HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-26, Page 8WARTS AND MOLES.
HOW to Exterminate These rests
Pretty Daces.
a clear oonscteuce,A Sunday school teacher asked a little .girl
.An old monk is credited with sayitt g s kuollS , 1411. ; of her class if she bad been baptiged. "Yes,"
that the one ambition of woman iS a, A person suffering with pain aud heat over ! said the little girl, etwo times," "Two
petty face. and for that charm will the shall of the back, with a weakweary feel. i tiraies't Why, how Qoilld that be r exclaim -
She risk life and defy death, When ing aud frequent headaches, is seriously ill anded the testate' est didn't take the first
the influence aa pretty face is taken should look out for kidney disease, Burdock �t tim" e.said the I/Gtta,,gi>r.
into consideration, IL is not hard to be- Blood Hitters regulate the kidneys, blood and I - tit Roue in,aucient :times the caudidates
laevo that most any woman will do liver, as well is the atoutach and bowels, 1 for oasis wore white robes, and could be
it, Anything oraft awl try
to secureand If Payee's Carbolic 'sorest me 1 lsing be.rere daybreak "e Rieclfon day; plug- ,
p, McGee or, liirg wssrs tllosot •s pres uiiuing t2tesu;polth,
there ]s any possible chance of at134been tested' by yea's of trial aud has been t cat ;ptlneiples.. The feet that they' wore
ingwhite robes would seem to iudieatn .that the
the one or securing the other nine found the most o,auveuieut aud effectual meths )
omen out of every ten aro willing n to cd of applying Cat butte Mid, The greatest { news]'apers`. didn't, "throw 'maid" in those
antiseptic in use for Cos, Burns end Uld day. Fi _
take that chance. Not long ago a man Soles. Be sure you set \icOregor & Parkes 1 `'Trnribte thing, that attempt;Most°
from Barcelona established himself .i tie to le.
GarbtiliqCerate , Suld;ar 2kcents by, dr W. ; Gtaystotne; was'ut it?" said ono county elele-
tiais ciy, anti, seenrinr;letters'to a fe sin Ilirowning Ur 1st. i 8i
nortiaa f a Iles, wen ded ins u}ldin 1 7' 1'�p 'ell ea-seller'akat " said a ' un gate to anot"Awful,
tut Saci 'said the o the other
a- st n that gay; ro eRof ] Y Arvfui, an'ful . said the other winch
Party Weds elm outer �mau, with a shudder. "1 wonder winch of
up sop ady arhtlo m1tli a a '
prrmcely ineome. He circulated among afternoon In a cattily store. "lees, 1 noticed us they will go after next ?"
the wealthiest classes and treated wo. ,you were yesterday when 1 eery you St the 'Tie m terribly down• in the mouth,,' says
mets be their own private apartments, riuk. Ton seemed to be down most of the youoi; Sliwlet, ."t don't see anything to
and in less than a month lead collected _time." And then all the spiteful sistes of warrant a better that you could get down in
$0,000: lie dial little mischief," halt the va giggled at their innocent slater. the month, with such an apology for a was -
torture he submitted Itis feckled pa - A SAFE INIESTNEINI. hells as you wear," retorted Mise Cute.
tients to would have made him a vans- luvestiug tweety.tive cents for a bottle of
able adjunct to the Spanish inquisitors. llanvards re:total l;al,ani.the belt, threat and • - ...,_. :..: _
one young woman. wad him $15 an ' luug healer kuowu. Cures: cougbs,broncbitis.nnsie AlssOL.trrn. nlVoueRS FOR
hour for treating the saucy little asthma and all pulmon'1 coua
p tints• �1trO
i� awAnJ Pe•,sene residing thro::ghont Vie.
