HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-5, Page 5s., Auditors' Revert for Village of. Exeter -'84 1884. . RECEIPTS. Jan, 1. To Balance from 188231744 721 " 19. •Ual, taxes for 1883.,52 17 Amt, taxes coll. on roll,6283 04. poll tax 36 00 1884. wain ACcT. April 11 To Cash per 51. Eacrett, T T L Fees9 8 00 " 18 " " 2 00 Jima 28 Cash Lieeuse Iosp. bat 1883 16 28 July 17 " " 1884,...,549 36 Sept 24 51 Baerott license fees 5 00 Oct 7 T Traders,.,,,,,.; 200 ----$ 582 64 Sept 13 To Clergy 11 fund .... .,.,3 15 81 4 15 81 -�--'-- $ 8115 931 1884 1884 31i1NICIPALITT rune. Sept 15 To Cash per boundary app per Reeve , , . , . 31 90 1884 PINEta ACCT. .April 7 To Cash Jno 51eDonell, B=q Hamlin v. Karin 3 1 00 July 9 David French.— —1 00 Aug 30 Jno Piper v fU, Clarke,. 2.00 Sept 8 W Alurdoek v WI)orwood 1 00 Nov. 17 J GUI TS Hersey...-. 1 00 1881 a+tona'r notnowl^n, July S To Cash J W Broderick...81000 00 31 " W. Draw..,..,... 400 00 1884 INTIMeT ACCT, Jelly 17 To Crab 5 per at, bat taxes after Doc 14, 1883..3 2 60 Dec 81 " " 1884.. 6 95 1884 June 12 To Nonresident tares from Co Theo..,,, .. 305 18 1884 L>;otea. nv>♦ oRA;1T ACCT. Aug 20 To Cheque from. Prov Treas3 237 00 1884. uiuCi+rr A.tz♦oos. ACCT Jany 17 To Cash subscription for drain on Au4rew st3 July 22 S Balsden subscription 24 David Jane " 30 Julio Farmer " Deo 31 F R Bissett, extr work 76 03 10 00 7 00 5 00 10 50 31 90 1884 PRINT.No, POSTAoE, 4e. ACCT. Jany 21 By pa Jno Grigg. , , Feb 20 M Eaorett, postage.. Dec 17 Jno White, printing.. Hart * Co, bik forms 8 60 4 00 6084 1 68 1884 INTEREST ACCT,. Deo 2 By. pa W Draw, interest 8 per et, on 3400 4 mos 6 .f WBroaerick,int. an. 1,000 for 5 mos 8 per 10 67 1884 RENTS, REPAIRS $ BUILDINQ ACCT. Any 21 By pd E Drew 1 yr rent for Div Court.-- . 36 00 Deo 17 Estate of EDrew rent 31 00 J Piokard, rent of look up ,,,,, ,,. 13 98 1884 I\-'vESTaiENT ACCT, Jany 21 By pdFire Co No. 3.,...,. 4 00 1) Spicer, branch and ,, ,,,,. 18 00 Deo 17 D Spicer sundries.... 4 65 Fire Co. No I, services 93 66 " " 2. " 133 00 1884 REGIST i. vox AeCT, Jany 9 By pd M Eaorett, `Reg. ... 9 80 6 1884 cr.'YCTIo:1 ACCT. Jany 21 By pd Retnrumg Offieer.... 27 58 1884 51I3aEzr.ANEOUs ACCT, 4 -any 21 By na E It Bissett,wood for 1400 00 look•np,,.,,,,,,.,, 11 V Elliot, for advice 6 50 Fob 6 E 11 Bissett, Wood for lock -rep 5 23 T Bissett, selectins 9 55 jurors D 0 . ,,.,,, Co Treas arr taxes col for 1883.... .., 18 92 Com on elleeque Bank 65 18 of Commerce..., .. 3 75 4 00 March Maisons link cash dit 38 April 2 June 20 237 00 08 50 310572 511. 1384 EXPENDITURE. 1)eo 26 fly Co rate per Co Trens..3 609 27 3 609 27 1881 STILE&Ts, SIDItwarms, MIMES, LIGHT, &'o, ACCT. Jany 21 By pd, J Balsden labor,..... 8 10 3 Pickard for Spikes„ 2 00 I Handford, smztluna, 8 70 Fell f Ia 11 llissott, for 1U dimities, ikc.,jafiii 15 65 E B Bissett, labor to data, 213 50 8 di S Stanlaka, lumber 316 71 Isaac Carling, nails, &c 25 28 Mar 20 David Biasott, labor ., 2 50 E R Bissett, " . ,,. 