HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-25, Page 4at
• + X- noClect and which sooftenua Be frequently
the invaettlietat of'onQltal trent'oil at It io said to be the Manion of itis K prove the seeds
I the rate of $1,800.000 a year- Dlinteter of Edltoetiott to ask the Le BOW*. iormaed harvest st ofthoroughnsnlnptiou, i'ltould
"� .. t during five years! Once the adep. i,rlature to otlatl �e file date of the treatment. A
' tion of file protective policy •time in. teaspoonful of Ronrtzsort's Plroersaaizan
theannualeste of ,800,t009asad its etnneli elect tans ,a e e l 4 to (stein troupersblesome,
e, wi will relieve he p e t, i
® 1' capitaltrotabtestzute, will relieve the patient, clad
ft' P 1dates off 00 do Fame day as the tette. ,t acre in the most
1 Ila tee: years, from 18"fi 1, to 18ti1, ioipal eleotio.as: If this is done. beds "obstinate( cotes-
: the increase iu flat value of menu: teen: ani women will dike more in. '2".-:-."--1.---"""--H—--------.!'''-"--""
!Amhara. products mom$88,000,000. or forest in soot mutters, and a larser ' ' .
I18°5' 1, at the tate of 88.800,000 a Year' Vote • be I polled. Le tnttnacipaltttee
Deriuo the five years covered by over the 11rastiu .0 generally the wont- So say the best farmers, stockmen, gar-
the int/rens° its en will ba aisle to exerci•te their now timers, and fruit growers of America of the
the protective policy
fIF I..! 1'L 1t;t ;INt?f:,T the -galas of tnau1 facturad lirvduote privileges this yeast, but it ie not likely resat NatiouaLli'oekly, ills xfure1 ew+r York-
er. The best writorttiu thewoad. Original
' had been $177,500,000, or at the tette th tt they will, *en etaolt short uotiee throughout. Over 500 illustrations from
of $15,600,000 a ear. avail themselve3 of it :;a any great ex. nature every year. Tice paper 16 psges•ask
TIM tl ativel#tibia saes l fl T irui to i t• those who ; know. Specimens gl oUy sent
k+ uetll marked to the progress taint, without charge. S1. 00 worth of . presents
sLewy nil+t I'ti teeety in q Y
'ti -_.,Pfeil+ •1,.t;o,tonal.i's ; made in ihfa-+etialll4 [BS;i>; of the wage
honor of � y
offered to subpoa'ibers for the largest. cIuUo,
Auoivereiu of 4t) yr3At • of p•hblio hfe, earners, !luring the ten years from; Tae 4nlerican Cultetetttor, one of tae Conducted lay praot]ble farmer;. Its free
wits tlaa largest, gratade,tt, awl most," 1871 t a 1881 tlie, number of artr;u.eni, I p o ' al "ours- aaeiributiorts,tt I'oaterNl$nd units on appli-
trbleat in enfant aariaultur J
euthuoiastlo a,ltrawbi,tgre of th+i party ; tnoreesed by 0,600 a year. ;ate in the L nttet 1�ttata t, 1+1 a•l ells cation. talc for them. at s:tr.:vsLv:rua7:i;i:,
reiateaeutatlres elm has oust txkau Dttri'ig the fuse vans ttf ,alta jtro G ferias last ►Satnrtltly slit's :- =T Pant 1toLw, N, y.
place in the a,tnini.tu, and whiott r ttTetive po•iey tits u tiob�r .1 .urensea,l 1. .
