HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-5, Page 7Ree4tan
�„ Queer Way to Sell Beer. I Interesting items. ed istlick.
I Wiley, Sambo, wile' d' a leave
Q party who wont fishing from; . ' e' o Y yr ltoo On Hendry morning .Tabu 1Visholm, of
Washington a few days ago had an boardiu place tar Ob , dey� chsrGe too? Newport, I's., was taken suddenlyill, and ,
=Using experlenco in gettdn'r some yeary' e' de '
much for day dame �Qli ' diort. a physisian could be summoned we
charge ?' "Day charge me will stealin D%re
beer near the edge of Montgomery ;n I diff. died. fade tor, eras cold: and aIIo tho low..
County, Maryland. They were direct., • blind and body alike suffer from sluggish • er jaw fallen,. and tiro nsby pallor of death i
ed to a store where beer was kept, and action u£ ibe blond, the result of d s n ata ort on hie face, The eldest son was very...mow
the merchant said he had some bottles biliousness. dyer's fills will slit` p the livor. t strative in his grief, and called repeatedly nu'
on ice. 'i'vo bottles were called for. excite the stomach and bowele to activity.o ea his fsrlaer to come back. As though the
Ile produce them and said to .the pee r-! the pores of tire system. and insure lietip of ! the utter World the ou'ziel voice had laps of the father lmoved ;
The uls011 deri g the beed r, of alis store, 1 body, which is iudispeiisible to mental vigor. I the eyes opened and cast a sad reproachful
bear in band, followed by the wonder TO Om headache,
a*lauca ata fila weeping sou, anal in' tI1C +veil.
beer 1lrashid, followed
Washingtonian. Two or three, If you suffea tecta hesudache, dizziuess,becdt• i 8uuwn voice came distinctly these words:
r. a acbe, biliousness or heroors of the blood. try i ,,,Oh. why did you cell me back ?"
hundred yards were traversed, aad, Burdock Bitters; It is a gnsaranteeieeure for all ,, Restoratives were adut;nis:eyed to the pa- rr.
just as the puzzled angler was begin- L ireegnlartties of the blood. firer and kidneys. itient, and Tuesday be related bis experience
mug to think he had struck.a madman + Said Broadtail). when be wee a struggling up to tine time he was apparently recalled "
the merchant stopped, handed over the , lawyer : "Ciro: mstaaces alter ea.es ; but 1 u to life; When he died he felt a tau ,ing lieu -1
beer, and ualued his price. When tire' wishi could get bold of some cases that mould F cation. but knew everything that went on in 1
money was paid to him ho said; •"You, alter my circumstances," a the room. Then be was led by two invisible I
see, local option prevails in IS ontgona- It feeling old—renew soar youthful vigor by " forms moving as though floating in the air.
ery County, and I've brought you over , using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will vitalize the i £Ie experienced A feefiug of perfect peace and
the litre into Frederick County, where up the scstemth0 fleeting energeed. and haifel � heard the most soothing and delightful
there is no law against selling liquor.• p Y i music. He felt a thrift of regretn and all be -
The couple returned to the store where A GOOD RECORD. ! old p painbiltra. and body again, toil back in the
the merchant nruduced glasses. saying: _ old racked and openiug lyds
y r, Among the nnu battles nt ll, not o a yet. ; eyes, Lha fated iris son and Tamil} cryiog.
there was no ribjectioa to drinking the . tow Oil sold annually in Canada, not 0110 has i ' Ir. 1Visbolm lived until Tue ley. and
beer on bis premises, sines It had not' ever failed to live eati!;ffetion. it carts rhea. i; tbt=n did. as Iris fawily seriou,Ic believe, a
been sold wapiti, the county', mati�stn, collie, and all paiu£ul a smvlaittta earl r,eeoud tithe. For .£ tacurs in th0 opinion
Tile Merchant positively refused to ¢ ininriss. of the dater mad the family, and as far *a
sell any beer unless the party wanting The wan who itirgreplied to New Orleans, outward indications an a gut he, (he ratan
it would accompany him across the for bs:ard receive! this reply : "Caul tell x;rs dead—;Chicaga Inter-(!cc'an.
county line. Ile owns a large farm as ,rhe re yen eau find any board, but you may 1
welt As 1(J a eters, and speakiu of local ` beefin'f ttn t 1' .4 Parkt; a at sieme +RCarbot lie rber cerate Iles: mi Ohio mu teen. torink au41 compered
option Ile saiti; "'Ilia a good law *tad 6wouldn't
wife to hence it - hila home.
