HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-1-29, Page 1i 1 "H W TO THE LINE, LET TTIE' CEIPS FALL WHERE THEY IdAY.'" Vol.II., No. 20 1 Xt.47 , ONT., TIEMBSDAY MORNING, , IT•A.N 29, 1885, ---Just eeeivedW New Bain*, blew Currants, New Figs, New Dates, New Prunes, Fresh oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Szseoeq,. Her. rings, Yarmouth Bloaters, Fresh Haddies, Oysters by qt., out or dish, a good stark of Tobaccoes. and Pipes cheap , 1..-t G A 13 ' T. . &..J' LEGAL. T$. DIoKso1 , Bsrrieter, Soli - A e comer sworn, art, lie t 1'ubl n. LOOM. COUraranee., Annzp?4set0ntT. 141o. Nonny Lo uouaz AND TIM TOWER OF LONDON. Quite tea rraason'e Mork slues. DYNAMITE. T Ficus TR A[+0U UP yua l'AH�t. )ENT • MoFADDEN, R L,Rarnst11', Solicitor, CsIn l', El0., 13x>a;170R, - • ONT. Otlioa a.mweui Mork (heirs old oetaa) DENTAL. ` s' LT KINSMAN,DF1X' 't `.;,. D.0 Iioslion, An. 24. It would be ial- pasaible to describe the excitement that prevailed in the city to day when it beoame known that au attempt had been made to blow up the 'rower of Loudon. audjbe Homo of Palle - me *' uy tykes, Titus Oates, the Me r•.r, au he Rye house plots d tea root conspiracy all ea tits' a ed iuteuee excitement ; but tb* 1.e t provoked end have hgets. "7 11 pared with the frenzy tbtttl,tiv to -day. The Loudou Poor bliss and the. Uude:ground railway 1xsealook. explu,icue were comparatively harm- Teetis.«x- lasso ; but here are iniitaocea where emsoomosenermhistoric and valuable property 'i* des troyed and sHTarai ,ir*ontt itsaured, ------ setae it ie feared fst&Uy. The expel - lone occurred about two o"olook, that In the I srliam�ent boildiags priced- iug the one in tae Tower by a few mtiutea, though it was quits appal', tint that they were inieuded to hap- pen synchronously. The ordinary entrance to the immense Tudor Gothle building covering uesrly elirht sores of grouud, known as the Parlia- ment buildings, is through Wenimin- star hall. Ou the right aide of this hall are the entrance* into the prig - opal mate, end ou the left is the psi. vale entrance of ;ns 'nowhere of the Hnuse of Commons, and also au or- nameutalgate oloeieg the pangs to the crypt below. At the south ens of the ball is a flight of steps, leading though St. Stephen's' poralt to the central hall, on the left or north side of which lies a portion alba building allotted to the Commons, and on the right or south side dist; belongiug to the Queen and the Pears: Aoorrldor leads in either direotion to the lobbies of the respective Honest, and immedi- siely out of these lobbies the House` itself opens, the Speaker's chair co oupying the cud opposite the door to o the chamber. There were two ex- plosions iu this pile of buildiuge, the fire; of which took place in Weetmin. i iter hall. aud ILe mood, three min - am after. in the House of Commons. A lady who was in the hall noticed a mall square parcel near the entrance .0 the crypt, and as she looked z1 it I she saw a thin line of smoke and a MONEY TO LOAN AT 6} AND 7 spark, which was apparent in the Fqudaper cent. according terms. Private gloomy part of the building in which Ootoberl5.' v B. F.IiI,LiOT, to it had been placed. She, with great 10 Solicitor, Erato' pretence of mind, draw the attention VOR SALE. -TWO• STORYFRAME of the polioewan who was on duty to tnwELLING Rouen sudOuOsore eland. what she correctly surmised was as situstedon the Thrunes8oad.9imiles east of Infernal Machine. The policeman, hed; splendid orohard of ahoi e fruit -bearing , it once rushed to braes; gocdweliend cistern. Suitable for a re whose name is Cole tiredfarmer Will be sold cheap for cash. Ap the spot' aud seized the snepioioua ply to THOMABALLIN. EaeterP O iv 19 -ti parcel, ,and perceiving a fuse,attemi t ed extinguish it ; but it burned with such rapidity and �cloeed iso quickly ou NP1010aL lir.HT`NDMAN.-CORON RFOR the CoantyofHe,ro,,. Ul4oa, opposite to mr.i.nerneu"setere.l<xetet W. BttOWNING ?i. D. M, 0 audrsstdsi o . AR+alon aboonrai elY.tExeterr..t� 1111.d,!i, -61- 11 ,M. houserrsoantlyoeonpt.d =P liol'htlt e. OrtioN Urdu 84.11xstsr,Ont. es.1188oe CLUTZ, IC Il~ R Olaceatmaredde:me tooter. R. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI ?MINTY TrinNyOolitgliember0ellexs pursialane►n.dtumaeour On•..,AGloe3lrkton ' AiPORTANTNOTIOE8. �EN1 Y EILBE,R, Licensed Auo. Townshipps. Beer oise or oada tori atmodeerratelil'stteei oAierl &t POetroiltee.0rediton. Oat. ONEY -4-SJL tate forTO Le Burton OAN ON REALESrie Loan • - Society. Lew Valued intend. Applyto Jolla epaokman,8xetor. XT d. CLARK, Agent for the Us - .A.11 •borneand ttibbert tin tualFirernsuranoo Company, Bestdenee-Farquhar. Orders by anattpromptltr ttivadedto. '08. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER ey in the Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills, tforttager.Leaees,and all forgms of agree. merits tl-IP tn. Oenuteenn rlSotelBlolaw. en- sall.Ontario torn to pleoee. Looking at the Vanadian. °bomber a short time after the era- .."-,-.. rs Au order-in•Cottueel ie pablielool in plosion, it prevented a fearful piotu of doetrnotiou, Tha glass roof i completely destroyed. The floor i littered with splutters of oken glass fragments of statute, and sever large Moues have been torn out o their pease. While the excitemen in the neighborhood of the Parlistzteut building* woo intense. it was nothing compared to the frenzied feeling that prevailed about the Tower of London. On the slight of Saturday, 80th Oat. 1841, a Are occurred. whiob aeri.,uely imperilled the White Tower, which woe the object of attack this after- uoet,. Then the greet armtory,a large and imposing range of buildioga form hog part of she Tower,sua situated on the mirth side of its preoiuote, to the east of 81. Peter's chapel, was eultr. sly cousumed by the oonflegrattou, which had broken out in the Round or Bowyer Tower, itutuedi*tely adjoin, lug. Tradition says the Tower was founded by thins Cmear, while the, whole strnoture was bail; by William the Conqueror, and subsequently im- proved by Henry 111. in the White Tower, which is aenooiated with many historic eveute, Sir Walter Rateigit was tmprisoaed. The whole building is opera free to the publio on Mondays and Setordaye, and today, taking ad.1 ventage of the flue weather, there was 1 vary large *tteadanos. the ma. jority bemn3 woolen and ohitdren. The exact locality of the explosion is more difficult t pl*tie hers them in the Par- liarueat buildings; batt it appears to have been in the banqueting hall, now used as the armory, and in which was stored a large number of Alartini rifles. And it was behind a rack of these rifles UM the deadly oompouud wee plaoed. TAU work of deetruotion was widespread. While the solid ma: sorry of the tower remains uninjured, everything within the walls has felt the force of the exploeiou. The rifles ars twisted tato all imaginable shape. at if bout and ooulorted in the fitment of Titans, All the glees and other fragile artibles in the ball are smash- ed into atoms, and a taiga hole was torn through the floor at the spot where the dynamite lay, cud a einu- lar bole wits blown through the cell: ing of the two floors overhead. Oue lady bad her arm broken, a man had his leg emsshed in two plans., several persons were badly bruisod,end antics bildren were badly out about the face aud heads `by flying splintery. As soon as the nature of the exploe: on was satinwood, the tower doors were closed and all egreae from the building refused until a thorough ex; aminsttion of all the visitors had beau Made. Surgeons were rent for to at: tend to the wounded, extra polioa and a etraug detective force were called and the work of examination was commenced. Every oue was required to give a satisfactory acoouut of his antecedents. This was doue in every cave except that of a Canadian, a sea: faring man, upon whom suspicion at first was fastened. He was arrested, but