g,a•its to ttho:r the very !sigh aa.,t:atn in • by over 9 500 ayear. "Many people we leaving their forworkinge.an
pee)le Send 39cents
hostage, andwe will m4:1 YO4 free,
1 ferrets in l)•ikt,ta, nimble to lassie n " rasai, cttlualtle aampie bg3.ar
shiest the Premier is ilea by tiles ; hying and (lid parties Bait who have goatthat will put you in 1h$ way
Clivaervativtt party. Tile aittii #atlltyuA ' l ii1. I,.l tiT I �S t 1: r )1t 1884, (d inaking more money in a few
tliiveafed wetter arcs stat rPCeiCireceivingdayrthauyoueverthoughw st-
f hit party sesta iu alre 1,3uuor sir„-_.., t
b,$ at any business, Ospira net
III Nir littera t tarn pr•,lialitly froth x aired, Y„n cast asv„ esFtlRome audwork spare
' iuee of tate Beni+truer faits nut abated Watt Otte ieane wo oIoe the pro- diose avumee . Imtuierati.,u t3 fail• tweo:,iyoraUthetl,ie, all of beta ,.axes
the least, pt t Cather iuoY@et @t a3 - , . " of all *gel grandly successful. ;.0 cents to ;b
e tr 1834 and will feta Off, Tlal t it' a fay to eXl,f ern• easily evening. That all who
lie advauoen in tears. II„tti was 11J'
not gratoue;tatitt,l183 ntatil J.tunkra 8. F';.al'eigmi@ra ,ties=tt' in rtai3 territory wantwttrktuevtesttl:$business,vro,eakethts
epeclrtl rtttraciival at Toronto on thio r. P viva ) .t tint -1 era teatbtl w,,,I +,:telt h#otne that s ti eiliswae wt�seadTal�to rNfortltatt,iauble
00edincrtt, if holt 41 lora, ,ii3., t°) earns; ' hitt rslat,le s are well a ar tit 4 p unveil Ate nems tend 1 ttor pearlyren uu. ,.1,usTtiug us• ball t. attecniare.dlrQettoWt. etc
iii ht'fiteire to the Prtavluai+tl Capitol, area generally, tike a wseillc`tl t#tilidaya 4 Sent free. taiwn:eusepa � Ontun'1 ' etaate y.mre far ati
li !erate.l. who shalt at Surae, en t delati, Attdreaa
+ala wilO tit° c44"11.1114 1n+a ftf trru ••. Juriit�t the Ow tatt'c rn ,u" -hi, but as w"'.°, \'stat :t'a.t the tilt,!,* think •tf this hrliieoai , t.,.,a'oatlautl.'d8iue,
baalquet, Tide couventioi. ;V.,ea its did ;ea t1„ avail t�tir,le`1vtas,lvei a. k .our• for at t<,ti.
united exprnwsistn of cuu ra illatitm to kind forbearer ct foe ttua week at title'
Sir Joan A. geed su kid by tato Con- isown. 8 aanatiute during J toilet y 1 Time to all! )tett
aervatiVett of the wltttla D,nntuion,a.ttl 'S:"a,we purpose anakine lmprov,1111e,1•a I .....,
which is not relish'+ l by time Reform in tee'1'xlfa:t by eugplying a new dreiiu,1 The Blotto courtty couttcit !lave I
jlreee for the re ax,tm3, we eitpimade, than au4 tlevotitie 1-110V i tlmla3 ficin 3:11143 (Or 1 pe,tand a r,'holltliun to weft..ttott7.ts t). 1_ G ,;\. S . .
they notice by toe 1trl t;arlluut fl'V:ia veineble 100tl mveer. ,fit is above t slid Pgosixiciat Imf ialittiarraiter the abo.1. dial ry.ttt�.tY .,f,tt,td ta*it REPAIR S1101" in
A11 .1'ravioette- e.lttrot..lty Ooterlo, ° etitled, this will be •aur semi i ommlo for snots id tax exemptions, it ()twi tt t F ,NSON;'S iiLtat)1 . EXETER, has just re-
1881, we take this opportunity f 'a:turola property and 1niI7il,teriat et* Icrivetl a Ne.r lrtthe, by the assistance of
wulbhiiag one tea tate friend" tt verb l.e da, to view of the near aitl
he 4 "" `4(e
i'$U1tSDA DEO,25th 1884
Repairing of , �tt��Kinds
.tv � ATI:i7 DONE,
a further exaruaxiuu of tee nuettuud•
ed gout douea rt't'tt'tt+tl i.i offs states•
mat -whip and ability of the Right :Herr,). Ubrietwae attd a floppy Neav emu, aeoeteet ether umeicipal bedio4„SEWING'arttelliNiiS.ti[INS,1toCE8.If>a-
leouorable geemxieue tu, unfit foal clone- Fear, 1 Ithotlld be Inovii'g In the saute dirt o,• u l OLtt811. , 81iA'I'ES, ktc.
titan( mid t1lea ,uiutetl rafter their
matt' ,care, of trttduoila , !tint with IsDITU11-/.41: A f>I'I;a'. , 7a'•i+fstatinra gaarautet'd in every rase. lle-
3 to I timidity to Ikea him slow to act uttitaea i
?roikeh +171110b he is prepared: to repair
tie , ale eta.wtal'• a'ulatituti nsel, SAWS S1itt.11PENE1? Crilit[�II'aU,
the objet:t, ala doubt, of °ratting dais* he hal the pt'opl . at his beak, `i`r#1+ rstrlal;, fleas meth rm( alae tont a1 -e pMoii,
ion aud,jealousy its the ruuke of inn, S'rarvm t.faedid not tlecnue fitaltian- m lalling done tare.
fonowersm, mid thereby os3tiug bins' sole atmos Q leen 't iZtbbtb'st hilae. 'dee
q sato'» 1 rey m iett1-h #t t1114t .eeit1111 Y 13+ \LCtll`'a'i7,
from publio lite as they !lave deue This ie why �lltrietwee ,Yue not et; it eVadt,nee alt tt public teig,ti .t i+i firs • i#n tn'i 13' Exeter.
every able reform, atateatnau iu sorra- ple,ttltut a feast b,1furb torn, rued for the nttttlmgt', ,awl isms bora.
or years; but tweed of compassing? '1'rlt)L'a.:tS1A3 afstelea� of Intra iu at. W y 14 #il•'tt aut+lt x uontauli,ai it fur"
his political areua by their vrhfyiug, . the tnwiieiit.ml bcttiiea to cake ,imifittr 4 i
They have eouviueau tea people of Me kote will be elle next summer because taGri't## 10 that elf i" 13ratce tt.>ttisty giii ebtswnrld. All of lather
wor it, ablllep, and Iltrtteauiataehip the a'tiI is oxhttuated• (}thee ihtiue• council, U1 1pn ttttts811im+IYes ptttiuly ,lex tuctrceA from first Pour. The bread rand
acmbined, °t'a•day Sir Johu A1,ac• audr will be idle beets+e ii does 001' on ma'l'ts a ttiu•t axtim ttaue. tointtuueopeual'afaretheworkera,al,twlutely
if t' 1 ante. At auce addrast TAVR ,t Co,, A ° 14 eO
If the large mase it wf flue Muni' :talus' ..___.- - __--.••
'Willett would petition for the atboltt- 1 ENN1c,:l'1? � 'I+Et li b;i3T, Ireton.
throe of ex,anljltions, the exalts° thea nary Surlleaaw, GrsRdu,Ltea of t➢aa Uutsrlo
public sentiment wee u it re atlp far lotarivari college, Toros=
to.ttacoop cold e, ex•on,�
the t1lNryettCe 4 ,t11t1 eat ha put rot -weed. fur fifes trete rue
eat n f +1 11
Toinastta tluivaol•+, an
from *tract liset,r. Calls
from t► dis•., +*I°M . ".. mace pmm;+t'y
ttandedto: atedictuo for Horses, Cattle. as.
lwuyaF ea tome:
thud elx cents for podalic
btoxo goods which willhed vaceive free. a 1pon to more money right
y thou .t»5 mina ,•Its. in
doaald may well feel proud of !tie PAT to rinse who'd an 1 to "el1 it for
party for their renewed and over- fifty cent* tit tare.
