The Exeter Times, 1885-3-12, Page 11 "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THJ'3 IIHi.Ff3 FALL Vi '0224 THE MA Vol. XII., No. 26. (MT., -t,RLl BSI - •Q ,t,`1 13,'[ , A7►.t.4 Canned. Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Ea'ddies Fresh Cran- berries, rtes. Oysters, Oranges and Leucons, GO TO G. _AL so i,oc �' elan Also Agent for Thoddoy"a R. k C 1'o0tl, Qnly 1.Qtx pea: lb.,.Or t8 per alwt. D:ICIi4SOi( , Bairrieter, ,Soli. 14 • - decor of atapretee Cerat,NottrtVoleiQ, 0o4yor+400eri C0muriaeiontr. dse*MAT t0 Lean. O tice its eAlitien'e snook. Muter. N,. l:att, QAace saa?arvell'a Block (it D1rrllaerr, IsT. "a old offace>) NTAL. ICINSMAN,DRIITIST,Lo D,8 clay IsTot far from flume. 12, i5, Jct reebiitte. Mr. H. J. Hawkins, of clay, sold the outer day. a Glsulee colt, ons I year old, to the Geary Bros., of Lou- don township, for #150. On Tuesday of last week, 4,r, Jchn t�Sabillan, a# Sullen, had the miefor- tune to lose hie best staltiou It was taken suddenly sick, and died after suffering but -a slior1.ti:ile.. The ani noel was a valuable.ono. According to the report of the la- spestor of AMxluats, for 1881, 10 iu. sene'person* from Heron ware sent for comwittutent,18 of thea& being in London Asylum ; the toted itdenission of iona1e persons from thio occulty, since the opening of the Aoylums,wee 828, Joico Kant of Biddulph Township, game up T'-uesdtty at B. 0.- o; Coulee oifice,•before Squire Peters up; as a cheeps of fraud preferred by E. Dalton, of Arius. Tile trenssatiou between them sans e home trade, soli the arae was Nettled, by Kent paying $20 -the difference between the cost of the two horees-acid • coati., That ciapneed Kees of road batwt.oa Stephen and Maftitlivray townships is sell gravelled., The hetobit• is buried. 1;10 one was hurt very badly doing it. Both counoite with good oars will re, cover. Nearly` 400 loads of gresvel .haver been pat on the roads in that vicinity et a ooat of leas than 65 cents er"load, On Tsieeday a large num, ea: turued out and drew gravel free no tbo 21st eon., from tireenwey roil lege north, Mr. Chae. Mason, the well-known horsemen, of Tuckersulith, met with a heavy loss on Tuesday of Inst week, by the death of hie three-year-old im- ported stallion. The horse was 'vet- aod..we believe, et $1,500, and there was no ieautaueo on it. ?dr. Matson has been exceptionally unfortunate, having lost several fine horses, and the death of this ono just at the com- mencement of the season is a were blow. In these days of weather prophesy- " ing we can afford to give a little at• tension, et least, to the foilowing pre- diction from a Huron veteran of met- eorology, Mr. Thomas Dell, of Wi igham, who sae attained the age of four score yore, prediota an early spring ; the present cold weather will continue unify about the middle It is reported that Mr, Sohn Kayos bas bought lot 28 ; north boundary. of }day, 10X) .acres, paying therefor $4,000. Mr, It, Glidden, of ,Il,olmeevill,,hes removed with his femily to the town- 'hip own'hip of Usborne, where °they intend to reside.. Mien Id* Crydermap,, of Porter's !dill, vaporer leaving in a short time to hike a position es tenet& teacher, nater Exeter. Mrs. Geo. Clark, Stanley, tell aiu Monday morning last, and broke her right arta a little shove the wrist. Medical mid was called and ibe broken Eeeremoy bleb Leet, stud Mrs. Otark is doiug as ed co Pest- well its; o&said, be expected. i?tiio4Blealc" Mr. Wm , Barry, of:Rhin. chat - Teen , ex- traatedwitirt leugee Any man in the torrnohip of aaRt pain, ' Stephan to lift for fon or uiooey. - a Challenge to stand good for 15 days. r3T�M•AiN 7-Ct?RON11111NUR the Oollotref Retest. Unice, 9IPoalte tp g,l .Carliug'estore.S.xetnJ . 1 . W. B1tQWiING , lei, D, M. (3 • 1'•I4,0reatla.teVtatorfeueiverstt •omo audroetdence. Uoi;ntopl,eporettlrif.Lae ter , DR, a.:R,C)LkI i�9; lc 0. t'.8 0. 0m08,'won 8t.F,xotor,0nt.Resi encu h0usereceutlYodcubledbY.P. Merenues,jee. n 1411.11.