7 35 Jas Balsden " .... 4 20 S ?Anson, lamp ligbt'g and rep lamps to Marchi 27, '84.... 13 00 April 9 S k'anson, " .... 7 00 30 S Handford, labor.... 3 00 Jno Piper " ,.,. 3 124 George Delve, " .... 2 50 Wm Webster, " , . , , 7 SO Frank Gill.. " 5 00 Well. Johns, " 6 50 R Pincombe. " . , ..,. 2 50 A. Bissett, " , ..... 7 50 D Bissett, " ,...,. 15 63 S Fannon, " 3 75 S Fanson, lamp light'g 6 00 Jno Hutchinson, labor 1 50 Juo Coleman, " 10 00 Jno keys " 9 00 Jno Gillespie "" 1 50 Jno';ytaniako, " 10 00 E R Bisset. " 26 25 May 22 D Bissett, " 15 00 Jno Keys, '" 13 25 Richd Pincombe " 15 93 Jno Hutchinson, " 3 75 Jun Coleman '" 17 73 E R Bissett o 24 00 T Snell, " 10 00 A Bissett, " 11 874 Jno Stanlake " 18 75 Wm Webster, 14 00 June 30 R Fulton, lumber.... 147 93 July 11 T Snow labor 2 60 Jno Parsons, " 18 75 Jno Bissett, " , 27 75 .las Atkinson, •" 13 75 Jas Baisden, " 73 00 A Bissett. " 108 75 Wm Ford, " 51 00 Jno Thompson, " 87 75 Thos Snell " 22 35 D Bissett, " .. 40 871 Thos Bissett, " 63 00 Jno Keys; 46 23 70 Jno Hutchinson " 79 00 Wm Long, •" .. 38 374 S Handford " .. 81 75 Wm Webster, " .. 19 50 John Morehead" .. 28 00 RichdPinoombe" 36 50 E R Bissett, " 54 75 Jno Gillespie, " , . 73 75 Jno Stanlake, " 44 631 .Nov 5 Jno Gillespie, " 22 60 Jno Bissett, le 2 50 Wm Long " 18 75 A Bissett, '" .. 6 00 Jas Balsden, " 6 00 S Handford " 35 25 Wm Webster, " .. 3 50 Jno Thompson, " .. 4 25 Jno Morshead, " ,. 8 00 D Bissett, " .. 621 Jno Stanlake " .. 7 50. R Pincombe, " 18 42 E R Bissett, " . 111 00 Chas Dorwood, gravel 78 00 Pec 17 Jno Gould, lumber15 66 S Fanson lamp lt'q &o 32 00 Wm Thomas, labor1' 25 Jas Willis, lumber1 53 S Handford,labo] — 2 00 E R Bissett, "• 11 25 Jas Garland, lime,1 20 S & S Stanlake, lumb 53 17 Jas Balsden, labor.. „ 8 25 R Pincombe " 1 25 1884 CHARITIES ACCT. Jany 24 By pd E 14Bissett, wood for: Mrs. E Corbett..;. 3 50 T Bissett char purpos. 15 00 eby 6 Geo Mutthart " 20 00 20 -Jas 1'iokard' " 25 00 Deo 17, David Johns, "' 7 92 Jas Pickard " 39 73 229181 111 15 44 44 Oct 20 31 Eaerett, sore attend- toes ing Ot Bev voters' list 4 20 22 3 Gill Cor Ct, Rev, &a. 1 50 26 3 Hyndman col water taxes. ... 7 50 Nov 5 Duty S; freight on bait 82 75 Bissott Bros for bell.,, 237 30 B R ,Bissett livery to Oaarry.............. 1 50 .1 Gillespie at watering 29 20 22 Inspector of weigbta„ 4 75 Deo 17 Exeter brass baud...,, 60 00 Jno Heywood, wood for 200 26 W Trebble putting yup ball15 00 Tp Uaborue,�indebt,,,, 110 00 " Stephen " ,,,, 97 00 Com our draft Co Treas, 1 52 111 Eacrett, Secy Bd of Health,..,,.,,.,,.,.,. 300 Dr, Hyndman .wad serf 17 00 Grant to3eebs. Instate 30 00 30 Com on drft Co Treas. 