HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-26, Page 5Tile, Igcott Act. - The. requisite number of uignaturee have been obtained Jo the Sooit .hot petition for the county of Ontario, nod is has been deposited in the rig• bitty office at Whitby. A meeting of the Scott Act Aesooiation has beim held, and arrangements made for a vigorous campaign, A large deputation, oontprising the Committee On Legislation of the Do- minion Alltanoe and a nnmber of other prominent temporaries workers, waited ou Sir John Macdonald Mon- day afternoon and laid before him certain proposed amendments whiob The committee have framed for iaoer- poration into the Canada Temperance Rota ae necessary for its - more off. - cleat working. Sir John. replying so the delegation. said that the sub- jeot was one of very great importance, and after the statements that had been made to bite he would refer the whole matter at once to the Minister of Justice, who would look into it from a legal standpoint. He sur- geeted that * onmwittee of legal grit. tlemen iden>xli'lett with the temperance 6411'100 be appointed to minter with the Minister of Justine on this anbjeot. Senator Vidal said the point which the delegation wished to ifntirees upon the Government was that Parliament bad given them a :aW, but had not given necessary machinery to [Hake it operative. Sir John mid it was clear that when a lair watt placQ on the statute book it required lnachtnerr to work it, and of course Parliament ort,lit to make its own legislation available and effective, The depute tion then witbtirew. An Extract f'aram, a Parivtaf Lotter. Snowflake, Feb. 9111. 1885. Robert Sanders, Esq., Exeter, Ontario. lire.• -I am in receipt of yonr favor and I Int -ten to reply. Wo IMO had a Aplendld winter so far, having had no storms of any ateao nt. We have about ten inobos of snow on an average, or, perhaps less. The ther- mometer has been low'taveral areas, down to 300 and. once •15 , but no wind. Our wheat has been good in quality and quantity and prices remarkably gnutl compared with other marimba in the United Status and Eas- tern Canada, No, 1, 72ote ; No. 2, 65 to 67e; inferior qualities, caused by being out too seen, varying from 48 to 570 per bushel ; oats 30e., and barley 25 to 300 ; there is not lunch barley for sale on account of tho de- mand for pork, which is selling lively at 66,60 to 37.00 per cwt. The following will give you an idea of how farming in this Pro- vince will pay, I have taken particular pains t0 a,0ertain the correct wages paid for tite various branohea of work done on a feren. I will give you just the profits) of a nitre spec. ulator i{1 farming, who did non° of the work himself t --Preparing, breaking, and back- settifig an acre 35 ; Seedier an sore, $1.50 ; Patting in ;crop, 31 ; Cutting an,). binding, 90c.; Twine used to the sore, 35e.; Stooking, 260.; Stacking, 31; Threshing, 31.25 ; Mar- keting, 61,76 --Total, 613 ; Ptioo realized from produce of an afire 616.75. Profit,33.75. You will nation that in this list breaking is Included, whish costs 63,50 an aero, and. should not bo inoluded, as the same remits ea/.be had in after crop if oars it taken in work. This you will see that at least 07.00 an acre profit can be realized out of an expen- diture of $13.00 on land which can be bought for from 35 to 310 an acro. !You will also notice that the wages paid are fair living wages, which the farmer earns himself if he does his own work. What may be done by al farmer and ono hied hand, a binder, sulky plow, harrows, three horses, and a yoke of oxeu. He can handle from 150 to 200 acres of crop, thus making a clear profit of at least 38 to 310 per acre on an average as the figures I have given for work wilt