The Exeter Times, 1885-1-22, Page 7GRIGO 13ut14i>igs to/the t►o�oqut 9f about $20,000 wbre ereotea its Exeter dur- ing 1884. A number of tuese were Sue efrnctntgww ,t Wholesale and Retail L ilbor, o Cr o ,,. and T. Bias sett, of.Ezeter,.wex elite teras* Beata at the Grand Send shooting watch tt 134:203m5E741a/'i1 abort tiaratiamvigo, lle I.lethodiat congror ,• - AID gation intend building a large addi- tion to the already oommodiette church. FANO!' GOODS DEALER Work in connection with the erec- tion of the Preabytoriau manse its this place ham been oarameeced, Sev- eral loads of brisk have been drawn, Skating at the covered rink every Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday afternoon. Aduneeion, ladies and 'children), 4 eta. Rruseels has a lady school trustee. It in believed that this is the first time a woman bas been elected t» 11 rear + irnec!. we shall tl position in this part of the st. ltev. Ur. Pasco% of Exeter, oeou-- TI•IUKSDA.Y, JAN, 22nd,. 1885, tied the pulpit iu the Welliugten-•st. Methodist Church, London, on Sun- day, and the Loudon Free Pres; BUT -4R, Ohi'P TEN CENTS par line for first insertion, and vet CANTS rS per line tor ascii subsequent in sertion elbecharged tor notices eppeerini inhis L EWS.—We stall be happy to re- tt art times, front any part of the Cttstttqt, items of bent news, inch ae ac, ctctcnts,or any interesting iscids1 what• ere;, from any of our stascriSors or raaci- ers generally for the pttrpos4 of ptblic- ation. .-,--� and Ilir. J. 1', Qlarko,•of Fxeter, are Local gasontan atpreeent a,tteudi;ig a bleating of the Dominion Ternperauoe Alltauce, now A rtuatrt and animals must be slaughtered by the corporation and the owners oottpen. sated. 1t is hutted that at the doming see• siou of the Dated Ltegisleture the the 1vf iuietet of Education will pro- pose to change the date of school trustee etectioua to that of .tie mu- • nicip tl eteatioue. This change, it is believed, will .snake the eleolors take mare interest in the former. The anniversary ot the E1i►nville Metheeist elverola will be held next. Sunday and. Monday. On Sabbath sorrnone trill be preached by Rev. Mr. Q.tance, of Alvioston. On Mon- day the annual tea will be held. Af• ter tea addresses will be delivered by Bev. C. Fletcher, 52. A.W. Quance and ()Oleo.()Oleo. All go. Admission. 25e: children 15o, The anniversary services of Cotten Presbyterian church, Exeter, wilt be held Sunday and Monday, February 1st and 2nd, The sermons on Stens day' will be preen/led by Rev. J. A. Murray, of London. The tunnel tits will be held on Monday averting, after whish addresses will be deliver- speaks highly of hire at} a preacher. ed by Mr. Murray and several others. It is net often that we have two Oolleettuua on Sabbath in aid of the church fund. Adinisaion to tea 25 , i and 15 conte. On Sabbath last the anunal mice siowery sormouae of the James and Main -street, eliuroltes were preached by Rev. Mr, Smith, of London, and Rev, Dr. Sutherland, of Toronto, t10 Monday evening the Mehl -streak an boW. a hold uuder and Toronto. that Mr. Jelin audanal Tuesday reveniug ogthetwas ofi the Gould, of this piece, hes liucatlas.J 411N -street, Bath meetings wero Mr, Jed Pickard'a saw mill, winch ably addressed by the Rev. gon'letneu ha will nee in preparing staved for hie i mentioned above. It is thought the full moons during one month. On the 1Mt of January we had full :moon, and ou the 24th another will come to the trent, Revs, W, Agana, and. 0. I(. Tooter, intelligent, lad to learn the ;►rt of printing. Must have a fair eduoation Apply lime nslly to Tatted Oftiee, Exeter DENTAL. REAS TE.IS Mill 11D 6EVT�E�EN ! You will do well by calling and inspecting our LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF DRY -GOODS! IF YOU WANT Carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashionable Millinery, .. Silks, Dress -goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Cottons, Sheeting Linens, and Napkins, Blankets, Flannels, Hats ot Caps, Boots & Shoes, cooper shop, autou it of the eoutributione wilt ex - C;, Cartwright, Deetiet, will be Waste. Wood & Willis shipped a need that of het year when all teat number of ftae cattle from this dtatiou lie expected is paid in. found at Abbott's ata stood, over 0': IF YOU WANT Go to CA.BLI ,— o get value for your i11O1<ley and see w1 aG you, aro buying, o to CA.RLING'S, as we have the be lighted Store in the village. NO TROUBLE nOUBLE TCS SHOW OW Naive Batik, every 1Y eek lay And ° for the eastern markets on Monday Ahoy were a.l fins looking ani THE SK .TINCe CARNIVAL. Thursday except any week is whoh last, turerday is the first of the month. All m On ay branches of deutietry auended to, and r, L. Thorne, lately of Seaforth, skattng Ioaru Pal that avers Cooke ace eatteraotion guaranteed, Gold filling but latterly of Exeter, is now iu Cjali. in Ex."