subsequently released, as no in. iudriminattng oiroumetauoe8 could be proved against him. The deteobivea, who are more ingenious in their theorise, than in oapturiug the perpe- trators of dynamite outrages, are en deavoring'to fasten the guilt of the Tower ezplotion upon a tall and els gently dressed woman, who was seen in the arm.try with a gentleman of military bearing, but who were, not to be found when the doors were dos- ed. ,dIt is enpp •ped that she conceal- ed the dynamite ruder the long cloak, whioh she wore. It is soaloaly co e nary to add that hie is within s mare than a surmise. The some in (rout of hie Tower was of the wildest descrip- tion. The orowd hooted and shout ed, and wren it was known that the police sere searching the visitors, in the hope of obtaining soma clues, the cries went up of "Roast the rasoale," and "Lynch the villains." In this popular fury new fuel wag added from time to time as men aud women were parried out on stretchers or supported by their friends. Children were sees with ern and bleeding faaee,and their fresh young faces and hair dabbled with blood., Official estimates made by Govern. meut inspectors place the amount of damages,wrought by the explosion in Westminster Hall the House of Com- mons aud the Tower at $70,000. The oouuty of D. ummoud, Quebec, will vote on the Soot& Act un the 51h f.March. JOHN T= aDON ublisbera Birt Proprietor Saturday's Oanaddt Gazette amending s the rates for passenger trafle on the , Oavadien Pacific, Rahway. al The Poll Office Savings Beek .state- f moat for December shows deposit* to 1 hue been $656.208, and withdraw. ale, $487,690 ; baisr.oe at the credit of depositors, $14,188,258.67, again- at $18,986,186.60 at sue end of Nov- ember, The at*tewent of goods exported from. Cate* daring the month of December shows than the total ex. ports amonnted to $4,978,211, of which. $4,426,302 were produce of Canada, $100,849 were produce other cauotriee, stud $356,560 were coin and bullion exported. Prof. Wiggins, bas again emerged from Ins shell in order SO promise a great storm on &larch 18 and 21. It es tc a. grand colnbinetl•'n of loran. Ada, cyclone, typituoa aud hurriaaue. This ought to make ;hinge bumpn. themselves as it were. Persons de- siring to arrange picnic pat title would do *ell to eelect Due of these dated. A cow got drunk Sunday afternoon on sour beer throwu out of the 6t. Tbom*e brewery. Patrick Cotonou, aged :, of 37 Sheehan street, artmiliou, eulleidud by hanging to his cellar on Saturday night. Hie ,tapeuu discovered him there with his feet tonobiag the door. No assignable wiles. A frightful murder took place to Diotriou's grocery on South Canal street, Touawaud4,13ear Niagara F*lie ou Saturday night. A. canal driver of low reputation entered lute a dis- pute with Mr. Lampkin, a wall -known °swiss: of Fulton, N. Y., and during the *ltero:Woo drew a revolver and shot him, Air, Lampkin dist in a few minutes. The greatest excitement prevails in the lumber city. The boiler iu Breuusu's saw milt on 9th oonoosaion, Tyeudinaga, near Belleville, exploded Saturday fore- noon, blowing the building to pieces, and wrecking the maubinery, portions of which ware bluwu to a diutenae of 300 yards. Eugiuoer l&ioMillan, who was in the lower part of the mill, was hurled 16 test, and he received such iujurios that he died within two how. Simmons, the fireman, wit.. badly maogled about the lega,and will likely die. Edward Powers, aged 19 years, a ewitcbmao iu the Grand Tsuuk yards Windsor, was run over by a puny eu- gine at 4 o'clock Saturday .Horning, and instantly killed. He bed stepped in between the eugine and a box oar to make a coupling, and his lantern weut out. The engineer *seaming_ that be had got out of the way started hi. engine, and a few minutes after Powers' body was found terribly mangled. A serious aoeideut took plane Sat- urday morning, ou the Canadian Pa oifio Railway about half a mile from the junction at