HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-12, Page 3oreat . Mb&at Hitt* As soon as a lean springs into pnblie not to a at on " sees we u1fs tin ive dole of h d ar, s a litt1' di t 'fey his ,, but, it is nevertheless a act. ' President Ar- thur usually wears a high silk hat. It looks like a President's hat. Whoever made it, it itithiktsolyistisosf itir kind .in Wasbingtoni• In tI ti i S& tee„ it is a very tall hat. with just the shadow of a curve near the crown. The brim is Wali Street. Across the island of New Yorks in Lj1'1E'..1`�t�•l� 0 & g.'41111. 68b.a wen of -earth and ;Geniis Iftte t'1' ,; si•i) el uiit, a wall cannon mounted. to keep aok the savages. Along this wall ran a street, and as the - street kept the line of the wall it was appropriately called Wall street. Short. narrow, un- architectural, and yet unique in- its history, and, excepting Lora hard street.. London, the mightiest street in the world. There the United States gov- broad and nearly straight, and hangs erntuent was bora. There INashington over his eyes. It is a haat among hats, held his Imes. There Idrs. Adams and, ono would ask the name of its and Mrs. Arnold. and ldrs. Caldwell ''t those wh to td purohaa:r,gto't so froti the tuauufaoturex• The dealer who buys to sail agaen 3xtrst neeelel"re have a profit, \va glaun to givotha parohaeers.the. beuefi#,which otinnottai to ascot the views of the G elerea s; Our expense areleaethpu t#osa ofefta xganRtaet ueneheniegroent owner amort a thqusatd, Attorneys►eoan seilcheaver. g' and hlrs, Knox, atld, other ttrilliaat General Brewster's white hats are women of the Revolution, displayed .. ::.46e..,.. ,F14 00trt'tthobir 1 r• T I Vir ( U ea 11401eialaaeitiutke toaur went,wploli;s mole bgxrtt rtetetbxuever,es we here -edde�isevoral gr�W� tles,��'ggt?s of lute The best oowe., oa'theta ehrtutitatatlepee) uneral requisit, at t •R Lowest brie, t• Our ,ie* Hearse is rancer...we 14 oomnpetent judFs, to b. s coud to' tier, t all tt1. atrovitLo,,� Emb- -mast historical. He has theist made in their charms. There preachedWither- � e s a I tb e �' �' � ' Philadelphia., and it is dtntlerstood con. n, Jauathan Edwards awl George 1114:4105 sayers) eao)t #lessen. It is -a hitefield, Titers Ur. John 3tfas3n matter of some curiosity will; he should chided Ai:ulexander'leion for writing ;.t/ I 0 l I INS I 146. [ � � ar i .7 ,` avant a new hat of this species. Cer- the constitution without any God in 1t. *^'""'e thinly it must be a great pa:zz a to m £bars criminals were harnessed to minim* m*A n to pick out his latest pureh:tse from wheelbarrows and compelled to draw among the largo stock which he must burdens. There they were lashed have on hand. His hats are made to lthrouQh illu streets behind carts to Funerals sfamishedbdlow be brushed either or both s gid theys was are. They are lan t very, high tat$thli. ]tag crown and a roll- ing brl at. 1like the *les of head.gear vitt irrrtha •pieture8 of . the I abode of just the opposites—unswerv- allegorical''Uncle Sam." Ina -integrity and tip-top scoundrelism, Mr. Blaine sometimes wears a stylish' heaven -descended charity and bloodless whieh they were fastened. 1."here .nog- eat retort" oes were sold in thesave-#part. That 5rillittooketOndertalrine street has seen rite coronation and bur an d wo "Tieens: x ial of ton thousand fortunes. The person:eriniringanythine in this lbae will audit to theiradvantageto ggivetne a call and examine to themaelvei. silk hat, but his favorite is a black shvlockistu, slouch, which he draws down over his The history 01 Wall street would be eyes until it nearly touches his nose. the history of the Go/mem of Alltarl• lien Batter and Setator Edmunds and ea. I would like to put the plowshare Sen>ittt iftar torn to slouctbes, tttl7. Ina the curbstone in. front of Trinity upt>atreltlar . oft Prang )'halt y the church. and. drive clear through to same made#. General »Logan Wears a Wall street ferry, and so it shall go if cavalry slouch hat about tail the time the horses are strong enough to draw and a respectable silk hat the remain- the plow. We are all stunned with the der. Senator Logan's hat is tall and recent defalcations in Wall street. and angular like himself. It is a keen and there is no tnoro absorbinguestion IA incisive looking itat, and sit* on itis America to -day than this: W�atoaused. heart in•a prim sort of lasition, as rnnoh as to say to all the brother hats, "Just have yourselves mado over into this style." Seetaryy'Chandler usually wears a Drb. He arches it low ••Black WednesdavP Re • CABINET -MAYA; e r- ,-• 1 nava Itz:treoe sad . ar�estoek Want ::t ea, •' Ratoweed Casket.; ars^ i eftlxla eft ..very •fermi#.• tiuh- A c nn„let t•w 44 ltobss su,1-'l's:mo i::r e atway o'►bared, rbc latest ati.lrs ,i, Chamber axed Feuer •.pit+ All #ude of Furniture a, the lowest roes. - THE HEST Iitlrft,WsE IN TUE COUNTY her theplaos-•-Nearly opposite lfewp'sTnbaeve Store, idain.street, F.xrter +�0 Z111,,.4.177 Exeter Zost Olt ce Time Ts,ble. liA,lf,Pi aantre overs$. What 03115ed ” lack Friday?" What $irkton.Woodhtlat,ivlu.helsea end Rlirevllle �ltiti sou aG Pe tr.in. has caused tall the black daps of fi- mutts# disaster with which Wail street santia.eaatend wosl,tnoludtu8 Loudon.lierailtou. Terceto Montreal, riaRitrN obs,Dnited8tetex.aamath. . - s.w. Ruglisitdteroiknwa.., ... .... ... ... ... ... 9.d5.y [il a• rn has been connected for the last; forty down upon Itis forehead where it looks years? Some sap It Is the credit sys- thoroughly business -like, like its own- tem. Something back of that. Some or. Secretary 'relinghuysen wears a soy It Is the spirit of uafnbling ever tall. thin silk hat. Secretary Folio; and anon beootwir.g epidemic, Soma on the contrary. wears a ranter opt tbiagg back of thsat, some say it is the crowned hat, which materially adds to awl en shrinkage in the value of as MS judicial appearance. Stxaretary curities, which even the most honest Lincoln's silk haat is tumour stylish and and intelligent men oeuid not haVefor- drossv. while Secretary Toner's ttltkke! soon. Something back of that. 1 will him look like au. Episcopal Bishop. give you the primal cause of all those Postmaster General Gresham uns davttl- disturbances. oPed a genuine fondness for lois old it is rho extravagance of modern so - black alouoia hat, which he throws clety. 'which impels a map to spend down anywhere. Cotumtssioner Loring wears the most dignified -looking silk hat in Washings ton. No one would ever think of twat a thing as rubbing that hat the wrong way, and as for crushiug it, tho Idea would be preposterous. GoneralRoso- eraus affects the military slouch hat, while General Sheridan woara a light Derby of a fashionable make. Before he was elected Speaker Mr. Carlisle always wore a slouch hat; now ho wears a tail silk one with a narrow brim. which looks as though it was three sizes too small. Senator hinhono wears a hent brown slouch on the loft side of his head, which gives him st dashing appearance. Judge Lawrence, the eccentric FIrst Comptroller of the More Money than be mut honestly make and Ito goes into Wall street in order to get the purposes of imnuediato dis- play. and sotnetiuea the man is to blame ttnd sometimes his wife. and of- tener both. Five thousand dollars In- come, ton thousand dollars, twenty thousand dollars income is not enough for a man to keep up the style of liv- ing ha proposes, and therefore he steers his bark toward the tutetstrom. Other mon have suddenly snatched up arty or a hundred thousand dollars—why not he Thu present income of the man not being tnrgc enough, he must move earth and twit to catch up with his neighbor. Others have a couutry-sent ( —so must he. Others have extrava- $at caterers—so must he. Others Treasury Department, wears a flat- dive palatial residences—so must he. crowned hat with a wide brim. This Extravagance is the cause of alt the is savagely pushed down on his head, defalcations of the last forty years, and just as though ho had just given an std- if you will go through the history of verso decision of 10,000 words. It' al- all the great pilules and all the groat most covers his ears, but don't; that is, financial disturbances, no sooner have one can see tiro ears. These aro a very few Of the immense number of distill- s) looking hats whichmay bo soon in Washiugtou. The subject of ^' hats suggests :ut incident which hap- pened at the White goose during Grant's first term. General Butler came in to see the President one day, and deposited 14ssilk hat in a large and comfortable arm chair. As he stood talkiugg in walked. Horatio Greeley. Greeley shambled across the room and sat down fair and square on Butler's hut. Of course there was a crash. and as the great editor jumped up Butler took the remains of what was his handsome head -gear in his hands and said: ••Greeley. I knew that hat wouldn't fit you."—Boston Traveler. fie Counts as Two. Timmins does space work for a lead- ing city magazine. He also writes stories. His opinion of the literary judgment of one of the editors of the magazine, whom we will call Smith, is extremely poor, as the following anec- dote clearly shows: He had turned in a love -story entitled,. 'Left; or, Ethel Mowbray's Tryst," but, for some rea- son or other, after it had been favor- ably passed upon by several readers, it was condemned by the owner of the magazine. and, of course, that settled it. Among those who .had • reported favorably upon it, was Smith. ••It :almost passed the gauntlet," said Thumius, mournfully.. to a friend. "Jiistsee hov many thought well of it 13rdzer, Peterson, Salter, and Smith; that makes live." "Only four," suggested his friend. "But some one lutist have told Smith it was good, else he would 'not have know,q it, ao, no counts as two. --Boston. Globe i" The country bedbug is; now trying samples of all the' different drummers that come through his territory. The diffe :tinge ll'otit en it drummer and, .or bed bug is that the,., latter shpW4 ;,hist samplas'an'ththe latter.don't. , '1;hO Yht-i ter, when be has sampled a good fat traveling man. hurries off to a conven- ient crack and,lays low.; There are all sorts of clocks, but a now invention is badly needed.. It is one that instead of striking -at 11 p. m., will pickup a dilatory lover and fire hire out of the front. door. A cloak of this description would make a fortune ' erg sitting down to a hearty meal. for the inventor, as there aro probably I Something of a light, easily digestible. a million American fathers who would I but• one:-Plailade.phi:c Chronicle -.Fier- but sustaining character should bo cad: taken toward 1 or 2 o'clock. you found the story titan right back of it you find the story of how many horses the man had, how many carriages the man had, how many residences in the country the roan had, how many ban- quets the eau gave—always, and not i one exception fur the last forty years, either directly or indirectly, extrava- gance the cause.— Dr. Ttitrktye in Frank Lca it's. south, toest west cto ... b.tS p.rn.;4•90 l,. tp .Orth andeaat.inoludipaOoderialt, Wlsgbarn.lfiucarttine and tiltpoints4011h, roRto,lSoutrcal,auA traAtetntiWteR.. ... ^c`a•>: a. to r North en data o..0F5S p. m :,:51m. at .a4,: p. es. Se twptaa t'ucadays, Tbursdsye itnd Saturn ys 815 a at 10 Oa am MONEY ORDERS AAIWIaouasIr 1 m. THE, s orTt;+pgt:>e*e C at1eeaatic ',i'ir.father reAlei irtg1eve', lie has been a gnat sufferer from Sere:- , • .. sad tk;,yluclea,s,:::tter will ten you is t-» r,. u.:ssaYfts ousel Aye Sxsaip hes hal la his tate, 1 thlnir hire bleed en MS, contained ed the hewer tier alt ta,at t ; but It did not show. ezeeptin the r rr' M A scrofulous sore oR tbA,ts lAtit Ane rears sip. From a fes iml+ots wi 1• - peeSed 4014 time, it gradnelly sPr ` • a Sooner his, entire body. I aware you i.e x. $.. terribly aAifetrd.aad sae iotPltrt l• • - Its belgau lab Sour medicine. I„'ow, ..• fest re^e of Lis ate who coley as Soca .1. + :•1 its be hat. 1 could cney Dane flat, nt»e r. , 7110 te,tlff to the feats It 1116 era.% onrnfintiy, W. hr. Fait s4Yel' • FROM THE FATHER: "pll ar tahnmal a duty for uta to Mate to yen the lectin 1< have deriRed from the este 0t Ayer's Sarsa►p&rill&, six moathsaaolwas eomptetely covered with t► terrible humor tow* serotelown serer. Mao humor oenssd an ittoewamt lard intoleaable 1tellt ( 'tad the akin ersoked ie u t0 woe the blood t* Sow Is Leaf= phase wh a le:or 1 woo. Joy sattsuinp wort greet, and rtey life a harden. 1 gon.atatoolt the two of the St.asarntut.r n, to April last, end have used !: vera 1 lr utter that thea )i e • "� 1 r 6 ,• fat ewes T,n v -s 1' t • . • ,.,f.a,:,. • t = 1 .w �,4•., tl lf... ', Huta s « 'rrr:." •. a fie. .....,A o ,� ~ut are i s1;1 e..iv 1 1- -.:• Sur-• , l'criie, :....,::r., toed 1:, as or the beta. It t:: ,-a lite t' .e..1 of a't : x - r: ct. aids d: rattan, ttimutstai the art,. a et the bowel, wad time moue vttatlity arra suyagnioa+s the whole tenets. norm= ars Dr. J.C. Ayer &OrO., t i01t1eff,MtA'1V4- "tar 611 lltn�itaai ipl, 441)24611 fktr IL tsauodaad id on and treat auyafo»eSS Order Otticelathe#llnionattana,ia,Oresttsritain4134 oth [relfad,8rl fah iudla. Newfonadlaad.Itst ,ARstralia,l+ew South Weise. Tommie*, New xelatsd• — France sue Algeria. tae Qermaa Re:mite. l sedon,Nerwe,t. Denmark. Isola d. Re141uce. the ♦etir- ertands, Switzerland, Luetria-Rent;ary, atoanlanla. United atates,Jamaiea anti nerbadas. POST OFF.CE BAVUNOSSANR. Deposita will be reoelved at this aloe from alto 5500. Depositors obtaining the 1'ostmaster- Qeoerat's special ppermission eau deposit$1000, Deatositeen 811.1. lulls Reek account received froto 3,a m.to4p.m. luterectat4 pet cent per annum. wilt be, allowed an elldciusiifti OfllcenounLem 7.500.'32.507 p,m, I,etteratutendedtorregistration mutt be posted 15 tninuteabefore the clueing of each mail. NB—itis partionlery requested sheathe sanders of twitter will kinky addthe mulles of tko Counties to tko addresses. Three deals a Day. An English writer gives some much- needed advice as to the timos and fre- quency of meals. In his opinion the present usual practice of three meats a day has good reason, as wellas custom, in its favor. When work of any kind is being done, whether mental or bod- ily, the intervals between taking food should not be so long as to entail de- mands on the system when its store of material for the generation of force is exhausted. An ordinary full meal, in the case of a healthy man, is generally considered to have been completely digested, and to have passed out of the stonmdh'in four hours. A period of rest should then be granted. to the stomach. Assuming that two hours are allowed for this, the interval be- tween one :meal and another .would bo six hours; and this accords with the experience of most men., During rest and sleep there is less waste going on, and especially during sleep there is greatly diminished activity of all the functions of the body. The interval. therefore, between the last meal of one day and the first of the next may be longer, as it generally is, than between the several day meals. Assuming that breakfast bo taken about 8 or 9 o'clock, there should be a mid=day meal about 1 or 2. Tho character of ,this must de- pend on the nature of the day's occu- pation and the convenience of the in- dividual With women and children this isgenerally their hungry time and, the mid-day, repast. 'whether called ]uucheon:or..dinner, is the chief • meal. Sp- it is,with the middle and laboring. +c}asses:; for the most part. But for asterchants, • professional men and others, whose occupations take them from home all the day, this is incon- venient, and; moreover, it is not found conducive to health or comfort to take u full meal in the midst of the day's work. There can, however, be no doubt that nl.uch' evil arises, from at- tompting•to go through the day with- out food, and theft with exhausted pow- sugHtuA IRON BITTERS Health & Happiness for all, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice. Dropsy, Fluttering of the tiekst, Ane everyapecit:a cif di.eose arising f. -ora Impure P1,00, PNNt•• BI!, 1:911•e CtimaX E!l .:l.i'.:. C _ ". •= "if lrChr c-• • • • REMOVAL ! REMOVAL E THE GENERAL QUESTION. Agitating the Public mind at present is where can they get the best Bread, but this matter can be settled to the entire • satisfaction of the people of Exeter and surrounding country, by calling on , JOHN TIMptie. the old established and reliable bakery, where they will find just what they want. A Superior quality of Bread always on Hand Also a first-class - stock of Brsctrrs, Buss, CAKES & CcNracx1ONA1t , which will be sold cheap. While opponents have started'busi- nese, and sold out, andleft the place, Mr. Bell has been found at his post,, during the past eight years, ready to "attend to the wants of the Pabliit." ORt,O CERtz e . •Owing to increasing business, Mr. Bell ha found it necessary to remove to more eon mcdious premises, and has added largely to his stock of Groceries, and will keep on hand Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Syrup,and everything. usually found in a first-class Grocery Store. Ali kinds of Farm Produce tali en in exchange for goods. - Emi-mn'an rue STAND :—Soutbeott's Block, Four doors North Post Office. , JOtIN BELL, 6rour'efor. D:JOfNS, Postmaster. ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT MIRES ALL Pains and Aches, AND 15 THE MOST PERFECT MU itDMZ in the WS141 SOLD BY ALL nrAtFRS. PRICE, 25 AND 50 CENTS KR C31TLi. !1 A HOOD How Lost, row Restosed, We have recently published a new edition o DR. OTJLVERW1LL'S CELEBI:ATBI3 ESSAY on the radical and perm anent cure (without me- dicine)of NorvousDobility,afental and physical incapacity impediments to nen lase. ete.,ro. spiting from excesses. Price, in sealed envelope, only G cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author ofthis admirablc essay olearlydemonstrittos,from thirty years' success- ful practice, that alarming oousequences maybe radically cured without the dangerous use el in ternal medicines or the use of'the knife ; Point - oat amode of cure at once simple oertain end et- lectn n l,by means of which every sufforer lnomat- terwhatbie condition may be.may curehimself ch. raply,privately and radically. r3Thi lecture should bo in the handset every youth and every man in the land. Address THE CULVERWELL ASEDij» AL -Co 41 f,:117 Sr..14EW YORE Pont Office Box 450 HE; N SALL PORK PACKING HOUSE flaying euinmenced bushiest ter the , Fall and Winter -Trade We areprepared topurohase anyquantity of Pork ,subject to the following regulations We will takeoff two pounds Per hitndred if dry, and three pound 11 soft. Shoulclertaice twenty-five dents. I.f any .of,tlieI nog gitts are left la, 25 a lits extra will be deducted. No porK will b e bought at an. price if warm,• .. We,vant. all Hoes Cutting right through, breast to'itr I. and Hames opened out to tat G • if. IL DOWNS" T1RDI^-1La:3 1144:k:.0 EUXIR Lias stood the :eft for Fzr. .Tia-. k s,uts, and haat pn.ve4 ''tact:' tb 1 remedy knerat t. -r t: