The Exeter Times, 1885-3-12, Page 8Visreter.40140, frei, of W. 9 Col- A toed of young. people left hers on Una, 4fggaforth,rxsas *ertously injured ohs 8eaurt#ay evscing, ,for a'uIrtgh ride, rho tottatggau elide on Tnsttalsy of last rorriek: EEE aT;sy had an enjoyable arms. 'gold. gels progressing ars favorably at can be ex- pgotad ander the cirenrast*neet The bcy is We've glad to uses Met D. McCal- and, et 131.11 a eon of Sr„co1iin irho ram ed. from lam *he has been eiek,for souse time, 'ere to8eorth butt i�au, , ' drixi the team of blacks again. 4res,'erethren44 ,said 1110, clergymgn'Irho 1 .n tit wilt. have 10 . 4taod book wee; preachieg theloner al :tem,. 4'outt l!. , ceased brother was. cut Off in a single nikht with Ise 'slung glovaa, torr ue bare torn tram the trots _af bis loving wife, °wlio snother ui ek'st' ort the list, (Try is then left s desolate, widow at the errl%bias). age of 24 �reare.' "Twenty two, it you please." soba the widow in the front pew,ensf{it. emerging- from her handkerchief en instant. 4. Polar haaWanted a gitshion wt a .pixel spring, to be WornOaten wbe i"it Fatttax LXXAT!'itO.-Qf Saturday erg., will do the moat good, byen a skater oho I asst. Zink Caiesa, the scoot Athlatio wears one of theme centriveaese airs dowel 1 Skater sof Detroit, will give an exid, a spsetedly and, in italios,-0. it here,, the bition of ;kiting on *tilts, as well as bebeeugibrowe hisat right on hi. feet span, one hundred disfereut rhiovetnersttt eb " foreheidents la full), aware there has beez* an low skates ,; 414o trick•°akattng. OR suiThe educational sermon*:'of the Methodist churches here were preaehed on•Sabbath fast lain. ES:E' RR, QST, CAR TiVRIGHT. L. D. 8., Essoge nee dental rooms over 9.141KUi S DANE, whero be witi be prepaze4io extract teeth without. pain, 0r*Ommip.rtezme,f w[th easeaxi4 shill«4%014flut400sp.oiatty, Wftee bour* Q gt..11x11,. to 4 p W. gnaws*asonenstre. Taauu • TEN OENT*, Mr rs FOUR GlCizTS Far ri ssTrtion will he sitar, it► this 001Waii, for drat insertion.. and for eaeh subsequent is for net;Call apPelilrinf the Qentinni#1 Riu1r, in this place. This will be a grand treat for those,; bvRer. p;, Rycl<ntan. sat "1411 n3911211'4 be de• l livered a sermon in the. James -stat chinch who p#rtioipata in ekrttiRR4 so our) en,_ ii th d ie evening in tete Mein.•stseet, new Mea" may be obtained. Skating Both Owego uraee were 4ekvered la so im- to eornrnenc Maumee et $ o"eloak, Mnee peeesive style, and were listeneei, tc with 16ote, children, i(lote. wraps *motion by lupe cou'regatoiihs; "u. Juni= ease*_,,;Tha Bell aconite leetiont, which were Liberal, are to be used in connection with the . edupationel WOW. or dub'tl a Elingera, of St. Catherinee, time ofthe Methodist Church. •" - will viae A n tutoal .nlerlaio'tueut On Ihr. 'i». Wild qt Toronto, t&ye themasse- the Matteall north and emit girauits, Linn will444 piece inh 1935, Alter *bat on the following date; s- -Hula Gree+i end iso es s there grill be net raoxe Mentha, _iron 18th • _date; , Twee Hall. Rad burgess i. fila will be pxolou l *Q long , that a *than 100 years old will be regardetiaa ltfarott 1001 ; 1Iener►il', Margie 20th. in the infuserof his existence. \\'bile not upeV ere very papular and hero k tvying the lot of these centenarians of the known aro greeted :with Intl Rare, we inert eonfeas thitWO; weld as house. All al# m 4. atteil sad re ers Imobemborn fifty years hones, worn eels for the satisfaction of :Lading out calve at greed treat in the musical ether the dealer's prophecy wines true line. Admieeiau, 2504, children, At. half pence. 11, M ` ^ Stephen. 