--The-"4 Nature. Wefts that. (Ti'tted'Hate; and Canada for(esertlou, non-
ireekles that 410tttttl ]tttr tinily nose. ' . an inrt.iateru ,
k the bran:saawims estesary to life, ;Brit' Below. 1. k arae :iseTllry.ines'l:torniLtii i
mademoiselle, was tied if -0 A chair and. etc, ;tdvtoe free, State your cavo aud address
Iter nose phsgged tip titith buts of • s rtiotunledge l tlit hir a been arrived at by the viri• ATT01611li SS'ltltl), World Ituilding, 1`. 37
sponge 'narrated With other. When ;,, Ilrtiad>ray, New Torii.
lnterestingltenis.. , New resit preacher has threatened to
texpel nserbeis of his church who visit the
According to staticians,` preachers 'Ivo two, skating rink. And yet nothing will 'bring
years longer on an average than lawyers. After r rt'mati mous, knees • so viokly as a pair of
an there is nothing that improves health as,1 nabs assass.a
sufficiently stupefied the elan went to $,leklen'+A nticaSalve-
her entire face. A solution of diluted . aa, di • t: Ulcers. Salt liht ntu I:'evvr
work with a knife anti literally skinned The ilea; Satre in the; world tot tuts'
3. SUrEiRRI:tA'1"D,HI N1 ALL,
i:1., i'O\rT.TAnt7n, Comtism:n.
anti !maven alseut aud Issuer pt
Marlette acid was then nprilied. to the Tetter, l bapped Lauda. enitblains,Corua, and alarrirgn lee ntisea Ali btuinesp transacted
raw surface and the screalus oz the i all Skier Eruptions, and positively cures l'ilev, 'best' coutideytial. A Van tolieited; ir.lice
poor little' fool could be heard all over or no nay required. It is guaranteed to gine at th° Ynet "Icy;
the house. But mamma had decided 1 Perfect satissfue$ion, or money refunded
on her plrl's success, na a debutante, : Price 25 cents pertain:. Icor vale by all drug.
and she gave directions to have her ; 141.ts. T
under narcotics for a couple ut days. AlltlLIit l: Pt'1tI'taS]M.
The next step was to cut the brown , ills pupulara'cu►edy, Ilagy'.trd's Yellow Oil.'
pigments right out of the fiesta. They
came out too and the face healed up,
hat the youuo woman's constitution.
has been completely undermined, and.
neither doctor nor nurse has been able
to find out what ails her.
Another patron, who worried her
empty little head about meeting eye-
brows, submitted to a plucking, and ria
each individual hair had to be pluoked
out by the roots it was fully three
weeks botoro the bridge of her nose
was uncovered; but this operation cost
her $StWO.
The fx't'nd to whore site recommends
etr' her artist was less successful. She
was troubled with a hollow neck, but
prided herself on her satiny skin,
which, however. could not be dis-
played owing to the unsightly de-
pression between her throat and collar.
The man applied u suction -pump and
undertook to blow out the hollow. An
attack was made on one side of the de-
pression, but the result was so far in
excess of expectation that the woman
was horrified at her deformity and be-
caute so obetreporous that Senor' Moth,
and -freckle -exterminator doll the town,
and has never been seen or hoard of
since. The now sadly-afimictcd belle
sought a strange doetur, who treated
her for goitre andkept her so ° lolls
for working,.penple.. Send tenantspostage, au a wa will mail you free.
a ro sal, vxluubls sample box of
i oo. i that %ill put you in the war
otmaking more' money in n few
is used both internally anti exterually, for te daysthouyouovertthoughtpotuat-
aches, pains, collie. creep, rheutnatism, deaf hie ac airy baalueea. 4apical not
nese tend etireases.ef an-in81}tnrnatur • nature. •tglio a or all uveae, 411 audwork spars
} tinae'o>alY or alt the tilde, All of trout 'sacs
--'litubrellaa and good jokes don't always of all ages grandly aucbessfnl. Se cents to e:,
belong to dress 14110 use ulcera moat easily owned eiery eronhis. Thai all vote
it jo aood r k, to tress t Quo oat w..Ji• want work may test the business, we slake thin
¢ N 1 3' uuparallRled o or
Tn all
emeltas have. after Iong years of Ilial, preyed
worthy of ooui6denoe, This is a ease wham
other Feople a esperienee may 1'e of great ar-
vice, and Abu bean the experience of thou•
stands that dyer's Cherry keatuat is tete best
cough wotlietue even need.