testify won't
tllvioat l heo rigidly Hie adhereneigd o bo is ' found the 4nl:�ct a AYenlel t an"Rd 6eeln l me 0n. { ups 'its her
k sus eA few ,days later she
.d rat at1J}ing t.'arboli4 Acid. The greatt'st'cu'etudett to ""let her sIiJa •!bot . au;l he has
grille f crossing rho Bounty Rue, Pvt u • auticpptie fn t►s. for Cats, llatua aml 0711?
when fids re;:u.;tl customers were our fleets. adr+Sure pin ; et 9fetiregor tt Par toys i ltaau+rs : S uha� ]'es, I sec i hi usaan fl alk b
Ghart.,:s.--- dI it. h..vrgfort Star. Catbolie Cerate. Sold for 2ii cents by J. W. me de retusal ob. do house."' "Baty tong did
Japanese Ex pits t<,ne. i I he gib you d" refusal ear flit r" "'Foreeer.
.,—.. C . u WELT. AS EVER. o Ho ratuaaed to bah anything to do ;aid um"oSpeakinj; about t xeo+rtions. Bald a ; Lame Howard write* from buffalo. N.I.: l _ .. , ,
atran er at the entU'1 illni 4'stertla '. +trdllsy s ;; lfeeei rlal dLL i,'. • " ` far vrorkiug peut+le. Seed I4 eenta
" 3 tIv fv> tent lx came grcutlr debilitateei thron h
as far as i con ,r{!, th•; in rt fact of • ' 1 t suffered from a roap,l. valuable n_nipl )'Qvfrcf.
hanging, the way it is done i.ere. does ^ nausea, rick headache and bilicarns sa. Tried grout. t Rill pute s you O. box of
not require a treat mount ++f outrage. 1 sons that trill ne O. the say
a Burdock Blood Idittera with the West bcueil. df daps
more money lira fel-
indeed. 1 think a roan has r.>ry little ; cial4fteet. Am as well as eve-. daps then you aver thought posed -
courage who could not go ta.ralt;,.it with 9 lis al Ilh:w 14 now eortriueed that the reunite trsr at any business. Capitol not
R- r, x�eelu reed. You eau five at trome anel'Falk * pare
the short ceremony.heel s Wry. after to b'ohibition mares tecta the moderate drink- dale only or alt the time. All of troth sexes
the trap falls the vctim, as we have era. Hard drinkers see all Anxious tor the of all ages grandly successful. 50 eeata to 55
ever reason to believe. becomes un- �i clueing of the geoa' steps lei a relief from tela ea411y earamay L a evening• TsiV all who
y p' � wr,u4 tsork may test the buFihess, w•a ntuita thts
001150ona immediately. anti does aot ; WI". aaparelieled otter: Tee ail auto are not well
sofior even as lnuclt Us the str l+u upon a AN EXCEi LENT REVPRT, satisiledwe will vend fl tem for tbe t:ruble
the systenls of the persona 1 (lt io " II". JPe. (i. (loodridl,'r, of llt cklyn. N.Y.. `'t writtag ua. tall pa xyttieulasa,direetiolts, eke.
an, `!'he anti a„ wfny is that i erne in 'i'rlitea :.-.'I Canna expttws myself Pt arid• who tstprt 1at ouc9,�a110 ldelaysurefore411
yettitlg featly. anti ceases Wl1eu dm 13itte pndatehiIli stn13nei t.r dtha �� 9.B1k a srtxaox #Ga•,i'artlrlrid,Afaiue.
real work Corumeneei. When it was . seals a•lih great benefit." Pa
the euytnnn to fix On r[tpo in sueh ft r • Bucclent"ArnfeaSaive.LAIIDINE
manner that the neck of the criminal 3 The fleet Salve iu the world for t:eta, Praia- .e
was broken, there was more of a con- f es, Sores. Dicers. Salt Rheum. Feeer :*eters.
tortion of the' nuxelea of the body, j Tetter. Vbapptd haus. (3 hitbleius,tforns, and
but tate present systetn even lessens all Skin Eruptions, and poeitiret' cures filer,
that. )or lin limy cegeired. It to guaranteed to give
I happened to art admitted to the re- I petted aatisfection. or money refunded
cent t'>veutlon err G .ot`ge Juno and I I Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug-
must.s;ty 1 1t :s llupru ie'l wit he ex- lt;tuts.
