HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-12, Page 8Freaks of Watches. Watches are queer things, sari �. _..... - 1... ....tom ... -. .. ... ._ Interestingltems. ; "How much for candy ?" asked ii little 1 boy, "Six eticka for five cents, eh 3 Now" Wo do not sound a needless alarm when we, tear' ne see ; siesticks fee eve centre five ter writer in the J4taefers' (,*irctc ar fibs tell you that the taint of scrofula is he your" four centt►, three for two cents. two for one possess some unaccountable peouliari-' blond" Inherited or acquired it is there, and cent, ami CMS for nothine, I'll take one Ayer's Sarsaparilla alone will effectually eradi. stink, minter," He got it, but the dealer is ties. For instance, some time about tate it, still in a state of bewilderment and Can't gee the beginning of last summer, where _A correspondent wants to know at what,how that can, be, there Usti been a succession of fine dis- Height meu caniire. Personal experience has .P„ - plays of the taurore borealis, it was es- led us to beliere that a man eau live, if he has. The young man who was wont to consider timated that in a. single night in a job, at a height of shoat five feet and eleven summer 8 partionlarly expeusive season where the city of New York the main. mobs,,, he thought of his toe cream an4 boating bills sprints of not less than 3,000 watches Buoklen't. Arnica Salve. takes it Ali back Meow when he has to buy broke. This estimate is based on actn- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brum- theatre tickets regularly, and tabes his girl al inquiries. Flue, sensitive watebes es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever &mesa,, out sleigh r°diug at losat twice a week. . 177 are particularly, liable to he affected by During the month of June, July, and or no ray required. It re guaranteed to give August, when these phenomena ere Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded most frequent, there aro more main- Prise 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug- most rufl springs broken than during all remain- gists. Tetter, Chapped hands. Cbilblains,f:ores, au electrical atmospheric disturbances. l all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, ..- ins months of the ef�tt', Theybreak ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. in a variety .of ways ye:, snaps '1'tI>G $.PTs is DELT Co., Marshall, ilich.,wfl ping into a3 many as twenty-seven send DLI)TS'BGET£nRATitn l LkcTRO-i�O1,Artr laces, It is a fact that since the in- Beees ELECTRIC c'�ee or Cae on trial for P bitty days to mor en (young oltt) who are af- troduction of the electric light has be- dieted with nervous debility, lost vitality come so general a large number ofgild kindred troubles, guarauteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. --No watches, some of them very fine ones, lave become magnetized, While in this condition they are useless as trine- reek is in hired. as thirty days' trialis allowed keepers. This defect used to be incur- GOOD THE YEAR ROUND. able, and because of it thousands of Atall seasonswhen ►e ssem ison h the t foul anti watches have been thrown away after , y much incite had beolt Put on them tor~ digestive powers feetrle, er the liver and in vain att em to *smile then) to vireos ivaetlya.. I3un10 kck I31s od Bitters gra re- � N j1 TL m keep good time. Among the ethod$ vino. the nattier now. John ? resorted to were washing the parts Husband --Ola. that netualg.a and tootle,. en garlic juice, refinishing, and pass- itrg them through the tire. But all these devices were entire failures, or only in part effective. 1 know of a man who had a fins and valuable increment which kept excellent time. Ile transferred it from a silver case to a second-hand ;old one. Immediately it lost all its eharnoteresties of eteach. ness androliability, and in fact didnot keep tithe at all. When. replaced in the silver ense it kept good time again, The owner, a jeweler, puzzled himself And experimented in vain to discover the amuse of this strange partiality on the part of his watch for silvan .&t length he sent it to an expert, He dis- covered that the lifting sprint; of the gold ease had been magnetized. On substituting Another for it, the watch kept es good time in the gold case as in the silver ease. Cutting \lion n'ar raisess, • for working people. Send 19 cents postage, and we will mail you free. 1 a royal, valuable sample box of ('f goo-ls that will put you in the way o ' f making more mosey in a few days than you ever thought poeai- bie at any Insanes. Capital not required. Ton can live at home and work eparo tithe only or all the time. All of both sexes of all ages grandly successful. 