'Err 1 D r F The Commit met on the 2o4 inet. O t� An the members present. Milantee RT M E of lee . eieetieg .road and .'vexed. S C. %lson hiving shown haat he above acs acting on had e�cperided $+1f .25 z u exaaes of the it with one year's cab- grout and staving ape tiatisfactory . Alt tri' it. swoons for so doing, the 4tastncil the ;Exeter PQuitry #greed to pay him belt', McGillivray gory choice Poultry a in ilia rest. atacl7�. Brsthutas, p 1' g sa1., Wyaudottea, Mre. Hooper Racing undo au offer Silver Spangled of eettletneut with regard to the male i lid takol'ilati i"enc fled iraamllurgs, Brown of her lots, the clerk' Wee *galls r sed White Leghorris, Baso. Comb White uee�ted to tryand arrange the mat sh;orns, sled White•cxested Shack l?olisb. ' q & We can heartily recommend theta to be , ter« good sonere-dealing boys, and we would esy Billies—French—That •clerk'a. teal it sou wanteemetluog that youwiU act be ary be same IN last year --Carried ashamed of, 'buy your eggs from thorn. The following orders were granted: Ser. E. J. liobinson delivered a emetics sermon in Christ Church on Sabbath last ea R• Baker, $ Q. S''til10r1 1q, f3. 44Tho Pewee of Meshes', the ancient El grant, $88.12 ; J. Allen,relief, •$6, bie" bdi, or history repeats itself. Truly the omitted in Fe'brpt ry minutes . discourse wee one of the brsigdaat ever lis• Allen, relief, $5, far t1 rob; R. Melte, toned toby aunt' congregation, and Re ices 70 cents error inrroll • W.Gower, satislicd that tteose, present wall. bo greatly � �, profited by what they heard. The subject work ori centre road, 60 vents ; D. required a test amount of study, and the Sutton, grant, 18th oon,, R1,0 ; ,e- Iter; ?Bev; gentleman is to be congratulated on moDonatid► error In aseeaetuens of the menterly`way in which he handled it. 1885, .26. The sermon next Sabbath evening will be".$, equally aa : interesting :-°-"Joshua and Gar. 001thet will meet On Tuesday, 10111 don compared a study fertile thaw. • inat., at Duff wood. Some few weake ago the Thin received a Next regular meeting to be held an. proposition from the Plicenis. Cigar Co., St. the first Monday in April when path- Gatbarines, Ont:, to insert an advertistement of their grand diatribution sehome, for which masters r Pound-keape•ra,4,fenee view- wewere tore4oeive,abox of their choice el- ere, etc.,;will be appointed. gent, a holder anda ticket for the lottery.• Thinking at the, time that the *chemo Concerti's, Liman.was a fraud, and not being_ in the habit of v. acceptingatdvertisements in that way, the proposition was oast aside. We notice that A concert in arid of the Badding very few of onrexehanger' accop:cd it. A iew Fund of St. James'' Oburoh,Biddulph, dsya ago County Crown Attorney, of Toren- togs held in 'the Town Hall, Luau, to, notified Post-ofi'tco Inspector Sweetnam last Woduesdey evening. The et, that the lottery gotten up by the oenipsny ten$40dauoe was large, over being is a violation of the Post -office Act 'acid°,;a lottery of the worst kind, and requested' him added to the fund. It wits intended to suppress all lettora'addreased to them: • that Prof. Wm. Barron, of London, should have the mauageshhen* of the ....... concert, but owing to,lita uu'avoidablii ROUND T 1E,COUNTRY. absence? the musical direatore kbaton --�--- was wielded. by Prof. Charles $ton, Anderson's'who managed the affair with greit: MBeatty, of Bt Marys, is visit- skill. This ts,leoted gentlentea i' Mies y equalled -by few' prgfessionale as a ing at. Mr. Wm. Graham's. eomio singer,. his sotto of "The Bold Mr. Winkel Graham, of the Torjn-) Fisherman,"' time, Reillyr Wbo Keeps lino, has gone east to purobaee, a The Hotel,'" dtc., Bing greeted with a t ho e 1 n a h . ent•n a -,# Mr. David Brown, of the third a i cal ouole , 'his nio, sing of thorn was inteneygly eomio, and yet ive, is removingaa iooi uralrllis,lwmher; touchingly p#ihe�tio. Mian A, H. he will act a g n t mp op performed a oonpleof good violin and machine agent. • solos, and the Brothers Paladins gave Al rho Sabbath evening services pleasing addition to the concert. Mise Wbey was presented with a Mr. Jones and Miss Gunn sung in bible by the -pastor of the moult, fine voice, and Mr. A. P. Seabrooke n recognition of her servioes ay col- rendered a. piccolo solo, but it was ector for the Bible Society. A Mr. Wm. Atkinson . of *hie place,, assisted -in; getting dui an,elm' log the other day in the tjusitf •iiear Kirkton, r.ocuL N WS.