HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-1-29, Page 4I ',C$e Dominion Government have amount saved, it will be see i that the away buildings will cost the publio nothing, compered wait the unneoee eery expense they are et present bur- dened with. Pe fide'gime. *vs to silos Manitoba an annual 'sill ttep , JANY. 291h, 1885. °grant of $100,000, inetesd of se fata- 1 erly $46.000. Thie is in lieu of TRAW ERAYOF, PARLl.l3:f. X'T, 'toads which Are held as Dominion ---- ! Wide, aid in addition to tie the The .'eerrperanoe parli,emeut which [ Province le to retain ell the ewalaop has been in seeeton it' this city dux.- I lands leased of one -self as hereto- ing the week is * body thea repro -1 lore. The revenue of 'ilfanisoba wilt terata a !nor* extended awl powerful b. $445.000, end es the erpep to Kraut, than any avatar ]ane- creams so will the pe p i . bar of representative. of only nether ITbia settlement la final. assooialion. These gentlemen repro. t lout cot only the body of pledged and ; Team will be general uetisfeetiouJ or anis ed temperauae men, Trani~ also a when the announaeweat that at site that much terser body of mets, who, the" Ontario. Le' thengb not pledged to the prsetoe of primate esaatonlpof total abetinenoe, nor members of any gisleture, we may look for the intro• organization for temperance props. unction of an Aot to compel manioi• gandsiia, er„ Yet prepared• to giro oto polities to leave their floencial year to the tempera o., +rockers. and so end with the tet of Deeewber in or vote. on general principle*. for the d that the rate ayes may teinpern.tioe cavae. This body is ranch larger than either the Ta mptn-- &noe Parliaement or their tate imagine; and it is mainly by their insane Wet the aaooiaa improvement wbioh ie de- nted will in the sola be accomplished. The Teroperi,noe Peerlientent ecueiat- The Scott Act. The Canada Gazette of Saturday beat ow:tains a proclamation dealer. ing she Canada Ternpereuce Act to come in force in the oauntiee of Her. on, Brune and Norfolk, after the ex- piry of they prneent lioeneed. The AO was voted upon in the city of Geelpb on Thursday last, and resulted in the Act being parried by a majority of 169. The Licensed Victuallers of Ster< mons, Diode; and t lengerry will en: ter a new action to test in the Su- preme Coat the couatitntionality of the Scott Ae . A legal Erni in Corn- er s be wade wall :a now working ap the cane, aware of the state of the Allitnaae. of ' the corporation prior to, the utunroi - pal elections. Mr. O. O. Ermatinger, M, P- P. for East Elgin, will attend to the matter, awl this will he one muenrs at least dist will thesis the QilL EGXik ",['.. B&u4IAN.T si I4'1OB]r OV 'TUE BRITISH ed of a number otvery able end very wpm*pr,ferreol to iof both nd bg Th`Ilaxsmater i�a�Iue iaandou.,Taelo X11~, >deriatis a result loos 000urred in Egypt, tend the result wits eatisfectory to Lord Wulaely.l, The bottle t•►ok place hear Metamnob. Ten thooeend rebate amain! the *quer., Hamel teem in wbioh the British foro m were edvanciug, but ware compelled eventually to Mgrs. perpetrated by a goterallnetlt. Three The rebels foot 800 killed and 800 The foil wi'atil estreat from a letter wounded. The �'uglit{ta bit 65, Awe earnest sten their pt000edioge her time age, and we are flea*ed to know h.en oouduoted with dignity and die• tet .tope will betaken to bring oretioa, end their ot•Uolu*tone will about the desired change. have great weight with the public.-•<- Toronto Mail of Friday. Tea, school book enoaopoly is one f"ER t'ENT. PROFIT, of the greatest pines of j abbary ever pubhshere have been granted the sole right to paibbeh the readere for a per.' iod of ten years, The books oast 68ot•., mud ere sold so the pebiio et $1.85.; forty per cent prat to the ring sod lwenty!ievetl :pee cent profit to the bookseller. It is maid the riog wttl iter bell* million of dollar.. The platacost the Ontario Goterutneut , p t75,00% and the right of publlsbiott hermit of the British troop s published in the Lontlou Fred Pros, and written by tdr. W. Bryce, book: sailer, Loudon, with reference to the .heel book at000poly, shows that not only the book dealers, but the parade are pinmiler er tribute to three firms at publishers in Toronto for tau yams, so that the i0dividuils composing the ATMs may grow nob ons profit of 60 per oent. Mr. Bryce is well known to be friendly towards the Monet Government, therefore los statements can not be attributed to party teenage : If !aerate of the public were in view, wby mai a monopoly? Why rofalee the right to publish the book*, except to a favored three, if the interest of the fathers of families wars the one