HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-5, Page 8J. G R I GIG
Wholesale and Retail
-- AND
The Bev. E. J Robinson wilt deliver two
special sermons in Christ Glxuroli ou Suu-
i day, March $th and 15th, at 7 o'clock p. m.
I: The Prince of Meshecli the aue`eut "El -
Mahal," or history repeats itself; II, Joshua
; and. Condon compared—a study for • the
timesMessrs. D. Davis and John Bendle have
commenced operations for the' building of al
new skatiug rink here. The rink will be
erected on the property opposite Dr. Sweet's
residence, and will be the largest in ilurou
county. Itis the iuteutiou to ocavert it into The revival meetings still coetinue.
aroller rink dnriug the summer mouths, H, J. Kellerman are buoy un•
,Tae Pathmasters, Poundkeepers
and Feneevlewera were appointed and
were with a few exceptions, the same
as last year,
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on the And Saturday in April,
at 1 o'clock p.seess-
'Sire wish diem success to their eutorprtse.
FANCY GOODS DEc ALSR Serosal years ago the extensive Seed
House of D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit,
Mich., opened a branch house la Windsor,
r Ont„ to execute all orders for the Dominion,
EXETER, ONT. V thus avoiding the tedious aria'selittious de-
i lays and saving the expense of entering and
paying duties in Canada. The reputation of
-- — ; this house stands very high, and their seeds
TEN CENTS per tine for first insertion. an( ! are preeminently popular, as is evinced by
sertiou win be charged R CO'S Re per line for each subsequent in
29 years of successful and eoustantly uioreas-
harged for notices ;spa?ennui ling business. All who desire the very best.
tattle column. 1 needs should send for their beautiful and
---- • valuable Seed Annual, which is sent free to
all applicants.
Another Successful Carnival.
THURSDAY, MAR. 5th, 1885.
t.0t'41. NEI .-,.Jre shalt be happy to re.
ecihre at all tirneg, from atilt yarn :?f the
Gonnty, items of lorat auris, such is ac
eideate,or any interestirr;i incident what
ee•er, from. any of our subscribers or read.
ers generally for the purpose of pnbtie-
On Friday evening last another of
those very eujoya,ble hnayquerade oar•
niva`e weer held in tl a Exeter covered
skating rink and was equally as good
in every particular as any of the lire.
view) create, The atleudeuee of ou.
lookers was large, as wtti alma the
pumper on Rhe ice. The costumes
were exceptionally good and the an -
r tics of tpe wearers of some of the
oowioal dresser( created #until huerei•
Local Hannenunn• meat among the st.ectatore. The
managers of the rink are to be con
wauteei f gratule edon having oomiiucted their
A smart r,ud intelligent lad to learn ttae ; set nivale ac satistactorile, all of thein cording the union of Mr. Frauk Dayia
tart of priuting. Mast bare a fair education s having passed off very pleesautly. ,, and lilies Chriatena Pym in the bonds
app'' 1�ersoually to Three Office, Exeter rho foltowiub are the names of ens- of nisetintony by the Rev, W. H.
tucne wearete, together with the char. Gauo, The bapny event ook place
packing their store goods,
Mina Minnie Atkinson, of Exeter,
is visiting at Mr, Wm. Ball's.
A1r. Wzu. Zinimer'a new sign adds
greatly to the appearance of bis shop.
Mr. L. Simon leas moved into hie
neer place of business, whish ie much
better than the old one
Several Daehwoodites were nut to
the Salvation Army Sunday evening.
The post office will be removed
from Queen's ave, to the ooruer of
Main and Parkhill -streets.
Messrs. Weseloh Wurtz have f
just reeeived their immense spring
stock of boots and shoes. They have
a large assortment, and are able tc
pleaao everybody. They have also
just lately discovered a nd,v wrinkle
for ouriug corms. ball and have the
never-tailtng remedy applied (but
don't squeal.)
.1UUmv tile.
