HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-12, Page 7J. GRIGO 1 of the C. P. It., from l otaireal, salt* ipg Shit the road would be built 100 miller west it) liu*ste mtVe next year's crop. Tbie is eminently setiefaotory Wholesale and Retail.) to southern settlers, and no doubt au 'era of solid prosperity naw imago Southern Menitobs, which ie the itocaciazz,zizit garden of the North -vett. Mr.. Rol. lin. look. bele and hearty and as if s chalets of "below zero" agreed with hem. FANCY GOODS DEALER trT be os an, The carnival lathe covered Wing Auk, which tock place on Fridsy ev. owing last, we* lsvgely stteuded, sed etuineutly successful, The number of masgaeradsrs was large, and the T __ gesture.* good repressptatioue of what they were intended for, The tee, wan ill splendid condition, sed the managers did everything iu their power to mike the waived what it. turned out to he --e, eutxee;ee, The iSeeter band was present stud render- ed some" choice selections of meek during the eveuing. Owing to the large number on the ion there wee Dot elite to ob*t*in ell their times there. fore the following iiet doe% notiiiclede all who were dressed for the occasion: 3apan Idol, J. Shaw Clinton ; Roar nig Camp, R. 1iokerd ; Doctor, A.. Coosa ; Sandy 'Keyhole, Frank How. lira ; New York Dude, Cites, Mo Donal! Base•bstler, Alf. Drew ; Dade, E. Oat ; Clown, 1 . Curley Yankee, E. Gidlay ; Clown, Ed. Bile Bait ; Jack of Heart's. John H. Rynd ncen ; Indian Chief, .Ed, Fish ; Dude, rge Page ; Texas Jack, Peter sudt n ; Nancy Lee, John Elliot ; ;night of the Red Cross, '1 hos. Chap. DENTA.L, man, Hensen ; ;Circus b ►y, Frank I Oke ; Pat Bytes, John. Page ; Slugger C. Cartwright, Deutist, will 'be, Sullivan, J. Dt*via; Parnell, Will fouud et Abbot's old steed, over O': 'ra gi• rak'a ab-baol J Ed. Bir, an stall a Bank, every Weduaeday and , v e ; Thursday except any week in whale Biddy Flenotgau, A Laramie; Jockey, 'rare defy is the firsts of the month. All John White ; Colored (rout, Cherlea branohoa of deutietry attended to, and Tutu ; Monkey. W. Tarter O"Done. iattefeotioa guaranteed. Oold tillingwan Bose&, Bole. Whue ; Buffalo .pocislty. Terme : deb. Noes torr 1 cul, W. feyoue Romeo, J. Voirbairn; (Itown, T. Buwermau ; Dutch Girl, Lamp Inspecting Truett. 13. Creech; Country (ten*, E. Braund; Another fraud is being worked opo 1 Seale Fish Wotueu, Mies E. Wauleaa the unsuspecting. Yoaug men visit and &tial N. Senior; Mother Shipley, rewideucee when they expect male utas Q. manior; roetttartAse, Mims membertr of the family absent:. They Ida Qadiag and Jeanie 11aDouell ; gain admieelon by informing the iu. Summar, Mier► A.. i,Voed ; Righleud mote. that they are "zaepeatore of Scotch Leslie, Mies E Wood ; Pooee. lamps," and demand a fee for each hnuntas, Mrs. J. Fairbairn ; Indian lamp. jI1 zs hard to believe there %re Reiuced°es, Mrs E. Spackman and way so gullible as to be caught by such mei Sharon, of 81. Thomas ; Gipsy a transpareut swindle ; but people Queane, Uieeeed H. E Clark and 8. who o•haetder' it eooni•nzy not to read a Talk ; Ledtea' burned, :hien 1I. newspaper, are simple enough to Eaorett ; Grandmother, Mies Anuie swallow nuything. Smith ; Little blonde iu Blue, Mtn -- May Hawkshaw ; Indian Girl, MISR lace tatock►*ee. F. Lyons ; Sailor Girl, Mae M. The London, Huron & Bruce R'y, Harrkahaw : Sinter of Charity, Mies which passers through here, hes again. F. Bswden ; Bed Ridine Hood, Alien been blooded, owing to the heavy Hunt ; Scotch Lassie, Polly Bawds; fall of snow and the terrific wind en May Queen, Miss Ida Gould ; Kaes Monday night. The freight train Greenaway Figure, Mise Edith Iiynd- • going north Tuesday mining was man. The following parlous were "snowed in" north of Hensall. This successful in obtainiug prizes : For canoed all other trains to be delayed, comic ooetnmo, J. 11. 