The Exeter Times, 1885-2-19, Page 3w A. T. Stewart's First Love; Near Lake View cemetery, which contains the dust of Garfield carefully guar d b a detac ent,.of United State , re Lars is n d burying groan., fou by he .people living in the country east of Cleveland, writes a correspondent from Cleveland. Among other lots is one cont.tining three green tnottais, carefully sept, and planted over eh of whroli is a modest slab of white marble. On one is cut the name of William Morrow, on another that of David Morrow, and on the third that of Abbio Morrow. Tlie old sexton, :t kindly pian, with long l that the only thing to do was to ]count well, David and William were broth- borough Mountain and coax an old ♦ �, even emu es, Cure fur Rattlesnake -Poison. Marlborough (N. Y.) Letter to New 1 York TiQti,es: Citarles M. Pttr,dy i .o i, i„T:1�];e�.x tt�i, rd•>•: of- the leading commission npercti'ral j c' I s iiew York who hast le rthe' fruit ! WOULD SAY TO products of the Hudson Valley. Mr. Ithose wh intend Purdy's residence is near Marlborough, , patrehaeing to aG so, from About eight years aro Mr. Purdy's aterm wtioa4l;a tc s® rr m her° e n t u of th n of v ma wh'le & 1 ci l sin y R, nal mltgt neoessas•llp rambling along the bank of the Hudson boyo a profit. We elaiut dere, on what is now the 'l;honias 'l w to gtvethe. pstrchsiers the be Ont. which a o o nn trfatr i Buckley estate, was bitten by a rattle- to , get the views of the snake on the lea The poison caused :=rangers. our ezatone great pain and the limb was discolored mlanntactusereoosiue>regnent very much, and the old settlers said wt can ielloheauer. C 4e', S. GIDI.ET, 1t'tkl•nitux'd .\iari'ut �. ttiz•t'�i 4 E WOULD oeur undertaiitngddojahrt ialatttantio ment,whicb is wore coin plotethanevor,as we have .tddeo,eevora1new;desig s f to h A l The a 4 beet (main* oeskots shrc.udand every "nvloral requisite at the lote.estpricee. Our new Hearse is 1+ronoun30dby ooutpetenl judger, to be second to none to the provisoes gray hair, said: ""I knew the Morrows a fast horse and io ride to the Marl. Era" ��` at' +� ff ♦ r1 ors, and Abbie, their sister, kept house 'Milan woman who lived there then all �+ i� {r i� for them, They were nice, quiet peo- ' alone in a cave, to come and care her. ple. although somewhat peculiar, The This was done and the live of Mrs; etster was never known to smile, and Purdy was saved through the medicine 110 wonder, for she died of a broken furnished by this old squaw. It is a heart." simple remedy --a small cupful of the The Morrows lived near Belfast, Ire- juice of the plantain weed, which is to land, on a little farm they called "The be found along every road and in nearly 1£noek." They were in comfortable every door yard. in the country. circumstances, lead been well educated, Inquiries made among farmers and and waere Pretpyterians in faith. Near co,,µutry people generally elicited the by them in It'elaud lived the father of information that plantain wend it} the late A, T. Stewart. The two foul- used extensively ler poulticing to heal ilies were intimate and the children up running sores and to break up grew up together. Young A, T Stew- cases of chills and fever: Dr. A. U. art and Abbie Morrow were childish Falwerof the town says that a handful lovers. although Stewart was several of plantain leaves made into a cup of years her senior. On breaks up severe attacks of certain When a lad, as you well know Stew- malarial disorders when other species art left Ireland and made his way to fall, Old inhabitants say plantain, New York to better his fortune. He leaves years ago were considered a corresponded regularly with his 'little sure cure for hydrophobla. Wood - sweetheart