HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-18, Page 1weseee gni. seed w o. „IIEW TO THE LINE, LET THE QUIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAX-"' Vol.. XII., No. 16 ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DSO. Itt 1884. e5+ .101114 MUTE & SON Publishers and rroprietere X -roar Trait8.erirsr - a sto AU -r$s.Teas. Oa Xmas Gtnfectionery X -mire Coffees Xmas Spices X -mss Orange Peel X mss Lesion Pee1 Xmas Citron Peel Luau Lemons Xmas Grapes X-msa Dates X-mas liyrnps, X -sans Nuts Xmas Pipes X-mas Oars Xmas Oigarrettee. Also Oyster8 in;,every style --cooked, raw or tried. tilt *40E 4. X -man: Biscuits, X -teas Essences Xmas Oranges X -iglu Figs X -tuns Tabasco A..HHY°N.DM.A.IIF,tPeewee Bloc' LEGAL. W. BARRISTER SOLI 'ITQR etc (mice iaXanswell'eBlock. Eaoker. DENTAL. J, SUTHEL,►dIN . HENS.ALL, ONT.. Coarviara tstw, OolOcineleXt,taa. Pit e eiladi ditto X01;11111110* t s31d iaauer of a sttiixtltyeeonAitgnitiel. Oat twicesint ttod; O4tcee. at the PeatOdice: WANTED- 7,'UNI$01t1'S New & Superior ands bps & Charts As paylogae any agency lit the world. For toll partiealars,ire*address g.C.TUNL8ON SlapPablieber 58aliiohmonttst.,L,ondon,0ut.' IPTIO WS ♦ ty o,,Rtl.t s 'mood_ ear W MA:.* AI,....; Ly l,,.w liserenlor tatwad. K caws es as wore, tla4 .ad of tons suWag ed to Poet- aa,s bars wet t MKtof[ raw f.la 1. iM•Ok,tr, Moe/flock. v 1"23 a. is='iwA I .1R #i0,1"1"/. iii Too* i. - +11e'wr•aaterno zeima. nnewtak„ ar. raett+d stttlt _.._ nt Prater, 1 Fie .ADV T1SERS-lowest Hetet tor ad- vertisiugtnOen good netreepsoarafreeasl- _ er:Q o uottooto..t CO. 1U e.•pruoe•atreet, eOHN MoDONELL. ISSUER OF 72:4-' ,. _•..- ----- _-- ,. ''''---17'''' - - --- MARRIAGE I:[.:$K868. fR. HYNDMAN,---CORf,?4. k'%i F'OR terries is rirrett•a ali+rxcux no, -L. the Cenutyyotliuron. Ware, opposite to ltr.l.r7aritilirtreiore.Rsotar , Atsoagent for the Laetdottrlutua1 gPaarance Corpan of Canada, Volatile Insurance Oo _ `._ - . -,. --. , _. •-Capita !li00Ael.l4 Volatile TSateriDee T W. BROWNING 1.1. D.. M. G Ont, tl awitLoodouJnauranaC . !J • 1'.ki.Glsedum..*ViotorlaUniverait • 001c MI S2;40400: Hem. 0flca,Montreal. adresidenae.D.zz:aiorbaboratorr.7 xeter. D. J. A. ROLLINS, Di. C. P. b o. Otgoe, Main Bt.0xeter.Ont. Reaidenoe Ito userecen4hooeepiod by P. liePhtllips,Eaq. -'--" Comity court. t Sitrtings.. Before His IIonor Judge Tome, neer DAT. Tuesday, Deo 9, 1884.I Const opened at 12 o'clo.k Foon by pre clam stiou, After the iulpauolliog of the grand jury. hie lions/ addresoid them in re. gird to the =Here tbst would conte before them. to the course of his re- marks be alluded tb the fact Chet now that the $oott Act had been carried in Huron, be hoped when it went ins to operation, the megistrstee, peace *Moors, and otttere ehoaid iee Chet it wsaa properly eutoroe(t. it wotticf be e. disgrece to the people of Huron, if, atter carving the AO, they did pot enforce it. If properly enforced lie believed it would be iu the hast inter. .it, of the county. Sturdy a Rutherford et af--notion ou promissory /late. Diokineou for plff. ; deft, not represented by cane - eel. Immediate execution applied for end greeted. ,Armitage v Plain et al-.ction for breach of contraot for non•deltvery of betley. °arrow JS Proudfoot for pill; deft. not represented by Oouneel. Judgment for pif. for $200 damages and costs of the action. Immediate execution applied for end granted. Court adjourned et 1 p. tn., until 10 o'clock tomorrow. mono DAT. Wednesday, Deo. 10. Court opened at 10 s. tu., pnraaaai to adjournment. JOHN MatIONELL, Exeter• Conf. .Ire's Assn, r. ItieEwen.