The Exeter Times, 1885-3-12, Page 4fre j "xe1er > «. THUESDAX, MARCH 12th,^ 1886. I Winnipeg siftings :.--The Manitoba Ferment' Union is feet beoomiog pn EDITORIAL NOTES. i4'oDRL. FARhf.. Xt. on Friary night last, Assembly, moved for e tt a`t0 Inquire into the Mien- Pial condition of the Modal F t iittolsreble nuissnae. Led by one. bores lawyers, buret up airy -pilot', fifth rate jourpahsIe, timperauos fan- etios,it last winter poled a resolution which more than anything else deui. aged tbie Province, and now rho same Ferro '� men are talking sermonlau. Truly it Guelph, but the -Government cried would appear that the finite has dome out no l It appears that the affairs for the suppressi3P of the leaders of of this institution have been carried *liege leen. They have always been on extravagantly, not yielding nano¢. miaiabiavvus, Row they have .become in the way of a dividend to the Prov. Inca. Now, when this institution was erg aisea it was stated that in a short bine it would be Belt-sustain-- ing, and. not only so. but that the of feet it would have au the for Pere of this Province by way of giving in— *Unctions on husbandry might be calculswta+1 to be of a lasting benefit. Vie statement made by.Mr, Oerna� hie, batted on official documents, shows that the eoet for' the manage- ofrau siva es well.. AT this time of the year when es, seasnra snake their animal tour. we dear * good deal about vacant lots which are held et high prices for spec- ulative purposes, and that awuah Nils shetild be ssseseed at their full value, sod, we agree that it should be so, 13et how Is it that the are not taxed it their full veins ? Not from any Unit of the aaseatawore, but begone. they have to do as the Municipal Aot directs, and aseesae. such properly at went of the ifssthetion his been barge: j. what they are worth for garden or ly augmented each year austaad of it farm porpoise, The Ontario Leg's- becoming self edtstainiog, as was pram 'store ere coneten$ly tinkering the muaictpel low but they nutmegs to ls+avo rsforma of Stile nature severely alone,---Wondstoak imrs.. issd, The subsidy to the institution. from the publio chest has been in* oreassd year by year es follows.: Near, Subsidy. Increese. 1880.. , , , . , , , ...$21,987 1,881 . 25,854 ... .8 3.367 1882 . 35,697 , .. ... 10,343 43,440 ,,.,.,..,,, 7,843 0126,478 521,653 In fors years aver one hundrid, and twentysiK thousand doll+ra from 1880 to the time that it woo promised: to become eelf..uetsiniug have been paid out of the public funds by er:y of subsidy. This large expenditure le not ceased by the rush of students to the institution, for the number of sludente has been steadily damming: AT the Annual Meeting of the Pro. Tindal Grange, recently held at Tor outo, Worthy Master Servos in hie report, referred to tate condition of the agricuitnral intureet during the past year, sod eaid he thought that the farmer had little of which to coru- pisin. He sugges'ed that they should urge upon the Government the oe oeseity of throwing open tl'e right to publish standard school banks to all pnbltah.rs, and tbue invite conipoti Mon. Re strongly urged that aotion be taken to tneuloraliae the Govern. meat for legislation towaral equalie. Ing She tariff obsrged by railway oorn- in 1880 the nuluber in attendance polies. A committee was appointed to wait on 1llinieter of Education re woe 188 ; in October, 1884, the num. the sohool' book monopoly. 'l'lle Be. her wait 108. In 1880; the oast per forgo prose dilfeerd from the Worthy pupil was 109 ; in 1888 the Goat per Master of do Greugo, and persist pupil inoreaeed to $908 --as increase teat the times are !lard and that of 180 per sect. Now, the products farming is in a deplorable and depreao of the Model Farm, as welt as all the sed oaudjtioa. stook reload. %heron, in addition to the oath, subsidy from the public) .treasury. TUE Dominion Giavernment have go towards. the maiutsioenee of it, lu 188.8 eleven thousand dollars were planed the sum of $380.000 to the es. realized from .the sale of stoop, all of timates to be expended 00 iaamigra• whiotl was spent to defray farm ex - panties. The cotnparison of the cost of labor., furnished by Mr. Carnegie from the public reoords, is also iu- etrtictiAe Year. Charged for Leber. 1881...:......... 