HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-25, Page 5MIX -1001) ,A1\TI is 4' 1884. ISTMAS . WHY, AUNT.SOPHIAH, WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE LOVELY CARDS ?" "I GOT IDEM AT DR, BROWNING'S, 0110 has the finest assortment of TOYS, CARDS, ALBUMS, and all kinds of X. -MAS PRESENTS you ever saw ; and SO CHEAP. Be sure amigo to to the liTQ�T 14„13Q...70„ a. 131101772TINCIr Prop The Latest Loudon Scare. }LOoDONT1r.URO mssAND iBRU(i a 'Y' WOE( COUGHS AND COLDS. The parcel t lattl ..t Windsor n. if j London.depart 7 4:x1..u. 450P.tt. 630 A. ay audio!), tl which 18 re 00on r r n w ; tt $ Exeter s 57 6 2i s 5 ! T- Ax'S COMPOUND o.tr LIN• ansa 9 Oa SFFU. Aniseed„.Senega, $ uuI Told. Via. ed on ; aturdey, adjoined a covered µippon 9 2 0 # as UO'x with Ghlnrativne. 13rncenetd 9 `Li 0 48 1U. way over rupial. the Queen passed ou Clinton ......-G 4'• 77 0. li 30 Wedueeday, when she started for Os. hal th - la 417 7 E7 a» hsA appeared aasotug h3ertgravo h0.1t 7 46 a,t. 48 & ectorant forC'oughs andCcicts. Londaallnro to ar 727 1 le .u. AY't C' POUtirl , a demulcent borne. `i'he fire first Wtugltailt aratnaiO 341 7 ,s 1 is expectorant a. fear parcels lx i n the ibor. From n, a t , r G'oR_ ls GDO!..S0Irra. Dspreas 'Alan. and Claee Ei �t `� ' (l;J;tPUUlvt , for + i there the fire spews)) with great rapid. �•� and c ldt tt rugilaol. deli t 748 t.tr. 3 i'114,#. la ) t•tt o s. to equally aervioabie for sty. It is unknown flow long the Beigrate ........6 W 377 al 1 HoraesaudeeltT 11941g0r0i19 ptuoete< bad been lir riga httyttl . 3 l;= 330 11 is x•OndeYUprp 834 3 38 1 room. It 1. ptte!ai010 tile 111401131M wee Oilutan .350 4.01 13 44 Pat. d th f b d there t o da sieere eore e ueeu'a e- ltunld .. r., l] Q 1Crlllt1urene......... 0 13 4 ;'i t l., + t0 1 11 Neuralgia Faea•aelle &a. Arparturo Search in ttla debri+ rtes$ 119 flan 9 14 + 11 1st UAGULIZIE. euutsunsid ta•tla • and several iron 1,arilon arrlial� S 9 1.1 tue12t rr. Brok 1 an Articles. hold Y 433038.. e. }t ' a halo A1,tkers.--.H.' li 43l0J$ Stockport, cups siwilsr to those 04341 111 o trtrid we, . _.. ,, . _,_. Einauioi. ges were discovered. A bull! .sits also — REl?01iTS. m�(�"p'ti(ip found ailed with attwduet stttuv'aleti_.._ _ 11 UtlUafp it ABSOLUTE; r ing'throughoutDIVORCES V4 e with a strongly stneltiu fluid, and 1!► 1Cot'rectodat5o'alockit su.Wedaesday.) Uuitrii Statoa u 1 t:anada for (:eaertl 'Y r4i,h. wtl1:AT 61S)tkert int(1nP 0 UCe.crttelty,ilreemjl».«,,,,,ar, the 'sawdust wore tfttflna!!t•r of a }nut• lYaitdlPhvtlt vie. Advice free, State yournaseanIaddrera u tie a Ila of wtt9 Rli t 't 1 _.. lilt9 U IHuttilt 000 f t 008to070 0 eti l e t) 0 u 08 to 0 7U 0tits tou70 .tP. S'orld Building, 15577 tt ••• •• Broadway, New York, 00 Saturday, 'dub manage a of the ;vatto eve eat t+isx ... ., + r ItOd t4hoat:yew ... ... .. (xreat Western Railway nsoett the fire rues purely aeoldeutal and toad: not 4OAIN ;`vu's';' N'Ue (flow) .. ... .. due to Fenian a�tfeucy, They lleclora 10. ::: no infernal machine has been found, 'alto?, seed ': » stud that tl►s ill•swetling liquid was a'itnothy •• ••. ••• berme motiusilla. T119 Untie Secret' Et',:', ••• ::; :: cry has ordered art: increase of gu•t;tia u"„itar :;; ;:; *i SYtudaor Castle to double the pros- btourt arbbh, ... ,. ..• ••• est number sad they era to ha n1,311011 ,ei otitis a tiaKa-g ::: ”: vti0t villas, A thorough eest,rcb of the urted.t.ppteenr h ... ... grenade surrounding the Castle has z' °rxeer �l�ria ... .:, ... been. ordered- xtraot•dlttary precau. »u t u8A(tp+rpr tions were taken at Oubuttle, where tiega,treaaedportU(1" the Queen ie sojourning. X11; the Beet ... iitdesrouhg. pingo butiding•i 411241 rsitway stations " dressed ... are closelyguarded. (Litter.) —A C34aa"711Iu18s.ael• . careful exatutuattan discloses the foot worn re;1it ... :: that the luysteiioui wheels found in �1liionteli+orbltau• . Ills debris anppuaed, to belong to solus Woo roe cora "' deadly loft/rust ulachit,e, trope simply parts of sotn.ib;ldya fishing tackle. 