pay for machinery, &a., used on the farm, hi*ed help, neo., and keep up the running expenses. I want you to show these tlgares to some of our friends who think we aro remaini ghore enduring hard- ships for the chance f some day fishing for a whale in a horse trough. Remaining, yours truly, C. HANDFORD.. Another Pioneer Gone. One by one the old land marks, so to speak, are passing away, and very soon there will be none left to tell the talo of the diffi- culties encountered and the privations en- dured by our sturdy fathers, who, by their energy and perseverance have made this fair Canada of ours what it is. It is our duty to keep in fond remembrance those departed ones, whose early struggles in the rude for- ests of Canada have left us the rich 'legacy we now enjoy. Among those who have thus labored and passed away to their reward, we must give au honored plaoe to the late Rich- ard Delbridge, of lot 8, oon. 8, Ueborne, .who departed this life on Feb. 18th, '85. Deceased was born in Linton, Devonshire, England, on the 13th Juue, 1803, and had therefore reached the ripe age of 82 years. For sever- alyears previous to coming to this country; he was engaged as a shepherd at Exmoor Forest. In 1835 he married, and 14 years - fer, together with his wife and four chil- dren, emigrated to this country, settling in the township of Lobo,, Middlesex, • on the farm at present occupied by L. E. Shipley, Eaq., where•he resided•#our years. In 1853 heremoved to Ueborne, coming here when• this township was a veritable wilderness;' ho having to underbrush a road through the woods to allow his oxen to pass from Elite - villa to the lot whish he had aeleoted for ,i is home.. From that • period to,his death he a atohedwith, pleasure, and materially as- \elated the growth of this township„ to its resent prosperous condition, saw the forest' fag, all around him, as it were, by magio,end raw nby his hard labor and aseistanee he life ar his children ,00rmforldbly ,ssittled' in ife&nd him ha quietly . pegged away, leaving a bright testimony benind him of a hope 10 a glorious resurreotion. Deceased anbreeed chrietianity shout 27 years ago, d was for'beverelyears: a Sundae 'school teacher and occupied various posts of trust, in connection with the : Bible Christian Church. He was a quiet Inds a kind husband and, diligent ly reepeeted by all s the, p1(suitug of his acquaintance. AUh for PO oral *filleted with asthma, rhe hardly kne wrist it wee to be laid and top to ',few weeks Pter10ns to his death LEXETER BETWEEN EXETR A Eye, n*all, oa the 11th of Pe>trnery. a dark shiny x gr Bae, Aeyper*Qn ending the AMMO will hospitably reworded by lesyiug it with, Rev J. Ball. ilestsall, or Thee. Prior, Exeter- THAS.RRIOR, Exeter. was as active and energ as a► man of half WANTED BY YOUNG MAN 1. his years, but taku1. a seyor.e told, • wife,a conet. of Furnished Rooms in, bronolrisl effeotfon rem9v.d him to bis well- a private toes. with privilege of cool:in(t on merited rest, no leave.' Ia- wife,family rotting stove. Any person baring- !��***���77 cQ a13d, aaah to rotting Qud an eacupwt by applytngol*'' Ale children to tnournhifl Io(as. tar Mph= at the T1tslte Office itn,nediMtely. Nemo were followed to the grave by sIVVF 90 vehicles filled with mourning relatives and CABs OF 'I'HANXMf,-- The 6 a f e This Space is Reserved for yn!p. thio ng 'donde. e. Rev. W. H. Gans Executer of the late Donald McLeod oottdueted the funeral oeremou and who xaw kilted aceideutellyon the 3rd of Pec' MERCHANT TAILOR therewith. preached i o return thanksto thee 7 n iter, while working in a we,l in gyp torxosJjD.01 as .excellent sermon ill con ArblAsld desires t t j federation Lite AiaoctatiaD Af Too to ora- AROysaa. pionquietly away, and in the cennure° of passe*rs few yearn there will scarcely be one loft to re, late those interesting tales of olden times. This paragraph has for its subject the late Conrad Wolper. who died at the village of Zurich a few days ago,. in the fifth year of his his ago. Peewee' was born in Gena, in the year ISA, When 47 years, old he emigrated wiih hili family to Canada, and setcl°d in the county of Waterloo, where he took up land, Four years after, having a desire toxo farther west, he removed to the Goebert line, Hay township. Huron County, and again took tip land, This vicinity was then nothing bat a dense wilderness mill he very often had marvellous 01e4S0el fees be - um killed by wild boasts, which et that tinea were pleutitul in. Hay township. Der - III theo firat torr years he managed to do co aid clearing by hard and indestri• ous labor, and after 26 yearn of farm life be retired in the village of Zurich, where be lived until his death, We might ray that there is not nor clever has barn in Day township a gentleman who has worked hard- er than thedeoeared. He leaven three bro• there and lettersa waive, three aorta and two daughters. :Abel Wolper, of Exeter, and Simon Walpor, of Zuri h, are his coats, Old me iii said to have t death, His remains were interred in the German cemetery at Zurich, a few days sears . was attended number of friends and roletivoa. J 1I1IIL su SOMERS- The moat Interesting feature of the reeeet exhibition at Moutrealwas Ato,rnpsny ofcol- *redJubilee SinFeras ed inmattutaoturtng the celeb,ated Gold Coin Tobsece. eau at the cam" tithe dalighttng the erowde of apeotetors with exqutsita roathernmelodios, et gold mod - eland a apnotaldlaloma Rare aWArded to tbte popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the Shenk' of the oommitwe teed end, to the Ad Gula Toba000Co.for their attr&ottveexhibit Sa'.11 another of the 1 the prompt settlement, through their Aie'trfct Ageut, idrw R. Manning, of Exeter, of an in. aurane, policy on the life of the said lata Don- ald McLeod,by a, oheque for the full amount, Wingbaln,Pe}b,23.'$5, Executor. ztraxenit ROLLER a: MILLS These mills are now completed with all the boat and very latest improved machin- ery for the maunfacturo of 1'lonr on the Roller Process THE hllieL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT AND DAX, and wo ar prepared to do Watch fol 'Ad.” n.ex t Issue, Abstract Account of Receipt ane; Bxpen urns For the VILiL&,G i' OF EXETER, For 1$'84. To Reeve sad Gonnoillots of Renter Aifunfoiplity:.,.. counts, and And the following is a true atateete# of Treasurer and Roil : also 8alloot Aa Gritrrratrtax•-We nave exatninadthe coos nt,asfollows : 183E4,dan.1st. a. 1PTii. Qristing & Chapping an Shortest Notice To belau*e ea hand $alaaoe ai tkraa, le8:i. Arnou;tt of roil iso Liasn.sfund Olerttgy Reserve Fund. Municipality 2cud Fines,, Yeas, Eta. Stoney borrowed Iutere•t Sper *tint Mem after Lleeaukper 14.188,7 aid 1684 Yon•rssident ;wase Co, Treae Legislative groat Miseenaneens Also Fleur and Feed for sale as heft he cause of his Cheap as the Cheapest. age The f 1 tt des lby M lame 1 S & WILLIAMS Proprietors, Robinson's Phosphorized Rm. fusion to particularly adapted to del leato 1teniales, in thosolow crane el the system that manifest themselves in so many of the ailments peculiar to their cos. Always ask for 1tobtosons Phosphorized Em- ulsion and be euro you got it. ADVICE TO MOTHHER'S Are you disturbed at night and broken of your routhyaside chile suffering and crying with. pain of cutting toatb? If so, send at °nee and get abottle of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING 871*02' Revalue is incalculable. It wilt re - Wove the poor little waterer immoalateby. De- pend upon itmothers. there no mists he about it, Itouroe dysentery and distillment. regulates the etomaoh and- bowale, auras wind collo( mittens tho gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole ardent MRS, WINSLOW's SooTluno SirIIP You CHILD. aa'c Taz run o is pleasant to the taste,and ie the prescription of one of the oldest and best fefueie Martel Mold ptlyIipians In the United States, and is for sale by ell druggists through - alit the world.. Price 25 *ants a bottle MARRIED. FOLLI6-TAYLOR,-At UonMaii, On the 10th inst.Mr. Parker Foliis, of Grand Bend, to Miss. Toler, of the Sauble Road, near Grand Bend, DIED. Fzaousou.--tn Hay Township, on the 13111 inst., Mr. Robert Ferguson, aged 65 years and 1I months. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'Y. GOING NORTH. Express Mali, 2n0 Class. London,depart 7 45A,n1, 4 50r.x. 630 A.M. Exeter 857 6 10 935 Hensall ...,,9 09 a 24 9 57 Hippen 0 13 629 10 Of Brnoefleld Clinton 0 45 7 05 Londesboro 10 00 7 20 Blyth 20 07 7 27 Bolgrave 10 22 7 46 Wingham arriuol0 35 7 55 1 i6 GOING SOUTH, Express Mail. and Class SV ingham,,dap't 7 48 A.M. 3 00 ear, 10 20 A 'x BeIgrave r.;^ 8 00 3 '47 11 21 Blyth 8 )5 330 11 42 Londteboro 8 24 3 38 12 00 Ciiutan 8 50 4 05 12 4SP.nt. Bruceauld3 05 4 19 1 11 Xippen ,..: 9 13 4 27 1 97 He nall 9 18 432 5 36 Exeter 9 36 4 49 2 35 London arrile10 51 5 50 5 30 r 10 22 11 30 12 00 12 16 P.M. 12 48 t MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at 5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday.) ['ALL warn': ', \VnittWhoa 1 ... ... 078 to 080 Bed .. 078to080 White Wheat Now ... , 0 78 to 0 80 Red Wheat New . . ' 0 78 to p 80 ...4PRING w$rrAT" one (new) ••• •.• ,.• 00 78 to 0 80 barley ••• 0 45,90 080 Oats .. ••• - . .0 28 to 029 Clover Seed t • ,. 4 00 to 5 00 Timothy „ .. 2 sato 3'00 Peas.; 05510060 CorryL• ••0 60 to 0 55 Fgge r"0 16 to U.17 Batten .. ••• C 1546 3 16 Flourperbbl. ,. •• 5 00 toy 50 Pbtatoes,per bag • 930u0.40 Apples,per bag ... 0 40 to 0 50 DriodAppleapr; b , geese per 1b. Turkey per tb,;; Duelis perpr Chickens per pr Rogs,droesedpor 100' Beef Hides rodhg .. ' •,dreaeed Bheepekineieaeh calfekink Wool per 1b ,. tisl7porton Onione nerbusu ,0'04to005 005to006 io 4o'to o 660. 'd 25' to 035' ▪ 5GOto580 • 500 to600 500?to 650. 600to650 . 0 60to C 90. 0 50' to pp. 70 010 to 0' 20' ;8 o0 to 8,005. Woo per cord .• 2 50 to 2 75 HENBALr, tbARKEMS. Fa11 Wheat per Tali' a 0 75 to 0 76 Boring ' .., 080 to 0 81 Barley (b'teht) 0 52 to 057 . Earley (fee -ping) 045 16'0'46 White oats., ` 0 28 ta'e,3C 131aok Oats 0 27 to 0 30 OO to 100 0 25 to 0 52 Apples per 001. Potatoes par bh. 13--utter&Eggs 15.81 01 Se 1400 0000 956 66 1665400500 awn nil By paid county rate "Street', f;fdewelks, Liao. )cranes Schools Loe,as redeemed Taxes refabed Charities Priatt Interesta� • Bertts.Repairs sadBuiialaras Tire engine, hose die Registratiore Election Expeasee Yisectelaneous Polios 115 k 213 Roilwiy Coupons Amono%on nano a 604 27' 404553 24400000 I0R1 i1 7000 44 01. 93 250 745 7 ee4 00 1593 A61 41.'672 e 5tre, wish to "tete that we have a TOucliera eatlsfeetory, tilted tho Tree/moll books. and fled all awertta err T 08.8 CABI4NG,I habits'"', E JrMatbeoa !il!! {0 8111 tkc � Tic:. Has opened out in Back's Old Stand. (2 Doo: a north of Poet Office) , Jnet received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we will sell at very close prices- Splendid value in Cashmeres, Volveteena, Groy, Scarlet Cantel and Home- made Flannels. A nioo lot of Table Napkins and Covera, Splendid Winoey, Grey and White Cottoue very cheap. Tweed and .Beady Made Clothing vary dump. A 000D SUM' for 45 - GROCERIES. -We eeli 4 lbs Tea for 51 75 cent Tea for 65 cents. Sugars as low as the rawest, BOOTS