88,062 1882 7,449 1883:..........., 6,790 carried on in this country. That we have frozen wheat is no fault of the country, as all the crop that was in lest spring and started before the drouth set in, did well and gave a Pod yield, but the people store had get into the ides that uo matter when they put the seed in the ground, or if they duly tickled the ground with a harrow they could not fail of having a good crop, Toss idea ;has been rather rudely dispelled, We have hest a very ecoid, steady winter, but not a sign .01. a blizzard, sod there is very little snow up here. One can drive anywhere over she: prairie, and we are having really splendid weather new, clear, bright, sunny days, ther- mometer about atuo,--such weather as you do not leave in Ontario. We do not have Allah here, as the neat of the sun gradually evaporates the snow." 5.0 ltieiasalt Carnival. The carnival' n the Centennial Rink at Berman op Tuesday evening was not very well. attended, owing, no doubt, to the roof of the building having fallen in last week. However those who did attend had 1►n,..en' joyable time. The following are the names of the prize -winners , Backward race, Ed. Rvaug ; 2 utUe eaoe, boys under 13, Wm. Charters ;'lady and (xeut'srace, 8. Hamer and Miss Evans. The race for the silver eup was won with ease by Burdock. McPherson. On Saturday evening Frank Ccissa, the great athletic skater, will ,glee an eabibitioti en the rink, Admission, 10 cents; children, lQe, aa.se COMMUNICATIONS. o da i erpr Ise d Ax c rre pondentsp for s heading, A i-,iltIl0 7.nconslsttxncy. T'e Editor of the axster Times. am Being present at the January meet. lug of our council,1 was, much pleessd with the economy with which it was apparent. wouldohsracterixe the municipal termite. tions this year, and more especially was T pleased with the desire for economy mani- fested by the new member. As lanai a number of muuicipsl officer' were appoint- ed, and amongst them ,she assessor. Air. Heywood, wha has efficiently tilled that of - doe for s oumher of yosra at a salary of 578, was about to be re -appointed et the, wawa eatery, when the nes blood said he could sea no object lu paying an measaar $75 when a person Could be go: to do the work ter *35, $20 less, and presented Mr. Allison's offer. Mr, Heywood would not seoept any less than his former salary, knowing: well that it was little enough, and a motion was pro- posed and carried appointing Mr. Allison. But in my opinion, 3fr. Editor, the aineericy of the new member's economywas some• what stifled by his action at the co4noll meeting on Saturday last. M this meeting the collector's roll was received, and in a few minutes aftortho new blood and adve- catoaf eoanatny at the January meeting, wrote out aipotion for the reappointment of Mr. James Ballantyne as collector for 1885 at the old eatary, which was carried. This undue lhaste in appointing an officer some two months before the usual time ear - prised me, and will doubtless sot ,your road - era in this township a thinking. But.I sup. poise Mr. Gardiner had reasons of his own for hurrying up this appointment. The manner in which it was done would mmedi- tion tike year. Three hundred and ately convey to the public mind that hese a eighty cents would be nits sufficient. Lona of Xr:aDle?t]. He quietly wrote out.a g y q l notion suit slipped it to the clerk, giving the doubtful if even oae,teuth of those knowing anything aboutappointment. If people want to Dome to Canada, et electors or any person' present who might them pay their own expenses. It is wish to ofi'er their aerviccs, 'no chance at the ' Revenue, who do come in consequence of the understand Mr.Routley intended to have ntinatender for abott glowing renreeeutations made by the $64437 agents abroad, stay here. Why,then, ,800 should we pay to bring immigrants' 76ti13 here for the benefit of the people of 822,301 ° $20,440 the United States ? Another branoh The exoese of revenue in 1888 is of the Dominion expenditure that dna to the sale of live stock ; in 1882 could be reduced with' advantage to there were additional chargee for day the tax payers of the county is that uro labor, whfor the malutenauoa of militia. Why ibrought the total fof to' Canada requires to spend about q year up to $10,990. This is the.,ln- $200,000 a year for "war is some- -thing it would be hard to explain to the satisfactiox of those who "pay the piper..' to become more acquainted with the A Misnit,,,>tlta Letter. system fi scientific fuming; So far soientifio farming