The Exeter Times, 1885-2-19, Page 5°rag* Egypt ( - 0 ei been push g so trot over t So noted Eng I ah g= - erat� Khedive,: ottirnor. of EBW.t' to 4% ,te the Soudan, and brake np the externem aloe trade,', and res ri,: '' authority •4,` Egypt 4 z is retnerkably mole fur, . and returned ite 1876 to England, having tlarilr at least a�mplished his -work, lei 1871, h. was appointed by the Khedive, GOtrernor- General of the Soudan; but in I879, not,lik. ing the tr tnient of the Egyptian Gonna - merit he r nneed 10 land, ltor that the various tribes of the Soudan revolted from Egypt. the Islave trade was lnlg-'ly re- stored, And carried on,, and tiio Sousse o were frequently threateningregypt. In 188 a revolntion in 1 gyp, -threatened the Sate canal, sd,d England seat troops thither, cap- tured AIpxanclrla and t.lairo, and has sin held p°MOesioti of the country, bat hes pro. posed Who ready to withdraw As Boon all firm Oeyernment as established, by Turkey or by the Egyptiarie themsolves,and the Ban- al aide. Au Jana r, last per (18841, tiena oral Cordon TO blathered to eta to the Soudan without troops and try to restore order, and break rep tine slatf° trade. He arae voileamed at Kbertourn by the people. who remembered life ins, weep eerd.kood government Who% there b,fore .. - Tow meteor, But a fanatical Arab. Et Mandi. by pre, tonna of a new revelation front M'ahoutet. ore hal gott into inneit power among =two! ttie t1ntbetl of, the Wan, and has kept Gordon itesnas4Ats o ,: so elosoly that the Engli4v' t -have hardly 'known wltetlior ha waed- , der olive. Last year the English people who have great Admiration in General Gordon, demanded that troops be sent to re. Bove Bien 1 so General hR'alieley was dispatch ed in Angnst last. with a small arlriy. He gradually worked his way up the. Nile as far as Korti. Thence Julien` a• of lila for tinder Ceuerat Eagle, bo forater ward to Abu Harem on to I her. He seat Geuerat Siewert, with less than 3,000 eohlters, *or o i the do3ad some 500 miles in a short Ont to resell the Nile above 8llenely. Iia nasimet by the Isfandre trooper at the Gakdal \V6lle, whore it battle stocnrrad ill January. fie theiriuebod an to the re Fero; rev Yea $13:3131141,0443101 *hem et latest. acaauuts, Ito had fertided himself. (ieuerel Stewart being wounded, General Written was in command. Gordon bad fent ea1;st eaere dawn from Khartoum to tot bits on the river: •e:aeral Wien haat up those to Khartoumbutwhoa they got there, An 94, the city was in the hand; of the rebels. and they oath not learn what had become of Oen. Gordon. 11 tot old "dee riativs troops who lead stool by hien had deserted bow. Spate reputes intimete thee be hat, retired to a ;trona castle or citadel in the arty. and is defendiug himself. Other reports say he has Roos up the Nile with his staawora to Abys. Yinia, ante tethers, that he vena kille+t ' others. that ha to a captive Md wilt • be held for great ranaom, The proaeut gro*t anxiety ,ie' whether (lam. WIIsou and Gen. 'Earle can hold their ground against the vast throng of Arabs that snit be hurled against them. The road from Kortl to Afnlerwan is through a sandy desert, devoid of water. except the Wells of Rekdnl, and it la trying to troops to march thio 800 u ile& ,handy ire 3n posses. bion of the Andre. ems. sTsrwlax 31tu5Ant.r DYrra. hoar:, Feb.17.