tram slickness of the word:. Every; DANGER IN TIIE Alit. FARMERS, THRESHERS. AND
thine* was done that could lessen the and the einlhlrg winds, the damp attua.phere Mach* lira Uen wilt saramaaey.an•t save their e
suflaring. nut tilt+ contortions were y checked respiration. cutch are F r usiott Lardlne,
sligltt at first and only lasted a short , flaking. Hauyard's I'eetural Balsam cares
the ono do japan, complainta tending towards consumption.
time. 1 can't help but contrasting thecolda, conghs. asthma and bronobitii, and all L G ��1
syatclu here and
where 1 visited some time ago. If the 4nuday school teacher "id'llat to meant Iles been victorious M all the leading exhib•
people who aro o ed to mow. Inn. by the emits "Quench not dm aplrit 2" Wright Roraima train/Wel fain mince W7F, eatryingoff
lltntent on accounloit of cruelty anddsuf- achwlar---" t'ltease, Meet , wy father Gaya Ito Ua to ize* and etitdit R itis riaaturir,lan i w [ o 1
feria would visit an execution there guealer itranas ft.b`mw it means dma'L'put tee mach wear lard. sealtercastor oil. and warren tad cat
g bato clog or guns thedneet rusobtnery. You will
and coznparo the two they would get 1 ON THIRTY DAYS' TIIUL, rave nsoneybynalugUd.01t. Tet it end you
an Idea what n '"barbarous execution l •yids vurrazc 0z:t.r co., farehali, dfialt„oil. win testify is itv favor. itewaro01Imitations.
is. While 1 was at Yukullawn 1 svIt-J send Ds.Dra'aCsranuaa•:<p Ecscrno.Vonratc
tressed the public execution of a e:rind- 13111411 *i Er,xcrzlie Arrzessess on Walter ...sete eacTeureso\ry
nal. tie was a tine -looking Japane te, bitty days to wen (young or oda) whom al- '
in the primo of youth and strength. distad with nervous debility, lost vitality, McColl Bros. Co r Toronto,
and kindred troubles, guarauteeing
speedy and complete nide ration of health and
wanly vigor, Address as above. N.13, --No
rlak is them:oil, as thirty days' trial is allowed BISSETT BROS s Exeter ;
USEFUL TO KNOW. J, E1L$ ''.CI ed SON, Crediton t
Evoryouo ehuuld know that l agyard's Yul- AloDON ELL & \VAUGH. Hems!).
low Oh will give prompt relief ; applied ex- i
ternally will stop any pain ; and taken inter -
trolly uures colds, asthma, croup, sore throat
and most inflammatory complaints.
Every purchaser of common seine business
capacity, when requi.ling an article for a cer-
tain purpose, ptirabases only that which has
been tried or is allowed first to test, before
buying. Ton aro allowed ar free trial bottle
of McGregor's Speedy Cure, the great remedy
fo. Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver Disor-
ders et J. W. lirowning's'Drug Store. Sold at
500 and Si per bottle. See trstintu:rials from ho
osteons in your own town. G O� Ihce
REST Aw1D CO usl UItT TO THEr:IfEliliquG p
”"]zrown's iIouseboldPanacca"r has no equal
torrolievingpain,botb internal and external It
cureapaiu in tho Side, back or bowels,sore throat 1
Rheumatism, Toutbaohe,Lumbe,goaudanykind in the tiorner Store North of Samwell
of a pain or ache. "It will most surely quicken & Pickard's, where be is prepared to make
the blood uud heal, as Its acting rower is wonder-
ful. "'Brown's Household Panacea' beingaok- all kinds o: ordered work.
nowledged as the great Pain Reliever,andof dou
ble thostrengtb of any other Elixir or Liniment
inthe world,shouldbe in every family handy for
use when wanted,"asWrenn/ is the best remedy
in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and
P5151 and Aubes 0* all kinds." and is for sale by
all Druggists atsb cents a bottle
More .enple, adults and children. are troub-
led withc istiveness than with any other
ailments Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit-
ters will cure costiveness and preyeut tha
diseases which result from it.
afld was stunting ander a huge post. in.
the middle of a posse of guards. The
post had a cross -piece. Nearly nude
he was standing meet. but as motion-
less es a statue, and gazed straight be-
fore him.