5e cents to $5 loony evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled otter: To all who are mot well aatisfedwe wall send el to pay for tbo 'rouble of writing us. hull particmlars,directions, .Sc. sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at ouoe. Don't delay. Address Sxr:sow !it Co..rot thin d.Maine. AA The horrible crime of mutilating wo- men by cutting off their noses is so common in Bombay at to call for the most stringent repression. and noth- ing, we imagine, will repress it but the free use of the lash. In the Sessions ending yesterday, Mr. Justice Scott had to hear three ---we might say five --of these cases, one after tete other. He postponed his sentences for a week. and we were in hopes that he would in each case order the criminals to be 11o>;god within au ace of their lives. Eventually. however, he sentenced them severally to what he had nscer- eche hear kills me. Wife --Why don't you go to J. W. Bio n. in es Drug Store and get a bottle ,.f Fluid L Lightning' You know it cures all such jl )g -11„e„111 a au t s t vo tkeir 'AR�IERS, THRESHERS. .N1) IN VA_TIUABLE TO EVERY' LA-IJY `MAY DEW' The Great French Lotion. for Beautifying the Face. Itci ncealsthe evidence� of ape'. halo appli- cation will snake the most stubbornly red:and rough hands beantifulIy soft and white, Be, member they” MAX ])EW" is not of paint er powder that file up the pores of the akin, and that fatniurl0U8 to the skin but a new and great discover y, a veget t iiia liquid, that causes the cheek to glow with neaith. the node, arms and hands to rival the Lily 1 n whiteness. Dr - Possible to detect in the beauty it oonfera any artificial c'baaatter. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles, Wrinkles, l'iurples. Black Heads. Crow's Feet, Blotches. .F1100 Oraba, Sun Burn Tan. Ringworm. Chapped Bands, Sore or Chap pod Lips.Batber's Itch, Tetter, Stc. It frees , the pores. oil. glands, and tubes from the injur- ious effects of revilers and cosmetic washes. ny its use all redness and rougbue•s are pre- vented; It heaatitles the akin. and will make it soft, smooth amyl white; irnpartinga delicious softness; producing a perfectly healtby. n.,tnr- elated youthful appuarence. The beet ince lotion that the world. ever produced. We will send"" A LAaQE nOTTL'R "tn any' marries on e. ceipt of pricr•,$t. Wheuorderinc mention thi paper. Address all lettota to the MAT DEW AGFNCT.. Ti Toting -street. Toronto, On Dealer and Reception Roo•ii for Ladies. i w save moey, things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache. eitteiunery by using Lardiue. l.ltmbago. Earache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives Institut relief. 4 Mort+,suede, elite and =Urine are trout) ad withoa stiveue�a than avltli any other stilmonte Dr. Henry Dexter's ;Mandrake Bit. tare will cure costiveness and prevent the diseases which result from it. PROMPT MEASURES. Prompt means shined be used to break up amid= colds, and euro conga in their early stages, Hagverd's Pectoral Balsam +loos this moat speeility and effectually. A lirefAN BAROMETER. The man with rheumatism cau f'el the ap- proach of bad weather in Ius aching joints. Il • d' Y11 u'1 1 t' pains anti injuries. REST AND COMFORT TOTIIXSUFFE1U O +r nrown"s ROasehald,I'anlacea""has no equrl forrelievingRaln,bothtuteruxland external It caro yaie in the Side. back or bowels, sore throat Rheumatism, Tout beebe,Lumbagoand any' kind ofapaiuorecho. "It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, salts acting rower is wondor- ful. "'Brown's Rous,hold Panacea' being ack- nowledged as the great Pain RelIevor.andof don 1 bio the strength of any other Elixir or Liniment intim warld,ehould be in every family handy for( use when wantud,"aeltrosily is the best remedy l in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and i 1 Agyar s e ow i cures r.teuma t,ln,aC lee, L A,. RD1NE Has boon victorious et all the leading exhil,• nous and industrial fairs! since 1878, oarryiutoll flratprizes and modals in every ivata.:re. It has neo' 00 equal es it lubricator, an 1 will out - weal lard, seat or castor oil. and warranted not to clog or guns the Anent machinery. Ton will save money uy using this 011. Try it and you will testlfe au rte fever. Beware el iiuitetious. Pains and Adios of all kinds, and is foe Belo by all Druggists ata i cents a bottle —Eight days, it is said, are required to cut a diamond, Mut after a young; lady gets the tained to be the usual punishment. J diamond it does not take her more than thee° three years' rigorous imprisonment. 