HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-1-29, Page 5*4
Oa Monday *ironing of tut week..
NOW, a Winer living tai
Nassokinweys, four miles from Acton,
met with hie dootb in a peculiar man;
nes Hewas bearing out lbs pomp.
using sl red hot poker to melt the ice.
To try the handle int took hod of
and bore forcibly, when telo handle
gave catty, his feat slipped, and 11e fell
Upon his bleak, his Peek striking the l Dominion Laboratory has Sole Agency for Exeter. 1/11
of tins platform, wbiah at this Customers suppliGooded TUESDAYS, THURS.
A. Good Selection of. Masks suitable for Skating Carnivals also in stock, DAYS Aim SATURDAYS at their 'residence.
T,,..�OO .. Carl' er 1\1-ZMT WE A " � Bxetl ell
er Shop
--..B. Laurance, Celebrated Spectacles,—
For Whic h the
Butcherc'& oral Dealer-
---1N /.1.6141isD8,1F
sof was! considerablyrelied. Tho
poor fellow never spoke. His two
sous, who were splitting wood *ikon'
short distance from him, with the as:
sietanoe of his wife carried him into
the house and in legs than ten mine:
tem he breathed hie list. Upon ex; BilfoliCES
Asscll.11TE DIVORCES FOR pit Covens AND COLDS,
rem us throughout Mile �j
smination his nook Wait found to be 'MinedStates and Cansda fer desertion. non- ,4-'
11rOkrn. aupllort.intemperance.araelty,ineowpatdbuity.
•�, etc. Advice free, State Yyourex** ndeddresa "� COMPOUND OF LI1!l�
Two youngwen on Friday lest met ATTORNBY vi',tt W. World Bedding, 1267
y BrasJwrty, Now irork, PEED, Aniseed,. Renege, Squill,Tolu, he
.p young girls named May and r wire Chlorodvne.
x4•••14 Theist,:°, On the street in Win- LONDON, HURON' AND BRUUE lt'Y. o
nz • , Manitoba, the letter onl 15, r AYnc C4MPOr �oug a ndenuds.
y Donna Nolan, Express Mail, 0d Class. axnecGaranG lOrCouehs sadCalds,
Tits nen look the girls about town i,ondon,dopart 7 434.5t. 4 80'.x, li Se A.N.
during part of the sissy and got theinsoil. ..'.., a► s igi4 8 i(AY"S COMPOUND, for Coughs
in a state of intoxication, then dove Nippon 9 10 Of
liorsea qdt ,tela; to equally .erviaable, for
to �► bay lofk about three miles out of Cttntou aro
�� 7 0545
o 11 lig
tbs cuss. ,1.fter sassulting kbem 11 tit mina eboro ld o i o i MP AA. T(AY'S TIC 'ILLS, a speoidc itl
Abutted uterus inn "?lost Wanton ille,fi4- lielgrave...... ..,... 10 79 745 la ss Neuralgia Faae,aaho (tag
nor. than threw them out of the droit Winshrtm °whole 85 7 " 1 10
tend toft them to their fate. Tito GOING SOOT); ESprQF5 Man. 7nd,Clang
nighk was terribly oo d, and the girl, at igwtp deo t8 0o Lat.sCgo 1'44 ai 21
cOA ac
hod very little clothing about their 7ilytlt .., . ,d. 35 1a0 It 42
Land:skoro s 94 S8 19 Oft
per. ori•. Tho littlest girl managed to Bit a;'1 iiia 4' 05 12 40P.M.