in the Minister'. ruled'? Then how could low twine be giros, to them except by free oompetation in printing the eine, Apricots far M the bookseller* are interested, if Hon. G. W. linea never thought of them, why put *douse in the agreement fixing th o dtsoonat at 90 per cont., and at the some time a second obtuse compelling the publish. era to sell to any one a dozen books tit the ao same diaunt f I fenny, at wall ae my fellow tradesmen,. that be did have the book trade is mind, mad in a very Implement wig for the unfortunate dealers, who will now And their living suddenly destr,yed in a moot timest meaner. This is, I in Ontario whoa a Minister of the first the Crown has taken the responsibility of firing the prism the people must pay for that which the Government oompet them to nee, and at the same time naming the discount to the trade. Now. Mr, Editor, 'appose this wag attempted in the ease of cotton, sugar, or any other article is dailyconsnmption, would not the dealers, from Ottawa to Windsor, insist, as the booksellers are now doing, that snob an unfair arrangement should be eau - called ong the British who fell was Col. Burnaby, who made the female "ride to Khiva."" cox.. Baaslaasr'S nano. The morning paper. coutaiusd columns of d;soripttonu and el. meets regarding General Stewart's beetle, uuanimouely extolling the . Col, Burnaby to desaiibsd at dying like a from the plates hat been given to Ur. Nelson, of the (tints, nage k Co, and the Canada Publishing Co. Nelson ham already dimposed of his right to Gopp, Clerk & Co., for bonus of $2.5,000. To elbow the extent of this .Injustice, we mightlntentlon that ane of the largest publishing arms in. Tor. auto offered to publish bootie for 88i per Dent less than the Government as nag.—Woodstuok Tun. EXETER A8 A COUNTY TOWN. al The dols whit% appeared in the Teak. of the 8th ilia, under she above caption, has been esuotianed by many, and we are glad to state' !bat iltspe will be taken to forward the "debates. A'ay tight -thinking man oaanat but ogres with qs that the propend. county would be of much benefit to the lowcibips interested. It wilt be remembered that the town: ships of Hay, Stephen, McGillivray, Bildulph, Viborne end Hibbert, to. other with the villages of Exeter rand Limo, were mentioned as the municipalities to form the new ? county, but after aonversidg with rev: As this discussion bas attracted eo mob Oral persons on the matter, we have notice from the press, and as it has been ! concluded that Tuokaremith and stated by the three publishers mid others in. Stanley should be included, to order terested Chet, on account of low retail mica to make* neater county. To give and quality being so evertor, they cannot M• aori sit idea sato the eituatlou afford to give the trade any better terms, I our Maori do not think it can du any harm to either l of the different townships we give' the side in this question to inform the publio the following sketch :-- calh pries, anal hunt we, the trade, are nn_ Wily dealt with. The rets&! primal the new readers are:— ( let part first book. 10 cants ; 2nd part first book. 15 tents ; second book, 25 cents; third M book, 25 cents ; fourth book, 50 cents, being STANLEY: a total of $180 for the flue books. The average cod is half this pries, or 68 cents net for the Ove. The priee to the trade is 111.85, less 20 peri ( cent., or 111.08 net. The publishers' profits are MI cents on the five books; the trade's 27 dents, or just about enough to cover the current expenses of a small bookseller, while the publishers are getting rich at the expense of the trade and the public.—Mr.Bryce (Boukeellerj,in Lon- don Free Pray. EDITORIAL NOTE& Tax Toronto Telegram suggests that the Ontario Government should amend the Municipal Aol under which eine elections are carried on, so as to require electors who vote for Mayor to do so in the ward .in which tbey reside, and poioss out Ibit under the present system a person owning property in different wards may vote In each ward for Mayor if he likes to tun the risk of detection. Excirnro news has arrived trom. Egypt. The column of 1.000 Brit. ish soldiers, under Genera! Stewart, had a severe engagement with 10,000 of the Mandi'a troops ; the latter were badly beaten, leaving 800 killed and 800 wounded on the Belo of battle. The British loss was 65 killed and 85 wounded. Tne English poured into the'. enemy two deadly discharges from their Martini rifles, afterwards continuing the combat, with. sabres and bayonets at half arms length,both sides fighting with desperate courage.. Among the officers slain was Col. Burnaby, celebrated for his famous "Ride to Shiva.", SAY STEPHEN MoGILLIVBAT