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The Exeter Times, 1885-2-26, Page 1
to ««HEW TO THE LINNE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHERE THEY MAL" Vol. XII., No.24 ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, FEB, 26 1885. JOIEW WKJTZ 4 8021 Publishers enol Prapldefer Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Haddies, Fresh Cran- berries, Fresh Oysters, Orangbs and Lemons, GO TO G..A, A. H I'' 'DM. .,.N'8 PA>!ISON'S MOO K Ira Agent for Thorley"e B.* 0 Food.. Only 140. per lb., or 19 per cwt. LEGAL• H AICE801,+t, Burriater, Soli- 'dor at Supreme Court, Natssy PRb1io. trsaeer, COlnaaairst°uir. «ta. stonor to O.ih°e to 'aneon's B1ook,.F,xeter. McFADDEN, nasus, Saito, Conveyancer, Ete,, EXETER, . ONT. efilop Pam ilio dock (agora old °eke.) asssesseeseresemere- DENTAL, AN «DENTIST. Jr: D.S MEDICAL lisrremoy ed Lo Port- and our Ontario Le ielatere would Irmo 11 le°k. 100 0, e«« tat 12 to Mr Jay Forrest 4 ant pain. SUM of $8.800. He purposes remoe lite re at. ins to Ctitttan. The MoOerthv Act License Commie- ` "" } Ou Tuesday Queuing as Alia. James sionerd are resorted to have received #hQ Iii cons a ul eta tustrac+i'.ns from the Damiaien Gov - riot Far From Horne. News Condensed. Itis Bald that l4T-. Bielbv, of the 7th con of Mutter)!, Iran accepted the offer of air. John Th meson, of $4,600, for his flow. M. D. MoGillicudy, of the Signal, will after the first of Mural retire from journalism and take a position es a traveling gout far all inenranee cool!"any, the North Arnerican Life. On Monday of last week, M. Thor, Bastian, employed se MuGarvit'a Salt Works, Clintons ,tipped and fell ou his lag,. breaking it, Tine is the third severe accident that he has met with Weide of a abort time. Mr. Wm Graber°, of the Outten line, Stanley, tine hold hie farm of 3cd con,, Jot 80. Daring the lest eight years she lived in Brumfield. She was the mother of eight children, seven of which grew np and were rgarried ; four still survive her, these are Mr. Malcolm MoEwen and Mrs. .lames. Aikenhead, of Stanley ; and Mra. John MoDougell And Aire. Wm. Spear, of Kent county. She terms dour) good service at Mangalore, Ser. Ariti•Bcott Act Deputation. ingapaiam, Egypt,-Corona, Fuentes ---..- d'Onor, Pyrenese,a N velli, Nive, Ortb- wan si* JOHN IUD To MU AT OTTAWA. es ToulousePeninsula Waterloo, , Alma, Sebastopol, Luke, w, Anew, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen. --I tee, S. Africa 1840 7, Tel -el Kebir, neer; oat aware you, I elope, t>tst my Foreign lidera. oolleaguss ■ud myself fully recognise the impertanoe of the eubjaots Ilial it. eontainodin the various mawQ1 , these and twenty-nine grand children The Boman tlatpolio Bishop of isle read here to -ds nd 1 to remember her es a kind And loving mother, b wise counsellor, and a sin- cere and faithful friend. Canadian. A disastrous fire °centred et Thad. and nn Friday ruoruing. Lute about $2.300. Laurence was email corn- ire oral- ireritivcly. At Qtiioage a gaug of laborers step. ped from one track to another Friday eveiiing to avoid an incoming train, .vbeu au outgoing one etruok theta. Two were kilted aud four badly injur- ed. The Illinoia faegialature, wbiob has welt in eeselon over a uioutli, has done nothing but ballot uneuaoeesful- ty for a United Statea Senate. It H a ala ot the Parr line, far toe handsome,compa a favorably with each other in Graaby, of 10 f ZI 1 was going to the house, she slippedth C t Ili arm ata to ' not Wen Pau"' canaPquent of alt Str.I,Carlintt'rrtare,l*xetar last lag above the ankle,. She ie now eppeat being made against the Su preme Court deoirioo. Charles Walker, proprietor of a Bay street (T)ronto) hotel, was stab- bed in the breast Wednesday nigbt$by Wm. Mallon, jeweler, whom he was eudeevortug to eject from hie house. 1111.. The wound was inflicted with a jack knife, and is oousulered dangerous. Rev. A.. V. Timpany, who died on the Telugu Mission, India, on the ernment to laevo licensee for 1885x, in .HYNDMA.N.