HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-18, Page 8,1. GRIGG
Wholesale and Retail,
13 0 it
abs .Association, or, if they prefer, Mr. Chawpion of Goderiolt presid•
they will be given the addressee of eel at the Exeter Division Cunrt on.
the members whom they prefer, and Monday, (tradition on Tuesday, and
morreapoudeuce OWbe opened." s held court M Zurichyesterday.
Monday, 29th December, will be
]ieeesIns eAteter Bor.. nomination day throughout the Prov
Mr. L. L. Hooper, of this plaoe,who ince for municipal offiQea. Polling e
O +"rsZaC
T II$ 2
tSchooluot il Medicine, was Bent. bhie Studied at the yrouto that Y The delegateill be held (111s ooh Exe er,101tiley, 5th who
weut to Torontoto do honor to Sir
-_AND institution as a representative tq the .
annual di rneeof the Medical Univer• John A, e;, J.Maedouald were Meagre. BA 1 L
site;, which place V. Elliot, R. Elliot, J, Spaokmau, R.. 1 ! ''
FANCY GOODS t tlkitl week.. Ur. Hooper made a short %tuners, J.• Oke, and L. "I"lhort,e,
ii speech, in which he eatd he felt hon- The new iron -railway bridge welclh "
ored to be the representative of hisYou will coo well calling and inspeetin our
p crosses. the Aux Souble at this place
14" etudente #o the leoond annual is now completed. The structure ie
EXEiTER, ONT. banquet of the Weetern /Medical a good one, Wild will list a great many
School. It, Wad a legitimate tostitu- ers,
tion and one that filled a need. cap. y aFrom appearances, we believe win -1
S` 0 Yise
plauee.) It was established in a centre ter has at last est in. During Mop-
TEN CENTS, per line for Arstinsertion. enc that be rejoiced to believe was un-
FOU1 CN:NTS per haus for each subsequent in l day snots fell to the depth of 8 or 4
8ertion will be *barged for notices appearisa excelled on the face of the globe for inches, and rtes bins he good t'u all C
n tits column. egnteuitural resources and oommerct- g f;
roads leading to Exeter. ,p
al greatuea$, He spoke 1n humorous Mr. W. D. Bright, ;Walkerton, for- t
terra of the Western University as a reedy of this place, has removed to IF YOU WANT
new' barn babe, and in a apeeoh Alai Senforth, and entered into partner. &
t ` greet fitnes.
___ ..-.-- ....--, was ueaurpasbed for ornghnsitty during ship with It 111(, Campbell, They ir:.
THURSDAY, DEC, 181b,1884. the evening, wialhed it a solid and 'tend running a dry gaode business. [Carpets, Fine Clothing, Fashionable Milliner,y,
a lasting growth, Mrs. Wharton Hodgson, formcratty ° Sills, Dress -goods, Dress Trimmings, bates,
,.`",„ of this plana, :now of Toronto, lied ` Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings
,;f.oc.#I, sim.--we emu he happy to re- ltd ihkoknr art . ;oricteeii+a ca
(Tire at aid.liars,frost any part of them her p 1' y sires. oar broken
that city, one oh Leg n ,'
County, heir.. of local' ..sirs, ORA ,ehr tie- • A s eciel meeting of the Preeb - y,day Table S inerts and Napkins Blankets
eideats,or ally intertwine bleb/eat h(hut, tezy of ldnruu was held to the Prea- wyeb. She is teooverhag slowly, ' ' ,
brteriau church. towuship of Rude.., A full ti'ac ortineut of Chrietmea Flannels, Hats Caps, Boots & Shoes,
ever, from any of our:ubserihera or read-
intrall y for the purpP T of p,cane.
Local Ea,{ of n1'S.
A smart and iutelhgont lad to learnt the tuclement, there was a targe att ud
art of printing. Must bavo a fair education auoe of members of the Presbytery,
appy personally to Tues office, Exeter and of the members and attendants
DENTAL. of both ,congregations. The ltev. A.
Stewart presided ; the Rev. S. Aube-
tC. Cartwright, Dentist, will be sou, of i ippeu, preached the iu.duo.
found at Abbott's old stand, over 0':
Weil's Bank, every Weduosday and
Thursday except auy weals in whch
'Tuesday is the first of the month. AU
branches of deutiatry attended to.aud
satisfaction guarauteed. Gold filling
a apccialty. Tereus 'ash, Prices lots
un Tuesday, Deo. eth, to induct the cards of Latest Dee;igne, also opened
Rev.atvtd. M. Ramsay, R. A. of cat a large stock of Fancy Good s i
this place, into the pastoral charge suitable for Christmas prevents at the
0f *allele and Laudeabaaa'. The Central Drug Store. C,LUrz' Pro/1"11F YOU 'WANT
services were of a very intereeting Walking atieks which eau be filled '
and inventive aharaeter.. Notwitlh- with liquor ate the latest wrinkle in i
standing the weather being eatnewtiat Iowa, Ratios, and other probl.bitiou (To get value for your money and see what you are hu in
e States. They+ are made of bamboo.
Go to CAR
go to CARLIN('S, as we have the best lighted Store in the
are hollow. and are linea inside with
Thos. O. Dickson, brother of Mnie
Aggie Dickson, teacher in the Exeter NO
y t SHOW
ton serz3aou lrurn Gal, 6 : 14 • the public school, died at Goderiolt last 1 N O TROUBLE TO S H Q MM GCC► 08
Rev, Ur, :Barr delivered the charge' to weakly iu ohp a2nii year, o eras
the minister, •autl 1► Ir. D. D. Whom, highly reapectad by all who know
eller, addressed the people on their
p p Mr. Fi, Davis has tires of the finest
duties toward their minister. The looking cattle we bave seen for some
church wan fairly crowded by an at time, two of them being fed by him -1 the barn and contents, was scutum*
teutive eeaugregatioa and. a very sill- self and the other by Mr. R. Bastard, 9 ed. There were about 800 bushels of
clout choir rendered the maeia iu ex. et Stopheu Townehtp. The animals wheat in the barn. No insurance.
well be killed for X mss beef. Snit, of ibe iueurauce companies will
We regret to aunouuoe the death have a policy to ieeuo for Mr. Troupe.
of Mr. H. W. hall, barriater, of this nor very soon.
place, wlhhoth took place near Kansas.
.. ..
City, U, 8.. an Tuesday. Deceased BIanshsard.
left here last week for California to Ent;crtoir of OrltcesRi.--The re•
benefit hie health, and ltad lust got uta( mecitu
thus far ou his way. g R of the L. O. L., Nu.
A farmer who don't attend church,
884, was held iu their lodge room on
retid the papers, or keep an almanao, Deo. 12, when the following oflioere
brought a load of grain into the mere. were duly eleoted and installed for the
ket Suouay morning. Ile was seen
driving oat the York road about an
hour after his arrival. --Guelph :lfar-
ntast:ereboe oftloers, oellout style. 4.t the close of the
Ata meetiug of Exeter Fire" Co, services Mr. Ramsay wee oordially
No. 2, held on Friday evening last, weloomed by the people aw they re-
the following officers were eleoted tired from the -church. The people
of Loudeeoove' and Hullezt have in
Mr. Ramsay an intelligent, iuduatri-
one an ever -faithful young man,
fir tite ourreut year :—Captain, Wm.
Treble;; 4Firat Lieut., Jas. Creech ;
Sdoand.Lieut., W'm. Creech ; Fare.
man of hone, Geo. Hill; assistant
fireman of hose, J'amee Beer ; First
branabmau,,James Weekes Seoond
brancbwan, Daviel Davie.
Mr. Wm. Howard presented us
last uight with a basket of as fine
Northern :spy apples as we have.
ever seen. They were grown by Mr
Andrew Collins, of McGillivray. Isaiah 55: 8,, "beak ye the Lord
Mr. G. &..Hyndman has a curies- while hemay be found, .callye upon
ity in hie grocery store in the shape Him while Hein near-: Let e wick
of a large onion, which baa grown ed forsake hie way, and the unrighte.
,sprouts about a foot long in two sue man his thoughts:: and dot him
return unto the Lord, and he will
have mercy upon him; and to our
God, for He will abundantly pardon."
In the morning he spoke from Isaiah
auccesatat.#*Avesta '.
The annivereary eervioes of the
Jsmee-erteeet Methhodist'ohurch, kixe-
ter, were held on Runday and Monday
last, and ware in every respect a sue
sees. Sermons were preaohed on.
Sunday at 1x0.80 A. m. and 6.80 p..m.
by the }.lav, James Gray, of Clinton.
He took for his text in the evening
weeks, the growth being caused by
the onion being placed on the top of
a glass tumbler half filled with water.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Fred E. Wrea:tseUnole Tom's Cabin 56th chapter, latter clause of the .7th
Co. will give a performance of that verse : "For Mine house shall be
old, but realistic work of Southern called au hqupe of prayer for all
Life before the late war, in Drew's people," The discourses were ele-
Hatl, an Wedneeday evening next, Tient, interesting and instructive,
December 24th_ (phis combination and were listened to very attentively
is ane of the largest that will make a by large audiences. On Monday ev-
tour through Canada, travelling in ening the annual tea was held, and,
their own car and ciumbering 20 peo-
ple-8jubilee singers dram the Uni-
versity far the colored race at Mem
phis, Tennesee !; 6 t(Jubau blood
bounds and 2 donkeys, The com-
pany have a good reputation and we
bespeak for them a bumper house.
Go !
Good Fence.
We were shown on Saturday last a
model of a moveable iron ,fence, for
which Mr. A. W. Bargees, of Brus-
sels, has the county right. The fence
possesses many advantages .steer the
stationary fence. The posts are set
12 feet apart on a four foot base of
cedar or oak; There is a strip et the
top and bottom of each panel, and
four wires. Each of these panels
can be taken out when required. Usue.
doing away with the necessity for
gates. The fence can be .mads in the
winter and set out early in the epriug,i
as no pore holes are required. It can.
be out up .as cheaply as the ordinary
wire fence, and is much better in ev-
ery particular. Mr. Burgess will dig -
porno of either farm or township rights.
A. Chance for't;t,• .Gi As.
Now girls, here. in an item of in-
terest for you, although the proverb'•
al popularity of the Exeter belles has
probably depleted the market to such
a degree• that visit from the Arizona
agent might prove fruitless : Some
thirty young farmers and bnsinebe
men of Arizona have sent one of their
number east to find wives for them.
The agent says ;-"I have the photo-
graphs of the members, ,and 1 also
have lettere of recommendation from
the township offiosra, All I want now
ie to secure the young ladies. Their
*Arleta to Arians# Will be paid by average wetg111 was 240 pounds.
Messrs. Oke feud Davis ehipped a
car load of fat cattle on Thursday last
for Toronto. The Messrs. Wood also.
shipped a carload for the same mar-
ket. Both lots will be slaughtered
for Chrhetmas beef. We hear from
good sutherity that the Exeter buyers
ship more and better cattle per week
than the buyers in any other plane
for many miles around.
C. Eaorett has got the ahaapest
Rues of Boots and Shoes now in town.
Call and see ladies' oboes at $1.25,
usual prize $1.60 ; also Rubbers and
Overshoes of the best American make,
men's Felt Boots, extra good gaelity ;
also Harness of every description con-
stantly on hand. salt and see for
notwithstandingthe somewhat yourselves. Ladies' overshoes $1
clement weathr, there was a good, geutlemen'e, $1.25.
attendance. Tea was served in the
The rush al Broderiok's Bankrupt
basement of the church. After all .Sale of boots and shoes is wcuderfal.
had done ample justice to the excel -We have to close the store again to -
lent eprend, they assembled in the day to arrange and put the stock in
audience room, where, appropriate order for selling. A farther reduction
wall.be made. Goods will be marked
addresses were delivered by Revs.
E. Fessant, C. Fletcher, and G. N. .loan, down, Gown. The store will
A. F. T. Dickson. The proceeds of be opened again to -morrow (Friday),
the collections on Sunday and she and the great sale will continue a few
tea amounted to about $150, which days longer. Come and secure a
will be applied towards liquidating
the debt on the church. A large
quautity of the good things being left,.
a ten oe& social was held ou Tues.
day evening, at which the snug sum
of $30 was realized.
Brevities. •
Mrs. Spackman is visiting friends
in Blyth.
X -was cards in great variety at
Coulson's Drug Store.
Mr. S. Gidley of this place was se.
Jeoted as a juryman to sit at the re-
gent County Court sittings.
Wood is beginning to come in in
large queutities, notwithstanding the
fall in prioe t•i $3 per cord. -
A large stock of driod flowers.
briquet basket* and cud receivers,
at Coulson'* Drug Store.
Our merchants expect a busy time
unit and after the new year, if the
sleighing continues,
Masers. Oke & Davis again ehipped
a carload of fine cattle on Monday
aboleaa, will bo dedicated to the wore
ship of God, On Sabbath, Deo 21st.
Sermons will be preached at 10 a. m.;
2.80 and 6.80 p. in, by Rove, John
L. Kerr, Brussels ; W, S. Pascoe,
Exeter ; and J. 13a11, Hensall, enc
aesaively. Ou Thursday evening,
Deo. 20th, agrand tea meeting will
be hold, when addresses will be de-
livered by Revs. Jae. Harris, E. Fee.
sant anti resident ministers. A.11 are
cordially invited. Admission, 25o.
Aoctns uhr.--On Friday last, while a
er,saing year :--W M, bro Rohl, sou of John Omura, of the 11th con,,
Beer D M, bro :4tarweIl .Irwin twee leading a colt to water. he re-
Treace, bro i:euben. Switzer.) Seo ; oeired a 'lettere Woe from the animal
bro James Atkinson , Recornq sec., on the forehead, which fractured hie
skull. He was picked upinsensible n
bro David Sunburn ; Director ter and still contiuuee so, but hope* are r
ceremonies, bro Wm. Atkinson ; autetteiued that he will recover.
Chaplain, bro Sumuel Haynes. Cam- KI es u,
mittee men :—Bros. Isaac Barnett,
Wm. Scott, John Liakiusou,J. Whoa, Bible class at Mr. John Irvine's,
R. I3. Switzer. Tyler' :—iuside, Alex. Friday night.
Patterson.—outside, Adam Switzer, Football has been revived and the
The lodge is 30 a moat flourishing con- boys ba
dition. ppy.
BRmr's.-The youoge:,t son of J. W.
asses. Geo. Harra and Wm. Sta.
Hardy, of the'third line, has bad a oey took possession of their new brick
severe attack of infiamatton of the houses this week,
lenge.--Mr. J. R. Atkinson, of the Mitre Alioa Blake who for some time
third line, has moved it:to his new re-
sidence, which has juat been complete borhood, left on Thursday last,for her
ed. The building adds much to the home in Tarontc.
appearance of the line. Christmas tree ie connection with
St. Paula Church on Xmas Eve. A
Winehelsea. good time is in store for abs little
MEAN Teames.—One of our young Mr. Joseph Kirk, who, for the peat
men, who, by the way, has net yet 1three pare, has been in Manitoba, re-
joined the army of Beoedicts, on re. ,I turned home on Monday last,
turning home the other evening was Public school examination on Mon -
not a little surprised, possibly soared, day forenoon next. All who are in.
by the scene that met his gaze. The terested in the education of t
fire had been kindled, the kettle boil- ol'iidren should attend.
