HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-1-29, Page 7I nteresting Items.
* , tiltisfe e .a nary animal. t -.c, min* os.5 wen opened on the Berlin
. „ ,
The followinno. thrilling and romantiol instinct and Intelligence is reported *430111110 for 11w Wier of Like O14n:ilikr4119,4040 •
incident, olaYs the Ornaha Ike. is epit-1 from Ellendale. Ulster county. Mrs; 1 antri'41Pr.-
otuized from the diar.y-aat.,Serg•t-Itice,r1 Sarah Brown. •of that village, has it i , ,.•...., DANG,F411 IN.T.EIR 4111,
One of the Greely arctic explorers. liahrrre Mkta
ltensseno:,,ty that. is thrvaituf other of. 1 .itt• tee ehilliug whithk, the daiiip atfnilliptaero
In one of the ireliminar sledge p.tr. g:rowo.; 4 and suddenly checked inespirstieli, olds ;we
' ,* led I o ceti 14re ilb • i ettv lathing. lingl,10.rd'ri 11ertoval, Italt-ato oures
old : rt ' If iej e ...,*
mg . I =
a• tier! Rs
1 I? 144"coreple"ittuts431371,tk!lItIle.:4".41,151'7,tit'srti:rai‘iiii}t'itlunt'.(1
st , : ,
..:' • Y1T l'
grip Th. 1,,, It
av • '., ,,• the ', N ens of
esh i.' , Buckleri".eAritichfisiffni.
re a I t 't i o ‘: ;II : • UW 0 n daybroug,
hat, beg,. Oorest‘l, ict ts., t•)att 1.3)11Att IN'Vtr.'tsorcs,,',
ab t 10 li the : 4en, k• • The.Beta t,orvi- in th., world fOr4.".atai Ilairis- 7
dead wrote this description: a$ etched elk
i She caught the fish herself in ranting tTotter,O494'e,t,', 1,z.iet,., odalau.,vy4,8.itiox •
*Ilia matt% snapped. Crackled. and i roillOona. near titn villege. The pond 1 all Skin El iii.'ion,nzt-1, ;,osilitko3 pureriles,
Showed a little flame widen by dexter, , bad bows drained dottrn quite low lately ; or Le pay LA./4;6)1.i. It 1. tolittrattreed !ti) vies
*us management, was coanuannicatoti !and the cat would crottea down at the - octf4:ct setisfeetiett, or 11wia.:4.,- rtfuniktol::
to LIT Woad and tilaptpliatilly tiqfplieti edge °CPO: illint ned eriVt a Ilsit came ; Priee 25 ei.litCPKI*t--v.- For vide by ail drug-
to thb Wick"a tile spirit 'tamp:, ; Nut ' along witliWitatir Oho -would spriug : t1141'"
great heavens! the wick is wet froni the nieets it in the water aud rarelv inis41. • • ' .,. ." A (A0t)1! =4°1
11%40n .,ser veal ..r-•tatize iu 114)1005 -nor.,
iatoiSfAre ig tem! It Onttert- ' her aim. Bbe struSk the DA tr9, with i'ilv4i,licb. d5 inipere I hut, and c14, -.s die sys-:,
1,0_1. 041) 1 t(itioll ers of 1340 lieldtr ,6 mode, 0 7waterttiok , ..„.,..0. ,,,,, 1_,..,i1;.wri, with dim-nse. • open fire channels of
vproll: ' ' la e t te;f is Mfirtell ell her olaits)auti tank 41,1.4104 lier head;
*be- bug of tin., agonized spectators- : vloti,il a,,,,ed swa r• 411.0.x.e.,ir, 4 -..., - !Itealtn, parity ti.o 'beet; anti regn ate eft the
,ergau a ith itm dock It eed 1:1tt4s.
springs from Ids bag and, with aduair- I 11 sides iish, the eat, serves berlatni, l
rtble presence of mind, withdraws from : ly with birds, not iess than two of f. ON THIRTY f)A.11,, Tui.a.
his breast-poeket a document which Ito which slie provides every :lay. The : Ton V.n.rme iteit co.. 'Marshall, Ntiolt, Wil
holds to the expiring match in timo tO most rev:tart:tete fact . about, the , cat. 1, send lift.Ors,'4, tliat;unals.o..01.1,e,Tne.lror,;stc
perpetuate its tire. 'rmy are saved! however, is the s,vs:ein• she has adopted litioais 41'34,' li:14•1:4111. APkE,I.i1VC1,1. 00 triatiot
IVO must show that the actionwas he- . ip, feeding her kitten% When SOo. i bit t'.di,,It- to 441411 41,i‘oilit .o of .) 'Willi& Are lif.
role. The paper so promptly Sacrificed :gimes in with.a"en3ali meal showill not i dieted with net v‘ros.4,e14114. lost titalify
In the inlet -MIS QI *Pieties!, and, human. ! permit any , atiseeiotne'MS scrambling ;mod Mtn -lilt? to •t‘itle., guaranteeing
ity was one received by its.possessor at after it. by which one kitten might gtit, filsrectl% mat eloed,:ich oe 10,14ti4^24 et health and
the hist rmoment before leaving ci.vili.l mow thanits innte5,, Ism she lays too wank; vieet. .41.1)130 es. aletvt N. E.-- lie
rik k is to 411 tea . 413 tilitcty da,***tiisiAilOW44.1
Ration. and. it was surmised. that it coo-, fish or bird. before one of the yettnf.;
millet.% the last fond evidence of the ones,- TIM other two* she obliges to re- •
S.B.,tender emotion entertained for hint by 1 -main quietly at a distance: whitellusone g A1ilIer.I.Y FOIMCS
4' fair wri1er. who toofiloP_ ?coiled 'UM i 118 CUM*: onforceig, hor authority , A luau may r.,--4.0, thy haulm,. a n, i iinee
, loving missive with trembling hands against any erotu.n. fait their part by ki,n4t c.an n'' 4'; t-4';44, hue/ wo,::-. o.411;cut : ;mei
a. and blinding tears. No tioUbt a gentle. trequent tuilinhos. When the kitten Wet ) ,."'°111° ; t - ''''-ui:"tr 414 .(• like tiot ti •k nst be
hand had trail on that ivoll-worn let. f eaten one -Wirt! of the meal. 413e old eat t 1il'iAi''"'"',.. 64, 6" 4" "W"I',,,ill 1,1"ir. 444.:i"34;
ter sweet words that breathed both i retuoves t..e tinnier 3114, pLices it in i; t"ulk`'!'" *,':' ":" 44'4" "•• 1 la;04:t toe tt 4.01 4141.
✓ ows Of tIOVOliell and prayers for sac. , front of another kitit4n whit* eats ita i Ir"4":14:te a ',A Tg.t.lr,Lit wt,Ry‘
ocas. It was apparently worn as all f, third IlltOltbentOtl. WItett t1115 third kit- 1 B,i
nlock lb ols inttera act at 311e5:401e time
amulet or talisman. The romance i5 tett's turn comes. The kitten that ii .11 • 1i, h , •
RiNi. l o 1vim*, t e 0°4(.I 4. UM L .1,1 ls (le and
yet not unraveled, for the hero is -aa , served, first oft one 404yweenies Inst, ac
l 44.4 14on. 4 ,.LI
u. rVilvv111:; or timing 03 evely case.
heroes are-retieinft. But aro, we net 1 the list the next tiny. tea that rotation Wartaupid, katisfeePs;% us loony retuueyd.
rendediut a I110 bible, which. .placed ill runititained with tutvaving impure Wifc-IA to .., tile mattItt tam. John
by fonder bands With tbouglitini care , II:0AV kitty ate- 411y.-.1.0(ki t foam (S, liotsbanti- titthat tutut.Itt* anti taath.
in the breast -pocket at the soldier, 4 l'„) (ier. St. us I'ork World. MAID tow kiDe Ole.
stops the fatal bullet, or of *Ito crud .,' Wile. '311.y ls.% you 1;0 10 s W. tuft u.
f0 avera,ge beanie in Kaeisehrttksinitste
, 's, lb u:: w A113) 10) a I.sata.- Fluid
saders cross turning. the deadly schne- ::,.1
4 i I
-3.4.1101,1qt ? Yon 134.,,, 13 1411113 all 1111011
fay of -firlthl'aracen?'' /Sumsly4 our fact- lis four deit*.4 pa. year.
deint m ranNe its t acre belitie the•se. . , . . . - •
• , 1 ; 't ;
thilage tie toothache. Neu:alai*. fleatits!ite.
lir e can only hope that the fire was In- i
The Wtmlett or iNiititantlitople. I -;:ant tent 1.
ataita-0. Li3r333.311{., $ 131," Throat, 014. 14 givo,
deedloutetbens anti that the epistle
.4 ;3l4,sotiat! end 414r441 1 43*. 41,4 4' tt 00A
may ha k match that was Math) in Tg I
.have my chalet* of ave . 14.44 44i334 4....ti:,,,
voawl ',ad% au, other
heaven As vrell as tam that WM 1":: hteu
on the desolate Greenland, coast.' whale invoice 1 ettould take Mk Abya- ailments 14, 11411.:t tiaster's littuatake 1.4).
,Isiniatt brunette. They are divinely tail tem gill cure co -themes ausl 1'4'0U* all
1 and slender. anti ,black, as the nee a -d*e* l'el!ieh result 10)0*14.
Some W15,• e441V444
4.---- lacte$. Their !estates are clearly out . illiA5I;N:1) gAl.'*.t.i it
The other luentlitg.' a orery 'sultry stud regular. the oyes liquid, and, Gm Tuu eau 4141A Ss** ifit*iir'irs Yr11"W 011
one, two cnwa casae to our gate. eTi- Ups red and full. The hair is black a-- 14 l' skin renews111 shytuususut. ta mataa
dently on the lookont for 'folllelltlog. 1 and waving, but somewhat coarse in and all rain1It4 mull infhtititastoty eutind.iints.
end after being at first somewhat pia. fiber. They dress in pure white, and . It 414 (.U3 itiii,i es hat came.
g:ed by their Pleading leeks *Ito the black. face nud rod lips against the -tn. inquiry Wet 4,4% triervd inta the
thought struck tuo that they might be white setting of the bar:loos gives an sinkins .4 11" 44' UM PuelPtt A luau! 11411. -
in want of water. No sooner had this effect that is as OnChalltitlg as a plc- heellu by 6114' Munie u 2444* alum ilArt.
tri I. f 1 t, I it . -I ye abut t Aver'. Pdis ennt eag.;tiratien. lguili),te iiip
occurred to m4* titan I had 11011•11, water ,
brought In •a, large Ve5501, which the them 131 their limbs. Now., if any lady's *Tam'. l'r•nuo "„ airAim• risume 18 ulthY
poor walnt's *4 One* sucked up with limbs may. appear with 'propriety in Aaiun, M131 regulatk. every Dun:Wm MI
tho greatest eagerness. The pair thou literature it ss the logs of a Turkish ale elts.itirt to tac.e. ;tenthin thtir operation,
sauntered eentettletily away to .o field hely. Turkish modesty never goes far- ° Liln"ffigh' 6vArvhinq' and 40 884.
near at hand. In about Italian ltotir or thor than the knees. Both the trousers
so we were surprised and amused not anti tho term 31.ty of women thu 15 op at a p , . o
a little by seeing Our two friends with the majority
" itrown•K Household Panacea" hen no equal
march up to the gate, aceompanied by and feet go bare. Bat tile. Ahyssintbsu 1entrapein in thSide, buck erbowsie,seretltroat11,troltering pa in.bokle Intent:, I anti external it
three other cows. Thu water -tap was women 003401 40 prefer g;oing; bare(00i. Riteumetiste. Tontbuche,Lumbego *nanny kind
again brought into requisition. nud. the and thus betray- ttre.: one ,peeullarlty 0441,61„„,,,,,,,h „14 ,m mo„ penly cleteoe
nuw-consurs wore in like, manner that stumps them as thtughtorsof liant. the blond t....I Iteal.ltA lie neDolt Power is wOodur•
helped liberally. Then, with gratified Their ankles aro about.ni big round as ...urow„.,. u„,„0.,0, 1.,,„„.„,, 1,,hig„ek,
sum repeatd e"boo-tur's" (a unanimous a rolling pin. anti 0 .1i4 11 11 hie nil the 1 newiettged „I. oh, gr,,,,,, Pilin glomn.,,/,.,,,,,mtdou
vote of thanks). our visitorsI slowly way up to the knees. ' t
n leg. 1' , '.4(1,t: / ble theitrellati‘ Of any ether 10;dr or tanintent
iII" •19us, la?'41P4 tittle) a t rIti,should be in every fs.mib aendy tor
n:welled off to therrpasturage. It was exactly in the • 31414(112101 quite clear 10 11S 010 110 It" first cull- 15 vurS IOW anti alt. Tal'i A.,1*;;bla ii,e whist w.tutetvitaltreall$ Is the best renzetlY
ors. gratified at their friendly race!). trade -mark is. as „I . hare. said *dor. . till.itntr anewrrebtetisreparns le..ttenafira ;142,0)111yd
Gun, had strolled down to their sister somewhat *1 :1. blomish •and . tends
gOSSipS And dairy comettnions. and had lower the quotaups tor %tient Art.' all Druggists atd:i mints a bottle.
