The Exeter Times, 1885-1-22, Page 6��
��ODLODGERS, tidyu1 things a bit, and said 'Good -
And Romance That, lnornlQto little
Mies L. there was a
pity. new 1ooJ on her face, ItTot that the
,w es, my pear, 40 you remember herr 'shadow I told you al?atlt was all guise,
Yes, I knowyou did not meet ber, but either; Well, of course, it puzzled me,
sad rho neat ti and the nest I
vol onto --that was the day you spent . watched her, and she seemed different tgoing out, and I recognized little Miss
withme when you were going East, in sane way, L. I could not mistake that brown
through from Dakota. Russian circular nor the brown velvet
"Then Wednesday, my dear, I said
"Well. I need not wonder that you.
samathing You see, 'tw?ts this way: I hat, with tlt+3 long, floating featitar, al,
div remember her. Tomas a Epee to : went in with a. plate of Oakes for her, though I did not see her face..
make an impression on one, I am sure, and I said: ^These dot►ghnuts aro not "But think bow astonished I was to
A dear, sweet, tender face, indeed, Of ; as vocal as usual, I'm afraid,' and she see the gentleman opposite ma start to
course, my dear, 1 an~ only too pleased saia "Ao not tilirii I shall lay that up his feet hurry into his overcoat, snatch
"Letl .you about
Must be looking at some one beftme
tae•. ..
"Ile was one of the particela'h'klttd, "
my dear, and was some time in tielaet
ing something for his lunoh, but finally
a tempting repast was placedbefore
him. Just then a lady passed by me,.
eWee. against you. Mrs. Ray,' and laughed his hat, basal y hand the waiter some
me see. were in that oozy such a merrylittle laugh, my dear, Money, and, leaving his lunch untast-
flat on the north side then, and it was that I just stoped and cooked 5 at her ed, rush out, apparently in pursuit.of
altogether the most desirable place I , in blank sear went.
little Miss L
hare lived in since we came to Cihleago 4`The light-heartedness that sltoweti "Well, I finished lay shopping and
six years ago. I was sorry indeed to' itself in that foolish] little pun and in on my way to the street -car stopped for I
make a change.,rho lou .•hl a minute at Bascom's window myself
"Oh, my dear, many things happen-' .'1 sat Hewn me plate and toots ]told and saw that little Miss l.'s valentine
edthen which would interest you to '
be of her with both hands, 'Little Miss with the pansy was gone.
hear, 1 ant sure. We to took lodgers, ; Li, said 1, 'now do please tell me what "Then I went home, and as I entered
von know. No, not to make money, ,makes ren so sunshiny for ttyo or three the hall noticed that little Miss L.'s
'but to help about rent, > like to !days]' door stood ajar and some one was with
have people around me. You see Mr,'ht, tini 1?' she asked, and a pret- her. Now, I don't think I am an
Ray and I are growing old. Yes old ' ty pink co:or e:ame into her cheeks.; eavesdropper, my dear. and I give you
it will be soon if we are leclined to thr+n she grew ;t little bit grave #rid my word I did not intend to listen
our ed stud then=
_ * __ �,_ __ n- ---- Mallet , a ' while I took off my cloak and bonnet,.
have wee r had. dear Soo we►d have one
room i
4**Well, I'll tall yon, dear Mrs.' kind offeather nis that on ' voice y yourhat
hat, "
in our hearts for all who come under ' sho said, 'though I sm afraid you will Dot?'
our roof, and sooner or later all my- ' think rue very, very foolish. It is a : ..:A bird of I'tiradise,' she answer-
lodgers have come to seem like our litre were those liutle t .first lntnusttt 11d > vont t tliay Ona— ed, 'but why« Il thplt?'
three boys who had the urday night.
own flintily. Why, enorth room for ' once there was some ono 1 lover]—olid G .ad fallurveti what
t ttilitst thought,'
two years. Noble lads. and away from very dearly, Airs, Ray. and he love tilers ono of ti parcels home.' and
their homes and their mothers, in at me, too; but there was a. little—what the noise brought ]uric Aliso L, to olosa
great cit,. How could 1 help mother- shall I say? It .vas juste little foolish her door, but seeing nae she insisted on
ing them a little? ':1tv bots' I always quarrel, antilv., and he • walbit away My coming in. She held a white card
in her hand. and *What do yon think,.
dear Itis, Ray? she said, 'one of ray
valentines has come back to me.'
"Then she introduced Mr. Ralph
Ainsworth. and her face Ras as bright, 1
as a sunbeam,
"Well, of eourse, my dear, he prov-
ed to be the same brown -boarded gen- R
tleman I had seen twice before that
same day, and 1 could not refrain front
asking him how he enjoyed his lunch.
'']'hen there was an explanation and
a hearty laugh, and they told me how
pleased her so titre]► that site engaged dear boy I loved was sitting in some the oda valentines first caught his eye,
I b home and the lult,als U k« L took lilt. into
them a Anel, and Pro... ter aw e- ' the store to learn the nanio and address
longings in tilt+ vd •v next d^tv 1 was audit was unday. It is all very hoz}r � of the artist. on whom he determined
. a. soon iter lunebt as propriety
to call as ri
p y
Tutting her kniekknaei:s here anti there him. but ]vent to his vii would :admit, he said.
]n a quiet way et her own. him a paper. or an envelope. or soma ..A1hd of course std you guess all the
"Quiet conjoint:cut there seemed to thing like that, anti be did not look u•p, rest, nip dear.
called then], and moot of them as 'xny ungrp,' and—an — ber voice egan
boys' to this day. Those are their tremble, then she said, with it little ire
photos aphs on the mantel, my dear. patient cough that was almost a solo,
and one of them was quite an artist, 1 'It was almost two years ago, and I
will show you some little bits of his have neF,•r seen him since! But 1
work by-and-bv. know.' and she looked right at sue, Apd
"But about ratio: :hiss I.. 1 always spoke quite earnestly. 'I feel so sure,
called her tear, and 1 carne to love her sotue• way, that lie is coming back to
dearly: 1 did indeed. me soon. And now 1'11 tell you the
"She was in snv house almost a year, dream,'
yon see, and she erupt into nhv heart "Then she came and sat down right
and 1 had no reason to regret it. I by me, my dear, and I took one of her
liked her the very first time 1 saw her. hands in mine. ,
anti the little parlor and bed -room, '« "I dreamed. she salt], that saes
h t L 1 t 1 t b roam which seemed to e my, '
pleated to see tier as site went about and indefinite and I had not spoken to
I 1 to and. handed
but ut out his hand and took mine
be in her face. and vet I saw a shadow P •'She isn't little Miss L. any longer,
ad drew me nearer to him, I stood and wuen they found Ma Ray and 1
there just an instant, and some one were coming over here on tho South
said to hhia: "Raluh, are you going to
Side they routed that same cozy little
church ibis evening!" and without ugly- slat, anti thyro they are to this day, as
jug, he hiked up Into my eyes and sou'd.
• :Are von t" I shook may bead and he an -1 happy' as happy' can be.
swerd the gnestlou quietly. "No, I think Plymouth Eccentric.
neat' sed held my liana more closely. Aud
some way I knew we were at peace, and areat 1,appiuc�aa eamw juto my heart, and At days,
how e
year . Tulight then I awoke and tonna the tears run. ed a shrewd philosopher who rejoiced
t► have n
t 1, idea tazltenb thug down my chaehs, ala(11 sprach] my face in the familiar title of Sam Barnes.
ed I arm' Tit:,; tt..-:t•.od me. dent you s elnsit the pillow toad prayed a little p►;oyer. ; Short of stature, keen of tongue, and
• k known
''h:,t woe tt hat 1 wanted it to anti asked ].Tod to let the drLatn come true.. squeaky of voice, Barnes4S was kno s n
and send bite back to mc, that we :eight to everybody, and in turn knew every -
atom. my dears—hora'like. Well, the help each other to be better autl happier all body so well that be was able to bit off
light housekec'ping hrlpod me to get Ubs rest of our lives, and ever eine. that I've their peculiarities to the delight of all
acquainted qult'.kly. hes, my dear, she had a new Iittlt dope. Ansi that is :Ill. Is -hearers but the victim. It is related,
hers her little, oil-,xeve, aiid cooked] for it very, very foolish'?" for instance, that a miserly neighbor
herself, and 1 coaxed hitt to 11sr, my "She loc'ketl at me Mt wistflili.•, 'Why. my who, in the opiuioli of i?h- riouth thrilloven _
too. leased to hed. ave her do Indeed,
o. dear,"
' over�sott d then
nds by n I am,"
rose Barnesstarved ,his stock, cumpl:tinod to
1' right1 Bathat his pig was sick. "I've
Then I began to think she did "not eat rielit up and'went away, for my throat was given him seaweed and rockweed." tho
enough hearty food, and tried to ,bier- . getting en choked, and 1 knew 1 wait going to 'Owner said, "and plglvet'.•Ki and burdock,
suede her to eat more meat, Merv, net like a silly ald woman. and ct}. and nothing seems to please ilial,.
von need not laugh, my dear. My hob- "It was the simple, t,mtler Way iu which
bv? 'Well, better meat than medicine, etre told it, don't you see! And Ilio child• What would you do, Sam, if he was
faith ! ID was so hon^ since I halel!):
Bran yours?"%ill, now, I swear to man,.
answered Sam, suith his usual sharp,.
jerky manner, "if he was mine I'd try
him with a little good meal and wa.
tor." Barnes lyad a Universalist, and
]ouch did he pride himsolt thereon.
One evening when the church bolls
were ringing, Sam, on his way to the
corner grocery, where his comrades
were wont to cohgrogate, encountered
and sometimes I heard her singing. the orthodox clergyman. "Hallo, I'ar-
derly she said it. . • "One day about the 4th of February. son B.," piped Sam, "what on earth
"Her mother's picture was in a little I think, when I went in for a little are all those bells a -ringing for?" "It
frame on a bracket, and there was a chat, she was ainting valentines. is prayer -meeting evening.Mr.
tiny bunch of pressed violets pinned j P a, e .� r'
against it. i Such pretty and original little things. Barnes, the clergyman replied, with
"'Mamma died when I was 12,' she 91 must tell you about them. pious severity and mild reproof yin his
said one day, 'and after awhile papa "Several weeks before little Miss L. voice. "Well, now, I swear. Sam
had asked me for all the wishbones of continued, as if the idea were a novel
married again.' Then she waited for a the chickens we ate, and as we invade- one to him. "What's it for? What
of something. I could riot tell what, in
her eyes svbieh I came to lone to drive
away, 1 wanted to ee her merry. She
PM nit o�tl enough to be so quiet, and
nothing Sato teat nt • afterward about
herself seen:f' 1 tot vp::tiu it so me. But
don't think she set n1,'d unhappy! How
well'1 remember her +ayino after only
two or three dal c 'Dear Mrs. Ray.
haven't been in t' h3.ilicl kt. a place for
anyway, I shall always say. t wanted
her to grow bright and merry, don't that kiud of fault. You, bisnow, nay Clear, I've
you see? Been about it great deal, and have seen soinc-
"But no, in spite of fresh air and much of that kind off this hhrdrfaithal►inttere grownup
hearty food there was tie same quiet, people. Ion find it in little ones wlit, kneel
and l almost knew it wasn't her nutur- to say the "Nowt' I lay me," to be sure, but 1
al manner. To be sure, there were had almost forgotten all about it.
"Well, the days passed by, and the
hopefulness still shone out of her eyes,
reasons for her to be sad sometimes
Sae was all alone. She told rue about
her 'dear, dear mother,' and how ten -
moment and then said, witlh a firm blv have chicken soup at our Sunday
Iook coming aroundher mouth, 'And ' dinner I had taken her quite a number
I feel happier to take care of myself.' of them. Well, my dear, she was us -
"And she earned enough money, my int" them in this was: On a heavy,
dear, to do it. There were the piano- square white card she put one of the and pray in secret.' " "But do you
pupils—almost every day she was away wishbones which she had gilded. Tied pray in secret?" asked the divine, in
down here on the south side—Giving it on. you know, with very narrow 1 that tone of pointed appeal which
her lessons. Then, between times, she bright ribbon end in the lower left.
do you do there?" "Wo pray, Mr.
Barnes." "Pray? I swear to mani
Now, my Bible says: When we pray
go into your closet. and shut the door,
painted the prettiest little things, and hand corner of the card were some
they sold, too, though hardly for what Bowers painted—forget-me-nots on one
they were worth, I ani sure. Yes, she I remember. Then in the right-hand
was always busy. 'Plenty to do, and upper corner was some appropriate lite
strength to do it.' I said to her once, tle rhyme in gilt letters.
'Surely, little Miss L., that ought to "rhe finishing touches were just be -
make you happy.' ins unto the fifth one as I wont into
"She looked up and smiled at me, p
the room, ,and little Miss L held it up
and said, 'I am not unhappy.'
"No, my dear, and she wasn't, yet for tsee.'It is the prettiest one r
she was not what I felt sure she might have made,'she said. 'That lavender
be, and.had been, and that was bright safort der the coming outf gilded oorner
and merry. •Wby,' site never sang! "Therliyme of this was:
And she had a voice, for she had told ,
me of singing here and there in ears 111 your prove the same as mina
gone. Now, I know when there is a i'u be your faithful Valentine.
e"And down by the pansy were her
really happy heart a song comes bub- Initials, D. E. L. She had her moth-
bling up from it now and then—a little
hum -ming over the work you know, my t
dear, at least. But.I never heard it for ex s , good, :.old-fashioned name, Dor-
seven or eight months. Then, a Sun- othy. ,And now, my dear, comes the
day morning I remember it was, and I strangest part of the story, but of
noticed it, for it surprised and delight- course you know it is all true. The
ed me. next morning after little Miss L. had
"'Why, William,' said I (that's Mr. gone to her pupils I went down on the
Ray, you know, my dear), 'little Miss ands some' fhol hindd toedonat ndo asaI
L. is singing pp
"And we both listened, and then she
sang the words right out, and what do
you think they were? No, not a bit of
a hymn -tune. 'Twas this:
For I will marry my own love,
ltfy own love, my own love.
Then she stopped, but after a little
she sang again:
For true of heart am 1.
"Well my dear, to say I was aston-
ished isn't saying much.
"But I kept still, you may be sure,
and when I went 'n after awhile with
passed Bascom's window among other
pretty things I saw little. Miss L.'s val-
"A brown haired gentleman stood
looking at them quite intently, anti. as I
hurriedalong he 'went into the store.
Well, my shopping took up more time
than I had anticipated, and I went into
Thompson's for lunch end took a seat
at itn; empty table. Soon after a' gen-
tlemen seated himself at a. table oppo-
site me. I fancied I . -had seen him
somewhere, anti thought he glanced
e w n 1 t
l ifs]. maid rather sharply in my direction. He
' dict this several times and
I decided 1
marks the consciousness of a home
thrust. "Well, now," retorted Barnes,
undismayed, "if I should tell you there
wouldn't be nothing secret about it"
And with a triumphant chuckle he pur-
sued his way to the corner ronery.—
Reston Courier. , e
Tho ladies still call on the distin-
guished Tom Acton. They like to see
the tons of shining gold and the bales
of greenbacks. One charming little
miss was given 'a $10,000 bill to hold.
for a moment the other day. She de-
murely replied, "Thank you ever so
much," and opened her tiny purse
preparatory to depositing it snugly
therein. She had it partly folded when
the genial Assistant Treasurer started
and said: "My gracious, I didn't
give it to you to keep." The little
lady opened wide her beautiful eyes,
and as she returned it innocently said:
"I beg your pardon—I misunderstood
you."—New York Morning Journal.
A clergyman recently told his con-
gregation, jn describing Heaven, that
"it will always be Sunday there."
This assurance ought to please base-
ball nines. since the decision of a New
York Judge that there is no law
against playing base -ball on Sunday;
and persons who devote the day to fish-
ing may make extra efforts to get
there; but the small boy who is
obliged to accompany his parents to
church twice a day, and attend Sab-
bath -school in the afternoon, will be
apt to go in training for some other
place, where Sunday doesn't come
oftener than once a year.—Norristown
L •
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11(81 i 13e,v15-gr %waraelle ... 40
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100 V. ii. iia i nl'4, k. of 1'1 wit
1 a i5QQ I hoios**p�,lta All),imm 3) e*elt 0005
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elrtiming,ilustrat 4 pas? for year au! Three ttreeipts saes fametrer three or.10e above presents
nine ag. teem 2z, ems su cash tit Ono Thoaaaad Aaltars to (sash. Out paper b •
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mud ion of 15a,ore subri r.bere. lies bees asetl,13w4iewltbt yogi. An „t the a ace itrrrtata *4* b0 awarded
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"X"XXzll eN'321 7C> whirs yen, fiendthe as is e :water:water11i sab@cnW_ienprim for overly
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Sketches. Purim t+mntt, Garden. household and Agricultural Departments by tlto best
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out and 5n10U any oder we lna meta Can It 41e p�uble ttatt�eou will )(tenet an opportunity go by!
ONE� tSCE wren* the VA i4ti Fikids AND eiTOCK 1 one year, and
1)1)1Jl�.iARthree nw beredrealpusNell wit win entithsyen tothre0ofthe rav«eatsla
the award. The paper 4a worth double the subscription pram As to one tedanuf}ttyrwe rater to any Dank 05
Naxos', inipan ; In e'bkwao and thsOoatmtrrW,Aaaaxica. We ars now known world over. atone• to
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Add sos tt FARM. FIELD AtND evoCKMAN,d89 take eit �Ohiot extra* 4.�IL Ary ger.
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Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask
their inspection of their large and
Complete assortm't of Dry Goods
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will—if possible—be more attractive than ever this season,
embracing all the latest American. English and French styles
of Shapes, the latest shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers,
Plumes, Tips, &c., &c.
choice, lines of English, Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian
Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English and
French Trowserings.
Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shirts, Braces, Hosiery, Etc. We have a good cutter on the
premises, and gum autee a fit in every case. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in
white. In Furs our stook is complete (gi ey and brown) iu Bons, . Capes, Sets &e,, &c„
also liobes in Buffalo and Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found lully as-
sorted in Ladies', Gents' and Children's, wear, also a full assortment of Trunks, valises,
and Satchels. • •