Almostweekly it has been our sad
duty to regard the death of iudtvidual l
and this week is no exceptio.c to $11e1
lute but we have the pleasure of re-
DE' NTL. :Were represented :
las# Wednesday at the reaidonoe oft
C. Cartwright, Deutist, wit] bo A LAMES. the bride's father, May their joys be
fau ui at ebborta oldstaled,
over Ci
Dias Sharon, St Tho
their troubtee
Bank, every 1cd adsy reel Auuie Clerk. Philo Retie • ]menaItelallelu at band ankeud
to b
ThursAay except guy week in welch (lack, Capitols ; [la Gould, Frothier giu revival services in Gaon Cuuree
Tuesday is the first of the mouth. AU Angel ; Susie Teit, Blue hell ; Atede cru Saturday* eveniug, Marsh 7th. ire-
brandies of dentistry attended to, and ” Weekes, Turkish L nfy ; Altueua vhval services will be held at
sattafactiuu guaranteed. Geed felling Woods. Nettie Grey ; Edith Rene- 1'roepect the most northeru appellat-
e specialty, Terms .ash. Prices lairs ; man, Scnttisla Fi,sb•wife ; Susie Seui-anent on the Circuit at the same time.
_ ; or, Joao of Are ; Mrs. k eirbairch, Mr. Thomas Halls, of Lambeth, is"
.auction Sate -Pot it Down. ; t.Iypsp Queeu ; Jessie Chapinau, visiting iu the neighborhood, he is
Attu mere chance. The balance of the 1Grandmotlyer Fudge ; Due Evataa, being tuitiatod into the store keeping
Bankrupt Stock of t.lrc+ei•riee. �.roekery. May Queen ; Nellie Senior, Girl of business by Mr. F. ottb lt. He iu
tilesswere aril t3auts aha :,]toes will be of- the Period ; Mary Ettore", Mrs.
fererl l+� auatian here Satttrday afternoon S d 1 Isla Evans .110909 and evening, at F ealsou' a Mock, ia;t xc era
Auction sale to comence at and 7 o'clock i Charlotte Emmett, House wife; Emily
p. m. A ORAND SWOOP. Nto reserve 1 Wood, Child of the Regimeu t.
whatever. J. W Aaonxnice. i
Exeter, histol# 4, 1685. { Ot:NTS.
-•---• Richard &tarett, Muldoon the solid
tete itereavement. ; mau ; Rlehat'd Pickard. New fork
The nhauy frieuda and aequaintances of i Gent ; Jas. 1$1480t,;, L eertaee player:
Mr. James Swenerton, of Exeter, will learn t
with renew of the death of lris wife, which John Atkinson, Mexican Horse Thief;
tends opening a store in Lambeth.
The population of our village re-
ceived quite an inereaee on Wednes-
day last when Mr. R. Glitton of Olin:
ton moved into the house teceutly oo:
oupted by his father.
Our Connect has taken a now de-
parture. They have this muter pro:
oured a quantity of stone from St.
took place ou 'Thursday evening,. February' Jahn Page, Gent; Alf. Drew, Hasa- t The infant su bridging purposes.
Mr Wm. Seiu--
**Ilith, after an Meese of a number of weeks' 1
bailer ; Wm, Atkinson, Darkey Sad • ner died on Tuesday last.
duration, Site was alliietad at first With lar Sohn Bewdeu, Azletz Warrior. Mrs- White who has bean
eongeatiou of the kluge, but it turned to 'danger:
a complication of diseases. She was 62 i, • PatzE-tv1NNFRa. ously ill for some time ani who wan
years old. The deceased was au amiable, ' Gent's comic costume, Fred Elliot; given up by the doctor some days ago
Christian lad]:, and cherished by all who C}ent's character dress, Jahn Baw- , is now a little better.
knew her. She leaves behind to mourn her
loss a husband, two sons, and one daughter,
all cf whom are married. The funeral,
which took place on Saturday, was 'rery
largely attended.
Revival serviees are still being held in both
the Methodist churches.
A large load of pork passed through hero
yesterday for the Heusall packing house,
An inch of space in a newspaper le worth a
thousand miles of advertising on a fence.