informed thoat-how I cam not sac, can some peop!e• - Forcio h -10:1ter. -A portable tmtirie en it form at fit ohm,
you? -of 'their liberal entertamment. • ____......;..' ......,. ........ „ • • .,
N Y r0tpledeil en Thursday. Etlya.ttlPhelpe
and then had 'taken the very pardon- • * ' -. aud a boy 'veil 10 Were kitioa. ' and Simon
White alockilnp :Ir.- heetuntug• again
mango. This. morning. we wore again. __'vogue. Daetorsietvu diseovered that Ileuelict father ot the bny was fatally inju-ed.
able lihertv id inV11.01,0 them up to our In the solo _, et ; ` the foot 'absorbs tires.
Auuther atm 15 tomposei to be fatally valor
• Visited by tho first. ample, bringing a %violator biAt* or ,yolored, met that a WHAT To .Do. • , •
stranger with them; .auit I have Intl°
d.oubntliese morning calls will bo regn- °°°111111°‘15 lloaess• 01 3:0`v.1) 00A-Poi4,-, • , It (rimbled witIvin unheaitity, slow.hcaline
1:4413' vincula. and °"1"g'114 g°111:2: 0n allmilr "'ell' 1140 sort : a** McGregor tet ?silos' oftypatio Cerate,
afford lnY little colored itosierv. Trio origin 4331 'Iseveral.
ew disewill find it ievaluabla.4or healing. CI rintli-
househord fresh pleasure mid amuse., rmaredT,011
,ii'ases %Int have laude ap- log toldolu
tvreoving your 11-0001e, If
=nit In administering to their wants. is attributed by medloat men
The remarkable thing. fo my mind, too. tifn the Blood. is out, of 4(1044. take. trith. it 'e• few
pernicious dyestuffs which', ie used in (108024 01 MeGreabt°8 FP,c°11Y-CilmAl'410.4. W.
was the fact of 1140. two first' go w s In. tii
le mantibtoture +if keis.ekitityst. :, . Browing's 'Drug %ay.. . 1 . •
fitting tl.sease.
he keg, Freisk Lptii, for Ba
th Fut -
.".•".• .
eke .
It bonisialkItteaeitleftee‘oi ate, c1145ipigt,
0414300 will, 1 tbe most stuttuornly red- mem
rough hands bee alifulfefteft and 13414t441. Be.
ntantoos 1•Itn,t1 1.14°.1" is 'not a paint rr
powder that fils up the.porea of the skin, and
.thwt lomtiontatto 4144 elan but a now and
great turi:vea 3a.o.'eget • 3:03li4utd, that
e e gWkr wit't bleatth.-the neck, arms
*ohm* siesttsbe Lily wiritenese.-irr.
Doak ible to detest 3a the beauty it confers any
arritlefat c;tzt steer'. It cares Greasy Sion •
-%' l'3)033 Pipplea. BlAuk listukt,
Crow's Peer, Motches, Flints Orniis Finn Burn
Tun. It4ngvmam..tlhapped Haudet,Vore or Chap
ped .1,ies,Sulber's Itch, Tetter..gc. • It frees
the 3404.58.031 glands. end tubes fftiurtho inikar-
iouseffects ofkposr lets and cosmetic washes.
Bs itown mut 9kirteet4tt4 rouslaues are pre„
vented ; the -skin, and will ru tk et it '
24014, 81200811 glut whits; imparting a. delicious;
softness.; preduciag a perfectly brIthy.natur-
wieta t, th. would attar at'otineed. W.' will
send" A. 14444111)TTI.4 tx) 4717 Address oe re-
ceipt of 344.108.141 Whersordering mentiou *hi
idereas all iettieSis Se the
• 51,1,11111114•V AO KNOT,.
,..yoiswitttpek. Toro lite, (la t
leerier sod Itecentisn Boma -fee
*1.313(1 youthful tnere
ara ware,
Barb wire a,nd steel strip fencings.
Special Suggsr tops
forming the milers,. as most assuredly
they dui. of the trwII
itmout °they had re- ° A 0001) GUARANTEE. '
ceived. .1 state the simple' facts. I • . • li. . Coehrati.. dinggtst, Lancaster, Pa-, For Sore Vitiate. Bronchitis, et ughs, golds, Glemielar Swellings . and ell skin 41141145• J v• •
1885 • , • Of - .
Burt 0 a • '.
for d' bri•
vo ilth
ea at he has mu:treated over 300- bottles
' it hoc Ito rival i and for tentrected and stiff joints n8.04811044 a charm.
have in my time lived a good deal in ..
thing like this remarkable instance *1, The Pills and Ointufent aresold at Tile:tus Hos Low.tT'S Establishment,
. y, 4.E.$93X1q9...),REMEDIF.S.
244' trn AfitZtily Ole Pit oat ttill CUL 411 Disunites 0131.1'•
• -e 4"tip •-• ,
.104)NRYg; J!.' 1'1 I 11
, . .
tile)" ire4iSCretelild ,thali fit 14111111 Debilileted Conktitutiens, wed are invaluable in all
Complaints ineftletstil to•Pesetilaket eget,. Put 4;1'101..13-m14 nu. aged they are priceless
r ft
Is an infallible 4801313' lOt BatirLegs, Bad tireitt,fii; 0111 'Wounds, Sores ;ma ricers.
• . • • famous for Gottt and ilbeumatism.
1,0* DI:40.40HAS (F. 01114 eilBsT IT 11tts• FOTIAL.
. .
the country, but never remember anv-
I:temper's Magazine. ons attacks and liver and kidney tronttlea. In
the cow's intellioxincet. ' In no ease has it disappointed. those Who uaed
' lIZT.TSTATED. it. hi cauatia. it; git..s the same general cabs -
P. S.-Julv 21.-S:tice the above was factienti ' ." " 78 NEW OXFDRD-STItEET late (533, OXFORD...STREET), LONDON;
, .
also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Bledicine, in Boxes and Pots.at Is. lid.. 2s. 9d..
4s. 0d., Ils., 22s., and33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutitins 131r341 -times tbe quantity of the
is lid, size t the =Is..8d. size *1)t; the IIR. iiize sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three; and the
• 33s kite fifty two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed db•ections are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be hse in any language
1:.- Purchaserkkhould lot* to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street; Loudon, „they are , spurious.
written our four -footed friends have .- • -A small bn,ty of volunteers untie • an
generally bringing Co Os) stranger With thonov Munn), beginning in Decent. Ameriaan officer has riut the blookatle and
never failed, in their morning calls.
sisters with them On Saturday we thirty -filth year. The 01(1044 poi itulical of its
burl $auttOn's 31A0/110111 will conahltle 0n reached Antananarivo, the eapitcl of Nladagas-
had three strangers, yesterday one and zine Type. it is yet, In each new volnete, a 334141maganot trimply °swam) itrese
:presents 44.0884McGregin• & Parke'S Catholic Coate has
oar. • , •
this morning enc. -Pan , Mall Gaze& subjects and new nietures, but also, and chiefly" been tested by- yetne et trial and has been
' sitif of Magazine makine,.• Do n. word, tho 31Ack. found the most ammenieet.aticleffectrudmeth-
. - .
' because. it steadily tillvAttees in th e meths' d it.
Givin, the Driver a Steer.' cd of applying Carholic Acid. The ,greatest
AZINE becomes ,1110ra Alla mote the faithful
mirror of current tiro anAmoveineas. Loading anticeptic in use for Cats, Bm ne and Old
---- ' . • features iii ttte attractive nrogre mine for ies• -Sorsa. Be sure yen -et McGregor & Parke's
,A very. small boy- with his clothes 1t'owsgtValt\irviValigig°,N..*!!trter4;Nirvle '
Carbolic Cerate. •Soh:for 25 Cents by 4. W. . ,
%utters, occupied, a frpat corner seat in entitled "At the Red Glove ;" Ilesca"ipttite illus • B) owning Druggist.; .. 6 •• IFITILIIIIII AIME .13R EIVIT
one of, the now Third ,avOntic opcii tratod ottperlitiy IVI..t.11it,t;am, E. SWAIN sie••
SALT 'RHEUM. • ., ',L.*** ,4",
ears last night and olimill thoughtfully ,Reao. S. A- Auttu'r, II, eentsex, tud others ; .
0 •
• r 148)13108's "She 'stoops t'o omi..0 ereTillustott- 1 ,-'
straight down" the stroilt. When -the. f,3 .1), ' '
n't y Annex; ininortant pnyiera on Art,aciencq,
• titer( uglily roneved by a, proper application of
Salt Rheum, Piamins m' Blotan,44 eon be
ear suddenly' rnached :Ninth street:0o; eta. . .. .
meGr.eger. t .I'orke's, Utrbelio „Cerate to tile
.part,amlp, ;few doses •lof, iitcGregoirs Speedy
Care 4t,t• inipurf;!bl'ocitt , Bi1'411re aridlifet the
finitiutt.'• ' Pl'erlati4."b,y‘ 1\lberr441.10 ,84 Parke,
Sohl• itt 25 cents 14..I.M..13rovorieg's, prng
boy suddenly -waked up,. &need inn-- ! , .,, . , .. , ••,,, • ,
lied: . at the. street -lamp, . anti then, • • ,!:
touching tite• drivers ed ',..ttrw. ask • hint .
. . .11.11111ER'IPERIODICALS
what stFeet it was. ,Tilti driver vouch ' ,• • • • .,.,
.safed no ait'imtir and drove tolliesileal..; • '. - :' • Per 'Year ,
ly on: C , .!' ' liAl.th. Irt f
it AGAZOli .. i . . ... ..:. .... .. .... ,...... 4 00o -,- ..-,.cile:feitt,tille.:4,* iittie box ligillitti'4WItrick
uneasy. .A. /inz-As reporter, who sm, 13Aurnn:s WS SETA._ ... '. .. :., ' ,.. POO:. ItY°°)°01031.110 in ii°1' at. PrAt10:1• wt°""fiet;r't
a, t/. rom 'cliptheris flu,its At I. l'o'he'ififfituritia
The boy thieeted around a 11,1 seemed: '7 ' ' , , , . • I :
next to'himo•liwileitt: the little follomf • [TAUPE
• ' .'' ilair2I.iSSt33„tzr1,4531r4 roe.eAvers" Srs,yi• trti'l,4 hi
lt, '1tig'10r1.6l-inceo
Was tinkions to get: Mt hittdid not to '' - 2btinted, requiresa sinaler :dose, and it111010sr-
• ' ILni t.
e•-tt •.•
SOna kit()%tlw WhOLb )10 WasThe Ft"0"0'8ffective ime:fordoeeMnnany otherblood •
reporterwho amidthe question and mkurEirs 711AlsSLIN SUABSLIBBASYuicichagAtis 91epheeposp 1)34311411834 110 bet
heti seenhow it was receivedthought oneea(c.um)1,.eeeQemity and not otantity34110001 be coisiderI
_ ..,.
he 'y,touhi• do' .t11.0 boy' ti. • 144433(1 111445 haul , •• .. 1 -,r1h,
‘ .,. . states or:Camas- 1 .;. , .,1 .. 'f-.•••• • iv .4.41ii, ..k.' :Li .• .i, - . 7
V I Postes° Pritit:i all ahlucedbers In tip:Mt:atop, .ea: - • : , ,
. , " • ' ' itdildii:4'i:* diiiimeid-an:d.' 'Nib Cotilis -----.44-,:a
--"...7.z•,- , ,. ;1'2!'',,,',1?.,-,,,,:•...• -•:- •-••,, • --:vsf
"Where do you want to got off, my; , , • -• Tuffqeoze....-Thi.'atiatiritia;t). ropertitiA.7..of. these. i --..a. •.'ii--'•
bey? , That, was Ninth a fii.ret Xio pastisi '',The Volli'Inesiet tb.. O.knoWpzic begin With the. ,inet\itutmentsr render them well,vol,thy el trial. I --
' • ' ' Nuncliers fof Jana tilid,,l/ecanbek 01 041021 •vcar. -.....
to yerself,i" politely.respontleti the url 'AturentIlinnbor; : ' ,. .,•.
and the Ofntment' rubbed' wain nallY 'aro ex- 1 ridertaker
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