across the waters, and it choppers on the Piattekiil, Marl- was understood that when he had pros- t borough, and Shawangunk Mountains pared, lin was to go back to Ireland I say they have long known that plan- ,.. , .. . and marry the lass he had loft behind. taut juice would prevent fatal results Years rolled by and death carne. First from the bite of a rattlesnake. Toads It took away Abbio's father, and a few and other animals know the medicinal Months later the mother, unable to properties of the plantain weed, When bear her grief, followed her husband. bitten by. aisnake tbey invariably hop The children retained the farm, and to where the speciflo can be found. prospered fairly; Stewart's father was dead.and,his: old mother lived on her little place and strained her eyes 'hope- fully towards America. Finally she died and Stewart went to Ireland to settle the estate. While there he renewed " his engage- ment with. Abbie Morrow, and a oke so well of the United States that Wil- liam and David Morrow were included I O f 1iNsT 33 i ..a<.�1,+ i ."4,1+.. I W M 1 Js,�lo 11 RR ARD CABINET-MAKER IdIlEB2 R vunerals furnished >* ti. conducted at the very low, est rates• letp:Stock ofUudertalting goodsis large complete end we assorted, and any person :squiring anythlng. to this line will Audit to theiratvantsgeto give me a call and examine fee themselves.. ltoluer to sell their farm, and, with Abbie. canle with their former friend to New York. Stewart realized about 450Q from his mother's estate, which he in- vested in Irish linens and laces. These he had shipped to Now York, and they formed the foundation for the groat es- tablishment whioh afterwards "More bis name. The Morrows had friends in northern Ohio, and so they came to Cleveland. They purchased a farm in East Cleve- land township, built o. comfortable house and were soon known assub- stantial citizens. This was nearly sixty years ago. They seldom visited ala village of Cleveland, except to purchase or dispose of produce. A few months after they came to the state of Ohio A. '1`. Stewart paid them a visit. He was cordially welcomed as the promised husband o; the sister, re- mained a few days, and returned to Now York. That was the last Abbie Morrow ever saw of him. He was do- irlg well in Now York and was rapidly making a fortune. Iris letters became brief and less frequent, and finally ceased altogether. Finally' the news of his marriage reached the brothers. They kept it from their sister as long as they could, but finally had to tell her of her lover's inconstancy. She was too high spirited to peddle her k*rief among her acquaiutnnces, and ept about her household duties in a quiet manner for thirty years. Then they laid her away on a lailloci: in the center of the farm. Aftorwards her remains were taken up stud interred here. Every year of ner life Stewart sent her a silk dress, but she never wore any of thele. As fast as she re- ceived them they were laid away un- touched, and when she died her broth- ers returned them to the donor. She received many offers of marriage, but never again put her trust in man. "Just Think ofthe Poor Mule." Mark Twain tells this story of Mr. Bergh: A lady was talking with Mr. Bergh one day, and chanced to speak of a friend of hers who had lately been traveling out West. In crossing the frontier it became necessary that the father, mother and three "children should cross a somewhat swollen ford. Their only beast of burden was a mule, so the father placed two children on its back, then plunged in and led the beast in with him. It swam obediently behind him, and all reached the other shore in Safety. At the man's bidding the intelligent mule returned to where the mother and child were waiting to cross. The mother, fearing too heavy a burden on the already,,tired animal, yet only the child upon its back, bade him hold fast, and, with a prayer, led the animal to the water's edge. They plunged in, swam bravely for a time, then were seen to struggle 'and go down. "Oh, "think, .M -r. Bergh," said ; the.. excited and pitying lady;; "Just gthink. what must have. leen the feelings of ---,ghat mother as she saw her; darling child lost in the dept ii bf 'tha}tWeek- est }actest water!" e''I rue, oh, :true," : sighed Mr.,,Bergh; "but did your evem thtnl imydearr 1:i'tiy, what mustrihavp been the feelings' Of, the mule?''-Litortfort .Cour, ant "Johnny, Tillyy' didn't you "pile `up that load of kindling nicely -against the cellar wall? You seem to neglect your duties more and more every day." "Well; no wonder." ` "And: why no wonder?" "Why, don't yon know this is Presidential year? There hain't no business carried on right now."—Ken- tucky State Journal. i!. 1HiAhlswey of Notable 1.auamarf's. That thoroughfare known in early days: as the great Caizada of Taeuba, which may still befollowati in an al- most direct lino from the site where *nee stood the palace of Axayaoatl, occupied by Cortez and his little baud. past the venerable church of San Hipo lite and the spot pointed out as the scene of Alvarado's miracnluus leap; still further on to Popotla with its per etical and romantic memories cluster- ing around the tree of the Noche Triate, and Tabuca, with its Church of Our lady of R'iwedies--•rho shrine of her who was the presiding divinity of the Conquest—anti finally to the In- dian village of Azteapotzlco, in primi tive times the flourishing seat of one of the meat important tribes that dwelt in thevallev of the Anahuac. No better or more striking index could bo furnished for tbo illustration of certain periods in Mexican history than this picturesque highway, which destiny seems to have decreed shall remain a perpetual heri- tago to the original owners of the soil; for, after a lapse of centuries, and in spite of the strange vicissitudes of fate, the sumo race that in the days of Mon- tezumas was wont to frequent the Cal- zada of Tabuea mar still be seen thronging that locality. whioh one might imagine to bo haunted by the names of their ancestors. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Yantlk,,Leinon, Orange, etc.. Savor Cakes, Creams.Puddtntr,,.0 c.,as delicately and nat- urally us the fru i t front which they are made. FOR STRENGTH AND' TREE' :• FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE., PREPARED OY THE Price Baking Powder•Co., Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. MARCRW OF Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - AND— A'. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Best Dry Hop Yeast. F"Ct. S.49.2sH $Y G1-iZOC1E1R6. WE HAKE BUT 014E QUALITY. LIGHT HEALTttY BREAD 40PRIC The best dry hop yeast in the 'wor Bread raised by this yeast is white Mid .whore-, sone like, our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS'' SELL THEM. PREPARED e(! THE Price Baking' Powder Co., Mall'Prs of Dr. Price's special Flavoring Extracts, Chicago. 111. St. Louis, Mo. argue have us Wainnuti n d Rosewood Caskets; also t'ofiiine of every descrip- tion. A complete stook of Itobei and Trimmings away on hand. The latest styles of Chamber and Parlor Suits All kinds of Furniture at thelowestrates. TUE IIESI' .t715,`itilt$ `te 111 TI -1.E VOI,I.N`,CY he place --,Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobaaeo Store, ¥ain.street, Exeter. r7Q IlR 4W2 ttML,S <tanivx 1 cnosz. it li ktott,Svcodhan],SYlu;-holeoaa d n Ellmvllle ... ... ... ... ... .. 8,tu a.tn 50c p.m. South,eastandwesl,intlludiugLondon.Ranlilton, Toronto Montreal, lrlanit•y obs,linitedStateadstiglivhandforeigntuella ',.. ,., .., .,. .,. .,, '9.43 'ani ..9,00 R. m South, east wrest do ... "V,.,. •••• .,. ,.. ,,.Is,.S p.m. 410 p. to Sortb and east,including Gedorich, Wingliam, Eiucartiine and all points north; Strattotd,Teronto, 2foutreal,aud Eastern states... ,., .,. I North oast d:o ... 1C,00a.n1 ; 8,20 a. ru .,, ,.• ISM p.m. 5.50 p.m Ray,., ... ,,, .. ..1si' 7.nt.a.a;, p, in. 1 Serepta Tuesdiye, Thuradaya and Setur+laps .,, 8 13 a ra 10 00 a an l + MONEY ORDCBS Isiaedluta paid on and from tiny Stoney Order Odic* in the Dominion of Ce.netle,Greetneitein and Ireland,BrltishIndiaNewfoundland.ltaly.Australia, New South Weise, 5ei nauia,New Zeland,f France ane Algeria, ttto Gerapau Emote, sweden,Norwar. Remark, Iceland, lleigium, the Noth- erlauds, Switzerland. Austria-11uu6ary, , leoumnula, United i tatee,Jamaiaaaad 0arbedus, POST OGF,CE SAVIN(iSRANA. Deposita will hereceived at this Oleo from Bite $300. Depilate.' obtaining the Postmaster - General's specielnormlesioncan depositl}:000. DeuositsonSating* Bank account received frons 0. a zu, to 4 p. m. Interest at 4. pet cent per annum will be allowed on ell dtposits: Office hours Loin 7.50 a. m, to p. m. Lettorsinteudedforregistration must bo posted id nlinutesbotore the cloning of each nail, N 11—Itis partioulary requested that the senders of matter will kindly add the names of the Counties to the addtusses. worms, Postmaster, Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Atte' every sirenes et ,ii rqe arising from Impure Li•,,,,:, a . eke P1 i, i'. F,e ,- •, ti r. Climax 'C► ,,:I1ic: : t' ' '} i+nl•p i. REMOVAL i REMOVAL ! THE' GENERAL QUESTION Agitating the Public mind at present is where can they get the hest Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by catling on JOHN BELL, the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand Also a first-class stock of Bosoms, Bunts, CASES & CONTEoxioEAnx, wiiieh will be sold cheap. While opponents have started busi- ness, and sold out, andleft the plane, Mr. Bell has been found at his. punt during the past eight years, ready to attend to the wants' of the Public. GROCERIES. A,NICA and OIL LINIMENT CURES ALL Pains and Aches, AND IS THE MOST PERFECT FA IRY MEDICINE in the MILD SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 50 CENTS 1'wa BOTTLE. AYE.'S Cherry. Pectoral. Iia other corn' al*ts aro so insidious In their Itttaek asti,oso atlt i.a.ng the throe t and lunge: IaonO so trills i %salt 1,1' the luaiority of suffer- ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from. a lat. t g or unconscious -ex- posure, is, often bat fLe beginning of a fatal ilokness. . -, i C 'yrav PserortuL has wall proven Ifs et racy in *05117 years' fight with throat and iuug e::senses, and should 1k f,sl.uu in all cases 15.1170aut delay, A. Te:rlhle Cough Cared, ""In 1 511 t ..l. a severecold, adeb Affected 1rr I .w i ,. terribis rough, and parsed ni .1.+.:'rn,ittv,ithoutSleep. Theouctars gaga we 0P- l toed .vara Camaro' 7't c - T,: +t., 1.h'01 relieved ,lungs, induced sad xf,urded due the rein ?tecereary 1.; r"•• %ery of my itrengt,t Lt IL* c a<,' of the rXCTORAL a jotr211 . t•, •, , tfleeted. I am now C. ytars n. + t• a hearty, and .am sat:siiw pour ....*.o. !...a(•1AL nave, nue. J,OSACB FAuMISIs s." B c!.irpltam, Yt., July 15,1582. Crx+u1.--A lttother's Tribute. .• , t ties country last winter my little b r-,rht, WSSS*kea iliwIt rroupp is i, the would die Irma sinkage. "•, " " 1l.e fancily suggested the use t aiatar PEcTORAI., a bottle of 1,1• kept in the house. Thi/ all and frequet.t doses, anti • " t, " =s t' at Lai( an l ( nr the ,r Lie : h.t g r a 11'. lire doe- : •• a 1;., t i e i i P141-0004 had a n f;4 loll }Ga t ua"cer at~ 4, p.,,..,, C ..,[ . trA lt" 1Ct,ct n..th St., INee 1t.. , i\l,,y its, leR2. t ;eta ,. ,, t, rt's tilt' ref PFrrna4A , itr . 1. o,,;. c : •r t. t :<t<d do net l:: t t',.. ",=t effectual r tut ci t oioa aa, l et r r, e Lave over t" CRANE." " "orad MI1111.,l14r4.:14 IJ, let.'. 7. foreigl;t years fttn+ ltr(tebitis, l,r 1, 14413 ten , w tit 1,0 see, rd y the me t,a 5 11'S (`lite, h,. 1'0 33ai.ua4." t, ► April 5 :l •.. " •.9n f nontlz to (raise of AYE&'i CF t i t, la, - .t R as 1 do that + t r 1 zoo d,t1,, rte ve have died 11 n t1 tt ,rs. F. IluA0n4E." 1.,...t:..,•, : rx:ta, April 22, ibe'l. Ne case of as affection of the throat or Eungs exieti Rbicb cannot be greatlyrolieved, by the use of Area's Curlie r Parroit►L, and it will Astray, care when the disease Ill not already beyond the control of medicine. YREPARAD 8sT Dr.J. C"Ayer dt Co., Lowell, Mas.. Sold b! all Dragests. r How Lost, How Restosed. Wition o DR.ehave CTJLVEliW recently' S CEI EBRATEda new D ESSAY ontheradicalandpermaxtentcure (without me- dieine)olNervous Debility,31ental and physical Incapacity impediments to htanidge, etc.,re- suiting from excesses. Price,in sealed envelope,only 6 cents, or two nostase stamps.T. rIstats frotresoleydem hom thirty yar' success- ! ulpractice, that alarm big c ease qu enc ea maybe radically cured withouttlie dangerous use of in ternalinediclnes or the use of the knife; Point - oat amode of cure at once simple certain and ef- tectue l,bymeanRof which every sufl"ererjnomat- terwbathis condition may be.may curehimself ch iaply,privatety and radically. 13Th( lecture should be in the hand sof every youthniid every man in the laud. Address THE CULVli,RWELL MEDIUAL•Co 41.ANN Sm..NEW TORE Owing to increasing business,. Mr. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more eom modious'premises, and has added largely to his stock of Groceries, and will keep, on hand Wars, Teas, Coffee, . Syrup, and everything usually found in a first-class Grocery Store. ALI kinds of Farm Produce tak- en in exchange for G-oods. REMEMBER THE -STAND :-Southcott'e Block, Four doors North Post Offfiee i ?OTINt BELL, ''rourtetor. Poet Oflice Bei 450 RE NSALL PORK PACKING'; HOUSE having eoinmenee(1 busbiesstor the Fall and Winter Trade Weareprepared to purchaseanyquantity. of Pork ,subject to the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three poundif soft. Shoulder tack twenty-five cents. If any of the 1 nig guts are left in„ 25 �` its extra will be deducted. No pr rK will be bought at an prise 1T warm. . Wewaut all Rogs. Cutting right through breast to cr i', and aims opened out to tai V1' 1. ,J C1 WN ' Ei.t ..O: icily:cz.,'''. 'r' w .,. . ELI E: si llas Stout$ tL c teat (0 b. LAIta, 311(1 Irv; i,!"a( :1 i `i. , rclarity knitwn for the Consumption, C(:t;-, Coids,ld4°it .C)l'Il^e ' (, + - . axed all Lunt _,1C3X1i a AGYAR YELLOW 011 CURES RHEIJMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual lagrorar of worms in Children orAdulhh URESCOUCHS COLDS. „i HOARSENESS,ETC. TO FARMERS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, --OF THE; Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past'iberal patronage given him, and since making im- provements, whioh is a large saving on fuel, will do -CHOPPING,— until further notice, at the following --rates :— OATS, SIX CENTS PER' SAG, And forall other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY,tt SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days 0 TERMS - . - Strictly Cash. N. B,—Flour & Peed sold at a close mar- gin. Don't forget to give us a call Desh"ood,Feii'ti itu. 'b1