reach the bons, of her mother, and ilnceepeld .....r. .., .• i,
told the story ot ill usage. A party Etxenta 1 e 5a., z sa FERRY'S
. t once started to the ,pone of •tbt ,',�,�.,. a ad'
it Landon ar(11ei0 51 530 5 :IQ
i srocity, a mile or so distfent,. seed ---- -----• ' • W F �.�
reached ilia either girl, to find leer' in " YABRTT ld$PORTlS. . '
a dung condition. Every part of bar R xo•itlesd►x:3 �►L TOAI **If
body was frozen. Klorreotedkt3Ile: k -qa, l
She was t,rgr�q � t0 ' +: ill i.e raai14+1
w8s♦T ..:t'1 apptic-ems
her mother.', house tied every effort WAiteeYnoa t . «, 0 eo to 0 el d i (u;tutticra lu,�year 1 ,lt
put forth to ssre per life. 0 eo too 6i ( 1•
She :lied tte,l �... la et f. Reputes',tttruhat.e,l,,iaes
ell Sunday. Th, poioe sieve irrrr .I.d � ice set .. o eQ a. u ; sway curt diractiv,as f.r Al:ulunp ani
9e a n.R , ylowerstliems• I3miss ,tp
. rl i � �A NASO,, Oat.rta,
COAQUL4NE.-•-Aereent fc►r Brok-
on ArKnlee, boder eTorr7wwhere.
trn(;i de Itlekere,--iCny 8Rt113.. StoaliSOrt,
the guilty parties.
gY111ii4w1t1tiT D + , ,r! w1 r4
info (nevi) ... 0 Bete 0 Bl
esrio7 ,.• 0 45i000
A $2.0.010 Biblical Reward. oats ..• 098 to 028
To the Trout as V u,a
With a First Glass stock, end at prices Chet DEFY QOMPETITION.
Full of elites ?attest designs in V.110 S,;
Worsteds, Overcoatil gs, Tweeds, .Etas. s
And made up in ?'irst.c see s te, and at prises that caning fail to piesee, AlI'Goods.
No Trouble to b Goody..
Bring along your Far>xl. Produce, for wbiih.
be Highest Prices will be paid..
i ...,l ' Ai2acir. Also.
SEPT. land, 1184,
The publishers of Rutledge. tlforithiy.af[er
twelve valuable rewards in their ,piney for
February, among which is the following.
We will give 820.40 to rho person telling
us the longest veraa in the Old Testament
Scriptures by February 10th, 1865. Should
two or more correct answeri be received the
llzw*au will be divided. The money will be neste par lb. .. 006 to 0
forwarded to tbo winner, February 15111,1685. Turkey per ib .., . . ,.. 008 to 008
?'arsons trying for the reward must stud :0 alttok asverp: . . Qa5t0 40 too080 O5o
cents in silver (no postage shape taken) with Hoge,dr.es.dper100'" 575 10 500
their answer. for which they will receive the Beef .. ... « 500 to a 00
Jfonthly for March, in whish the name and Rtd.,roats .. ." a 000 o 22i
050 to 079
0 19 to 090
700 to 800
7Seto 275
°lever Seed ,., •.. ..a 400 to y O0
Timothy " .., , . • 2 611 to a CO
T�en ,,. 065t0058
Corn . ... 000#0025;
`` „ 015to016
Sutter... ... e, - CIS 0 0 )5
Floorpsrbbl... 5 00 to 5 60'
Potetose,psr bas . . 0 55 to 0.0
ApDDlse,perhas „ . 0 40 to 0 50
DrtedAppi.apr b .. 0 04 to 0 05
address of the winner of the reward and the
correct answer will be published. and in
which *world more valuable rewards avilt be
offered. ,Address Rurl,anpn - POBr,Isnu o
Cowan, Eastoa, Penna.
The Great Carnival.
Thousands upon thousands of people from
all parte of the continent are going to the
Montreet Carnival at the end of January. We
bear the Montteal Deily Star is bringingout
a magnificent Carnival number, something
that will eclipse in artistic merit and absorb-
ing Into pet every illustrated paper heratofalo
issued In this country. It will have the at-
tack on the ice.pale.oe and defence by the
Garrison in all its maguilcont pomp and
brilliancy ; the toboggenning-tete in its true
natural beauty; the Ice.Condora after the
Egyptian ihodele, inaugurated with electric
and pyrotechnic iliumbiatlons ; the mam-
moth ioe.lion (British) ; the great sleigh..
drive, embracing thousands of snPerb anip-
agee,llnd probably the grandest thing ob.tbo e .
kind of modern times ; the fanny dross'bnter- Iw
tainmente, tree to nature ; and a uiagaifi- ',Wake up?" exclaimed Mrs. Mal
cent inset -plate of the ice palace in tints -a berry in a loud whisper, as,sho punch -
fine picture for framing. It will be remem-1 ed the slumbering Mulberry in thesbort
bared that there was a tremendous furoee ribs with her elbow the other ninlit•,
over the lass year's Carnival number of the .ribs tip; I'm sura I.hear to burglar
Montreal Star, the issue running up near a down in the diem room." "Don't
quarter of a million. It is said this year'a c owtn'rb them, then' said the drowsy
number will be far ahead of last. The ar- Mulberry, turning over on the other
fists are he writer Julian" Berrie and Ha- side:, "Bo just as quiet.. as you can,
barer. The writers, George Murray, ',Jelin.
Beads, Dr,Beore, "Adirondack" Xnrray,and and maybe they will eat some of .that
W. H. Turner. Grip sands for productipd in f suit -cake you have in the„pantry.”
the Carnival Star a double page which is said A. Waterford (Me.) correspondent
to be the most side splitting cartoon 'ager relates an anocdote'of Artetnus Ward,
published in this country. Fifteefi cents in which he thinks has lteyer been," ..in
stamps sent to thepublishers,Graham at Co,, p1 tet: Mr. Abbey, manager of the op.
Montreal, will secure a aopy of what::'le iidid ; era house in San Francisco. at '.one
to be the greatest illustrated paper ever is-
sued in this country.. -PIC.,
Oallesine •�..
Wool per tb
Ha porton .,:
11M�OntPOrbnetl• ,.
Woo por cord
Fall Wheat perbh v 80 to 0 In
Boring „ 0 80 to 081
Barley (bright)052 to 0 57
Barter !Priding) �` ": 0 is to e to
White ata. • .a .i o 98 to 0 :K'
Black Apple'pe bbl. 027'to080
e 1 00 to i 00
Potato.s...per bit - +... 025 to 0 52
e remarkable fact 18 that while steel
will malt in heat that 'dace not; affect
platinum, if toad be put iii the crucible
with the latter mall both will melt at
the low temperatureet which load liq-
uefies. Fire clay will mislt before plat-
inum. and yet leadcannciV'be melted in
a platinum crucible, for as long as the
lead molts the platinum with which it
comes in contact molts ties and the
crucible is destroyed. .
The Intricacies oP Finance.
Always bo careful, my son. says a
writer in the Boston Globe, about your
making change. Don't be imposed
upon. A station agent on the 'Old
Colony the other day. refused to take's
Canada quarter that I offered him .in
part payment for my ticket. I had
noticed a legend by the window that
foreign money was not good; but jest
before, I had given the cab -driver a
bill and he had taken it to the ticket -
seller to get it changed, and the ticket-
seller had given him the same Canada
quarter that I had offered at the win-
dow. So you see I had him. Ho
cursed' all drummers in slow voice and
gave me my ticket. , '
But always let your independence be
tempered ' with discretion.' Down id
Bangor once last year the'bartender in
tke hotel gave me back 41.50 or more
,IA Canada money. I' objected mildly.
He said that Canada money was good
anywhere down there, and, what was
more, that no guests of,tho hoose were
expectedto carry,' away any loose
change, anyway. That, you see, -made
it all right.
Look out for the steamboat pursers.
I saw a passenger once come to an of-
fice window and ask to have a bill
broken. The purser was sorry, but
he was almost out of small bills, and
would "have to give you some silver,
sir." And he had the gall to give that
stranger two lead -Dart -wheel, dollars in
with the other. change! Oh, I tell you.
my boy. for elephantine nerve the
steamboat purser beats *ileo all. if put
.to a fair test
i# MinneeSta. North Dakota. Hen- -,
lana, Idaho, Wastilegtoa and Ornaon
JkVona Labe $'pedes'tw Puget Sound.
et prices Wangle f chiefiy tram r2 to 18 per err-,
as to 10 years time Tats is the Hest Caen r
tog securing Goat Homes new open for Stttlemeel.
FREEbye arts, ar rio+,ernn,o,tt.
Iatn/l''rl.,rttniertilu 1gl.,,n.r
,milli, .+•('rtftnref.Kna. NOT
10.1t1$.443 Attests asst tissue: Tilt.% I
11 •tLI' of an the 1';Ilk 140144 th-iwevil of f.