13yadman ; best and on Tuesday morning There were dressed lady, Mies Rory Esorett : four trains stunk within seven miles of gent`s beat dress, J. Shaw. Clinton; each other. Tuesday night'," ruail boy's best dress, A. Spicer; girl's best did net arrive till Wednesday after- dress, Polly Bawwen; small boyo' noon. In fact all mails, including rage, H. Gilley, 1st ; A. Spicer, 2ud; those from rural offices, were delayed oouaolation rase, G. Hyudinen. A in consequence of the severe cold•and shake -puree race (40 laps) open to all stormy weather. was gotten up, in which Alf. Drew took first and John Elliot 2nd,. • EXETER, ONT. TEN GENTti per Winter &rat insertion, a ne POOL O'R T$ per line for aeon subsequent in ti will obAxgad for notices arpoarintillomn it'd . foot Crimes,. THURSDAY, FEB. 12th, 1885- h00.41, NI A'S. -F1't *ha be happy to re. reeve et aft dares', jro►ra nay part nj they County, flmasst local sehes, swr1 Aitac• Citiottz,or any intererlise incident Oat. erer,,ros* airy of our subscribers or read. ars 'morally for tike purpose of public. stfeaa, Local liappen %VTAAted A ' miirt and intelligent lad to 1 art of printing, tinst have t* fair edu'ratio? &ppty p.;rsurtmlly to Tins Office, Exat+ A visit. On Monday evening fast the mem. Breveties. bare of Kirkton Temperance Lodge It would be difficult to find a New Year tesolution with a search warrant. New all woe pants to order for $3.25 at Renton Bros. For Valentines of every description cheap, go to the Dominion :Labora- tory. At the sale of the refects of the Mansion House three clydesdale horses realized $4,400. The comity spring fair will be heid Mr. R, Crocker gave a reeding, and ou the 17th of April. The place of Mr. J. P. Clarke wound up the pro- bolding has not yet been decided ou. gramme by a very earnest temperance Though one editor may be richer speeob. Mr. George Stacey, of Kirk. than another, they shear and shear ton efficiently discharged the duties alike. of the chair. The visitors were then , The collections made from non -rest• entertained by their brothers and dent lands in Sxeter for the year 1884 sisters at an excellent supper 10 an amouuted $21.71. adjoiuing room, where a very happy The brtok•makere report the de - time was spent. mand for brink to far exceed that of many previous seasons. A visitor. Nicest goods out, Navy, Wine anti Mr. A. J. Rclliva, of Killarney, Olive, Corkscrew, Worsted. -New in Manitoba, a former resident of this at Rauton Bros. locality, and brother of Dr. Rollins, Rev. Mr. Salton, of Clinton, will is now in town, being down to On- occupy time James—street Methodist tario on a visit of pleasure combined church pulpit next Sabbath.. with business. tie reports things iu . We understand a detachment of Mauitoba fair, and has more oonfi• the Salvation Army of this place will dance in the future of the country shortlyeipbn fire on Hensel!. than ever. They have had very little Read'Pickard's ohanee of advertise. snow this wiuter so far. First ,part ment. ',Tff .res he 'something good in of winter vary mild ; lately pretty store for our:rural readers. cold. The farmers had veru fine crepe Beautiful , Valentinas at the Do. last year, and are now getting good minion Laboratory very cheap. Drop prices. wheat selling readily ail alone in and see them. the C. P. R. line at from 65 to 70 cents. Just before leaving' Mr. R. was one of a deputation '•fro,n South— ern Manitoba to interview the Pro- vincial Premier and the C. P. R. authorities iu Winnipeg relative to the extension of the C. P. 11 South- western westward. They had a