The Exeter Times, 1885-1-22, Page 4f17hLe , -efer Z res..
1I"111IRSBA.T, .ZANY, 22ud; 1885.
A. Letter from Rev. Er, Dickson.
To Editor of the Exeter 2'imts,
DEAR SIR .—I thought I would
',E 11 f: SefIQOL I300K S(L Z D:1 F;, drop you a tins from my distant home
(by the sea.
Ever silica the Mowat (levant meat Ocean Grove is about 50 tittles from
eugraftett the educational system to. , Now York, and six from Long Branoh.
to polities the people have been legal.; The situation is very beatttifttl, It
ly fleeced out of large amouut•t of tihsd Roatlt0rut boucfresh �dar es,es out and en northern
money. Sirzroaly n Sear 13asse5 b'1t " os,stern is laved by the mighty Agen-
ts e\v beaks by au order of Lila '',trice• a tie. From my study wiudow I see
tory of morals for the past een•
eminently fitted to dispel fear, iuspire
ooht,fidence iu regard to the future,aud
awaken Dor deepest=grt titude to Hint
Are you disturbed atuigbt and broken of your
restbyaelckchild fluttering and orying with
gain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and
got sabottle of IBS WINSLQW'S SOOTHING
Whet oauees ail thine to wet k together SYRUP- Itsveilis is incalculable. It will re-
Uovtot?sgufeantikyoefor tho a000roplieltmeht of His glom
quapurposes,We are ready tojoispoor
it. It aures dyseneeryand diarrhoea, rogtllatee
St.. Paul when he reached Appii the stomach cud= bowels, cures wind colic
Futuro --•-,oto thank God and take softens the gums, reduces inflamu,attcu, and
conrage."• tone and allergy to the ramie system
Yours, &c„ Mas. Wixistow's SoornzNo SYRUP roR Crnma-
Imre Warm/to is pleasant to the taste, and is.
G. N. A. Fe. Tr D, feu m,sesd opliysiciaus l biles Jd nited
Ocean Grove., N. J•,1
Weal B o a tl or 1 d
i vessel,, of nil ai es nassin�r an re ]=aero 1R' IRRfi- 1 i States, anti is for sale by nildruggists through-
Awed in our sch lila, not for the in --,1 ads •
that emu personal friend of tlheMiu- p canto- No liquor or tobacco are sold.
ister , a o on the premises. 'elle air is per@,
colleagues iu Gaysrntlleut, to whom o Ro6ea s le er,
they ' * elle way bean u:ider ! as present is so warns and spring like 1 ll
eblig ion.ttmight receive, by way of . L1t�11 workmen aro busily employed i', Sixty minims dollars have been ex•
eompensatiou for past favors, the budding, paiatiug,feuoiug and getting paraded all lite Pweet ua Ceual an11
privilege of iutrottuuiill,s atlatl aeries of ready for the coining summer. el�ree Miles of Lila ara.terlway Co.luplet-
booka, as he shalt purpose. B hay I I see the Mayor of Now York has �,
ing the, book anth:izett it means the i�sned his fiat that tile Sabbath must Toa _ ederatiou of Socialist Work.
public are to par this friend f- r lav- a be henceforth respected ; tit t biose men
s iso ,o1 a manifesto, showing
are tendered seine of the ;Minister's s who violate s}is l be punished. All , 1 petty organized, to coin.
colleaguee in Government, Iteca,t�e q slicks and drinking places were
order_ ° n)a d,200,000_votes at the vex,+ Pada
lead notice would be taken of it lvlien f ed to be closed. Little attention1 '1'wetva Chinese 4160.0f
done in :lite way. ;�tt Y wa Eetiturti Haid to the Ilroclatnetiltl, he it We. ,
to say, that if a ta:lnel , re lin % le of generally regerdPd as tharmieee blue- lut1"41111"" inti tan i nil lea .l for li.a uoig,th@
ttre,ttt ar 11 l lens 1111 , _�_,_ ,
c.nstautly. .fine mural, out the world. Price 25 selats'r. battle
Hereat of tt.e seti,.iara or people,bat i relt,iolls tone pervades the entire lo- .Across the Ocean.