A detachment of the Salvation Army here
opened fire on Hensall on Saturduy night.
Mr. D. Spicer is erecting a residence and
ship combined on the property adjoining the
TrarEs ottiee.
If the weather permits,
will be held ou the Exeter
Friday, March 13th.
Messrs, Oke c& Davis shipped on Thursday
last a large number of fat cattle to the east-
ern markets.
err. A.:StcDonell has mated his bay pony
and now drives a team as welt matched as
any we have seen.
The Royal Arch Masous intend giving a
grand concert in a week -or two. Look out
for bills and programmes.
There are at preseut several cases of diph-
theria in town, but the doctors report there
is no necessity for alarm,
Mr. John Snell, of this place, shipped a
car load of fine looking horses to .London ori
, well attended lecture under the auspices
of the Mechanics' Institute was given in
Drew's hall on Wednesday evening of last
week, by Dr, Moffatt, of Walkerton,
Grana ; yes, inexpressibly grand has been
the weather during the past two weeks. We
have forgotten all about low mercury, and
laid the thermometer up on the shelf.
Mr. Wm. Bawden removed to his farm in
Goderich Township on Monday "last Mr.
Uolquhoun, of Hibbert, moves to town short-
ly, and will occapy Mr. Bawden's residence.
Never have the roads been in such an im-
passable condition for years as they were
last week. The snow on the roads running
north and south is a great depth, and owing
to the late thaw rigs could get along only
with great difficulty.
Mr. John llawkshaw, of this place, has
purchased the famous trotting stallion "Mid-
dlesex" from a gentleman On London for a
good round sum. This animal has been
beaten but a very few times, and has com-
peted in numerous races.
rebruary began on the first day of the
week and ended on the last day of the week,
making four even columns of seven days
each, as may be seen' by looking at the
printed calendars, May our readers all live
until this happens again. Who of them
is smart enough to tell when that will be ? Themsou-Claris—That 50 copies
Rev. D R •cbm n fLoudon, P session in 0; few days. Mr. Wright:
another carnival
covered rink on
den ; Lady's character drew, lda
Gould; Best dressed boy, Thos. Tyn-
dall ; Beet dressed girl Bose Evans
Fancy skating, D, Tait 'tat, George
Eaorett 2nd ; Fast ekatlug, George
The Exeter brass band supplied
the music. Messrs. Chas. McDon-
nell, Hugh Spackman and Alf. Coffin
anted as judges.
The Hallelujah Band are eo assist
Rev. Mr. Gane iu revival services at
Zion church, beginning Saturday ev-
ening, 7th inst.
Rev. W. H, Gene's lecture, "Wo-
man's Worth and Work," was eu
thusiastically received at Wesley
Church, London Township, on the
24th tilt.
ENTERTAINMENT.—• -A grand literary
and musictrl entertainment will be
held in the scboel room of section 8,
this township, to morrow (Friday)
evening. A. good programme has
been provided. Admission, 15 cts.
The Stanley Council met Feb. 28th
pursuant to adjournment. All the
members present. The Reeve its the
Campbell—Clark—That Jane Mc-
Donald rec ive $15, she being indi•
E rratt-Clark--That NIr, Proud food
be engaged as enginesr for this town-
ship at $5 a day, when required ; no
The Treasurer's bond wad present.
ed to the Council and accepted. the season. All' should attend. Ad- .Parsonage, Bayfield and surprised the
Cam pbell--1rrratt—'That George, mission, 15 ata. and 10 ate. pastor, Rev. T. Gee, with a large
AIr. John Cooper is now confines
to his bed, and is in a very low condi:
RETURNED.— We are pleased
learn that our old friend blr. James pounde per day.
Grassioit, who is well and favorably One day last week as ATr, Joseph
known iu this section, has successfulDouglas, son of Mr, Alex. Douglas, of
ly passed his medical exemithation, Blake, was driving through the barn
and is now a qualified M. D. Mr, yard a steer attacked the horses and
G. has been attending college at Chi- ran its horn into one of them, nearly
cago and will shortly return to Uncle penetrating one of the lungs. As the
Sam's country. Wo sincerely hope horse is a very valuable one it is hop
that when our friend commences ed it will recover. Mr. Douglas says
his practice he may meet with much the same steer wont have a chases to
gore another.
MATRnuoNir.—A veryenjoyable time Some time since Mr. 4Vm. Agnew,
was spent at the residence of Mr.
of Blake, sold his house and lot to
and Mrs. J. Stacey, Hay Township, Mr. John Gingericb. Mr. Agnew has
ou Wednesday evening of last week, now bought a Louse and lot from Mr.
the occasion being the marriage of Rush and butt a new blacksmith shop
their etdeet daughter, M. J. Stacey, and started business on his own ac-
count. Mr. Rush has bought a farm
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
from 11Ir. John Rattle near Grand
Ball, Hensel!. The newly -wedded Band, and took possession of it last
coupletion was last week made of the
have our best wishes. week.
CARNNIvee.--Another of those fancy
Not far from, Home,
It is not ° arre t that
c o Mr. D.
Gillicudy has severed bis connection
with the Goderioh Signal. Ile has
bad the offer of a good eduatiou, with
all his expenses paid, and he simply
takes a three mouths holiday from the
slavish activities of jaurnaliatn,
The managers of the Blake Butter
1?auufaeturing Company are once
more an the move aanvaseiug for pat.
ronage for the coming season. If the
fanners in the district would only pate
ron'ze it they would find h would pay
better than any other way of making
The total receipts for the township
of Stanley for 1884 were $18,572,46,
and the total payments $18,292.79,
leaving a balance of $219.67. Tile
amount paid to oonnty treasurer, $8,.
640.06. Schools, $4,181.06. Roads
$2,700,84. Salaries, $587.80. Sun.
dries, $2,288.08.
Mr. Geo. Sproat of Tuckeramitb,
has purchased from Mr. David Rill,.
of Hibbert, a very fine superior young
bull for whits he paid the handsome
Bum of $150. This animal which is
called "Lord Hibbert," is 16 months
old and weighed 1,880 pounds at 14
to months, showing a gain of over 8
dress carnivals will be held ou the
Centennial Rink in this place on
Tuesday evening, March 10th, when
prizes will be awarded for the follow•
ing : Three-mile race (open to ama-
teur skaters only) ; prize a silver cup,
to bo won three times in succession
ou this rink before becoming the
property of the winner. The cup bas
now been won once by a lad about
14 years old. Gent's comic hat ;
Lady's comic hat ; Lady and gent's
mile race ; Lady's mile rase Half -
mile backward race ; Boys' rage, 13
years and under, 2 miles. This pro•
mises to bo the grandest carnival' of
Mr. Patrick O'Connor, of Hibbert
hip, lately ae
1sold r e
Pa year u
half old stallion, sired by that well-
known horse, "Welcome," to Mr. G.
'Whitley of Seafarth, for the hand-
some sum of X$800.
elajor 13. A. L. White, Grand
Master of the Grand Orange Lodge
of Ontario West, was appointed the
delegate of that body to the triennial
Council, which meats in Edinburgh,
Scotland, on the 22nd day of July
The Forest Free Prosy' says : H,
aappei, of Zurich, says that if
the Forest council will furnish a site,
he will erect the necessary buildings
and operate a flax mill here, also pro-
vided the farmers in this locality eau
be iuduoed to go into the flax raising.
A fair price for tite flax would be suf-
ficient inducement.
From the report of the registrar of
births, marriages, and deaths, for
1888, just issued, we find a total of
1584 births iu the county of Huron e
for that year, 804 being males. The
total number of marriages in the
year was 418, one of the contracting
parties being over 80 years of age,
216 of the females ander 25, and 158
of the males, under 80. The deaths
of the year were 829 males and 298
females, a total of 627.
One day last week AIr, Alex. Watt,
of the 18th con., Hullett, met with a
painful and serious accident. He
was engaged in hauling ice from a
pond, and had a horse attached to a
blook hauling it up a plank, when, by
some means the plank swung around,
striking him a heavy blow in the ribs.
