The Exeter Times, 1885-3-12, Page 31 testi Cp Wpm n. - l acts clan ar mu rledd ea as a ma r• eousyse, rho nater, Wipe* thy of all womankind.to-all figures reit- dere that much certain, What woman ever lived who wpuld went livein adding thinfgvi s rilernrt rages, the same hth Aim ted to working, re.ttpeures:,rlnnand night.Wht pleasurecouday woman get from a new uouAee when eonselous that her life partner, onlook- ing at it. would, at woe be" in te cath - pato the comparative annual expendi- tore on bonnets and standing Armies? What wornau of ordinary feminine in atinets'Would putnters fiin the way'b becoming a subject for the manufacture of perpetual "sums" in zirithtnetie? A, totersibly adequate acquaintance with feminine testes, enaltlee DS to say, therefore, with confidence,that statis- ticians are always and necessarily un- marrie mpll;ac c t Y o fact:il ot1: othtR t.;:4 r�i+ nl nsa,fel :; .,a 1ptde "perform unemployed,' to.. and disastrous falsification of life's ruts. TO parephraao stir, Bumble's. indig- neat exalametion, ifStatis;lca Suppose female heads of households to bo un - elan to , "statistics is a idiot an is ss ,4 bb � u`i ; toa n : ' otter who. sets down married women as "tenet. played," put himself in 1t •married w man's pin for a little while by way experimllent. Let him leant by experience the tot .Weprttxlty'of ituutimata things, and .- malevolent tendency of dirt to account. late, Let him try his prorates -ha an the mane! auitont of t.'h. n r n, "r aedits.' ons"r '1; �awtr. 'g 4e to q+ Y Y 't. • tt Inttiirtos an ork that Dau be avoido vlv tion filet "Thursdays out" ought to. of the ether days and all. the week, and a uniform favor of Iulendi:tc t hl OM** tend afl'alrs Irt kitchen, limn dk a rooms; :see that dinner is sery tinlerWtet irGD1 'agclt out out et way," tii�oi divli kit t properly pa ishede o ma ewe and dueled and "'picked up.." malt later keep Johnnie's waist and trousers, and .Mary'* pina- fore mended, and all the stockings darned. Let him have it on his mind to keep the bop front breaking their necks end the girls from falling late a rage and indulging in such extremely unlovely expressions u "Ton moan old thing," and "So there now?" Let him be chargged with the duty of seeing that the olotlsea are clean, farm washed and heads combed for dinner. Let hien try his head at all this every (ley�. and then let him tear the whole establishment to pieces Wee a year for a debauch of "house eleauing " We have left the management of tho baby—the young gentleman or lady whose solo concern it is in life to estab- lish and maintain his or her supremacy: in tho household --wholly out of the ao- X count, because we wish to bo fair and include in our list only thou .things whiula every married, womanhas an her hands. By hiking the list as .it stands, will any atatisticiau make ex periment of this sort of unemployment? The plain fact is—and everybody but a uaafiemed figure monger oan see It for himsoif—'that the most busily employed persons in this working world of ours are those women who are at the heads of households. And if it be answered that however busy they may bo their industry yields no return in earnings, let the doubter of that make the trial of dispensing for a time with the femi- nine supervision of his household; we do not ask thet he shall keep any ac- count of the consequent increase is his expenditures; what Mr. Maudlin' palls "the demnition total" will besufficiept ly convincing to make the experiment- er ever afterwards regard the labors of his donrestio partner as about the most profitable employment to him that is possible.—.N Y. Coin. Advertiser. t. !!tneteeti, t rut . o,ai r ern oes„ to t ala li there i- ve little.el 1 r n ter ti l.cc +i • ,.; ease' 0,il p!I uiesst m t;Ir, 1 }lit l +"'t' , IfO- 04144134436. y, .;i 'rule:#ami: e:eti offel7 batt exense•for his condition. , But:. OULi) SA 1� TO tbd +ttltl,' acid ;)tQn vii;.,•i women. tho8.e wb intend pnrcitss rig to d, sa trona tY'lli?.4A• roles lua,j�: liesltti^ 'fl..' ol'9lvned the tnanufuctUxer. I:� wit,p.AtixioF,S : laA4ii h;+41,14g4 v,. daalor „irbe ouvs to soli claim. net' our sympathy, but oar es- r'''''4 ' must necessarily tee*. cur ttdttliratfon. ze a profit. filo:It: Rep tri givethe 'ur°013 inot always�her¢fault that oho* .n.gt,`whicia0anssfh e, o tf..es she hasn m etthe ytewl Pig . pt1 �$' ,A' ran er g a. .o t' 43°4891ft1 ebanua, And we leve these one itlll are eta air t to a or c and devot'bd lives, which work in manularturertconueq eiat single harnes& and carry so eheorfully "44" aellhesger, )fe-; burdens and Dares. with none of. hasc , =ibea