"..•r,•inthe keetl,crnWelk eonntrv. nooks.1.:
Maps sent EnuredrseriIinr the Northern
I'aeltleCetswt.7.t.e.ltslin,ad ?.,est,t..r.,;ilo mn.1
dot PROS ti ,vernmenr JAY.AO.Intosxli1.-.t�.1;.
14403011,111, lame Caller, N. 1 .le, St. Poul, Moo.
Scientific American. thottu:40roar. time onl},towar torus at
their own Lomas. Vertu:see for Rlluwa
workers FTiENNENT & TENNENT, Vetsti•
.2 nary Burgeons. Graduetes of the Ontario
'Veterinary �s. College, Toren
to, have op
for the tire*
br iastroet Exeter. Calla
from a Iia- •-eestaaea proanNy
attended to; liiedlolne for Bores.. Cattle, 00.
alwayaOn hands
2 $end els 5ttoant pga
audbymlailyouwill got
` res a peokage of au* ds
to you is work Unit
will atone bring you in 'coney faster than
anything else In America. All about the •200°
000iapresents with (tech box. Agent* winced
overywhere,ofeither sex, of an ata. for all
tee _cit r I 9 lin J CLAan 8*dratery« ,.
absolutely sutured. Don't slay. . ALL1tTr -
O,. r ,
arced au Dina°
talent 41 all
Animals, o
The most popular Weekly newspaper dovot-
ea to science. Mechanise, endtllteriag. discov-
eties; invention and patents aver uubiishett
Every number illustrated with splendid eu-
gravtegs. Tills publication furnishes a most.
valuable enclyclnpodia of informetiou which
no person .bouid bo without. Tito popularity
oithe BorE:fr1rio Atlanree-a is such that its
circulation nearlyequals that of all other lat-
ofitsclasscombined Price $11.2o a pier.
Discount to clubs' Sold Ly all newsdealer,
MUNN e4 CO., Publishers, no, 981, Broadway,
Now York.
ATE'�TTS MUNN deco. have also
practice before he patient ogee at d Lave
prepared more than One IlundredThou.
sand applications for patents in the Unit-
ed States and foreign countries, Caveats.
Trade Slarks,Copyrights,dssignmonts,and
all Other 1 aper, for securing to inventors
their rights in ,the United States, Canada
England, Fi auce, Germeny and other foreign
countries vrepared at short and on
reasonable terms.
Information as to obtaining patents cheer.
fully given without charge. Hand books of
information sent free. Patents obtained
through Munnd&Co: are noticed in the Scien-
ti8o American . free. The advantage of such
notice is Well understood by all persons who
wish to dispose of their patents:
Address MINN &Co:, Scientific Amorioan,561.
Broadway.Ndw York:
Sarper's Bazar.
mime telegraphed -to him as follows: L1 U
twelve nights 1ltan:eaa lIl<ilancisco'P
Ward received the "teldgrala°whi�ie` 1¢ -
in; on the sofa. 1"Witholif''rising, '`lie
turned 11 over and Wrote ori' the beck:
"Mr. Abbey—Brandy and water. ' A.
New & Superior Cando, Naps & Shuts
Aapayiosa.-any Aseac in the world. For
fuilppartioulars,tre. addreis,Ff.a.7lliNISow
MapPublttbor 388 Richmen4•nt.d',Ondon,Ont.
The Annsfsl Meeting of the Usborne & 81bbert u ,
Mutual rice Inpnrsuoe Co. will lie held,at Ter- .
Ter -
Water on Menday,the and day of Fellruary ext
one o'aleak p. n1.. for the purpose Morse* rings
the reR�aer�S. of the Dtr.ctorg, and the .lsoiion:ot .,
Boardof Directors for the ourreutyea5. -
sc C Pa tlAnd lreia.
NOTICE ' ' '°of :antonym ineetin the Court 1 k'
xr^c.rrrv�t,,V TltaCottinollofthe tlarpbr4tioltoftlleCounty, ,m in the,.