073tu3701 1,1 45 to 645 O26.to03e 7etito740 121 so 300 045 to1Ge 4)60 to 0,5 O48te.1N 1. 14 so •,1 uueto553 1130 toLI40 040 towns 004to0 0 03 to U 06 0 fel tl a 111 to 00'(10 O 23 10 0 .4 0.1 105 631 00 tette! 500to600 6'59to0731 00010 40►h n:oto070 ft10to020 ,,, 7011to800 0 le to 0 73 800to35O 1dBN6ALi• 4fARKSTS. Feu Wheat per bit .. ... '8 o 73 to 0 75 C 0 74 to 9 SU nosier (ttrfal►t) 52. to 0 '00 Barley (feeding) 0 44 to 0 40 Blazing 01s. white oats, ... 02484 to 0 1IC Black Oats ... 097 to 030 00 New York, Deo. 111...—'.Itis after. Pont ces ep r1 ti ..:"' ... ... o es tot1 1109u a napttla tank at Pratt's Astral ' Oil 'Yorks, which 000upy an assure The British:Grata t'ra,cle. Meek at the foot of 12111 street, lV(I• iiamsburg, exploded With a deafeulug Luno:, Dec.2?.---Tile Mark Lane Ex - report, trot) tragtnouts were 8001 bigh press, in its weekly review of tls. British 1 far, bul'uiug ui! soatteriux til grain trade. says: A week's rainfall lm.* mat. r tiirect2.44u erially nnprored the already promising afit- y I'';Yery available en. man crops. Trade the past week has been gi ie to the city was despatched to the ! stationery. Sales of English what during acerae. A few m100104 after the first l the nook 54,91? qrs. at Sls. 5a. per qr. explosion another rashµ burst. These ii'a bast b'7.0v8grs. at ass. 2.i. per qt. during the corres(wnlling lvt:ck of last year. E�+tr1�- two sent 10,000 barrels of flatlling oil i1;rr ew eat� era gni'it autl in ,)mall 4o"luau.lt pouring luto every cook and corner holders, however, seem to lea ill lwtter suirita where it 00t11t1 Wake 111 way. Tilu Antl anticipate a material reduction of stocks ,Mburning oil flowed into 13ua131011 at the end of the year. 1I lire scarce; (mus- s,. aud continued to burn uu the surface of the water, giving the ap• peartulce of a river on fire. The shock occasioned by the explubioue broke the wludowa of all the houses iu the neighborhood and (mut people iiytug into the streets 1n terror. The bent Ives so Intel, se that the firemen could 22(03to-dayof#holiday character. foreign not get close (l,oug11 to render needed 'dnllan uiei nehaudeinaud. Flour god.otMaail ize and Laney service. Tug boats took up positions !steady. on the river and sect Leavy stream* into the flames, but the wind curried Harpers Young People the flames out at thein and they dere compelled to steam away, giving the AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. fire complete control. - Members of One cosine company on shorn were The serial and sllart stories in 1I*iwEu,s forced to retreat frtW their engine to Yoaso T?Eorlr•- have alltliotlramatic interest escapedeath. li:UlObioufoilowea a&• 'thatjuvenilefictiou can poste*, while they; aro tvhoIly free from what Is perniatulls or plosion, and burning masses were oar- vulgarly sensational. The humorous storios tied up u aid awayfar tt lou' diBtauCe endplate esarefuliofinnocentfun, and the p 6 papers ou natural history and science, travel, by the wind. Thousands of spear)- and the facts of life, aro by writers whoao torn gathered i t tt heavyrust), and wanes givo Lha Uost assurance of aeeuraoy at.1 gPaine. lulletratod ISftpOTB On atheletic syorte, stood watching the great Oonflagrt - l=ames audpastinaesgive fuhint/13)01titn nu theso subjects. TEM is nothing ehoap,ab, ut . tion. Alt the bnt;dtuge auS1 tautts;etc, it bunts pisco; cepting a targe::briok building i -o which An opiFnmo of everything' that attractive calming 19 ttuue, were destroyed. 1113 eV clesirabtoin juvenile liter( Boston Jess will rLaall $500,000 to, $600,000. CA riooa's feast of good things 43 eye and It is estimated that -over 100,000 girl* of everyfamilywhich it visits.— rooklyn barrels of retivad and crude . cit' were Union. Itis wontleriul in its wealth of pictures, iu- burned. It is notw reported that rile f0 Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer EINDS 1V11 BL&ITIS 1884 THE OLD— ESTABLISHED .D E T BLI HE_�.. HOUSE To the s wet , T`s 0 With a First Cle..$a stoek, end at prices that DEFT POWPBTITION. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Fall of alltba Latest designs in -Worsteds, Oveli'co .ting t Tweeds, -etc., Ayd.anade up in First-class style, and at prices that cannot fail to please. - .Ail Goods MAIMED IN PLAN plou14F.1 . No Trouble to Show `roods. Bring along your Farm, Produce for which the highest Prices will be paid. JAMES PIC .ARD, EXETER,. SI PT.22nd. )islet. Customers supplied) TUESDAYS. THURS. HAYS AND SATIMPAYS at their residence. ORDERS LEFT 1.T THE SHOP WILL RE . OEIVE PJ101(PT ATTENTION. CATARRH- A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the most extraordinary suoease that has boon achieved iu modern medicine has .leen attained by the Dixon treatment ler ca. tarrb. Oat of 240 patients treated during the last six months, dully ninety per cont. have been cured of this stubborn rtralady. This is none the less etart'liug when itis remembered that not Oro per Cont. of patients presenting themaalvoa to tbo reviler practitioner era be. aerated, wi.ilothe natant Maclaine* and other. advertised carts never recons a curl at all. Starting with the claim now generally uoliovodt by the moat scientific leen that disease is duo to the presence of living aarasttesi0 the Baena. 31r. vixen at ouce adapted his euro to their HOLIDAY ANOUCEME^QTS, • Ladies and gentlemen seeking a choice selection of CIIIiS'E4LS GIFTS Will find just what they wish in. our new and rich assort- ment of ARTISTIC JEWELRY, carefully selected and especially* desirable as most appropriate Holiday Gifts. Watches in Elegant Cases Handsoluely chased, with Cheilas, Seals Pencils, Etc.,, !loa- m styles, cod (placated et beat gttetity SIL WARE! New and elegant styles. Just in the LATEST STYLES IN GOLD JEWELRY Of Standard quality, for ladies,' and gentlemen's wear. PRICES LOW. Watches, Clocks and , jewelry repaired on short notice. and Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Stand one door north of Telegraph Office, M` ai'n•sf ..`,{ Exeter. ROBERT TT1VTS extermination --this seoomptishott, he elaima • - rho CAtar % to pro°tically cured, and tiro per- -- -- -"` — mauouey nrquestioned. as eines offertedl try F hint fouryearsed. aro re Ca Catarrh in one EST &BI ISTI D 18724 — else Iris attemuted to euro Catarrh !n Luis rnanner,andno other treatment over cured Catarrh. Th 1 application of the moody is simple, and can be done at dowse, and the ' "—. + 0 present season o! the year is the moat fav�r- able for n fe a rs and porous car es Duro, the Majority of eases beingq cured at ono treat- sAmwELL Am/..1 picKARD ascot se Sufferers speedy of should correspond with :stases. A. H. 1tIXON d: SANAN Tung street west, Toronto, Canada, ane enclose stamp for their troatiae ou Catarrh.-lfontreal Star, Nor. 17,164e, Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask Tonally dearer. In wheat cargoes off the t ( - ~ then' inspection of their large and coast a small h isiuers was done. Of Cali - ferule ferule wheat, new crop, now at Liverpool, the grarn is describea, and calor and quality batter than in 1883.. Niue cargoes armed daring the week; throe sold, five remained. trade .in forward foreign mouths livelier Fair business done in California wheat; thir- teen cargoes sold from 88s. 641. to 35s• 1)ust- IMO.* Wishes to tuluounen to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, Vent he has opened ont a Dui ad Shoo hp in the Corner Store North of Barnwell & Pickard's, where he is prepared to - make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing )promptly attended to. GEO. MA.NSON, i Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoo Establishment. Hay 14th 84. )[r1CFIISPEUIL. Complete assort .'t of Dry Goods Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is, we believe, well assorted and carefully selected. It consists ill part of the following : All -Wool Dress Goods, Plain and Flancy Dress Goods, Black and Col'd Cashmere, BIack and Col'd Silks, Ottoman