HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-12, Page 5UMW fro to the I:•ditAr u,tle l,inie;« A&A$ , za,--l-eed steeitheireatlle*with yon is thyme, Here the mercury has not fallen to zero this 4einter. gr d; dtaoa 100, boys atndgiret ire tate su fit Wer,• 'Phil. bathing end heating are fine, The water in the lakes is not mare than d feet deep, se that the. young tadiee On row thentselyea wjthont danger, and appear to enjoy it am. azingly, The gates are always closed on Sundays. No carriagea are allowed on the' grounds. on this snored day. No tramps are permitted to enterthrough the gates, and if ;bey ahoeld get ire they are immediately ex- palled. 'Lectures are delivered on almost every topic of an interesting and instruetive nature. The lecturers are of the first Qrder, and all the letenres are flee. The ,troutele are beaatifelly lighted; the floral display fine ; the artesian water of the best quality and the boarding reasonable. If any one should desire amusements without religious restraint, he can snit himself at Asbarg Park, wbich is only separated front the grove by a narrow lake. Thia is the place where exhausted. sickly and broken down persons may recuperate and return to their work jn- vigorated in mind and hotly. The sea atria not good for those Lronbled with, lung afi;to-. tions• There is certainly au improvement in the moral diameter of trade in this land. It mea formerly a common saying that "if a Yankee merchant were to sell salt water at high tide be would chat in the Iceasure." Now this state of Wilma hi peeving away, and men audit' they are to sueoeed they must be hon. estl.:.they trust carry en bnaiue:ta on princi— ples of integrity, and brise before the come, ter ought not'to tempt those behind it to sell geode at ruinous prioea, Some merch- ants fooliahly try to get more than their phare of trade by underselling their ueigh- Lors, Like the railroads, they run on one. smother, and for the same purpose --that the stronger ratty kill the Weaker, and in the eouliiot there is not always "the survival of the fittest," On the contrary, we have seen the tttcllster go npand the bones ,Man go dolt u ler a season ; Net all the end "koueEy will prove itself toflo the best policy" De. elute the fragile, shocking primes and dia- bolical acts wt ch occupy so Targe a space in the papers,1 believe the present age to be the purest and heat the world ball ever seen. It is not an age of gross lieeuticua' eas, either in life or literatero, as some former ages have been. The student of literature meet* few terrible teniptatious. Writers like Toni Niue wined he today turned out of the syn. agogat:s of .sceptics.. As a proof that we are :roving on the line of moral tektiwce ment, lack at dueling. 'suis cement wee introduc- ed into k uglan,l by the Nurtnaus and hal a Iuxuriaut growth among the Augio.Saxou papulation* on both aides of the Atlautie. Before thnopening of tide eentnry it becsuro a eapitdl offen.'e to kill ire a duel ; but pub- lic sentiment wive so tolerant of dueling that juries would not often convict the olfeudera, end they were seldom arrested. Far on in the present century it was frequently prac- ticed by men high in rack in these eouutriea. In England Fox, Pitt, Gastlureit;lt, Lord Hervey, Canning, the fluke of York, Daniel O'Connell, Wellingtou, and soma others as tare as 1850. In the Stated Hamilton, Burr, Jackson and Dickivaou, relay and Randolpu, Gilley and Graves in 1838, and others mach later. Dueling was a national sin, and no bar to the highest civil positions. Siuoo 1850 It has nearly disappeared in both wen - tri es—a cleat iutheation of moral progress. Prince Albert iupueed the, Duke of Welling- ton to set his face against this iuiquitoua practical. Jnetin McCarthy anent :—•Nothiug eau teetify more strikingly to the rapid growth of genuine civilization in Queen Vic. toria's reign than the utter discontinuance of the dueling system, When the Queen came to the throne and for years after it was still in fullforee, At the present hour a duel in England wonld scam as nbsurd and Larbar• mfrs an auarchis►us as as ordeal by touch or 11 witeb-burning." Look eosin at penal inflictions. Within 10.) years the criminal laws of the most en. lightened countries were atrociously savage, and administered in a releutless spirit, Eng- lish law recognized 200 capital crimes and 150 of thaw bore no latordatn -than the reign of the Georges. If a matt injured Wostmiu. ster bridge or disguised himself on the public road he wt's hanged. If he cut down yonhg trees, allot rabbits, stole property valned at 5 shillings, wrote a threatening letter to extort money he was hanged. Nameless atrocities used to be inflicted on traitors. Persons who resisted the government aero ont in pieces and their heads exposed ou temple bar to the derision or pity of passers-by. Up to the time when !Toward commenced bis benevolent work in 1773, the prjaous were sinks of physical and moral impurity, and must of those confined in them for life would gladly have preferred to suffer the extreme penalty of the law. The jailor got no salary in those days—nay, he often paid a consider- able sum for the situation. He was remu- nerated by fees extracted at his own pleasure, and often by brutal violence. It was his priy'itege to sell food to the prisoners, to sup- ply at au exorbitant price the straw which served as beds, unless they were content to sleep on the damp floor, . How vast then the improvement in our penal code during the last 50 years. Justice is now administered in the form of retribution—so mach punish- ment for so mnch crime, bat on the princi- ple of self-defence, security and reformation. What about the dynamiters? Well, they are a bad lot—an admixture of evil without a grain of good. Like the Thugs of India, they believe that murder is a moral duty, that the destruction of public property and the slaying of innocent persons are praise- worthy acts, if they only tend to move the hearts and change the policy of the men who stand in the way of their communistic de- signs. 'The Government must' deal with these men in the same way it deals with th, Thugs—without mercy. They are murderers; mu derers of the worst type, and all who aid them by money or sympathy are murderers Tne headquarters of their nefarious society,' bound together by the Most awful oaths, ie in New York, and the,avowed leader. 0,'D. Rosea, whose son is netravelling iu Europe, visiting all the branches • of the brotherhood for the purpose, no doubt, of strengthening, cementing and preparing them for fresh scenes of carnage and bloodshed. Besse re- cently called ()apt Phelan from a distance to answer for an article which he charged Lim with inspiring, giving information to the public' which he wished kept secret, and as soon as Phelan arrived, Short, a butcher, a prearranged executioner, was on hand to murder him in Bosse's office in broad day- light. Many are looking for disclosures in eouneetion with this affair, which may break up the gang. What is their object' Home rule, looking towards independence, perhaps nks Araby; 1 Spain and .exioa fur of this description, w rotes telbege ]pored, and will any real) 8a! , a a to success t imagine Irish parlflafl sitting in College Green,_ en, Bernell, roe 4r M Hen. (VD Rosea; M }stor of Finance e has already subacribett i1110,OQQ to found„ the new kingdom) i lion, Finnerty, speer of the House; Icon. John Merriaey, Seore- tary of Foreign Affajre,t ane gjght others /Exeter Butcher Shop 11,. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer -1N 1,144 SIxt18. or choeeu out of the meet eedegettee4 dy t ke- /�•• 1 M 1 patriots. What then 7 Wed they be lilts -e �"\(„ j^ 1 ly to agree, NO, indeed i dray would Been , Peale 11,413 deadly conflict among themselves. Customorasupplied TUESDAYS, THURS.- In the battle among the Kilkoeny Sate there: DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their resideno9, was something left, the caudal eztreneetiee, to nate the nature soft place 01 the combat, ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE ants, but in the condiot among ttynatniters GENE PROMPT, ATTENTION. theta would b•' absolutely nothing left to mark the place and quality of the belligerents save spots of grease and the debris occasion- OR COUGHS AND COLDS. g na tat the great • e ed by the cowardly weapons e ployed. da net for a moment imagine •'t•; bulk of the respectable Ceti:wagr whether • in or out of Ireland, are to be adeemed with AX'S COMPOUND OF LIN, these misguided, sauguiearyuliepreants. Fax SEED, Aniseed.,Sonega,Squill, Tole,die from it. whey have no sympothy either for with Chlorodvnes the anew or their moa4ures. These despera- does are only levering the eauae they are _KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent seeking to aelvanee I see with pain that some ctergymten in expectorant tor Cans hs and Gclda, this land are tying so attract the multitude AY'S i'f )h11)iiTN1- far Coughs to their ohmfch, a by layiug aeido the Bible and Cohla, is equally servicabte for taking an secular topics ou Sunday evenings. Horses andeattie. This may gather creAds but it will not save souls or begat a retial: for sacred thiuge. The AY'S, TIC PILLS. -Bible isnot Only the kook of Godmm-it is the - t�outafgta b'aoa-Oho Ac.".� � �'r .� �, ���,� t �' hook. of rasa limner and . Alilt(i This Space is Reserved for ,A QUTIIOIT MERCHANT TAILOR. Water for "Ad." next Issue. I la said till Hard Tize: n are nos leas ---. tete withers cif their iwi ;oriel peau.; Thiers riO A(•> ULIN,F.—Caraont Ioit Brok- , and PrEsaatt of their applauded histories, N../ eft Articles. Sold ever ywhere. The' best and Cheapest Fence in the Market thio awl. tate author of tho.l3ible. It were Sole et kers, --I% %.'r MUM.8tocl;ln tlrt, a marvellous thing for Gabriel or Stich tel to irmglaud,. Ian the world with an attested cornpositio alta fair oxpressionof his genius and his iu- telligeuoo, Aud yet this were +,othing jo comparison with God's appeeranee es an au• fluor, lie when obsoletely perfect ittdul• tulle is the source and support of all the anbjeotive and objectiveiutellept in the mai. fierce, has oondeeeended to assume this hum. We term in our mitlst. There is only one sun in heaven and one bible on earth --cue the light of the natural world, the other the light of the spiritnat world. Where is natural lily ? Wherever the sou shine,. i And wherry is spiritual day? Wherever the Bible shines. In either case, day is uo.vheie oleo, 'True, the moan gir'l's light when the amu has set, and ea the church may give light when the Bible is withdrawn, be. in bath oases it is sigh:. 1 hope this day is far defiant when any of the Cauadiau e'trgy wilt raaort to such expediencies, either to secnre popularity or gather a crowd by setting aside the divine oopnmiYaion—"Preach the Gospel." 01 for more of that faith in the eremite:A ref' the Bible which clu►ta:t.±riz. a the little girl, when abe said to her poor, pinus .mother : t`Matnme,Ibelieve GCtl always hears you when you aro sorapiug the bottom of the flour barrel," Yont este., G. N. A. F. T. D. Ocean Grove, lr. J., Feb. 4, 1885'- DFa). tituPSON,«—tn Exeter, nu the 8th inst., liar. the Simpson, aged 30 yaare. Lev/N.—At Crediton, on the 10th lust., Elizabeth, beloved wiheof err, John Lewis, aged 69 year [The funeral will leave her hnabaud's reel - to -morrow (Friday) ut 1 o'clock, for Est ter Cemetery. \Vtrt,t.tne.—ire Usborae, ou the lOth hist., Clereuoe Eleazot, sou of •CIeazerjWilliams, ifirFERFUCS FOR ININ jai, A TZTOALtt bo melted 4. to anapplicants F 'r,E ` and to customers o lost year without ordering it It contafgalrtustrattons,prices, deeeripVeggettt5Lxionan lanOwe 15i Ak�: I t b t$ge'dl O. lite FERRY & CO. �ntt' It . al «i',�,',, OTHEEil P R LA : �'- in Minnesota. North Dakota. no, Idaho. Washtagton and Oreaun )-tarp Lulea Superior to Puget Souwil. ` ;I rico; „anon odor/ from to 415 p«r acre, , :'ES, SI?uINe,s. CARRIAGE BOI.,TS, BLACKSMITH COAL. se 6 to 10 yearsPtime. lhie Is the [lest Coun"-1 a1+(l 13IdI'PLfES. ' e� Geed Homes now open for oeltlemaal. ilu°lereuudr Uoi+vUunh>enf Ru RRER'!'UI'S-C(snbuy fnake-41I aizell still Linda ore SHORT N. TICE. an 1'I'l'rrt r-I'tiln,rr.lma'a. N(ITl!. 10 S1R 4133 Aer,•ra 01t 21011E 'sOAN in 7 p1 IOE OF NAILS, $2.75 A KEG. .1.N BUILDERS HARDWARE. c"neistiag of RIM MOCKS, HINGES. l'ITiH, TAR, ROOFING I''EI,,',', LINING PAPER, PAINTS, AILS, STAINED GLASS, CALCINE d. LAND ePLASTER, ACKI.QN CEMENT, MACHINE OILS„ FIRE BRICE tk• CLAY, CHEAPa�RItIACF. ?5,*AKial S.