97th 3ust.
chase Annie*. Potatoes end reality. Write sesayttat nib:1,044.th° rime Haim er t be
Pind orders, sells on Coraralettion,tor
the eeeerat
Co Clerk'.
my este Ido eat Iowa m.r.lr to atop them for at
Its.1s8 thea bars km. mora .teas Imola • r*h.i..ra.,
1lhare made t2o dna,... of NITS, murex or PALLING
efotilftea a 1Bedalgal•d7. 1 ,.east ata r, .dr to corer
12. wont caeca tt.o.ses DIM have 1.n.4 3i so ',sopa for
Zit paw resolving a ear+, rood .t ones fora emotes, sad *
Pres Bottle of my infallible rdm.d7. Oh. Ittpre..nq roe
ogee, it Cant. roll nodded fora trial. mad rvinous rat.
Adir.aapr, n. 0. i100T,'1atl..rr et., Sow Tort'-.
T . — •Leve'ct..w. bins,
b.vo a 8esttiva f The y .r us n i Y
iaewcd. et cm* .r The want :41.M sod. of rebs .t..d10 Omsk,
Met beenit omatt Indeed,roslroUR 0207 loltb Wilk Ito L
Met 1 will e..4 TWO 2 is die i WI, Woks,
g geese
e TREATED( on 1811 4TN.es to as Warw. ter. abi ea•
yrew.ndr 0..444*1 PLT.A.ltOC 1.tra.rt8b.lial:
DVIIRT1SERS send tar our select list of
40, Loo .1 Newspapers. Geo. P.ROwe11 & Co"
10 Spruce -St.. N. Y.
Repairing of Al Binds
ID. M ci..G1..L� S H,
::THA"CEA Who recently opened s REPAIR SHOP in
'A. War — hat . �ylill. -yea take '. for .
SATURDAY, JAN. 31st.—Real Estate, the prop-
erty of Samuel Bennie, Hensatl.; .,Sale,
at 2 o'clook, p. in. E. Bossenberry eiuo,
CALrAs—Bunt.At the residence of the
bride's father. Mr. Callas tot Miss Katie
t s
Birk, both of Dashwood.. ,.
Theron P.Keator,Editor:uf Et Wayne;Indr
"Gazette," writ's : `Tor the „past' kve `'yeais
have, alwayil :aged, Dr. King's NOW Discovery,
for ,:toughs of most severe oharaoter,as well as
for those of a milder type. It never fails td
effect a speedy euro. My, friends',to)vhom I
have recommended itepesk of it in same high
;terms; Haying beep .cured by it of, every
cough I have'had for are years, I Consider it
the only reliable'and sure ewe for Coughs,
colds ere," Cullat C. Lutz's Drug, Store and
get a Free Trial Bottle, Large Size 0.00'2
Survival of the Meet., Down's Elixir . has.
outlived every other Dough remedy simply
because itis the best.
The most interesting feature of the recent
exhibition at Montreal was a company of'col-
ored Tubile a Singers engaged in manufacturing
the oelebsated Gold Coin Tobacco, and at the
same time delighting ';the crowds of spectators
alnasilioneeaeldoad exquisite
popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the
thanks of the commituee tendered to the Ad
or r•a
anis Tobacco Co. f tiles ttractiveeELibit
Harper'aBazar is the Dilly paper at present
Lu the world time comb nee the choicest
literature andthe finest artilluettationswith
tine latestiaebions and methods of household
adornment. Its weekly illustrations and de-
scriptions of tbo newest Paris and New York
,tyle., with its useful pattern -sheet supple.
montandcut patterns, by enabling. ladies to
be their own dressmakers, save many times
the mete, enbsoription. Its papers on 000's
Me, the mdnagementot servants, sand: house-
keeping in its various details are eminently
practical. Much attention is given to the in-
teresting topic of social etiquette, aud its illus-
trations of artneedle work are aoknowledgod
tobeunequalled, Its literary merit is of the.
highest excellence, and the univue character
of its humorous pictures has won for it the
name of the American .Punch'
FANSSN'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re -
calved a , New Lathe, by the assistance of
b' h h pared to repair
Satisfaction guaranteed in every oase. Be.
pairing done with neatness and despatch,
remember the pilaw.