Cord Sills. Staiole Department. Shirtin.gs, Denims, Cotton.ades, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons, Skirtings (plain and twilled) Cotton. Bags 7LA6d� ANL; COLD VELVETEENS and prices reat )lets of shade. Your inspection of these goods ;alis) prices will convin-ce you they are right, as they )rave bee.a Imported for this season's formation and interest.: hUristivl Advocate fire in the tunnel is connecting WW1 N'Y' aid, 62 Per Year. other tanks. TEtt�[S : Postage Frei Scott's ICiuulsio3a of Pure sol. V.C. commences November 4,1804. Cod Liver OH, with Hypoplzosphites, lira/ Build tip Wasted Systems. f Dr.. I). PvsEtr,Eliy3bet4ht0svli. Ky., says -"+r "1 have .. prescribed Scott's t Emul'siou fre- quently in re-quentlyin the last ton years, aud take pleas - urs in commending it as a valuable remedy both for adults and children in wasting con- ditions." ;A -13011N.,* Boss. --In Hay, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr, - Sohn P. Ross, of a son. Loom —In Hay township, op yell, u11 inswr; John Lope, aged, 91 years. Wurr .—In Exetetsi o 3rd inst., N1oi3- e f "r :rel Will tae p ace flt6 t1ie plan sion House, today, for the Kirkton Cewetry. _ ::oatt " 1'-; 7,14„:, 4„r' ,�, ti STNOLr Nile *B11s-,Fivo Cants each. Remittances should ba made Dy Post Office ' \Loney Or:ler or draftyto avoid chanco of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this a avertise- meutwithout the. express Order Of IIAal-aa& 333r0Tr*EBB, .. ''- Mlsress HARPER & t3IBOTri1 CS, NEW Yonr. iiu 32*'cse,lts given miss. Send us 5 cents poAage audbylmailyoawill got 9 free a package of gao0i oflarge.value, that will' start you in work that vein at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America: A11 about the 0200,- ;000inpresants witli•olichbox. Agents;' wantedoder3whero, of either Ilex, of a01 'ages,' for all the time, 0i,epare tsaronly, to work for us at n their ow7lontes. ;, ,fortunes for all workers I absolutely assured. Don't delay. li. EIALo,ETr & ortland,Maine, �� ATt1lE Iis, T': IUDS1YE RS, AND )Lill men will s�n g aleuoy, hn,l a Ivo their Machinery by using Lnrdine. I� A RDINE Has been 'yictoriou'atall the leading oxhib tions and industrial fairs since 1878, oarrytn sof drat wises and medals in every instance. It has now no. equal a8 a lubricator, ant `ki11011t- wear lard, sea or castor oil, and tvarraated not to clog or gum the finest mac*inery' You will save mons by using this Oil. Try it and you will testify in its favor..- Beware et imitations DZANUFAOTOBED O1QLY BR— McColl Bros., Co., Toronto. Co.,' —FOB SALE BY— 0 Lovely ew St}•1e all.,Ohromo Cards( s - .ynth e'an,d lxrdze,pi:10e• 12 tions, 2 a s, �f A eampia paa'.,oiul BISSETT BROS., Exeter; 'sgelit"s'outfi£With 111ustrated oataloguo J. ILf +'R4'S:ON,•,?Credtton.;: of Tricks, and Noveiea, for sc stamp' and this slip, a.W.I(INNEY,Yarmoutli,N, S. ',. 'Vlct),49N, L.,L & WA, T.(IH:.'lieusail i""... .'. Our Millinery Department' is still under thea' - care. of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department will --if possible—be more. attractive than Over thisseason, embracing all'thr;1 latest American. English and 'French styles of Shapes, the latest shades in Sines,, $ ilius, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, &ac:, &c. In OUR TWEED and GENTS' t'llENISHINGS weshow. choice lines of English, Scotch, Ixisli, French andCaOdian. Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings,,,EligIish and French Trowserings. Hats, Caps, Scurfs, Ties Shi'�ts; Braces, Hosiery,, ;Etc.: 'we havo a, good: cutter on the premises, and guatautee a fit in every. ease. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in white. In Furs our stock is 001)1211010 (gi 444' and,A+rown) iu Boas, Capes, Sets 1&c. &c„ also Robes in Buffalo and wolf. . Our Boot and Shoe department nuns„ be found fully as- sorted in Ladies', Gouts' and Children's wear, also a full assortmebt of Trunks, Valises. and Satchels. GROCEB.I S NEW AND FRESH S AWIWELL PICKARD