-- - -_ Aotion ou promissory note. Seager PROPERTY LIaT for plffs. ; Oarrow and Proudfoot for ( LUT'Z, M. D., t,r • OAlawat kis residence Exeter. ilii. tIRADUATE UNI 1. VERSITY Trinity CollegMembar Collette ruvaleiansatt4stnceenr ou...t•Cloel[irkton 01 f "ORTAN t ri onaz 3.. ITENIiY BiLttpia, Licensed Alie- tionikerfor Hay,Stepben.aud McGillivray + wnshl,iss. S+,las conducted at moderate rates. •. ca -At Poat•ofllce.Croditon, Ont. ONE 1' TO LOAN ON REALES. 1 tsteforthe Haran d: Erie /men •'• Savings Soaiety. Low rates of interest. Apply to John dpac1un* t.Exeter. XT J. CLARK, Ageut for the Us- s•borneaadittbbertlfutualiireInaurancc ' 01flpany, Reeidonce--l'arquhar. Orders by maileromptlx attendedto. TOS.. HUDSON, COMMISSIONER in the Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills,tlortssgea,Laates,and all forma of agree- ments drawn and executed aocordingg to law. OPP/OE-Lsthe Centennialliote181oak,Ren- aall,Onterio neoloplimoemeawym tirONf't TO LOAN AT di AND 7 per oent. according to terms. Private Funds. Apply to B. V.ELLIOT, Outoberi5,'e0 Solicitor. Exeter For Sale. A well Anesnedandconv a DwolUnjRouse and Lot on Huron Street, last of Main street Exeter. Vor partioal ars apply to ME, 13 V ELLE./, Solicitor deo, Exeter OR SALE, TWO•STORYFRAME DWELLING ROUSE an doneaoreofland eituatedon the Thame*Road,2}miles east of Exeter, Goodl,ergeframe *table and driving shod; splendid orchard of choice fruit -beating trees; good well and cistern. Suitablofor a re. tired farmer. Will be sold eheap for cash, Ali ply to THOMAS ALL/N. E,ceterP 0 ly 19-tf J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER e in the Court of Common Pleas -Deeds, Wills,aiortgagee. Leases,and all forms ofagree menta drawn and executed according to law. MONErTOLOAN ONAEAL$9TATg. Partieawish• Ing to borrow money on account of reoontrim- ahasea ofland,orto pay off existingmortgegas willllnd a great saving by giving me a nail,. Can lend 'money st0 and 61 per cent. according to terms. N.J.CLARE. • --TRY----- 001'1. ICANNIbTO'S Central Shave Parlor For Olean and ,easy al ivtafg, fashionable hair CuEting Ac. la- Clean tow'ek titt eyory ouetomer, i Next door to Central Mote MONEY r. pb h 1iiud any amount of Money on farm air• gqt}>al t,'t6, 8} mad 7 per oeut. auoordine to terse is }Private Funds a specialty. Charges model+n?re H W HA LL,Barrister,b'Yret r .111 Li WA'1'ERLOOMUTUAL FIRE 11 INSURANCE CO. Established in 18641. HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. This oomt any has been over Eightteen yearn a successful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against Imes or damage Iv 1ire,Buildings,Merohandtse, lilttnufaotories,and all other descriptions of insensible property. In- tending insurers have the option of insuringon the Premium Note or Omaha/Mons. During the past ten years **%,his Company bas seued 57,098 Polieies.00verl;;tg property to the amount oi $40,872,038; and )raid in losses alone 0709,752;00 AasetS, 0176,100.00, eehiSisting of Cash in dank, (3 overnmentDeposit;and the unaasensed Premium NotesTAYLOR, e'Wan D. Press C.1.. in oe J • is. Musings,laapectdr; CHARLESISNELL ,Agent forRzeteraerd'tidielty. WARM FOR SALE.1.-The under- signed offers forsalehis tarm.00neieting of one hundred acres. being tot 4. ace. S, Town- ship of Unborn°, The farm Is all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and well on ler- drained. Thera aro on the premises a good Irani° baro, log atabia and dwellinghouse and a large bearing orchard of grafted fruit. also cherries, Muerte, pears, and grapes, also three nevar•Iailia g wells of water, 10 sores of fail wheat in the ground and 2O acres fan plow- ing done. Said farm.le aituated4 miles from Exeter and two from Centralia. There iia school house onadjoiningfarm, arida Efetho- diet church. This is o:.e of the beat farms in the township slut will beach! cheap. One- hal/purchase money down ; balance may re. main raortgage roe reasonable length of timer Porfurther pattieulars, apply to John Dempsey on the premises or by letter to Eze ter p.o., or to Jamas Oke, auctioneer, Exeter. 'Colborne, Nat. 12,1884. 'NEON ADVERTISEMENTS. HENSALL SALT COMPA..'VY,-- (LIMITED) SHAR1a11OL13EitS 1MEETING. Take notice that a General Fleeting of the shareholders of the Memail Salt Co.,(Limited) will take place on Tuesday. the 30th day of Decembernext,1881,at'111e hour of 10 o'clock ant, at liodgin's Hell, to Consider and pass :ft by-law to enable the Director* to borrowo raise byway of loan on security of the Real Estate cf the Company.or to consider the adt visability ofseniug theReal Estate of the Com pany,addfor the tranaaetion of such other basin ess se may legally come before the meet- ing. Dec. G.'81. S T JACKSON, Secy. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF HENRY DILLING, DECEAS..D, Notice is hereby given iu pursuance of Fac- tion 84, Chapter 107 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,that all creditors of Henry Dilling. late of the Village of Exeter,in the County of Huron laborer, deceased, who died op or abort the 26tH day of September, A D, 1884, are hers - by repaired to feud by punt prepaid on or be- fore the 00th day of January, A. D: 1ee5, to Meagre. Meredith & Scatcherd, of the City of London, the county of Middlesex,EM aolioitors for John Neno, of the township et Westmin- Eter, in the county of Middlesex. yeoman, the executor of the last will earl testament of the se, Henry Dining. deeoanoe.i, their Christian and Surnames addrtesee and descriptions the full particulate ea1d proof of their olaime and estatement elf the Securities ((f any) he by Shami. And nfllier te% notice that the said execute or will atte'Ftihexaid 20th day ofJanuary, A.D. 1885, ptot+etd to distribute the aaeets of the said Rtn y1)illing, de ceased, amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the !Anima of which he has then notice, and the said executor will not be responsible for the gold asseia or any part thereof so distributed to any person or peeao+,e of whose claims no- tice shall not have bleu reoetved by such e1- ecutor at the time of such distribution, deft, Judgment for plff. fur $80 with foil county court cost of action ShuIdioe v. Ryan.-»Aottotl for iu jury te pill, by a dog belonging t deft. Seeger far pIff. ; Garraw fa deft. Judgment for deft. ritESEtt1M'ENT. Thorium* fut our lady the Queen upon their oath present We were muoh pleated and gratifi ed with the very lucid and lengthen- ed remarks made by your Honor ou the important, subject "The Claude Temperance Aot,'` and trust that as your remarks foreshadow, that the measure may be for the material good of our common ce uotry. The "sty fact of the Scott Act being carried in this county by sued an ocer•rllclmiug majority augers well for he being car- ried out in its entirety, acid its your Honor remarked it will be expected that all law abiding citizens will join in maintaining the majesty of the law ant seeie.g to its euforoement. We quite agree with your' Honor that a great mejorily of our hotel -keepers are most upright and honorable men and that they still be shrove violating the law. We were pleased to learn from your Honor that out duties would be light on thio occasion, seeing that there was not a criminal cage on the cater:. der for trial at this sessions, whioli is certainly to be regarded as a diminu- tion of crime in our county. • 0 r nasi We felled nine prieeuers in the ' gnat, two of these awaiting their trial on a charge of reaps -four men for vagrancy --one insane woulitn-roes n Heal epeacb, which he concluded by inviting the ocuipsny to partake of refreshments. After an hoer devoted to the good things of the table the party again adjourned to the drew ng room, where rnueia, singing and m.aa for laroouy of lest bscs,0uU owe denying wore ixidulged In until II'' Wan unable to *blain sureties for the 0`000k, when the proceedings were peace. terminated by the bold playing "Auld' 101*n DAY. Lang Syna." T[turedw,T: Deo- 11. nota *tea leant.- Mr. W. Court opened porenanl to adjourn- N, Alllir, of the Ifitasey rz:antlfaotgt. Ment, the Bret 0440 being tog wM kir, being about tel here far McBean Ts, Taylor.. -.-Au action for winnipeg',10 accept a re.ponslblo po. non-delivery of cattle. Gacrow A agtton itt the company'+ oif')ges there, Prondfoot for pill; Ortnloron, Holt ,lM the officiate of the firm and hit fellow amerce for deft, This case was riot i eull+loyee waited upon hint and pre - finished wbttm our report eleesd, seated him with a aplttadid silver tea The only cases In the criminal list service ttoonmpauied by * most flat - were the following 1 tering address. Mrs. Alfie was also made the teelp ent ot a hendsotlio gold ring set with valuable etonee. The addrau was supplemented by speedo* from Ur. O. D. ttaerey, the Tice -president of the cutopany ; Mr. Eiarvin. euperiotendent ; Mr. b.fet- oaif, sec.-treae, and mewbera of the in Bayfiet4, Fined $10 rind costs. or presentation o+tulcsaittee, ell of whorl one mouth in jail, spoke in the highest terms of Mr. 4,11 of which ie reapeotfully auMit. Apia's .ability and triter good quali. ted• ties, and coupled regret, for his de. W, D. Dust tr/2.1Porocutuz• perfuse with confident hopes for his Ooderieb, Deo. 101h. continued incre'awtng proepsrity. The Queen vs, MoDonell,-A. oltarga of assault which hit beau hanging lite for over a year. The parties reside in touter. Verdict, riot guilty, The Queen vs. Diaf oeeild.--AUoth- er charge of aesantt, the parties Irving .ea itiodet Setlooi Enfant. Not Par' Prom Homo. The following are 1110 unciae of the JameeMoOleaobsy, of Goebee hue, Model f School students in the cotter stude7. , su old senior, died last week. y W'e "tail to. itto ssoz the meow of Huron who have euceeeded iu pie- New Ent that Mr. Hardy, the pool. sing the recent profeetionet ezarui• out lissive of slaw, Iowa* stand. nation for teachers' certificated. lilp for re»etetctiolt. Those who have sttsined the legal Peter Iltowerd, of Hayfield, ilia so will receive their oertifioatea at, petah the form property of Mr.. the end of the year. Tse others will Rush, North Bonudery of Flay.. Mr. be ooligud, to mai fOs tbelre until Beed pita bought from Mr. John they reach the age ',Orel bq law, Rei6h, of Stephen, All paid good -iz,segouteeu for feiltslos and etgh piioets. teen for malas. hfr. Freak Metcalf it out in op. Those who passed teak 55 per O. position