The Exeter Times, 1884-12-25, Page 2Gracet Secret "She didn't know." i uuUr le ►� b7�lir�ka "And did she make no suggestion?" and the engineer looked at Rolan sharrply. . sTo a QF " es, it was she who mentioned you name," he replied with hesitation.. TWO CHRIST' f 4 DAN ""Ah I thought so. She suggested that 1 tad persuaded her sister to elope with tae. I suppose?,, • "Something of the kind." When Miss Lilburne heard of the ar- "'Aud may I ask. Mr. Ayre, why you ranngentent, and found that she could come to rile froth Mr, Lilburne? Wlu not have her own way, she resigned her- did be not collie himself or send for me? self to the tyranny of circumstances I should have been only too ready to with the best race she could assume. obey his call,"" The rest of this terrible year must be' "Ile ridiculed the idea thatyon would lived out at Silverton Castle, for lir. learnt his daughter; he said you had Lilburne, with the morbid expeetation given flim your word never to press of heldest daughter's return, would your suit with her again, and that he not go to London or Scotland, or:to any had as much CQrtfitlent'e in yonrword as of the places on the Continent that, it ° he had is mine, was almost his yearly' custom to visit. "•Aft"' Ilere at the castle be remained, and There was pain, satisfaction, and re- here, sorely against her will, (=rage was lief in the exclamation, obliged to stay with him. A few seconds later he spoke again: As the days shortened, and the nights "You have not explained your Inter. grew dark and chilly, and ('ltristrnas was again approaching, a horrible fasci- nation seemed to draw her to the room under which she had consigned her sis- -"She was my promised wife,""was the ter to so terrible a fate. answer. ion ryet whensheat Fairfield shrank a little as though he At last she Could resist the feeling. no . longer, length yielded G had received a blow, and his pale face to the desire, she dared not move the became still paler. but he quickly re - eliding floor and look down upon the covered himself, and he asked with a body of her victim. 4 bitter smile on his face; She had no earthl • doubt that Kate i oleo you seriously believe that Kate lay there as she had fallen, pr, if net Lilburne, your promised wife, would exactly in the same Position, If she had voluntarily leave her father's root to not been actually killed by the fail, the run away with me?'" guilty girl waa equally sure that her "Meat certainly not,'" was the prompt sister was I ing dead at the bottom of reply:, Met horrible pit. "You think I carried her away But though she would have givenhalr violence, thence by at sit she might ever possess to look " good 'leavens, not 1 should not be upon the face of Iter victim, she dared here talkies; caIwly if I believed such a nuered girl from floor e that hid the ffeear- thing rvossible.", ede that ors surely as she did so, ahe c, came"The, what trlrtr4 ►iii ng Moo ;hitch vat should be irresistibl; itapelied to cast straws luerslelf dawn heaide•her. : to ask if you can, or will, hale .Air Christmas came nearer, however, mei"i wad the eager response, " To - and the wedding was fixed far the mita- hody__else can I feel convinced, It is seeding le , (;race became rather wild for Kttte'a sa�Ce. rather than my own, end excited, that I s ek you. The mystery that aur at ear- Since the Castles they wouldd bba� y m 1unds her aheresotruly that ddens and would Ty Aver it, she said, and As her marriage be for her happiness I would rattier see was to take ow immediately after, her your wife, than have any doubt as wards, ebe invited a great number of too her safets Ar welfare,' �este to come to the castle for the My' vital"' repeated Fairfield with hdatums festivities, and stay over; the mournful bitterness; „the woman isnot vreidding-da , born, who will be my wife. But you oak ""We will forget last year if it is to be for my 11611/, and ppeerhaps I will give It forgotten," gibe exclaimed to her lover to you. I must think the chatter over, alma hyseei'icntily; "and whatever we however. '4i'di you call on me three dA we must keep pstpttcheerful. I dread da bio+ or, better atilt, give me so eteistmaa Daroh, how 1 do dread itis �s where I can write to you.'" she broke own, and basso to sob '`And you will write to me?" euld tremble as she said this, and it was same tires before Victor could soothe . trary, he had cherished tite hope that when he reached Mrs. Fairfield s cot- Roland Cage he would clasp Irene Lilburne to his heart. r When he glaneed at the white hair ot his companion, however, and heard what was the cause assigned for it, he felt only too well convinced that some dark tragedy had linked itself with the fate of his beloved. For the rest of the journey the two risen were silent, one was too sad, and i► alother was too nervously anxious to It was a large handsome cottage at the gate of which they drew up, and as they walked towards the door it was opened by Mrs, Fairfield herself. She was a tali fine -Welting woman, comparatively young -looking still, and very like her son, though her dark - brown hair as yet showed no sign of approaching age. There was deference rather than hu- mility in her manner as she gravely in- vited Mr. Ayre to enter, while she herself led the way into a comfortably furnished sitting-rooin. The young man eagerly glanced round the apartment as though he hop- ed to see someone, but if so he was dis- appointed; there wasnot a single sign of anybody having been in the room save the woman to whom it belonged. "I have told Mr. Ayre that you could I probably help him in tracing Miss Kate," said Fairfield when they were w all seated; "but perhaps it will he as t well Kim tells con first how Kate dis- appeared and what steps have been taken to find her; you will then be bet- ter able to connect his part at the story with the little you know." est in the matter, .lr. Ayre. I don't understand what Miss "Albums was to Roland, as he gave hien his address in Iter, t "Yee I will write without fail." But when Christmas Day realiydawn- Then' Roland reluctantly went away. ed Grace was calm and cheerful, and He would have liked to ask sevei'aal only those who knew her well could queations, but he felt that if he did so detect the under -current of excitement . the engineer would think he doubted which she suppressed with so supreme 1 loin, and he estimated the man's char - an effort. atter with sufficient accuracyto feel To -morrow is my wedding -day," she • convinced that only by treatng him kept whispering to berself "and then I with perfect trust and confidence could obeli be free --free from the nameless he win his co-operation. But as Roland Ayre walked away terror that in this house always haunts me," from Fairfield's oflii a it was with the "To-"To-morrow/ But what will even to- g disa reeable conviction that the latter clay bring forth?" had questioned and cross-questioned Wm, and learnt all that he had to tell, clfarr>~n Iv, ' and told him absolutely nothing in re- turn.. CoMItADns I:7 CHIEF. "The fellow is as c10s:+ as an oyster," Frank Fairfield sat in an office that he muttered, "and yet I like him; there is something firm, and strong, and was situated in one of tite large thor- massive in the man's eharacter, while oughfares within a couple of hundred 1 givespossessing a yards of the I3ank of England. ,certain oneu the idea fi He was only a junior.partner in the , nlyexceptional it latent power which well-known tirm of engineers to which only exceptional circumstances will es bring into action. And bow be loves he belonged, and he had obtained this Sates Surely together we ought to be position some two years before our able to find h'"r alive or dead." story opens, partly b his own great+ It was with some impatience that he railcar and industry} by principally 1 waited, day atter day, for the promised through Mr. Lithium's generosity- t communication; but a whole week To all intents anti purposes Frank elapsed before a brief mate came from Fairfield was a working partner in the Fairfield asking Roland to meet him on firm; he had been to South America, to 1 the following day. *Russia, and to India, superintending 1The appointment was kept. and when the construction of railways and bridges, I the first brief salutation was over the and though he had now been. in Eng -engineer said: land some three or four months, he! , If you are disengaged to -day I will knew that he might be required to start I take you to see my mother. You know off again at any time with but scant i she was Miss Lilburne's nurse?" notice. i "Yes,I have heard she was her fos- The young engineer is only eight -and- 1 ter -mother." twenty, but he looks much older, for Fairfield inclined his head as he con - since he returned from his last journey ! tinued: abroad, his thick wavy hair has become i "My mother was as much devoted to perfectly white. ! ber as•though Miss Kate had been her lie is seated this morning at a table own child, and site is in great trouble with plans and drawings spreadout be- about her now. I promised to take you fore him. , to her. Perhaps you can help each Ile is trying hard to fix his mind other." closely upon the work he has in hand, • "But how can I help her? Does she but the effort required is a great one, know where Kate is?" and he looks up with a feeling of relief 'She will explain everything to you when a clerk opens the door and brings herself," was the evasive answer. "Do him a card. you feel disposed to go with me to my "Roland Ayre," he silently reads mother's house?" with keen surprise; then he nods to the "Certainly; my time is at your ser - youth to admit the visitor. ' vice. Where does your mother live?" Mr. Ayre came in, sad -looking it is ' "About twenty miles this side of Sil- true, but youthful and handsome, and verton Castle," was the reply, "and fifty he started with unfeigned astonishment from London; but we shall get down when he saw Fairfield, for he had been there in a couple hours." given to understand that he was a man . Then the two young men went off to - about his own age..gether, Fairfield leaving word at the I suppose I ant addressing the per -office that he should not return for the son I really came to see?" he said, tak- • dayq ing the seat offered him; you were—yon It was late in the afternoon when are acquainted with Mr. Lilburne, of they reached Beechcroft, and Fairfield Silverton?" : remarked that they had still three miles Fairfield's face slightly flushed as he to walk or ride. aeplied: "Let us ride," said Roland inpatient - "Mr. Lilburne has helped me to the ly. "I feel as though every moment we Position I now hold; do you come to me spend upon the road stands between me from him?" and my meeting with Kate." "Yes, he told me where I should find Fairfield looked at his companion in you, and I should have sought you startled surprise, and he said with a months ago, but I have been very ill in sigh: consequence of a shock I received on You are anticipating too much. Christmas Day." You must prepare yourself for some - "A shock!" repeated Fairfield. thing the reverse of happy. What "Yes; you have heard of the strange made my hair turn white in a single disappearance of Mr. Lilburne's eldest week can bring you no comfort nor sat - daughter?" isfaction. And as he asked this question Roland "Was Kate the cause of your white Looked keenly at the man who he had hair?" asked. Roland in unfeigned sur - been assured was his rival. prise. "I have had no direct communication "Yes; last Christmas Eve I was as with the Lilburnes for more than a free from grey hairs as you are. Now year," replied Fairfield, meeting his look at me." companion's fixed gaze without waver- "But how did it happen? Why are ing; "be good enough to tell me what you so mysterious? Why don't you deal occurred. frankly with me? Roland complied, and he told his at- "My tentive listener how when the merry- mother will tell he all that you malting was flagging on Christmas need to know, was the •answer. `T night, Grace Lilburne had proposed'a only warn tvou to anticipate evil rather game of hide-and-seek, and how she than good. . bad•uaded'Kate.to•' .in•inthe• ame Roland felt a ehill come over him. the latter having been lost from Wait It was not the keen air of early spring time to the present., . , that made him shiver, but the coldfeeI- "Ahl then it Was Grace who kid with ing of dreadand anxiety that Fairfield's Kate she remarked theivel Malty 'wh ee words caused him. ' did site gain heel became *her rawer = For, deetpite all reasoning tothe Eon- '• Roland almet fumed withinipatienee, Ile did not want to go over the old otehtwanted know with- out ground again, hctelhi But Mrs. Fairfield, though very plite, was likewise very ficin, Moreover, she was suspicious. Yes,. she was suspicious even of ber own sen. and as Itoland, findingno escape, began to tell the story ofthatChristmas night over again, she more than once interrupted bun with ques- tions, "And when the search was being made you, heard nothing about any false floor in the west turret, did our asked Mira. Fahrtield with. a searebing glance. Certainly net; is there such a thing? he asked eagerly. "There: was formerly—et least, 50 I hear from my son --though I never heard of it is all the yours I lived at the castle. and I don't think air Lilburne himself knew of it; but Frank asserts that lttiss Grace did." "Grace!" exclaimed his lordship in sudden (Ramey; "are you euro she knew of it?" "I am quite sure," here interposed the young engineer, "for I once showed it to her, and threatened to throw her into the shaft below. Of course I only meant to frighten her, but she was al- ways getting me into scrapes with her deceitful tongue and I thought I would put a step to it." 1 Roland pressed his hands over his burning brows. Ile remembered now how Grace had. induced her sister to hide and how she bad afterwards denied all knowledge of her whereabouts. Yes, it all came back to his memory now, even to the dust and dirt which he i had noticed on fuer white satin dress, I and to which he had called her atten- tion. At length he started to his feet, ex- claiming: ",Lcrt us go to Silverton Castle at once; there is not a moment to be lost. That infamous fg,irl may be starving her sis- ter to death; quick—quick, or we may i be too late '1 I But Mrs. Fairfield said calmly as she also rose to her feet: "We will go in good time, Mr. Ayre, but if I help you, you must help me, and I have a matter here that troubles me as ranch as Kate Lilburne's disap- pearance troubles you. Will you come this way, and tell me what it is best for me to do?"' And she was leading the way to a door that opened into another roam when Roland exel tim�tl: "I will do anytniu4 you rt quire when Kate is once foun-1, but I must go to Silverton Castle without delay." And he was turning towards the op- posite door, the one by wide!: he had entered, when he was arrested by Mrs. Fairfield's calm sad voice saying: "It is useless your going to Silverton Castle without me, and you must give ; me your advice at once. Come." Then she led the way intone further room, and he, after a momentary hesi- tion, followed her. CHAPTER V. Better be with the dead, Wbom we, to gain our place, have sent to Than on peacethe, torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy. 1 If Iavish profusion, recklessness of cost, and carefully : lanned amusements could make any social entertainment a great success, this second Christmas Day at Silverton Castle must certainly have put all other events of the kind completely in the shade. The servants and tenantry were not so well cared for as in the past, it is true, for Grace had given orders that ` they should put off their merry -making till atter site was married, when they could eat and drink, dance and sing, tr.their hearts' content. All the guest -chambers in the castle were full, and the eight bridesmaids ' who were to attend the bride on ,the coming day were here with their moth- ers or sisters or chaperons, each one of the eight lookin, forward to the time ' when she herself should take the lead- ing part in a similar ceremony. Grace Lilburne had not been very ' judicious in the selection other brides- maids. The pretty desire to triumph over her friends and to create envy and jealousy.; prompted her to invite Miriam ',Hind-, man, a brilliant brunette, who smiler whispered bad won Victor Gay- herdfs heart, and he was only saved ; from marrying her by her father losing;, the greater part of his fortune. Mr. Lilburne lied objected to Miriam'° being invited, and 'r had suggested .a , cousin of his own in her. stead; but Grace was obstinate, she had made up.' her mind to in'. ire Miriam, and Vic-' for could only.tiope titin the invitation' would not be accepted..: t. and brilliant as a humming -bird, Borg- eous with jewels and costly dresses, and giving contirmatton to the report that er father had retrived his fortune, and waa now a richer magi than ever, I am afraid that Grace regretted her obstinacy when she saw stow fascina- tingly beautiful Miriam was and ger- taint she was genuinely jealous when she observed how Victor's eyes follow- ed ollowed the girl who had still the power to make lira forget everybody else when she was present. Miriam knew that Grace had not in- vited her out of affection, and that she bad no nobler: aim than a desire to mortify and humiliate her, and she de- termined that the pain should not be all on one side. On her arrival at the castle, Miriam persistently attached herself to Mr. Lil- burne. She gave him her sympathy with such witching tenderness, she con- doled with him at being about to lose his second daughter, and then site be- gan to talo, of dear Kate, who had been her most intimate friend. "I am quite sure that Kate is alive," elle said, suddenly raising her voice so tbat all the others in the small tea-room could hear her. Grace frowned. But Miriam paid no heed to the frown as she continued: "Yes, I am quite sure she is alive. I dreamed of her last night. and my dreams always come true. We shall see her soon, 1 have no doubt of it." elf you have nothing more substau- tial than a dream to found your asser- tion upon, I think it is a pity you ahould, make it," said Grace with cold severity. "I don't see why; my dreams have a strange faculty for being fulfilled. But, by the way. isn't there some mysterious passage or chamber in the old part of the castle, or as it destroyed when Most of the place was rebuilt?" She looked. at Grace as she spoke, but. it was Mr. Lilburne who replied; "I never heard of anthing ot the kind. Silv1 on is singularly free from rice We have not en the dis- tinction of possessing a family ghost-" ''There is, or there was, some inyeter• ions means of getting in and out Of the castle," said Miriam, shaking her rat- ty bead like a wise bird laying down the law to Its feathered friends. "I found out somethingabout it from an. old manuscript thapapa has in his library. I Rich I had brought it with me, but I'll and for it. Did you never hear of the secret, Grace?" " "NO.," was the curt reply. But Grace Lilburuo s face became deadly white, her bead swam, and it was only by the meet supreme effort that elle could keep herself from taint- ing.Ae soon as whet could do so without being observed, the guilty woman, es- caped to her own room, here she threw oft all restraint, and gave way to the terrible agony of fear and re- morse that consumed her. ""The secret of the turret floor is known," she muttered despairingly, "and that creature wilt discover where it is. I saw the threat in her oyes when she looked at me. "I will open the floor tonight," and her eyes looked cold and cruel as the words hissed between her teeth. "I will. lower a lamp into the shaft and see what lies there. I have been afraid hitherto, but I would rather meet Kate's sightless eyes and look upon her dead face than endure the grin of that mock- ing witch whom I was mad enough to invite here." "laving made this resolution, she managed before ni htfall to procure a covered lantern and a long cord, and to hide them in the room the floor of which hid such a ghastly secret. This had been easy enough, because the great ball was in the same part of the building and several times during the day she )lad considered it necessary to go and personally inspect and super- intend the decorations of holly, mistle- toe and hot -house flowers. She made a pretence of criticising the arrangement of the tables, and the or- der in which the guests were to be while everything was altered and re- arranged according to her orders. ''Do you expect many guests to -night besides those staving in the house ?" Miriam asked Mr. Lilburne as the com- pany was about to disperse and dress for dinner. "Yes, a great number," was the reply. "By the way, Grace," he added, turn- in•e to his daughter, "did I tell you that Roland Ayre wrote to me to say he was coming to -nicht?" "Roland!" repeated Grace in dismay, "Yes, l wrote to invite him to dinner; he says he cannot come till later in the evening, but he will come." "Did he say nothing else?" asked the daughter hoarsely. "'es; be did say something else, but it's of no consequence—at least, no con- sequence to you," and Mr. Lilburne turned away. Grace asked no more; she was begin- hing to feel like a creature at bay, hunted on every side with no avenue of escape open to her. Why did her father invite Roland Ayre, and why, above all things, had the invitation been accepted? After a time, consternation gave place to mirth, and she laughed bitterly as she remarked to Victor: ''Your cousin gives a striking proof of masculine constancy. Last year when he went away he said he would never enter Silverton Castle again un- less he brought Kate with him, or came to meet her." "And how do you know that hewon't bring Kate with him?" asked Miriam Hintdman boldly. Grace looked at her for one moment with a scornful scowl then turned away without deigning to utter one word of reply. Sne noticed however, that her father was eager and nervous, and pleasurably excited, and that he looked younger and stronger than he had done tor some months past. "Surely papa does not think of mar- rying that horrid girl," Grade exclaidi- ed ae she watched her father and Miri- am talking together in a confidential and affectionate manner. "I shouldn't think he'd , have the ehande," returned :Victor; "she's an niicompdonl nice girl," "Oh yes, L know you think there is nobody like her," sneered ,Grace. "At any` rate, X didh't. invite hes here," retorted . the young man an• grilY. But here again he was d s pp toted, and Miriam came, 'looking seductive , placed, and she stoo over the servants (To bb Continued.) KWI 'Z EVIL Was the mime former;, given to Scrofula because of a silipecxxiuon that it cou:•i ba eared by s king's touch. Tho wor:;t la wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a therm, It --- tion cit the bleed. it tilt:i• n•: _. , the .1, -ase litrpet tu,tc, is t,.i it gee =oration after ,t;t•neva; son. ;1 i+• •, G earner synt,,towa. i,r (ter. :al i• Eezeinna, CutaneVos i.. tit - 'ntors, iio'ils. (at•i . '•ie;, .., . Purulent t.'lecr"t, :,Ci t A .s i' - steal Collapse, '•t<, l tt:'•.a time, ItlteutnatismSerut•oa .r tarrh, Kidney anti Liet+r t. ,. ,n5, Tubercular Consumption,ous other dangerous or fatal Mul:*tttco, are produced by it. A er'sarsarari lla ',the only. neer 4Z civ;d elan' 4 t'•"^7,Ie blood -,puri ing medicine. It i ••'r .1N- 1,14 an alterative that it erudit;'t,-i item the system Hereditary Serefula, and the kindred poisons of contagion.' di -eases and mercury. At the same tinge it cm, riches and vitalizes the bloott restorin beet,ful action to the vital organs an rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgreat Regenerative Medicine Is composed of tire, genuine Honduras ,Sirsepurilla, with Idiom Dock, Stir litipia, the Iodides of 2'otirnaiutir: ant( Iron, and other irtgretilents of lrreat ;}o- Lowey carefu,tF and sciensihtnlly eo'n- poundled. Iis formula is generally known t0 the medical profession, and the lu•4 pphystit.9t;ns consttintly prescribe Axi:it's SA1tti.r> ttil.r.A as au Absolute Gibe For all diseases caused by the vitist;on of the blood, It is concentrated to the L•l ;h est pntctceble degree, tar beyond any other preparation for which like etleots are claimed, andis therefore the Omen', as well as the best blood purifying meal - ohm, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Frt1t'Att1D at7r Dm , < C. Apr i Co., Aawall,, Man. (Analytical Chemists.). Sold by all Druggists t price it; six bottles for g6. WAND HOME Stock Farm Grosse 110, Wayne Co., Mlch. SAVAGE & FABNU)I, Paorran`rorts.. Patrocta No.11670 i••• IMPORTED Percheron Horses. An stock selected from tho get ashes and dams of established reptt tation and registered in the French and American stud books, ISLAND HOME Is beautifully situated at the head of Gnats Iii., in the Detroit River, ten miles below the City, and ,saecessibte by railroad and steamboat. Visitor: not familiar with the location may call 'deity office, sa Catnpau Building. and an escort will accompany them to the bum, Send for catalogue, free by mail Attdreu9,. SAVAGE d FAasem, Detroit. Mich, J. Doupe &Co —)01?( -- IL 3R. ir 0 AT OUTNTR —.)Oil(-- oursvi IPS EVERYTHING FOR CIIEAP GOODS! If you want the best value for BUTTER & EGGS J. Doupe & Co's KIRKTON. Clearing Sale t Back's Old. Stand. (2 Doors north of Post Office) Butter and Eggs Wanted In Exchange for Goods. We have just reeeived a large oonsignmsa of goods direct from wholesale houses, which we will sell atvery elose prices. Splendid value in ilaehmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Sear. let, Cantnn'and Homemade Flannel;.A nide lot of table napkins and covers. Splendid Wtneey, t3rey.,and White•Cotton-very,eheae Also Tweed's and Rendyniride .Llothlleir • A iota groceries to be doid cheap. ' In 'Boots fit Shbes'we have.rdd'ed soYne new lines; ani are prepared to sell the band goode'+itt 'desk prices. , ,• JOHN . MAT$msON. May 29th . Fents*.ry