! under Ducar was Reid to a specialty. Terms cash. t iieee low forma, and extents to take up hie the !tux iu the drill•+ihad, under the shade permtaueuily on the pacific,eflloiout managemeut of Messrs. Jas. On Doom b'autil Dra store. W. H. gJotlx.soit, Who is to bs Warden of Union Week" and' Samuel Sweet, Thor e y The new Ontario Readers at the atoPa oauuty for 1.885' We baepeak the was: a good crowd, both of spectators Mali Set,otrtl'attraprei atatrntaatttist, "office for Mr. T. ti, Kay, of Ueborue, and ;emceed and costumed skater*, t Word lies been received from the who is iu every respect "Ito oapabte notwithnot juet�aa finegashat the mightweavoarwas beeu ling, andibeing aware that twe felt his o of h facia Education Department that the ad- il- of discharging the duties of the chair, desired. The ou-lookers were much brothers had quite recently been oar - mission of the pupils whore names Ott Wednesday Afternoon of last interested in "taking crock'' of the vied away, by that a ful disease— whileDIr, ares of dogs,, express agent, consutuption—he resolved to go to whiny o she da of u which had California, hopiug a change of climate bank loaf the day previoas in a rabbit d' g might help to build up his oonstitu- iiunt, slipped aft a lag ,end out his lion. About the end of Harvest he right ear severely. h returned home, feeling his health We understand that Mr, R. B Keel• h fewb 0 er 21st, air. Win, B. Sample died at the residence of Ina father. $e VMS the youngest eon of Mr. and Mrs. Sample, near Kirkton. were published as having passed at Ooderich and Exeter has been can - firmed. In addition, the department' has sauotioned the admission of the fallowing candidates recommended by the loom examiners : John Blain, John l3erry, Blake Moore, Charles Siurtnous, Edith Campbell, Minnie Halls, and Frannie Nioholeon, al Goderioh, and Florence Fulton, at Exeter. A. Surprise Party. Oa Thursday evening last, a party of about forty persons assembled at the elegant residouce of Henry Perk. ins, Esq., Sib sou, of Ueborne, and after being heartily welcomed by lir. and rtra. Perkins and family, they took po.session of the house, and al once proceeded to eujoy themrelves with music, singing and other amuse- ments until a late hour. After par- taking of an excellent supper, the party returned to their respective homes, feeling well -pleased with the way in which the time was spent, They wish to return thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and family for the manner in which they treated the gathering. �itrevettee. The oouuty council wilt meet next ;2neaday. Celleuloid Collars and Ouffs new in at Renton Bros. Gents, be sure ,you get the Celleuloid. Our council for 1886 were sworn to office for the current year on Mon - 'day last by the olerk. :Prices for wood on the Exeter market ratige from $2.25 to $2.50. Quality good. Mr.. G. A Hyndman had a $2.50 ,pipe stoleu from his show ease last week. L dog fight on Main -street attract- ed a large and appreciative audience of the "great unwashed. Wheat is going up, and'before Iong it will rise to 85 cents. I1 is thought 'Skis figure is the highest that will be given. We are pleased to announce that Mr. Thos,. Hamlin, town police, who bas been seriously ill from lung die - ease is becoming convalescent: Skating at the covered rink every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- ternoon. Admission, ladies and obildren, 5'ots. Tile 8113W storm whish raged two or three days last week delayed the trains on the railroad, especially those from the north. Sunday and Monday last were the coldest days we have had.daring , the winter,' the thermometer registering 25 ° below zero., The Tams carries reports a good harvest, for which he,desires to ten der his thanks to the many renders o the paper. various characters represented on the ice and tris to guess or feud out who the disguised perilous were, but so artfully were some dressed that it del not leak out who they wore until the eveuintl'e amusement was over, The '4lidera," too, loomed to be tined a jewellery business in Blyth. yr over thas moobh and solidiceex. Mr. K. will probably have oncoses, a9 cooing a few ladies, who were a Iittle he is s pushing stun. shy of skating with such characters 11Ir. John A.gderaou, of the Thames se Frank and Jessie Jamee. There were many mistakes made during the evening, maty of the fair cues akat- iug with persona, whom they. imagiu- araund again shortly, ad were some "ether persona," The Licensed Victuallers are air- judges who decided wiio were descry- Theoulatiug a petition aelting the Derain: 1of prizes were Mea andrs. John IL Byname*, D. hTcA,ueii, and Hugh ion Parliament to change the Soots Spackman. The following are the Aol three -fifth fif h t 1 GOODS. CABLI;..