true British bull dog, with the right band clenched in death about the throat of an Arab, who's spear was throat through the colonel's teak. A BM TO BAND YAMS, Additions) particulars say the battle was a fearful heed to hand 'lett. Most of the Arabs were armed with' spears and protected with spiked sheelde of on bide. They rushed to otoes quarters and swermad over the bodies of their dead and wounded comrades. The Euglieh troops after the first two rounds fought with shortened sabres and sword bayonets wielded at half ars length. If the matter is pushed still more vigoronely,we shall be glad to furnieh a map, and see that it is freely print: ed and widely distributed. The first step toward any advancement of the eoheme 1e to gall a meeting and have a fund o a few hundred dollars raised in order that such oommitties es might be appointed,would have the means of putting the facts of the eoheme be- fore the people, from the platform and otherwise. When we 'Sea more clearly that we are going to be assist: ed in the matter, details will be gone into, showing that thousands of dol: late will be saved "annually by this scheme being carried out. By this Weld Western Ways Oa Thereby slight a dance wan held at the house of Jim Bounds, iu Ohicogsuii Nation,Ind.Ter by *renter named Book Saab. During the pro- gram of the dame several • bites sr. rived on horseback, cooly tied their horses and entered .she house without invitatinn. They Here healed indif. fereatly. Oce of the strangers fired revolver towards the ceiling. This was e a gas r a ge eel . 1 -1 d. A guest named Gordon opened on -•. the leader of the intruding gang, and killed him, bit Gordon immedistety received s bullet in his heart. The lights were put out and a Wile waged. Over one hundred shots were fired. Women ren soreaming from the room out into the woods. After five min- utes* continuoila firing two of the strangers rnsbed out, mounted their homes and escaped. When lights were brought two of the strangers were found dead on the floor and covered with blood. Neer by lay 'Three dead guests, including Gordon, while Buck Smith and another guest were found dying. $7.50, with it manse. Leave was eiv en to the trustees of Wtilie ouuroh,. Cliutan.. to mortgage their new Church property for a sum not ex needing $5,000. Mr. McG.livray's *Marge of the Gaelic station, Gods*ioh, was 000904 and resignatiou of hie bits. Pritchard watt lnetruated to, pro ours suitable elpplyi felt. item- Di, eieEuigbt, of .Halifax, was nominated. as nest Moderator of Assembly, The ,following deliver+uce weei given and uueuiinously agreed to xeepecuug the agitation partied on in certain guar - tors to destroy the stringency of the Temperenee Act of 1878: "That in - winch as tilts i.'a'e,abytery hue et= ready expreesod itvelf in sywpittby w th the Scott Act, and in.avmricti its s petitiou has been prevented to Par. liereent asking for aertsi4, changed to be made which will invalidate the Act, resolved that the cane er heti Hone ;slued by toe. Dominion All aaoe be,con:in:tended to the intonate aid sympathy of the members end abet - elute of the eherollea within it,0 bunnds, awl that those pennons he as lsreely agent end as quickly tee. warded ail possible "" Neat meettug be held inBattfertb on ;line Toes. day of Mach et 11 a, at. IIRQllllf8QN 8 situ? UQiUZED Eat s^ SzION by its aatialaulethig action upon the argues of digestion and easinsutation, and by its powerful alterative tonic mad nutritive properties, purifies the blood freta slit taint, and inereates its solid oonstiluents. Always ask ter l unox's Pneumonia) i; Nlil,eielf, mad be sura T01 get it, ADVICE TO MOT.ldt .. Ax. you disturbed at Melt and broken of your restbyasickolind anetering and crying with pain of Dulling teeth? If eo,send at ones and get *bottle of MBS WIN$f,0W'fi SOOTIUNG R ItUt' It*Talne ti Iucslculeble. It will re- lieve laze poor Intie sufferer immediately.De- pond upon itmothers, there le no mistekeshosat it. It cures dysentery and disarrboe . regalatas the stomach end- bowel*, cures vied ooile ottani tate Simms, redeem tuts nrraatioe, •std gives tease and energy to the, whole system Use, ra Sri= Toa Warm. a"Tcr uaaic4 is pteassat to the tame, and le the preseripiton atoms of the eldest and beat female nurses and physicians in the United States, audio forest* by ell druggists through ire l the world. Frio* int smite a bottle ► HE PERSON WHO DROVEOFF with a Talmo eantetning s normo cosi Mime and a ;pair of skates strapped on the outside, which was placed in his critter by �after =oabrerfCdt"aysntng.bJtaetttertun oh '1ii*.a omco, Qxster.orto the Ret,saal rink at MM. and says trouble, es he ie Mum:.. SAT, 140111. IIRL HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE T11,00115 111110111 Regular price, 75185190 sexes per yard. ALL Marked. Down TO 66o PER YARD TO CLEAR. ESTATE OF HENRY WALTER 1 ,HALL, tato of Excter,Bs rlater• et•Law. , Nottoe is trarebyl� given that creditors amitFlydt 001110 first served. They ot.er persons baring claims a aiaet the estate or the above-xiemed Henry Walter Hall, wlw f are bound to go. diad onor*bout lath Dsosmber,188i, are on or before the 15th da of March, 1665, to send by ppaast ppropatd, 50 Walrs. Street* eschte,of sueHall, I,e T Iaadoro the solicitors se .their Christian Suroa this said, addresse their t't10x BROS oteph Christian end Surnames and addresses. the ,jL-. .Lt IIeliparttonlaraolthstrolatms andihe nature o! the seonrlttea «t aany heli by theta ; sad that the said Exsoitor will proceed, atter the seta lath Karah,]855,t o die tdbute the assets of the testator amongst the patties entitledtbere- to.haying lewd only totie claim of which the saidSaw: ntorhaetheanoMoe. dad notice Is hereby E�iisen that 'all monies due the estate of the said Runty Whiter Ritil are tote paid only to tho undersigned,. STREET *DECREE, onon, Solicitors fax Joaepbr Hall. Executor of h, W. Hs1L Landon,22ud Jannary,18e5. Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery met in Blyth on Tuesday last. Mr. Ramsay was ap pointed Moderator for the ensuing six months. A letter from Dr. Cochran* wee stead stating that the Assembly's Home Mission Committee appointed, Rev. T. G. Thomson, c f Braoefiell,ss their missionary to Burrard„Inlet, British Columbia, and requesting'that he be loosed from his present charge. It wit agreed to offs the congregation of Union oburoh, Brimfield to appear fax their interests` at the next, regular meeting of Presbytery, when the qua: tion of dissolving the pastoral tie oomes up. A. circular from the Jom• minae on Augmentation of Stipende was read setting forth the :amount ex- pected from the whole church for this object, viz $80,000, as also the amount expeoted frw this. Presbytery, viz : $750, and requesting' that im- mediate action be taken on the ma►• ter, as also that aid receiving emigre - Rations be visited. The following deputations were accordingly appoint ed to visit said congregations, viz : Mr. Atoheeon and bis elder to visit Exeter, Mr. Martin end his elder' to visit Grand Bend, and the clerk was instructed to write to the congrega- tions of Bayfield Road and Berne re- quiring them equiringthem to raise the stipend of their minister to the minimum, viz .1, 8UTrUERLAND,HEN TALL, e ONT., Coxviersecacsa, Ooldrnasroxti t Fire andzife Insnzsztoe Agent and Issuer of Marriage Laoeuses. All business transacted stirotryoontidontial. A Can solicited; odtoe at the Poet Office: JOHN MoDONELL. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIJEN$ES. o}P=CE IN PsrroN's Jewanar STOaa Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance Company or Canada, Mercantile Insurance Co -Capital r500.00C.00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont. Glasgow it London Insurance Coy—Oap• nal 55,500,000; Head Officio, Montreal. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter. MONEY i.,;F I can lend any amount of Money(edarm le - entity e t6,et sad 7 per eent.acoordltiig to terms Privatehnnds a specialty.' Oharges��moderate H W HALL, Earriefe,atxeterri CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stook of all kinds of Dye -staffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winsn's Condition Fowl. PROPERTY Lb,T • For Sale. A aelltInished and convenient Dwelling Hones and Lot onBnron Street, East of ldaiinstreet. Exeter. . . 'For particulars applyto MR. B V ELL,IOT. Solicitor &c. Exeter, Clearing Sale.,.. Bank's :016. Stan,' (2 Doors north of Post Office) • Butrer•and: Eggs Wanted. In • Exchange for Goods. We have just received a large c&nsignment of goods direct from wholesale houses, which we will sell at very 'close prices. plendid vainein Cashmeres, 'Velveteens, Gorey, Boar. let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A nice line of table napkins and . covers., Splendid Winoey, Grey and White Cotton—very cheap Alpo Tweeds and •Ready-made Clothing. Lot groceries to be sold veroy oheap. In Bootee' ez Shoes we have added some new lines, and are prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. May 29th. JOHN MATHESN. Exeier. ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family reoip- es carefully prepared at the Cc- t raiDrug Store Exeter C. LtJTZ EXETER• THE Planing Mill! MIL 1004 and ILIN !ORT ALL'KIEDS OF T U N ING Done to order. Bememberlthe place. DveD.,4 I3ow;rde BTATIOt1T4T.