HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-1-29, Page 8tet
J. G iT
Wholesale and Retail
county parliament, Left for Goderich • panion, who was more fortunate,was
on Tuesday last, the day for meeting.) soon to his rescue, and uuder the
The Reeves and Deputy -Reeves aro kind treatment of itis friends and
the fame Ai that year exoept that Mr. l owing to his own perseverance ha
Henry Horney will represent the was noon able to take his plane on
township of Vaborne as Deputy -reeve the ice again, althoutlh, we believe. it
instead of Mr. Shier. was more through plunk than any
On Wednesday forenoon last week pleasure he experienced that ho again
about 10 o'olook, se the mixed train reeutnel Akatiug. His friends all I
ou the G.'1'. R. was at the new cross wish bins a speedy recovery, as they
ing about two miles east of Clinton, expect to have occaeiou to "wish him
NI/ICY GOODS SEALER Edwin Johne, a farmer, of Tooker joy" before he leaves spin for the
smith, was instantly killed. He was laud of the free and benne of the
drawing cordwood. His horsey es"prairie chicken."
oaped but the 4401 was badly wreck
ed. An ugly gash appeared nn his Stephen.
right temple. Fie was also fearfully --
( ouec L MEETING —All the uewly
EE4L.D Ta=s s
TEN OEiTR per line for Brat insertion. end
-FOUR CENTS per line for each subsequent in
nertion will be charged for aiotices appearini
Ira t his column.
Elpt f xeer
THDRSDAY, JAN, 291h, 1885,
Loa3L NSIVS.—We shad be happy to re-
ceive at all times, front any part of the
County, items of local news, such ,u as
citterzts,or any interesting incident what-
ever, front any of our subscribers or read-
ors,osrterally for the purpose 'of public.
Local Hanin•s.
,Wali ted
A bmart and intelligent Iad to learn the
art of printing. Nast have a fair education
Apply personally to Truss Office, $,xoter
C. Cartwright, Dentist, wilt be
found at Abbott's old stand, over O':
Neil's Bank, every Wednesday and
Thursday except any week in whop
Tuesday is the first of the meoth. All
bsanohes of dentistry attended"to, and
rsttefaction guaranteed. (a;oldtfilling
a specialty, Terms cash. 1"rioes low
The weather during the past week
hes bean extremely cold—almost too
cold to suit skating rink proprietors.
A large number of Exeter people
attended the Hensen carnival on
Tuteday evening last,
Several eoldiers from ()Buten visit-
ed the Salvation Army here on hen•
day last.
Air, & Mrs. Stephenson of Kiutnarn,
were the guests of Mr. do Mrs. N. -J.
!(hark, during the past few day".
The Salvatian .Army meetings cou-
tiuue to be well attended, and many
-soldiers are being added to the ranks,
The Anniver.ary services of the
Elimville Methodist • Church, held
Sunday & Mondaylast, wete thin eiiit
..areas, coueidering the stormy Weather
whi•.h prevailed.
Mr. E. It. Bieseit has again been
:appointed road inspector by the til
lage council at the same eatery widest
.year. Mr. Bissett has given good
-satisfaction as inopeotor, A. G, Dyer, hist M. Eaorett be pound
Mr. Chas. Manning, of Ctesveland,' keeper. —Carried.
Moved by D. Johns, seconded by
J. ,Pickard, that .E, K. Bisset! be
Road Inepeotor at former salary. viz.,
$1.'550 per day.—Carried.
Moved by D. John., seconded bi
J. ]Pickard, that By—law No. 2, to
appoint a constable, haying been read
a first time, be read a second and
third time and finally pa/med.—Car-
Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by
A. G. Dyer, that the clerk apply to
the Judge of the County Court to
make Mr. Jame. Creech a county
constable, and also to appoint Mr.
Creech caretaker of the lock up, as it
is desirable by thie council that he be
80 appointed in order to enable him
to discharge his duties as village can -
stable more fully.—Carried.
Moved by W. Biesett, seconded by
D. Johne, that this Council adjourn
until Wednesday, the lllh of Feb.—
mangled about the body. When the
train was stopped he wits lying on
the oow•nsteher. i)eelased was a
cousin of }(jr. D. Johns, poatmaster
Conned Doings.
The Exeter Connell met pursuant
to adjouromeut at the market house
on Mouday everting last, 26th inst.,
elected council being p. event, took the
ntoeseary oattls of office, eigned the
ueoe.eary, papers, and proceeded to
Minutes of last meeting read and
On motion of H. Either, and D.
French, Mr. Lewis was appointed
treeeurer at a Bilary of $100. On
motion of 0. Eilber and D. French,
ell the members prevent. C. Prouty was re—elected clerk, audit;
The minutes of ttitr previous meet or, caretaker same ae last.
ing were read and confirmed. On motion of H. Either and D
Tenders for hemlock lumber were
received as follows : Fred Baker,
$8,78 per M : Jahn Yager, $7.85 ;
lteinh.rd Cook, $8.45 ; J. N. How
ard, $8.50, and Hebert Fulton, $8.50
Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by
J Pickard, that Mr. Yager'. Leader,
being the lowest, be eooepted.--Car-
Moved by W, Bleach, seconded by
J. Pickard, that orders be granted for
the fotlowi'ng sums, viz., J. Grigg,
$8.55 for stationery; F. Gill, $25
part payment of salary aa bell ringer;
Teems oMoe $5.05 for printing to
date ; M. Eaorett, $24 for election
expenses ; and Robert Fulton, $66.10 be received next meetaug. s �•+ . 1 s s,.,1" ww e,,,tya,,/ Vs7
for lumber,—Carried. The following orderM were granted
Tenders for printing were received —•J. Lynch, $1 ; W. Brauer, $5 85 ;
from the Thies and Wee -tor offices, Ford B"idge, $48; M. Klu:alt', $2 ;
Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by
W. Bissett, that i1r. White's tender,
being the lowest, be scripted. ---Car.
Moved by J. Pickard, seoouderi by
W. Bissett, that Mesas. Johns, Dyer,
and the mover sod seconds, together
with the Reeve and Olerk, be a
hoard of Health for the cermet year.
French the auditor's report wsa re;
Clerk to notify all interested par: Flannels, Hats X Caps, Boots d; Shoes,
ties that a roosting will be held by
council on the 14 Monday in Feb., at
10 o'clock, a. m,, for the purpose of
forming s school seotiau in Daehwood,
to be composed of portions of sections IF YOU WANT
No. 4, stud 11 of Stepinen.
The treasurer has yet $900 to loan 0 get value for your ]Honey and see whatyou are buying,
11x1". Katz tc investigate the $object , , y� g,
cantaiued iu Mr. Eltiott'e canamuuioa; � To to CARLING S, as Wo have the best lighted Store in the
gen.—Ur. Coughlin, and 0. Eilbe. to village.
roe what ditobiug le required ou first
S. R.
Tendes for stone and a bridge will
You will do wall by calling and inspecting our
Carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashionable Millinery,
Silks, Dress -goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces,
Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Cottons, Shootings
Table Linens, and Napkins, Blankets,
G. Iuterest,$8; error ou road,$80,62;
0. Pool, $21; T. Lampert, $9.50 ;
Auditors, $20 ; W. Dearing, $8.
Moved by H. Either, seoou'd by D.
'reuoit, that Ctras. (rfetie be aaseaser
at *salary of $75.
Oauuoil thea adj turned to meat ou
the 1st Monday in February.
--Carried. 1 Biansasrel.
Moved ay J. Pickard, seaantled by
A. G. Dyer, that Dr. Hyndmen be (Crowded out week.)
Medical Health Inspector.—Carried. ----
Mr. James Creech offered to die -
charge the duties of cnuetable, bell•
ringer, lamp—lighter, catheter, sani—
tary inspector, colleotor of poll ter
and to put in his "flints time until 10
o'clock every night for $825 per veer.
elate, for the Township of Blauehard
met on Monday, 19th inst., a id after
having .ubeoribed the oath of office
sad qualtficatlon, the fulfowzng gen-
1tlemen took their spats at the board,
dowel by A. ta. Dyer, eeeonded by i viz e—Msasre. Jas. Dinsmore, Reeve,
J. Pickard, that Mr. treech's offer Thos. Lawton, Dep -reeve, Wm, Gra.
be accepted.---Orlrrisd. ham, "Geo. Hudson and Geo. Spear -
Mr. Geo. await named Mr. Geo. ion, Oelenoillors.
Willie and Mr. Thomas Fitton as hie The minutes of let meeting were
sureties as Treasurer, who were so- read and confirmed.
opted by the Council. The board then proceeded to elect
Moved by D. Johne, seconded by their officers for the current year.
Moved by Mr. Lawton, see by Mr.
Hudson. then S. Clark be Clerk.—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Iiud.on, sec
by Mr. Spearin, that John Anderson
be collector. --Carried. Moved by Mr.
Graham, sen by Mr. Hudson, that
J din Irving be Assoesor. Moved in
smeudment by Mr, Spearin, ee6 by
Mr. Lawton,that Edward Keunedy be
Assessor.—Amend Carried.
Moved by M. Graham, sec by Mr.
Lawton, that Mr. A. W. Driver, be
Treasurer. --Carried. Moved by Mr.
Lawton, sec by Mr. Graham, that
Mr. Ford be Auditor. ---Carried. The
Reeve appointed Capt. John Camp.
bell as the other Auditor. The board
then resolved themselves into a Com•
mittee of the whole with Mr. Graham
in the :hair, to set the salaries, after
some deliberaliou the committee rose
on the Reeve resuming the obair,they
report as follows :—
Clerk's salary without extras, $110;
collectors, $90 ; adseseora, $50 ;
treasurers, 40 ; and $1.50 per day,for
each day of road oommiseion work.
Auditors, $8 each ; selectors of jur weather, Mr. G. E. Cresswell, bav-
ore, $6 each for each selectiou. Mov- ing resigned his offices of Secretary
ed by Mr. Lawton, eeo by Mr, Hud- and Treasurer, Mr. M. Y. McLean
son, that teuders be reoeived at our was appointed to these positions in
next meeting for oaretaker for Hall, bis stead. The directors' report was
tenders to include lighting, heating, not presented to the meeting, owing
&o., for all meetings of the Council to the absence of the Secretary, but
during the year, together with the will be presented et a meeting short -
meeting for nomination and day of ly to be called by the President for
election and two first meetings of the that purpose. The several reports
New Year, also tendere will be receiv• of the branch societies were examined
ed for plank and printing, tenders for and passed, after which the fol.
lowing officers and directors were
elected for the ensuing year :—Leon
ard Hunter, President ; Thos. Simp-
son, fat Vioe•Preeident; Wm. Bell,
god Vice -President ; Directors, Wm.
Graham, Stanley : John Marquis,
Golden -iota Township Robert a1oAl•
lister, Hay : John Willie, Stephen ;
James Pickard and John Willis, Exe-
ter ; Donald Molnnis, _ Usborne ; R.
Brook, Tuokersmitli ;• and Dr. Cole•
man, Seafortb. Messrs. G. E. Jack •
aan and William Charters wore re-
appointed auditors.
as visiting his releatieres and friends
here. He will return to Cleaveland
an a few days, acoenepanied by Mr.
With thanks we aeknowlenge the
receipt of a beautifullydflus►rated de-
aoription of the Chicago stook yards,
.From Mr. Jame" Willis, formerly of
tine ,place.
