The Exeter Times, 1885-3-19, Page 1VU1. SII•. No. 21 "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." PX,b TER, ONT., TELUB$Th •T MORNING, MARCI,I 1 , 1885 Poiz, Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Raddies, Fresh Ora>r berries, Fresh Oysters, Oranges and Lemons, GO TO G. A. - HYN DMA.N' FAN901s'9 BLOC Also Agent for Tiberlby'c Ii. C reed. Only 1Qc. pe LEGAL. 0 0i ---I '- 1110T.1..I11.14 i0 111,111 No mar Front Home. New Condensed. Jotrxts ac sow Pnt,'Usbers and "To prieitore valtauialtn, In Brandon, luau., wagons are the order of the day" there beingnoglow. removed there, while constable was W. H. Tuck, Q. O., of St. John, driven home. Two yew's women will be appointed to the vaoanoy In who were in the house have been art ti►e Supreme Court in New prune-- rooted wick. In the Immigration and Colonize- 41anday anernaafr Rat 3°9°141fillip- tion Committee ou Thursday morning ley, of the I'°w"Iita of Hair*ich, wsa ItIr- Robert McKay, of Crystal City,. corking in the both tree tell on 1Manitoba, gave evidence respecting the agricultural resourcee and cap- abilities of the North tweet. Ur. &Io• Nay bad bed previous experience in j prtsanershfrhasipeuatndcouer sntedailiaOoarde a farming in Ontario, and he weut to Britigate ng aider... monitoba to rho spring of 1688. Aa He will be imprisoned on the island a result of his two years' of eratioi iu of Cyprus. Zebehr baa baso pyrotic. that Gauntry, he stated that last year ally a prisoner for the past two year., he harvested 80 bushels per acre, Hie wealth mainly acrluirod in tide for an average, from hie preemption slave trade, area caufisoaiied, and be of 160 sores, making a total yield of Ras allowed a quarterly stipend 00 4.800 buehele uif wheat, for 'labials he the 000(14i0u that he should not received on an average ata tliarket tea't's Alexandria without the $be 20 utiles distant, 70o par bushel. dive's consent, Gen. Gordon pleaded The financial results of this operation that Zeb°lar should be restored, to as stated by some, were that he paid power io the Scuden, and said that afterwards erreeted, R. Duplex was would be ooustrued es a pledge by Won to the hospital, hie wounds are England to ptol'ong the ooeupatiou considered fats!. )1(foCuaig was alio of Egypt,whioh the Government does not contemplate. Zebehir Pasha, whom Gordon im- plicitly trusted, and melted to make Governor of Khartoum, has been ar- rested on a charge of being implicated in treasonable ooneeiraotes against the Khedive. Ilia residence was searched, and many documents prov- tng that Zrybehr Was in eeoret league with the AI'andi were found. The him, knocking hint badly cutting hie neible and II, B,trrisaer, Soli- I Weiteru axon . • .aye tha day c4 "'wei' ?'albite, The South Perth Agricultural So• is not tar distant It Fort Arthur * am Baa. enay to wilt be kuawu as the tetra of ono of ctety intend holding their Spriug fair tltc richest ruiningro lope cu the con• Iat St, Marya ou April 22nd. lineal of Antericg :lir. John McCutoheon, the Alia Voting au the &eat Act takes souri farmer, who, the other day was pleas► in Lawbton NO lay, today, gored by a bull, is in n Iuw cordal=,la. (Thursday). The temperance wen i Solicitor, Conveyancer, %t%Q,, Stratford is inoww an anoorpo''atei leava worked hard" while the Ault - oily. It was voted upon and cirrietl, Scott people show no sign of sem_ by a majority of 8$0, batting the argumeut8 of their option lSt. Marys has re.orgauizod it's Le outs, orosee Cinb, with Mr. Will. (xiliioa as A fire mile rave for a puree of $80 (laptain:Master Fred. Gillies wee and the ohnutpionehip of Onterto,wae ' i�IcFADPI N, EXETER, - • ONT. 0111008tuaws+l'R Block (11411'sal4 o UEgTAL. I , DENTISr elected Nicer• -Pres, skated at Guelph on Wednesday ,"' D"$ Ttie oapi.taliate of Goderioh are °E. night by Black, of $ � Fargo, and liecramait and threshin $9.60 ; making a to- don had encountered Zebehr during gattiIiug a loan end iuveatrnent so•' eau, of Seafortli. Bleck wen by half $1 per acre for the 160 scree • that au"ex•slave king was the only woo breaking and bdeksetttng coathint $5 who had °lough nerve cod prestige per sora ; seed $1.69 ; barveatiug to keep the Arahe iu t,itbjeotion. Gor. ciety, 111:4'►ear11' rail <'f .ltd $10°,'300 ,t Ian cat 20.15. Amon wee out of ooua" ed to leek a %el. of $2,088 tie the cast of orop, in-- lila ("wee service iia l,,.:ylit, and had "raaettiooir. �� an, 1uoidentelt banged one of Z'ebehr's 'r«�ett, b:- A girl ..0 pears of age, who Ilea A- rims drowning accident oocurre;l 'aladiag the purchase money for land, so�aa who i ad beeu loft a 'Waage, teak hue been eul»oribed, otottiwtth been for solve time a tuember iu the S t d k ool;elaga Tvro leaving a balance of over ,�1,..OU, Cor's toe age, ata. illi •t nr ay 1 1 come trams*. She nope 'magi++rel that of the rivsr and $1te sledge rttn into a ed that he aaulweuce'4 seeding °per• she is aqueen. bole in the lee. nue owls boys nam ations last your ou the 18th of April, Marga gn't:etitiee of egaare timter ed alaillouat was 'i opt away by the and harvesting about the let of Sep- ()Nb;i FUIi ie being whipped (rote St. 5Iary8 at current. Toe hod}• has not Baan re- tembor. Witlt reference to the eye. 0, opt1"•.tte to "resent. The timber ie taken fromcovered. teal of grading at. Port Artbitr,bn said Elenelient. which is tosser rock -8102 On 'Tuesday °aIc'. (Iaarge Jabnsa0, t he thought the plan now pursued �. and tLtk. Alen. Jorge onentiti,'s is 1 a bigbiy respected f+trmer, of Now J . i•y,t'fraduateVocterlarnttoisett °Ole Id II 1 f 1�"'t 1 arum, gi in y. ' in est °tett the tin; tlt w int in the Town ebaot cue and a half mile east of, Kingeton tyalvatiotr Arnie, ha4 be- stall taxa were sliding, on the bank marketing and ncideutalae fIO stet - MEDICAL li . IIy AMAN.—COI tlra( ountyotliur.iu, us8 airs• rrlinQs lore,l;xatrr W. BROWNING M. 1)., ;1I. G being shipped from Gratton ;teflon. S El •u cat t vrbile return: n.i,aieii euee. Dor 'nint.l,lihnratta►s. Exetto , r• • .t • i• +tl r, tit to ► to +e• lug home with a Intki of lumber J. A. ROLIiI +`S. 31. 0. P• S Cmil:ea, St. Alarys, awing rho poet Aylmer, wail euddeuly killed by the Q. {lillre, Slain tit.Flleter,Ont, Residence � l D Itaiiaarac@iltlr uccnpi@cltFxeterei'1U111pP, i1sn few sera, atilt who wag elected at the spacious of his load, owing t0 a Bid- last election, meet in his resignation ling plant' on the road. Dr. ht0faurg- LLS' Z, M. D.. to the Gonncii, on Monday orotnng t wee sent far, and found life extiuct. . otnesatbtu residone Exeter. "of last week. The Doctor deemed it neeosssry to a The eueregtio andl euterprisint3 t boid an inquest.. 1'R..IRVING, G'RADUATT"'r PINI to�vneinen, Mr. Wm. Becker, of the ! Dr, Moore, who mysteriously die- to+sic(anatett snraoonl Uu.,.r8lcolrtrktt on a•n.a keelnug. He does not It't the short time ago, ie at East Segivaw, Scott Act break Ins heart, tie la al• with aa woman named. Cook. Mem- ways ready to idea new enterprise. here of his family are trying to iuduce Mr, D. S. Rupert, of St. Marys him book. On Saturday, Jas. Moore, Diatriot Deputy Grand Master of the the Dee brother returned from East A. F. A. M., of the Huron Tract, Saginaw. He says that the Dr. and visited offioiety the lodges et Exeter Sarah Cook are not now together, he and Reseall last week, and reported i:R31TS TrinityColiegMember('bileie Blake hotel, Blake, 18 about ta eta°. appeared from Dorchester Station, a i.1TPt)RTAN L NOTICE$, t eNItY "'ILBER, Licensed Aio- Liapeerfor Han Stephen, said 1reGilivray "rowuships. Sv,.tew conducted at moderate races. e)mmeu—At Pon t-ottlue,Creditoa, Ont. and whose life bea:tnle forfeited through an act of treachery on Zebe- hr'a part. When Gordon was sent to Khartoum last year both be and Zebohr seemed to have ignored the dart, and it was %uother of Zebehr'e sons who safely esoarted Gordon from met with geueral favor, inasmuch as Korot to &bn Hamed. It bas been it moored a unifor•n olassi&cation of grain, which could not be obtained if the wheat were inspeoted at the tooal markets. He bore testimony to the advantages of the country ae afield for immigration and settlement, and stat- ed that the higher prices enured by itIanitaba farmers for thetr produce was, in a large measure, owing to the low rates of freight given by the C. P. lt., as contrasted with the mono- poly which exists south of the line, Generali, Seventy six thousand people emi- grated from Ireland Net year, a de- crease of 40,000 compared with 1888, A diepatoh from Paris says it is re - `t f'ONEY TO %OA iV ON REAL ES- team in a iiouriNhini; oaaditiou. l+aviug gone to Chicago. Ile also says that the doctor will return to' ported thatthe Fenian, Steveub, Davies, anti illorrisey, have been ar- ,lYl tate tortheHuron xtrErie:LoanSavings At all early hour Saturday all 40-, Dorchester Station shortly, and be rested and ordered to !cave France. e eoltmay. n.Exeteow r of itltmeei. Apply to,ial+n t Cident occurred on the St. Marys reconciled to his wife 1133,1 f .'33 i . Mr. Stephens decilitres he will remain. lbranoh of the G. T. 111., neat London, O'Neil, the dootor's partner says he Private intelligence from Ottawa litc J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- which had the effect of caneider- .L, •1 orueaud 1Ytbltort 5rutualk"iraInnur71100 ably delaying traffic from that direo- oompany, Residence --Farquhar, Orders by tion, In consequence of a broken rail mailpromptl•r attended to. t eleven care of a freight train left the '' ONEY TO LOAN AT 6i. AND 7 rails, and the track was not clear tip committee on privileges and eleottona per .cont-•aeeoretiing to terms. Private# to three o'clock, all baggage and pas- at the local house Friday. After a Fonda. - Apply, V sengers being transferred. No o:te Octoberl5,"so B. deet r. Ex ' long disouseion the committee decided _ Souoitor. Exeter was hart• to advise the Government to declare On Saturday, Mr. John Boiae crit Mlr. Drury's seat vacant. The oom JORR SALE,.-TWO-STORYFRAME on lot 11, 1211i concession of Wind- mitten also recommend that the also• arWELLINGHOUST'andouoacre ofland l.ar.. Oxford Co., and nn! i„ at !illy_ situe.ted an the Thawed Ron,d.21 miles east of gall law be atuended eo as to provide means whereby the decision of the judges of the court of Appeal in oases such as that of 'last Simooe may be reported to the speaker of the house. After the judges have so reported in the East Simooe case, a writ will bo issued for a new election. The wealthy farmer residing on the 5113 von. of West Luther, who was mentioned a short tune ago in these columns as burying his hogs in a - snow drift on his farm, because he ' oould not get a auffioient prise for them in Arthur village, has managed to find the snow drift in which he buried the porkers, as he offered them for sale on the Guelph market on Biddulph to our family, and thanking Thursday. The Carcases presented them and yore for the exnreseion of every evidence of having been buried love and esteem for. my dear father in the snow for some time. .He was and sympathy for his family le their offered $5.50 per hundred but declin- bereavement. In behalf of our family ed. He waited round the city for a 1 sincerely thank you one and all. 1 higher bid till nearly 5- o'clock, when remain yours truly, JOHN S. ATKIN— Ile hitched up his team and drove lila sox, Biddulph. pigs home. Some time ago a pertain reverend About nine o'clock on Saudis, night, gentleman of Stanley, was presented two brothers, Robert and William by several members of .his congrega Duplex, went to. MoOuaig's house -in tion with two' sleigh loads .of 'goon rear of No: 9 Terauley street and de oats, ;sin'ce which time surprise ,par mended a drink. The occupant of ties, with loads of oats, have been the. the house refused, and two Malleus order • of the day, or rather the named `Franoiso Relosi and Frank night: Just lately, three cf Stanley's Foote went to leis assistance to put most earnest and faithful ministers the