HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-19, Page 84
,food Fielees or Later Ude.
In ,a paper read before the ,buffalo
Naturally' ts' Field Club it le stated that
Lake Erie and the Niagara River furies
ish thirty-seven marketable varieties
of fish. rut their numbers are become
ing rabidly reduced in those waters,
owing in great measure to so meny fish
being taken when they are full of roe,
Some fish spawn late in the fall; the
eastern salmon, salroe-tract„ white -
ash, brook -trout anti lake -herring be-
long to this class. but the majority
spawn in April, May or early June.
Black bass choose a place for their
spawn -beds where the water is shallow
and the bottom is sandy gravel. They
leave their winter quarters in deep
water a month or six weeks previous
to spawning. The eggs hatch in from.
one to two weeks, :weer 0. to the
temperature. Dees are very prolific.
yielding fully one-fourth their weight
of spawn, The bass and the mushka-
Rouge are the recognized garne•fish of
the lakes. Whitefish do not take the
bait readily. but are caught in ;III
nets„ and curl be taken in great num-
bers just at the time they aro ready to
spawn. They average three and a hair
pounds in weight, though some are
taken weighing lento eighteen pounds,
Sturgeon average fifty pomade, but oo-
eaeloftally-one is eau ;ht that weighs a
hundred pounds or over. Fish dinar
greatly fn rapidity of growth. Some
grow In one, two or three years to a
definite size, and the growth seems to
be Arrested. Such fish are shortslived..
Other kinds, which slowly and steadily
increase in size, attain a great age.
Pike: bare been I:nown to be over
hundred years old.
What 1(t: Is to Get Hungry..
Very few persons in this land of
plenty know what real, hunger is, They
imagine a slight craving, for something
to eat, or a little gnawing sensation irr
the stomach, to be hugger. A soldier
who spent the winter of '6$-'64 on
Stringer Ridge, opposite Lookout
Mountain, says ho WAS hungry for
three months, not a moment of which
time he was not anxious for something
to eat. They had three small crackers
at day, what corn they ouuld steal from
the starving mules. and a few llatf-ripe
'paer'aiinntone. One day word was
drought to camp that a mulebadmired
its the stud on the 'become Mountain
Road and had been Wiled. He and a
number of others started insearch of
the carcass, with visions of tuule steak
before their eyes. On their arrival
they found fully 200 men there who
had come on the same errand. Of the
mule there were only the hoofs left.
Two members of the "Hundred and
Dutch" (One Hundred and Eighth
Oluo) Regiment had just finished a
hotly contested fight for the tail. While
they were fighting It was stolen, Ieav-
ing the only their black eyes and
bloody noses es the result of their bat-
tle.--Pileseurg Dispatch.
yak .•�—
Ile Waa 1nconeolasble.
On a Pittsburg & Fort Wayne train,
in Indinna, says the Chicago Herald.
sat a young man who constantly buried
his head in his hands on the back's)! the
seat in frond of him. Finally ho
straightened up; he was beardless and
looked serious, though his eyes born
no traces of weeping.
"You don't seem to feel very well,"
remarked a kindly passenger in the
seat behind, him.
"No; I have received word that my
father has been killed, and I'm going
The kindly passenger offered his
sympathy and bade the young man not
to take it too hard, as death is inevita-
able and the hour of parting sure to
come sooner or later.
"I ain't takin' on much, sir" replied.
the young man, "not as much as you'd
think, eonsidering that when I was
home last, three weeks ago, it was to
bury my mother."
The kindly passenger was greatly
affected by such excess of woe, and in a
husky voice offered all the consolation
in his power, and endeavored to cheer
the boy by picturing- to him the relief
and happiness his father must have
found in being reunited in the realms
above with the partner of his earthly
joys and sorrows.
"Yes that's a bit encouragin'," re-
joined the young man, with a thought-
ful look on his pale face, "but it isn't
that that's worrying me. I shan't fee]
content until I get home and learn
whether dad has gone and made a fool
of himself by getting married aain
sence I was there last. Hain't expect -
in' no better luck than to find a widder
there on the farm bossin' things
around, Deng the luck!"
Ruined His Business.
"I never see an electric light but I
get mad," remarked a passenger on a
Chicago & Alton train the other day.
"How is that?"