tele— gram from G. Stephens, the president visited the Division of the Sone of Temperance in this village. An open meeting was held in Fansou's Hall, where a very interesting pro. gramme, ooniietine of readings, re citations and music was well rendered by the visitors. Mr. P. O'Brien, of Hay, made a few witty remarks and kept the audience in good humor all the time he oconpied the platform. A delegation from Exeter is at present attending the Sabbath school convention at' Seaforth, Mr. Burdon, accountant iu the Ridgetown branch of the `'tlolsons bauk, will be removed here at once to'. fill Mr. E!Iiot's position, Mr. Robt. ' Simpson, of Parkhill, was in town in the early part of the walk attending the 4tuarsi of hie sister. Mestere. Pickard 4 Spicer, of the Exeter Poultry Yards, exhibit several Dein' of their oboioe fowl at the Ses- forth poultry ebow, now being bald. The corporstiau snow plow has been used nearly every day of late, The. reed commissioner bas his hinds full. Many of the lovers of that bealtleful sue t{lvtguretiug soterrise--skating, Wended the Heim!' 'cerebral Tune• day evening. Rev. W. Si Fossae, of the dames - street Methodist church here, will preach in one of the Clinton Meth°. diet churches next Sahbetb, Just received, Cc:ttone, Cottoue, piens of them, prises right and don't yep forget it ; also b ring shirting*, oottonedee, &o., at Rotor Bros. The Meade of Mrs, E. J. Robert- i NOR wife of t:be iuoureheut of Christ Church here, will leeru with regret of the prsosrions condition of her hearth. Mr. John Snell, of this place, last week putoberiedd ,et the Sala Cr Mr. John Manilla°, Mullett, a filly, needy 2 year* old. for the sum of $210. The subject of lecture by iucutub• out of Christ Clench ou holiday Ev. ening, Feb. 22, is "Judith, the Hero• ine, or Pstrioti+lu end Piety." A study for the tunes. The farm of tbe late M irk Elwood, in Biddulpb, wee sold by nuctiou by Ur, Joe. Lynch the other (ley, to lir.. George Lee, of 1loGlilivray, f or time °dill of $6,575. While a number of young folks were going to Heneall earniva) ou Tueedxy evening two or three of the views neon got their heeds ears hand CAPLING' •FOR OUR BOUTS & SH()FS cthnr perces of their pereons frozen. carpenter work; and H. Stainer, paint. There way bo found iu smother tut;=. Week will be aamxnat.oett as column a letter from Rev Mr. Dickson, soon ae poeeible, peeler of the M.sin •street, Methoalet We tog,ret to euaunnae dere Mia. church, which may be iuteredting to James Sweurrtou, of the Lake Reottd, our reader», ivlro lice beau ill f tr sortie time, nt firer buferiu from A flew # carriage a1m an etttaek of e0 n renal' and Qa to a tato id 8coo — A. bo built here reit s tt name P ou gamic, but naw from a complication Spaoktueu'a (tomer, east side of Main eaF dt*edeas, is at praseat lying u a street. The briok for its ereetiatr is orhroel couchette, and is not lately l ou the let. elle will rally. Ou Thursday morning le*et the Mr• K• Elliot, wlha hs° beau filling thermometer went dowu to 27 ° below She position of teller in the Mol°oue • zero, and yesterday morning to 80 o Beak iu Wier place, hoe beau prowot; I below. The weather has not been el ed to the podtiou of lerlger.keeper cold iu this section for years, (not taller) in a breach of the same A meeting of the Baud of hope of beak at Loudon. We are sorry to the Mein-streetllethoaiet church will lose Mr. E. from amongst ue, but be held in the basement, of the ohuroh wish ben succeen and prosperity iu ou Friday avunug, at whiob a epien t[ Et arty. did programme will be rendered, seionary sermons will be preach- did uoo.onfortably tight slice may ed by Rev. T. W. nlaghy, of Lucite, an tiuudny, Feoruary 15th, in the Eughslt. Church here at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. hu, Collet•tious in aid of the mistime fund of the deo. ease witl be taken, He wilt also con. duct a similar service at Heneall at 3 o'clock p. m. The Provinoiel Secretary is writing to the Registrars of the various muni. eipalities to warn all those whoea duty be made parbaatly eeey by laying a ,sloth wet in bot water moron. where it piuohes, uhaugiug several' times. The leather will ebape itself to the foot. Mr. Alf. Drew, of this place, again came out victorious in the three mite roue at the Hensel' Carnival Tuesday evening. Ile has won the silver aup twice, and if he euooeede auoe more will awn elle trophy. it is to make registration of births, Rev. 011. 'teeter left on Monday; deaths and marriages and not yet last for Essex Ceutrs to etteud a complied with the law in this .respect, meeting of the Essex Prohibitory w do so at Duce, as the Government Alliance, of which association he is is determhued to see the Births, Mar - secretary. Mr. Teeter is au ardent Mar- riages and Deaths Act fully enforced, temperance worker. Mother may I go out to skate ; Oh yes, my darling Jolla ; but don't you try the figure eight, for it will purely fool you. Just when you try the lightning whirl to show your springy =sole, the boys will see a nilly girl sleigh riding on her bustle. We do not envy the 'bus drivers' a 1d mail carriers' positions when they wait at the depot until midniglit for a train which was due at 4.43 p, m. Their poshiooe are all the less env/. ous when the thermometer registers 30 ° below zero. A yonug man in town blackened bis moustache with a lead comb, and then took his girl out for a moonlight stroll. When the fair one appeared in the bright light of the family circle a couple of hours later, her tate look- ed like a railroad map. The foliewiug ditty is appropriat e to the season ";— O'er his head aid ears his capof seal He pulls as far as it Will go— He pulls it good and strong. In days like these when things congeal Man wants but little ,tear" below, Nor, wants that little long. A number. of flue cattle were ship• ped from this station on Monday last by Mebane. Balkwill and Prior. The animals were, from appearance, first- class. The .shippers are noted for being good judges of cattle. We me dastand the shipment was made • to the eastern market. We were shown last• week a Bible r . which was.:printed in the year 1620. and the fine for neglect is a very heavy o.re. The lecture entitled "England un- der toe Stuarts," which was to have been delivered • in the James•street Methodist church by Rev, George Webber, under the auspices of the E. Y. P. 0. A., on Tuesday eveuing, February 17th, has unavoidably been postponed until Tuesday evening, February 24th. The lecture will be an interesting one, and all who can should attend. We announce this week the death of Miss Martha Simpson, which took place at the residence of Mr. Digory Braund on Sunday afternoon. She was in her 36th year, and for several years she had been ;filleted with that lingering but surely fatal disease, consumption and, uo doubt, from careful attbnt'iou on the part of her friends and care on her owe part she lived longer than she would have otherwise done Deceased was an amiable and Christian lady, and had succeeded in making for herself mauy friends. The anniversary of the 11laum-street. Methodist Sabbath school will be held on Sunday aril Mouthy next. On Suuday sermons will be preached, morning and evening, by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, M. it., of Niagara Falb. At 2.30 p. m.' a mass -meeting of the children and frieu to of both schools will be held, to be addressed by Revs. Mitchell, Salton, of . dilutor', and sate/•. Ou /Monday evening a tea The type used was a f a very ancient will be given, after which addresses style and somewhat difficult to read, will be delivered by several ministers. The owner., who lives in town, sold the book to a gentleman from Mon- treal or the sum of $6. . He ;could have had $20 if he had asked it. The tenders for the erection of a new Presbyterian manse iu this place were opened the other day, and things went on smoothly and to the contracts awarded rtTaylor,oe 1 antistaotion of the greater portion ofHeaman>mo onwork Ross & Admission to tea, 25 and 15 cents ; collections at all the Sabbath services in aid of the school fund. • Several yeara ago Exeter, with the object of obtaining railway accommo- dation, bonused a branch line of the Greet Western Railway. Fora while tete population; bot after tho emalge :nation of the 0. T. aur G. W. Bye., thine have taken a decided change.. Before this union took plece goods could be brought fruuz Loudon at whet aught be sailed a reasouithle rate, but siuoe that time mniobautr of Exeter, we uuderatend, ran Ilam their goods from either Lunen or Loi,dou, at n much lower rate than the railway now charges. This way debar strange, but it, uevertbelese, is tt fact. Blanshlarcl Council. The regular tn^ethpg of tho Council was held on ll.mnday, 2ud inst. All the member, present. Minutes of prevtous meeting were road and con• finned. Bylaw No. 124 animating the officersde6ntue, their duties and eettiog their salaries woe read anti passed. Speariu—Graham—that the reeve sod depuly•reeve be a committee to measure the bridge serosa lab creek on the Sib cash., and proure plans and specifications for the build- ing of a new one. --Carried, lir.. Graham was appointed to let the cow. smug of the bridge actress flat meek. The auditors' report was received es follows :—Total expenditure, $15,- 253.58, total receipts, $15,156.52, bel auce to the credit of treasurer,$87,06, taxes uucollected, $1800.65, liabili- ties, $653.06, total everts over •expen. diture, $1253 65. Lawton --Graham —that the report be adopted and that the same be handed to the Finanoe- oommittee for final andit.—Carried, .Lawton.—Graham-that Messrs. Gra- ham, Speariu god Hudson be Fi- nance•committee for the present year. ---Carried. The tender of Thos. Piersou for caretaker was accepted, et $13.00. The following orders were honied . 3. Barnett, $1, fixing cul- vert ; Geo. Moir, 40 00, printing ; Hart & Company, 2.44 assessment roll, box for assessor, 2.00 ; Robt. Moir, 1.50 graveling ; R. A. Brown, 11.86 gravel ; L. Youngeou,' 22.25 gravel; Ed. Skinner, 80.00 gravel— ing : Capt. Campbell, 8.00, and Wm. Ford, 8.00 auditors fees ; _Richard ktayeraft, 1.50 ditch on 12th con ; NI. Hamilton, 1.50, extra opening of T'p Hall ; A. M. Driver, 80.00 trea's salary and 12 00 two trips to Strat— ford and stationery ; Ruth Ritchie. 7.00, Mrs. Foster, 4.00, Gey. Wilkin- son, 3.00, charities. The Council tbeu adjourned to meet on the first Monday in March at 10 o'clock. 5 S. 0LnRnE, Clerli. Bantam. Wins. A acolliug match occurred at Sid- ney, N. S. 'IV., on Saturday last, be tweeu Henlau and, Clifford. Hatilats` came in six lengths ahead. Hanlan wou touch as he pleased. Both tnen were iu excellent oondi.ion. An en croons crowd witnessed the contest. The CanadianaRegiment. Some time ago Lieut. -Col. Williams M. P., made a proposition to the 'British Government offering to raise a regiment of Canadian voinnteers for Imperial service. It was reported esn` Monday that leis offer lies been au - copied, and thatCol. Williams `will` pr„ need to enlist men at once. The regiment will be 600, and will do gar- risorx duty, in England.