Tea VOLTAIC plit4T ;tt., ?larshfili, o1i„wit
trend DiLDra'atlsrrtsan k7
MILTS ASO ktaaa'1
bitty days to sues (younol
g or at who are et -
dieted with uervoua dability, lost vitality
aud kindred troubles, guaranteeing
speedy and complete teiatoration of health and
maulyvigor, Address 15 above, N. U.—No
rack is iucnrred. as thirty days'trialluallowed
Perfect beauty fs only attained by pars
b]ttotl and good Mishit. Those acquirements
give the poasaasor ,A pleesaut expresraou, a fair
clear skin,and the rosy bloom of health. Four. Hai bean vtctortouv at cal' tbo loading exhib.
dock Blood Bitters. purify the blond aud time ! tions and industrial fairs since tanscarrylu&off
the entire system to a healthy actlt.u. 1 first wrests and medals in ever irate tce. It
whoY ra
t t e not wolf
satisfied we will 8eit f* t pa for (ho tionble
of writing, us. kelt partieulars,,tirectious, 4a.
sent free. liumeese pay absolutely sure for all
who shot et once. Don't delay. Address
Bruises k 4a.. Portland. shine,
a Ali Men will save lnonoir,and Siva their
aiaobruor1 b1' using Laraine.
Every purehaaor Of common sense business
capacity, when ;aqui. lug an article for a car.
taut purpose, ;purchases only that which bas
been tried oris' alloweil first to teat, before
tandcr a. coat of fodteo that she is baling.„ Yod: as u arc allowed: free trial bottle
marked for the next ten years with the of 'Uot#regor'4 Speedy Care, the great remedy t
n erad lett Isle yellow. for Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver Diner.
The value of good looks: must ho dors at J. W. Browniug's Drug Stora. Suldat'
fully appreciated when women of this 'see, and 51 ler bottle. See testhm+rm]als from
century have recourse to this heroic persotiein your•ptvn ton's.
treatment..J ., , there is no such .—II fs Bfl'u tltlit�ticou Victoria Heyer este
element as unalloyed happiness, tend if hsriiawisin Halder.wok°iaoompeUed to shote
wavoman have lino teeth, good hair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the beat” nio lieiuc fur
Bright eyes. and a patrleian nose there every (mein tile spring. "Emigrants and tray -
is certain to be a lnole, wart, pireply, 'elent dill'.flea.iri.it will- atlactualt•mure for the,
birth -mark, discoloration, moth, patch, eruptions, boils, alitwpies; eureka,. etc., that
iiepatiea-spot, hives. prickly heat, or break out, on the situs --the effect of 'disorder
some similar blemish which, althotI h in the blood causea by sea -diet and life on
but skin-deep, suffices to make her ex- boatel ship.. i, ` ,
istence a bore. • stEsT'11NDC0aI1!0ItTTOTIIZS11rirERl_NG
The worst of the mattor is, that aS 4473rovrir*'Scuteltoldranseen"lrairnoequal
soon as the bete ,noire is attacked forroiievdarpain.botb`internainud external ;It
myriads before unseen present thein- ourespatuin the Side, beak orbolepla;eorethroat
selves, and tll0 ease becomes So hope- ithenmatism, Toosteuelie,Lumba.coandenvkind
,less that Miss Spceklefaea throws :sway of a,patnor ache. "It will most surely quicken
Iter lisuid.gl;is5 and devotes her wits to theblood auaheal,haits acting rower iswouder-
Clic powder -puff and rouge -pot, - .Int. "'brown's Bo ahold Peva
1 p ud 1 u o a pot, Ile its coal beinfiack-�
has now no equal as a lubricator, and will Out.
wear lard, seal or castor oil. anti rearrested not
to clog or gum the You will
cavo money by using this Olt. Te itaud you
will testify in its favor. Beware ell huitattoua.
—1tA ;rr4eTeni$n. ONLY
McColl Bros. Co., Toronto.