-13ENT STUFF in a:tllnetl, ALSO MUSLIM. DUCK, DRILL, TRIMMIAGS, DASH LEATHER it PATENT LEATHER, CANE, T MOULDINGS, & EEPING ALSO FULL LINE Ii ALL SIZES OF MOS. Weil.' ata 1 the Nnidlc Lases dtspusrn et iKm ..reln the Northern 'Wine reentry., 1,00h nee . URING 'I'HIE SEASON 09 will have is (lUantity of I3 Il4D'ER Napa sent TitEE de eril•h•r an es „theme , llnellieC'omatry,tilellai +,t Last. for.alraed TWINE CHEAP. Saud ord-ra (ally°. IhrleREEflovernnielit1s Add„ r t'ltA: 11. (,AS113uxN,iandtemr,\ t.L.,,i 1 f1,111tR, ELLING THENT',w VAN ALLEN O1tEAMERILSlttldBUTTER TUB; 1 La7etroughiog w ovectrlty, Scientific Amerwane Air PIGSARD'5_ ESTABLISHED late. The most polluter Weekly newspaper ;levet. r 1ENNEN' A.: TE N N ENTat ed to some co, Mechlin:1e, 014011e4ring, dNNCOv- y t+tel'i- toles, Inventions end patents ever uubiiahod: nary Surgeons, Gradnatea of the Oari t Every number illnsttate(l with splendid 00. \uteri:sari College, Toren gravfngs. This publication furnfalloa a most to,havoop oned an 'oface valuable ouclyelepedianf'infatulation which forthwtrea tmeut of all' Do,meetic Animals, 0 n Mein etreet Eseternco p. roCn11rte from a ilk.ilk.tam'y atteuded to: Medicine for 1Torses,Cattle, So, always on Hand _ __ ,_ •» •. Z>ratrptta iiitcn atnaaf. Saud us 5 touts postage nn and bymail od will et .1►�11 g 8 tee a package of god of large value, that will start you in work that , no person should bo without, 'Rita nacularity aged 7 years and 6 mos �!._,..., ....,,..— _ ..,.....--... ,„„- -,4 01 the SC18:(TIFt0 AatenlCAN is such that its + t 5 circulation neatlyorluuls that of :ill other pa. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE, IVY, Dors ()tits eleas aoulbined. Prioe$3,2o a year. Dtacount to clubs' Sold t y all nowsde'tlera MINN R CO.. Publisher), Na. 361, Broodwav, Now York, I)AT rptstUNn dt CO. have , L S. l tctTh1rty-even years )practice P01010 thoplttoutofifeo, attl have prepared pared marc than One RnndredThou- snndaiaplicatiana fo ;patents 10 the Unit. will at once biing you in money faster than ed States and foreign pouutries, Caveats, Trade li'arks,Copyiights,Aesignments, and anything oleo in America. All about the $200,- all other papers for souring to iivoutore , 000 in prof:ants with each box. Agents wanted foci„ „labra in the United States, Canada overywltet'o,ofeituerRex, of all flees. for all England, 1 i anon, Germa"Sy and oilier foreign 1 the time, or risen thio only, to work lotus at eanntries prepared at short notice and on their own homes, Fortunes for all workers absolutely enured, Don't delay. 11. 11Az,nsrx & Co., Portland.aiaine, Goi ro Noaxn. Express )1 all, end (llama, T+ondon. depart 7 45A.rr. 4 50 t',M, 0 30 A, az. Neater977 0 30 't 3,5 iionsnh .,.•...,. 0 00 624 9 77 • -Ippon 973 6 29 10 0: Brncefiold 0 23 6 48 10 22 Clinton 0 4e 705 11 30 ],•ondesb"c..-30°7 ro ..,10 00 7 20 1'2 00 neigr .. .....•,.10 07 7 27 1310 x.ar. BolgraVo 10 02 7 40 13 48 Winghaln erriuel0 35 7 15 1 {;0 Grego SOUTH, Express Illail. Sud Class \Vingham, dept 7 48 t.ht: 3 00 Nat. 10 20 A at Beigrave 8 003 47 11 91 Blyth 8 15 3 3O 11 42 Lousboro 21 3 38 12 00 Clintodt.n ......... 8 850 4 05 12 4e1>.9t. Brncofield 9 05 4 19 1 11 Rippon 9 13 4 27 1 27 He nail ......,9 18 4 32 I Se Exeter...—. 9 35 4 43 2 Si Loudon arlitol0 61 5 50 5 80 reasonable terms. Information as to obtaining patents cheer- fully givou without charge. Hand books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Munn& Co: are noticed in the Seien- tific American fres, The advantaga of such r notice 18 well understood by all persons who LT wish to dispose f their patents: 1 ,hese MUNN & Co:, Scientific Amerlean,381 NEW TOW, Broadway, New York: 1 fills orders, sells on Commission,or will pur- chase Apples, Potatoes and Pouitiy. Write us. Established 1871. W SIALLCROSS CO. MARKET REPORTS. 