HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-5, Page 3UONSECRATIN"(* Aa JOSS, Hoyv a Chinese Gott Obtains ME Om' nipotenoe. The occupant of the voltiole pushed open the hack door, thrust forth a gore geouslyenveloped foot and lenand in a moment steed on the sidewaile in all. the glory of a long scarlet robe, green breeches, a gondola -shaped hatand a pigtail of unusual length, lie was tall. for a Chinaman, and rather slim, the lona robe seeming to add a foot or two to Ids stature, Two similarly ar- rayed Celestials sprang from the doors way of the building to meet hint, and said something that sounded to Anglo ears like "Soon ahoy," almost in unt- son. This salutation was responded to by "Bale if hay." and the three marched up the steps into the building, the last speaker leading the way. "It's soine joss business," said the policeman who was Balled on toexplain what these maneuvers meant, But the explanation was, nota very mut oand the reporter's curiosity getting the better of lam, he climbed up the outer steps and followed the scarlet -robed Mongolians up two or three flights of dirty stairs through the smoke and stench which permeated the whole iaterier. The trio pausod before a gorgeously decorated door- way loading into a room. devoted to the worship at Chinese deities --a large 4 room, iii which were several Chinamen, �R sortie sainting and others sitting on low benches. As the three newcom- ers opened the 'door eoluo musietltns seated zn a Corner of the room sent forth a burst of melody almost as sweet as that usually heard in a holler factory. The noise continued until the scarlet -robed Celoatials had made the circuit of the room and paused be fora a huge joss, whore they stood sol- emnly for a moment and then pros- trated themselves before it, ' all the other Chinamen falling pn their knees with their heads bent to the floor. Then the music struck up again and the heathen arose to their feet and began chattering among themselves as on or- dinary occasions. Tho reporter aeisud this pause in the ceremonies to inquire what was being done and it was ex- olained by one Chinamen who spoke Rnglish quite plainly that the idol had tatty been set up in the room that mururug and that it was now being consecrated by the priests. The re- porter than stood back at a respectful distance and witnessed the enactment of a strange scene, similar to that which Worcs has recently been placing on canvas --"Tho Eonsceration of a Joss." A. Chinese boy with a red nig-tail now brought a long -logged cock; to the tall priest, the nue who had lately 'arrived and who seethed to be master of cere- monies. The fowl was taken by the priest, swung around in the air three times by the leg before the paper and tinsel god and handed back to the boy. A. small china vessel containing salt was then brought to the priest. Who, stand- ing between his two starlet -robed ;tt- tendaluts, sprinkled a handful of the contents over the image and then placed the dish on the pedestal be- tween lea fet't. Rites of punk stick and wax candles. arranged about the idol, were next lighted by the two as- sistants, and the boy brought a small earthen basin of water, in which the priest dipped his finger and then flirted them in the direction of the joss. The bowing promise was then repeated. the unearthly music resounding through the room so loudly that the reporter was obliged to place his hands over his ours to keep out the din. Then came the most interesting; por- tion of the ceremony. The boy with the red pig -tail brought a small pot of rertnillion and a inrush. One of these was handed to the right -band assistant and the other to the left. Both were then presented, to the priest, who took them, mumbling suttee Words, which could hardly be heard on account of the clanging' and squeaking of the musical instruments. The priest dip- ped the brushes in the paint and hold '•ntb aloft. This was a sa_uat for more. kneeling by those around and redoub- led energy on the part of the musi- cians. He then applied the brush to the staring black eyes of the image, leaving a little round red spot on each. This perfected the divinity of the joss. Before this he had been only paste- board and paper; now he was omnipo- tent. His eyes could read the future and he was capable of giving good for- tune to his worshipers and bac ' luck to those who disregarded him and be- lieved not in his powers. The music ceased, the ceremonies came to a close and the heathen passed out of the joss house, down the stairs, and into the street. The Story et.a Great Mane. The owner of the Mala Noche (ban night) mine was in its time the richest man in Northern Mexico. The mine at the surface paid ' little or nothing, and after the owner had sunk his own capital he continued working it with borrowed money until his credit was gone and things had 'arrived at such a pass that the mine was in danger of J being seized and himself thrown in prison. He then resolved .to work it one week longer, and if nothing was struck to run away. The week passed and nothing :Wilt .ptruok. On the :after- noon Of the last day he ordered,. his horses brought for flight at daybreak. He passed the night, this "mala nocho," between hope and despair, when just before 'daylight a miner game from the mine bringing a'•gallo" ((a piece of rich rook) and.the news/ that a bonanza had been struck. The bonanza proved to be an immense one. In memory of that night the mine was caIIed Mala Noohe.-Bt, Louis Globe- Dentocrat. ter, eetgar Holdenpublishes statistics which coincide in the main with the investigations of the Gorman Board of health that the danger of dying of con- suniption after the age of twenty-one practically increases as age advances. Relatively more persons die of con- sumption between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-five than at any other period after twenty-one. IBvooklyn bee the largest tin -box factory in the country. A feature is the manufacture ofdecorated dowers. This consists of tin plate on wilese surface there is a picture or other design. The work is done by a tin - lithographing press similar to that em- ployed upon paper. The decorated ware costs but a trine more than the I plain. and is in great demand. Au army of nearly 6'000 officials at this time watches over the order and safety of the capital of the German Euinite. This army is composed of 3,348 policemen of various branches and grades. 601 night watchmen, 746 tire - men, Sit lamp lighters, 647 function- aries of the Street Cleaning Depart- relent, besides 182 messengers and orderlies attached to the special service of the municipal authorities. and 224 tax collectors.. The latest telephone ;tispouses with electricity altogether. Its diaphragm is split willow or other wood eiosely woven, dried and varnished. The dry 0 e;S.GZDLE T;..T1l.r.1el'ti-l;i t*14-; rut) d b lt,l l:litill k• Ar2- '1Y GULL SA .CU a b Cx t5 those wb Intend urebas;a•(�to 4. so from he manu.actut•oa`. Tlae eater was ouya to Heli a'g'ain Must 400esserity ave a profit. We elaiw o givetho aurchasere the mint, which oannet1uil o tweet the views of the rangers. Our emirs/mos rales, than those of Bite maim feetnrext c Quseg'•end wecalt eelieheaner [�,rL WOULD ' T call speoialatttentio; toour undertaking dept.r i v , , aient,whieb is more coin I pletethenever,aa we bere , • �z�.e,p�s!+vf' r .tddedseveralnewdesignsl ; of late The hest zonana, caskets shun ds,and.every i� --- It� �,A uneryl roquisitk at t1:e 1 Lr'' t toe. est telt aI Oar new VsecEcerae is prone/le:4dby ueteut mtge. to bF second to norm do the .+-..- nrO1111.1e4t t Emblems of all the Different Societies. llt(B RtAKSR AND Funer.dis •urnished a..... conducted at the vary low est rater MyStoek at IAudertakine goodsnt Liege. complete and we assorted, Hutt en) person ; equirtng a til; titin;; in this line will Audit re theiredvacatge to give pas a call Had ex,aniue ti's themselves, CABIN iJ T-MAKL,tt. t 1.14V.S A a t tee. 'red a i .artie stock Walnut and ttusewred Caskets; also'' Bonus of every descr1p-• r tion. A c.+utplotn at.,A•A: . of Itches and Tr*unett:ge atwty on hand. Tien detest *kyles of , Chamber sea Parlor suits All kinds of Furniture et the lowest retes. THE J13I.4T Iltl..tltSE IN Tura G )uliTY Ing eantraets the fibers and produces Remember tee elaee--•Neariyeepoattelleum'eleitieece Store, Mein -street, Exeter. a very high tension, In the center of the diaaphraa_rm is a strong copper plate to wheel this wire is attached. For distauoas less than two miles the : new telephone canveya sound butter and more distinctly than the Bell, 'Tim difficulty itt "switching" the wires, helvdver, limit its use. Thera is a perplexed watnan in Law- renee, Itlass. Site had Uivo canaries, and a few nights ago placed. theta all in a new cage, 'trove the cat out of doors, and on retiring saw the birds quietly roosaine together on one perch. On arising the next morn- ing she discovered to her great grief that the live birds had disappeared. Tito door and windows were alt ux emitted and found to be closest and le -stoned, and there was not in or about the cage so emelt as a single feather to explain the mysterious disappearance of the songsters. The depth to which vegetation ex- tends on the earth's surface has been made the theme of a curious inquiry by a disciple of Max Von 1 ueva:0to . Bv taking speeinlcn�t of the strata of tiff ereut depths, procured in the pro - gross of au vetav:kin tar a well. and l eulttveting i134113 under experimental condition., the au+etvl'r ,procured vege- table organ:zhns w many types teat have never been obeet'vud ail the sur- face; and. ctu:onaly enough, each stratum appeared to be distinguished 6 by types of its own. which were totally absent in deeper as well as in more superfio:aa deposits. The inquiry epee a nese field ter the zoological etuttent. 4B.4.'1771sT Mze#er root Office Time Table. MAILS 1 Amin* c•toot. Eirkton,woodbam,Wiu belies tad Fiimvilte ,.. ... ... ... .,•'tllw•.to :i'uDail. South,eastend west .ineludingLondon. ftanti heti. Tort Me Montreal. alanit•: oha,UuftedStalcs,b:ntltshmaul foreifiuwufis, :.. , ... . 9.9ua.W.;9.0 a. rn Routh. east west sic ., .., ,.. "Yes," said the doctor; "you must prepare yourself for the worst. You cannot live many more days. You bad better make your will at once." "Macke env Milia" gitept'ct the sick lawyer. "Yes," replied ills doctor gently'. "it would be well. 1 think." "No," the legal loran said. shaking his head, "I will raver Make a will. My family needs what little property I have got." NO POISON iN THE PASTRY IF ARE TTSE.1a, Ventlla,Lemon,Orange, etc.,tiavor Cokes, Creams.Puddings, dtc..as delicately and nat. nrnfly as the fruit front whteh they ['remade. FOR STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. TARPARzo BY THE Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. MAXIM OF Zr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - ANW - f)r. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Best Dry Hop Yea,t. FOR SBSH=S mY Ci•S OC?7.'iZtr.. WE MUSE BUT ONE'OVdLlTY. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD /he best dry hop yeast in the world. Bread raised by this yeast is light, whiteand whole- some like our aai►dthother's delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. REPAR D,6 4 Price Baking Powder Co., F1an'Fts of lir. price's Special Flavoring Extracts, Cinema. 111. St. Louis. MO. 6.16 T.re. tee p. North and wneh.ian7 n.eionc..aea..,. ,a:.. _c____ ,.- _ ,. __ North eatt.ke Hay ,._ „ , &eru t"Ttaes,1a s,Tbttntda}u u,dSaturday'C MONEY ORDERS rem r,w.ale p.m :.est►. ut,;e,t, p. ta. itl+atu .id p0IP. in [sealed and paid on and from tiny Mousyy OrtlerOlttce iii the Dominion o. Caaada,Gree t Isrttsia and ; Ireleuti,feritish!nein, Newtouteitend. italy.Anrtrslia.te•w� Sou1b wales. Tatmaelas. New Rolsedl. Fruace Hua .tlgerta,tl;e tlerttau Fant he, 5wedett,NnrRar Deaur,trk. tcPlaud.lirlgtuen, tine 1eti�. .lat:ds, Sw tzerlaud. Attstria•liuntary, ,pnuritanla. ilnfted at5tes, Jsm*h a.t,*4'larb*d,.a, POSTOFb'.t E SWWINGS11ANL Isepoatts will be received at tufa office from t1 to *300. Depositors nleelutng the teethuaster- General's spewlel nermisfii•u can depot/H *lace. I)pnoaitson 8ASinge Beek aCec*lnt r,MAIL•' ""- Q, a iii, to 4 p• iia. fattiest at 4 pet Cent per attsitnn silt be allowed no ell th-pecitrt Wilco hours t,tun 7.50 s. m.tn7 p, m. Lcttersintendedfor registration must helmeted 15 miuntea Wore the closing of each Inal1. N li-ltts partieulsryrequested thattito senders of matter will kindly M.l4 the nitmesnf tl a ., Cnuntiesto tkeacld*esses. Dta011Nh, Pestmat•ter. CURES ALL, AND 15 THE MOST PERFECT FA iYIMICINS ?n the \V L SOLO BY ALL DEALFRS. IIICE, 25 AND 53 COTS' r:;i C1111.7.. Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, r•.c:a'eo Dys- pepsia, indigsstiw;., Dizziness, Jauiulic! !•try. ri it::.ing of a %.,rt, An(' cror5 Ise + of , t tit :r.`• ''. t late t:.. 1 . •. . >.: late r,.1:, ..,.t., It Climax Cil•:. REMOVAL ? REMOVAL I THE GENERAL QUESTION Agitating tiie Public mind at present is where can tney get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire 'satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by • calling on .7013x? BELL, the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always an Hand Also a first-class stock of Buscurrs, Buns. OASES & OONPEOTIONABV, which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, andleft the place, Dir. Bell has been found at his pust, during the •past eight years, ready to attend to the wants of the Public. CROCERIE Owing to increasing business, Mr.. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more cora m ious premises,andhas od added iargely to e g y his stook of Groceries, and will keep on hand; Sngars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup, and everything usually fonnd in a first-class Grogery Store. All kinds of Farm, Produce tak- en in exchange for goods, 'How Lost, FM Restosed. REnsideee THE STAND :-Sonthcott'a Block, Fourdoots North Post Office JOHN BELL; Proor•o.or. e have SkDE.OULVERW::LLS tlIEshedBRA'ED ESA I*}ietmeofNervousDebillitye3[ental land physiiccal incapacity impediments to Alen lege. etc„ re- snitiug trent eneessea. Price, in sealed envelope, only G cents, or two Posture stamps. clearicelebrated tatea from thirty years' succeas- ful.practice, that ataru' fi*geonae0ueao05 may be radically cured without the dangerous nseef in ternahnedicines or the use of the knife ; Point - cm i atrode of titre at once Simple certain and et- fectnn 1,by :Deana of tvhidh every sufferer,inomat. for what5is condition may hammy cure himself cb aaply,privetetr and radically. S. T1ti lecture should be in the handsel every youth and every mania the land. Address THE 0U'.LVI.RWELL MEDIUAL•Co 41 ANN Sr.,NEW TOILE Poet Office flex 450 RE N SAL L PORK PACKING HOUSE Having eutnmenced busbies ' for tido Fall and Winter Trade We are prepared tope reliase anyquantity of Pork ,subject to the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hundred if lirenid threepound 1f>tnt. Shan icier t ek twty-five cents. If any of the 1 nog gate are left ia , 25 n ntsextra will be deducted. No pork will be bought at an priee it warm. We vent all Hoge, Cutting right through breast! to 'let 1 and Hams opened out to tai G 4t J. PETTY. AYER'S ▪ rry Pectoral. IT* otber rent, nose ro t4.t'. ors. 1t.e o.. pet A3t.`r:. pesee.7,S n.: :, : rie1.atts ^ tort'." 1'h 7 r ti.k si.It.._:. tt14t4. t. t.:,:c -,'S. M s ` • � are ro :n5id res i r ±heir a A. n•v \4t.iler- or duce cross kat - 1 eg:salt :t of a fatal k . 1 etrenat. hada •0, a forty 'tars' .^.SGB, 41111 4101141 be delay. A T •!,7e Ceagla Cared. ""••• • t t vererecold.whtchsffected 2. . eougblaqs�,.,d t; -.cd ;',lout sleep .r5O L..4 a .,d velGa sleep. : . s... • z ;.eyed my Mole, 11.,%.',"$1 • ' • . ,l'd rue the rest 1.e+ ,t. 14 k'f say /strength. 1 t:. .1 the P,4CTORAI. a t• i Fiat now 4:: Hied Fan s. saved Ise. i.Q1t.t4C FAt11011P1rtt:E.." • %:•41 t., Ataty la, 104- t --,:•, - A, 'lit totlter'a Tritlttte, ` ra!Gut rylast ulster ,:v:dile • ".53 aS tallier inwint: f Ck,1pF • ,auaid die fro di, E.rangrt- .' f;oaely FuFf,ktted t'.e use C i't:17011..at. a bit it!e d k' Pt in the Leese ;this. reek frni, o t es'es, au* - t" is i i" l e'ilr *5* L+ i lt.,l. lea* 5 • 't ..:.ger Si i"t.. reeve.* • 11.7f;nu. t:et . teal •1- ai4la.'' 4 R•ia.nq di it i•y i'i• • . .•' 4;; t Ti': r' ' 1't f' (aChitifa 1 :'1:: iA •' Di Io aaa.. .. t) oke 11 .. . Cu5,- . t i \. -.114.34 " t, :lr. t •,•' ,• 1 `•e sf .t rays .n.J r . .• have died i. ,• t a . No vase of an afi• 'aetioa of the'llkiroat Iu.A:ts exists *leek cas.aot be fatly mitered by the tut, c' heed's eal:ustr Prcxoaat,,, sal t: ss '.:t arcs Car: tr;een Ilio disesteem sot al.eady 1.,;•-.•:. ad the central aline rants, riert'M*tD AT Cr.J. C.Ayer&Ca., Lowell, Masi Sold by all .Ilrug Ists. .YS + , t.. a. . Lina st wt% the ;eat far 41 -1 Vases, sad ha -a proved ;:.... t:. . remedy known fee the.our; Consumpttan, Oo:�'':•- ! Colds,Whaoptn and all Lung. Di: aasce , ye -Sing .'r 41d. ti„t.t11'V !. I':ico 35c. at.i. $S 30 FREEMAN'S WORM POWDER.. Are pleasant to take. Contain their OTT Purgative, rs a safe, sure, send em'etua!• *Nrroyet of worms itt Children or Adult& 4- B A 1.3 11111 'JRESCtIUCHS' COLDS. -_ HOAR SENESS,ETC. e $T.TRxa23 ROLLER : MILLS ! These mills are now completed with all the:beet and very latest improved machin. eryjfor the manufacture of;Flour on the Roller Process THE MILL ISNOWRUNNING NIGHT AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Gristing & Chopping on Shortest Notice Also Fleur and Feed for sale at Cheap as the Cheapest. ERNES & WILLIAMS, Proprietors. WANTED- N SON's New SC Superior Canada Maps & Charts Aa paying as any.agency in the world Pee full particulars, free, address,B. O. TVNISO1r Map Publlelier 388 Riehnaond•st.,London.Oaiw Established 1871. p G.W. SI ALLCROSS ii& CO., NEW YORK; Fills orders, sells on Cmmnihission,or seMpwd. chase Apples, Potatoes and 'Poultey. Writes us,