1 days to ottt all her poor acquaintances We are lueihned to regret that the THE HISTORY OF HU\'D1tEDS. learned Sessions Judge. new as be :ire ifr. John Morrison, of St. Anus, N. 5., was. to the country, did not throw proce- so seriously afllictee with a disease of the kid - dent over altogether. Surely these are cases- in which the lash would bo at onob the most Sitting punishment and the best deterrent. Estimated by the misery inflicted. WHAT. TO D0. If troubled with an unhealthy, slow -healing even the most severe penalties would 3'. seem too trivial, and if the law does ser©use MoOregor & Parkes' Carbolic Cerate. Yon will find it invaluable for healing, cleans - not permit of flogging in the cases of ueys that dropsy was developing and his life was despaired of. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him after physiciaus had failed. such cruel mutilation, the law should be altered. The miserable women who are mutilated in this way are, of course, rtl$dered hideous ever afterward, and because they are women it is simply impossible to calculate the misery and degradation that they will experience during the rest of their lives. No amount of imprisonment willeradieate a crime that is still evidently a cus- tomary form of marital punishment among the lower classes. But a whole- some terror of the cat -o' -nine tails is common to the degraded classes all the world ever.—Tunes of Latina. ing and completely removing your trouble. If the Blood is out of order, take with it a few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure from 3. W. Browning's Drug Store. 1 McGregor fit Parko'e Carbolic Carate has been tested by years of trial and has been found the most convenient and effectual meth - ca of applying Carbolic Acid. The greatest anticeptio in use for Cuts, Burns and Old Sores. Be sure yon get McGregor eit Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold for 25 cents by J. W. Browning druggist. 6 -- stANorAC're$F» Q;Fr.T McCoy, Bros. Cot Torcnto. aL —POAs8 DT-. BISSETT BROS , Exeter ; J. EILBER & SON, emitter. ; 11c1)ONI I'IL it WAUGH. liettaaf Clearing Sale. Saab's aha. Stand. (2 Doe a north of Poet Office) Butter and Eggs Wanted Ill Exchange tor Goods-. We have just received a !ergo consignment of goods direct front wholesale houses, which we will st�t11 at eery close prices, pleudid vaioo iu`Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar- let, Cantop and Homemade Flannels. Luke line of table napkins and covers. Splendid I Wiuoey, Grey and White Cotton—very cheap Al -o Tweeds and Really -made Clothing. Lot groceries to be sold vercy cheap. In Bootss a Shaer we have added some new lines, and aro prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. A Historical Tavern. It is not generally known, but it is a fact all the same, that to -day in Alexan- dria, built around by a. much larger" edifice, but still kept intact in every appointment, stands the tavern or inn where the fat, red-faced, brandy-rfrink- ins Gen. Braddock passed the night prior to this fatal march toward western Penatsylvania. The inn is a neat, well- built, and thoroughly preserved build- ing of two stories, with dormer win - flows and roof, and seems solid and good for many years yet. When Braddock and his forces left Alexandria, they did not march over the road, but moved by transports, and landed on the Maryland shore near where the National observatory now stands—Twenty-third street. To -day "Braddock's rock" can bo seen near the old canal in that locality upon which the commander leaped from his boat and superintended the lauding of Iris soldiers and' equipments. From the site of this city he marched by way of Cumberland' to their place of massacre. Had Braddock been half as prudent as he was brave, he could, by acquiescing in the nelvice given him by the ••buckskins," as the .Virgiuia full -...iia were termed, have whipsawed the French and Indians in that campaign. But as it is it is all the same, for he would have been dead before this date any how.—Hartjbrd Yost. - "I woultd.like' to ask you to, take some' ice cream, dear," he said, look- ing incessantly into the windows of a saloon, "brit after that disastrous af- fair in Brooklyn a few days ago I aim afraid to," and he made an attempt to forge ahead. "What affair was that, George?" she asked, holding him back with her hands. "Why, over 150 people were poisoned from a single freezer." "It must have' been terrible. Still, George, dear, there is a possibility of our escaping with our lives, and if wo h 1 1' Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer im- parts a fine gloss and f'eshness to the hair, and is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen and scientistic as a preparation ac- complisbing wonderfnl results. It is a cer- tain remedy for removing dandruff, making the scalp white and clean, and restoring gray hair to its youthful color. UNPEEUEDENTFD SUCCESS. For all purposes of a family medicine, Hag - yard's Yellow Oil is the head of the list. It is used with unprecedeuted success, both inter- nally and externally. It sures Sore Throat, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites ; relieves and often cures Asthma. —"Do you know why you and George re- mind me of two shades of one color ?" asked a mug lady of a companion who had been en- gaged fora good many years. "No," was the reply. "1'il tell yon, then. It's because you don't match." SALT RHEUM. Salt Rheum, Pimples or Blotenrs can be thorcurhly removed by a proper apnlication of 'McGregor ,L Porke's Carbolic Cerate to the part. and a few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure fur impure blood. Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared by McGregor & Parke Sold et 25 cents at J. W. Browniug's Drug Store. Stop thatcough,by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral—the best specific ever known for ail diseases of the throat and lungs. 1t will soothe the rough feeling in your throat, give the vocal organs flexibilty and vitality, and enable you to breathe and speak clearly. DOES VHS REFER TO YOU ? Are you troubled with biliousuess,dyspepsia, liver or kidney complaints, or bad blood ? - If so you will find a certain euro in Burdock Blood Bitters. HQliowey's Ointment and Pills, --Aa Spring hpproaches a most favorable opportunity offers for rectifying irregularities, removing ' impur- ities, and erasing blemishes which have arisen from the presence of matters forbad by winter from being transpired through the pores. This searching Ointment, wee rubbed'upon the skin. penetrates to the deeply -seated or- gans, upon which, it exerts a most wholesome and beneficial. influence: Well nigh all the. indigestions give, way to this simple treatment, aided by purifying and aperative doses of Holloway's Pills; round each box of which plain "instructiona" are folded. Bilious dis urders, loss of appetite, fulness after eating, lassitude, gout and rheumatism may he effect- ively checked in their painful progress and JOHN MATHESN. May 29th. Exeter. COQ* I a �r 434130314 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that be has opened out a Boot ani Shoe Shop BISSETT BROS., HEADR.IIARTERS FOR �.i ardware, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Barb wire and steel strip fancings. CHEAP AirBISSETT BROS. in the uorner Store North of Samwell Pickard's, where be is prepared to make all hinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. International. and Colonial Exhibitions. ANTWERP IN 1885—LONDON IN 1886. IT iethe intention to'have a Canadian repro- sentation at the Intercolonial Exhibition et Antwerp, commencing in t1ay,1885, and also at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition is Lon- don in 1886. The Government will defray the cost of freight in conveying Canadian Exhibits to Antwerp, and from Antwerp to London, and, also of returning them to Canada in the event or their not being sold. All exhibits for Antwerp should be ready for shipment not later than the that week iu March •' nxte. These exhibitions, it is believed, will afford favorable opportunity for making known the naturalcanai,ilities, and manufacturing and industrial progress of the Dominion, Circulars and forms containing more par ticular information mar be obtained by letter (post free) addressed to the Department of Agriculture; Ottawa. By order, RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S'PI LLS &OIN THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, 1 1 11 1 1 . They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Coustitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children anti the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF TEE CHEST 1T" HAts-NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Broucbitie, Coughs, Colds, Glandt'lar Swelliugs. and all skin dimes it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at TnOMA9 HOLLOWAY'S Establishmeet, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET) , LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9c1., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutaius three times the quantity of the is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the,lls, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be had in any language tom- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they"are spurious. I WILLAlYI DREW ndertaker andCabinet-maker. JOHN LOWE, ' 'ER O "' ['AR.IQ Secy., Dept. ofAgric• of lou sufferingeradicated bythese Department of Agriculture, die together.'' --New York Sun. ONE DOOR NORTH, MOLSON'S BANK. a look of love unuttera do die —hero the heroicbg•lr gave ela—"we will the seeds remedies. g 1 1 Ottawa, December 1S1 1884