1885. (Corrected at 5 o'clock can. 'Wednesday.) MALL WfEAT \VniteWLiOa tied white Wheat New ... ••, ••. Red Wheat New . i PRIN6 WHI:A'1• Li'ife (new) ,.. Barley ••. Oats .•. ••• Clover Seed .,. Timothy ' Peas ... ... ••• .... Ooru Eggs Butte] Flonrparbbl• ... ••• potatoee,por bag A pgiles, per bag • DriodAppleepr b Geese per lb. • • Turkey per lb • Dunks pe r pr Chickens per pr Hogs; lressedper 100 Beef Hidesrouhg, ... dressed . iboepakins,eac1 Oalfskine Wool per lb ..: raisons orbush 0 60 to 81A Woo per cord 2 50 to 2 75 HENSALL MARKETS. Fall Wheat per bh ... 8'0 75 to 0 76 Suring " 0 80 to 0 81 Barley (beieht)` 0 52 to 0 57 Barley (feeding) 0,45 to 0 4G White Oats, ... 0 28 to 0 3C Black Oats 0 27 to 0 80 Apples per bbl, ... 1.00 to 1 00• Potatoes per bh ..• 0 25 to 0 52 Harper's Etta.. r. 078 to 080 0 78 8 too Bre IIILU.. TRA TED. 07810080 078 to 080 045t00(38 028 to 0139 4 00 to 5 00 00 to 300 0 55 to 0 GO 0 GO to 0 05 016 to 017 C 15 to 0 16 500 to 550 035 to 040 040 to 050 004 to 005 0 05 to 0 00 008 to 006 040 to 060 025 to 030 5 60 to 5 8C 500 to600 ... 500to650 „ 000to650 ... 0 GO to C 00• 0 50 to 0 70 Per Year: 1 ... 0 19 to 0 20 HARPER'S BAZAR ..... . ......,: 4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINI: •................ •.........400 Harper'sBazar is the o paper at present in the world the' combines the choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with the latest fashions and methods of household odor -extent Its weekly illustrations and de. seriptions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with its useful pattern -sheet supple- ment and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its pavers on coo'( in... the mduagemeut of servants, sand house- keeping in its various details are eminently practical. Much attention is given to the in- teresting topic of social etiquette, and its ill 1 s- trations of artneed(e work are acknowledged to be unequalled. Its literary merit is of the highestexoellonce, type the univue character of its humorous pictures has won for it the name of the American Pv, lclt HARPER'S PERIODICALS. • Send six cents for postage and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help iYore to more money right t ��■ �� awaythan anything plea in in thisy world.Ali of either sex succeed from flrathour; The broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure. At once address Time & Co., Augusta Maine. A r !TITS TUNISON'S WA.NTED- --to�T New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts the establishment of a' Boman Catholic Mots. ' i1s paring as any agency in the world: For full particulars, free, address, Ii. C. TL11 ISDN Map Publisher, 388 Riehmond•st.,London. ant. HARPER'S WEEKLY . 4 00 IIARPFR'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 Oo HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY One'Yettr(52Numbers) lo 00 Postage Iree to all subscribers in tht 'United States or Oanad n. of the Bazar begin with The volumesc rho first Number for January of each year When no time is mentioned it will he ur derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Nulnbe1 next' after the receipt of order. The last five annual volumes of Harper's Bazar in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid„ or by express, free of ex. pease (provided the freight does not exceed a1 per volume), for 57 per volume. Cloth 0 axes for each volume, suitable for binding will be sent by mail, postpsid,ou re- ceipt of 51 each. Remittances should be mode lay Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapere are not to copy this advertise- ment without the expross ;order of Harper & Brothers. Address RA.I Ern BROTHERS, New York i CURE FITS! when I say cure Ido not mean sterely to stop them for a time and then have them return .gate. /mean a radkal curs. 1 hare made the disease of E1T8, IIPILEPSY or FALLING SICAN s'96 a nfe•long study. t warrant my remedy to caro Rae worst canes Because others kat* failed Is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once fora treatise and e Yreo Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Gare Espreu and Post Once. It costs you nnthleg fora trial, and l will cure you. AddresUDr. H. 0. BOOT,133 Pearl St, New York. CONSUMPT10 1 Lave a positive remedy lar tun above ulsenss; by I;s use thousands of casco of the worst hied and et long standing love been cured, Indeed, Beetroot is my isle" in I's eIDcsry, that I will send TWO BOTTLES veer, toge,her with n 7AL. UARLE TREATISE on this dis.ass, to any sufferer. Glve Ex. prose and P. 0, address, DR.e. A. SLOCUM,1s5 Pearl St., :N.Y. A• DVERT1SERS send far eau select list of hoc .1New spapers. Geo. P.Ruwell & Co., 10 Spruce -St., N. Y, Harpers Young People AN ILLUSTRATED WEEIMY. • The serial and short stories in IiAnpea,s YOUNG PEOPLE have all the dramatic Molest that juvenile fiction can p088035, while they are wholly free irom what is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. ,The humorous stories and pictures are full of innocent fun, a nd the papers on natural history and' science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers whose names give the best assurance of accuracy and value. 1Ilustsated papers on atheletie sports, games and pastimes give full information on these subjects. There is nothing cheap about it butits price, An epitome of everything that is attractive and' desirableili juvenile literature:—Boston Courier. " hi to the boys ant: A uses 'Bfe feast of oodt things b Y S 8 "D. McAN H S girls of every finally which it visits.—Brooklyn Union, It is wouderiut in its wealth of pictua•ea, in- formation,and interest Intristiun Advocate, N,Y.. TERMS : Postage Prepaid, 62 Per Year. vol.vl, commences November 4,1804. UNEQUALED So eay the best farmers. stockmen, gar donors, and. fruit „,rowers of America of the great. National Weekly, the BuralNewYork- er, The best writers in the world. Original. throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper IQ pages-aek those who; know. Specimens gladly sent charge. without t rge. 9.2,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for tha largest ehtbe. Conducted by practible farmers. its Free Seed Distributions aro invaluable. Over 609 coutributione. Posters and outfits On appli. cation, Send for them. mese Nr.1T.-xoRltzlt, 21 Park Row, N. Y. rarci'sH lincato —Al\D— HO M -t' MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published bye Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY:— "It AY:"It is our hest friend,; "It is worth ten times its cost" "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the farm." "The wife and family are also deli i1zted with it." "No f'armer's house should be .titliout It." The right information ire the right season by the best specialists that mob° procured on the Farm, Stock,Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, Family Circle,Ete.,Ete. Only $1 Per Annum:. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention- ing then Lot, Concession and Post Office. Address— FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON, ONT, Repairing of All Kinds NEATLY DONE. SINGLE 1VTIBER ERS,Flre Cents each. Remittances should be made ey Pest Office .Money Order; or draft, to avoid chance of loss'. Newspapers are not to Dopy this advertise- ment without the express order of 3Ltiu En & BROTHBna. Athroe HARPER &BROTHERS, NEW Tonic 1 Who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP in FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re- ceieed a New Lathe, by the assistance of which he is '.prepared to repair SEWING MACHINES, GUNS, LOCKS, RE- VOLVERS, SKATES, &c. SAWS SHARPENED R, GUMMED Satisfaction guaranteed in every ease. Re- pairing done with neatness and despatch, remember the plane. D. eleANSFl, Fanson'.s Block, Exeter,