-(.eu. Stowaut'e oondition is growing word° from the effects of his wound. It is believed he will not roeover. Lord Aoonmore lute: died of cterie fever at Kirkettan. flan Wood has started for the front. On maxi(' yedr eon. ('xuh. j o 1 orti e. Ara s, and a hot figh - " r lis And est oiik, aihi fore The Arabs' ,were iepu ;be Bringli ride were few.,, eh Saye on ne Byitah ehefa the ,dproceeded • eh The fact411at they` g ten 1 r glieb is the ate Mete llle l thy. , erg the t !1 {1 t1 • 11 f t1 e (Veli en Tonto, w � 4 �' t 't 1 a""�, 1,Abeilk,a:nearGubat,,a small outpgt, Cuatomeresupplied TUESDAYS. TRUES - in d,UES- a oocar':,uly, The enemy are reeear• ,DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence, in g a and reinforcemontafrom Khartoum, Th(I tairfiil ere ordered a1flh bps in the :ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE teb inity to ssaemote imredi eld"'arle a„ eek antra PROMPT ATTENTION. the Bretldt, 2 Farb. Feb: 17.• -ilio oowrrtamde>y z Ienluch asked, the Mahal for Seale ii - munition, as he hi nimble to fight• the .�ne1;s. ,� with spears. The Mandi replied ;. "404 : figtitt wait awhile ; I. will oonee tipd_dlestxo the infidels."' Gordon's trussed messenger',. forge.' hal_ ' arrived at Abuklea. He says st : t _ 6 irate aacoant s a3groe that Garr ort a `- . . ing hitasdf betrayed. made a rush for' the WAY'S COMPOUND, a dettilllooni magazine near the Catholie Mission buiIdrn2'. 4xnedstoran1 for CotAabs and Colds. Winding the robe* already' in p er�slou, be t returned tidthe Government 'Houses and was AY'S tr C)AIPOUND, for Coughs killed *bile trlring to re•euter it. The rebels and Colds,, is equalise sorvie,Ible, for were adti7ittted to Khartoum at 10 o`elork et tiorieaandCattle. night. On the 26th danliary. .i.11ottlet 0,000unt Faye that Gurdon malted TAY'S TI("! PILLS, (t specific tit tawsrd the magazine. Intending to explode it bearskin. Paree.nehe &c, to relent the Ammunition lalling into the Mt/ of the enemy. The ,Arabs realised hist llt4tsriNon stud slid; hila deed Exeter Istet: ,r Shop. DATtexs, uticher & General Dealer -^^^-;s Ali MVPs O 1 !COUGHS AND COLDS. Ars, °COMPOUND OF LIN. sni?, Auweed., 0enega, 8cilillt,`Co1u,Ac t1. Chlorodvte. >tglllt�ar :31c�,111i21A.(,''+l Noclety. The drat meeting of the Directors of the above society fbr 1885, was field at the Celt. HAI Motel on Monday. Toth, when a toll &aril arta preaant. Martel by Jas. 1tallau. oucled by John limiter,: that Alex, °rotary far the ourreut, yfear.--- Itforaod by, Zeit* :'►"Itlia, aecoltded by Wm. Bagshaw, that Wee Bissett he Treaearer for the emuing year. It wee moved an amendment by:I, Bowerman. sea. b7 J*s. Eallentyne, than Jaa. Plekard bo Treauanrer.•--5iotian carrie& Mored by ki'r. Dieeott. eaoonded by John Huutor, Cha: the aping °bow bo hotel on April .13th, --Marcia.,• Au judgeo aro to report then rolvea at the Central on reaming of the !air. Moved by J. Willis. amended by W. nephew. that at lila'* of Pvrabarou he added to the price tiff. tarried Moran by li. ITatater, emended by W. liiaeett, that deplotnee be Awarded the bast horses of any age in each elem.-Car- ried. lan;.-Carvied. The *oaretari< was ordered to pry all debts by oluregaes except priati money. - awned, The show grounds snll be ranted /Pomallotey after the lair bI' aaotiou, au the grounder. Monod by J. SalIaptyne, sea ondod by .T. Willie, that the meshes adjourn until doy el Rpriag fair. --Carried, A. 0. Drza, Secretary. 