—ilei Ghali be huppp #a tc. cdr; 4:t off 41mes from any tart of 411 County, item of lerot nous, such ,as aa- :Merata,or e y interest -iv Noisiest w reit. ever, frosa,:arty of our subscribers or,,re ids. crs gencralilr for the purpose of pubifc. cocci. LOCAL RAPPENtN6S Wanted A amort crud intelligent lad to learn the art of printing. Meet have a fair edn etioo Apply personally to Truce Ofdco, Exeter Corretpoadeuts to the Tuses wanted tit every town, silkse, settlement and misread in the aeunty. Write for particulars, Buildirge to the a uoan% of several thou- sand dollars will be erected here during the summer. Lookout for aunouneemeut'by bills and lsrograansmcs ata grand Masonic concert on .£uesdey eveaaug, 24th fast. London talent, The Assembly held in Cosworth'* liitll,. Ucnasltt, an Tbureday evening was well attended, and wss e plessent affair. We direct the attention of our readers who aro in search of land property to our property lint in this issue, Mr. John Reddy left for Brandon, Nyco„ oa Prtday morning last, to again togas° to his duties its manager of Ur. Jas. i'loltard'e implement veereroQms in that city. iffotsrs. Prior d: Balkwill, of this place, shipped. an Liondey a car load of fat cattle to- the eastern tearltats. Messrs. Oka ek Davis also made a shipluent the same day. Rev, Mr. Carrier+, of Grand Hand, ex. chapged pulpits with. Bor. Mr bfartin on Sundayls*t. The Rev. gentleman pre&ched very interesting sermons. 4. meeting of the Exeter baseball club will 1 be held at the Commercial Rotel on Monday evening, March I6tb. A fallattendance fare- quested. Ourrelley d: Uo, vacate their premises in Exeter I,iartit shortly, and trill remove to Toronto. Mr. John Matheson will succeed them in business, Bey. E. J. Robinson will preach .on Son. day evening next lathe English church at 7 p. m., a special sermon. Subject : •'Juthua and Gordon compared,"—a prophetical atndy,. Ur. W:m. Howard returned last week from New Orlcane,..where be Vas attending the great exposition. Re reports the weather fine there. G. Cartwright, L. D. S., will be at Exeter each day of the week instead of only. Wednes• days and Thursdays, as previ usiy advertis- ed. See card. 1. Rev. J. V. Smith, of London, gave a very interesting lecture on 44Brid'ges" in the Sat.- street Methodist church on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Y.P. 0. A. ;The attendance was fairly good. A. few days: ago Mr. Edward Gill, of _this place, cut 18 cords of wood out of °one 1 tree, oil the farm of Mr..fohnWiilis. Who can truthfully tell of a larger tree than ;.thie 2 ,Last week several teams drawing wood were stuck on the bridge, owing to the snow having melted off, leaving the plank tom- - pletely bare. The little flurry, on Monday i remedied this difficulty to a certain extent. Lir. Will, t;arling, of this place, laid week secured second prize for his pair of black- breaRted game, at the poultry show held at Chatham. The judges .pronounced; the fowl Irlt.classin almosteveryrespect. An annular eclipse of the sun takes place , on the 16th that will be visible„ as a .partial eclipse throughout North America and ad- jacent parts of" the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. "Yon newspaper men," Said a preacher, ''must have queer views of things. You are always looking oh and never taking a part. l suppose now your idea of the Day of Judg- ment is that you will have a table off at one side and report the proceedicgs'to the paper." Hayisscsree in this neighborhood. It' sells at from $10 to ell per .ton; ,and is hard to get at that• This, no doubt, is owing to the extremely cold and steady .whiter. 'Fax_ m- errare now having their oats ground for „oattle;teed: 'wing to the snow storm, which ,occurred on Monday last, the trains on the Li '$..k. B. R. north of here were delayed. The msil• train from London went no °, farther- rlbrtll' than here, and no train came south ' until Tuesday evening. Mr, Jos. Aiken, soy of Mr. William Aibmn, recently of this place,left on Monday of last week for South Africa in the interests pt Mr. J. W. Lyons,,book publisher, of Guelph. After making a tour of :the chief towns lit .the cape colony; Mr.. Aileen :leaves for °Auetzaelia. Last week we bad g flying visit from our friend, Mr, B. O4Byrne, of Toronto, formerly of this piaee. '' We know not what dais busi- ness was here, but he seemed anxious to know slow public feeling was with reference to building new parliamentary buildings, in Toronto. He is 'occasionally employed by the Ontario Government as an architect, a5 ;I O. Q `*.✓" RLN POB TOUR -- BOOTS & SFI ening, ltierob 10t13, the Royat Templare of Shur pleee in. tend 1~toiding a grand musical and lit. ar#ry concert to raise foods to assist ring on the work of temper - The programme will consist IRO by the St. Wry' Harmonic lead by Mester..1, Coegrore, Artist, who will :ileo give scute aeleottons on several instru- meets' at Once, besidee stinging from a umber of noted musicians,dialogness, roediug4, eto. The obair will be oo. envied by Mr. G. D. Lawrie,. of Blau. theta. A, fall iiaurse is desired as this will undoubtedly be the enter. bailment of the spoon. A new industryle about to lei 'start• ed here, vis t that of ohebee .turtling. The creamery bussiuefsl� h leis for the past four years been- curried ou, not proving a sucoeee, the, buiMing has been airspeed of to a M°r. Csmp- bolt who intends oonveriing it into a cheese factory. A mooting of farmers end persons interested was held in the ball on Friday after: con last, .at which Mr. Touren, a experienced cheese maker arse present, and gave the audience A greet deal of praolioal inforzustion oonoerning the business. Fallowing are the officers elect :-Sal- eenleto,iMr. .Oam 'shell ; aeo•treas,, D. NW., Dnlinsge,;" auditors, Wm. Johiiieton, G. S. Lauri, ; Directors, N.'Shier, D. Creighton, II. D. Law- rie, J. Mahan and Routley. Mr. Campbell manufactures the cheese for 2i cis par lb., and bears all expen- sed., rather indistinct. Should Professor ,Horton and his talented troupe pay Luoau another vigil, they will have a bumper house, for Lucanites are which measured *.ten feet lona and very critical and.appreahsle ability. contained 1,200 feet of lumber. The lumber, will be used in the erection of Kirlrton Mr. B. Sperling's new mill at $irk• ton. Mise Jennie Irvine' is at preeent', visiting in Clinton. Das1iswooal. Mrs, J. Stephens and Mise E. J. Kirk have returned from a couple of The Salvation` Army has not. yet :weeks visit 10 friends in Strathroy. arrived: ^ Rev,. Mr. , Medd preaches in the Bev. Mr..uoharfee had Weeds vis- Methodist Qhdroh on ,Sunday morn- ding from Clifford, last week. lug. next. Mies Sehurte,r iha,s`''returned home The .old engine of the Anchor Mills hear Otifford was sent down to' the shop last weak Miss Pieper of :Goderiob, .who. has to undergo some repairs. been vatting here returned home on A large quantity of square timber` has been shipped from theist parts • Boys take yoer-----`e oat fora cut: this winter est ' route for- 'tie Q1d ter ride, for sleighing will soon he Country. gone. Kirkton' hie a minister who bas the Henry ie k ipt bury behind the hardihood to stand up 'and preach' counter, with a boiled shirt and Mille moderation in the: use of intoxioetip .113 choker, quiise a contrast, (Thresher). Iiquore. Shame, l S1,arne 1 , Tho Revival Meetings are still con: Petitions have' bean *insulated' and;. tinning with grand 'success, between largely signed both here:and at ;Wood-, 20 and 80 perious having gone for: ham preying'the Postme,eter'Gen`etxal'. ward to,tbe,altar to 80000 •Christ, as to grant dailymail'i° from the East' their Saviour. There Rome yet at the expiration of the present con. who seem to be oarless and unison: tract, as the present system is very timed about lllei heavaiily welfare. unsatiefaetory. 4.4.444,44 Usborne. U. A. Y. N I. E. D. S.—Several of rho most infiuential citizens of this township met in a garret in Nlitnville on Monday evening, March 91h, for the purpose of organizing some edit of a mutual improvement moiety. It was unanimously resolved to name this eooiety "The Ueborne Autipoking Your Nose Into Everybody's Buil.' nese Soolety." .It was then moved by 1ttr. Flapjacks, eeoonded by Mr. Bluenose, that Mr. 3. J Fiddlesticks be President.