HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-5, Page 8J. GRiG i and Betas ONT. 'dere rifle 4r.? Friday, afternoosh, three per u. meed shit welled, go ado u d Jothel Urquhart. of tttow bip Sta,lien,,weriti•arrsugueR fore t►'t, MoDentiell, J. P., ona o"h ge cr lit tempting to burglarize the hone,. of Neil 141cOutrb, of the same tQwntbip, ' it appear* that on Tuesday of last: week Meloolaa bloOmeh, son of Neil MoOuzub, obtained some uhouoy, end! It,a three priwoners, knowing the feet.". ERwent to Limerick, got, e,loobolittally I echlaeraesed end on their way home wept to the r,.ia.uae .cove likened, for the purpose, rig doubt, of Sea). mitring, burglary* thinking Ilia motley watt there. All the occupant" of the hen a had reiired,pud *bout 2 o'clock Wedueeday morning they beard A, oretsh, and iwmedietely weut to the door, where they oonfrooted the pris- ntre, mid, after a keen little battle, TEN C NTRper line for drat insertion, alas' FOUR CZNTS per Rueter eaoh subsequent in elution will be charged for notice% s•pt'eeaint in Ude oolomn. tg xtet. succeeded in driving the ruffians identity,. blalaolm McCnisb (owed month in the whole twelve, the awedum:mda, FEB. 5th, 1,885, 'ach. eof their ant*lad bats. Next month of valentines acrd lecaielativ. Carnets . Irina s>alt�thing,Fashionable Millinery, TFI Ines away" In orris, to make auce of their the rtnttuer motility meeting. `r.te officers elect for the oalrrent yeer clan be found else ettere. It would no dant* stmueeh Soul. pal - pie to tell them then wee anythug4 sAzd ill th. Bibde about itdverttssing. Rut l4era. ie 'rye word `�adTetrti8e"" *mare twice—Natation 24 t 14, and Ruth 4 : 4. Rev. 1 [r. Martin. of Exeter, ex, nh*uged pulpit" with Rev. J. A. Mut; ray, of Louden, on Soudiet and presehed in St. Andrew's ()hutch. Uis owing sermon was from the text, •"We bave au advoe Ste with tit. Father, &o. " The plagues of A newspaper office lire bores, tarots, cranks, typagra.phi- oal errors, exolasuge'feode, book eau- vaasorm; delinquent eubeoribers, and the min who always knows how ' to run the paper better theft the manag•• er himself. We are now into the .eland month of of the growing veer, the oily 28 dart 15 ANS hT[FUfl ! You will do Well by calling and inspeoting our LARGE AND A. I• D STOCK OF DRYGOODS1 e t uiarr►iag warraotst were feat tl hu Speeches, a octets of skstr aQ end o f Billie, 13rast3,go4d6, Dress Trimmings, Lacesr ilosiery, Gloves, k'rinte, Cotton, Sheetings •b.lreter and constables OM and Film glelg4 ride., and of the ootllhuduoe. Wail/ ,1:, ,PWS. --1Fa spelt be happy to re- lin merle the street,. 1t the eon • meet, too, of the leutsu f.Aet.. f y atUastoit of the evidence Squ141 A. ill be Sea by the d ver o fee at off 4isles. roll est, Part of 44 ire a w�, a bee. Cawa4oy, 44¢14: of ferret "I"' 4114'' 44 IC' Douell oohnahittesd thew to Goderiah monk in *natter oolu•nn, Dr. Drown- table Ihinens, ,til a Napkins Blankets esa iueai$sttt *Owl. i 1 a ing bite 3eoarad the .ale *gamey for Flannels Fiats s1 Gaps Boots & Shoes LARIANC&'S Qal,ztSRA TAD STACTAOar.ES. ' ' r The large number arid high cheroot., cieeittr,er arty fattentint/ goer, fums any of ow eubtcribr rt or read. ,ursgaxeralty/or tkr purpose of Wilk. arise. Lora; wanted A rntart and intelligent lad to learn the art of prinli.ug. fluit have a ter edtlostloa eppty personally to T:sere Oeice, Exeter .DENTAL. C. Cartwright, Dentist, will be found at Abbott's old geed. over U Neil's Beek, every Wednee .day and Thursday except any week is 'boll Tuesday is the first of the month. Ali. branches of deotietry attended to, and retiifaction guaranteed. Gold filling e (specialty. Tcrttzs cash. Prices low A, Sere Cure. "Itis a matter of life or death, You are