HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-25, Page 7Giver A fang tier weariness that suite and snakes the fragrant summer al bard to breathe; a slow consciousness in all the limbs of weakness and in- ertia; a longing for skies that are bluer, a thirst for iaira.%het. are fresher _,these are the sensgtfoos dist Wine tp tY osc whose sun is going down et noon—Who in the full promise of a long life conte suddenly to the edge of the shoreleers. see, It is not all pain, The "light that, never was on sea or land" foreshadows the confines of that other country. There is rest, sweet rest beyend. Id'o more weariness and disappotntme>it; no more care. No bearing the heavy burden. no misunderstandiaa . no broken faith; these come to all who go on living in this world --they aro the heritage of mortality. We have cheerful words and a God- speed for the friend who goes on a journey. here, a journey that may be full of disaster; but for the pilgrim that goes higher WO have only tears. Going to the palace of the Ring! going to be the guest of angels, but ohl how reluctant we arc to say not goad -bye or farewell, but adieu! "Oh fond oh fool. ant) blind, To tial 1 give with tears. But wt►en entail like arra° would and 4 Mr soul note by her fears," There is one going out of the family this lovely enamor time—one we have loved and cherished. The doctor has said gravely, "There Is no hope," and ceased to Colne. There is nothing to do but to wait. The doer one who It going on the long journey is the least disturbed. There is no making ready. The frail sn_ffere' lies in the hammock or sits in the raelieing chair, and with closed eyes drifts on to that anent, shoreless sea. Of what do the dying think,' Row doi)s It seem to withdraw from the busy. bustling world. and be no more a part of itf---to feel the life trembling on the ale lips; to know that He hasIvcn His angels charge concerning thee? 'If I were told that I should die to -marrow. That the next sun that stake would bear me. past ail fent, aa4 sorrow Foranyone; All toe fight Seuxbt--sin the short journey tpN hs tMsboud 1 dot" These dear ones who etre leaving ua, fading day by day in this lovely Aum - mor weather, aro the evangel* of lave to guide us to the bights of unselfish- ness, It is our privilege to minister to them, to soften every stop as it stoat the end, to stand with mute thanks- , Hancock's saloon. It is an old ins Husbend—Oh. khat aeuraflf a and tooth - giving in the light of the condog splendor, and behold the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof. "It is A perpot0el summer there. But bore Sndty may we remember rivers clear. And harebells quivering on the meadow s t ha b ae A'fIis Rif; PLAt..1% HOII The old wooden light -house etainftng �- on the northeast side of Fort Schuyler, the Cttt test Stators/nen Won and marking the northwest side of the sc to actli"oker. eutrauee to the East River, New York, .----,-.• i4 to be torn down to vs bines taanew A. Washington letter in the Houston structure of pressed brick. The present Pest says: ",I recollect Henry Clay's tura- building was erected in the year 1826, out very well." said an old -tinier; +•he. and is cue of the oldest coled'beacons in had Otte of the old style Concord bug the Unitrel Stated. pies: with a top that suggested a Ittttcrestiit ttelAls.. Mother Hubbard bonnet. It was eve- deetly It second-hand affair that Mr. Bncklen'a!trnicaSattfe- Clay had picked up in a trade, and The Best Halve in the world for -Outs, Bruia- nowadays would do very well for a es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, woman to haul vegetables around town Tetter, Chapped hands. Chiiblains,Oonts, and in. The cushions were stuffed with alt Sian Eruptions, and positive',' curse Pilon, .Aloes and were so well worn you could or no pay required. It is gnarauteed to give see the moss sticking out at the sides, ! perfect satzsfeetiou, or looney roftiuded I'll bet Hearty Cls }• didn't knew what Price 25 cents perbox. For sale by ,alt drug- a lap -robe was, and, As for a whip, be """', The tPmperatnra arulsl'ed to 4 below zero didn't have any. Ho used to slash his tt'edue•ciay night of last week nz 'he city of old sorrel stallion with the ends of the I,oiitlon, reins so loud you could hear it a block SALT ItHEL"�f. off. The steps to the buggy were gone Halt lllseuin, i'implea or elicit lien a an he and Mr. Clay used to lamp over the thomugitlyl rtmuvtd by a pralaer application cif Wheels., When he wanted to get ilk he 1 McGregor be I'yrke'a Carbolic Cerate to ilia put cue foot over the hub and Amino' f part, and a few doses of McGregor's Speedy the other around over, the wheel ane ; Cure for impure blow. 13e sur .• and get the dash -board. Tho wheels were so blah 1 gennine. Prepared by Nralegrr & Parke, be had to let the top down' to get out. .13n1.t at 25 cents tel J. '. Browniug's Drug They had axle -grease in those dors, 1 Store. r but Mr. Clay bad evidently neverfound 1 '—Grant:Mc and Gladstone have been pro - aided with ex- la guards Ffi;ce the eeyl.rsion at London bridge, Geo. Andrews..titerse'et' in the Lomeli Csrpet Corporatieu, was for over tweuta, pars before hie removal to 3auwell.afilieted'a-itls malt rheum in its worst forte, Its u:eeratitsus asltually covered More thou hall the surface of hi4baly Hurl Was, Re nes t'uiirt'h" eustd by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, See eeltiticattz in ayer'as Aima. use for 18t13. i ON TARTY PAS' Tt11AIs. Church, Ya. Bright Med to conte over ! 'Pax vola..10 t u.r Co.. Marshall, =lich.,wit every week endplay with Clay, and he ,ReAd 1)R.1)vit'rCaT1 naAZrn 1ri.utxnn.Vor.1tIV generally went Intel! to Pelle Church tBttfas AND Here -rate As'gr.fAscacs on triaifor with apoeketiulelf ggmonor But that hirtydscyatonun(yttunluruil) who are al - Was with 41,200 away01lucky Bright'st. Hmoney.t ianddieted with kindredruutrtnblr ,debility, lost huaranteeine watch, saddle and bridle, overcoat; speedy and complete re.toi Osiers of health and'. aaddlo bags. a new suit of clothes that timely vigor. a vtaress as abuse N. B.—No were is the saddle -hags, three finger- risk timely le erred, as slurs' daya'trialieellowe4 rings and a breastpin, s brace of pistols tvF.Li"'PO 1 t:ith:alBllt. an a bowie knife, and a pair of A S:;TCit IS Tt3tit-- Sates nine. Seiions re,I *11110 Oft follow a neglect .1 ecnstipatssd sew. els and bad blood* Hardtack Blood Bitters re. I ituiste and purify tlru stomach, bawds. firer, kidur: it and the Wood. Take it in time. --Extra Rnsirde here been pial en duty A sinus went the whole hog or nothing. et the uUlo bui'tiiut;a iu Loudon Vn'wrs Why, didn't you never hear of the time omni*in ere alrcieliy guarded, Henry Clay bet himself clean down to The uutiar dirty appearance of a griasty his undershirt, !Ind he0terad to,,r.11 beztrd ahnmie newer be allowed. Bnckiu,ghsu'a that off, but the other fellow didn't Bye teethe whiskers bili readily cheep their wear an undershirt to put up against outer to a brawn or black, et di+ecretion. and it, Well, sir. Ws so. any how, and the thus kucp up your reputation for neistness andvery R Pow ble he looks.ed the game on Is goad room, up-atairs, a Wif Inthe front—'t lot a the wittier now. John ? It out, He always drove. Ins horse at a canter. you could hear the front wheels of his buggy sgeeakiugg es many notes as there are on a pitieolo. ",Alt, well do I rem /tuber that sorrel stallion," continued the old-timer. "Henry Clay won him one night at poker in John Rancoek's saloon, which is still running on the avenue, from Col, Jinn Bright, who lived at Faun boots--- "Oh, you needn't laugh." acid tete old-tituer. with great eniwatfon; "that's the way they played poker in theta dsys. door. For brlgbtor bells and bluer. Far tenderer hearts and truer, Peop:c that happy land—'Ala the land of Evermore." Given up to dial This is the fiat of doom whispered in sorrowful accents to heart -broken. friends. Why not "given up to Iive." called before the noon of life to enter upon the rest and reward? It wo could push der the gates of Itfo once stand within and nil God's workings FCe, We wnu.d interpret all this doubt and strife, And for cowl) mystery find a