Presently his jailer moved aside,and a
gaunt, repulsive -looking native, the ex-
ecutioner, made bis appearance. sled
`.from head to foot in a dress of dingy
yellow. Two assistants accompanied
slim. earryiugr half a dozen round
bamboo rods. The assistants dropped
the rods and stretched the •criminal's
hands over the crosspiece of the post.
The executioner now dallied with tllo
bamboos, and the poor creature still
looked into the shadowy distance as
though ho ons dumb. I watched him
closely and thought I detected a pallor
spread over his countenance. The ex-
eeutionernow spat on the pointed end
of one of the pointed bamboos, and
with a twisting, pushing motion thrust
it easily into the flesh about half -way
between the hip and the arm -pit. The
poor wretch turned and looked at his
tormentor, and his lips slightly opened,
but he did not struggle. In a couple
of minutes, though it seemed longer,
the bloody point of the instrument
emerged from the sufferers' shoulders,
and a slight exclamation of satisfac-
tion escaped the crowd. Then the ex-
ecutioner went to the other side with
another bamboo and did the sumo
During all this there was not asingle
—roA NAUR DV.-
Wishes to annouuea to the inhabitants of
Exeter and Timidly, that he has opened out a
groan or cry for mercy from the man. Fluid Lightning cafes Neuralgia in cue
t surprise,
At This juncture, o 1n - y the minute.
executioner and his assistants picked Fluid. Lightning cures Toothache in one
up the remaining bamboos and walked minute.
away. I inquired what this meant anti Fluid Lightning cures mace Ache in ono
was told the execution was over. It minute.
was customary to leave the man flint Fluid Lightning cures Lumbago in one
way, and he would die in a couple of minute.
hours or so, The bamboo would re- Fluid Ltghtnirg relieves Rheumatish in one
main in him until he had expired. A minute.
Japanese executioner is taught to avoid Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache in
the vital organs so as not to bring
death too quickly, and the execution-
er's reputation is gauged by the length
of time his victim lives. I tell you
J that is the kind of an execution that
takes nerve, both on the part of the
victim and the crowd, and the ones
like the last, and also that of Tuesday
next, are tame affairs to that compared
with my Japane°9 °wnerienol.".—Pitts-
5n,' Leadlo,.
Last evening a pretty young married
womanwas sitting on her front steps
alone and in tears. Just thou her moth-
er happened to call dn. her. "What,
Eveiino, crying! Whys does Charles
treat you badly?" "No—boo—hoc--he
—ho don't treat me at all. hardly. Re
hasn't taken me out for ice cream but
.once this week, and now here it is
Tuesday night already—boo-hoe."
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Late Aialinger 0. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe
May 14th 84.
1 . •
slangy. Price 25 cents per bottle at J. W I
Rrowuing's Drug Store. 6 nternational and Colonial, Exhibitions,
"Tommy," said *'San Antonio mother to ANTWERP IN 1885—LONDON IN 1886.
her boy,"your mole will be here to dinner to
day. and you must have your face washed." TT is the intention to have u t;anadisa repre-
"Yes, ma; but, s'posin' he don't come What ♦eontation at the intereolonial Exhibition at
then?" Antwerp, commencing inDlay,1881,and also
Holloway's Pills are strongly- recommendeddon iii nee dal and Indian Exhibition in Lon -
to all persons who are much reduced in power The Government will defray the cost of
and condition, whose stomachs'are weak, and freight is conveying Canadian Exhibits to
whose nerves are shattered: The beneficial Antwerp, and from Antwerp to London, and
also of returnin them to
Canada in the
IN VATATAA... ,. .F.JT... TO •
� .-4. O EV1'J RJ... 1,..444.1)-57
The Great Freucb lotion ter Boautiiniu
the Face.
11Canoe ala the evideuce of ase. 0.1eappli-
catiou win aaake the wue:t stubbornly red:aad
rough bands betatitutlk soft and shute. Be.
m„mber• tbr,t"' ASAYIrls,W" is nota paint or
powder that die up the pores of the skin, and
that I* injurious to the skin buta new And
great discovery, a. veget,title aiqurd. tbateausse
the cheek to glow with he*ith, the neck, arena
and baadato rival the Lily in w/fitchew. ltr-
aosrable to detect in the beauty it confer* any
artiOeial charaster. It cure* Greasy akin,
Provides, Wrinkle,., Pimples. Blhck $earls,
Crow'* Peet, Blotches, Pace Grubs. Sun Burn
Tan.Bineworm, Chapped Banda, Sore or Chap
ped l,i"•,s.Bauber's Itch. Totter. eiec. It free*
tho pores, oil el :rads, and tubes from the rntur.