ed, while the table, still uncleared, Several Indians and squaws are
gave evidence of the work of hungry Damped in McGregor'swoode making
visitors. The tramps (for undoubt: baskets, begging, etc. Some of them
pair of those top boats for one dollar.edly such they were) must have been are evidently very fond of their fire•
Remember the place, forFaone
Blk. i of the aristocratic kind, as nothing water.
but the choicest viands of the land Of all the tea•mee•ings, Christmas
The , ec 18, '8 of the Main -street were touched, while the best chine f trees, etc., of the holiday season. the
Methodist church will be held next was used for the occasiou. But what [ tea -meeting iu connection with the
Sunda and Moeda Dec. 21st and occasioned the most surprise was the Methodist Church on New Years
22nd. y a.n Sunday Rev. (leo. Web- figure of a young lady seated at the I night, is destined to eclipse them all.
ber, late of Exeter. will conduct the
services. A mass meeting of both
schools and the young people gener-
ally will be held in the James street
Methodist church in the afternoon, to
be addressed by Rev. Mr. Webber and
others. On Monday evening Mr.
Webber will deliver a lecture in the
Main -street church, entitled "Queen
Elizabeth." Admission to lecture
25 its. Collections at all the other
ser vices.
Round the Country,,.
organ, which was at first sight taken
by our friend as one of the ' visitors,
but ou further eramination, which re•
quired some time, owing to the shy-
nese of the hoot, proved to be purely
In the Agricultural Hall, between the
hours of 5 St 8 o'clock, a grand oppor,
.unity will be given of testing the
ability of the ladies of this eoragrega.
tion to satisfy to the utmoee the beds
artificial. Tramps will find a warm ily wanes of every man, woman and
reception after this from our friend C. child who will attend. After the test
— weave-. in the church. the following Juminer-
Vsborne. ies are expected to shine. --Rev. £3,
Fletcher, of Thames Road, Rev. W,
ANNIVERSARY SERVICE8,—The ROM- H. Gane, of. Ehmville, Rev. J. T,
versary services of the Bethany' LeGear, of Dungannon, Rev. W. H,
(Thames Road)Methodiet chn7oh. will Hinks, of Niesouri, and resident mins
be held on Sabbath next. At 10.30
a. w. Rev. J. Ball, of Hensel!, will
preach, and at 6.80 p. m. Rev. John
L. Kerr, of Brussels, Ou Monday,
Dec. 22nd, tbe.aunual. tea, meeting
Flan.—Monday afternoon a des will be held. Tea will be served in
tractive fire occureed in this vicinity. the basement of the Methodist
last, for ,the eastern markets. It appears that while Mr. Sohwalm church, after which speaking and
The finest line of Xmas cards ever was threshing with his steam thresh• singing will, be carried' on in the Pies -
shown in Exeter, at the Family Drug 'er at the barn of Mr. Treumner, of byterian church, : commencing at 7
Store. the Goshen line, Hay township, She o'clootcp. m. Addressee will be given
ivir. A. Q. Dobler shipped from this barn ought fire in Boma unaceount- by several Rev. gentlemen. Admie•
station a carload of fine hogs the nib able manner. The fire spread so cion, 25 cte. Alters invited.
er day for the Montreal market. Their rapidly that the men could not save Carmen DEDICATION. —The "Sun.
the separator, winch, together with 'shine" Methodist church, near Win.
titers. Music will be provided by the
choir of the ohuroh. All this for the
smallconsideration of 25ete for adults
and for obilaren, 15ota. Come! and '
at the close of the first day of 1885,
you will leave the gratification of feel:
ing that that day at least had not been
spent in vain.
Mise M. A. Kirk returned home on
Wednesday after a peasant visit to
friends in Norwich.
Mrs. Gliddon, of Elimville, mother of Mrs
Pottes of Fiolmeevihib, died at her home near
Elimvilte one day last week, and was bnried
near Clinton. The deceased lady was high.
y respected.