%;1 , <J• OUfoeetWSresidence 'Exeter. nit, IRVINE, GIIADUATE IINI V FNSPPE.TrinityCoilegaremberColtege p49eliesansau4 eirritoonr Qu4..4'01oeirirkton rMPoRTANT a zoEs. • IIENi Y EILBER, Licensed Ana- Towuship.s ee Saless conducted atmodorate rates Office -At Poet•ofnee. Creditcn. Ont. MONEY TO LOAN ON REALES- satefortbegorort,turseroan kaoing■ Middlesex County, narrowly escaped Society. Low rates of interer' . Applyt0john Spaokman,Exeter, All arrangeoleute to 'lie made at the hotel, Elmo, Bev. )r. ° 'ldairttat of Exeter, ex. ohauged pnlfriiu with Bev, Mr, Car- riere, pastor of the Fretbyteriau Church at Grand' Bbtid, last Sebbath. The Rev. gentleman':gttve an interest- ing (Recourse to a large congregation. 11e. Wm. Lewis -a and family, rani dente in Grand Baud neighborhood for two years, have removed to Credi- ten. Pevious to their departure the citizens of Grand Beard showed their kindly feelings by anoyster supper in Mr. Lewin' favor. Un Saturday morning last, H. Well's large etraw stack, Baltford, up- set and hurled under it four head o cattle, Leairtting of tete mishap, the neighbore came to Mr. Well's asaiet- rtaoo, and afterZeome hard work got the cattle out, but one of the number was dead, and the others wery badly injured. Some of them will likely die. Benjamin Brown, of Briu slay, Ita J. CLARK, Agent for the Us - ./..1 • borne and liibbort liatualEirotosuranco Oorepany, itoaidonoe-Fartluhar, Orders by matlpromptly attended to. 1f,>ONY TO LOAN AT et AND 7 Funds. Apply cont. a000rdilg to terms. Private ppyto B. v,ELLIOT Ootobarl5,'80 •.' Solioitor, Exeter anima injuries the other day while leading a horse to water, It ;Appears the Morels bad been ;tending in the stable for a few days and was rather too wild for the boy to handle and while bed of a large sum of money iu Wel- while cat rytag on his pranks three, linglou county, Inc horse and sleigh the boy down and stepped on his leg, being' driven off bythieves, who inBioting an ugly wound. aban- doned It on the London road, near Gilbert Bice, son of Mr. Wm. Bice, Ewen. Detective Rodgers, of the of the 12th con., ]yio4illivray, got provincial police, who was given the case, spent some time in (Minton and vicinity, last January, in tracing up the thieves, wire managed to get across to Detroit before hecould cap- ture .them. However, keeping on their trail, and believing that they would return, he was rewarded for his deligence by learning that the thieves were in Norfolk county, when they were arrested on. Saturday of last week. A meeting of the Londeaboro Bai- ter Manufacturing Co., was held in the Queen's hotel,. Clinton, on Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. J. Hanna. representing Beaforth Creamery, and Mr. J. Reith, of Blake Creamery,were present by invitation: Hr. Hanna has :succeeded in collecting a great deal of information regarding the eye - tem of testing cream, by which system the cream belonging to each patron is.eubjboted to a test which determin: es the acetol amount„: of batter that can be made frcm: given quantity of oreain., and every patron will be paid exactly what hie cream is worth. Atter a lengthy and animated discuss: ion of, the merits of this ;system, it wee unanimously, resolved that the system berintroduoed-by. the Londes: born Baiterliwt ttfaeturing;Co.. this season. Me. Baena intends 'adopt ing it in Seeforth, and Mr. Reith, of Blake, thought' very favorable of it, annnounced hie intention of bring: ing it before the directors for ..tiseir cod.ideration, at MI sally date. •Con,: Paring the am- net of bu>,inosd• .dope butt sewn. with that of other,,,, years, since the Cresmery was was establish: ed,'blioarea'marked inorease, as the r ,, following ."a tntement shotes: --During Mr 8e11� and u li4i�s � utile daughter to e l.. The funeral: took :1882 the Creamery:. was open six beraiaponl u mouths and made 12826 Ibe in 1888 "fronrilier •.husband'sresidence ' four int ii :8,g428lbs were made;and e �:, ...�. , b e n !rlday� 6tblnet,, •,at 1 oalook g.. .� lie remain, were interred in the months of 1884 that i. was mien 82: Bdgerville cemetery. 800 lbs were made. During the sea: C Marco, ween: seting prlu came WflU all iia glory, Mr.- Dell; lutea that this has • been the severest winter eines 1883, when it froze the heir off a deer homed. In December laid* pedlar was rob - FOR BALE.-TWO-STORYFRA iE severely hurt by a sleigh running over DWALL18741Bg0178E'endoneem eofland. Lim. ' He was riding on a sleigh, and situated on the Thbme• Bond:2l miles east of falling off, was ran . over by a team Bober. ` r400dlarge'!tamo stable and driving• just behind the sleigh on which lee had shed ; splendid orchard of, choice frnft•bearing trees,. goodwellandoistera.- Suitablefor a iter; bean tiding and was puked 'up more plytirto THOMAS SAbeaoidcheapforcash, Ap dead than alive, but by skillful treat- lily to THOMAS gT.LIN. Exeter'', O iv 1e-tt meat was soon revived, but will not likely be able to be around for some time. On Tuesday of last week some good threshing was done on the farm of Mr. A. +'lcoat, 2nd con., of Tucker smith. ° They were threshing clover, Mr. Alex. Thompson's horse power being *used,. and 58 bushelswere turn- ed out in eight .hours. This is bon- sidered ' exceptionally good. lair. Thompson in 18 gears' experience, never equalling this. Mr. Thompson finished dp the next•forenoon,making in all over 70 bushels: A Gowrie correspondent to a Mit- chell paper, givesthe following :- We regret io learolbat we are going 10 lose our, respected neighbors, Meser,4,"Alex. 'Colgnhoun and Alex. Dow,"" *lie going to remove to the 'td*n df Exeter, but -we rejoice in the faaat *het they are not going away any farther, so that we may have the prix silege of Seeing: their smiling 'faces oo- 1VJ. CLARK. COMMISSIONER • inthe Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills, tifortgagee, Leases, and all forms of agree: ciente drawn and executed according to law. MoNEZToLOLNONREALEBTLTE. Partieswleh ing to borrow money on account of recent pur- chases ofiand,or to pay off existingmortgages willdndagreat saving bygiving mea call, Clan Lend money at8 and 87 per cent. acoordingto terms. N.J.OLARK.. JOHN MO1)ONELL. ISSUER OF m.ai*RIAGE LI3ENsEs, OI+BICE IN rrrrobee JEWELRY STORE Also agent for the London Mutualinenrance Company of Canada, Mercantile insurance 00 -Capital '9}300,000.00 Head Office Waterloo: Ont. ,Glasgow • de.London Insurance Coy -Cap- ital $2,500,000 ; .fiead Oboe, Montreal. JOHN McDONELL'Exeter. v. M. NNi TcVS Central ShavingFar ' for •For Clean and easyshaving, fashionable hair. cutting &o.. - • la- Clean tower for every, customer,- 8- l• o We in wislr the: success. ''Nioxt door to 'Central note• M.re,; 13e11,'ivife of', R. E 1 ell,, Lon- " don„:road, Stanley, . and •daughte . of liobertiMeLaren„ Tuckersmith, had long bi' n'eufferuig with that dread disea ► add "ralthou h or3thiug possible,;rsi done for her t all•preved of no avidity ,•Shebore her auffetings with.;obrieitian fortitude and Peseta peaoetully, ,away on Nitednes- daY:raorifing.v. The sympathies .)f. til®"entire Ceininunity°are extended t0 lR !T1HI'i_W31' 'BELUO A UTUAL FIRE. 1 INSURANO E CO. t < WATERLOO, ONT.' ntteen years Ontario,and� damage bq� ootorie•,o.ud ,roperty, of iaetiring on: Qm,PanY lies pert,y,,to�thg, losses e��,oiee. 'ofY°�a�� un} nnaAsessed• e'rJ R" secretary L'$fi#dE�LY Estebliehed.in 1863. HEAD OFFICE ^; - WATER Thiscoihzany had been over Eig a successful operatid'n au Western continues to insnreiagainetlols`or Sire, Buildings,Meroliendise Manuf all other deeoreiptlena ofinsurable p, tendiuginaurersihavo.the,opiion the PremiumNota or Caeh,Syatom. .Truringthepast ten. years.,tbis C. •sued 87,006.; Polioies.00vering pro amount of, 841,372,088; and pails in, 3700,712,00 •` Assetg, 8116,100.Q0,, consisting .dank, Governmentjheposit, and the Nremium Notee on hand and in f ore DEN M. .i). Prosidei.t. C, 11..TAYLO J. B - Hvoai.S inspector. CIIABL 3;�iyt ,r,,I+xater e:nt;�iaiaitr; ' sou of 1881 she Blake creamery men: ufaetured shout 20, 'be., beiog 'owe 5000 lbs more WAS uiade itt the proceeding yetr,w he procesde. from the sale of boobs l the Load: eeboro Batter !Ad Obablitt` l i.nufac: tustng Co., during 1884,swise trilmost $7,000, besides which the pelt*** a the -1 o had wt a farm, Milk loft n tb f m, which 1t is• cstlutetefi, is worth at leasthalf se muck as the cream sold. Esiddulpil VCwren, The Council met pure:mut 10 ad: ournaneul at the Court Room, Olen: doboye, Maxoh 2nd.* 1885. All the members preterit. Mtuutes of last meeting was read aced signed by the Reeve. 1.4Wsn-Hooper 'bat the fallow ing accounts be paida, and the Reeve taiga order for the moue ; Dr. H. Ling att1eerdauoa and imedieiue to Wr •Pet: tersoa au indigent, .$8,00 ; Wra. Pat: tereoli. indigent, Rsilway fare to Hoe: pitel cad Csb, $1.00 ; W, D. $tenley Reeve, Railway fare to Stratford,, Re Granton ditch, $1,0(t, do, to Lucien in re Greater) ditch, 250te, do, 2 dy is re Granton ditob, $4;. 11. Hodgins,' 1 dy in re Granton ditch, $2., --Car; L Dewan--0.0. Iledgine•-•••Tirol the application of Alex. A. Langford pray fug to hart his property being 8,1 of lot 20 in the 11 coo., detached from l 8 S., No 4, and annexed to I'. S., Mowing accts be paid and aha Reeve No 7, be received: and st the Olerk I sign orders for the Paine, J. Meagher hereby authorized to give the Stat: error io taxes $1,00, G. Seale, for nary notice theta a 13y -law hill be a'n; gravel per H, Boyde 84 toads, $1,70 eiderod for that p0rpoee ou the 'Orel G. Seale per 11 Thumpsou 41 loads Afondey in April nem, at the Tam- $2,00 --Carried peranoe Hall, Village of Grautor: at Dewan--Hooper-,That the doanoil 2 o'olook, p, m, --Carried•, give 11, Ling ld, D. a permit to piece C. C. Hodgins-\Vm, llodgine That building material on the; etre* oppo: file Reeve and Clerk are hereby in- site bis lot No 6 went main street etruoted to sign and atteoh the oor Rios, (Rea) ; div No 8, Rioh*ril'Neil ; div No 4, 3. B. Bryan ; div Hb 5, Albert Fenos viewers -Div No 1,, ."Fee. Stanley, sr„ Ed. I+f'i►yo, Riclard. Tbompeon ; div No 2, Jac. (Ravin, Win. Kelly, Wm. Richardson ; divallo 8, Wm. Culbert, Daniel Mil, Tbomse Dickens ; div No 4, Jae. Carrigan.: John Morkip, Thoe, Nangle ; dist No 5, et. Owbray, Samuel Langford, A. Ber000, John Jerrnau. Dewan -Hooper-•That the Conn: oil' grant.. soul of $50.00 to be ex; pepdad ail tawaline N, B. between first and fourth 00600040 attd that Win. Hooper be iostreeted to expand the Isrn. or a greater amount proved: ing the Towaehip of Cohere. expend t+taailiar &mount,---Csrried, Wm. Hodgins -T0, O. Hodgins That the thinned pay to C. Clatterbeus and Thomas Lindsay $1.60 for work on bteoble Hill ; I', Fahey, error in dog talo $1 ; 1'ir, MoDsrmid to: legal tier: vises$8 , Jas. Glavin, for gravelling on litoke'i de road, $42.12}. 0. Q. 1Jodgi12e-Wm. Hodgias--- That Jolla Dagg, Jae. Harrigan and J. W. Evaae are hereby appointed members of the local Board of health and H. Lang, fit. 13,, be sppoint:A • Medieil l ealah Qilicer for the present year. -Carried. godeios---Drawee---That die Boort tend Clerk Agit By -Lew No 8 44 ettech the corporate seal,--Carrisd. Dawaet-. W. Hodgins -The; the Granton the 'IMO to continue in fora, porus seal to Bay -law' No. 2, .Car•-llor three months from date, said per: .tied. 1mit.to cover a strip of the street in Wm, Hodgins-.Dewan That Noel front of mild lot and running parallel Clerk instruct the Assessor to proceed l to the sinewalk,: and io extend in breadth. from sidewalk into the street 10 feet and full length of said. Snob material most be properly piled' up and .guarded .in ;such a way as to pre: vent adoidents, and the c!erk is in: etrueted to notify Doctor Lang of such permit and conditions --Carried. Duran• --,W, Tdodgine-That the olerk notifv;Mr. T. Rodeos to be pros east at the next council meeting to ingiiise into damages against this. municipality --Carried, Resolved that this council do now adjourn to meet at the Teniperanee Hall Granton on the Yat Monaay in April, at 10 o'olock a. to. If, Reponse Clerk. to find the four acres ou lot 21, con 19, and five Chet was ommisted from the Aaseeement Bali of 1884 and as- sess the .911018 with a view or. having the omitted property returned es non resident for said year. ---Carried. Dewan Wm. Hodgine-Tbsit the t Cieaa'it ie instructed to pro'.ure a stamp to be used on all audited papers, vouches, notes, &o., in a6- cordanoe with recommended by the auditors.