has been a failure, The following letter we slip from even the: buttes -making., Twenty the Beaforth Expositor, written by per oen%. of this scientific butter Mr. David 1t&oNaught, mayor of Rapid manufactured. on this scientific farm City, and for many years a resident by .oienaifie employees, was pro- of Seaforah. This geotfeman's poli nounoed inferior in quality when Ileal leanings differ somewhat from shipped to England. The fact that the Conservative party, but his state: Mr. Carnegie's motion for an insight menta oorroberate those of Mr. John into the manner in which things are Reddy, which we published a few going on at the Model Farm was vot. weeks ago :— ed —ed down by the Ontario Government "This country went on with too much of a is sufficient guarantee to the public bound When a man came out here and that affairs are loosely and extrava- saw his neighbors with 200 acres of wheat gently managed. The motion should he thought he must `have as much, and he g y g bought teams and implements of all kinds,, have been sustained' and a thorough and went into terming on' a large scale. whe enquiry made into the workings of ther he had means or; not. The implement the' farni, as well as *flitting of the notes matured and he had in a great 'many inetanees to give a ehattle mortgage on hie accounts and books of the institution, teams or standing grain, or both; for they` in order that the public might have are always sure to get on enough,.When some slight idea as t0 how. so molt the notes came dne.and the crops turned out money was yearly spent. The public as they have done for the lest two seasons, have. a right to this information. Sup the teams anrkall went to pay the. me - g ohinery, and In a great many instances they pose a capitalist purchased, say 800 raised money on :their farms, all'ef them acres of .cleared land, :.erected all, ne that multi, to buy horses, etb., and now they oessary buildings, supplies ' all ma. cannot pay ;ren the interest on the mort- gage, let alone the priiiterpal.. `•So they are oh very, Svc., 'f of the eaocess nl work- picking upwhat,is left and moving weal and inq of the film, aa�d places an ovdr• taping up sseoond homesteads,, whish are one seer in charge, wh3 promises after a of the cursea of tina;co'untry .T have..never certain time to bei .able to make the seen such hard times in Canada` as we ,have produots of the farm ,pay tfue rnnni g here now. We are going through a crisis which will ultimate y g exneasee, but instead of fulfilling hiearea g promise eagle upon * proprietor �• ld h stilntion that when thoroughly es- tslished was not only t' pay ex• pensee, but was also to afford a grand opportunity to the farmers of Ontario $20 than was given Mr. Ballantyne. This sly trick has amused considerable indignation, and it is whispered freely around that 't certain re- lation Wets between collector and "repre- sentative for the north east ward, but I can- not imagine that this wonderful typo of economy would so far forgot himself as to allow any such motive to prevent him from performing that important duty which he owes and promised to perform to the rate- payers. Now, I do not mean' to contend that $75 is too ranch for performing the import- ant duty of collector, but I' do emphatically say there was 'undue haste in making the appointment, There should have been more time taken to ascertain if the work could be done for lose money. I think the new mem- ber would have displayed. more common sense had he left the moving of this appointment to an older member of the board. But no! he wanted to have memos= enforced. Mr. Editor, do you see any in- consistency or hypooricy manifested in this gentleman's action as far as economy is con- cerned ? Like Artemns Ward, he has not the least; objection to sacrifising all his re- latives even to hie thirty-second cousin, in a similar manner. Thanking you for the space allotted, I remain yours truly, • FAXRPL.I. 