38 38 1 39 188.4 SALARIES ACCT Jan 21 By pd T Bissett bal sal '83 65 00 Jas Bamsay bell ring 1883 20 00 Mar 22 M Faaratt for isa L L 10 00 Dee 26 J McDonnell ass. S:e. 53 00 J A Hayes coil & postg 35 15 G Eaerett tress postg Seo 27 50 111 Eacrett, Clerk, dot.. 105 75 T Hamlin con. S; health officer..., 8813 _— 1384 scum. ACCT. Feby 9 By pd Trans. SIM local grant 223 00 Mar 14 Part assesamt of 1883 25 00 April 1 "" "• '" 50 00 May 6 " "' " 25 00 July 4 " ,. " 150 00 Aug 27 par: Goyeruui't grant 237 00 Dee 13 " assessmt for 1884 100 00 19 " 1400 00 30 " '" 100 00 1884 LOANS REDEEMED ACCT. Deo 2 By pd Wm Drew 400 00 6 J W Broderiok 1000 00 TATES REFUNDED ACCT. Deo 17 By pd Mrs. R Horn Geo. Thomas 26 Jno i4IODonnell.. , .. , Win Bowden CDorwood . ,-.... .... Cash on hand to date......... 4 90 1 80 4 18 9 80 1 30 LIABILITIES. Salariea•and small debts ..3 110 00 Schools 300 00 Pillage 1111 bonus .10000 00 Other municipalities 2057 00 ---- 312467 00 70 8 'Y5 NEW SPRING GOODS'MM JUST AF,RIVED AT THE Exeter Tailorthg Establishm't CHAS, SOUTHCOTT 44 01 Has received .a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS aind TWEEDS very Choice Goods, aua will sell them cheap for 0Asg. Suits 11 'Ade to ' Order On. Short Notioe, A FIT GUAFANTEED,--- so ss Cheap Goods. Call and see his CASH, and that means No credit given, Sold ONLY for tock before placing your order Exeter. 4th 3larch,1S65 253 31 9 80 27 51 745 17 0313$W. SOV i1,119.10,T. T. Abstract Account of Receipts and Expenditures For the VILLAGE OF EXF,TER, For 18$4. To Reeve and. Councillors of Exeter 5fuuiciplity.-- Gen•rL$,Ysrir—WW nave examined the accounts of Treasurer and 11011 F. cls nts, and And the following is a true statement, as follows ,RECEiPTS. ,1884, fan. Tat. To balance w1 hand Balance of taxes, 1883 Amount of Ia3es 1661 License fund Clergy, deserve, fund 1Tunio]ppality Fund Fines, I+ res, Etc. Money borrowed 1400 00 Interest 5 per cent taxes after Paeember 14,1883 and 1864 9 55 sion,resident taxes Co. Cron* 05 18 Legislative grant 237 00 bliaaeliaueaue 109 50 shoot 9c 6 1744 72t 52 17 6319 u4 582 5 72 Al 31 000 00 810572 Ill1 DISBURSE ifeNTB; By paid county rate Streets. sidewalks, *e. salaries Schools Loans redeemed Taxes refunded Charities Printing, postage, etc. Interest Route.11epatrs and BuUAlnaa Fire engine, hose &n Regiet-ation a 608 27 2291.781 404 53 01 114400 Off 1115. 0 R 80 98 Sea Floatton Expenses 27 53 Misaeeilaneolla Poise* 110 $118 745 17 It ailway Coupons 680 00 &mount on hand 1503 361 510372 511 We wish to state that we have audited the Treasurer's hooka, and And all account* and vouchers Batista.'tory. T11OS.I3, pA133. WO, CHAS. Anditots, !APH!A! to :uil lho !ard imo:1 1 ASK FOR THE BITOKTFIORN Tile best and Cheapest Fence in the Market pRIOE 01? NAILS, LOOK.A..T— $2.75 A KEG. TN BUILDERS HARDWARE. conristiug of 404 53 RIM LOCKS, HINGES. ,PITCH. TAR, ROOFING FELT, LINING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, STAINED GLASS, CALCINE & LAND PLASTER, AOEBON CEMENT, MAUHINE OILS, FIRE BRICK & CLAY, CHEAP CARRIAGE MAKERS.—BENT STUFF in an Imes. ALSO MUSLIN, DUCK, DRILL, TRIMMI1rGS, DASH LEATHER & PATENT LEATHER, CANE, MOULDINGS, 2310 00 KEEPING ALSO FULL LINE IN ALL SIZES OF IRON. iAXES, SPRINGS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BLACKSMITH COAL, 1400 00 Lir,. and SUPPLIES, UBBER TOPS-Conboy make -All sizes and kinds on SORT NOTIC'' DURING THE SEASON e will have a quantity of BINDER 'i'WINE CHEAP. Send ordt 1.4 early. 21 48 SELLING THE NEW VAN ALLEN CREAMERIESand BUTTER TUB Eavetrougbiug a specirlty, 3 8979 155 1593 36 310572 511 ASSETS. $ 2000 00 1000 00 500 00 8 45 29 30 Buildings and real estate Fire engines, hose dro Miscellaneous Nan -resident Uncollected 3537 75 We, the undersigned auditors, hereby certify that we have examined the Treasurer's books for 1884 of the mu- nicipality of the Village of Exeter, and found them cor- rect and iv accordance with vouchers produced. THOS. B. OARLING,1 Auditors. CHAS. SENIOR, jj Exeter, Feby., 1885. The British Grain Trade. London, March 3.—The Mark Lane Express, in a review of the British grain trade during the past week, says :--Autumn sown wheats present an unusually avol sole appearance. Trade has been indescribably dull and prides"favor buyers. . Sales of English wheat during the past week were 54,505 •quarters, at 32e, against 61,854 quarters, st 37e 3d. during the corresponding week last year. Flour and barley continue to decline. Foreign wheats virtually unsaleable ; ' the trade doing is the smallest imaginable ; the prices quotably. unchanged. Business in car- goes off coast have been trifling. Eight cargoes arrived, three cargoes withdrawn', oue sold, eight remained, six of which are Amerioau. For car- goes forward values are nominal ;'sellers' quot- ations slightly lower. At.to-day's market wheat was quotably unchanged. There 'was nothing doing in native sorts. Flour 6d cheaper ; for- eign brands slow of sale. .A.T PICKARD's. BISSETT BROS., HEADQUARTERS POR Hardware, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb wire• and steel strip fencings' Special Ino oft $i*uy Ulm CHEAP AT BISSETT BROS. $20e 00 ill. presents given awry. Send us 5 Cents postage and by mail you will get free a package of goods. of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you 1n money faster than anything else in America. All about the 3200,- 000 in pressnts with each box, A gents -wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured, Don't delay. R. HALLETT 56 Co., Portland ,Maine. ATTENTION 1 Parties wishing Lumber cut to order should take their logs to Brooks' 01d Saw mill, 21 miles west of Murray's Corner, where there is, room for anyuuantity' Mill will commence: running about 1st March, a 1l reports 10 the contrary notwithstau ding, after which time all kinds of lumber wills be kept for sale. J. N, HOWAiiD,Prop