00MDa:l'R nexnA[LR, Tito Canvass, who bete given the most in- telligent and apparently moat reliable Al. count of;tile fall of Khartoum, is named Ah. dal Kerim.' Ho was ono of Gordon's servant, and escaped from Khartoum bye means of bribery. Abdul 1 rim says Earug, upon whoni Bordon relied implicitly,. wea the per- son who delivered Khartoum to the Afilhdi's , troops, When they entered the pity Farag .? prevented ttte.garriaon firing upon ahem. The story that Farag had 0400 been a slave and that Gordon secured his liberation, and that whenhe subsequently entered Gordon's eei+r'ice this latter wee deceived into mistak- ing Farag's zeal for evidence of gratitude is corroborated by the Canvass. When Gordon made Farag military colutnaudant he used to RzaEIVX A LETTER saoMM TnE JLrHn1. When Gordon would ask him about the correspondence Partial would say the Iettere were unimportant, and Gordon apparently believed him, Gordon's cleik and the chief clerk of the Arsenal were killed. The Mandi did Lot enter Khartoum until the third day after capitulation. He inspectedthe city and returned to Omdurman, where he remains. Atter Gordon fell the Arabs killed his clerk and nine others with spears. Others who wore at the time with Gordon escaped. , The Canvass declares that osoepting the attaok in which the murders were: committed, .there was :IO FIGHTING IN EnARToUit, During the; attack all the Europeans and moat of the notables were killed. The :males inhabitants joined the insurgents. No wo- men or children were killed,, and , all who submitted' to the invadersand sutrrendered their raluablcs were, permitted to depart un- harmed. AVMS reported that the Mandi ordered Fara8.to be hanged, and that the Pxopbet'a;, tt adored Khartoum, kill- ing alta tb `' llielatsenal and liber- ated yt'll{ 'ale Wteeptethle Greek Conal. Nicole, asci a ' ... ^' r tut i(a 'a, OYx, AbdluLe&je that il1abibi'hint 40,014 food fighting, rn ,,ha. pv a 1:).wapirski, ]tavb been iso`thcwh� soared et the " rosette of the baltieteof Abuklea4 ('ubat and Kabbabish. O, Shaikh. reports, wuoli eiukne.ai and die- aii's/ationr ui1 o ,,,t,tt .1lr het a tr°gp9'r �Tyv aro alt e .to tt of war -ami boa you,.: o Englisd p or keblioiiJ 0..lfhu Sttoildh='Ssgys lie •' Arabs,n,u�y re ..-.xl` tilPdli., l°::tlP abuh 1 levies ler• roo Wolseley,reniaius here., VP0LSJ7•eXR WATT]],. Ko41.1,,F.Ktl7a,,-Wglse1py,iliah•�dcoicleii :1R.'. 'tr s Rail, e' r r :W. , 0md1 i 4. P .�, W, . � P, 9 _,. Ix 1 f � ,•P. R ".,J � p Woof y,QpQ0/1100.4,et1@ 1.8011 atyollAl.:P4 tel? ;;. ueli 13,341:l;r ....., f . 'i•y .t ._''"''' '.•i: iffrl fi t, t t; .CO3i0NiAL TROOP s T00 LAT,E. London; Reb. '17.. 8ioials ;of, LhaWar Ot co and other memli a•oflth Gavin_ have decided that AY a1i bnc lllcf a#i di&rT troops will be unable to reach Suakin) in time to ehlt e in. the o er:';t a fI . 003;evflAN ,., :: . London, Feb. 17.--A convoy of wounded. and invalided British soldiers on the way DIED, Drnseurox, -!n Uabornu 00 the l8th ins, Richard Dolt'tidge, aged 81 years, 8 mth and 5 day9. The funeral will take place front his :tale residence, lot 8, colt. 8, UIborue, oti Friday This Space is Reserved, for C)-ttT(T HCO11"11 MERCHANT 'TAILOR. Watch for "Ad." next Issue, to iuit thc Earl Time: ASK FOR 1111 41704 BUCKTHORN' 1 1QAGTII,INE.