HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-5, Page 7So har4rso a i.tett rid :s e,
I longed bu m i r;. nt
"Wise are the hermits." cried I in my grief;
•"They know the only way to and relief.
Death would to sweet, but since Pride bide
us stay
And grope on 'mid the shades, we =atelier,
Yet will I leave the world behind and now
Sunm despair upon the mountain's brow."
Breantteti f qy tee t hehbritt+le mina; afn
GOven, tyiti@asl et re naptrobe
ni ss`t io g f w s�o ooA�'" ti..:at
Thee my heart leapsl Whence a fiat the
world, and how,
Show us such teauts as from the mountain's
I sit and gaze upon the world beneath—
Gray peaks. croon woods and purple lengths
or beatb.
Steals there upon my fretted soul a calm..
The mountain winds blow blessed breaths of
"IIen are not bad." I cry. "I am the knave,
I, to toy selfishness and greed a slave.
I will be better -sacredly I vow
I will be better—on the mountain's brow."
When tbou art sad, when earth teems cold
and drear,
Yield not to sorrow till thou atandest here
Here thou shalt find thy bitter grief as*
Here wonder et the poor fight thou bast
Here and thy soul so sweetly ocmforted
'Twill seem as then cert rising from the
Aa harberward turneth the weary prow,
Departing blest—thus seek tt a mountain'.
—D. p, Carpenter, in Crood cheer.
A It wises W44141E14 Feast.
of co n coming up in the fence.
we. i s:" h" ngularl"
"Don't know much about tannin'', I
reckin'?" "Very little. 1am the edi-
tor of an agricultural paper."—drIcan-
saw Traveler.
noir to
i • ';,? vial sky,
wi►d s#ed ti
be replied, "1 had a wife and loved
peace. so 1 wont." .Fr'encd Paper
A girl in Turnor, Maine, smokes,
chews, drinks, swears, shaves and
wears a Tutuila Lot...—Exchange. That
all may be, but we will wager that
she can not throw a stone at a barn
withoet knocking an, eye out, of the
woman in ;the next yard4 There is a
limit Act everything.— 1'4lt1sburg', Chron-
i is e. Ice, you pan neve 0003) TAE TEAR BOUND.r expect Fred to
like you} well enough to marry yon if the digestive digest seasons,t all wbefeeivlen the s}oro the livor m is foul and
you cion t let him hiss you and stroke
"" kidneys inactive, Burdock Bleed Biases are re -
your hair once in a while," Well, clnirest,
—The Pennsylvania Senate has pieced on
the calender a bill to inflict corporal punish-
meat on wife beaters.
Wife—Wbat,s the Inattter now, John ?
Husband—Oh, that nen:nig a and tooth.
ache near killa me,
Wile—Why don't yon go to J. W. Bio • ;a -
'leg a Drug Store and get a bottle ..f Fluid
Val;tning ? Yon know it cures all such
things as Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache.
Lumbago. Earache, Sore Throat, ate. It gives
instant relief. 4
More ,eoplo, adults and children. are trout),
withoostiveness than with day other
Mimepta Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit-
ter. will cure oostiveneas and provent the
diseases which resnit from it.
--A deereese of over 115,000,000 is antici-
pated in the public debt dnriug January.
Prompt means should be used to break up
sudden coldal, and (sure coags in their early
atages. Aagysrd's Pectoral $alas*tn docs this
moat speedily and effectually.
The Elan yeith ncetunathun can Pei the ap-
proach of bad weather in Ina seting Joints.
Hagyard'e Yellow Oil eurea rheumstism,aehoz,
punas and injariea.
„Urown'aHonselaold Panaoen'"haa no egnei
toreautolnepein,botbinterualaad external It
ottroepainin the Side, back orbowslp,aoroOro at
Rbenmatlaxxt, Touthaebe,Lutube eo audany kind
of fatnoreche. "It will mart aurely geicken
the blood and heal, se its acting power le wonder.
fol. "'Brown's liousshold Panacea' beingaok-
nowledged es the groat Pain nellever,aneof dou
blethastrongtb of any other Elixir orLiniment
fnthe world,ehoulclhe in every faintly bandy to:
u;owhenwanted, "as it really is the hest rent edy
in the world for Grammy in the Stomach, end
Pains and Ached of all kiwis." and la for pale by
all Druggists at23 ciente a bottle.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla wonderfully improves
the complesion sad brings to old and young
the bloom of health. As a purifier of the
blood. it has no equal.
—Ree, Stephen Gladstone, son of the Brit.
fah Promier, was married Thursday.
—Tho Scott Act goes into force in Dafforin
county on May 1.
Mr. John Morrison, of St. Anna, N. S., was
SO seriously afflicted with a disease of the kid-
neys that dropsy was developing and his life
was despaired of: Two bottles of Burdook
Blood Bitters cured hire atter physicians had
If troubled with an unhealthy, slow -healing
sore nae McGregor & Parkes' Carbolic Cerate.
thteleettihinit helps.
— The Queen has confe:red the Albert
Dfedel" upon Policeman Cole, whowse wounded
in the explosion at Westteinsterhlall,
Bucklen's.Attnlea Salve.
The Best Balm in the world for Cute, Bruis-
es,. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorsa,
Tatter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively eures•Piles,
or no nay required, It is guaranteed to give
Perfect eatisfaetiou, or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all drug-
—One hundred and nine persons Iiiedin the
Canal Hospital at Panama in November.
Tor VoLTAIo BELT tic., Marshall,. Stich„wfi
Wend Da.Dyx'aQursnaaxxu ELxera0,Versaie
hirty days to men (young or olu) who are af-
Aicted with nervous debility, lost vitality
and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
speedy and complete restoration of health and
manly vigor, Address as above. N. B.—bio
risk is in "reed. as thief da •'trtalis allowed
l Y 3s
The banquet is ordered at same lash.
tenable confectioner's. Nothing Is
wantiug---silver, crystal, flowers and.
lustros laden with candles of the purest
WAX. The young married pair occupy
seats about the middle of the table,
their parentssupporting them on both
aides, the rest of the company taking
seats according to the degree of the re-
lationehip or rank. If they want .a
gland dinner they order a "goneral's”
dinner. which costs $30 more than an
ordinary one. At this dinner, so or-
dered, the master of ceremonies invites
areal old pensioned off general, who is
r'eeeiyed with all the reverent:* due to
his rank and: seated in the plaoeof hon-
or. He is the prat to drink to the
health of the young couple. and Is al‘
ways helped before anyone alae. Re
never speaks unload it ie absolutely
necessary, Ho is only there for show
and does bis bast in return for the $20
paid bim, He never refuses a single
dish of the thirty or mare carved do
such oecaslens. As the last roast dis-
appears, the champagne cerise Sly, the
glasses are filled to the brim, the music
strikes up, and buzzes resound from all
parts. But hero comes the bride's fa-
ther, glass In baud, going up to her
bowing and making a most woeful face,
saying that his wine is an bitter that he
cannot drink it until she has sweetened
it. After a creat deal of pressing she
arises and gives her husband a kiss;
her father still pretends that his wine
is bitter, and it remains so until she
has given her husband three kissed;
each kiss not only sweetens his wine,
but is accompanied by roars of laugh-
ter and bursts of applause. After the.
dinner comes the ball and the "gener-
al's walk." The lead him through all
the rooms every half hour; tiVerybady
salutes him as ho passes along, and he
graciously replies by an inclination of
his head. At last, at 3 o'clock in the
morning, all the young girls and those
who dressed the bride take her away to
An, men
her and put her to rest; the.
men do the same by the husband. Tho
next morning the house of the newly
married couple is.again filled with the
crowds of the evening before. The
young wif., is seated in a drawing -room
on a sots with a splendid tea service
before hor. One after the other ap-
proaches her and salutes her. She then
offers tea, coffee or chocolate, Accord-
ing to the taste of the visitor. She is
.enthroned for the first time in all splen-
dor as the mistress of the house. The
most intimate friends remain to spend
the day with the young pair.--Braok-
ayn Eagle.
mamma, I'm sure he'll never likeme
well enough to marry me if he finds
out I've got false teeth and false bangs,
which he surely would if 1 allowed him
any privileges."- R Y. Journal,
A had boy broke up it camp meeting
down in Pennsylvania, the other day,
by, stirring up a hornet's nest which
hung ;above the congregation. It was
remarked afterwarti by a thoughtful
deacon that if the saints and stoners
had showed half the anxiety to escape
perdition and reach heaven that they
did to get away from the hornets and
reach that boy there would soon be no
further use for revival ineetinge,--Tit..
cFanapolis Journal.
"1Ye11. father,1 must maces Idon't
kuow what to do with your daughter;
she's bard to live with—idle, selfish,
expensive." "Quite like her mother,
my boy. But mind vou, it ata does not
get over it all, and you find it's neces-
natry to Cans kO me again --if. 1 asy--"
"Xis, ata yell were saying, i[—"
"Well. if she does, I promise to disin
Merit herl" After that the fellow
spoke of her In terms of continual re-
peat. —Front the !reneh.
A Reach physician has disoovered
what he pronouncesa new disease
called "utromia." the moat prominent
symptom of which Is an unconquerable
aversion to getting out of bed In the
morning A "new disease," ohP As
aeon as school vacation ends, nearly
every 14 -year-old boy in town, who auf-
tared from this disease two months ago
will have a sudden relapse, and the
moat prominent symptoms of utromia
will appear. --Norristown Herald.
A. New York widow' was taking the
fresh air in Central Park, with her two
children, whoa she met a former lover,
with whom she entered into conversa-
tion. "1 am completely broken up,
Amelia," he said, seizing her hand.
"There is no tolling what 1 might not
say and do if it were not for these chil-
dren." "Children," said the fond'
mother, puslii'n them away, "run over
yonder whore the goat oarrlagos are
and play until I send -ter you, lezas
"Laura, dear, I wish you would pay
a little More attention to young Mr.
Niokelplate. I'm sure he is a most ex-
xcellent young man, and you are allow-
ing the Joyce girls to monopolize en-
tirely too much of his attention."
"Why, mother. he is a perfect boor. Yea will find it invaluable for healing, cleans-
He knows absolutely nothing, he can't ing and completely removing your trouble, If
speak a single sentence grammatically, the Blood is out of order, take with it a tow
daces of McGregor's Speedy Cure from 7. W.
he eats with his knife, and picks his cries
Drag Store. 1
teeth at the table." "Tut, tut„ Laura. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate has
A. girl who has reached the age of 26 been tested by years, of trial and has been
should have better sense than to notice found the most ctmvenient and effectual meth -
A crooked man often finds himself in
straightened circumstances.
It is said that a good book is'the best
,companion a man can hove. This, we
.imagine.. is especially so if it happens
.to bea bank -book.
.Carlyle says: "Laughter means
:sympathy." This will bring comfort
-to the man who has inadvertently
•trodden on a banana peel.
A pont in a coirtemporary sings:
-"Darkness creeps about "'us, as the
night is coming on.��The truth of the
•sentiment is at once apparent.
The woman who •made a pound of
butter oat of the cream of a joke,. and.
;the cheese front thetmilli of human
.:kindness, has since washed the close of
:a year.
Canada is entitled to the: name of
• "The land of the free,and the home of
'the knave." The Atherican knave has
too much freedom over there.—Norris..
town .Herald,
A scientific exchange says that a wo-
man can ,grow seven crops of hair be-
tween the ages Of 15 and• 45. :If this is
-Abe case, why should some of them re -
:fuse to more thanlow one their
husbandsAtlanta Consti- 'wasn't an aid to' tattling. Wonder if
r I? 'the' women who devote a good share of
action.• their time to household duties and to
A good scheme for getting a repute- bringing up children right aren't the
best after all.
Mr. Isham Plunkett, of Carroll coun-
ty, says that a short while since he was
in his orchard gathering peaches. As
he approached the house on his return
from the orchard With a pair of twin
peaches he was met by a servant, who
remarked:.. '''There are three." No,"
he replied, holding up the peaches,
"there are only two." "Yes, there
are," responded his informant, "there's
three!" Well, to make a lone, story
Such trivial idiosyncrasies."—Pittsburg
Chronicle -Telegraph.
A young cadet at West Point, it is
said; owns: and wears in quick suc-
cession eighty pairs of white trousers.
Of such material are heroes made. A
cadet who can stand the fatigue and
hardship entailed in the.duty of putting
on and taking ofeighty° pairs o1 white
trousers in quick succession will expe-
rience a sort of holiday when he is out
on the plains fighting red -skins and
finds he hasn't time to change his
trousers oftener than once in two or
three days.—Norristoton Herald.
The moon beat . silently upon the
waves, and the waves beat noisily upon
the sand, and they strolled quietly
alongthe beach, and, ' as he looked
down into her eyes lovingly, he asked
pleadingly: "Mildred, will you return
my love?" 'Yes, George," she
answered,hesitatingly, "on one condi-
tion." "Only tell me that condition,"
he pleaded breathlessly. "It is," she
replied` solemnly, "that you do not
again ask me to accept it," and the
moon and the waves and his heart con-
tinued to beat as they walked home
sorrowfully and silently:—Boston Post
Wonder if+'the womexiwho cut out and
sew together• hundreds .of pieces of silk
and. ribbons and call it, a -crazy quilt
keep the buttons sewed .on their hus-
bands' shirts and pants. Wonder if
the women, who are always knitting
tidies keep'the house tidy. Wonder if
tatting,` so fashionable some years ago,
tion or being fond of works of art and
numbers of piottlres;is to lay' in a'lot of
nicely framed chrbmos, andhave them
-so heavily' covered` with mosquito -net-
. tiff g that, no one can see , the canvas.—
A lady who had just returned from
2 Europe said to a friend: "You ought
to hear them lawn and chawff at our
American way of talking over' there,..
you know." "Oh, wall, we can stand
it," said her friend; "we larff and
charff' at them when they come over 'short, his wife- "done it." He had throe
here." new responsibilities in the house.—At-
"How can von account for those fine lanta Constitution.
The Great French Lotion for Beautifying
the Face.
It conceals theevidence of age. One a li-
cation win, metope most stubbernly red
rough hands beautifully soft and white.
member that" MAY DEW" i5 nota paint or
powder that file up the perm of the skip. and
that is injurious to the vkin but a new and
grits diseevol y", a vega't:+ble li+luad, that causes
the cheek to ,glow with health. the neck. arms
andbands to rival the Lily in whiteness, Im-
uoseiblo to detect in the beauty it confers any
artificial cb,aratter, It cures Greasy Facia,
Erecidee, Wrinklea, Pitupies, 81sak $sees,
Crow'a Feet, lliotchee, Fe Gripbs, Sun Beu
Tan, Biagworm. Chapt�ad aoHands, 8o a or Crnhap
pod Lips, Bather's Ilob, Tatter, 42.0. It trace
the peres.oil gle.nds, and tubes from the iniur
low effects of powders and cosmetic washes,
2ly itsuse at1 redneta and rouchne■s are pre-
vented; It beaatieee the skin. and will make it
soft, smooth and white; imparting a delicious
softness; producing a perfectly healthy, natur-
al , and youthful appearance. The best fano
lotion that the world ever produced. We wilt
sena"77.4egg bo rrna " to any address OB ra.,
coipt of price,$t. Whenorderiog mention thi
I.ddreas all lettere to the
7t Young.atreet, Toronte,On
Parlor aud Beoaption .Boone for Ladies.
cd of applying Carbolic Acid. The greatest
antiseptic in use for Cuts, Burns and Old
Sores. Be sure you get McGregor & Parke's
Carbolic Cerate. Sold for 26 cents by J. W.
Browning Druggist. 6
--Five houses on the Dover Court road,
Toronto, were burglarized Friday and 8300
worth of booty secured by the burglars.
For all purposes of a family medicine, Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil is the head of the list. It is
used with unprecedented success, both inter-
nally and externally. It cures Sore Throat,
Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites ; relieves and often
cures Asthma.
—Royal Young, .stepson of the late Brigham
Young, has been arrested for polygamy.
Salt Rheum, Pimples or Blotenes can be
thorc ughly removed by a proper application of
McGregor & Porke's Carbolic Cerate to the
part, and a few doses of McGregor's Speedy
Cure for impure blood. Be snre and get the
genuine. Prepared by McGregor & Parke
Sold at 25 cents at J. W. Browning's Drug
Stop thatcough,by the use of,Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral—the best specific ever known for all
diseases of the throat and lungs. It will
soothe the rough feeling in your throat, give
the vocal organs flexibilty and vitality, and
enable yon to breathe; and speak clearly.
Aro you troubled with biliousness,dyspepsia,
liver or kidney complaints, or bad blood ? If
so you will find a certain cure in Burdock
Blood Bitters.
—The death sentence passed on the two in-
diane, Whetta and Sulwhaler, of British Col-
umbia, has been commutted to imprisonment
for life. •
Holloway's, Ointment and Pills combine both
sanitive and sanative powers in a high degree;
by the former term. is understood their ability
to preserve health, by the latter their capabil-
ity to restore health. With these remedies at
hand, no invalid need be at fault to gnide
himself or herself safely through the many
trials to which every one is subjected during
our long and ofttimes inclement winters.
Coughs, colds, ulcerated throats, quinsey,
whooping cough, can be suoeessfully treated by
well rubbing this Ointment upon the chest,
and by taking the Pills. During damp, foggy
weather asthmatioal sufferers will experience
the utmost possible relief from the inunction
of the Ointment, and all tender -chested per-
sons will save endless misery by adopting, this
Barb wire and steel strip fancings.
poot#t 0.a ot *lu'y top*
Comm laving F'& v. 2nd. Is2,5, the 'following editions of Tint Ii%ux Mout will he mated
to x.the ritv..a the a,aitunt Canada. the United States and Greet Britain:
1tan,v tiaug--Morninngidition .3meg. 41.6ne,435012mo47
DAILY tit.osa—12 (Velcro's 75d .00
I►.clt.t «Lech— 3 0 it n 1.00 "" 2,00 " 1.00
1)Att,v' GLcaw=-Saturilay Morning rectal= n 35 +" 65 a 1.23
OZNTZ.i ` 15 =Nl=1S
Wo want to increase our present large list of subscribers by ten thousand within the noxi
30 days, and for this purpose make the above liberal and unprecedented offer.
lbs addition to the +shote liberal offer we make the followings AsroNESSNalNo t'+
75 conte and 5 subscribers will receive an extra copy for two months free.
ja1,50 and 10 subscribers will recoiyo an extra copy for five months free.
2,25 and 15 subscribers will receive a copy of Biography of the Iate George Brown.
00 and 20 subscribers will receive a copy of THE WinestY 43Lon5 for one year free.
31.50 and 30 subscribers will receive a copy of Saturday's DAILY GLOBE one year froo.
50 and 50 subscribers will receive a copy of Tint DAULX GLOBE four months free,
15.00 and 100 subscribers will receive a copy of TEE DAILY weds one year free.
*beerine now and secure reports or both Parliaments tar only IS ante.
TH E G LO B E has special arrangementaby which it possesses the sole right in Can-
ada of publication of new novels by most of the leading writers of
fiction, such as wokIe CNlgea. atlas 'redden. Justin McCarthy. M. L. Farjeon, Sarah
Dorelsey, Williams Elack. Mrs. Oliphant, Rink Conway, and others.
A story of enthralling interest, entitled W ILLARD'S WEIRD. le Miss Braddon, is now
running In TEE DAILY and WEEHLX Gtonr, and wilt be continued t� completed. Kirin, be
succeeded by a story from the powerful pen of JUSTIN McCAiTBT, and after the last named
story is completed there will follow ono from R. L. FARJEON, the famous novelist.
In addition to tbo regular continued story, there are always running in the 12 and. 20'0100k
editions of DAILY, and in Tor WEsuLr Gx.onzone or more additional novels by authors of
World-wide repute. In this manner readers got five or six complete novels each year..
(Revised by Spnrgeon's own hand), given every week in Saturday's DAILY Guinn and In Tar
WL*BLY GLOaE, under spacial and exclusive arrangement for the. Dominion of Canada.
The Rev. C. Li. Spurgeon• is,beyond question, the moat widely -read preacher in the world,
and is always racy, practical and instructive.