•--0 IiONEKFOR olid fu01 fracturing the small bane of the counties where tale Scott slot has e coir yo uron, oo, °ppoa W. BROWNING. M. D., M. C J• le ti,oraduaxs ViotoriaUuiverstt Ofilo gadreaideuee. Don. utor+t.aborstarY. Exeter. DR. J. A.. ROLL'INS, M. 0. Y. S bowie recently °coupled by P. M0Phtllipe,Esq. O. Oteloe, Mato St.Fxeter.Ont. Residence LUTZ, M. D., doing as well as eau be expected. Last reek Writ,, aud T. Moou, cut,. on lot 19, eon. 10, HU Mt, eight cords of bard wood, for eh. days. On Monday last they put a SO through a. 22 inch birch log in one: minute and,, five eeaende. Beat this woe oan. On Friday evening,. iv,4ale Mr. .L - b err Ferguson, ut the Zurich road, •arts in Zurich, he was Housed with a sod den toms of power in hie limbs, being' • with diffiouliy got home.,,During the 19th lost„ was a native of this Prow- iaoe, having been bora: and brought oeuree of the night this developed Ta - to parnlyei: oe the Sight eide;tml dted'f no notfar from the town of Aylmer. the mixtThereday. Ke went to India in 1887, since Mr. Tonse, sc:aool leeches eft mt. which time he has been home once • Office at his residence Exeter. J)R. IRVTNG, GRADUi TE ©NI phvstliest's tied surrieoltr 014-.4^ m.oelfirkton. fS UITTTrinity ColleaM mberCollege tSPORTAbi1ot MOBS. UENEY EILBER, Lideueed Ane ttoneerfor Hay, Stephen,and MoGillvray 'roK.rships. $aleseonduatcdatmoderateratea. Oftca—At Post-omoo, Crediton, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN" ON REAL ES'. team jumped over the back of the Society ate roto of In ereErie/40a 1. elyto of n cutter and upon Mr. Jouee, bruising 5paokman.Exoter. hie b .ok And shoulders fearfully. Oyster suppers and surprise parties are the rage at precent,io nod around Cent. glia. Ail oyster supper was given by Mr. W. J. Moffatt, Central ia, a few evenings ago, iu honor of Mr. Wm. Neil'a aleotiou to MoGilli• vray oounell, and a return eurpriee. party from Centralia went to Mr. Neil's tale night sitar. 11OR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME On Tuesday morning of last week, DWELLING HOUSE andur,eaoreoffend. the body of Mr. Win. Aikene, of Sea *Mastodon the Thamesnoad,2ipliiee east of I forth, formerlyof the 2nd con. of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and d vias slued; splendid orchard of choice trait -hearing Hallett, was found in his cutter, 8 trees; g°onwell and cistern, Suitablefor a re- tired farmer. Will bo sold cheap for ca,b. Ap short diatom from Alma, frozen ply to THOMAS ALLIN. EteterP O iv 1e-tf solid. He bad been attending a sale, and was evidently on his ' way home tangs' school .house, • McGillivray, to recruit Itis bealth. When in Oa while driving in re patter towards node on 'rlough be succeeded in Parkhill on Saturaay laet was follow. forug the Womeu's Baptist Foreign ed b the Dashwood a!a a team Mtmi'fsyiouary Societies of Ontario and which had roe away. The runaway Quebec. He was oue of the moat euthnaiaetio wtesionaries who have gone to the foreign fields. He had lay from a number ot frieudiy native intended coming to 0anarla again a chiefs. He annonuoed that it was the year"henee. Hie death wail baa very fixed determination of the British to J. CLARK, Agent for the Us. • bornoand Hibbert IlutualI'ireineurance amloypliaatqubar. Orders byniprmtgtndedo Ni(ONEY TO LOAN AT 6+ AND 7 per cent. aocorr'ing to terms. Private b'unda. Applyto B. Y.ELLIOT, Octoberl5: 80 Solicitor, Estates N3. CLARK. COMMISSTONER • lathe Court Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leaees,aad all forms of agree • merits drawn and exeoufed nocording to law. MONEY TO LOANONREALE/TATE. Partieswlsh- ing to borrow money on account of reoentpnr- chasea ofland,or to pay off existing mortgagee wind nd a great saving by giving me a call, Can lend money at8 and ai per cent. aocordingto terms. N,J.CLARH TOUN MoDONELL, ISSUER OF Zrl MM.4RBILGGE LL'JENSES. OFFICE IN FITTON'S JEWELRY STORE Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance Company of Canada,Mercantile insurance Co -Capital 8500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont, Glasgow do Loudon Insurance Coy—Cap- ital 52,500.000 ; Bead Office, Montreal. JOHN" McDONELL Ex eter. O. Mg14gNI1 'C'i3 Central Sha• ving Parlor For Olean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting So. Clean towel for eyery customer, l Next door to Central Bete pia WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE .1. INSURANCE CO. Shrewsbury hat Paned a pastoral de. nouuoing the dymaaailsrs as «pests; " "scourges" «"eaemiie of Clod and wan," and '«assaeeius strikiog in the dark. Inc Bishop warns Catholics that they will auCUr tris penalty of being denied the boly'saaratpeuts and be debarred from all hopes of future salvation if they join "these miner. iee of Satan." Gordon's Letter= Loudon, Feb. In a letter to a friend at Cairo, dated Deo. 14, Gor: don wrote ;---"It to ail up with us. I expos a catastrophe within tau days,.' It would not have been so if our people had kept nae better informed of their intoutions, My adieu to all." ONZ or 0Gitn0N'ii LET1'ERr. Saye :—"Orme the river rose. We drove off the Arab. in four fights. We fired three towns. We had a fight September 4th. • We were defeated wi h heavy loos, our square geltiug always broken. It has been quiet siaaa. We fired three million renal; iu there t'igbte. Arab Krupp guns uitou hulled our steamer. We have lost three steamers end built two. All captives with ltl Mandi are well. Seaton Bey is well heated, but 11 kept in 011410s. Nape awong the captives ostensibly married .the Greeks to the party to save:.thamselvee from being compelled to 'tarry the Arabe. There Ws myetsri'ftlis Frauohmen from Dougola with El Mehdi. Dotal Ise Egyptian Neither&+come. - .'Jake cognize the importence,respeotttbility, strength aud the value in every solute of the large and inRuential body that has come here to ley their grisvanose before the government, and through us before parliament. I listened with much interest to Mr. Fullerton's er- guwents oe the subject of oompeasa- tion. That arguments will, 1 have no doubt, be fully reported, and it will be read by every member ref parlis- Meut. Ou looking a1 the order, of the day .1 find that the subject of own - venation is to cove up before the house of oarumonc, and I have no doubt that the representations`;which have been made here to day wilt re- ceive due weight and oousideretton in discussion an the subject in Perlis - runt. Tbie a maser of legislation altogether aud is not a matter of ex- ecutive administration for the goo- ernrnsut to deal with as a govern - men.. Indeed, on listening to the varioue arguments advanced, I find .fiat they all apply to matters of leg- ietation with oue exception, and that ie the prayer or regaeet that a aore- aussiuu of inquiry be issued for the purpose of investigating into the wurkiug of the Scott Aot. That is a wetter of incentive administration, but whether it is oue of those steps Mast a goveromenl can properly take without the previous sanction of gar- liaweut I am not prepared, as the head of the government, to state That is a matter for careful consider- ation. Then, se regards the °thee direst command' of the steamers a► requests, they as I have already slat- ut, direct cud turn gu.the fellwheen: aed, must ee nddee by proviparlince f the TEs AREIVVL oP i+tt6 ra1WURli ti 00L, audit is beyond the produce of the goternment as such to deal with them. ' oxx `' ''°`'M . Fullerton has truly said that the al Abu gemel'ytfif he erlome even gotternmeut were merely servants of for :he Brtttsb, singe there wilt than, }Ills people, and that they held office fur a tow weeks at least, be a usable l ooly'eo long as they retained the con - line of oommuniaati u with Koroeko fidenoe of the people through their above the second mitera0t, representatives iu parliament. Now, TO! amtI e1ET8.e as you know, there is great di$erence Wolseley reamed a vent at Iforti to of opinion on Mia important question. It ie a question of great importanoe,, exceediug, perhaps, any other subject engaging the earnest and anxious at- tention of the men, women, and child - ran of the Dominion. All phases of THE MARDI8 ADVANCE. this subject will, 1 am sure, be fully The rumor that bit Mandi was ad- discussed iu the present parliament. va icing arose from E1 Mehdi's mak- 1 have no doubt that these memor- ng apilgrimage to his lather's tomb ials, which have been presented to At garrote with an immense retinue. me to -day, will be asked and laid be- fore parliament• and members of both houses will have an opportunity of reading for themselves at their leisure all the statements in the memorials, as well as the arguments in favor of oowpsueation wtuoh have been ad- dressed to us by Mr. Fullerton. What the result may be it is impossible to say. Thio is itot a political question in the ;ordinary sense, for there are great Imo so the Baptist Mtestonary recapture Khartoum and avenge the Society of Unlash) and Quebec. death of Gordon. On the 10th day of-Jauuary, 1882, one of the foulest murders ever per- petrated erpetrated war committed in the town of Acsterlitz, Columbia County, New York Slate. Oscar F. Beckwith arras Chas. White, mnrdered his com- panion and partner. He oue the body up into pieces and burned• the head and limbs to a box stove and salted down the other portions of the trunk with the, object of o' noealiug the inhuman crime. The latter were found in a shanty occupied by de - the horse had turned out of the road, ceased and the prisoner. Detective and was found standing in a deep J. P. GildeteldeVe, of Kinderhook, N. drift. Y., went to work and follo.,ed the The following officers of the Pro- vtnoial Grand Lodge of Orangemen, for Westeru Ontario, were elected for 1885, at a meeting held at Wing. ham the other day :-1t. W. graud master, Major II. A. L. White, bar- rister, St. Marys ; C. W. dep-grand master, W. W. Fitzgerald, barrister, Lcndon ; R. W. junior drip grand master, Henry Perkins, C. L. inapeo- climinel to the shores of the Pacific, and from thence through Canada along the line of the C. P. R. He put himself in commuoioation with Detective Rodgers, of Barrie, who with obief oonstable. W. E. Perkins, of Gravenhursl, accompanied by De- teotive Gildersleeve and Sheriff Heiner, of Colombia Bounty, N. Y.. succeeded in arresting the murderer tor, Gorrie ; R. W. grand chaplain, Beckwith, at South River, in the Rev. Wm. Walsh, Fonthill ; R. W. Lietrior et Parry Sound. grand treasurer, E. F. Clarke, of the - Sentinel, Toronto ; R. W. grsnd sec Stewart Dead. rotary, Robert Birtnington, Toronto ; R. W. grand lecturer, William Doug. KoaTI, Feb. 20.-Brigadier-Geoer- las, Eglinton ; R. W. grand director al SirsHetbert Stewart died at Gait - of ceremonies, Arthur Hebb. Stmt., dui on the 16th: His death bas oast • 6tatabltshed in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATLRLOO, ONT. This °ommenv has been over Eighttsen years a successful operation ix Western Ontario,and continues to insure again.tloss or damage by tire, Build in se, Mem handl re, Manufaotories,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinilinsurers have tits option of insuring on the Premium Note or Gash System. During she past ten yeate alas CompanThae esued 57,090 Policiee,covering property to tate amount of 940.872,088; and paid in losses alone 5709,772,00 Asset%, 5170,100.00, consisting of Cash in Sams, Government Deposit, and the nnaeseiised Premium Notes on hand and in force J. W WAR EN M D. Preside. t. C. M. TAYLOR, Secrets r B. Hu ants, Inspector. CHARLESSNELLy P GUI 19 r $=star aud etetAttr, ford ; It. VV, deputy grand secretary, J. A. Burgess, M. D., teistowil, and a number cf other deputy grand officers, and twenty clerical brethren as dep. TUE. BATTLE Or ABU ILEA. A hitherto unpublished account of the battle of Abu Klee rays ' it is ae: oertained beyond doubt that (Jul. Burnaby, who held no official position in the regiment, ordered the heavy camel corps to advance. 'We broke the square, and caused heavy mortal- ity. His oouLter-order to retire oame too late. A GRAND DURBAR men pia both sides of politics who are was held at Korai to -day in presence in favor of the Scott Aot, as well as inose who oppose it. It is not a pol- itiaal question, and 1 hope, therefore, that the whole subject will be viewed by the representatives of the people 0o its own merits. Being members of the government,we must, of course, speak with gree reserve. On this question the government, I may tell you plainly, is not a unit. The gov- ernment cannel as such sot as a body. For. myself, I voted for the Scott Act. though I was then io opposition, and it wee parried by the Liberal govern- ment of Mr. Maokeezie. ' But as to the question of compensettion,. if total prohibition were iniroddoed I certainly, as one, would vote' for com- pensation. Whether we shall ever arrive at that stage or not I cannot say. I can only conclude thesebu- ried remarks, which I must bring to a' close, because parliament id now perhaps wailing for me, by stating WO all representations you have made to ani will melte the anxious, the earliest, and the immediate attention and consideration of myself aud my • colleagues. (Applause.) Air.• Gibb; of the county of York, said that, judging from the reply they had received, he did not thiuk that Anything had beau gained by the de- pntatioocoming to Ottawa. seeieNothing has yet b n heard of the 9 year old eon of Mr. Geo. Lewis, of London, who disappeared Saturday. of the Rabbabish and other sheikhs and British troops. Wolseley per: soually masted the Mudir of Dongola with the Order of St. Michael and St. George. The Mudir asked Wolseley to convey his thanks to the Queen. The Mudir was also presented with e gold decoration seut by Gordou. a gloom over the whole army. TEE NATURE OP. STEWART S WOUND. Someone stile S1ewsrt'a wound. wee of such a uiatdre that hie recovery my grand ohapleme. was hopsleus from the first. • . We this week reocrd .16e death of LonnoN Feb. 20.—A dispatch from another of the old resident¢ of Stan- Rtaleeisy, announcing the death of ley, one of the pioneer settlers.. Mrs. Gen. Stewart, earl ''Stewart win be John MoEwen, relict of, the tete Min buried at. Gakdol. No braver soldier, MoEwes. (who diad in Nov., 1888) or more brilliant leader ever wore the died on February 10th, after an i11. nese of eleven Jaye as the advanced age of 74 years. The deoe&eed was a native of Kiliney Burn, Fcrlingal, Perthshire, Sootland. After seven or eight years of •married life in Sootlend sheemigrated with her family in 1842. After living in . 0sgoode for a year and - half the family moved Queen's uniform. England oan ill afford to lose thisouung general." General. The Black Watoh or 42nd .Royal Highlanders, who madethe celebrat- ed bayonet oharge the other day al the storming of Berti, keep up their west to Stanley, and settled or) the old traditions for bravery, having Fenian Invasion of Canada. A secret meeting of the national executive oommitlee of the Irish re- volulionery army was held in Buffalo on Tuesday night. Delegates ere' known to We blies present from`Nsw York, Chicago and:Detroit. Several old Fenian leaders wars among them. It is determined to tako advantage of England's .presort embarrassment and make an invasion of Canada. Their plan is believed to involve the orossiog of the border et two or three different pointe simultensously,. Buf: iabo being one of them. They alailll to be well supplied with arms and able to oonoentrste 85,000 'men gal a given point,at: short notion. Scott's Emulsion ot Faro- Cod Liver 011, with IIypophoephites, In Strtimotiu Childreoaad Cholera Infantum. DR, W. E. BAlson, Hartford, Ind.; rays : ",I find your Emulsion to be an (taoellons remedy in lung troubles, .and especially in Strumous children, and a Most variable remedy in ohronio oases of Motors •Infant- utnr'.