-(Iefueut for' Brok.'ri he bE Itr1141e;. 1301.1 everywhere, t 1 13o1s iililtkarI -.114 #Iiuki., titookport, r imirFERR s INT Will be maned _C_ to all appUoarita ii" , • m4 *0 ousteiflers 0 1a4 yoorwl_ Wain le It containIlllustratioonz.prl� tinny rte for_plantingand alt f: E+N1! 10 £O> . s.: sella,iVetih alkali, Min, Idad►s.Vila hlitpyfitland Oragoia. Fewus Il take► ldtapeolor it+ Parr* f4ownd, At los; ramie, ie, cos. It to ors per sora. is oto 10 tears iter, TATs 10 the Ssat Country or simian Goad Nolnsa now eon for settlement, FREEs24 accts of raVoverA111ent nttd Jrreoundarthe iion.e'1 . 1 ■ an 17nl1trd"gtnrrladt't.NO E -19,1141.433 ,e110100rrs cart OHfE THAN 11141.10 of all the Public lamas disposed of in lots rreanthe 1Cortbern1'aeltleent:wir , peonsand vCns uans ,eSerai%4..atttbeBM"'det ter ola l the EINEM Ueveremcnl7.at 4,. Addreee.Cli A8, 5, I:AI41141015, Land Com'r, N. 1: 0. It., lit. lout, pipit, Splint& American. 20th .suet. , at 1 o'clock, p. m., ter the Flim, villc Cemetery. Scott's .131uulsion of Pure Cod Liver Pel, with 8ypopltosppitos, Ifo Serafututa and Consumptive Calls, Da. V. C. Irocicwoon, New York.. says : 1 I have frequently prescribed Scott's Emulsio n and regard it as a valuable preparation in aerotuioas and oon;umptive eases, palatable' and efticatisue."- LONDON, HURON, ANIT BfiJUi IVY'• . GOZNO Noarn; Exiiresa • flail, 9nd Class, Loudon, depart 7 45 A,ar. 4 50 a. t, 0 50 A. IH. ,saetO4r 111 9 Hotta• 0 0p9B 6 S4 9 57 Kljtpen ,,.,, .... :, 9 31' 829 10 Of nrticeflold 9 23 098 ]0 29 Clinton g42 7 05 11 00 Londe8boro 19 00 7 20 12 00 Blyth 10 07 7 27 1216 r.2. Belgsave10 22 7 46 79 48 Wingham alriusl0 35 7 35 1 ge rionzo Sonxn,° Express /rail. 2nd Claw; Winghanl dent 748 1.a4. 3 00 r.u. 10 20 A sr Belgravia 8'00 • 3 47 11 21 Blyth8 l5 390 it 42 Londtaboro , a 24 3 8s , 12 00 Clinton 8 50 4 OS 12 4op.3I, Dracaleld 9 05 4 19 1 11 SCippen 9 13 4 27 1 2. He tall 918 432 r36 Exeter ... 9 35 4 43 2 33 London acrd 010 51 5 50 5 30 MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at 5o'olook p.m. Wodnesd ay.) ii, ALL w113:dT Wlfittr'Vb'oa t ... .. 0,78 ton 80 Ked ▪ 078to080 White Wheat New .- O'78. to 0 80 Bed Whoat•New. ... 0 78 to 0 80 i en1N6 Wni. x F3fe• (now) ••. ... 0 78 to 0 80 Harley ... ..▪ . ... ... ... 0 45 to 0 60 Oats 1Q.,i oa to L o29 o. •.. to 5 Tmvhe•d>• . ••• . 2 60 to 300 Peas, -"0 Sb to 0'60 Corn .;, ;.. -. ... 0 6040 0 35 Cggs ... 0 16 to 0 17 llnttei ... .• C 15 to 0 76 Flour perbLI . 5 00 to 5 60, Potatoea,per bag 035 to 0.40 Apples per bag ; 0 40 to 0 50 (lrieclApplestpr.L ,; 0.04 to'0;05. Geese per Ib.. _ • 0 05 to 0 O0 Turkay',por'•tb .,: 0` 08 to 0 08 Ducks per pr 4.. 0 40.to 0 00 Chidkensporpr • „ .. 0 25 to '0,35 R*IIII,treseedpe? silo . .: 5 60 to 5 BC i,b ...1 ..., 500•to600 1-5 00 to 6 50, 0 oo.tb'8 50 p 060 toC90 01otel Shirk .y . '0.60 to ,0 70, Wool perhr, ,,. '019 to 020: 'ilaoBe�+ alas, 1 8 0pp•t(.s-00 t)nidrn•abd4rbSae' °? bib0 to''bt75: .woo :p.eecord ;,., ' ( 2-o to 2,75 ' lite -Seto tothik '1'S: , r:. Fell Wheat per b1. 7; if... .f,� °'b'f5 t'd`b1fe' Bering 1 0 80 to 0 81 Barlelplbl lit)., .,-„ , ';lA•59,.to 0,57 Barley,tfee ins):, •,r ,s ,•z,• .0. 5;,to,p,.4O to Odtie Wh qq `0 ? 028 t�5 3C 1# aelt'(3ata'' r t „ ., ":0-27^ b 0 50• 1 ,; , t Aproosr per bbl., 7.. N 1 :'i=i 1, 00ito,3s06 i1etateeeern b. U'4lt: