HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-12, Page 14 ,
Li: r ONT ,, TIEUBS OB I '4 s • r
tt Received
Lir Bal ,*blew Currants, -New Figs, New Dates,
Prunes, Fresh Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Sistfoeg, E'er-
rings, Yarmtolutb, Bloaters, Fresh Haddies, Oysters
'by qt., can or dish, a good, stook of Tobaccoes
and Pres cheap
.t G A Y' J r`$.
Iif?at, B*riater, $oli-
ems Gams i lifltary i'ublie,
tniaeiotitr gs, twines to The first foal of the spoon wall
dropped on Strode the 18th suet, on
_ lb. tom of Wm. Elliott, 4th MOM'
AI D>f,1+1, torr of Qoderaola low:Wine
$1. Malys iv to have A tetephoue
ennueatiop. 'elle instruments :'toes.
BiltfiStef, k i ora, Buuveyaaoe , ac,, eery base arrived and will be tet ap
$'>w.RTER, ONT. for nee as soon au the wire is *trim*.
ofeee f aweAa Bleck (sacro old *meal • The Huron Assixee will be held M
: A, i.., Win. -!�► �..,3.�1. 1Ic.!
Ooderioh on 1londay, Marcia 28, avd
1+ NT3&.
Not Par Torero Home.
Rlook. Rueter.
a isenrot.
to Pock
sum the patroue received. net, j.
c1ellr of all expenses, '�21,14I.4
The average wholesale price wel
1i.42otr per. Pit
WWI 7rlwt ak SON
es* nawt +r►rletere„
c. I rive! site threw a bottle 01 lin 1r1S IaisUI. Ncl& asrtilo. 'b� rt ur un3
1x doctor, sad Mauch' diflictlity '!tuts a's mooting of $h.l 'ubon . sod Hiltivere
s p.riaroed is keeping her ewetx freed/ Mottle! Fire Ioent*nc. Company was
Irish patient* in bar ward, , .: held at bile Comleaay'e office, et Far-
Eit-Judge Follette/1, of idols Ta,4i gutial+,on Moodalt,2ad.loot Boeidee
wbo lrill defend Mrs, Dudietrolaait
the 1'rssldeut; Directors .card, Offiiiertr
bats rue doubt the wo,ttetel le elute te, of tate Cowpauy, there were iu etterr4:
is melba wiIJ not attempt to prove tbet enoe quite a number of inemb.re,
there erns i o rtriertt to.leafs,. Fttllf44o souk l,ifeil iateueet IU the proceed:
attributes tier metal* to tmvla,R follow= ing.. The Provident, Bobs. Gardiner,
int rip . the dynatnite werfare, niiicb E*q.. opened the meeting by calling
Worked uttou, her baba ene.i,v ted oli Leo seoratary. Mr. N, J. Cion, to
No I. bard wheat sold for 78 0
per blush, in Manil,bet last week. 'F
price ie almost see .good se on, ou
market iu Exeter,'
Mr. M, Grady lent discovered as
purchased w rieh deposit of (topple
ors near iJalabogisst It is about tw
miles from the K' geten &' Peant�rok
Reilw*J, It wilt worked,
Bishop Fore, of Montreal, ion
a oil ouleu to the .eleagy, calling a
terabit) to the dentate i holo memo
their flooke Crow atatteudiug tumor
ploys stud holding ,prirete theatricals
Aa order.iu-cou,�+oit appears iu tit
Centel* Gazette tfacIariug that Ili
ditty re) r►tw beet eager imported fo
the Clhau(tar Coati the caroti piece nee by Canreuiaat refueras obeli b
l p i maculated, ou tIa rkat value, less
eta Moddr►y. Aluil 18. • drawback ginuteal r aha Uoraraazu o
Mr. Jsu, Mark, of the Stir cor'cess• other foreign govt ante.
son, MoGillavray, bee. sold his farm
and purottted another io Luther Vol. stew R,9sacro..
lownsbip, north of Guelph,
Uouryy Miller, of tine aid omice.,bint► The deteile of
of AloGillivrey, laud two tittles die the Stewart and Burt
other night, from breaking iu the nislted by IIt
born and citing too much grain. They steamer, who,
until site helaevaW ea watt -hot shite Oft
an Eyelet woma't tea striker lit atm
to her countrre defence. Fal1ertot,,
ewtye that only' defence praotioabbk is
tread the minute* of last simnel test-
ing, and also Me Directors` Ref+eet
for the p,s*t veer. Tit. report tree
ed iesttttit [ tlalt}ke with.* little Dare aalittle4 by HiQ J.ul*ust he Th Scott,
to ttttd.espt'uss ebe will be a uctuttirteil. 'i,'tee,e. thou eubu►itted the 'ineno el
al ' t3'tcplie>* Statement 854 Atulttore' Report,
1414 was *too received. As tea€ulat
. ' ad diseuoaioa► wee indulged in *neve
the ruler Trow i-µ /ISO Qoveruiug the
use of atsain threshes, whoa it wee
resolved to sawed the bylaw b es:
punting rule 10 therefrom, it being
oonsidere3 not In harmony chis rule
5. Tile aJeotiolt for a► Board of Die•
eaters wax thou token np, which re-
eulted in tine returu of the old Board,
Mount. T. ill. Key and Jae. °tlleep;a
were rear pointed Au•fiter,i, and the
meeting .teemed. iu the wine farm, .14
a r.nbtegnent meetiug; of the. now
$card, 1 Obt. «yrdiuer, l:.q, dal, re-
electsd President, sod A. Dalkon,
Esq., vice President. Tho Oompentott
!mimeo; .tau'txott.d daring 1884 were
ae follows :--283 u .limp$ ie,wued. vorsr.
tug risks to the *meant of $288;1500
adding to the nevelt; of the Company,
premium notes =outing to $6,83fi.-
90. The total itntonia new et rink is
$1,105 840 ; taco value of premium
notes $24,294.79' ; honer in 1884,.
$59.66. It silt. Haus be seeu that the
Company is in a -testy prosperous con.
ditiou, the levees for the throe post
plata being oui�tj $171,82,
N, .1.:01.411 i,, Secretary.
beset valued at $100. ertillervaiou au
In coneequenoe • (Mr. W
n.'Drnm• copd. i nen
as hisobet auum
1IAb1.,-.Con exit Foi-t� It struck ire heals anran *trey, 1*. lade* ilei, Ste'aar ,�tbe Europus Cao
tCouatyofHuron. s, U08 opyosit. to tally destroying the cutter, Mr, alle, Power and I&erbiu, HealthBey
tinis'aatar..F.xstar- lives at Adore, P. 0., McGillivre . twelve °reeks, a
y at('s< number of iia
lives. Two other ''teenier. seem
ponied Stewart la Berber. The littl
feet shelled Ber!�er, but with what
recast tai not .tatitd;. Four j Lined the fleet at Berber, anti th
party wooded down the Nile t
aisseaetre or Qo
just beim far
stoker en i
eerilors, tw.
ltlsl( sit a tl,gyptieair, est
CAL `t" M''e steamer le
Mk board, bi .
The Commit wet; on.2nd las . 'Ali
the meaabare present.
Minutes of lot meeting read • solid.
Ola applioatiou sof C. Waleou air was
moved by C. Silber mud D. Feeuo9.
that $$5 be grauted to be expended
ou 8. B. one•half east --the rest' •wast
Boston Corneare, on condition Mo;
Cirilliorey Courc;t do likewise ; that
aao more ,thea 02- Dante per load of
i; cord be paid, and.that the said C.
Wilson have ttao expending of *aid
Resolved --Tient it by-law be side
It etupowering the trustees of School
section No.11 to borrow 48x`0.
Moved by H. ''ilber, ciconded by
, D. Freataab, ths.t I. 1. Corruther. re
' owe $70.510 for work on 21st, end
a 1 • not $84, as heshould not have •x•
oeeded the grist to such ate extent.
Moved by H. Silber, "seconded by:
P. Oougblin, that Wm. Weir's eon.
o treat fur bridge amounting to $425,
U be aooepled, on 'condition he giver
the tseoesartry eeourity, within one
week from ihiae dete, olhsr,ise that
D.Mcdaso o'e reuder be acoepted;
,b;, Wilkenas' offer to deliver 8 cords
d of ittoue at. $4 per coni, bo eeeepted.
Resolved -Wring be gestated to
nt `hila -grove114u1 ffeete-cit. road' bs'�e.
Da tereen Original to*d •eud.Dstl ' om toil. ,.,,..
oenditioa the teams work for $1.110 $100.
- o Rero ved--` s Mrs. White of the gravel read who
bloat the mater of lots has bean aerion.ly ill for tome time it
_ ! sold for arrears of taxes, be referr •d recovering..
to C. Prouty ear adjustment.' firs'. Sohn Minato, has been aiok
► Resolved -That the ;Reeve, Clerk, for mime lime bat ire now o',flTitlee-
W. BROWNING U. D.,)) M.0P. H.Greduate ..
trldmesid.uce. Doax'afaitri,a oratesv,tEx* (e • ogee
J. A. ROLLINS, U. 0. P. S
Oftleaberm autty000ulladbMain tt,?olc bi1lIpii,$egae
(1 LUJZ,M.D ,
\J* OOloeatbferestdence txeter.
,•kos cii*ns end slrretsoynroOut..efticeEirkllett Member ktton
i arPORTAN TrttSTICit8.
.�EN1 Y E!Ll3 �`R, Licensed Auo-
J tiolteeriorgeay,Stophen.stuil i100tllcray
t'awneltl a. awes conducted attnoderatoratos,
ut!lce►-! t Poat• felce. Crediton, Ont,
Mr. ,.alae. White, the noted lior..e
buyer of Bodgerville, recently abinped
from Heneall 'station a car-1oocl of
fine lot.king horaee for aha AwerioauF u nugget
T1IOiatae Hill, of lice 17th manakin
of Morris, bite sold his 50 ecru form 1 �t,buhemed, Here Stewed dispense
to Jobn, sad Cherie, Agin, for $2,000, with his eeeort end continued x11
` Mr. Hill totends removing to London, journey with ie owlet steamer,
The Usbot.no Board' of Health suet short dist** bele *lllaamod. Ste
'Tumidity of Iasi week fo the .town mart's Meanie ran olx a mate an
hall and organized. Alewbere pre.- became . .
asst•--ltleasirs, 1) ?tlola,iit's, & Duncan, '• rt.,.
I. Hw!lit er',T. wick, ".order borpiiae The crew thorn ed to eiu staietee
Ale, the aspeotor. T. M. Kay, the island, after "pa tiog their guns a.
(Reeve, Was elected oheirmen. thruwwtng thsrar aminnottiau over
Air. John O'Connell, the ve.eran board. The party left rhe boats s
stook raiser of Hibbert township, sold hurriedly Chet they negleote4 to orale
a fine bull, of the Shorthoru breed, ibeuteelvea. They wore soots our
the other defy to Ueda. P. Collins rounded by a large crowd of natives
d Li114140i1 usid 4 ifterrlti•
,,..t ter 3.- nill of Ez.ter,fef- -
? ONEYTO LOAN ON REAL ES- and. C. Herbert, 01 Logan and Ellice.
Lem tete fcrthel1riran0ErfeLoan' Savings Although the atniroal is only ten
�icelety. Lo_y xateryof i'nteresf. apply to John months old, it realized $125..
ripaolcratAra,.l3xeter. --_.-� _ rbc :annual meeting of the MoGil
�' J. CLARK, Agent for the Us, livray Mutual k're Insurance Co., was
"' k ehernean,l Hibbert Nfutualtriretneuranee held iu the Town Hell, Lioury, on
nomp�einy, Iaesidence A'arquhar. Orders by !lXonday. There was a geed attend•
au isiliiromptlq attended to.
wise :made friendly protestations.
Arab presented a rueesage to Stowar
from Suleiman Wad Gama, inviwas
the party to Suleituaifa 1h,,treo us ht
guests. They nccepttd, and Skewer
and the two Consuls stud 1iassao,Be
were conducted to tue house of a.biiu
ann. The auditor's stata•nent shows .nature, where coffee was prepared
While partaking of refroehmelits
r+�Sn eiroatl '
Lest week the Stephen anti !IoGi1• GAVE THE SIGNAL.
livray couucile were besieged by rneu when two bands of his followere,arm
from both townships, the complaint ea with spears and sword., , miters
being the need of money to up.3ud in the house and
.gravelling the roads on the boundary MURDERED STE�4ART
of .two townships. It is reported and the two Consuls. Hassan B
�'-u D. French, P. Coughlin and' H. ER cent.
t ber be the Sealed of Health.' The Revivs1 services at Sarthi;ne
',g : ,The eaid Board beiug these op. still continue, remarkable" retreats
s . pointed: Mr. Frouoh was appointed Wave by the power of the Holy Spirit
chairman ; C. Prouty, seotetnry 'Dr been alreatty 'Weaved. Over twenty
°7 Naismith, medical heattlt oft cer, and have alread, professed faith in Cbriet..
d H. Eilber, sanitary inspector. May the good work go on. .--..;
• The Reeve resumed tate ohair,when The pulpit of the El my hit
the. following orders were gciearted I abet Church will be 000ttp€ase 0
C. 'Milieu, $5 ; J. Kerr, $1.25,, "'J, day, February 22nd, by ittraeitr
Hanker, $6 ; J. •R•. MoPerson, $4 ; Rey, Mr. Grey in th ;"tntething"torr►,
• R. Hoagies, $4 ; Rsfiecter, $g ; I. I. heir,. R. Devitt of r'rrel/telt;tn the pgea't
iO;t El" TO LOAN AT Of AND 7 the Company to be progreasiug favor -
are coat. aocording to terms, Private ably.
'' 1l V.ELLIOT,
erleiipri , or . Solloitor. Eietei
1 1a elle.. •,
SAL .2\%`� 1t5TORYFRA IE
`D L'4LL,_,-11011".,,` undoneacreofiand
'^stag on tlio ' (nit e+!ad,Si miles oast of
t7xet,,r. Geodlarc,, from stable and driving
shed ; splendid otetntrd ()echoice fruit -bearing
t itttee s; good well aud eister a Stet hi s re. that very respectable grant. were Was wounded, but escaped, Tit
plytoanuer. tSALLIoldcheatpfor cash. Ap •`wade by the oonuoile, bodies were then throaru into to
lily to THOMAS ALL• IaV. F1.eeterP O iv 19 -ti
Carruthers, $70.50 ; J. D`alzel,. $20 ; ing. .4)oileotioiisi,tit WWI of Onetime- '
G. Brown, $90. • erennuated Minfssl t t,efshd', e,. �.'
Resolved -That the Reeve, Clerk, lac
°Y rind' P. Coughlin be si deputation' to ...al..,
.nvi E To MOTHERS.
e itioGillivray,. to meet at Liiuerhek;ou Are you dietnrbedatnight and broken ofyour
se the 14th must.
One day last week a couple of yonug
J. cr. ARir. COMMISSIONER ladies from Bruoefield, while driving
1. intim Court ,.1 Common Pleas•-Deode, along the Maitland Road, Colborne
Willa,iltortgages,Loaaes,andallforms otagrae• township, got in rather, en awkwrrd
,,lento drawn and oxeoufodaccording to law.
lafONEYTOLOAN' ONnnALEBTATe. Partieewlsh• position. 'Ibe horse choked, falling followers attacked the remainder 0
ing to borrow money en account ofreeontpur- down, and in trying to unfasten him, Stewart's defenceless oomradee, but..
chases of/and, or to pay obi existingmortgagss
willendagreat saving bygiving mea call, Can be tapped on one of the ladies. TRE neeeeESS STRUGGLE WAS BRIEF
ttero ms.
money at6 and 6iper aunt. C Ar call,. Mr, Thomas Nfo])ouald, formerly all except the narrator and Seven
of Nairnshire, Scotland, wet with wh'h escaped being killed or drowned
nU pQlWhile working aroul accident. oth nd one and the seven in the Ltsurvivors -were sto escape. nipes
EY MARRIAGE' raates0s. g
of the'horees ofibir. James Elliott, of quently recaptured and made prison
TO:J'8 Jr:wEL1iY. STORn ,-
river, aid their money and velueble
divided. While this bloody scene , we
being enacted at the blind man'
house, another party of Sulei'tnan"
oFFren 2:r FIT Abe 5th con,, of Goderloh township,
Ain agent kir ehe.Londonlatutuallneurance it suddenly seized him by'the' nose,
Oompatn of Cansda,Hercantile insurance Co
-Capital s,5no,000.ao mead Office Waterloo; nearly telling one halt that useful or.
Ont. Glasgow .t London Insurance Coy -Cap- gab off.
list' 52,500,000 ; Head Office, Montreal. •
• JOHN McDONELL Exeter. Mr. Tudor Marks, of Bayfield, was
attending Mr. Baker's sale at Berne
a feed days ago, and was about to re-
turn home, and while getting into the It has beeu learuei that Mrs. Dud-
cutter'he' slipped and fell, hurting his ley is the illegitimate daughter' of
Ellen' Keene» and Edward Handley.
She was born at Kingston uu-Thames
is 1860. 1•ler parents were known
as Mr, and Dlrs. Fleury Coverdale.
The mother died tvheu Lucy was five
--TRY -•
Central Shaving Parlor
1!'orCiean and easy shelving, fashionable haft
cutting $c. "
rt- Clean towel for every eustomor,"
,Next door to Central Rote
Established in 1863.
This comt;,iaa•7 has been over Eightteen years
Successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to' insure againatloss or damage by
Fire,Buildiilgw,Merchandi se, Manufactories And
til other descriptions of insurable property. In-.
tendinyinsuree"rs have the option of insuring on
the Premium Ngte or Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company has
ssued 57,096 Policies,covering property to the
Rtalounto1C40.072,o8s; and paid in losses alone
Assets, ag176,too.00, consisting of Cash in
dank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed
Premium Notes on hand and in.force J,. W Wet,
ANN.M D..Preside, t. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary
J B. Hu onus, Inspector. CHARLRSSNE LL
Agony for Exeter and vicinity,
Hussein'was found at Birti when
Gen. Earle arrived there The ether
prisoners remain at Berber. °
reetbyaeiekchiid suffering and crying with,
The meeting at Dash Wood too be the pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and
second Tuesday in March. get abottle of NESS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING
Council meeting to be 'first Monday SYRUP. Itavalue is incalculable. It will ra-
ni each month.
Neve the poor little sufferer immediately. De-
pend uponitmothers, there is no mistake about
it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates
Crsborne. rhe stomach and bowels, curse wind colic
Tile township assessor, 1tic. John softens the Hums, reduces inflammation, and
Allison, has commenced duties. gives tone and energy to the whole system
Bins. WrasLow's SOOTHING Srum> Fon Vnn+D.
HORSE SOLD. -Dir. J,nattban Ben
n tly of the 10th ooncea,i,,n of this
tawriitain, has disposed of his fine
• young Casnadiau bred stallion from
imported stock, to Messrs. Hendrie,
Somers & Slack, of St. Marys, for
the neat sum of $900. The .buy.
ere are proud of their purchase ; the
animal girls the largest of any tense
ROSSA'S ASSAILANT. 'in l'Ttt on Qouuty fo a tures'
year-old. He ie to be ,shipped to Il-
Mr. John Bently of lOtb °Deal, of
Ueborne, has ,.purohased a' 200 acre
farm from James Brown iu'the 2nd
oonoeeston of East Wrwaaosh, for the
sum. of $7,000, not $8,000 as has
been reported. Mr. Bantly and fawily
will move to Wa'iano,th, theyLaving
sold the odd •liuwe+tend of 10Q. sores
in Ueborne, to Arch. Hodgen ,6f the
9th con., for $7,500.
• We are glad to be able to.aunountse
.slits ` Mrs: James .'Me0uliagb, kit the
1011 eon, who brie been ill 'foe eoine
tame,' ie becoming oonvalescent.
Mr. Chas. Mo tettir, of the Dieresis
Road, Usborno, last week purehae'il`
leg: It>did not seed much at the time
slut on examination it proved to. be -a
clean break. He is, however, pro-
gressing favorably.
lir. Christopher Dale, are, °01'Huh
lett.=into puiclitaed fiom his 'brattier years old. While in England are.
John. the Dist homestead farm ou the Dudley assumed a number of aliases,
5th coi.ceitsiotl, for which he pays b amougat them Coverdale, Lucille
good. figure. Mr. Dale now owes Dudley, Keenao, Boyle, Doyle, Dale
500 acres of esoelleu't land in /lulled, and Dureer.. Officials of the assylutn
anis as he is still" a ocmparatively say ebe had no symptoms of insanity'
yon man' lie bids feir to become beyond a determined suici(lal mau,a,
proprietoe of half the townsbip, to guard agaiut,t wbic,`i extreme
• The annual report of the Elms watchfuluess was uecesaary. ' puce
01 10060 & Butter wanofaeturiug Coy., when lett alone she atteinpted to htwg
limited, shows follows for the past
season ;-Ibe. milk received, 2,239,-
948 ; average quantity of milk requite
ed t -c make one pound of cheese,
10,43 ; lbs. •cheese mauufaotured,
herself reth a niece i f string she :h*d ,s Canadian bred 's were at .Toho, Mc'
secreted under her bed • • :She kept a Millan's sale, in the township. of Hal•'
.piece of glass three days, 'wbiah ivlio Tett, for the spm' of $195. Horse
finale i„eovared in ber nlic.iibh? r thegood'
.) � iSl a f.noiera sat}• that nniinal it a
Was repulsive;iu her likes and stili: one. She elates first-rate with a
214,610, which realized a oash value lilies, the latter e.r,eilJll a `nitl&t mare Mr. 11 recently 'nr,if:ae.;l for
$2l: 511.29 of which Irish people.g .. 1
ilm�ttut?^a 4,e w o• ,r ' - Short � at'.;; hoe at: $500. We wish him lues.
nme T¢ETarxa is pleasant to the taste, and ie
the prescription of one of the oldest and best
female nurses and phyeicians ii the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists through -
o ittheworld. Price 28 centsa'bottie
Mr- Wm. Thomas,of Newton,Ia„says: 'My
wife has .been seriously affeoted with a cough
for tweuty-five years and this spring more
severely than ever before. She had used many
remedies without reliet,and being urged to try
Dr. Ring's New Discovery, did EO, with most
gratifying results. The first bottle relieved
her very much, and the second bottle has ab-
solutely oared her. She has not had such
good health for thirty years." Trial bottles
free at C. Lutz's Drug Store. Large size
Scott's Emulsion, of Pure
Cod Liver 00, with Hypophosphltee,
Especially Desirable for Children.
A lady physician at the Child's Hospital,
Albany, N. Y , says : "We have been using
Soutt's Emulsion with greet success, nearly
all Of our patieuts are coffering from :bone
disoaees and our physicians find it very bene
The decided beneficial effect of. Robin-
son's Phosphorized- Eniulstotla in
the treatment of femalie weakness, and ner-
vous prostration, has given it a widespread
reputation, and in every case the story is the
same : '"Aly hsalth is so improved since
using it," "I on like a new soman," that we
do not hesi•ate to recommend it to everyone
ii need o;'a health restorer.