`t Air. C. Stade, near Dashwood, had 17 chickens killed by s mink one nights short time ago. A. night or two afterwards Mr.11�fiuk oame.again, but there was no more chickens kill- ed. Rev. Mr. Mauer of the Eyaugelioal Church got stook in a snow drift be. tweet Dashwood and Zurich, Sunday goat, and could not get here to Bald morning servioos, Rev. Mt..13441m fee being present officiated in his place. Stephen. er, who, a year* ago, ran a act somewhat improved. But a bossy, lir. J. W. Watson has sold his yfarm, lot 10, con. 20, Township of and shoe bueiueda in Exeter, has op• g cold soon after serried on iiia lungs,. t happy, th moved [ 1 and medical skill was unable to ie -Stephen, to Mr. John Sherttt,of Hay, lievo hint. He gradually sank until for $5,0:10, and has purobered Mr. Suuday, °noember 21st, when death Michael Brien'e farm, lot 14, on she removed his happy spirit from the sante aonoeesion. for $4,000. Mr. toils and aarea of this life. Mr. Wm. Brien bas purchased his brother's R. Sample was au Orangeman ranch farm, near Limerick. reepeated by the brethren. Members Grand. Bend. from the four surrounding lodges were present at the funeral to pay a AccInEliT.-While driving home tribute of frespect to their detailed from aural on Sunday evening, of brother. The friends and neighbors, lad week, Mr. Eiliott's horses ran in - together with the Orangemen present Road, who has been seriously ill for some weeks past from caugeetion the lungs, is, we are happy to state, re. covering, and will be able to be of sothata roe- t majority ofnames 'f the prize -winners : -Beet the electors be secured before the fist dressed lady, .dies Welt A. Hawk - becomes lab. shave ; Ladies' graceful akatiug, Mre. Booksellers in town are indignant Jas. Fairbairu ; Gent and lady's about the way in which the Govern- graceful skating, Mr. C. IttoDoaell went of Ontario are endeavoring to and Misa Carrie Templeton ; Gent's cut their profits Short by allowing a comic costume, Mr. Wm. FolIand ; monopoly in the printing of the school Boy's comic costume, Master T. Tem - books. dell, lat ; 2nd, A. Spicer; 3rd Frank Mr. John Dempsey's farm, lot 4, Oke. Mr. D. Tait took the eiiver can. 3, Usborne, which was sold by medal for fancy skating. publio aaction at Exeter on Thins- The foljowiug are the names of day last, was purchased by S. & 8. the principal characters represented : Stanlake, of Stephen, for $6,540. The Mrs. Fairbairn, Folly-; Miss Carrie land is of good quality, but the build- Templeton, Morning Styr ; Mise Ings are of little account. The figure Mary Spackman, Evening Star; Rose paid is considered high. Evans, and Mabel Homy, Queen of The Alleghenian Bell Ringers were Hearts ; Ida Evans, Autumn ; Sarah greeted with a fair audience at their A. Hawkshaw, Highland Lassie ; entertainment in Drew's Hall last Susie Senior, Gond Luck ; Emily Tuesday evening. The performance Wood, Snow Flake ; Mrs. E, Speck - of these old•tine .favorites sustained man. Servient girl ; Nellie Senior, their reputation. Everyone present Fairy ; Mise Sharon, of St Thomas, was more than delighted with the Bride of Lanimermore; Annie Smith, entertainment. Bride ; Mre. J. J. Holland, Seaforth, Ab a meeting held in the agrioul Jockey ; Mre. W. J. Danson, Sea- turaI hall, Kirkton, on Wednesday of forth, Shepherdess ; Alf Drew, Dude, last week, $400 was subscribed by E. Cosh and J. liawdea,'` ditto. way of bonus to assist Mr. B. J. Chris. Willis, Jack of Diamoude ; Et. Sporting in re•building his flour mill, Fish, Don Pedro ; J. Davie and R. destroyed by fire -on New Year's eve. Piokard, Soldiers ; T. Tyndall, Old A much larger bonus will be given. Man and his Ase ; Wm. Folland, A meeting of directors of the Huron Clown ; Ed. Biased, Harlequin Ed. Live Stook Association was called to Clark, Colored Planter ; Harry Buck - meet at Cliuton on Friday, last, but inguam "What is it 2" ; Alf Coffin, owing to the want of a quorum was Masher P Bowden Jessie James adjourned` for a month, when the question of the continuance of the Association will be finally disposed of. Ib is witii�-regret .weiannouuee the death of Mre: tea r'doal(111e$enzie, of Exeter, which' took' p"laoe on Friday last. Deceased as years of and reenacted, having been formed a very long procession, show- ing to the ditch, upsetting the vehiole;and the esteem and sympathy mini , depositing the occupants on the oth- er side. Fortunately all escaped nu• reeved. The Orange Association ten- der injured beyond a slight fright and s few bruised, der (heir sympathy to Mr. Sample While engaged in Mr. Fulton's mill and family in their sad bereavement, yard, Monday morning of last weak« as this is the third son Mr. Sam' bis horses ran away, totally destroy - pie has buried in a few years, all in the wheel of a buggy, having flied of cotnrumption, g and upset- ting a Weigh in their enures. They were stopped before any further dam- DitsrtwootE. age could be done. Mr. Sherritt, of Dation', is at pre- Sohout and flax mill seems to be sent'the guest of Mr. Robinson. the leading talk of the day, Miss Jennie Ironelde is visiting her We hope to see our citizen who is friends inThedford. so opposed to the school join in with Miss Barbara Follis is spending the rest. the winter with friends in Petrolia. Mr. I. Bean, an old trustee being Mies McRibben, of Walton, and well iuformed iu taboo' matters and graduate of Goderioh Model School, who has boon the fneaus of forming has succeeded Miss Reinhart as several sections before is taktng an teacher in S. S. N. 12, Stephen. active part in the building of a We congratulate. James Fouls of school. Grand Bend, and Rhoda Gambol, of A. liberal flax mill man offers to S. S. No. 12, Stephen, on their sue - run a m.11 here if we give him 4 emus at the recent entrance examin- aeres of land and put up the build ation. James Follis contemplates at- ing. We have since heard of another tending Petrolia H. S., to pursue his man who offers It) run a mill, if we studies. We wish him alt possible give the land, build the mill, and fur. success. nieh the machinery. If there is any more such men around, we would Greenway. like to hear from them as there is a joint stock company about building. Good sleighing now boys. The Salvation Army is coming to Dash wood. James Daily, Frank James. Mas era Both saw milia• are compelled to E. Galley, Frank Oke, and A. Spicer, run to fill their orders. Mr. Jacob Hessenaner of Hanover, formerly of this place, was visiting here last week. Mise Bagshaw of Exeter, who has three boys, also wore costumes, be- sides several gentlemen who very gracefully impersonated colored ladies. Mr. Dawson, of Seaforth, was pros.been visiting bare for some time has out, and gave an exhibition of fact returned home, skating. As there was no prize offer- w ago, ed for such, a purse was made up lir. N. Fried's team hauled from eand resented to Mr. Dawson. an honest and straightforward gently p histation, mill on the wa on to the Exeter 2barrage of flier last week e man. His remains were interred' in the Exeter cemetery on Saturday. An Order. -i)1 C,uuuoil imposes a penalty4if $200=. for letnoving atilt infested sheep from any farm yard or building, unload by authority; of; obtained the highott mark in arith- ttho Iviinister of Agrioulture. Diseased, metio. Altogether the `carnival. passed off • Mr. F. Noel hassold his farm of very pleasantly and to the satisfaction of all concerned. At the recent I3tgli School exam- ination at Lucas, Leopold Ilodgins 50 acres, } mile south of Dashwood., to C. Finkbeiner• of Crediton. There is quite a number of farmers fattening cattle in this neighborhood. Drovers are beginning to look after them. School section No. 10, Stephen, ought to feel proud of their teacher, Mr. Thomas Gilber.,he being the first teacher that ever hon a pupil pass the High School examination from this eohool. At the mideummor esamin: ation held in Parkhill, Miss Louisa Baker, daughter of Mr. John Baker, passed with high honors, again at the December examination he sent out 3 more, Miss Retie Hukey, got 330 marks ; Miss Annie E, Gilbert, 301 ; Miss Rose Bilker, 323. This speaks well for. Mr. Gilbert as b teacher, and will have a tendency to stimulate the other scholars to greater ambition. A 7 months old child of the Rev. Mr. Daniels, of Port Banwell, fell off a highchair the other day, and strik- ing his knee on the floor, bad his leg broken at the thigh. 1~