The patrons of the Exeter covered
skating rink were entertaned with
,several choioe selections efenusio from
the violin, guitar and harmonise by
Messrs!. Weekes and Cuffio,cn Friday
Quarterly meeting services will be
Meld in the Main -street churali next
Sabbath. In the morning the sacra
mane of the Lord's Supper will be ad-
ministered, and love feast in the ev-
It is said tete is one oaee of lye
phoid fever in town, caused by stag—
nant water in the cellar underneath
the house in which the patient lives.
The new Board of Health will likely
see that all such sources of disease
are removed.
Mr. & Mre. Gullets, of Usborne,
were in town an Tuesday ey'g., with
a team of horses, and after tying
them safely, went into the B. C.
Church. During their abeence the
horses became restless, broke loose,
and rau home, leaving the two old
folke to walk about 84 miles.
Mr. Jas. Creech has been appoint—
ed village constable for the current printing to incluse all
ly, opposite Wm. Ball's furniture store. p R printing requir-
year. He is to remain on duty till , Jacob Kellerman (of the the lures ofed by the township, such as ballots,
ten o'clock at night. He is alto to H. & J. Kellerman) will return from Ham- I road lists, notioa of assessment, col-
. perform the duties of lamp lighter, burg about the 12th of February, to make lectors receipts, bill heads for con
belt -ringer, tax•oolleotor, poll tax col. preparations anto open up their store. (Freddy tracts, deolaretione of office, bills for
lector, and sanitary inspector for the danger.) nominatiou and Court of Revision,
reasonable amount of $825. auditor's reports in pamphlet form,
The anniversary sermons of Caven -- and voter's llste with one dozen for
Presbyteeiau church, Exeter, will be
preached next Sunday afternoon and
evening by Rev. J. A Murray of Lon-
don. 'rhe annual tea, followed by a
platform meeting, will be held on
Monday evening, and a social in aid
of the Sabbath school on Tuesday
The representatives of this village
1.11asi1 W 000.
Good sleighing and everybody weIi pleased
with it.
Another party on the list.
Oyster supper at Weseloh's .on Friday
evening last, a lively crowd.
Mr. John Beayer of Morriston, is home on
a visit.
Miss Nellie Ball has returned from Dakota.
Mr. Ned Welton has sold his Carriage shop
to Mr. Win. Zimmer.
Mise Louisa Lindenfield and Mrs. Frank
Reed will open up a dressmakers ehop short.
W. B. ; Journal office, $8, adverti.-
tug ; Archie Hyde, $1.25, rep out.
vert on 15 con ; Geo, White, $1.50,
repairing culvert on London road ;
E. W. Harding, $2, advice ; M.
Hamilton, $13.50, caretaking of Hall ;
R. Northgt eves, $20, Blenehard's
share of culverts between St, Mary.
and Blanchard ; Ruth Ritchie, $7.00,
Reports from cattle -ranches of Kan.
sus and Nebraska are vary disoourag.
ung to the Chicago buyers. Cattle
are dying by hundreds from starva-
tion and oold. The nu -look is the
worat ever known for year.. It is
believed the coming spring months
will be even more disastrous to stook.
M.a. Foster, $4.00, Geo. Wilkinson,
$8.00, charities. The ooll sump continue. at Dallas,
The Couucil then adjourned to meet Fax., and reports from all over the
on the first Monday in Feb'y at 10 Stets eh" 1h° lose of cattle and
o'clock, rt. m. sheep to be appalling. The extremely
S. Ceeux, Clerk. dry rummer left the rengea iu a bare
oounition and the cattle unable to
•` live through a severe winter. It is
Not Far Froni Home. probable that 80 per eent. of the noel
News Condons.d, cattle and 60 per pent. of the sheep
in the state will be mai. In Risque
The Huron Salt Aeaoeimtiou has re- county half the sheep died Wednss•.
duce& Balt to 60 one a barrel iu oar day before last, and it is thought that
Iota. Thursday night's sleet killed most of L
Goderich has a telephone connect- the remainder. The atteregate loam
tion with Seafortb, and one day last will net run short of $40.000,000.
week while a lady of that town was Michael Roob, an Iriubrnan, living
oonver.ing with a young man at Sea. et 86. Mulberry street, Cleveland,
forth, she was asked who the Seaforth murdered bid wife and then out his
party was, she replied, soh, Harry, own throat at an early hour Saturday
the little she
The gentleman M morning. The temple Dame from
Seafarth heard the remark, and the England, arriving in Cleveland on
conversation was etopped. So muoh New Year's Day. The neighbors re -
for the telephone. port that since their resideuoe on
The cavo of the Cochrane Menefee- Mulberry street quarrels have usen
turing Company, against Mr. A. Gib- of frequent occurrence. Friday night
son, of the Thames road, Uebnrne, Bach was out with a companion
was tried in St. Thomas, and decided named McFeddeu. Returning at
in favor of the company. It appears midnight intoxieeted, his wife fled
Mr. Gibson bought a self -binder from from the hoses and went to the red-
company ]eel summer, and after dense of a neighb •r. Bach followed
and parried her hack to the house in
working it for some time, was pur:
suaded to lay it aside and buy one his arms. She escaped and ran about
from the Massey Manufacturing Cern: in the snow in her bare feet, with
pany. The Cochrane Company re: Rooh pur•euiug and shooting, Filially
fused to take their machine back, and both were does to Dater the house at
eued for art price, the full amount of 7 o'clock in the morning. Mre. Con -
which the court allowed them. nor.; a neighbor. entered their apart -
The annual meeting of the South menta and found Mre. Bach lying in
Huron Agriaultural opoiety. members bed, her !lead almost severed from
was held at Turner's botelBrucefield, her body. At her side lay Roch, hie
on Wednesday of last week. The throat frightfully out and gasping for
attendance was not as ,large as usual, breath. He died.
owing, no doubt, to the unfavorable Senator Edmunds has introduced
a bill making it an offence to make,
buy, sell, manufacture or compound
any explosive substance with intent
or knowing that such shall be need
either in the United Steles or any
foreign country for the destrnotion of
property or life. Planing such ex-
plosive on board any ship is also in-
cluded among the penal offences.
e alt,
ACCIDENT.—OD Saturday aFtellroon
judges correction. --Motion Carried.
last while a young gentleman who is' The following orders were issued
over from Dakota visiting his friends, and sighed by the Reeve :--Eleotiou
was gliding over the ioe backwards, expenses, $47 ; Win. Kirk, $26.71,
accompanied by a young lady, his gravel ; Edward Kennedy, $3.00 at
skate caught In a soft spot in the ice, tending judges court S. Clark,
and threw him packwards, striking $25.38, expenses judges voters list
with all his weight on the back• of hie court ; S. Clark, $9.80, registration
and the anll rourlAin towndhi a in the head, which rendered him almost in: of B. M., D's ; S. S. No 1, $040.00 ; Nap",uee, es M. P., for Lennox, is most efircient remedy, in the various wasting
S P eeneible for a short lime. Hiy cum: Archie,Dawson; ,12,50, draining on gazetted. conditions calling for such a nutriment."
The election of M. W. Pruyu, of
FRAZER.—Iu Usborne, ou the 26th inst., Ann
wife of Alex. Frazer, agek 72 years.
bAxsoN.—In Tuekeremith, on Wednesday,
the 21st inst., Elizabeth Fauson, aged
25 years.
GANE,—In Ingersoll,ou Thursday 22nd inst.,
H. H. Gane, aged 66 years. Decease d
was father of the Rev. W. H. Gane, of
MCGEE.--In Usborne, at the residence of her
son•in•law,David Kirk,on the 26111 Met.,
Elizabeth, relict of the late Win. McGee,
aged 85 years.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure
Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites,
A Most Nutritious Food and Medicine.
Dl'. LINDSAY JOHNSON, of Cartersyille,Geo.,
says : ,"I take great pleasure in saying your
Emulsion has proved itself in my bands a