'Osborne, March 10, 1885. MUMMA l i SINGEit$. The most interesting feature, of the recent exhibition at Montreal was a company of eet- eredJubilee Singers engaged inmanut esering the cane¢:cited (told Coin Tobeeco, end et the. same ttmo delighting the oroads of spectaterY with exquisite southernrnelodies. A gold med• eland a speci#tdinlomawere awarded to this popular brand et chewing 'tobacco, and the ;hooka of the oo nnit1.eo tendered to the Ad ams Tobacco 0o. for their, attractiveexhibit u 1 do cod. Why, they cin to have meetings here this week the to of farmers with the 'view ;of etartnig:' elle ase provide one 'or Iwo thousand dollars and butter iaotoriee, a thing they won ave in addition to what the, farm pro laughed at when I came here. They are making up their . minds to go into s duces, to meet ourres t eapenaee• what g • d cheese and butter making ui d s have in ' n arse, nn th 1411. ii into matters and aaoertalnl'sg where w oro s Here and the abtin- 1 took lace and' flow the dant crop all over the world, and the low P price of wheat, I believe the farmers here money was ¢pent ? Yet Manager would havegone on until they had exhaust= Mowat, with She, aiisislanoe of his ed the lands in ;ailing wheat" before Chep mechanical mAjority, dentes to the would have tiled anything else. But the proprietor® of this most important facts' have stated have brought things to a s, d will do an imine institution the right to enquire into h the cense of o took raising an ', right would the manager have to euy fact mixed farming,' sucha youthe proprietor the privilege of looking0 t d if it bed not been for e' a- ure of the last two for working people. Send 19 omits postage, And we will mall youjree. a royal, valuable sample box of goo‘lit that will put yenta. the way of making more money itr; si few days than you everthought posit - bio at any business. Capsid not required. You can live at home and work spare time enly or all the time, All of both sexeth of all ages grandly stuccoiiiful, 50 oenttt to'}eti easilyearnedavery cveaihE. 'That an who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who aro inot well satlsfladwe wtlleend $1 poppy torthe trouble. of writing us, lull, particu!are,directions, duo. sent tree, Imnieusenap absolutely sure for all who stmt at once. i�on't delay. Address STtNsox .k Co..Fortland Maims; uction Sale MEM r` HOUSE T' nee Acres of Laud N EXETER. . Aird of the uu4ernientioned Farntture, and Henwehold Effects, Etc., Etc. �BX P R,too.caot ILIA BE coo w SOLD on the pren4us ea the 74 a 71044,14% ter. OA TEESE.&T, 7th day ,of 4'Hlfl, 1888 At 12 o'clock neon snbfeet:to each candltlan se shalt then be produced' FxSBTIi7-=Ail and singular that certain Per- onor tract of land and Bremen) ,s situate. tree and being in tate Vinedie atB,xeter,tn she conn• ty of Huron, ecntstutrlgoby adrnealureinent Three:Acrse,more or less. said bean somposxl et part of sot MP:0v Ono intim First comm. sten et the township of Her, boring a trent*lls en the Tail:f aicad et. threecoaine, ands 4alRt nerthwardtheretroes of ten olisins, These are the promises lately oconpted by Mardook We, Keuslet4ea+sad.) There is aseed frsarahouse with a brick ostler underneath.* weodsiwd s 0-, timmed; afsO #�ood triune baro it young or• chard just ba nine*0 bear. ane tinter taittng ming, on the prerntaes. SECOIO nT.Y'—Tho following goods acid chat• Table, ftBedstead',2 'aaresul..a Cupboard, >t dozen cane bottomed Qbairs,1 hooking Chair 1 Cew, 1 Heifer two year' old, 2 Itattresses, s. qusnaltyof Woodson a carpeutor's tools, and other small articles too numerous to mention. Tt,�t S0'SAt,.E Tonvereont.ttoottherur- ci it oneyof. the Real Estate to be paid ti< cash oa-tbe dew of silo, and the bslanoe on or, six pee cent. . permQnnma unt "poll The Ch t; tele meet bo paid for in cash on the (lay 01 sale. For further particulars apply to the auction - tele 1 Cooking Stove 1k'erler Otero 1Gentre O.LD Isn't it? I$ut we must ``Keep the Ket- tile, Boiling," and will cog-, tinue Great Discounts, IMMENSE RDUOT1O1S ON ALL Winter Goods DDEINC THIS MONTH. Coxae and be Convinced. .. ItiUpngisC And yon ought to see our COTTONS, COTTONS We have piles of ., them rust new in. Also. SPRIN GS U IBTINGS, 00T- T'ONDES, PRINTS, edit. lt, V. BLLior. Startling value in New Goods,. Vendor's Solicitor �t 11i8 OflO Dated at Exeter, this lith da} of March,1885, 1 o , com t ail to Stir ONLY ,paBEST .'SANTO ' BROS p the Oen %heis annual loss. rise amount of ' PROPERTY LIOT TWO HOUSES TO RENT. LpPly to ISAAO CABLING, " Exeter FARM FOR SALE IN,.STEPHE1'i. Iiot 1 o 5,10 4th Concession, 100 acres. For particulars apply to B. V. ELLI OT, Solicitor, &c., Exeter Laurance's o&ciratci Spscisslos The Lenses of these spectacles, being sci- entifically ground from Pore Pebble, are without exception best adapted to pre- serve perfect visihn and renter% the eight when damaged by old age and other"- causes. They have the recommendation of .the moat eminent members of the ,medical profession in England as well as in Canada, and a Targe, number of aur most' prominent citizens. HEAD TIM FOLLOWING Chief Justice Macdonald, N.S. writes They gave the ugliest satisfaot:on. eSenator aren a t�faction from, their -Use. exgorieno- OhietJnalice Sir Wm Young writes: ,The'y give a clearer andpurer.lieht:under gas than any Theme previously obtained here or oleo - where. John F. Wood,, M. is., writes: For ease or comfort they excel any Thieve ever used, r. 4th Feb., 1885. 1ABM FOR SALE. -The subsorib A2 • er offers for sale the East Half 'of Lot 3 and North Half of Lot 2, 4111 con of,Usborne. On the premises are -a brick house 20x28, nearly new, containing6 rooms; frametbarn 84z48, with stabling ; a small bearing orchard, and a never -failing well. The land is well' drained and in a good state of cultivadon i. There are 12 acres of fall wheat in the ground and con- siderable fall plougbing done.'"Distance from Exeter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from=Centralia. Terme to suit purchaser. Possession, given either betore seeding or., alter h rvest. Pur- chaser can be supplied with "seed grain; t3 For further particulars apply on the premises to 0. H. SPRAGUE, or by letter to Exeter O. riEEDI'T AUCTION SALE OF Farm, andFarm Stock. The undersigned will offer:for sale on March 315t, '85., oommeno Ing at ono o'clock p m, 80 well-bred steers, most ly three and four-yeara old; 'VOWS and heifers ' '. supposed to bewith'ealf ; 1'horse -four years` old ; 1 mare five years olwith foal.- Thalami is; lots 4. and 8 and part of % lease Road, east, Stephen township. containing 282 acres, meetly cleared, good buildings and abundance of good spring water. This farm ie principally clay loam, and is good for eithergrazing or cropping. The above will to sold in one block or separate ly to suit purchaser.' Itis all joined except it small part on the opposite Bide of concession. If not sold will be rented. If purchaser requir. es time, a small amount down will answer ; Butter &Eggs. WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened out in Eao]1's 014 Stand. (2 Doors north of Post Office) , Just received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we will sell at .very close prices.' Splendid value in, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey,- Scarlet Canton .arid Home- made Flannels.. A nice lot of Table Napkins and Covers, Splendid Winoey, Grey and White Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Reedy Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT for $5. GROOEitIES. We sett 4lbs Tea for $1; 75 cent Tel for 65 cents, Sugars as low se the lowest. BOOTS ,S& SHOES,—We have added some new lines and are prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. A. Roue and Lot for sale or Rent, Apply toJOHN MATHESON. CENTRAL 3. Mackenzie, FRC S. Kingston, writes ' Carefully conetrueted,goodde6uin powerand� a glasses in each frame of focal equal length. A 0 Blair, Esq.,Premior�7B, writes.: 01 the D RU C STOR] comfort and assistance experienced, .. Lt. Gov Hartland, P E, I. writes : I never ex- perienced 'any strain onmy oyes atter using Rev, Father Bolduc, Quebec, writes : That he finds them superior to any previously used. ' Peter Lyneh.Esq,; qt C,Halifax, writes: Using one pair of Laurance's spectacles" for .18 years with groat satisfaction,and benefit, to,my eyes. /Me Cure De Quebec, writes : I -leis More than satisfied with the selection made, MF Walsh, Esq., Sec. Minister of the Interi- or. writes : The 6ligiese nit;admirably and give everysatiefActfou. , Dean of Ontario wrftea:;Of;the greet, comfort and relieffeud sintho wearinghis spectacles: Lt tlov'1#ii P "fidoI)bugall." K C , 3t G writes :' He is greatly pleased'with tho selection made u s!Kx+• Dr, Phelan, Kingston, writes T)ay-,npply to those with e eiy derangeinentofetlie' vision a long felt wr.n ... goon an balance ate per cent good by stopping the improvident and JOHNREITH,Prop, wasteful method of ,farming..that has been Blake P 0, Ont 3, Wt B isry �si.l Proprietor. A full `stock of all ` kinds of Dye -stuffs and . package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best ,in the mark - and. .always arkand.:always fresh:. Family ; recap eti carefully. prepared at the°C+ tr€tl Drug Store Exeter • LUTZ. ?r