overworked, sir, and ltahtl sobbotti servioee amouot.tl to the to await their tried. They were tek- en to Goderich on. Saturdsy by the yrs mentioned ober,.. It is said that hard the primers known Met,' er of their reaotztmendutione goes* is oohn ideutel'i tree in the house they soffioieut evideece of their uuim, wonl4 not have Attempted to carry peaobeble qu diff. Thome requiring I rut their scheme. They admit that !geotactic; should not fail to try thein. they broke the door, bat say it wail Another grand uaaaquerede asrni- not with the itttent of burglars, but I sal will be held is the .Exeter covered only for the purpose of giving; the rink, in the drill abed, to -morrow old man u drink. (Fride1) evening, when liberal prix•t will g i l be awltrdeet for atlowiu ; +ilouii r'reabytertan Asnaivere,tre. costume, geut"e ; best dresee4 lady; The auuiverearx eery--"- of Catvt►u Best duos ejd gout; beet ere.104 boy ; Go to CAB ,tI G'S F YOU WANT o get value for your money and see what you are buying, ► +a to CARLINEIJS, as we have the best lighted Store in the village. Presbyterian church, Exeter, were best dressed girl. There will also be NO TROUBLE 1 Q SHOW 0000S. 0S. hebd ou Suuday and Monday last. and a race for boys under 14,yeurs of nae. The band will be in *Atomism* to' 1 0.A.BLING discourse eweei music, Cont fail to attend. Admiiston only 15 omits ; ah ldreu and skaters in oartat;p* 10 cents. were 6naneielly and in every ether teepee% euoo,siful beyond ;anticipta- tion. Oa Sehb*ih efteruuuu and ay, Rating Rev. J. A Marray of L t,auu, preached eloquent, earnest, interest- ing,133301U0ttve And appropriate ser- mons to large congregations, which listened with istiarked attention to b h d Th II at of t'courses. . (so mittens i to take a reel." **That is impossible,.onwg sum of $28.65. Ou Monday evening the annual: tee was held, the good thing* lining starved iu the base- ment of the court*. After all had partaken of the rich viands, which the ladies of Coven church are uuted far gettiug up in ,good style, a plat form meeting was held in the body of the church, The palm of the est , a matter of life or deathY ""alhnrch, Rev. W. bfariiu, ocoupied optima of a very small amount. "Easy enough. Stop advertising," `IIs .hair;. slid to opsoing oomvii iiiauy thanks are One tba ladies who minted the people of Exeter on their brought so abundantly of their good sterling watitt balk *Wally and mot.- things to satisfy the wants of the in- The waited hetd in the Ray, sll fords, hit tiske al labor the e• orzg re encu aEA mer MU. Skating Bi uk an. Tuesday orae >t fAir t people, and of the mem whish Led Anderson, attended the labors of the wingless. --- tion and batmen. Rev, Colin Fletoh• i er,M. A., then addressed the meeting, allotting the great neosesity for her. looter.. My best men are all siok, my auetotxtere are coming is by the hum dreds, and I Inuit be at my pool," "If your customers should temporer- ity drop off you could then find time for test 00Ukten't you ?" "Certainly; but how can I temporarily stop all mJ old patrons from ruiltiag on me, even if the case should be, as you 14**440 Stcplron. Swenson/1, ExrzsrtrJ tneeirr.-The So0iol helm et Sharon on the 2811t ult., proved a groat sucoese, the choreb being literally crammed with people so that not a few were unable to obtain seats. Tu. object of the entertainment was to raise funds to liquidate *debt incurred by the erect tion of R .ploudid 4ed,180 feet long ha connection with the ohureb. which they outmoded in doing with the ex Carnival success. Following are the parsons who obtained prizes : Two mile race.—Alf. Drew. This race was keenly contested by the win• ter and Frank 8Knight. amnions ao-operation by pastor and Genie' Beet Gomia Coxtnme.--Wm. flock in order to be as auccesefut as Hancock. Boys' Uamio Costume. --A, Spicer. it was their privilege and duty to be. Gents' Fancy Skating. --D. Tait. Rev. Cls. Teeter spoke of the zujury A shake payee was gotten up for wrought by people iudulgtng their prejudice. 'n and the happiness they the Small boys, for fest sks►ti g,whzuh!lost thereby. Rev. Mr. Murray coin. WAS lakrn by Arthur Balkwili, piimented the oongregaiion on the The Connti Y.odge. many improvements that had Bien The Annual Meeting of she South made iu tkie church building, and the $uron Lodge of 013 Loyal °rango acquisition, to its membership sham Association was field in their hall in hie last visit to the town three years this piece, Tuesday, and was pro- ago. He ,also *poke of the great nolitloed to be a large gathering. change which had been wrought in Atter the trammed* n of the usual roe- the last tveuty your, referring to the tine bi:muesli the following were nni,an of tit. different Bracher of the elected offieere for the corm, year i Christian church. After the benedia• J. Scarlet, Worshipful County Mas_; tutu had been pronounced by Mr. ter ; Alei, Osfreety,, i?eputy County, Fletctzer itthe tweeting dispersed. The rias r• proceeds of the tea emouate3 to $84.85. On Tuesday evening;. social in aid of the Sabbath school was held and $12 was realized. - The amount realized from the Sauday oolleetlooe, the tees and social was $125. to hold the .Couptysx.1 -' Mr. A. S`uell'a�cid Mr. Mae Mau• The Canada Company. niug left for Chevetand ou Monday, ,The Hamilton Tints: Saye :--Ao- .We wish our friend Alonzo euoeess. carding to the last annual report, the C d C p y still trod": c a Master ; R. lkturney, Comely T u er ; E. Fioody, Secretary ; H. Either, Lecturer to South, and J. Penick, Leetti`'t'er for north 4 W. W. ,Connors, Chaplain ; 3. Dagg, Director of Cere- monies. :After `aa vote beings taken it Wag decal cession ' , Brevenei , . ata a om an s i 'Oen great deal of land in Ontario the directors have discovered that )1 no longer pays to keep its farm`s• ink poor condition, and amicordingik,itt has, in recent years, devoted ;4* por--' tion of its income to the reclamation The Mein street Methodist Sabbath sohool iula.d holding their;anuiver• awry on February 15td'16►b, of which due notice will„ vett, f Speer 1 Service" knee: ifeinieield at eSe < the Junes ,eleset Methediet urdll) ;e der afire levedetsnip of the Asset*, • `. ev. W: S. Pascoe. and drainage of waste lands and wet 13ery -•tit Girl wanted in a small farms. The result has proved that i family. <,;;Would be required to go to money judiciously spent on drainage Londono Apply at Broderick's store, is not thrown away. The company Exeter.' had a umber of farms situated in Hay and adjoining townships of Huron county. Before drainage these lands were held at $24, $32, $35, $30 and $18 per sore each, which harm, been disposed of since drainage for Deduoting,fram this price the cost of $30, $88, $44, $40 and $24 per acre., I slraiissisgeh iii :el'ibwa an : average net Profit of $5' over the price at which "these landesweie''keg °before drain. age. Such results as 'thee" should enccurage farmers else%here who are. troubled with wet lands to adopt the poly true remedy and profit by it. Tenders for the erection of the Presbtterian manse are beiug asked for. The board of meusgyrs are bound /0'0114 14 Ansi'' lave fit morn• pieced it an early dale, : The .Salvation Army had a good turn oqt Monday evening. A num- ber of "washed warriors" from other plaoes were present, Ice harvest has commenced, and as a remelt of the coutiuuous, frost of thapa;itlhv4 iveelte, the "tiatvest" ze abundant, and the quality superior. A large number of Orangemen were in town on Tuesday last attending Mr, Jamas Gowan has purobreed Mr. James murrey's farm of 50 sores, for wluoh lie paid $3,000. Mr. Mur. ray will move to the village of Kirk. on, where he intends purebasiug a house and lot. hir. James H. White and bis sister Nelda, of Lemouville, are at preiseut visiting their many friend, in Ilia neighborhood. They also have friends living iu several of the towns around, whom they intend visiting before their return bonze. 4 Mr. Chas. Hyde, who has been visiting his numerou3 friends in the vicinity of monireal for the past two months, has juat returned .home. Mr. Hyde'a description of the parts of the lower provinae,whiah he visited is not very favorable. Usborne. • . The other day Mr. Thomas Harrah disposed define heavy draught team for the sum of $820. We aro glad to See our friend . Mies 1 Jeanie Irvine, who hes been suffering from,a severe attack of erysipelas, .s once more able to take her plane amongst utr. The following are the names of the four pupils in each class in School` section No. 8, who took the highest number of marks at the weekly ea- emznatioua during the mouth of Jan,: 4111 Clare. -1st Elinor Stinson, 24, Chas McOlocklin and Wm. Duncan,. 3rd Thoe. Duncau, 4th Chas. l<rviae, and Norman Switzer. 3rd Clave. --111 James Ballantyne, 2nd Jessie Shier, 3rd Effie Switzer; '4th Elizabeth McClocklin.. 2nd ,Giese. -1st Thos, :Carr,' 2nd Robert Ballantyne, 8rd Fred Me- Clootilin, 411 .James gen.'• ►.•. r Iowan. Sandy_ Reid,' the athelete,;'is win:. tering iu the village, keeping bifneelf iu trite for the summer oampaigo, ! ' A skating cartiival'taole. splaoebz% Friday evening .et the, riok, which wee well attended" Prizee'were offer: ed for competition' in dress and skat: ing, which were won respectively by Mies Aggie Sperling .es best lady cos: time, Master S. Mellharghey for geu►'e eostume, and William Jackson as best in the skating race. Ou Tuesday, 27th Jetluary, the ntonzbere of Rely Trinity Church, Leon, .and Bt. Jamie', Rhddulpr], represented by Messrs. Thames 4r,- mitege, Riobs►rrt Dagg, George OArter and Rtohard J. Carter, called at the pareouuge and presented the inaumb- eut. Rev. !*Ir.'blegaby, with one hut; cued bushels of oats, coutributod by the cougregatlun. Gonaroue ants of this kited spessk velum** as to the papulerity of the rev. gontlegzau, A eubuoriptioa is now beiug raised for the purpose of bnyixg a ben and ereotiug a belfry ^0u Holy Trinity at: a cost of from. Mix to seven bun. about $12.00. Un itlanevening tet was Served to a Rooddt►y nuuaber oon,iderieg the weather after whiolz splendid addr.seoe were delivered by Revs. W. Quanae and 0. Fletcher. On the. Friday evening following A social wax ltrld after whiabt a very en- joyeble time WAS spout listening to readings, recitations, too., by persons of the neighborhood. Toe net pro- ceed, .amounted to abou0 $76.00. 4.."0,-",0•••40 .., e,,. ,....R,--.. Not Far From Home. News Cond"u"it, Ma E. 4. Courkio of Ilolmesv'!te t 40, drsd dollar". . .4s, r , hies rental a itore in Ceatrulia, and r�t,sutivooei. intends taking poeseselon about 1st of - March. A few days no Mr. J. Walker, of 'Stanley townebip, had a hire. cancer out out of his tongue, the operatico Boys, it is ,about time to have requiring the aseiabttuo. of three dos. another Sleigh ride party. tows, haviiag a Vasghwouuni d -iris".hoofairt.prospects' of Tim :tiwount of milk received at the . Braosfield cheese iaotory, during Thelaw mill log y;►rde are about 1884, was 1,047,011 lb*., puede of Cold and stormy. Mr. J. Bean is viaiug hie son, Dan jamin (teaobes) n1 Philipsburg. filled. (Lumber cheap next year,) obeei. made, 964181 ; aver". selii ug ; . Revive].meed: will. begin in the price 10.55 cents'average price to Evanson:cal " Church nett ' Sunday .p*lrons, 8.22 eenta. evening. Mr. Freak 'Oliver of Ribbed, has Another oyilter. .upper, Isla Fstday °the honor, of having the first lambs evening, so of 4th" oysters wourd dropped an his {arta this year. 'Two not digest, " 'onuoerr.;' ewes gave birth to three fine lambs On memo of ilio st.orgl last Sun- on' the 18th alt., trod they are doing day eveniug,lhere was preaching have ,'well' by Rev. Mr, Manor. , Mr. Thomas Orr, a Westminster • Tlie flax, mill talk had .been "'quiet farmer, while driving a load of hay the past week, on account' of told and from hie barn on Friday, was thrown stormy' weatter; expect auptther Boom from the top of the load to the atter, a tIiew..`l .ground, sustaining a fracture of the The street.. o'the post office is about lee and several severe bruiser. blooaded. Why don't our Post Mat. - fitophen' Conland,a resident of. the ter exercise "hie muscles` shovelling 2nd oonaereion of Harmed:, was re - ow and hair()it made • passel:4e. - turning home late on Tuesday night under the infiueuoe of liquor. His horses"r&u away, throwing him out and when found ho lay frozen to death where he had been thrown. On Timed: y evening of lest week, E. II. Stafford, graduate and•'msed- alist'of O. lir. College, Chatham, at present book-keeper of a 'wholesale, house at errepd Rapids," Mich,., who was visiting &ere last ,Week,' returned Iiev. R. Y. Thompson was presented llama on Saturday: p 1 with a beautiful fur goat, and parr of • • .Eilmviile." >• gauntlets s000rnpenied by a purse of •=- $84, and hire. Thompson with a Mr. Phil" Hith'e bas' gene'' for a handsome ;blank fur jacket, by the ihree`:mout lerin to Chatham• pont; Herman and Rodgerville Presbyteriau eroial Co11�e. We �ebitll'mists• hie Congregstione. , Int � • ,. geteiel fleO0Y•{! f : .d$s. Wztdietm.•:Halir has :ldetrned from Chicago -for i leo visit tit Ellin., virile.. GI*4t,o es* ryetz;Will,Pu -i Forty to know that you intend teeettle un. der the Stat r'And Stripes; A Younr;''Clrritittans Endea6oe As neeisslion b'i1s` Sen, os, aniied" in nun notion s„ i$1.4ihe A e1 oc0iet. Church If then yottnit peopli *It fake. ; itu iii 'Serest and %li'.do *bele-duty the'Aiess : dlation wiilft;bd rho means, of doing graft gond'.'' t•There i piers -t}+ of tel.., ant to make the Aesobiationi sea teresting &izdefrseful' one. = • she first meeting, %Or;zbee'held' on Friday evetz- ing.: ; 4, , , ':The Ankttverssry , tea,. hole; -1u con • nection witfit The- Elimville Methodist 'Church cid-Sunday and Monday,. Jun.' 25th & 26tig was not a•euccs5s owing to 'stormy weather. ;' Oa Sunday Red. W. '(,nuanceof Alv'insrton,, preached morning 'and evoning sermons of great power. the •oollectione taken at the close of each service amounted to A pleasing event took plaoe at the retiidenoe of Mr. Jas. Stewart, of Tugkeremith, on the 28th ult., when the Rev. Mr. Aoheson united Mr. Peter Strang, of Manitoba and • Miss Agnes Stewart, in the bonds of matri- mony. The ° young couple left on Tuesday tfttrnoon last for :their die. tent Lome in the prairie province. "A :Farmer's Club tneetiog will be held iu the town hall, Clinton; on Tuesday, Feb. 10111, at 7.30 ;p.m., for the purpose of oompletinpi•`the or- ganization. and importaut bneipees in cgnnecticq with egrioultural interests.. Itis hoped that the farmers in this vi- cinity will remember the': date and make a point to attend. • Mr: James'. Hackney, - of 'Osborne, sold another fine 'I orae to Mr. Bissett,, of;Exetbr, for the' -handsome' Sum of $255., He . sold . itsmate recently for $245,' thus realizing $500 for the team.. Each ofthe animals brought down the scales at 1645 pounds, when he 'was taking them away. t 4. •