, added largely to dry, and three,poundifsoft. Shoe hler tacit stock of Groceries, and will keep on hand :twenty-five cents. If any of the 1 ape guts Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything, are Ieft i i,25 to nts extra will be deducted. nsnally found in a arst•class Grocery Store, A P Rods of Farm Produce tak- No para will be bought at an price en in exchange for +Goods. it waren. TZFiarau8ER THE STAND:—Sonthcott's Block, ;We want •alI Hogs. (Jutting right'througb Four doors Xer th Post Office. 1 breast to hes 1.' and Rims opened out to tai JOB NT BELL,L'roore or. 'G ,t J. PETTY Vegeta to SioiUan HAIR RENEWER alts the brat preparation perfectly adapted ter cure diseases of the senate, end the first MC. resael sn - casael restorer of faded or gray Lair to its naturae color, growth, end outddttt beauty.. It stat had tetany Imitators, but noirelu.seao le:1y met all the requirement* n.ecdful for the proper treatment of eke hair ami scall, I1.tt.'a Nam ler.snwr-tt has see elilygrewu in favor, and spread its fame and nsefuiucsg to every quarter of the globe, Its auroral- teled success can be attributed to hem oair- mere: tk4Parr fulJiistentOjitskr0)u:sts. The proprietors Lore often been sariu:sc I et the receipt of orders from r.;rncte gene° tries, where they had never mads :44:21 11for its introduction. • The IMO for *short time of Hata. a HAIN 1tt:News* wonderfully ituoror.w the pe - bond appearance. It cleanses the seep horn a„l iwpurilies, ewes all humors, fever, and dryue=s, auet thea preect.tx ta:dt:eta, It at:ait4atee the w'ea:owned glat,d., and tu.b'e�, thein to push forward a *leer Rud vivo:Ai gruatb. The elleets of th;.s an:ele are not tra,+a:er:t, like those of atcebo:ie prepsra- tiors,but remain a long tlu.e.uldc;r nuke* els t ee a AAtter of eeouotuy. IIII ING$A ['8 DYE 7QYt Tera ,f WHISKERS 10111 change the beard to o natural frosts, orblerk,aadeelred, ltprodueeeai•enuapr,:t ro'or that will not wash away. < ,11ff $ttt+gat a single preparation, it it appa.rd witheet trouble. Iia rPAcco lilt R. Pe BLL & EO,, Nano, LB. Bald by an Dealers la stenches. rax ALL V= rates Oh Scrofelou*, atercurtnT, add =octet Iakordere. the beet regents°. lacause Om melt *earshot* mai tf;omegit tsloer•t-punit@r, to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. isid by all Druggistsl S , six bottles, et6. ti MS, i_tt.I rl .IL»,Tr:Y" tsar «L. b ltaa stool t'l teat ft r 1 ,"i . , .:' , t Yt.An.and has} Heti1t:m,ftL o,. , a i remedy k,,. ova 1 r et, sur • 0 CORM.1t'H;3.1Qn, Co" . • Coids,Whoopin ; C' °:;° r and all Luna E IG.,.•�'os. .,r .A....w+4..A Suff: or •11.1, Sintt T. Pr'te =A v CD v.': FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERb. Ars pleasant to take. Cantata their min Purgative. Is a sate, sure, and effect' ask Essercyer of worms In Children or..dn1ta WANTED AGENTS —1,0 Roll— TUNISON S New S, Superior Canada Maps SG Charts Aspaying as any agency in the world. Foy full particulars, free, address. If. C. TUNISON Nap Publisher 988Itichmond-st.,London. Ont. Established 1871 G. V7. S IALLCROSS41, CO NEW YOU, tilts orders, sells on Commission,or will our- chase Apples, rotates!" and Poultry. Write us. THE EXETER �lanin, Mill! nu, Ns, and L!fl ?aCORT !- kLLL !KINDS OF T U R NING Done to Order. Iiemembertho place. river '>r la award. STAT1OX-ST. -