"Well, there's cause .enough for i .
i own a nice picnic and camp ground
near St. Louis, that I rent out for even-
ing parries and religious camp -meet-
ings. I've made a gooddeal of money
off it in the last three years, and was
doing well this •season till• about two
weeks ago. Then I made up my mind
to light it with electricity. I spent
$1,300 for the plant, and expected to
gget it all back by increased custom.
It's been my ruin."
"Can't see bow that Comes."
"You can'tP" Well, you could if
you knew anything about the business.
My grounds were made almost as light
ras day, and they were really beautiful.
But a camp -meeting I had there last
week broke up the second Eight for
lack of attendance, and the fellows
that had engagements for evening pic-
nics heard of the electric lights and
broke off the bargains. ]:'d like to
kick every electric light I see. —CM-
eaao Rerald.
—When Noah invited the animals to take a
picnic trip in the Ark, the elephant took his
trunk and the cows their bags, but the dogs
went off with barks of their own,
A person suffering with pain and heat over
the small of the back, with a weak weary feel-
ing and frequent headaches, is seriously ,ll and
should look out for kidney diasase. Burdock
Blood Bitters regulate the kidneys, blood and
liver, es well as the stomach and bowels,
—It has been proven that snails 1~eptin cap-
tivity will grow fat upon paper and will eat it
greedily. This opens out a new channel for
the productions of the unbiusbiog poet.
As au article for the. toilet, A,yer's Hair
Vigor Stand,. unrivalled. it cleanses the scalp
and preserves it from scurf and dandruff, cures
itching and humors, restores faded or gray
i+air to its original dark color, and promotes its
+ growth,
?deUregor d; Parke',a Carbolic Cera e�Ass
been tested by years of trial and has been
found the most convenient and effectual meth.
cd of applying Carbolic Reid. The greatest
antieeptic in use for Cots, $urns and OR
Sores. Be sure you Let Afe(regor cis I'arl:e's
Carbolic Cerate. Sold for 2a cents by J. W.
} Browning Uruggt.t. 6
What did the spider do when be came tint
d of the Ark ? fie took a fly and went horse,
Investing twenty -fire cents for a bottle of
Reveres Fe toiel Dal+arn.the best threat and
lung healer known. Cures coughs.brouchitis,
asthma and all pulurou try complaints.
It was an honest milkman's son who point.
ed at a piece of chalk ill the aclroolrooni and
asked the teacher what it was used for.
The disfiguring eruptions on the face, the
sunken eye. the pallid eanrpletion, iudicete
that there is something wrong going on wrthiu.
Expel the lurking foe to health, Ayer's Sartre -
Patina was devised for that purpose ; road does
Bueltlen's Aro left Salve.
Time Best Sabre in the world for Cuts, Bruis-
es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Soren.
Tetter, Chapped bands. Chilblains, Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and poFitively cures piles,
or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price 23 cents per box. For sale by all drug-
�A fair poetess says : "I've found what
silence is," AU right, darling ; yon may keep
it. Parttape you'll need it some dey.
The papular remedy. Hagyard's Yellow Oil.
is used both internally sod externally, for
aches. Retina, colds, croup. rheumatism. deaf.
nese and diseases of an inflammatory nature,
—Umbrellas wbrellas and good jokes don't always
belong to those who use them most.
Tun VOLTAM BALT CO.. Meriball, Mich.,wU
scud DR.Dxz'aCerealtAran ELltceao.VoLxAIC
BUMS 1:1n I?.a.aceaio ArrztaziCRs on trialler
hide days to men (young or ole) who are at-
filiated with nervous debility, lost vitality
and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
speedy and complete restoration of health and
manly vigor. Address as above. N, 13,—No
risk i a incurred. as thirty days' trial is allowed
--What kind of essanoe does a young man
hke when he pops the g3estion ? Acquies-
Perfect beauty is only attained by pure
i+lood and good health. These aoquirerntenta
give the possessor a pleasant expression, a fair
clear akin,and the rosy bloom of health. Bur-
dock Blood Bitters purify the blood and bus
the entire system to a healthy
Every puroaaler of oommon sense business
capacity, when requiring an article for a cer.
tam purpose, purobases only that which has
been tried aria allowed first to test, before
buying. You bre allowed a free trial bottle
of McGregor'a Speedy Cure, the great remedy
for Dyspepsia, Impure Bleed and Liver Disor-
ders at J. W. Browning's Drug Store. Sold at
50e. and 61 per bottle. See testimonials from
persons in your own town.
—Wanted—An alarm clock that won't get
out of order wben placed in'the servant girl's
"Brown's Household Panacea*" hasno equal
forreiievingpain,both internal and external tt
eurespain in the Side, back orbowels,sorethroat
Rheumatism, Toothnche,Lumbego and any kind
of a pain or ache. "It will most surely quicken
the blood and heal, as its acting rower's wonder-
ful. "'Brown's Household Panacea' being ack-
nowledged as the groat Pain lteliever,and of don
bre thestrength canny other Elixir orLiniment
bathe world,ahouldbeinevery family handy for
use when wanted,"as it really is thebestremedy
in the world for,Cramps in the Stomach, and
Pains and Aches f altkinds," and is for sale by
all Druggists at25 cents a bottle.
More .eople, adults and children. aretroub-
led withcostiveness than with any other
ailments Dr. Henry Baxter'a Mandrake Bit-
ters will cure costiveness and 'prevent the
diseases which result from it.
Fluid Lightning cares Neuralgia in ono
Fluid Lightning cures Toothache in one
Fluid Lightning cures race Ache in ore
Fluid Lightning cures hninbago in one
minute. "
Fluid Ltghtnieg relieves Rheumatisb in one
Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache in-
stantly. Price 25 cents per bottle et J. W
Browning'a•Drug Store. 6
-It's cold weather for ahenpecked husband
when he lets the fire- go out.
If you have vainly tried many remedies tor
rheumatism, it will be it wise conclusion to try
Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It cures ail painful
diseases when other medicines fail.
Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, of Buffalo, N. Y., was
given up to die by her physician, as, incurable
with Consumption, it proved Liver Complaint,
and was cured with Burdock Blood Bitters.
Holloway's Ointment and Pills.—Female
Complaints. —On the mothers of England de-
volves much and serious responsibility in se-
curing for their daughters robust health.; frse-
quently, alas 1 thoughtlessly sacrificed by cul-
pablo bashfulness at a particular period of life,
when all important changes take place in the
female constitution, upon the management of
which depend future happiness or misery.
Holloway s Pills, especiallyifaided with the
Ointment, have the happiest effect in estab-
lishing those functions, upon the dueperform-
ance of which health and even life itself de-
pend. Mother and danghter. may safely use
these powerful deobstruent remedies without
consulting any one. Universally adopted as
the one grand remedy for female complaints
these Pills never fail,never weaken the system,
and always bring the desired result.
peitiona residing throttghone the
United States. and Canada for desertion. non
etc, Advicefree, State your case and address
ATTORNEY WAND. World Building, 326?
Broadway, New Tork.
• ONT., Co xesican, Coat zrssmoixsn.
Piro and rife humane* Agent and Issuer of
Marriage Licensee, A11 13snesg transacted
atirotlyconfidential, A Call kolicited; Odice
AS the Post Qi ice:
for working people. Send 39 cents
royal. am d we valuableisa mad
boou x of
goo.js that will put you an the way
of making more mopey in a f8te
days than you ever thought possi-
ble at any business. Capital not
required. You can the at home and work spare
ti.Cte only or all the tante, Alt or bots sexes
of all ages grandly successful.' lit! cents to 's
easily earned every evening. That all who:
want work may test the business. we male this
unparalleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfied we will send tri to pay for tbe trouble,
us. kW' particulera,diroetions, Ae.
sent free. imweasepay absolutely sure for all
Sir so o 1 t Co.,Postlandd,oars arsine.
lint men will save money, and rano their
'kfaebrnery by ming Laraine.
Asa been notorious at air the beading exhib.
riots and industrial fails since 1878, carr .tngoff
nest prizes and medals in every fnstaase. it
has now no equal as a lubricator, ani will out-
wear lard, seat ar castor ori, and warranted
savcmoursgubttyyhn0hait.nOiiao. bTyfteTndwyo
twill testily in its favor. Beware of imitations.
--mssuce4Crpitmirm o$LT
McColl Bros. Co , Toro .to,
—VOA 549 a SX'-
BitaSET'T' BE08.. Exeter
J. EILBBR & SON, Crediton ;
McPt1NELL tL IVA11011. Mensal
Clearing Sale.
frowelmnr en=
33ack Gia Stara.
(2 Donna north of Post Office)
Butter and Eggs Wanted
In Exchange for Goods.
I .moi 1( .1 a l_..[ ABLE TO ■�,• V li .L 1.1.A.DY
The Orem. French Lotion for Beautifying
the Face.
It. oonoealtthe evidence of ace. Oiie appli-
cation make the most stubbornly red:and
rough bands beautifully soft and white, Re-
member that" BAY DEW" is not a paint or
powder that nix up the pores of the skin, and
that be injurious to the ricin buts new and
great discovery, a vegetable liquid, that causes
the cheek to glow with health. the neck, arms
and hands to rival the Lily in whiteness,- Im-
possible to detect in the beauty it confers any
artificial character. It cures Greasy Skin,
Freckles, wrinkles, Pimples. Batok Heads,
Crow's Feet, Blotches, .trace Grubs, SRO Burn
Tan. Ringworm. Chapped Hands, Sore or Chap
pedLips, Paiber s Itch, Tetter. &c. It froes
1ho pores. oil glande,and tubea from the iuiar-
ioaseffects of powders and eosmetio washes,
By its ualt rednessand rourhnoPS ere pre.
vented ; It beeatifles the skip. and wilt make it
eon. smooth and white; imparting delicious
softness ;.producing a perfectly healthy. natur-
al.and youthful appearance. The best face
lotion that the world ever produced. We will
send.A nenos no-Erna"to Ong audresa on rn.
ceipt of pries, 3t. Wlegorderipg mention *•bi
Address alt letttus to the
Tl Young,street, Toronto, Ou
Varier and Reception Room for Ladies,
r` lid ware,
- Hoes,
Barb wire and steel strip fenaings.
$30.44414 Uno oft On y Ulm
We have just received a large ooutagnmerdt 1 ,
of goods direst from wholesale houses, winch
wosrilt sell at very close prices. plena'
value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, (irey., Sear,
let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A nice
line of table napkins and covers. Splendid
wbnooy, Grey and White Cotton—very cheap
Also Tweeds and Beady -made Clothing. Lot
groceries to be sold vercy cheap. In Booms
& Shoes we have added ,some new lines, and
are prepared to sell the best goods at close
May 29th.
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out a
Boot ad Shop Shop
in the t;orner Store North of Samwell
& Pickard's, where he is prepared to make
all kinds ofordered work.
'Sewed work a speciality.
Repairiug,„promptly attended to.
Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe
May 14th 84.
VM �`
lnternational and Colonial Exhibitions.
TT le the intention to have a Canadian repro.
at the Intercolonial Exhibition at
Antwerp commencing In May, law, and also
at the Colonial and Indian Exbibition in Lon-
don ',in 188G., .�L 1
The Government will defray the cost of u � � -- -;. -�` —e � j" = .r,,,,,„
irefgltt in conveying Canadian Exhibits to — - — •• =. "`"
Antwerp, and from Antwerp to London,, and
also of returning them to' Canada in the
event of ?heir not being sold. xr ��
. All exhibits for Antwerp should be ready for '- n Berta e
shipment n of later than tb a first week in March
These exhibitions, it is believed, *will afford
favorable opportunity for making known the
natural canar�ilities, and manufacturing and
industrial progress of" the Dominion.
Circulars and forms eontaitiiug more par
titular information may be obtained by letter
(pont free) addressed to•.the Department of
Agriculture, Ottawa,
By order, 1OHN LOWS, I X ' 'EZ ., 0 \711A.RTO
Secy., Dept. ofAgric, I .
Depaliment of Agriculture ONS S BANK.
Ottatva,December 1ih1884, ONE DOOR NORTH MOLS
Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the
They iatvigorata and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they aro priceless
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, 01d Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats. Bronchitis„ Coughs, Colds, Giandt'lar Swellings, and all skin diseas
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm,
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Timms HOLLOWAY'S Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. lid., 2s. 9d.,
4s. 68., 11s., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 98. size contains three times the quantity of the
is led, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 12s size thirty-three ; and the
338 size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be has in any language
r3 Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.