—rod sans aT—
EMBER & SON, Crediton ;
MoDONELL k \V AUCIH, lieneiatl
Wishes to announce to the mhabitants of
Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a
Dao! and Shoe Shop
tenanted to cover up the blemishes nowledgedant'hegreat Pain ileliseur;ainfoidon
ural, like the sins of her forefathers. blotheatreugt>b ()Salty other Elixir' orhiniment
,Cannot be eradicated. This is after all Mho worrd,shouldbeinevery familytiandy' for
as it should be, for thirty days' fret. Aso whenzvanted;""asitretallyis the best remedy
in rho world r +Cramps -10 the' Stomach, and
ting nye acro d]Sastrius to pontis itntr t'siasandAebasfogf all kinds;' and isforsaicby
beauty than a bnskof of skin eruptions. all1)111 1staatssoentea.bottlo. '
There is one fee to beauty, however, Mere..eeple,adults Kndchildren. are troub
:which nothin short Af a mask will led.tvitlrttastive»ftss"than . with, nay, other
c• over, and that is the little watt Cr ailments Dr. Henry Baxter's Mau crake Bit-
Dlo2e, made doubly hideous by the tuft tors will euro costiveness and prevent the
,of hair, which souietiines grows to he
two inches long. That this defect is a.
-thorn in the he'll any woman who is so
afflicted can testify, and there is really
mo reason why the irritation shonld be
:endured. Any woman who cares for
diseases whichxesultrfrom it.
Fluid Lightning sates Neuralgia in one
minute. is 'es,
Fluid Lightning •.cures Toothache iii ono
Fluid Lightning cures este Ache in ore
minute- .
in the *Artier Store North of Barnwell
Peckard'p, where he is prepared to make
all kinds o: ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly atteueied to.
appearances tan certainly take time to Fluid Lightning aure•
s Lumbago in ono Late Manager Cl. Eacrett's Boot one acepullont•thoHairs.. .To be sure, iiuiue •minute. ;a, nes , 1 - .,. ' Establishment.
will grow, but they cam tie watched Fluid Ltgh'tuis'g sale:lees Iilieumatish in one May 14th 84.
and plucked out also ns seep as they Minute ",;
reach the surface. 1f this,simpler stankidiLiglittiieg �ures' any pain 'or ache in
;operation is continued--dailt, 1f accessly' Pace 25 cents. per -bottle al d. \V
sary—the roots will one by .one igielti,
and finally the growth . will .cense,
; Tow take u piece sof sereno; ifine to ist„
I3rowning's Di11A>titoi'e.' ,t,, 3 .i ,,t6 , '
A.yo,nug ufa1ii iuy,Galifoiii was"seized with
a fit oflaa her' k
a an which has
d spit, out tae is Ira
i t
g a
�.' a :..
been fn His lungs fol seven `pears., '"This will
amireu:ationll thusarouoatnd ioftn{let:otnpo g probably be•eited'by tbo•medicir"t igen' as "a
tack of ironical laugliter."
tion,'will set itf and 1n,:,tveo;wee s the A wIsE C07301;US101w+,:
'annoyance will disappear, ' If you have va;nl refs tndn i. rein dies !o
• The' writer gives as:a•.warnings4reW' . 3 e. Y tried, y, " e r
ever, -this fact: l)ifi'io'ulty W]ll'lio found rheumatism, it will be a wise conclusion to try
in;'gettin+r the, thread .ot}t and,tvlien is Hagyards. s'ello}yOil., Iteln•es.Sail painful
diseeses `when o`th'er m'ediciiies Vitt ,
tial n!Is �lvills lrurtr Ilee th size};", Tlic • RFISf A"R1 lBLE REST MI'ATIONi °',
-,...-! Raan.will;potlasi:merethantwo,loUrS,
,nor will lit ,be, nusitly 1iegrees ". marc .in ' Mrs. Adelaide. O'Brien. of Buiid4i6,:N ;"' .,ens
tense 'than 'a jtimpiuo-tpcthache. ; given up:,to,dic byberlphysbui ,n5.u curable"
:Should the attempt :fail there,remains e'rth t itne%mgtion,gl. irroved Liver Comp)aint,,
and was cared with Burdock Blood Hitters.