Pinson'° Block, Exeter.
ler workingpeople. Send leceats
II rage,sudwe
wilimatl youfsdd.yal, valuable sample box of
s that will put you in the wary making more money is as than you ever thought possi-
ble at any business. Capital not
required. You can live at home and work spare
time only or all the time, All, of both sexes
of ail ages grandly successful. 50 cents to 56
easily earned every evening. That all who
Want work may test the business, we make this
unparalleled offer : To all who are not well
satisfied we will send es to pay for the trouble
of writing us. Sul' parbonlars,directions, do.
sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure fox all
who start' at once. Don't delay. Addresa
Brinson & Co., Portland, Maine.
So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar-
deners, and fruit growers of America of the
great National) Weekly. the Kura} New York-
er. The beet writerein the world* Original
throughout. Over 500 illustrations from
nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages.ask
those who) know. Specimens gladly sent
without oliarge. $2,800 worth of presents
offered to aubsoribera for the largest , clubs.
Conducted • by praetable ferment. Its Free
Seed Distributions are invaluable. Oven 600
1 contributions. Posters and outfits on appii-
cation, Send for them. B'BRAL rmw-YoBBEn,
24 Park Bow, N. Y
Established 18'71.
Harpers T'nung People
The serial and short stories to IlABPEa,s.
Per Year.
Yonne Peons* have ell:thedramatio interest
HAI;PER'S BAZAR thatinvenile fctiou cat, pelmets. while they
00 are wholly free irons• whit 4. potniecion. or
ARPER'S AZINE::................'vitlgarleneatina. nocentnend the
• D0 and pictures are hill of innocenqHARP {S'wl;EKLYpa ereon natural history'rnd eoienoe, travel,I}I{,� �..B0 d tfie facto 01 lifer••are• byo-writenN tat.
�•- • Ave the best ossa
BARB 7�flt71T({ PE(1PIi .. cJ 0 1 illustrated paperaonathelotic °pori°,
nn rg=nce of accuracy. and.
veal°, i
games andpastimes ve full information on
these snbieotsr There isitothing •'cheap shout
itbust,price. i:ep.,
of evarrt in !that 'is attrsotive
6n desirme p 4 g
and deairable.in in siesta literature.—Boston
A veee's least of good things to the boys and
girls of everyfamilywhie l ft visite.-Brooklyn
Union,isouderiul in its�we e th of pictures, in-
formation, and interest.— t/rietinii Advocate,
TERMS : Postage Prepaid', 82 Per Year.
Vol, VI. commences November 4, 18%.
SINGLE NII1B ERk,FiVe Cents each. 1
Relnittan yes should be. made by Pest. Of lee
Money Order or draft , to avoid chance of loss,
Newspal.,ersare not to copy this advertise-
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Adaresg HARPER &BROTIiERS,Nuw'Vonx
8 b.' t n
(leii;Year (b2'Numliers)........ ....Kin::. lo, da'
Po.tui'c r`oe to ell subscribers in tlit United
states ofigenada • -
The,voolenies of the Beambegin w.th the first
Numb eexfor January' of each year When no
time i§`n1Oiittioned it will bo m•dersteod that
the .ubseriber .visiles to commence with the
Wernher nest tater the receipt of order.
The las2'fire annual volumes' of Harper's
Bazar in neat cloth binding, will be sent by:
mail, postano pai ,, or by express; free of ex-
peuee (provided the ,freight does not exceed 81
per volume), for 57 per volume.
Cloth 0 ases for each . volume, suitable for
binding will be sent by mail, postpaid, ea re-
eoipt of 81 each„
Remittancesshouid be made by Post-Ofrlce
Money Order or Draft, to avoid °hence of loss.
Newspapers are not. to copy thin advertise-
ment without tne express order of Harper &
Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour.
. n&11n Canada Owned and Published
• by a Farnier.
' 44rt 'lour best friend,,'
«IL* is worth ten times its cost."
"The dollar spent for the eAdvocate ' is the
best spent moneyfroor
"The wife and fancily are also delighted
with it."
"No farmers house should be without
The right information in the right season by
the best specialists thateaabe procured on
the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and Or-
chard. Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary,
Markets, Famity Oircle,Ettc., Eta.
Only $1 Per Annuz"ti.
Sample copy sent, free to applicants mention-
ing their, Lot, Concession and Post;OOice.
TE, Ii0, DOI, ONT.