Smiths Fall, by which two men were killed and several oth- ers injured. Ii was oau+ed by an axle of one of the oars of the Mon- treal express going east, breaking three passenger oars, jumped the track and ran against a uew water tank, knooking at over. The oars then took fire and were totally des troyed. The baggage man, named MoDonald, and another, named Bon swore. were burned to death. The eugine and Ottawa sleeper kept the treok. A wrecking train was des- patched from Carleton. Place, cleared the traok and teak the dead and injur• led perilous to Carleton Place. A Westminster farmer on Salus. day at London mei with a very pecu- liar accident. He was drawing a load of wood in company with hi, son, who had a eeaond load. They were walking behind the loads. when the horses drawing Ibe first load stop ped suddenly, and before the farmer could get out of the way he was crushed by the end of the tongue of the second sleigh against the woud on the first; He was pretty badly hurt, aud as soon as the wood could be un- loaded, was wrasoped in robes and blankets' and taken home. Isabel, a 9 year old .daughter of David MacPhte, who looks after the semaphores at the west end of the G. T. R. frieght yards at Niagara Falls. while on her way home from school, and while crossing the tracks in . the. yard, way strnok by some oars that were bei'.g shunted int crusbel tb death, living only a few,ruinutee after being extricated from under the cars, NR J. CLARE, COMMISSIONER intim Court a Common Pleas -Deeds, the machine" that the officer became Wills,6tortgages. Leases,and an forms oisgroe moats drawn and executed according to law. alarmed and dropped it. 1t had DfONErTOLOAN' ONBEALa6TATE, Parties wlah- hardly leashed the floor before it ex. ing to borrow money on account of reoentpnr. chases ofiand,or to pay off existingmortgages .plotted. The report woe fearful. The 1 nildmoney ata and 6}yperice t. aacoraingto police officer was thrown a distance terms. Nt.J.CLARH. , and terribly battered and bruised, and so badly injured that no hopes are W!Nmore money than at anything else by 'entertained for hie recovery. The taking an agency for the beet selling ld who had pointed out the ratt- ly. out. Beginners succeed grand- y None fail. Terms a free. HALETT Boos 4)111110 Was also thrown down and bad- ce.Portland, Maine. fly hurt, as were also some snare of people in the ball, including a num- ber of children who with their par, ants were visiting the building. The nolle of the explosion iu the chamber of the Commons to rush .into the hill, aud this was fortunate, for sanest im mediately ' after followed the teoond explosion, which Wai far more violent .hon the first. The infernal machine probably of similar construction to diet used in the hall, had been placed tinder the stranger's gallery and ve.y close to .the seat which was . occupied by Mr. Bradlaugh for theshort • time tbui he sat as a member.. The ex. plosion Was' like, a peal of thunder. It wrecked the lobbyfromend to end. It displaoea the hlaselve stone, work, destroyed the etpfuar3-,broite widows, ---TRT- :. MBNNINC'S Central Shaving Parlor For Clean and easy shaving. fashionable hair nutting dc. s3 Clean towel for every cnetomer, Next door to Central Note EW&1'ERL6O MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00. Established in 1883. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Thisoomyanv has been over Eighttesn yearn aeucoessful operation in Western Ontario And continues to insure against'.oss ordamage by. fire; Buildings,Merohaudise, Manufaotoriee,and all other desoriptionaofinaur,ble property. In. tendiuginsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or dash System. Turing the past ten years tl: ie. Company hoe ssued 57,096 Policiee,00vering property to the amount of$40,872,088; and paid in losses alone smashed furam; furniture, aud in the oh $700,:32,00• Assess, 1178,10.00, consisting of Cash in her,itself a massive beam 'that sup - Sankt hovern»ientDeposit, and the anassebsed ported the saran ere'' aper was tarn Premium Notes on band and in force J W WAL g y DEN 11i D. Preside,t.'O. 11. TAYLo1, Secretary out of place. The. Speaker's chair: s is . l# A„gent for Exeter and vioiEit9, Wa8 broken, and Mr. (xladetone's swat 0 GEES, inapeoterCHARLES SNE L. i The great storms of &tardily last et Qvebsot was one of the .most se- vere for many years. A report from 6t. Anne's steles that lour men have been frozen to deeth is ehst resit icy, and that the bodice of two have been. recovered, The other: two bodies are supposed to hive been covered with snow. No nausea are given. A Ur. Langlois was found frozen to death last Suaday anoraiag near hie resi- dence is the village of Aotoayale. On the Stoneham read a Wooer wee *leo found frexau to death after the late storm. f Bloss' SCHOOL EXAM. SUBJECTS FOR TOE EXAtdlfATlONS i;OR EN' TRANCE TO Tuan Bauoo7«a IN JOLT The eubjeots of the *text High School Entrance Examination, Jul, 1885, are :-.-Orthography and orthre, py, spelliug from dictation, marking preneunoiatico and verbal dietu o- teous. There writ be 60 marks allow- ed for this subject. Oue mark win be deducted for every mistake in spelliug in the papers ou literature, groomer, geography, composition and history. Writing -Besides a paper on this subject, for which 15 marks will be assigned, a meximu U of 5 meirke for writing and tie*mega will be allowed on each of the spelling, literature, grawnlar, arithmetic, composition, geography and biatary papers, mak- tug 50 marks io all for writing. Aritbmotio---As far as preaentage and interest, 100 marks. Grammar--Infeutions, doflaitious, onrreotione, naming aud aualysing, 100 marks. Compueition--Senlenoe oonetruo- tion, varying expreusions, transposi- tion and contraction of pastagee,, ex- pansion of topical hints lute a nom - position, paraphrasing, puuctuation and letter writing 80 marks. Besides the marks given on the owes/Ilion Met st mii ietttrztt! obits Allow- ed for the compgsitlou .O the hie oargr and literature mere, waking, 1CO marks in all. fireofraphy-Form and motion; of she earth, chief definitions, ohiet phy. sinal and political divisions, aisles on the globe, maps of America, Grope, Asia, Africa, Canada and Ontario,. railway systems, products and oom- meroial relations of Canada and On- tario, 75 marks. Drawing -A paper on drawing for which 25 marks will be assigned. Candidates for examination mus; place their drawing books in the bands of the presiding examiner. on the morning of the first day of the ex- amination. Every emcees mast be certified by the teacher as being the candidate's own work, and should show at least three months' work 25 marks allowed for the books, mak- ing in all 50 marks. Oue-third of the marks meet be obtained iu drawing and also iu all the other eubjects. History-Oatliues of Euglish his- tory -75 marks. Reading -Intelligently aud in te(ra. gibly, with oorreo(prononnoi ation,em- phasis and pause -50 marks. Literature -From selected lessons to show the meaning of words,phraeee,. pasages ; to reproduce the subject matter in the pui il'a uwu !nonage ; to quote passages of speoiai beauty • to eviuoe some knowledge of the auth- ors of the lessons -100 marks. The twelve seleotious for the July and December, 1885, examinations are :- 1. The Stage'Coaoh-Diakena. 2. The Lark at the 'Diggioge- Reade. 3. The Geysers of .Teeland-Duf- fereu, 4. The Story of La Fevre -Sterne. 5. The Skater and the Wolves- Whitebead. 6. The Ocean -Byron. 7. Autuuto Woods -Bryant. • 8. Sir John Franklin-Yuooh 9. The Incident at Ratiebon-- Browniug. 10. The Shipbuilders -Whittier. 11. The Battle of the Bath, - Campbell. 12. :The Incident at Bruges -- Wordsworth. The t•stal number of marks assign- ed is 750, the -minimum required to pass is 875, and one-third in every subject. • Teachers should out out this ourri•. culum and post it up conveniently ror reference. •