wbeliniug expreieion of aou2ldettae,.1
and well natty the Ooneervetivar,-•not 'IBA Dutniui'm Parlimeut will ale
*moue of Qutariu—but the whole V a , far the despntah of bovines* on 11
minion joie heuoring the man whom
their beloved and gracious e,avereigu,
the Queen, delight* to honor. The
Couveatiou was held in the Opata
1tiloaae,and long before the hour nam
ed for the prooeediugs to common the
building was packed to its utmosetthe
etreeta and sidewalks outside the en- chargee in 'conee01100 wltla the Tor.
trance being crowded by thousands onto corssiraoq all", 13 1110 mu° re- tlnetukc tatii ;„vtlily,- rmiltadtIfioHIV:tu :Al
alium ere,ena're1 . ILOEirtim Oox< ec'.o'a
unable to gala admittance, Mr, W, Gaut tlluttrettou. But being unseated taxation, --Toronto 1 Vter+1 e : , "”„ ..--
.---'R, h%eredlth was elected chairman, and disqualified for bribery and other Every bottled Arnica tt Oil Liniments old ! 1885.
and is oyet,iug paid a ttmud tribute corrupt praotioae, he is stone the' lees is wrier uted by the proprietors to give sada- 11 t
l;�.x`'pt�1' S Bass r.
29th of January. The Scots- slot Arte.
Of one thing alae41V.iuttttle. •,f
ciiuu fur the county of C+trlet to tat. _ neolttian may be certain, tate pruoratt
es place on the sates elate.
tiustting 1'ravittclsl government will
It is a sad foot that eo many vie- do no piing until they are Fairly +kir•
mous Grits conte to viol in Aho She en ata :,u it, atelias aeon". the Peg*
diets Cond. Dr. Dowling, who wade 1?lu give stephania eXplesnion to their
views the *note quickly -or, rather, the
eel that the Annual :Meting of the Hay
Township Farmers' mutual Fire Insurance 091
will be heldou Aloud zv,Jannary12, 10M. at to
o'clock a.m., in the Toren Hall.Zurieb. for ye -
to laic chieftain,* John A. Alsodon• i relled upon by his frielwdel to hurl sal- fectioueormoney will be refunded.
old. and wuau the latter appeared, he I legations of misconduct -against other — (hili s 0 limo Al .. ►►+lac f tr 1335 is
was greeted with rue wildest emboss 1 peePle- just ami. It ooa,risty a 24 page. Ito t _�
ism, -remora being reraa,vat! Itg,tiu and '-� tor jftella in I+ii;'+ Kit' Qrift, iitlil is ailed inampere
1 uo'e�v0rid `tthe'r tltotinilniicelrtihe'present
ii4 c+i s
again, The great stateatvun deliver- No 'uIA:rls033 hap already a rel tt•d for wvihh fou s,ntt piotnre+.' 7'ise Mel ivy the latea'Hussite nsandsmethodsaofahieltsehold.
ed a must tilailuent elaeecb, reviewing 1 !lard wheat, for big i o ,mat ter r,, entirely aria nal, and iuov- odorwment, its weekly illustrations and de.
Zile political 1f1aWC of file OJuutr excellent beef and aflal�n1fi01etit welt , " acrt,tiousofthe newet,a1,ria and New York
y y ea :leci,i.w.tly that CI talent is i
cher. Io fact everthhug uudertalieu styles, with its useful pe.ttern•ahect supple -
the (1711111' 111m1°. 1a equal 10 any
meet auecut patterns. by •auabltnv ladles til
tit dila COnI'try proves a SticCaas, bo their own dressmakers, save many times
Lw Gr d. the cost of subscription. its paned on coot
Until 1110 lareseut year, fi)utario awl� y Isla, the management of Jervants, Lard house -
astern provinces have fotli]d ttlie an ;Lumina to its various details are eminently
r "' ' pra:etical. Much attention is given to the in-
teresting tonic of social etiquette, and its illus • .
trailers of art needle work aro acknowledged
to beuuegnalled. Its literary merit is of the
highest excellence, and the tw,vue character
of its humorous pictures has won for 0 the
name of the American
since his advent to public life, 82010
forty yeary also, flus Ingthedelivery
of which he was cheered repeatedly.
A. pleasing feature of the ineetiug was[e .f':v A. err 1 I. .
the presentation of a banner screen (,excellent matkei for their poultry« tan an ane brio • las a ease of Iiidne' or
worked bythe ladies of North Bruce. This ie note a thine of the pat. Tee y 3
Liver Complaint tlmtI E1eetrio Bitters twill
Sir John ill imitable tertne, thanked farmers are raising their own poultry not specdity cure? We say they cannot, as
the do'ore for their t:eautiful offer- now and are able in a great measure thouaa,ids of cases already permaneutty cur-
ing. to supply ..he home market.—Bran, ea ma who are daily reaon:mending Electric
Bitters will I3ri ht s Disease Dia
don (Mau.) Sun.
OUR NATIONAL I:t"DL'STIti1ES. t au the let of Jan• Greeutvls:h xa: xea
lp, ate the bowels,and act directly on the &seas-
• obsezvatory lYhiflh furnishes official ed Parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale H.t•itrElt'S BAZAR ................ r`1 co
'Phe folio viug atateinents of ti?ir) at 50c. a bottle b. C. Lutz.
fiABPEli'S iuGazl>vr..........:................. 4 iso
hetes, Weal Back, oer any urinary complaint
quickly curets, 'They purify the blond, regul
time to the British Government, will
Leonard Tilley with tofstenos to tato t abandon the twelve-hour system, and
growth of our industrial establish- beginning at mid night of the slat of
menta wilt astonish those who have December, count the hours from one
been led away by or put auy faith in to twenty-four. This system will
Survival of the &est. Down's Elixir has HARDER'S'WEEKLY , .... 4 Ca
outliyed every other cough remedy simply R wIiPh•It'5 YOUNG PF,OItLI,..... .......... 3 Oo
because it is the best.
JUBILEE SINGERS. One Year 0 9:Numbers)........ .. ...... 10 00
The most interesting feature of the reoen
then go into use In all governmeb t exhibition at Montreal was a company of co postage tree to' all subscribers in the United
the a form deed statements made byDred Jubilee Singers engaged hi manufactnriu States or Canada.
113e %tefol'tn press that the National offices. The raitroadi are alba eX- the celebrated Gold Coin Tobacco, ane at th
Policy is brlugiug n anddecayanr
ruidto pelted to adopt the new system. s,tiro e delighting the crowds of spectator
Thiswith exquisite southernmelotlies. A gold med Tho volumes of the Bazarbegin w tithe firit
the coon ry: altallga in noting time will event- eland a apacialdinlomawere awarded to this Number for January of eaoh year When no
"We have Increased during five tually be adopted in thief oonuiry. It popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the time is mentioned.it\vill be urderstood that
thanks of the commituee tendered to the Ad- the subscriber wishes to commence with the
18 only a question of tme, ams Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit. Number next after the receipt or order.
years the yearler of workmen em- �' q t►-+•�+•4 she last five annual volumes of Harpers
ployed by nearly as lnaoh as during "'-' ApvTOE'TO MOTHERS.
Bazar in neat cloth binding, will be sent by
the whole ten years from 1871 to The Corner stone of the lately Cool. intcil,poetaidge ett „orelghtdasa, fees of Ca-
the freight sloes not exceed al
per volume), for a? per volume.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for
binding will be tont by mail, postpaid, on re-
ceipt of $1 each.
Remittances should be m odeby Post•Office
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Newspapers aro not to cop this advertise-'
mentwithoutthe express order of Harper &
1851, though during two of these pleted Washtuatonf monument *was
years the National Policy wad in laid by President Poll:, July 4th, 1848
force, We have added an army of It contains about fifty thonsauct tons
close upon 50,000 artiaaus to'the of marble, and coat, in round num-
.-body of toilers in the land. During hers $1,100,000; of ,which $200,000
the 1011 years between 1871 and 1881, was raised by the monument Society,
Hart of which period was a grotecticn and 0,900,000 appropriated by the
period, we increased the amount of Government. IIany men who are
yearly wage from $4I,000,000 to $59,- now on the shady side of middle age gives tone and energy to the whole system OMINATION.
0000,000—an increase of $18,000,- contributed as school ohildreu one ems. WxxsLow's SoopwiNG SnuYP PO* omen. 1
000 cent each to the fund, iu response to ass TNEMiirNG.ispleasant tothe taste, and ie Amooting ofthe electors of the Township
33ht under five years of the pro: an appeal made throughout the aeon the prescription of one of the oldest and best of Usborne will be held pursuant to statute
teotive policywe have increased the try at the time the corner stone was female nurses and physicians in the united in that behalf, on
States, and is for sale by all druggists through -
annual wages to $74,000,000. At laid. . In' 1854 ; the mea ortai stone outthe world. Trico zs gents a Bottle.. Monday, 29th December inst.
the same ratio the increased wages presented to the society by Pope Pius At TEN O'CLOCK A. M., for the put-
paid itt 1891 will be, "say,,590,000,000 IX. wits broken in pieces' by members e GREAT DISCOVERY. pose of nominating a fit and proper person
a year, or over 580,000,000 more of the "Know Nothing" faction and Mr. Wm. Thomas,af Newton,Ia,,says : 'My to fiill the office of Reeve of the ' said nand
than werepaid oub"ln 1881, sunk in' the waters of the Potomac. ,wife has been sorionsly affeeted•tvitha cough cipality for the year 1885 ;' and at 12 o'oluek
* , M for twenty-five years and', this spring more .noon; on the same day, for the purpose of
Between inn 1871 and. 1881ring the capital lrises
Mhos happily Nom- severely thanever before. Slmehadused mane nominating fit and proper persons to fill
p I � PP y.l
investedhattl?e latter year
manufacturing was slush pleted these to the 11 height of 5511 feet remedies Without relief,andbeing urgddtotry;Ile.office of :Councillors. for. the said year
that at the the land 5.9,: above the $oor, which is' -seventeen Dr. King's, New Discovery, did so, with Meer :1885, and if more.than the ,reg,uisite ;num
, berure nominated,;and; even demanded the
500,000ILveeted. feet from the aurronding ground, ilius gratifying results. The, (fret bottle rehegedp
The progress duringthe last five givinga total height of 572 ft. The her very muoh, and the aecond.bottle has a1J'. saltie will be opened at, the different polling
p g g solutely cured her, She has not had such places on MONDAY, 6th day of JANUARY,
years has been such that we have now Washington monument looks do so good health for thirty years." Trial bottles 1885. • ,
over 98,OCO,C00 invested, upon all other such structures• from free at 0. Lutz's Dratg. Store. Larger Size
N 3.;CLARI{,
g y ,,, increase is a; superior altitude of unsay many feel. 01.00. ng Offices'.
Darin tau ears the -.t Returns `
Axe you disturbed at night and broken of your
restby a sick child' suffering' , and crying with
pain of cutting' teeth? If so, send at once and
get a bottle of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING
SYRUP. Its value is incalculable. It will re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De-
pend uponitmothers, there is no mistake about
it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates
the stomach and- bowels, eaves wind colic
softens the gums, reduces iniiammation, and
Address 'HARPER BROTILEht2. NOW York
I� �r1-4 e't 0
A. full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es •carefully prepared at
the Cr'. 4ri1•1 Drug Store Exeter
C. L
riJ .J-, `Z
Planin.q Mill !
$ASH, DDDR, and
N :l1. yamT T�'k, :r
Don" 'to outlet.
t Rercmber1lhq'PlaOC•
Yj 'p'r 010°,7c
4 t"4 ., .t',1 rt i.