-Oarrisd.. 0. C. Hodginr-W. Hodgine--That the Auditors' Report be now received and that the Clerk be iustraated to halve 200 copies printed in pbamphiet form. --Carried. Hooper-Dewan--That 'fhb follorf- ing heals be paid, and the Reeve sigo'. orders for Ina same :-Sas. Atkioeon, for gravelling Atkinson's side road, $20.50 ; 'Philip Riley, for gravelling Corey's Bide road, $23 : Stewart Mo- Faila, for gravelling Abbot's side road $55.75' : Robert Moral's, error in dog tax, $1.; 'Geo. Hodgine, error in Statute labor, $1.50; P. Breen, aadi: tor for 1884, $12 ; Wm. J: Smith, auditor fo'r 1884, $12. -Carried.. Hooper -Stanley --That the Clerk is hereby instructed to send a copy of proceedings of 93011 meeting of the Council to the Exeter Tates for pub lioation.--harried. (3, O. Hodgins-Dewan-That Treas: urer is instructed to pay the $100 re: oeived from the G. T. R. on the order of the• Reeve, when required. --Cars .rise. C. 0. 3odgin6-Dewan-That order be drawn on she Treasurer to the amount of $68.50 in favor of duo. R. Armitage, collector in full of sultry. - Carried. Wm.,'Hodgins-Dewan-That the A Dorchester Mystery. For the .past eighteen months the county of Middlesex, has been n veri table home of tragedy. The Itliddfe- mise murder,ithe Mount Bridges man- slaughter case, the McCabe ;mystery, the Dr. Hall manslaughter caee. and the Nitestown tragedy have followed each other in sad and quick .success- ion. All have excited intense interest Throughout western Ontario, and have tended to give the county a reputation which in view of the general order -lov- ing, Iaw•respeoting, and advanced morality and intellegenae of the great bulk of the people, of Middlesex, is, eminently undeserved. Far ;.exceeds any of these, however In its absorbing to the local population, and in' its; deep and all surronoding mystery, la the Dorchester oasts 1)r Samuel W. Moore, a native.'of the township of North Dorchester, and a .paaotising physician in this village for the past twenty years, mysteriously disappear- ed on Thursday night list ander pee - applications of ,Measre. G. W.• Hod: oiler, grave' and impenetrable oircum- gine and Mark Hodginsfor the col: stances, and `alt efforts- to discover. his lection of Tares for 1885 be laid over fate or ascertain his wherebonts have for furtherceneideration and -that ap: plications for that office will be reoeiv: ed at the May :meeting of this Conn: oii,-Oarried. C. 0. Hodgins -Hooper -That the Reeve and Wm. Hodgins be appointed 10 vigil Carrots Brielge,un the Sa"Mile and'to draw plane and the Specifics: tions of e, suitable wooden structure for a new bridge in lieu of the old :one and dist the oominitteii be instructed to call for tenders for the budding of either Wooden or iron euperstruotnre, tenders to be opened at our ntxt re: gular meeting. --Carried. .• List of names for pound -keepers and fenbe-viewets for the, year 1885. Pound -keepers -Div. No 1, John H. Hodgins ; div No 2. S:linnet !Ind: *hue far failed. Oa Friday morning `Irina horse and &titter were found' .near Derwen t" en" the town ,between .Dorchester rand' Westinineber "tetra - Ships, dbont six A:is trbm hib bbtitee. `Sevefal spots of ;blood were Xenia up- on the buffalo robe, the location which would indicate that •a wounded in the face *night ha: en forward .upon hie knees: ther offers a retard of $500 itigs of the gmieeing anon;; council a : further reward : There is intense exaitemen noigborhood- - The thsijority.for;tl a Soo Drummond county, v. high on. Thursday (ast ie , abet,