ister cf Edmiston, orstili s f htThe Lortl Lieuteuaut of Du»liu has
l p I bracing avd salubrious. The weati er fotbiden the circuletiou of 0 Douovau
every lteusebutll tet °•i,►tat mike a L l S 1 Y la L
return of ail arbool books iu their lu-
senioth wltiol.1 have beonwe libelee for
anything brit waeto paper the number
would represent a vast atnauat of
ter. But the
poles cn not a;. i sons; al Eurwostta, anti rata tura tlhe
closed all the saloons and bot,'1 bars, p
end .on elonday brought up the de- ; tot4ru arid mi,lrs of I>etatttt,
liA uents, who were heavily, fined. Ash titer esvere slice_ of earthquake
q teas exl,erieueed at, Grauaua ou Fu.
Thea is a move in ilia tight direction, daytri [,t,CaltHir,'r great.
inane . Another t1e�v alHt has ju�t';vbfelt, if fnllowel trip, wall greatly ait! 4bitauts,p gre aw Ierinuanong
bse t ai'ulloriZ4d for sur pol,i. shoots i(utirove the ruoralit.1 of tiro clap and - r n t I t (I
,@ cot (lint§ crop lute beet, destroyed, and
arauge awl olive groves damaged.
The situation le most oritioel.
The *Warner Adruirat 1Moorsen col-
lided with the American ship Saute.
thieh uhe,l',e hu lee e:tponaa on the ; lateen the •ales which hive die -
public end the enriclitug of thres pub graced i t
galling lion., )a, i'1 T' trout► mho with The Philadelphia erees has been
tete aid of the Minister of � Education, ezposiug and ooudewmng the tow
Imo placed an ex,rbitaut price ou the theatres where liquor was openly and
1110 a. Tate ttot<lt: of leo Govern. nightly dispensed,' dance honseit and
,slant has arcuaed the interests of the places of aseigu:tion. The tuhntsters ;Clara, from Liverpool. for New York,
ookeeuers to the highest itch, sod have approved the course of the press «ltd a•as soul►, The SRttta Clara laud -
g p and have combined to de,uau.l of the ed twslve of the steatner'a crew and
t jabbers or tniuldlemen, lvli..o tall Mayor to put, the laws in force, and two of the pessengere at Helyheed.
the retail dealers thinking the die, p T! Captain 1 ( 11 Setae.
!loured by tit@ ir, to ly suit proteslltut Epleco al oleo v oe the Clara did all in their power to •ave
ted: by
1Ir, noir,
et11a1l, p 6 the lives of thou aboard the sluicing
carne oily are divided
on a t}ueatiau all t?
' shut un these sinks of iniquity.The he and stew u the au a
frit a
eeting WdToronto
e, r. loth church polity, which promises to be.' but a beau sea She on, asud
whets they laid baftlre Mr. Rase' aotue ao important i-t,ue through, i twelve of the crew and four of the
atI(t the ring their grievance, but as a ere sere drows=ed.
resins no couceseiaae were allowed. out the entire deeomivatiou. Bishops t Pease;
nor the slightest hopes of aural held Dtintiugdou and Patter, of New York,
ent. Tho meetieg was adjourned af•were instrumental in indnating the The Stella Grum au.' Flour Mills
ter a resolution !had baou ;mead that eon of BistIop Huntingdon into an r have again •tueeed into the haude of
pons present should purohaxe goodseoolesiasticai organiztaionknown as / W. B. Webb, jr., who bee ju t put it
of any kind from either of the firmsthe Order of the _Holy Groes. The it new boiler, and the mill i•, now in
composing the ring. Even loot the eftpo ey, cel bt aan took y uandmc obedience, a work not excelled u tlheecoun r y. doing
It is too late in the day tor ouch Born- 1
ieh iuuevatieus to spread to Rey Cell'f�- J. Sli1,'Ii [+Aid D, 11 NSALL,
s d bee extent iii a Protestant • ONT C
delegation aucoeaded in their objeot,
it would have had no effect in rednc-
ing the psioes of titer eadera to the
general pnblio, but would have merely
allowed these dealers a little commit-
sion. The prices at which the bo tke ° at the boat (rinse
Are placed are ridiculously high, the among the yoitug are traceable to y
novels, particularity those of a low, 7OHN Mo»ONELI. .ISSUh�ki. ybF
;gyral reader being sold at I0 cants, eeusational type, and to stories in rt MARRIAGE LXJEN$ES.
which practical pablishere sly eau
be titian for 4l, emote -rho 2nd papers designed to minister to the
i era a ON VR Ayer, , C0MMlsflla�Llf,
µburet'. I find by the periodiosis Alia1 etulL Le(•Ineura1Ati tbir012 Gt 211 traneaated
here that a great deal of the crimes efirettyoonndcutial. A ('alit: sitts:Itter O,lice
ab•rleii IN rITto:i'a a5"wb:L11i: STONE
part of the tiret book is to be sold worst passion' of humanity. The Also agent for the Loutton Dlatual Insurtiuce
number of papers in Now York city Company of Canada,Mercantile Insurance Co
at 15 sent', which can be produced alone has been states iu 1110 N. Q. ((>n l'rti�4t= t;�;q;s o do =u u'auo�A�patarrlon
brit cents ; the second book 26 star., ,. tint r
eoet of production 12 ets.; third book, Review to be 25, with an aggregate �^2seems;Heat Qinoe,aloutreal.
SO cta., cost of production, 18 ore. eiroulation of 886,000 copies weekly �r...,, ..� 30HN hicUONELL laxetar.
The estimate ie made from epooimell Add to this the number of papers SON F+;'�" 1 T -
cope.) issued by the firma who !told publiehed and circulated throughout
United all the United States, and mut- I can lend tiny amount of dteney on farm a ie -
the monopoly, awl it is quite ��ideut ountyate etaadTpe t ! t
haat a large amount of mousy will he
Made, wheu Copp Clark it Co. are
enabled to pay the large amount
of $2,500 annually to Nelson & Son,
of Sootlaud for their right of publish:
ing the books for tau years, If
looks es if there were money in it o r
else they could nut afford to pay
this eum aunnatly and make a profit
besides. It matters not in what light
the translation is viewed, no other
conclusion can be arrived at but that
$ gross frand has been • perpetrated
upon the public, audit is high time
or such proceedings to be stopped,
t is the duty of the people of every
eehool section in Ontario to hold
meetings and have resolutions passed
and forwarded to the Govern,ment
showing that • the people will not
submit to be robbed in any such
is not broken by them, other men win a in tete States and Canada against
tiply the Ictal bythe average number
roan ot000rd nq to terms
p y g Friutelp0
of reader., say three, to each oopy,,
and we shall have an audience of Bev.
earl millions, chiefly boys and girls,
young then and -women, to wlhoin
thea papers minister intellectual foot!
—to many their only mental nutri•
mont. These papers contain stories,
dealing largely with the reiatinn of
the sexes, portraits of burglars, mur-
derer' and pictures of crime, They
enter into the minutest details of
vias, and are 'puled with the doings
in saloons and danoe halls. The
readers are kept in constant compan -
ionship with the vilest criminals.
Crime is made familiar, glorified, and
the imagination is stimulated to mis•
take the adventures painted in such
brilliant colors. An i'nmense work
has been accomplished by Mr. Auth-
fraudulent way,and that if the ring ony Comstock in protecting society
have to be chosen who will do away this mahguant foe—this destroyer of
with the monopol. when the con- the peace of thousands of families,
tract was aboat to' be closed with the and a better sentiment is becoming
arena, which may prove a ealu•
Canada Pacific Railway syndicate, Lary safeguard. But great as this
the country, praying the Government vl may s is y g
311 Ottawa not to ssnotlan the con -
on the our ti ss of the general
tract with the syndicate monopoly, literat��re of oar times, the character
If the company who had contractedly. of which, as compared with previous
to build the C.P.R. was a monopoly, centuries, has measureabiy improved.
filen the one created by Mr. Yogis is
Where do our times feernish novels of
one hundred per cent. worse, three the vicious type of Smollett, Yielding
firms being authorized i o fleece the and others of the seine ilk ? And yet
public for ton years out of an sacs. these books were intensely read iu
mous amount of money. When the their day by all classes of people.
loud -
salary grab took place the indignation Where are the poets who babble loud-
ly of 'lee in salary verse u did Pope,
expressed by the people soon gave the Moore and Byron ? A writer In
Government to understand that they „Blaakwood'e" reoently said : "Pope's
had betrayed the trust reposed in most melodious, oorreotest couplets
them and as
result speedily •e
a 1 sp ed ly haat. a were iuterrlpe'rBecl with Iines which
down. There should be no : party
feeling in this matter, as both Re-
formers and Conservatives will have
to bear the financial loss, caused by
the bungling of the Minister of Edu-
petitions were circulated throughout b , it only a slight blew •
It has been ascertained that the
name of the man !bled Edward Burk,
at Little Farm is not Dupe!, but Rio-
pelle. _ He has been committed for
trial at the next Assizes and lodged
in Aylmer jail.
would dame for ever and ever any
modern poetaster." Another said
"It is not neoeseary to prepare ex-
purgated editions of Shalfspeare and
Dryden -if we would introduce them
into our families," Coming to mod-
ern times, compare the works of Lord
Byron and Tom Moore with those
of Tennyson and Longfellow and
how eterking the difference in their
moral tone. Despite the whining an d
fauit.finding of croakers the world
is moving ou. A glance .at the his
ndce spilcialty. Chargoarnodorato
H \v SALia,ilarrtster,i:xeter
WANTED " •-to sell-
New & Superior Canada Maps 1 Charts
As paying as any agency in the world. 8'or
fun particulars, free. address, II. C. T.WUSON
Heap Publisher 388Rlehmond-st..Loudon,Ont.
6 `Tia`.! AW,—
The Arnual Meetiue 0? the 1 sboree k Hibbert
Mutual Vire Insurance Co. Hill be hent atFar•
guhar onMonday,tlle2nd day of February al
one o'clock p. in...for the purpose of rete ving
the report• of the Directors, and the election of
Board of Directors for the current year.
N.J. CLARK., Sc;ereti,ry.
The Connell of the Corporetion of the County
of Huron will meet in the Court Room, to the
Town of 0oderieb, ou Tuesday, the 7'7+11 iitst.
Alt aoeounvs against the county must be pro-
souted before ^_.., _..____ _ e
day of meeting.
PE•rsa ii1,A2ieON,
Co, Clerk
Fills orders, sella an Commission. or will put-
ohm Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write
wnasa r eor care 1 de 'trot +MMA ,*rely to stop Its* for*
thus sett tb,s ba»lbaar ottani *tofu. 1 moos a r,4toal Bare.
I Maw taa4. las 41,saas et TrTe, iirtesrer or ratut:ta
NOIR irk a lur•toai ato4r, t warrior nor ra,ae4 1. oar'
1 a vera; oak*. 1<scassit Ml)en as,, sow fa rt. 1.1x.0 [ •a
DO saw ra,eI,lat a core. 5 r,4 stoma fora trot.. aa!
Pre. Soots of r*7 tara,:.tt4a roma fr. tiro !ban.- *a ,t ro+
ono. 1tcaeRrun c.tMei fora t eat. aa41arI1`1, .•♦
AS,tra,Mllr. h. 0. torr, tss,
tuNsu$UMPTIOo+> tNo
Sapwood* crash or 1a* wo,e1 iIa4 Mao arbor .1.0.0al;
Moro AVM oared, Ihdaa4 so Minae to 017 falls la 145 {Mo*c7y,
that 1 wta anal Two 50 T1. 5 rim, 1igotbur wilt a rm.-
01151.5 Tar411SI w Wits 410,0.,,10 oM MaserMr. ltln tie
PM, ♦tier. 0. awwe**. vs. T. a,elAt)v1�,11tnail el., ter.
AD ERTISERLS send for our select list of
Lae "1 Newi papers. (Leo. 1'. Rowell
14 $prtt:,e-St.. tr,1Y
Regular price,
75, 85, 90 ani. 95
cents per yard,
Marked. Down
if, 7-1 TO CLEAR.
First come first served. They
Par111111 liVtgatO
are bou nd to go.
Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour
nal In Canada Owned and Published
by a Farmer.
"It is our best friend,:
"It is worth ten tlnles its cost."
"The dollar spent for the Advocate is the
belt spent moneyfram the farm,"
The wife and family are also delighted
with it."
"No farmers house should be without
For Sale.
A well flnished,and convenient Dwelling House
and Lot onHuron Street, East of Main street
1'or particular) apply to
MR. 13 V ELL/:/T,
Solicitor &c,
..1.1 that the Annual Meeting of the Hay
Township Farmors' Mutual Fire Insurance Co:
will be held on Monday, January 12, i885, at lo
o'clock a. m., in the Town Hall, Zurich, for re-
ceiving the Directors' animal report, election
of officers, &c: H. EMBER Manager& Sec.
for working people. Send 19 cents
Iii postage, ani d we wall ma11 you free.
a royal, valuable samt,le box of
goo•1s that will put you III;
of making more money in a few
daya than you ever thought possi-
b,e at any business. Capital not
required. You can live at home andwork spare
time only or all the time. All of both sexes
of all ages grandly successful. 50 cents to $6
esti>ilyearnedevery even) That all who offered to subscribers for the largest clubs.
cups all led offer: To all the s who are�lnotaweli Conducted by practtble farmers. Its Free
satisfedwe will send $1 to pay for the tiouble Seed Distributions are invaluable. Oval 600
of writing us. .Bull portico ara,diroctions, &c. contributions. Posters and outfits on appli-
sent free. Immense BMW; absolutely sure for all cation, Send for them. B; NEW-TOR/MR,
who atm tat once. Don't delay. Address 24 ParkRow N. Y.
STINSON drCo.,Pottland,Maine.,
The right information in the right season by
the best specialists thatcnn be procured on
the Farm, Stook, Dairy, Garden and Or-
chard,Poultry, Vetorinare, Apiary,
Markets, Family Oirole, Etc., Ete.
Onlv $1 Per Annum.
Simple copy sent free to applicants -mention-
ing their Lot, Concession and Post Office.
So say the beat farmers. stockmen, gar-
deners, and fruit growers of America of the
great National, Weekly, the Rural New York-
er. The best writers in the world. Original
throughout. Over 500 illustrations from
nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask
those who) know. Specimens gladly sent
without charge. 62,800 worth of presents
Notice Is hereby given, in pursuance of Sec-
tion 34, Chapter 107 of the Revised Statutes of
Ontario,that all creditors of Henry Dilling.
late of the Village of Exeter,in the County of
Hut o r , laborer, deceased, who died on or about
the 210th day of September, .513,1884; aro here-
by required to send by post prepaid on or be-
fore the %nth day of January, A. D. 1885, to
Messrs,Mereditb $catche:d, of the City of
London, the count f Middlesex, the solicitors
wnahip of Weatmin-
for, John Nano, of : . o
tier, in the county ' - t 1 lesex, yeoman, the
executor of the last s , i d estament of the
satdHenryDilling,l • ' 1, their Christian
,rod urnumes n ith , i m tt d, description.,
the full particulars and . ,a f o f their claims
ands statementofthele: +.ibis (if any) held
by them.
And furlher take notice the said execute
or will after the said 2001 day of January, A.D,
1::5, proceed to distribute the assets of the
said Ileer'v Dilling, a ecease c, amongst the par -
lies entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which be has then notice, and the
said executor will not be responsible for the
said assets or any part theret,f so distributed
to any person or persafis of whose claims no-
tice shall not bevy been received by such ex-
ecutor at the time of such distribution,
Dated this , 15th day of December, A. 0. 1884.
Solicitors for G tee u tor
C l<<�ir €Sale 1
Back ss: Old Stand.
(� Doors bort_ of Post Office)
Bu Jo:and EggsWanted
ilii Exchange for `Goons.
We have lila. received a large consignment
of goosf`e'direct from wholesale houses, which
we will ee11 at very close prices. p],euditl
value in Cash'meres,Velveteens, Grey, Sear -
let, 'Canton and Homemade Flannels,' Anice
line of table napkin and., covers. ;Splendid
Wincey, Grey and White Ootton-=very cheap
Aio Tweeds and Ready-made Clothing. Lot
groceries to be sold verny cheap. In Bootss
& Shoes we have added some new lines, and,
are prepared to sell the best ,goode at elosp
May 29th. Exeier.
A full stock of all kinds o
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es; carefully prepared at
the Ca--- +rat Drug Store Exeter
C. I., UT Z
Planinq' Mill!
8111D !CM!
Done to order.
Bemomberjthe place.
33Ver - I owaxd1