ger. But nor to -day. Then be content, poorheart; God's pians like Hues, pure and white, un" fold. We must not tear the o:oae•shut leaves spar:, Time will reveal the calyxes of gold.'" --Detroit Free Press. Beetle vs. Alligator. An alligator flamers than six inches long is securely housed at 190 West Seventh street. Early last Saturday evening an enormous beetle flew into the house where the alligator is being entertained, and fell to the floor. Ona of the occupants of the house scooped up the intruder on her fan and flirted it off into the aquarium. Tho water in this ornamental vessel is very shallow, so much so that when his alligatorship stretches his six inches along the bot- tom his back and tail aro nut sub. merged. Luckily for the beetle ha landed well upon the alligator's tail, high and dry, so high that the 'gator couldn't double up and nab him. The reptile Iashed the water. and bis con- tortions described nearly all the curved letters of the alphabet, but to no pur- pose; the beetle hung on and appeared to enjoy the ride. During a moment when the alligator was at rest the rider appeared to let go his hold to secure one more reliable. when quicker than lightning, he was shaken off and was floundering in the water. Instantly the 'gator whirled to •secure his prey, when his tail again touched the drowning insect, and again there was a passenger aboard elated over his narrow escape. Not content- ed with the perilous position from which a moment before he had been thrown, the beetle began crawling up the back of his enemy to what looked like more secure quarters. With the sagacity of a fox the reptile now laid quiet, evidently biding the time when the death -walk would be sure to end. Slowly the beetle crawled, fastening his feelers one by one into the youthful J scales of his enemy. Tho 'gator moved not a muscle. He did' not even breathe, while his eyes shot forth the malignant hatred of a basilisk. The beetle finally reached the ugly - slurped head, which was held up well out of the weter. In a twinkling the head was ducked, the beetle was again in the water, and in ' another instant the incipient teeth of the reptile had crushed down through the stiff -eased wings of the: bug, and the struggle was over.. The alligator made no effort to devour the elepiutiltfne bug. He simply held on to him, half of the corpse in his mouth and the other half in the wetter, and not : until as hour or two after daylight ,yestoidaymorfin did he spit out the , mo3ath ful ; and evincea dosire.lor his usualbreakfast half-dead dies,--Cincinnerti Enquirer. table 'about three feet square, wit a soba near kills nee. hole is the middle to drop the percent- W114*- Wily don't You go to J. W. Die •t1 - age through far threes, tolls, flushes, toga Drug Store and get a bottle ..f Plaid sod jack pots. well, sir about that Lightning ? you kunw� it entire alt such old stallion. ilo was well known thlttga an Toothache, lvenrelgia, Heatlaahe. around Washington for several years. Lumbngo. pinwale, Sore Throat, etc. It Riven $ y Inatatlt relief. 4 Ho always flickered when Clay came A DOUBLE PUtil'OSE, near him. Clay carried a pocketful of The popular tutredy, th 'va:tl'a Yount 04,. shelled corn, and he gave the horse a is used both iuternally and externally. for handful every time he got into heaches, paius,icolds, oreup, rheinnati,m, deaf. buggy. The boys knew the stallion moss, and (lisa•sifes of err iuflareatury nature. well, and they used to give frim pieces of bread. cake. nuts, or.anything of the sort. He'd eat watermelon and roast, and L'yo seen him eat wads of paper as though he was tryingto make the boys laugh. Well. sir, Cay had a nigger Mort •copes, adults and nhildruu, aretron bit) with costiveness than apish any other ailwentg Dr, Henry Baxter's lfan'lrake Bit- ters will cure coniveness autl lsr."vent tit/ diseases which result from it. REST AND COM901*T TO TUE311 EP'EIEIN& named Sam. One day he leaned the " Itrown'nHousehold rancea"basin°weird i stallion to Sam t0 drive to Alexandria. torrelievingpain,t.othinteroafttatt external It, Sam got drunk before he left town, and oureapainintheSide,hack nrbowels,soretliroat he started out oa a gallop. He didn't Rboumattasn, Toutliache.Lnmbagosndanvkind atop till he got to Mount Vernon, of a pain or SAM. "81 wilt tiers surely quicken twenty milds off. There bo turned the blood ttr.d heal. aattsaetiiigDower iswonder- around and galloped all the way back. fel. "'Brown's Uousthnld I'an*CO$t boiugack-I The old stallion dropped dead at the nowledgetlasthe great Pain feltever,andofdon edge of South Washington. There ( ble thestrengtb of any other Elixir or Liniment were over ono hundred boys at the intho worltl,allould bolo every family handy" for funeral. In revenge Claysold the sit'uwhen watnted,"'asMoony ls!Ala boat remedy in the world for Orampe is the Stomach, end nipper to n Louisiana sugar -plantar, L"ain.' and Athos of all kinds," and is for Salo 1y with a proviso in the bill of sale that all Druggists at'e5 cents a bottle the planter should hitch Sam in shafts rrolloiray's Pilh.--Invalids distracted by and work him in the sane -mill. Fact, , iudigestieu and diseout'ngl d in their Hemel: for girl" its remedy should make trial of this never. 1 Ealing medicine. A lady, loos; a martyr to dyspeptic tortureswrites that Holloway's Pills made her feel as if a burden had been taken off her. Her spirits, formerly low, have + greatly improved ; her capricious appetite has given place to healthy hunger ; ber dull, sick headache has departed, and gradually so mar- vellous a change bus been effected, that she is altogether a new creature, and again fit for her duties. These fills may be administered with safety to the most delicate. They never act harshly,nor do they ever induce weakness ; they rightly direct deranged, and control ex- cessive action, —Mr. Dan Dorman's child, setionsly scald- ed near Ailsa Craig a kw days ago, has since died. WHAT TO DO. It troubled with an unhealthy, slow -healing sore use McGregor & Parkes' Carbolic Corate. You will find it invaluable for healing, cleans- ing and completely removing your trouble. If the Blood is out of order, take with it a few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure from J. W. Browning's Drug Store. 1 TBE BEST COMBINATION. INVALUABLE TO EVERY L- IDY 'MAY DEW' The treat bah Lotion for Beautifying the fact It Conceals the evldonee of ave. 03e at.pli- cation win inane the most.etabborniy red :and rough heeds beautifully soft and white, Be - member chat" MAY new" is riot .a paint or powder that file op the pores of the skin, And that IS w uliODS t0 the vain but a new an great discovery, a Yeast Able 1igW,l, that causes the cheek to glow with health. the neck. Arnie and hands to. rival the Lily in whiteness. In-- invisible i4 charts tern.tlI benefit it blue. freckles, Wrlukle,s, Psntples, Il1wk Hems, Crow's Feet. Blotches, mace Ori.bs, i3uu Pura Tarn. Ringworm. Chapped Heads, Sore or Chap pede Lips.Bazb's Itch, Totter. de. It trees the peres,cel glends.aud tabes frota the Injur- ious effects of p..w,tereend cosmetic washes. By its nee all rednesss and routhures are pre• rented; Iiteretnnee the skin. end will male i1 aotl.siacotb and wbito; itaparting it delictwt4 softness: l roduelegq, pert. tlarheattby.nstui sl,aed youth/el appwsirriees. 11s.s brat fade lotion treat the world ever produced. We will end"` A Lane* nor-rms. "" to any eadrese On re. octet of prics.ajl, Whenordering mention thl ltaper- Address all /Atoll to the MAT1114W.ItoRNGY. 21 Y'na,goitrast, Toroste, Ont 1'a40rneC iteesatioa Ronan for Ladies. iss . Sarp©r's Magazine. ILLUSTATED. With the new velutno, beginning in Decem- ber, NAnpEtes MAoA2LNE will conclude its thirty-fifth year. The oldest periodical of its typo. it is yet, in each new volume, a ,Hera,- magazine not simply because it presents freak subjects and now pictures, but also, and chiefly because it ,steadily advances in the toothed it. self ofui*gazinomaking. In a 'word, the 111ao- AztNa becomes more and more the faithful mirror of current life and movement. Loading features in the attractive programme for 1885 are: new serial novels by CCNSTANCE FENIErortu WonLso5 and W. 1). Rewriting; a new novel entitled "At the Iced Glove ;" descriptive illus tratod.patpers by F. L' .Dirr,r,ET, R. Swath GIF. FORD, E, A. ADMIT, HI. VaD30N, and others ; Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Con:Auer;' illusteat- ed by ABBEY; important papers on Art,Scienoe, etc. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HARPER'S MAGAZINE........... 94 00 HARPER'S WE MEI ,.400 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 nuRPER's FRANKLIN' SQUARE LIBRARY. One Year (58 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The volumes of the MAGAZINE begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no titne is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last eleven Semi-annual Volunme of AearER'a MAGAZINR, in neat cloth binding,wlll be sent by mail, postpaid, on reoipt of 93.80 per volltate, Cloth Onsets, fes binding,. 50 cents each 1)y mail poslpbid: index to UAncan's tf1tGAZINti,. Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volume sl to 60. Inclusive, from Juue,1850,to Suite, lase, el:rivet, two, Meth, 94.00. l*emittances should be made by Post Office,, Money Order or Draft, td ovoid ohaute of loos. Newspat1ersatre not, to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Bedpan & liArlTttBAei lddroll—•1?AIIPEii & BEOTHERS, New,,York The best combination of blood cleansing,re. gulating, health giving herbs, roots and barks enter into Burdock Blood Bitters—a purely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. EASILY °AUGHT. It is very easy to catch cold, but not so easy to cure it unless you use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best remedy for all throat, bron- chial and lung troubles, congers, colds and consumptive tendencies. -Fred Goldsmith, the baseball man, has purchased the Mansion House in London. A PLANT OF RARE VIETYJES. Ie the eommo,t and well-known Burdock. It is one of the best blood purifiersand kidney regulators in the vegetable world; and the compound known as Burdock Blood Bitters "'• teves7a MUTT BROS., HEADQUARTERS FQR and ware, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Scythes, re and steel strip %acinar. Barb SCBEBP AT � *nen� � BISSETT BROS. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Shod, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS. 1. 1 1 1 ELS, They invigorateand restore to liwtdth Debilitated Ckurstittltinus, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For chiidrrn arta the axed they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Biel Breasts, Old lyoundd, Sores and t leers, It iv fatuous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF T8E CREST IT Hie ill WOW. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Caegits, Cords, Glandular Swellings. an d all shin dises.a it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiffjoint* itacts like a diem. The Pills and Ointment are sold et THOMAS florLowAY's Establishmer.t, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1s. Sod., 2s. H.. 4s. Gd., Ils., 22a., and 33s. each. The 2s, 9d. size coots/as three times the quantity of the le lid, size - the 4s. 6d. size six ; the Iis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty•two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and eau be had in any language 13 Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. WILLIAMYM DREW possesses wonderinl power in disease of the blood, liver, kidneys and stomach. THE HISTORY OF DfSt. A nsU fldertak.er Mr. John Morrison, of S St.. Anna, N. was so seriously afflicted with a disease of the kid- neys that dropsy was developing and his life a%"�� . was despaired, of. Two bottles of Burdock j Blood Bitters eared him after physicians had failed: : McGregor to Parke's Carbolic Cerate, has been tested by years el triel and has been found the. most convenient and el eotual teeth - cd of applying' Carbohe Aoid: •'elle greatest antieeptio id osis, for `Cuts,. Burks and .Old Sorsa; Be sure you get .McGreplor & Parke's Carbofie; Cerate. Sold for 25 Bente hy,, %,. W. Browning Druggist. Cabinetmaker. ONE ":DOOR NOME(' MOLSOWS