—Carried• Moved by Mr. Trintatat, seconded by Kilowatt' j Shindy, ihiat Noisy Oseon be 'Tres- surer.--Oarried. Joe Slothful was unanimously chosen Secretary. The President elect then addressed the august assembly on the topics of the day, dwelling at great length, and with considerable eloquence on the un- paralleled and brazen -faced presump- tion of a certain would-be aspirant for nhanioipel•flionore, who resides in the northerly' latitude of the town- ship, and takes unprecedented plea- sure in beholding the, .poise, without the ; slightest consideration; of the beam. The President oharaoterized this would-be 'entliebody, as 'i4a con- glob:mated mass of br'oket }purposes." The : speeob was.;.listened'. to with wrap/ attention, andwrae in everyre- 'peat an able' effort. '' After passing the bean -box and refresbing, the, 'io- nor manwith a,cluantity of the much,' abused ' "Soot1 Aot" the following resolplion, moved bpi Billy Poaoefable and::seconded by Oliver Twist, was ,put`to the'meating, that 'wherelae a .certain individual, well•koown ,to the meknbere gf'this eoeiety, heie, ' auso• liaised; assumed thedictatorship in municipal matters in : this township and whereae,pnid meddlesome mai- ual, beaider of pew surd tr able, Iia 4iiitragel 011 decency, stud pubtiely rn#nifested an. entire lack of self respeot'by counsel. ally intruding himself, without buil. Mese, upon Ilse' deliberation' of our township fathere on council days, and where*, it is deemed expedient to hays eomethieg adopted for his eve: alai accanituodatiou, be it therefore resolved that a deputation from this society be aappoiuted to wail upon oar township council at 11s next 'Attlee to Impress upon that honorable body the absolute necessity of estebliabing a eiakicgg fond and issuing debentures to raise funds to prooure and endow a well.vuebioaed obair for His August Highness, sesicg Haat a sixth chair is absolutely ueceesary for a sixth noun- cilinan.---Qarried by a atanding vote without a division, none dissenting. The jauitor thou turned out the lights, emptied the 'phone into the stove and left the mehhabera to earastnble to the door, mattering their wayward fancies with closed teeth apd olenebe natal mutually deuounoing the would- be sixth oonaoilman and the thought- lees janitor. Jos Bbon±lynr,,. Usborne: March 0, '85 Not Far From Some. News Condensed. A few days ago, while Mr. D. Bo- gan, of Seaforth, was wilding a large piece of iron, and was iu the acct of taking is from the forge, when .a large red-hot scale fell into hie boot lege;burning hie footand leg severe- y. Lee, of Georgetown beat Town, of Seaforth in a fire mile skating race. on Wednesday of last week by about three taps. Not much interest was manifested in this sport as previous skating mese were very uneatiefaotory to the publio. Mr. Chao. Mason, of the mill road, Tuokersmitb, met with a heavy lora IAA Tuesday, hie :valuable imported stallion died, (supposed to be caused. from overfeeding). Mr. Mason refus- ed $1,600 fou him and asked $2,000 se it wee a very choice animal and his pet horse. The other day Mr. Joe. Buse, clerk in Messm.`.Jaokeen's store, .Egmond- villa, while .!osiding barrels .si Sea - forth station, hid his Land crushed a horrible looking date, by ono of the 'barrels falling upon it.° Soms time: ago this young man bad his right arm broken at the wrist,' there- fore disabling that member, andfrom aleadd praetiee had become quite :so- ouetomed to writing with the deft hand: He hosts* disabled iulboth;and 11 is 'thought his left" hand will re- quire to b, amputated; S'ohue' days ego while Mr. . James Steven", of the bigpnill Goderioh,wts melting ice: iu' front of the .engtrhe room door, by steam from the boiler, ow:dueted through it pipe, he received n severe scald. ° He =planed the pipe •hit`. what he `thought a safe position while he removed some; of the ob- e`tiruations, but Awing to the -great pressure of steam the pipe was re- moved from its faeteningai, and the steam Strunk him on :the left' leg, melding hin'i,-'frolu knee .,to;' ankle' in such a manner as to take all the skin off bis leg. He is suffering greatly.