iouseffects of l.a•v:lers end cosmetic washes.
isy its use alt rediaees and roue/save are pre-
vented ; It be4.itiries the skiu. and will make it
soft, smooth and white; imparting s delicious
softness; producing a pert* utiy healthy, uitur-
*Larad youthful appearance. Tbo best fusee
lotion that the world over produced. We will
aenel" e sale a soTrt.m " any address on re-
ceipt of price,51 Wbenorderdugmention sisi
Address all letteas to the
amAY piiw' A0E\eY,
:1 Youelestreot, Toros;to, on
Parlor and Itecentloa Iton"rr for I,a�ltas.
Vnrify the Idlcod, correct all Disorder* of the
They invigorate and restore to health Debit toted Couatitutieue. aril are it:tialuel'le i1r ala
Complaint* incidental to Females a alines. For childr.n and the aired they are pricelwr
Is an iufsellible remedy for Dad Legs. Bed Brenta. Old l,Vouude, Sere* and VIeera It
(amen* for Gout and 1lheautatism.
OR 1)Ui01irl1Rti OP 'tII11 CUIST 27 lints 18) 'twat.
For Sole Throats. Bronchitis. Ce upba, ('olds, Glandular $welliigs. and ail skin disaatt
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joint,' it actalike a charm.
The Pills sad Ointment are sold at Tuozr.w% diol frowax'a Establir+htnea;,
also by nearly every" respectable Vendor of ?.fadiciue, iA Boxes and. Patne at ls. ldd„ 2*. 9d„
3s. 6d., lir., 22e., and 95a. each. The 2r. 94. raze coutsins three times the quantity of the
is lad, Fife ; the 9s. 6d, size six ; the lie, aim sixteen ; the 22e. air..e thntythree ; and elm
23s size Sfty•twn times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and e$u be ha.' in any tauguagt•
t Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pot, and Idose*. If the address fa norm"
1193 Oxford Street. Loudon, they are apnrions.
effects of these Pills will be perceptible atter a event of *heir notbeing sold.
few days' trial, though a more extended course All exhibits for Antwerrpp should be ready for
may e q noxi.
Holloway's medicine acts on the organa el di. These exhibitioes it is believed will afford
gestion,and induces complete regularity in the
stomach, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. This
treatment is both safe and certain in result,
and is thoroughly consistent with observation,
experience, and common sense. The pnrifica-
tion, of the blood, the removal of all noxious
matter from _the seoretioos, and the excite-
ment of gentle action ie the bowels, are the
sources of the curative powers of Holloway's
Pills: Ottawa, December 19,1881,
a b required to re-establish perfect health.p
favorable oppo2fitunity for making known the
natural canardlities, and manufacturing and
industrial progress of the Dominion.
Circulars and forms containing more par
flouter information -may be obtained by letter
.*grioultnre, Ottawa.
.'By order,
oe rue a resae o e spar men 0
Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour
nal in CNnada Owned and Published
by a Farmer.
" Tt is ourbest friend,
"It is worth ten times its cost:,
"The dollar spent for the Advocate is the
best spent moneyfrom the farm."
"The wife and family are also delighted
with it."
"Igo farmers house should be without
The right information in the right season by
the beat specialists thatcan be procured on
the Farm, Stoek,llairy, Garden and Or.
chard,Pouitry, Veterinary, Apiary,
Markets, Family Cii cle, E tc., E tc.
Only 1.1 Per Annum.
Sample copy sent free to applicants mention.
ing theft Lot, Concession and Post Office.
Secy Dept. _
Department of Agriculture
So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar-
deners, aid fruit growers of America of the
great. National Weekly, the Rural New York-
er. Tho beat writers in the world. Original
throughout. Over 500 illustrations from
nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask
those who/ know. Specimens gladly sent
without charge. 32,800 worth of presents
offered to subscribers for the Iargest clubs.
Conducted by praotible farmers. Its Free
Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600
contributions. Posters and outfits on appli-
cation, Send for them. ado un New-emot ,
24 Park Row, N. Y.
Repairing of All Kinds
D. Mc11NS.EI,
Who recently opened .a BEPAiB SHOP in.
FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER,' has juat re-
ceived a New Lathe, by the assistance of
which he is prepared to repair
Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Re
pairing done with neatness and despatch
remember the plane
Fanson's Block, .Exeter