d: SHOES. -We have added same now lines and aro prepared to sell the beat goods at close prices. A house and Lot for sale or Rent, Apply JOHN MATHESON. to Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer ASK The FOR THE BUCKTHORN best and Cheapest Fence in the Market. LOOK AT pRICE OF NAILS, $2.75 A KEG. TN BUILDERS HARDWARE. consisting of RIM LOOKS, HINGES. PITCH, TAR, ROOFING FELT, LINING PAPER, PAINT'S, OILS, STAINED GLASS, CALCINE & LAND PLASTER, ACKRON CEMENT, MAOUINE OILS, FIRE BRICK & CLAY, CHEAP CARRIAGE b1AKERS,--BENT STUFF in all lines. ALSO MUSLIN, DUCK, DRILL, TRIMMINGS, DASH LEATHER & PATENT LEATHER, CANE, MOULDINGS, & KEEPING ALSO FULL LINE IN ALL SIZES OF IRON. *IN .LL RINDS Or— I AXES, SPRINGS. CARRIAGE BOLTS, BLACKSMITH COAL, and SUPPLIES. RUBBER TOPS-Conboy make -Ml sizes and kinds on SHORT NOTICE DURING THE SEASON w9 will have a quantity of BINDER TWINE CHEAP. Send ord. ra early. SELLING THE NEW VAN ALLEN CREAMERIES and BUTTER TUB FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. Ea^.eironglling a Apeciplty, M1 EIA.IrrI S Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL Ili I CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. KAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Bguill,Toln, &a with Chlorodvne. KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent exnectorant for Coughs and Colds. KAY'S COMPOUND, for 0002h8 and Colds, is equally seryicabie for Horses andCattle. KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia Face -ache &c. COAGUL1N.r.—Cement for Brok- en Articles. Sold -everywhere. Sole Makers.--1{a.Y BROS., Stockport, England, ORTN(.RN. PACIFI R. R., LANDS In Minnesota. North Dakota, Mon. tans, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. From Lake Superior to Poaetlioustd, At price= ranging chtefiyirom $2 to 36 'per Acre, on 6 to 10 years time. This Is the Best Country tor securing Good Homes new open for settlement. FREE320 sores of^(ioPernmont Land Freennder tbe'liomesload and;Timber CundreL*ws. NOTE, 10.818,433 Aeras OR JIORE TILaN HALF of all the Public Lando disposed of ' , IBM were in the Northern Pactfc'conutty, Books and Maps sent FREE describing the, Northern Pueblo tountry,tne Railroad Lends for Sale and theFREEGovernnient Lands. Address,CRAO, 8. LAriBORN, Land Com' r, N. 1'. R.11., 8t. Paul, Minn. Lovely New Style all Chrome Cards,, withname avid a prize forl(e. 12 pack. 12'names, for $1 A sample. pas=and agent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of Tricks and Novelties, fora 3c. stamp and this slip. A. W. EINNEY, T aranouth, N. S. Established 1871. G. 'W`• S1IALLCIIOSS CO., NEW YORK, Pills orders, sells sn Commission,or will pur- chase Apples, Potatoos and Poultry. Write us. AT PICIE49.111.3713. BISSETT BROS, HEADQUARTERS POP, Hardware, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb wirer and .steel strip fencings.. Special Mao a Slangy *o EAP AT • _BISSETT EROS. :large presents 17even away. nd us 5 cents postage d by mail yon will get ! ee a package of go ds value, that will start you in rk that will at once bring you in money faster than any;hila else in America. All about the $200,- 000 to presants with each bux. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or epare tune only, to work torus at their own homes. Fortunes for allworkers abaolutelysaeured;:' Donlidelay': '11-.:Six,raor '. "Co., P.'ortIRnd .Maine; ATTENTION I Parties wishing Lumber ant to.otcler ahoeld take their logs to Brooks' 010 Saw mill, 27 miles west of Murray's corner, where there is room for anyunantity• Mill will commence running about lat March, all reports to the contrary notwithstaLding, after 'Which time all kinds 01. luulbanwilULhekeptftirr'rale 3'. 4:1WCA?t1I'; Prop r: