HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-2-5, Page 1"HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY,' Ira XII., No. 22 XtsTEE, ONT., TRURSDA x'' O111 ING, JOHN WRITE x SON P ubliihers and P'roprtetere.. Just Received. -4---- to her promptly tad without ember. Low, rumblint $od d. liken distant Not far from Herne. New Raisins, N eW Currants, New Figs, New Dates, New *honk !i remnant. hoed sod moiled with a look vide hemi' lioxro f m �F ' Tt *Wiled We latera' to Xearn that an yai #ani' t; '+r wbicb sant "I shall only answer nee, the residents of Otti+tbttt,elt Um �Yasktowrr bapp.Red to gr, Mustard, *1 EA* Prunes, fresh uy�ters, Oranges, Lemlons, f�ie�.ae , y � coeur N. '� •' 13alilp(rday � Muelard , rings, Yarmouth Bloaters, Fresh Haddies, •Oysters r g y, at 5.. t areeaha tbatm=l eo o 01 edursa*y last,. �tion,t T know au bane a t't ht m ask t7t 'live volunteer witneneel ?NI to mArntng. Cr��xd,' *4�,aD�>ttatr �rataw � * g 1 Qn lairin i4 - t., can or dish, good atO0ii of .r.t?b Crt oea p - a the 'j11rbbg hie leg eeYsrbly. He ie �rvout+: by � � � • the foot of the sfaootiug. A 'sett Hilt thrown ikatla�lee�keilt�r�. and P1 e8 pile p here caked, "Po you know tiro mate *hock was alta llrais•toa N$ to bo ariag . Yon shot?" "Yes"" replied tate prison, caused by Anything eitteOtwg eelven-. Oa Tuesday last, I+r, 13tapheua At G A N -DM a S• er, cooly, with an Engtieh accent, 91 cook., Downeey of the Intron road, Tuck's - shot O'Donovan Reese, I'+ LEGAL. GrEN^ EAiILE'$ ADVAliag. DIGKSON, Bsrrierer, Soli- 'aitox of Supreme ?mirk NetaepYmaio, Conveyancer, Ceremiesiontr; kc. money to Dein, OGtos is eaneaa's. Block, Exeter. M ItIcFADDRN, Barrister, •solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,. EXETER, - ONT, AAico fiemwellli Mack (nails out omoo.) DENTAL. H. KINSMAN, D.S alio UIUNDRZ! OF THE GAI;DISON AND MOUT HU1(IlaltD RRSPLii *MUM Loudon, An. 29,-Adaioes raeoieved *t Howdah coltaernieg Gen. Esrlo's expeilrtior *tote the Bleck Watch and Statffardeforq .frt'egitne:de arrived at Eabd El Abek catered yesterday. Before real the cataract, cavalry scouts er aged fire with foetile natives. T it Arabs insula nu attack, but were soon driven book by coveity and camel corps. Time corps cap. turgid the 'Wigs of %reg. A num- ber of cattle had sheep were seised. The Arabs retreated in the 'direction nliremoy of $irti. 'aeon ail la Minot in 4 ed to Post- 04100l3toak, state of siege rri't gloomy proatpects t ltevs the garrison* at G*labot rand Teeth ex- et relief. #313.10"1:11'0N. tedwith The Araks made i ri"att�rcle in fu:•os Feb.3 A ffi'1d' A seuesttenst ditr►`aa nisi it i been *with had the miefortutle while eu- eerstneuoed *l Ohiasgo,.' '"T'IJ halm- Baird in cutting att*w to get Ike In The Soudan. mount in Leo 111 A. yen , Wsrtte, thumb of the right baud csughl is ridiug.wu$er aaa�ri #t'siatstf of ltorsals,• ttie,c,gs of the nrtiehrnr ba,ilyamse4- and the defstidaul is Mint, l�atlttldo wg d A RrZAONNOIeANolr. iiottrelly. of the M„n.„1 Qkel nom. Qu Salureay nrruiug tin old Sunlutc. Feb. 8. ---The lioaears and :pang, ttud Qolopai MoiOaul t • an ids aaentlemail, aged 74, named J. Oil Egyptian fraena wade i reeonuoisanca 00.1raep •xtd:e it, Vwn Ward rlir$es bort, staying_ whir Mr. Jai. Oornieh, as far u Handenb and burned the nudge famtlirtrity , bo hie wife as from le r 1 • Berle Lena, Hallett, was found dead rebel camp, While returning they, 144 mcCaut. cttreny : hoe to Itis bed f m n to a oau-ea. He were attacked by rebels. plan Egyp. Mme' was buried in Clinton Cemetery. tiara was wounded ; eight Hanson; been ul*relied Shire ,ltlaes and Vou The residence of Jobe Forbes a end three Egyptians *re ruieeiri , Waste four 'uncal g A sieiglti+ag ,'$J7 Caneiart• of`niaa* former living two and a half nhilee :miaow ENaIAacunvoT from Iirussele, was derttru ed L y Gras parsons prr3 ,913 +�4 b) 4b4 14mited y , Arabs attached R consue sept to exhales al to mile : bore •road ,el 9 Thnraday morning at three o'clock, Reseal*, and a 8.glht ensued. The as,clook Mend" +tt rnin� at Fork the family narrowly escaping. Lest, Arabs were repulsed and left 260 need D;- roiY and X11,509, no ininrenoe. The fire was n ou the field^ The convoy loaf 50 mias.ton, 0 S Ea31, of et p y + 010104 by burning aatie' being placed men: kilted, µ 11Siate Jtlunl9 die. Qf tClak, ldatbor, io arose to the h+ail,iiug ill a wooden 0•, Were instItull�C kilted i*D twrribly Five thousoud Abyssinian troupe bolt, have beeu sent byKin join] to re. mangled, M6ww4 Mr.' Va&ae, wt g Oak Herber,, were fatally injured, i►Fr. Paler 1lar.tbuil uf. Ribbed, line Mre. A. D. Thervreeter was en ser ona- moved into. his naw hick house. It ly hurt that there,no hopes of her re' is an eltaelleut structure and re w'e'ts covery, nit holier went itti'rsd', ire;. )ir^ Horri+on and fatuity, health and tautly and the sleigh:to allly , ,trrcaperity to a�uj;a y the fruits of their 4=01 - lend. The io tted were cornttaayed tO *bore whiob they a=) justly merit. Oak Harbor arab Ittsir arra e',mpan- Mr. Dinning, or Lumley, had the ear- ' ions. The driver of the teem,, and in pernteriug work, sun it only require* Canadian. feet the whole partys eiYilsr foiled to lo'see Itis w'rk to secure his eerviee 1 hear the rumble tad warning vrhistl4 1, 'those ,rho dbsire to hats tbitir of alto train or did Pot see it, for the housee fiuiahed in a first elate work• borne inouutea4 the traok just at the lnanlikb rnluner. Ttiodeu moment the team was daebiog by No ere b.were tollanppu rated wing rrby se otllei Oatarba? blame is attached to the rsilroad come Raaf. Gtovornment :-- .,,,, Huron (Past) --W. J. Shannon, Thomas Wallop, Wm. Douglas. tlporttstg Blrevtttes.. Huron (South) --John 13. Geiger, -T—• , IEdward Oesh, Richard tieldoo. Daniel r&re,erryof Harleyville, N . Middlesex (East)—Jaraee Fisher, Y„ leas', declined the: old and We' Juba Jionnedy, Ww. B. Soitaahlard- 102' $3 4.961%'2'14 ' of )B• ARplebea, A . destructive fire occurred at Park. 102' $8,0. Trailer i l, • 40 mobs' hill on irtaadsy night, running in the higltr elands on hie 1 gas atataa,lght Ari 'Whitt leis of one of the finest bloke in a terrier, Ana carne~' wa 2 5�I), Olinda this fawn. The fire originated in the of boos and muvele +lith' surprising oe,lar of Bishop's hardware store, and ease and activity. owing to a lack of fire apparatus the A. genius in Bridgeport line event- whole baildiog was abc,atroyed. 'Thera MEDICAL sin. n o 4ia ii. almost overs night neon bvakim. The garrison bow been strentbened The atatee that Gam. Earle rise oc. I by the arrival r 4,000 i ritish troops. capbed Biro, the rebels twins de. News has-been reoievertof a deeper. cam pod.. ate attack upon Galabit garrison. tin 110,-11.44.-41 which 100 of Ilia gerriiou and 800 re bele were kitlea. Further new* from Geu.Earle elate that his Wotal force *mouths to 2,500. They are proceeding partly to whale boats up tho Nile, and partly by road an the river bank. After the;oepture of the village of W*fag Earle's,' force st*rtcd for Abu Hamed., two days dis- tant. . A despatch from Jubil a*V8;-.'1 Ur 11-HYNDMAN,—CORONERFOR tbeCouuty7ofRuroa, urtica, oppoeits to ilr,I,CaarlfnaS'estare.Laroter . • P. li,GraduateViotoriIIInivarsit ' Ofdo W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 aadresideuce. Pe=nfeelieborato)v.1xetar. DR, J.A. ROLLINS;M. 0. 'Y.,S O. Oflloe, Main St.Exoter,Ont. Residence, bonne recently°coupled by F. ktoPhcllips,1 .q. ILUTZ, M. D., • °maoathis residence Exeter. DR. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI 1)ttvs cfan6iud auT r'rrgeonttoO Memberrmirk oil rIrPORTANTN°MOBS fiENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo Townships. Saales conducted al:niadeerr ttte rata' Office—At Post•oflleo,Croditon, Out. ONEYTO LOAN ON REAL ES- .1.V.L tate fortbeHeron &ErioLoanSavings' •Sudety. Low rates of interest, Apr lytoJob» Speokmen,Exeter, IV J. OLARK, Agent for the Us - i • borneand Hibbert MutualFirelasuranee ,Company, Residence -Farquhar. Orders by malIproniptly attended to. TOS. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER efi in the Court of Common Pleats-Uoeds, Wills, lfortgagos,Leasea,and all forms of agree- ments drawn and oxecutodaec rdln o law. "'sa bout =;orithe OentonnlalBQ elBlook,8on-that the official reports of the • lenges 't' . suffered by the British at the battle of MA - TO LOAN AT 6t- AND 7 Abu Klee have much understood the per cont. according to terms. Private truth. Funds. Apply to Prince Louie Napoleon son of Prince Ootoberl5.'S0 B. V.ELLIOT,. Solicitor. Exeter Napoleon has arrived in Upper Egypt. �OR SALE.-TWO.STORYPRA E It is stated he intends to take part in DWELLING HOUSE audoueacre ofla d, the oatnpatign^ situated on the Thames Road,24miles oast of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shod; lldrd of hitlrerergodweelancistern. Suabefoar-tiredfarmer. Will be sold cheap 3orcash, _ Ag ply to THOMAS ALLIN, ExeterP 0 iv 1941 Geo, MoLeau'a dry geode store, Toronto, was robbed Mouday night of nearly $200 of koode. Dr. Lovell, of Kingston, has 'boan. appointed to mooed the late Mr. Orelghtou as warden of the peniten- tiary. Sixteen thousand bushels of wheat owned by Malars. Matthews, of Tor etoaeuere seat down the river by Gey- onto, was burned at Belleville Tues, don hive not been to Ktlnrtonu far slay. * month They have been Detective Castell, of Hamilton, has swatting ,the •Britieb at au. island received $60 from the Ministers of above Meteulneh. The' vermeil pt",e• (Inatome for bis services in arresting seated s battered appearsnoe,._being Mother M*udelbaum. pitted with ballet narks. 'Each A rich widow lady of St. Rooke, ate met has several hundred blacks Que., 74 years of age, was married on aboard commanded by tttrkieb om .ars. The British are improving their defence, Wing learned the force of Arabs coming from Berber to attack them. Troops have been put ou half rations until supplies • from G*kdul arrive, before the T Loyal Irish Regiment started from Korth, Wel- seleywished the man Godspeed across the desert, and Raid lie hoped tt fol- low them shortly. Stewart occupies an airy cabin on the .steamier: His wound is progressing favorably. The Paris-Yenrps professes., to ttuow O'DONOVAN' ltOSSA SHOT. BY AN ENGLISH LADY. J. CLARK. COMMISSIONI♦1RNew York, Feb, 2.—At twelve min - _I• • iuthe Oourt of Common Pleas -Deeds, utea after live o'clock this afternoon. Wills, ifortgagee,'Leases,and 'all forms of agree. Jeremiah t11)OnaVan ROs pa, the no - Wills, drawn and execufLESTA according to law. MoNEYTOLoANoxnxALEBTATE. PartieYwltlb'' torious Irish agitator and dynamite ing to borrow money on account of recon t pur. ;fiend, Wag shot by a tvon]a0 on ohasea olland,or to pay off existi willend a great saving by giving ngmortgages Chambers street, near Broadway. At me a call, Oan lend money atO and 0i per cent. aocordingto the hour' the streets were full of poo. terms. N.J'.CLARB. pie; making their way towards anBrogk- lvu Bridge and apt *'n,antithe ex WImore money than at anything also by oltement over 'the shooting, although taking an agency for the beat Bening . Tuesday, in. St. Rouh's church to her ed *hide tall for horses that would beinga quantity of powder to the coachman, a youth of some 19 yearn .puzzle the keeuest oritioe of perfect buildu q t of age. g prevented any person euter- equine points. The top fits firmly, ing or attempting to save the stook. without apparent joint or ridge, and The following are the lessee, with the ie covered with long, coal -Week Chiu- Insurance :—The block, a three-story ere or Japanese hair. A li9ree with white brick, worth $6,000 ; insured a banged or stump tail ern be. tnade for $8,000. J. & N. Phelan's goner - to assume the appearance of a Ram al store stock, $0,000 ; insured foe bletonion with a.graud tail sweeping ono -half that amonot John Wat. Oxford County Council petitions the Dominion Parliament for a re- coup of the Immure given to the Cry'. dit Valley and Port Dover & L the Huron Railways. Mr. John H. Stratford, 10 whose liberality the citizens of Brantford are indebted for their fine new hospit- al, is to be bauquetted by the Corpor• atiou of that City. Brigadier -General Strong has been discovered living'iu most destitute cir cumttances. An agent of a charitable the ground, son's taibor stook, $500. insured for When Paddy Ryan leas his fires $300. Thos. Watson, harness mak-- fight with Sullivan, without appereut- er, $1,500 ; insured for $500. Mile. ly, 'naking half an effort to win it, Meredith's dressmaker stock, worth the people of Troy,'N. Y., went back $300 ; no insurance. on him very badly. One man 'whose , name was Ryan, though ' no relative rho anneal meeting of the Clinf an• institution has taken charge of him. of the pugiliet,apptied to the rupreme Liberal Conservative Association for He studied with President Arthur at I court for permis8otl to obange hie the election of officers 'for 1884 took Union. College. naive. He has called 'siulsotf Sahli_ niece in the. Forettere hall Monday Two of the three victims of the re- van ever, Once. Now he wants to night, This was the largest red cent dynamite explosion at the Tay onuual meeting held tl-^ers for orofour canal works are reported to be pro- gresewg favorably, but very little hope is entertained of the recovery of young McDonald, sou of the oi,n-informing all his friends that he ie mt. President, re-elected, E. Corbell ; tractor. I Vice -President, R. 11. Raeey ; Sec;.. I Ryan ouce more. .. change his name again, and as a law- yer hag told him he can alter his name as often as he likes isithont ccnsnitiug any court about it, -he is years, and the Conservative otuse of Clinton is in a flourishing condition. The officers elected for 1885 are : — Montreal ietail dealers generally T hereby challenge any am.teur report that the carnival wan a great 1 fancy ,skater in the county of M ddle- euccees as tar as their bueioeeees • sex to skate me for the oho npionship were concerned, their receipts during the week having beach greatly iu es- !of the county anda i old medal worth $25, rules of the American Skating cess of those during the carnivals of Congrees Rink on the 10th inst., the preceding years. when two thirds of the gate money American. will be offered for Et medal, the bal- ance (if any be required). to •be paid Wm, Priest, a farmer, of Itlartins• half and Hall by the Skaters. This yy. book out. a Inners succeed grp,nd; R358* was teeognrzed ,, by, very few, burg, West Va., who was annoyed by loos Portlandlafa rams free. MALLETT IiooB was intense. The first shot took ef- chicken thieves, planed dynamite tor- nrday, the 7th inai:One dog at the bench show now ' feet in Roes*'a-body; and he fell to the pedoes around hid hen house ,Thule, Parkhill, Feb. 2nd. 'NEIL, A1.cII ENZ!E, being held in London is valued at --TRY----- r • • Sidewalk, •1 day night. He heard a terrific ex• " $50,000, and a toy terrier in the same y, M ST=NGrS THE WOMAN CONTINUED Ti) SHOOT ' plosion and found the hen house ROBINSON'S PHb1 PHORTZED ED UL• exhibition is valued at $100,000. until she emptied her five" atbaembered i blown to pieces and the body of a SION by its stimulating action upon the Central Shaving Parlororgans of digestion and 'ass mutation, and g revolver. Only the f'e'el Shot took ef- I negro 50 feet from the place. b its For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable 'hair Ther ' powerful alterative tome and nutritive cutting &o.' feat.' lie said. body of a man, supposed to be properties, purifies the blood from sill taint, IL, Clean towel for every cuslomer,.•r. "I AIX SHOT! ' an unknown pedlar,' was found pion• and increases its solid constituents•�. Always Next door to Central fiote':trying'to,Place ,bis.han'd on hie, book day night, on Cove mauutatn, near ask forBoaxiso''a PnosrlranrzenEtiumno,, under his shoaudeer' bade 4 was Lynchburg, Va.. with a bullets hole and besure you get it. found the bullet bad eutered'hie back in his forehead.' The body was rid - directly below' the left bhoulder blade. dled and the clothes were stripped The doctor pronounced'the wound to off. It is supposed to be the work of be not of a dengereiis character, and in organized baud, who have commit - began to probe for the bell. ,,Mean- led numerous crimes in that vicinity while the tvomlu 'had 'been recently, TAKEN To THE BTATtot H{tjs�, . Robert ' Blackie, a baker, aker, eloped with ,another large • cr d fol owing from 1Vtt1Iehero England, with his her:' ' She, was'placed before Sergeant servant girl, and went to . Toronto. Kase' desk. She was 'it good looking Hie wife and cbildreu followed him,. Woman, dressed real neatly in plain, and found him living with the girl on dark clothing, and worm' eye-glaetes. York street, Toronto. He positively She appeared like a school teacher, refused to leave hid' paramour or sup• with an intellectual face IIF)' men port bis wife and children. He was ser was entirely composed, and elle arrested, and wili bo , iri.4. Monday. anQtsercd trome of the questions put for neglecting to sup, ua t -his family, challenge to .remain open until Sat - and Treai.,re-elected, W. H. Cooper, jr.; Ward Committees ware also ap: pointed, after which the Junior Con, servative club held their annual met: ing and re-elected P. Cantelon, jr., President, and A. M. Todd, Sec. anti 'Treas. With two such efficient Coe: servative Associations in good work- ing order, Clinton will certainly give a goad acoouut of itself when the proper time comer. TF1B WETERLOO M'U'TUAL LIRE INSURANCE CO_, Established in 1803, HEAD OFFICE • •, WATERLOO, ONT. This comfany has.been over eigbtteen years seuooessful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against'oes or damage by. Fire,Buildings,Merchandise, Manufactorles,and all other descriptions ofinsurable property.. In. tendingiusurers have the option of ineuring on. the premium Note or Cash System, During the past ten years tris Compant has ssued 57,090 Policiee,covering property to the' amount of 540,872,088; and paid in losses °veno, s709,752,00 Assets, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash In .dank, GovernmentDeposit, and the uuasseesed Premium Notes on hand and in force Ji W W;&L DEN D. Presidei.t. C, M, TAynon, Secretary r ii, HUGHES,Intpocter. CHARLES SNEL Agout for Esetsrane yiciili(y, ADVICE TO MOTHERS. . Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child euffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at mice and get a bottle of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Its value is incalculable. i It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon itmothere, there is no'Mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and- bowels, cures - wind coke softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and , WV; tone and energy to the 'whole system Dr. King's New Discovery, did eo, bottle relieved 'wens. WINsLOW's SOOTHING SYNCH, Fon CHILD. gratifying results. The first relieved HEN TaETHING is'pleasant to the taste, and is the prEscription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians i„ the United; (roe at C. Titptz's Drug Store. Large silo Status, and is for sale by all drug;,. L., [1ir�ao a $1 PO. out world, Pride 25 :ants a bottle Scott's Emulsion 01 Pure Cod Livor 011, with Hypophosphitee, In Incipient Consumption seems to possess remedioal powers of great efficacy, It heals the irritation of the throat and Lungs. Makes pure blood and builds up and fortifies the system against further inroads by disease, 1 GREAT DISCOVERY. Dir. Wm. Thomas,of Newton,Ia„sa3 s : "th wife has been seriously affected with a conIfft. fo$ twenty-tive years and this spring mere severely than ever before. She had used many remedies without relief,and being urged le tp� her very much, and the second bottle,has ab- solutely cured her. Sipe has not had such good health for thirty years.” Trial bottles