to Mr. P. Kelly for the of - lice of seen for the Til o of Blyth, Mr, Metcalf will stand no sight nonnsit so ular." tL um as Mr. elly. A terrible storm raged in Say: field on Tuesday, and a three masted vessel trout ashore The orew were saved. The scowl of the wreck is so fire away that it is impossible to s(e o certain the nate of the vessel. The •Scott Ant petition f tt ltd county of Middlesex, wen filed gt the sheriffs office last week. It is mount: ed on relieve in a wooden frame, and is 220 yowls long by actual mean aurement, Mr, John Torrance, of Ooderioh Township, had the misfortune the other day to have bit arm broken by a hers* kinking him. This appar- ently le a season for reoeiving kicks frim horses, as in this issue there are reports of several snob accidents. The warden ot middlesex, Mr. W. D. Stauley, of. Biddulph, baa been su$eriug from 111-heeltb and talks. of withdrawing altogether from min nioipal affairs. The township would find it difficult to suitably replace him. Rev. D. Allan, lather of Mr. A. McD Altai, dt:.d at Goderich on Wednesday oft Iasi week in his 80th year, The decea.ad was s Presby- terian and preached for that denomi- netion for 40 years. He leaves be: hind bit aged partner, a number of children and grandchildren. One day last week 112r. Proudfoot, of Clinton, went out into Hellen to, do some surveying, and while at work was slightly startled by the presence of she owuer of the adjoining' farm,. Jas. Barr, armed with a shot gun, who ordered him off the promisee. Mr. Proudfoot swore out a warrant. for the man's arrest, and took con-. stable Paisley out with him to serve - it, it molested nextday, bol he was allowed to proceed with his work un- harmed. The warrant has sum, been served: quick Work. and upward of the sg egate number of marks; 50 per et, and a• • . Mit 1marke on educational A anti 88* and upward- on eri au sot : G. E. Anderson, C. R. Bishop, J. j l3utohert, J. Barr, A. Brown, A. }Budge, J. J. Danby, 0. A. Dewar, 1. Forrest,141. E. Gill, A. Gregory, I. Hamilton, 11. A. Holmes, G. Bart, J. S. Hogg, J, Ireland, S. Inglis, G. ItiaKinley, E, Maxwell, L. Maguire, 1. Mo0alluaa, W. A. Milne, B. Scott, F. A. Scott, M. Smith, B. Suell, H, Stewart, I Tucker, 0. Walker, A. A. Ague*, T. G. Allen, G. 11. Black- well, J. Coyne, E, J. Cassidy, U. ii. .Diehl, L. Huston, W. Hewitt, A. Horuibrook, T. King, G. McGregor. D. MoPadzeau, II. Murray, C. Mo- Etbbiu, A. Murray, T. Melons, M.J. McOonell, A. Porter, G. Pentland, 8. Smith, R. Seaborne, N. `Tighe, 0. 11. Thompson, J. Netherland, J. Wil- soa, L, W. Diehl. The board of examiners consisted of J. R. Miller, I. Y. S., Goderiob, D. M. Malloob, I. P. S. Clinton ; .1. H. iiarstone, Head Diaster SJefortb High School ; Thos. Gregory, Prin- cipal Exeter Public School ; 8. P. Halls, of Goderiob High Sobool ; P. Adamson, secretary. On one point this grand jury would '+' approach your Honor to gain some Honoring Mr. W. N. Alli information respecting the commute. tion of eenteueoa in the Beamieb- The following, vrhich appeared in lt1r na murder case tried at the recent the Toronto papers, refers to Mr. W. melee court here. This jury, not one N. Algia, non of blr. ThomasAliin, of member of whom knows „hat steps the Thames Road, and his many. k t Stain a commutat;ou feieuds here will read it with interest : are taken o u ' '•A ceremony of a most leasing are of opinion that unless good reason y pleasing is shown to the Wonky for the course ebarceler took place u t tbe residence of clemency ehowu by the Executive, of Mr. W. N. Arlin, No. 20 King•et., that there is but little use in convey) Pstkdale, ou I'iiday night (a few. rand or petty to waste weeks ago.) Mr. Aloin, who bac for tug juries, g mate tbelr,ilme to doing y e jllrore y years been connected with the • I et ..,. cut a or for judges passing righteous 3udg. Massey manufacturing Company, is b t L take d rtmeet 1n the tate erpetrators of atm.; about o a e a spa ment upon p e mous mimes it se in this case where •oolu p an y'e Winnipeg house, The the criminals are, one of thorn esti band of the company, of which Mr. or - loose upon society and the eentenOee Allitt has been treasurer sines its or of the others eommutted in witch -o i ganization, marched out to Parkdale degree as 10 render the beat efforts of at eight o'clock and took Mr. Atlin's hon, e a cholas se - juries and the righteous sentences of by storm. Aft er Dated this 15th day of December, A. D. 1884. judges little else than a mGCker% and 1 60 00 0 a re un or to ea p MEREDITH & SCATCHERD, Solicitors for Executor. BLACKSMITHS xOOE HERE TO REM' --IN THE 'VILLAGE OP CBEDITTf.the eldest and beat locat- ed BLACKSMITH SHOP in town ; furnished with two sate of tools ; connected with a good wood shop, and has been running constantlyp for the last 20 years. Thin is an unparalelled chance for a strictly erst•ciasa man with limi- ted means as I get no a targe quantity of new work. furnishing iron stock for same, Poeaes• Mon at once. Por particulars apply to .t4OHN'%BEI?+8OreAitot,P.O. a fares, public piston buiiled, slid no life safe in the oommnuity, but the convicted murderer o while here no aid has been extended kyr sympathy shown to the widow or 'helpless or• pbaus of the Murdered °man. We have examined the jail and found it both clears and orderly, and heard no cottl.ptaiut from ouy of the prisoners wider Obe'tare and manage - Mr. Kelly,whoee repertoire of classical mu.ic has greatly added to the repu- tation of the Massey band, the presi- della, D. A. Carey, on behalf of the( members, preeentrd Mr. Allin with an eddress expressive of their appreotar.• Hon of hie survioee in the past, so of their good wishes for his prosper- ity and that of his wife and family in the future. The addrees was eQoom- panied by a bander.= album appro• mint of the very-Fiffioieut jailor, Mr. /tarsi lnscribetl bpd resile on an Dickson and Turnkey HenderSoN,end mutely g elegant tripqd, the Whole of the most °baste and dourly description. Mr. Allio, to whom the present was a; tarsal by tho'd^nth of lois sou 'Thom• genuine surprise, returned 1liscke io we, in common with the citizens of Goderiob, etrpr eye our sympathy with Mr. Mkt/Juin 'the loss he has sue - (Prom the Daily Herald, Tiffin, Ohio, Nor.. 21, 1884. Gnu. P. Row/ton et Co. No. 10, Spruce Street, Sew',ifork, are the most prompt and reliable:tsmg agents we have ever bad any bueiOess dealings with during our semen years' experience. We have handled consid- erable advert.aing througn them, and never had a dispute on an account, never had a delay of one moment more than is absolute ly necessary to glance oyer their books. They have their system ,so complete that our last statement containing the accounts of eight different advertisers and covering different dates, which was sent to New York from this office 011 Monday, Nov. 17th, was received in the advertising department of Rowau.'s in New York on the 19t11, and at ii o'clock on the 20th we had their draft for the full amonut•