Duplex's out. A free fight en - is under the impression that the Dr. will not return. The East Sitncoe election case was again up for consideration before the • seter. Goodiargo frame stable and driving shed i splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; soca wall andcistern. Suitable for a re- tired farmer. Wi11 be sold cheap for clash, Ap ply to THOMAS ALLIN..E.:oterP 0 iv i9-tf J. CLARE'. COMMISSIONER • iuthe Court .f Common Pleas—Deeds,, \Vills,5tortgagos, Leases, and all forms of agree • meats drawn and exocuiedaoeord]ng to law. MONEY TO LOAN ON DEAL E STATE, Partieswlsh- ing to borrow money on account of recentpur. chases ofland,or to pay off oxistingmortgagss will find agroat saving bygiving mea oa]l, Can loud money att and et per cent. accordingto terms. N.J,CLARE. on for A. McCall, Esq., what was probably the largest tree standing in the county. It was a swamp oalc,aud at the stump measured 5 feet in dia- meter. The first log was 16 feet long and contained 1,836 feet board measure. The whole tree was com- puted to make about 5,000 ft. At one time $50 was offered for the tree as it stood. Mr. John S. Atkinson,of Biddulph, requests the following expression of his thanks published : "W D. Stan- ly, reeve of Biddulph-1)3ar Sir -I take this opportunity of acknowledg- ing the receipt of the very kind testi- monial esti- mons presented te d by the people o f JOHN MaDONELL. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LI:3ENSES• OFFICE IN FITTON'S JEWELRY ST011E Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance Company of Canada,Mercantile Insurance Co —Capital 1,800,000.00 Head Office Waterloo: Ont. Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap- ital $2,500,000 ; Head Office, Montreal. JOHN McDONELL Exeter. THE WL'12ERLOO MUTUAL FIRE' INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE .- • WATERLOO, ONT. Thiscomyany has Udell over'Eightteen.ycars 4Aunoeseful operation, in Western Onterlo,and ciintinues to insure againet?ose or damage by Piro , Suildinge,Merchandi se, Manufactories ,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In, tendingiusurers have the option of insuring; on the Premium Note or Cash Systom. r'oringthepast ton years ttis.Company has ssued 57,090 Polieies.covering property to tire amount of $40,872,088; end paid in losses alone 8709,732,00 elsbetS, allc,iOo.00, consisting of Cash in dank, Government Dopoit, and the nnaesebsed Premium Notes onliandandinforce J. W \V t DEN M D. Preside, t. C. U. TAYLOR, Secretary J.0- Tt17li8iSs,tnepe'ctor.: CHARLESSNELLY; Agent for axeter and vicinity. • TENNENT &';TENNENT; ?Veteri• nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Vetorinar3 College, 'Torun to, have 'op • •.ened an office for the tree 'tm-ent , o 5 • a 11 Dcmestio Animals,"'0 11 Mein street Exeter. • Call from a dis- _..-, °' tante prompt" attended to: Medicine for liorses,'Cattle, &e always on hand: Y states that Hon. Seuator Roes has verified the rumor in reference to the sale of the North Shore railway to the federal government. The sale was made for $5,000,000, the transfer to take plaits immediately. The Canadian PReific receipts last week were $106,000, au increase of nearly one hundred per cent., as com- pared with the same 'week last year. The Grand Trunk reoeipts show a de- crease of $19,000 on receipts for last year. Mrs. Dudley is not without a sense of humor. She recently remarked that she believed she would prosecute O'Dounovau Roam for receiving her discovered that Zepehr has been in continual correspondence with the 'Mabdi, bout before anti since the cap- ture of Khartoum, Several other ar- redte, inoluding some prominent no- tables are expected. Foreign ]lrIefa. Herat, the, present bone of conten- tion between England and Russia, is comparatively small for a place of inch paramount intportanoe, contain• ing barely 50,000 iuhabitanta. It is situated in a slight depresalou on the summit of a rooky ridge, 2.650 feet high, forming one of