iful 'negatives to . duty gi=liem �'' never caught the e;r s e . an o *^�" which animate the married sister. • For •lie, they Heat; ohner, " leaner, has _ her Soenean never be "snore than, a 1 i ,.E brother -in -late. Alane she singe and "glean and . there. after 4 t' reaper tonotAK AND iial t'+i�iY ;,c� + •'. FEizk?ttlti t• mho bye r. Funerals 1nruishett a,..,. boss., NO Tuan reaches her the parch Q9444etetllittheyerylow l corn, and passes her the vinegar est rater R+* her morse), anal HO indtli gent reap- t goodate large. contxlote streweth her with handfuls o o t c lDL EY, x1,11(1 t3'""tA f'Lt+;17rer 11 ettitet ul'4�Y 1.. LI 14 D calispecialattteutio to our undertaktngdepart ment,Which 1s more coo pletetheuever.i+t+ we have tdded sey e 1 o tar Joel�e e r ft A at late 7�e hest oOdJne aasketa saircads,and treaty funeral requisite. at 61,0 tot::estprice* Our nets .afeatree tat : peOnottaR aed.l.) competent Judger. to bF second to Ware' In the, ptawtnoofi s of Ali the Brent Societies.. 6r F t nd uis f barley. What sheloaneth, ahs car- rloth home and hath for her owls, ua.- leges, poredventuro, 4hv hath iter Sts. tor's husband and family to support. She Stsn , evq :tum o p ,.� +' ?��) e' ' x",. ashes O dust o1 i to win ow at ; no muddy foot-fraclta to brush from the hall Car- pet; 00 one to Wheal alio can gladly give up the rocking -chair and now agazine; no ono to drag up stairs and It to beat elootioe slights; no 0110 to 1 Ede himself honied the morning paper the breakfalat table; ne'ORO to get up cold Tet"�fitter mornings and `build; erniiigtitires; she scams 4o .have ! of these joys that make her sis. j is life a song. Sometimes when l Rirktou,Wootiha and we assorted, en any. porion -squiring auythine in thialine wtlx 4ndlt te their advagtageto give rut" a Agit one examine tct themselves, 1eme INT 331 .1 1' 7 I : " tI 1 TUE BEST place- Nearlyo Exeter Peat CABIN T JA$ER. I have iuttroee yell a Rosewood Caskets;t ainso rains of every doscrip. tion. A complete stook of Robes and 'trimmings +alwax gn hand. The latest styles of Chamber ofum1ratiinFlua thnlowestratee, ESE l.'V TH t COUNTY at Kemp"a Tobacco Store, Dfaiu.street, Exeter, OE312T' zORAWN Office Ti o.°' o'b e. • A[AIGs { t [ ♦aRlxlr � CLosR. , wiu.ltclsoa a,utk Elio:vi.11a ... ...81G a. tri ,Sea pan, ek at Otte of thpaa lone :women," and 1, sonth,eaatandwesl,includicg Twndou,Fiamilton, Toronto Atontreal Alanit•� 1 ` ` ink thet'shif'may not knuvr"what it ehe.l�uttedstatem.I netisAaaadforceps;4,114 ... ... ... .,, ,„ ,,. ... s,tsa,tn,y,,00 a. m Q atm tba man Rita h4.s isrtut her gout aaatwest et M.t' AT ••• ... sums few the crown Vs ono' face over +vast dining station, and enaetl hand over tl lf'to l cop some other 111111,- Rs getting it, I pity hen r shot is starving Net for the pie; recta Tuesdays,Tburadisysand$aturdays h, no. She can gut plenty of pies = . for the lova of some true -hearted Want:nee sympathetic. depend- MONEY ORDERS 1ovo, c .; thsad eset.inoludinJ! Weaving Rabbits' Wool. Yesterday 1 drove to St. Innocents to see the Angora rabbits, whose fur furnishes a soft and spinnable wool, out of which the peasants make a quantity of warm garments. It was curious to see the ppeasant girl take the rabbit lur Basler' fingers, and theft ad ding 11 to ot road, go, cin-spinling* the °coarse' yarn ;oust) tit -on '•a 'long° spinning wheel. We then went in to see the rabbits; prett , creatures with largo opal eyes and' ry long fur, ex- ceedin l soft. T e, _Pre "plucked" alive. and the prop s .4s said not to gy p hurt them. Indeed,' y are so fluffy that perhaps it is a relief. Some were black. others white, and others gray. 1 noticed nTother colors. ;Titis, fur be not only 'spun, but' 1s °-'crochetbd and knitted into a coarse canvas; The, finished 'geehl <a>o vetytexpensi'v'e,=anti° I did not think them equal to woolen articles tufo eoirili4OhLt ng tl i,gl;lides. They are curious, and all, visitoprs to Aix feel bound.tb'carr.y away sonllo lit- tle specimen or other of this rather anomalous rabbit,IWAS'kireCor. Boston Traveller. A letter from Germany notes that ' nearly 6,000.000. acres of land in that part of the world have recently been diverted to the Cultifrelof:beet root. Tho refuse, after the extraction of sugar, forms &line feedAfott tiVe stook, and tends to make the people there less dependent upon: Antittica'dement than they used to„be, buttthe coptrary is the case with rregard:tdciereal' ood, op• W A disgusted"bipy6l rider Says'it lie Just i{1.e worktng..,your ,p eaage on,,a canal-heat!':by iendingi if� arse fer''eell', the riding' onoets-out of it. f Strattottl Toreate,,!l ... ,: