HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-5, Page 4WHAT THE GOVERNORS Pr !Exeter'1~ UUBSDDAX, FEIiY, 602, 1845. TUN NP$ECBES BOM Tag THHMtONE IN THE DOMINION AND LOCAL H0u;Es.. (ALL A HALT l The. Toronto Telegram makes a very , kienorable Genvtlenten if ate kjonsie te fair admission when it ;aye :-- Commons, end Senate : t`There is se little of a praotioal kind to be Iu •*gem meeting you for she dl►1t gene by the Ontario L he bill et this s+roper, patch of busiilees, 1 ttaxa 10 eo»grt►t xt we may judge from the hilt of fare proper- at Ay the Government, that the question elate you on fila abundant harvest might very properly be considered whether with which Prottitleuoe lies blessed tie time has not arrived to bolas cession our oouuity, and upon the general •eery second year oaly, There is net en- oonitition of the Dominion. Its come eeghtwork to neceeaitete a evasion every meroial res Brit , sl►bou hit trss to year,and alt that would be necessary - would P P y g to to vote the supplies for two years instead some extent sbarad in the depresetan et one, The proyinee would no doubt be which has prevailed in Greet Britain able to exist a year without its assembly be- sod m the neighboring Bepublio,reete. log Balled together to amend laws and ;upset upon u foundatiosts which 00 temper - my that has been done before."' pp dry or partial disturbance eau re. The views wrestled ty the Tele- move. i trust that the present year Won are the views eutertaiued by a will be one of peace sod progress. targe majority of the people of this The flow of population iuto Manitcbi province. Year after year the people and Northwest territories, altl}ough are booming more thol oughly con-- impeded by wins and unexpected viuoetl that there is little or no use in eauaes have been substantial; and the incurring an unueoeseary expense by testimony of msmbere of the British Um meeting of tho ].focal iHoura so of: Association and other visitor* of the te9, and that 0000 every two vest.; Northwest leas summer. to the well would be sufficient for the metubere, being," lomiweut sod hol:efulness of to do all the legtolsatiug required, Any ! the rattlers, ie rlO-t gratifyiu . entity, comma nolo imam!. all the" A bila introducing jot,. Imo terri• business iu font. days that is fore- torioe a more simple and e0f erelftat shadowed in the Lient.--Goveruar'e ! opium of the tcanafer of ]slid will bo speed'. It will stile the House per:, laid before you. The oammsesion for haps until the first of April t""- the consolidation of the statutes af- elude their sitting. ft lo abant time leeting the Dominion has been sow -' the paoPla of O4t4rie ]tad thi.I fitatter 1 plated and will be submitted to you eitended to. 1 for legislative action. You are nein t~.f>IT`tiiff 4 i.No :b*. Ito consider measures relating to the repreeentatioa cif the people iu Per- Dt;Itlto the 61Y mantles ending Deo. I 'lament, and fur the aseivatlattinu of the electoral frenehisea iu the eeretal ;Alit, the Dominion reveuue exceeded i provinces. the expenditure by $1,190,988. i A. provisional errattgenteut of to tt • ----- i tees for ;oma time under di-cussion LAO month there watt ars iuereare ; with the Government of Menitob8 of $113,410 in the depoetts of the has been entered iuto, *ltd a measure poet office eaviuge bank. Times are couiirming the came will be submitted tiO4 veryhard when the aeons of the, 10 vC0 e0 aeon as it lies been *coapt. el by the provincial leglaleture. worsiag classes increase at the above I deemed tt expedient to leeno dor lug tate recess a comtniesiaa to con - eider and report upon the whole sub.' E jest of Chines immigration with re - +a of O'Donovan ovea. For yaa femme to its trade reletinue es wall he hay, by his precepts, invited Heath to these several moral objeotione at the baud of auy crank er excited whiob leave beau taken to the influx preen who ought be unbaleuoed by of the Chinese people luta Canada. the diabolism of the methods he ad- The report of the oommiesiottere is vpoated. He will receive but little very nearly completed and will be laid sympathy. 'Tis but the other day before you during the preeeut evasion. that one of the strongest Irish' sten- The necessity of eaooaraging the pathizers io New York said to the speedy construction of lines of rail writer: Somebody in New York ought to lake O'Douavan Raise and amp Lim in the bay. lie is doing Ire. land more Injury thou Engtaud ever still." rate. WE need not wonder at the shoot. IT la not to be inferred that the Ontario Government have been pro- teotionteta because they have coven. anted o protest.the Toronto book publishing monopoly for ten years from all competition. No ; the Mow- at Government are Free-traders, out and out ; and the proteetton to the sobool-book monopoly is bub a little exhibition of a practical character of the many inoousiateuoes for which the Mowat Cabinet are so noted. Mr. Mowat's protection differs greatly from the protective policy of the Dominion Government, insomuch as it secures a monopoly to only three publishing firms in Toronto ; while the National Policy proteose all industries alike from foreign oumpetision. The Scott Act. The Scott Act was carried in the County of Carleton on Thursday last, by a majority of 821. The Perth Scott Act petition will .be dopoeited in the Sheriff's office on the 7th of Febrnarq. An order in council is published iu the Gazette declaring the Scott Act in fordo in the counties of Renfrew and Dufferin ou the expiration of the pre.ent licenses. The Ltoenaed Victuallers through• ont the Province: and the opponents of the Scott Aot generally, have ar- ranged for a strong deputation from all parte of the Province of Ontario the population of the North west Terri. to wait upon Sir John Macdonald al torics, and relating to the Northwest Ottawa, and urge au amendment to, mounted police. if nit a repeal of. the Scott Act. The deputation has an appointment with Gentlemen of the house of Commons the Government on Tuesday, Febru- The accounts for the past fiscal: •dry 17th. year will lie laid before you. You will Notice has been issued of the an- find that ,notwithetctlarding the very anal meeting of tho Dumiuion Al- considerable iednotion in the prices fiance in the city hall, Ottawa, on and volume of many of the leading Thursday, Feb. 5th. Reports from imports, the income has exceeded the the various 1'rovinnes will be received. expenditure chargeable to coneolidat. The chief questions to be considered are : 1. The enforcement of the Scott Act. 2. Alliance work. 3. Addition, al legislation. way throuzlt the Northwest territor- ies has pressed Itself on my govern mons, and you will be asked to aid railway euterprieee by liberal grants of land. Urgent representations have been made by the .boards of trade of the Chief towns in Canada, its well as by some of chambers of commerce its Great Britain, of the necessity that •aisls for the adoption of sane sys- tem of bankruptcy or insolvency, giv- ing adequate protection against nodue prefereuoae, fond your attention to this important eubjeot ie earnestly in vited. I>I pursuance of the vole of last session .I caused' a vessel to be fitted out and despatched to Davis strait and Hudsou Bay, in order to obtain more accurate information is to the navigation of those waters and teat the practicability of the route for com• menial purposes. A. report of the progress of the expedition during last session will be laid before you. An international exhibition will be opened at Antwerp during the pre- sent year, and a colonial and Indian exhibition is to ba held in London in 1886. Canada should, I think, be re. presented iu her various manufactur- es and natural productions on both occasions, and I invoke your consider- ation of the best means of aiding in this important object. Other measures of importance will be enbtaitted to you, among them will bills to amend the Insurance Act of 1877, the Civil Servide Act and the law relating to contagious diseased among cattle, as well as measures for tasting at an early pet iod a census of Councillor B. Churchill of Hullett, has sold his matched team of two tear old colts for $325, and he has bought a heavy team of greys that weigh about 2,900 lbs. Mr. Church - hill • seems determined to keep ahead. The Seaford' noun has received the ilounty printing at a still lower fi ;- are than the usual starvation price' Canada. ed revenues. The estimates for the ensuiug year will also be submitted. They will be found, I trust, to hale been prepared with due regard to. economy. Hots. Gentlemen of the Senate — l «entlemen of the House of Commons : I am sure that your earnest con, eideratton will be given to the sub- jects I have mentioned, as well Re to every matter whim may effect the prosperity and good government of paid for the work. The following it a complete sum- Mary of (be Li,nknant-GoverncT's 'pooch from the Throne at tate open- ing of . the Ontario Legislature on Wednesday afternoon. The para- graphs quoted (dine ,' ") are given in full TUe first paragraph denounces the on en the boundary award die. Puts- Geve a lent was anxious that there should' :be submitted at the same time to ibe same tribuuat the question of our whole northern boun- dary, and also the question of title to oerten lands to which the Federal Government has set up a claim on other grounds." The erection of the territorial die- triot of Rainy Diver issnnounesd,snd legislatiou asked in connotation there- with, "1 commend to your attention also the propriety of encouraging settlers anti settlement by free grants in ane. cited portions of the territory." Tit e deoiaion of the Privy Commit ou the Streams Bill. and that of the Supreme Court on the License Acts are announced. A. reference to the bountiful harvest tegrets the lots priors prevailing by which "the full cemtueroiel benefit of the harvest has not been realized to any nett extt+nt al in former years." Regret is atm expressed "that the lumber trade of the province, from which a large portion of owrevetitle le derived has not escaped the depret stoic which has eifeoto"1 other ivam- tries,,' Ilial Model Farm and Agricultural College are tit ly praise.i. The number of immigrants settliug in the province during the year, was. eat so 1 trge as on tate preuiout year, and owiug 1) the present aimed me* of labor 111141 "atrotty of etfPtoyirtat*t is all provinces, the appropriation f+ r the ptree a of mottling iultuigrents, will be c tu•+iderabty less filen to re cent year. Inc -eased acootntnotihtion fir th- ineane and idtotic will be necessary The extension of tite freuohiee, an' windier revision of the oansoltdate School Act is announced, oleo ill federation of the universities. Bill forthcoming are : "A. bill for exteu,l ing the juriediotion of eba Count Courts ; a bill for further prnmotin the efficiency of the adtuinistretion o juatioe in the provinoe, and a hill 1:, simplifying titles and transfers of ren estate iu oertain cages." The "bribery oomniesiou" ha made its report, and thio with a re. fermis to finances completes the speech. A Battle or Ants. A number of persons were standing in front of the city Hall, Deaver, the other afternoon. A large number of ants were noticed running about on the stops and ground, constantly aug- mented by numbers from unknown quarters. Examination revealed the fact that the ants were winged and wore tumbling from the air, Further investigation showed that the ants were of two species, and that a battle begun in the air was raging on the ground. One of the species , of the warring insects was large and red, with wings the size of a house fly; the other was a small red ant, with a black head and small wings. They were in superior numbers and attacked+ their enemies by twos, fours and scores. Several balls of the ferocious warriors', when separated showed as many as! thirty small ants on one largo One. Here and there could bo seen single combats, the small ants in every case victorious. Those that were clinched' in the air remained clinched on the ground until one or the other was van- quished and dead. But as a general thing they fell to the ground and at once prepared for battle. Each side was under leaders, who massed their forces and marched them with military precision upon the ko. Skirmish lines were thrown out. o lines advanced, retreated, advanc- ed again, and then the battle beeamo general. The rules of civilized War- fare were observed for a while, but be- fore the fight was over it was a go-a.'tft. you please affair. Tho small ants wore in the majority but their oppo- nents were giants compared with them and they crushed the pigmies in their strong mandibles as an alligator would a gnat For at least half an hour the battle raged. The ground was thick with the dead and the dying, the latter be- ing dispatched wherever found. At last the giants were routed. They fled ignominiously, pursued by the pigmies, who slaughtered them by scores while in full retreat, some flying, others run- ning to escape with their lives. The. visitors acted as if they wanted to crow, and probably did, but if they made any noise the spectators were not aware of it, if the vanquished were. M. De Lesseps commends the French- man for living on cereals, eight pounds of which cosi no more than one pound of the Englishman's roast beef, and for buying American cottonseed oil at 3 cents a pound, purifying it and selling it back to America as olive oil at $3 gallon. DIVORCES ABSOLUTli l,Ivuxt r.c cOE United States and Canada fordesertion, non support,intemperanoe, cruel ty,inoompatibility, etc. Advice free, State your case and address ATTORNEY WARD. World Building, 1267 Broadway, New York. PROPERTY LD O FAt f Full SALE IN STEelIEN. Tot No. 5, in 4thConeoasion, lug acres. For particulars apply to MR.B. V. ELLIOT, Suliottor, Am , E meter 40h Feb., 1885. Notice to Contractors. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender tor Collingwood; will be received anti/ MONDAY, the 9th of F 210- RIJ.A,RY next inclusively, for the construction of a further length of the Breakwater at Col- linetrood,'3imooe .Country, Ontario. according tow specification to be seen on application to Adam Dudgeon, Bag, Collingwood, from whoa] forms of tender can..e obtained. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless male en the printed terms supplied, the blank properly t Ailed in, and s, n ;evi with their actual alone:. es Each tender must be aeoonxpauiod by an (accepted back cheque made payable to the Honotabl., the klitibiter of f'nblic Works, equal to fivepeuceut. of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited it the party decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, ori;2ie fail to complete the work contract- ed tor. if the tender benot ataepted the cheque will be returned rite 0e?Ad moo will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender, #y order *A Acting secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, i WJanuary 1885. THE PERSON WHO DROVE OFF with a valise containing a comic cos. tunic and a pair of eludes strapped on the outside, which was placed in his cutter by mistake after the Hensall carnival on Tuesday, evening. 27th Jan., had bettor return it to the Times office,. Exeter, or to the Bonsai). rink at once, and save trouble, as he is known, F STATE OF HENRY WALTER J HALL, late Of Escter,Bairiater at Law. Notice is hereby given that creditors and ot..er persons having claims against the estate of the abova-named Henry Walter Hall, who died on or about I5thDocemher,1e81, are on or before the 15th davot March, 1885, to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs, Street& Beaches, of the auy of London, the solicitors of Joseph Hall, the f xeeutor-of the said deceased, their Christian end Surnames and addresses, the fun particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities of any) held by them ; and that the said Executor will proceed, after the said 15th March,1885,t o distribute the assets of the testator amongst the parties entitled there- to. having teg&rd only to the claims of which the said Executor has then notice. And notice is hereby given that all monis• due the estate of the said Homy Walter 11 ,11 are to be paid only to the undersigned. STREET & BECHER, Loudon, Solicitors for Joseph Hall, Executor of la. W. Hull. London, 22nd January,1885. J. SUrHERLAND,HLNSALL, • ONT., CONVEY¢NO1ER, COMMIesIONER, Fire andt.ife Insurance Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. All business transaoted stirctly confidential. A Call solicited ; Office at the Post Office: I SAY, 1011N SERE, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE Twccds RT0N IIIIOTH IR& Regular price, 75, 85, 90 and 95 c nts per yard, ALL Narked Down TO 66c ?':R YARD TO CLEAR. First come first served. They aro bound to go. ANTON BROS CENTRAL RUC STORE full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Cc • `i•d Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ THE EXETER Planing Mill! SASII, DOOR, and !LI!D !C!OT! ALL jKINDS OF T UR N I N C. Done to order. Itememberjthe place. 33ver ovoard. STATION -ST. 4 iv