the westernmost spurs of the great ;aafeid Koh (White Mountains) range, which runs across Northern Afghaoistau from west and east. It is surrounded by a wall which, measured from the base of the earthen mound on which it stands, attains a height of seventy five feet, which le oousiderably exceeded by Beleral of the 150 towers that streng- then it. But these defended, though seemingly formidable, are now, like those of most Afghan fortresses, fast crumbling to decay from, long neglect. The citadel, like that of Cairo, stands on a steep rock in the ventre of the town. There are four bazaars, which lie just within the four principal gates. The place has a - considerable trade with Persia, India, Turkestan, and t Western China, the chief local pro- ducts being saffron, asafo:dida, sad- dlery, caps, cloaks, shoes, carpets, sables and sheepskins. The name of the town is said to be derived from bullet under false prbteuces, as she the Heri-"Rud" or river, which flows would not have shot him had she along the southern base of the ridge known he was a coward. A. shot like upon which Herat stands. that is about as effective as her re- volver shot. War Notes. England has placed her Suez hos- pital at the disposal of Italy. Italy hoe contracted with an Eng - nth firm for the construction of a oable between Massawah and Aden. Orders havebeen received at Naples for the needy' dispatch of •12,000 troops to the, ited•Soa under two gen- erale. A native spy reports that talgsseng- ers have arrived: - in - Oanlan . Digma'e. camp with the -news that Kassala has fallen, 1 - The Afgbau trouble is yet at,' a standstill. Russia's troops are for: bidden to advance to. Afghaniatan. Some likelihood of the trouble being settled. British officials at Cairo are urging the Government to appoint. Wolseley have been presented with oats enough sued, during which Relosi stabbed Governor-General of 8rudan,'i with.:a to' last, them for many a long day. Robert Duplex sixteen times in dif view of impressing upon the' natives This makes the'fourth or fifth of ferent parts of the body - Wm, the favi that England does, not intend Stanley' preachers who have received Duplex was stabbed, i'u two or: to abandon the country until she has Valuable presents Within a Olen time; three planes and McCuaig had his secured a stable Governmen ° fnr itr Can any other tuwnsflip in -Huron' tell bead severely cut. 0unstal]Ie Hart They state such a state will weaken the game'good isle ? Bearing the row, ,went into the house ills resources of the Malidi, and and was knocked senseless by a blow nate mauy tribes. Gladstone opodses Iu the Ottawa d straot5,000 iintni= supposed to be from an' ase: The the creation of su•.l] an oflice'for. any grants settled during the lust year_ Italiaus then bolted, but were shortly Englishman, on the groand. that;.i t. ••• Seizure of School Books. Some dime ago it was discovered by the Halifax customs authorities that a targe consignment of geographies from the well known Edinburgh firm of Thomas Nelson & Son had been fraudulently entered under .the clause in the tariff act of 1888, which per - mite books over seven years to be ad- mitted free. These geography books had the dale "1876" printed on the title page, but it was found that they contained the figures of the census of Canada taken in April, 1881. The imams appraiser could not under- stand how Nelson &- Son had manag- ed in 1876 to guess, with such accur- acy the figures regarding population, the number of religious creeds, the places of birth, etc., ascertained five or six years later ; and accordingly refereed the matter to Ottawa. At- tention having thus been attracted to /gelatin/gelatin'& Sou's shipments, it was im- mediately discovered that .in other school pablioattions sent to Now'Beun s.ivick, and which Mao bore that date of 1876, Ole original ;title page had - ben removed and, a new one neatly pasted in, s0 that the books might be - pissed through ,113' oastomw under the .free clause.