;BO other' -'alternative ,:t an-Iv:.p stele of ,Hotio(uay's Pills can be confide tly ecomi-
niorn-plasten•. Baru:the hart gff.:evory, iuended as a domestic reineb'y"afor Ibo •arltnenta
:morning with a match, as caustic jis , otalLre9leitees and ;aondit<iopsaof vgeepre S teMag,
too flangeroug to apply, ,and then ee.Yer and old of both sexes may tae t' 's,. e8,oine, •
,>p . tin. ticshy Iump with black or, a very with the certaintyof d'eriia be edt irons his -
p , « y, 8 IS
, , u.-. �.
th'iek' cream piaster ' ' � 'ttse, When disorder dr diet lase i®"'m'hkiii�{ .''th elft
which e• ,.. g
• artz)', c are indea ive'of,co rse ` "mi'serable: $tilPliirva •ifErlla a��ttn'in�valled for
hv:sg, May trented:litt the?same .way , 'their. purifying;•;'Apierient, Land :bLrengthening;
add ;with •+ much more ,colzfid'enice of . properties. They remove indigestion pi,alpita-•
t;uccessi+ .: k , . • tion; and headache!, and, are speedily, service.
. � :4,,elasti . itn gins ion.1 n. at ,able in comp's `ints;'peculiar ;to .fti i kb.., rack
1<' Ip'a - t .reg. mo,�.`? ,,.
c llen thing; lila treatment,an t boxis,'wfapsied with ) rintEA instruotiuns +for
e.:.� :.. b; nYt Vila„;,,d.,h,A.....__ ..,. ,.. ..
less concentration ,of ,thought • on. -the, dhe go'ditindefof lnnvalitisa who'';wilt eadrip ;via-
f om•e” silt s d t in the
• c e tared r a
!t h
ittle ante onists the bettete . l is . , i. Y .t!� ykr19 ... e r
] g t in'brth best ;way of recovering health Bpllowav's
,have faith. If you have,itdtet. telte'the Pills will work a thorough chance 7l1` Lite eoa-
ipains to cultivate it. stitatigns of the weak and nervous.
'-'c, -
. Inteinational and 'F4'1) 4'0113:
IT is the intention to, have a eanadian 'repro
senttitibn fit thdtfitercbionial Pxhibition at
Antwerp, commencing. ill May.,J,888, 011.1 also
at the Colouial and Indihrl Exhibition in Lon-
don in 1886., , "' ,,
The Government will defray, the cost, of
freight in,, conveying Cariadl'an' hxhibits to
A. twerp and hire 4nttvet;pto: I oaiidn, and
also' of, returnin them tto Canada iii the
eyent,p1 their not botng'sold.,--
Air exhibits, -for Antwerp should be ready for
shi'btnont net later than,the first wdeok ie,3iarcii
Lein=.. .,.
These exhibitions„itis believed, will afford
Iiivoratile,opportufiity fol; making ',known ,the
natural canapflit, es, , and manufgcturiug and
progrers of the Dnnriuio'ti
Circulars and forms contaiiingamuoropar
ticular information may,be obtained by letter,
(poet 'f"drsdthe =Deitartmenor
Aq„t1oultreuere).e;OaOttawa- .
Bdy esolder,dto t
so x Lown,
Secy:, Dept. ofMgeic
Department of Agriculture
Ott wa ember 10 +1881
Vie Great Fre4cll LotiOo for li alitifyiug
the Faoe,
It c.iueaia the ovidenoeof dee.. o.,0 al,l,li-
catiou will ,,:lake the moat stubbornly red:and
rough hands bonntifulty enft and white, Re-
member that.' MAY DEW" is not a paint or
Pender+tlratAle up the Aures of the stein, and
that isiujurious-to rho skin buts new and
groan discovery, n veget %welisnnd, thatoeueys
the cheek to glow with health, the neck, ax os
audhandsto rival the Lily in whiteness, In•-
• possible to detect in the beauty it cordons any
artificial °haratter. It cures Greasy iikin,
, riu,UObera. plsP,sim4Rples. Bandi,snreieck HorCbeadsap,
Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grubs, Sun stern
tied Lias. Balbcr's Itch, Tetter. dcc. IG frees
ihu pil glands, ud. hm thi ajar.
efpo•v:lersautltitcostnetlesfroo weas1i s.
Ity its Use ell rd. 'ueaa aud routlbneea are pre•
vented ; It boq tti;4ee tbo elfin, and will #Hake it
soft,sinootnrind wliifa:lmltartfuglt deltcieus
softness; producing a perfectly healthy, uatur-
al,and youthful appearance. The beat face
lotion that the world ever produced. We will
send" A. 1,4)505 8o'r••maw" to any address 00 re-
ceipt ofprice,$t. Whenordering mention thi
Address ell letters to the
1d-tY DEW AGi:;\CF,
71 Yount•atreet, Toronto, On
loretn.1 Reception flown for IAttica.
Hb[LowA\' P11
They iltr
Parity the Bleed, correct all-Disordere o the
to and restore to health Debilitated Conatitntioua, and are invaluable in all
cidental to Females of all ages. For Within anti the ',nasi they are priceless
is en infallible remrfly for Bad Lege, Bad Breasts, Ohl Wouude, Boreal and utters. 11
famous for Gent and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Broucltitia, et units, (,'olds,Olendeler Swellings. and all skin diseas
i.t has no rival ; and for contreeted slid stiff joints itacts like u e)rnmi.
Thu .Pills aud Ointment are sold, it Trtoxtas FiozLowax's Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of idedichue, in Boxes and Pate, at is. lid., 2e. t?d.,
4s, 6a1., ila., 22s., and las, each. The 2a, 911. size contains three times the qquautity of the
Is lljd, size ; the 4s. (Id. size six .; the lie. size sixteen ; the faaai:is :tblrty.threo ; and the
Bassist) lifty.two time the quantity of the timeliest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed direction ate affixed to each Box aud Pot, anti can be bee in any lauguage
Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots end Howe. Ir the eddresa is nut
bZia Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious.
1, - O
mX �' 'ER O =AI I0
T El 1-C
$o coy the best farmers. stockmen, .gar -
vac:, •
deuera,.and fruit growers of America of the.
armor Q a er. The best writers in world. Original
groat National; Weekly, the, Rural New York--a� throughout. Over 500 illustrations .from
. `nature every y paper p B
Is the only I1'dependpnt Agrlculturi;; Jin;;
nal In Canada Owned. and'Publfshed°
;by a kianeer....
WHAT 1411740115 HAY . ,
"it is our best friend..' '
•"It is worth ten times Its cost.",
"'The dollar rpent•fdr(tile Advoottte,lathe
Vest spent;lnuneyfrom the ,farm." , -
"The wife and, family are also delighted
with it.!,
"No farmer's house should bq without
The rightinformation -in the right seaeon`by
the beat specialists tiiatCall :bm procured on
the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and t)r-
• chard, Poultry, Veterinary, A iary;
, . X*isrkets,FauiilyCtrele,F,tc.,E`tc.
Per Annum.
Sample copy sent free to applicant' mention-
ing their Lot, Concession and Post Oliioe:'
Address- '
r year. Fine pa er 1'6 pages -ask
'those 1viio3 knot?. Specimens gladly sent
wtthout.charge ..1,2,800 worth, of presents
Offered ,td,subeer bets ferule `largest club);•
Conduc'tedb' praotible farmers: ' Its 'Free'Seed Dibtribntron,s' are lnvaluiibie.° Over 600
ilont'ributiona.: Posters and'outt%ts bn appli-
eatiou, Setid,'for'them. - ntritan w tv-yoleaZs,
24",]Saa•k Row, t3;.YY
o 1 Kids
-{-� (�,r�. �r •tom �-�•15
• D.- c• A N 5
Who recently' opened a REPAIR SAM:Lin
FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re-
ceived a New Lathe, by the assistance of
which he is preparedjo repair '
s VOLVEiRS, SKATES, fie. ...
Satiefaotion giiaranteed'inereryease. Re
patrhig'`dtuie. with neatness and despatch
yeasrii place.
ber the P a
"D. McAN 5}l
Fauson's Bleck, Exeter