One rib was broken and foroed into
his kidneys, and he sustained internal
injuries whi Ji it was feared wouldfend
in his death. We are glad to learn
that he is progressing as favourably
as can be expected under the circnm-
The annual report of the Hay Fire
Insurance Co'y, shows that for the
past three years the oast of insurance
has been $1.20 en 1000. The follow-
ing were elected directors for 1885 :
Jacob Verger, Hy. Heyreok, Daniel
Surarus, Peter Douglas, John Ter-
rance, J. B. Geiger, John Baker,
Sam'l Brokenshier and Thos. Yearly,
and so declared by the chairman. At
a subsequent directors' meeting J. B.
Geiger was elected president ; Peter
Douglas, vice-president ; Henry Eit-
her re-elected manager and treasurer;
Edward Bossenberry, agent ; John
Broderick, auditor.
On Wedueeday evening last a very
pleasant surprise tell to the lot of
Rev. A E. Smith and wife, of Varna;.
Early in the evening two young gen-
tlemen from the Goshen line appoint-
ment, drove up with upwards of fifty
bushels of oats, which they deposit- er
ed for the use of Mr. Smith's pony.
Later on another sleigh arrived from
the same direotion,`and the ,parsonage
was fairly stormed by"young ladies
and gentlemen, with well filled bask-
ets on their arms. A most enjoyable
evening was spent iu games, eonvers
satiou and music, .after which Mr.
Smith offered prayer, and in good
season the friends dispersed to their
borates. The money value of such a
present is hot trifling, bet far above
that is the guarantee which .it gives .•
of the. sympathy' and goodwill of
those whose loudness it represents,
death of Mr. Robert Ferguson. He
was aged 65 years, and foe30 of these
had been a resident of Hay township,
leading a blameless life, and always
nring his influence for the good of
his fellow man. He was a faithful
member of the Presbyterian Church
and the large number that followed
his remains to their resting place in
the Rodgerville cemetery show that he
was esteemed by all.
The ministers of the northern part
of Huron County, are being well sup-
plied with oats, Sec. Last Tuesday
night the young people of Bayfield
Circuit ocngregated as the Methodist
Brownette oe paid ;$52 for keeping. PURCHASED. ---Oar young and en -
John Barkley for the year 1884— terptising friend, Mr. Relish Mein
Carried. tyre. hue purchased the grocery store
Clark=Erratt—That T. Cr. Neel- of Mr. Wright. Mr. McIntyre is fa-
in'e ender for township painting be vorably known, in this section, having
accepted, it . being the lowest—Car. worked as clerk in Jackson's store
vied. fora number of years. He takes pee -
quantity of oats. Amusements were
kept up until a late hour, when they
dispersed, highly delighted with their
eveniug's pleasure.
One •night last week a resident of
Hullett; was returniag home. He went
into the house of a• widoeved lady and
lighted a lamp and was about to enter
inc ev. i. 3 a , o rest
f theLondon Conference, will h of the a'uditor's report be printed and goes to Seaferth toe -of the bedrooms as' one of her
dent o en n b preach
distributed—Carried. stalwart sone awakened and was
in James -street Methodist Church at 10.30 •,
a. in. and in Maiu-street church' at 6.30;p. Thomson—Clark--That the Reeve, going to shoot the intruder before
Deputy -Reeve, Clerk and J. B. Secord Mr. Wm. Blatchford's tender for knowing who he was: The "travel•
compose the ' To'wnaliip. Board of conveying Her Majesty's mails be. ling man" is a' friend and by some un -
hearers will doubtless be delighted, and prof. Health, and that Dr. Elliott be meth- tween Granton and Fish Creek has
ited by his diseourser. cal officer of said Boa, ti ---Car; ied; t . been accepted.
M. next Sabbath, in the interest of the Edii-
eational Society. Dr. 1t. is one of the leading
ministers of the Methodist Clinrch and his
accountable means had ;wandered in-
to the house,the door being unlocked.