HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-11, Page 8GRIGG 1 eubstautiato the above, we might say flint :luring the past number of clays, there lens been an overcrowded street, intruerone farmers rieiting our mark, V1aolesale and Retail, et:i from within three, and four miles .:f St. ?Marys, Parkhill, Liman. a::c1 other !.laces. !,'rices for all kinds of $tomsk3.rlrE strain here have been Steady, and ranv,ee higher than competing mark- ets, ' Runaway. FANCY(fQODS DEAL,t;tE. Ott Tebuica�tay afteruaau tart, attar FANCY' tr1 V a ftar�uzer ilad unloaded leis grain, and ' driven a Abort distance in order to , ONT. let the next man H. his horses took EXETER, l (tight at the trate approaching from tete uorth.aud raiz from Bobier'e store- Ilon,e down the railway track, leep- • T£N4'`"ret tier line for drat insertion, aud :mg nicely in front of the eugino. }'OLtli CN'°� rs par line for each subsequent in- They • heti net run far, however before ser tion win he charged 2,1r notices ail peering , + + in they column. they were captured mud brought back. Fortuuately,indeed. for both team and dtiror that they were Stopped, for had §io: free,' IH14 . they run at. few rods further, they would have been precipitatel to the bottone of a culvert, which Ia about 1G feet deep, and killed. Notwithstaorle iug the rougbneae of the treek, and th kttooking about the anon receiv- T HU11SDAY, DEC. lith, 1884. it was not damaged in the lea*t ; F Rat' b i;>r �, lt•r shin: be 1"in ns ra 4."the horses, also escaped uuinjnretl. cefre •$t old tithes, root any art rg the County, items ef force news, su:'h .ts uc. eident*,er any interesting iitrfifeitt triiat• Br,+vitlear. tree, from any r;% our soNerit+ers or read- Miss Jennie nellie of 1*ippon, is ars neneraailt for th.' 1"srp7nre of pubifc- visiting frtands iii Exeter Lome dards in great variety at (:oulson'e Drug Store. The exnmivatione of the Model `Jcheats in Outerio, begin on alou4av lest. .Mee Euuua Clark who hoe been e visaing friends le Clinton for Suns time pant, has;returned home. ✓ We uudaretand that lir. Wm. Hoskin will be a candidate for coup. eUlor for the village. e A ;purlieu of the deluge of the County Council eau be found to thio issue. The finest line of lends cards ever 1 Atom in Exeter. at the Family Dug Store. A le stock of drie flowers 8 q baguet+rbaskets and a tdd retia vers, at Caulson's Drug Store. Mr. R. Davis shipped a► oar load of fine cattle from thio station last week, 1 to Montreal. The leotpre by ilst. Geo. Webber, ou the 22nd inst., in the ?Main -street t Methodist ohuroh will be well worth r ! hearing. Admission 26 cls.. Mr. and Mn. ciao. Southoott, left , last week for Toronto, !lir. S. intend, opening oitt a tailoring bussitteae in that oily. lFarmers and others who market fowl with their crops filled with grain idea., will rentea:ber thatthey are vire 1 !sting the law. t With this iseuo ., o continence a fChristwae Story, entitled, "Grime Lilburne'e Secret," which ought to be read by all. It is interesting, There was a slight decline in the price of cordwood sat the market last week. A good quantity was market- ed. Municipal law, applicable to the duties and rules to be performed, is beiug sedulouely received by many,. who, heretofore, wore disinterested. Our unsuccessful ladies are sorry dint leap year is go near a close ; they 2 are beginning to realize their woeful 1 position. "Painting the Town Red," is the latest phrase among the young men. Wonder will they paint the Salvation Army red. Messrs Weaker and Sweet are mak. ing much progress in prepariog their skating rink which is to be opened in the Drill Shed. We wadi them ruo- cese, Business bah been reported some. what dull during the last few days in consequence of the thaw. It will brighten up at another fall of the "beautiful." A. full aseortzneet of Christmas Cards of Latest Deg I d atinn. 1404 appen5 Wanted 4 smart and inteliig+.gut lad to !earn ter *rt of priutlug. Must have a fair elueetiou Apply per&anally to Vice Office, F-xete r K'rnn x > � J. 0. Cartwright. Dentist, Trill la found at Abbott's old stand, aver 0' Neil's Bank, every llr'edueedsy and Thureday except any week in ■hof* Tueetay ie the first of the month. Al branches of dentietry attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed, Gold fatlin a specialty, Terms rash. ). rioes low veanor's Last lceopu�oi, Before Ventior dted lie made the following general forecast far the Fal of 1884.'The Fall of 1881 is tritely to be very open, and a mild unsettled winter will follow, with a good des of downfall in the shape of stow o rain. I look for a green Christmas and a mild New )ear, 1885. Jann dry 1885, is predicted to be tutld ; February dry and cold ; Marsh, Nev. ere, with snowstorms, the succeeding summer likely to be extremely hot; Band of Hope, —' The seuu•inonthty meeting of the I3and of Hope in connection with the \Iaiu.s: Methodist Churob, was hold, in the Lecture room ou !friday ev'g last. After performing devotional ex- ercises, a programme of readings, re- eitatioue, singing, eto., was opened and carried through to the satisfac tion of all present. lnatitutionrof this kind should be more thoroughly eared for as there are a very large number of intellective children in Exeter, who should receive all the knowledge, possible, pertaining to such places. The New Readers. It is understood that the new read- ers prepared ander the direction of the Education Department, are now ready for publication. The two parts of the First Book and the Second Reader will be ready for iotroduction in the Public Schools on the let of January next and the Third and Fourth Readers about a month later. We understand that the authorization of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Read- ers of the old series, whioh would ex- pire on the first of August, 1885, has been extended until the first of Jan- uary, 1886, and that the right's to use the Royal and Canadieu Readers coax- es at the same time. Gagne Law. Aecordiug to the game law of 1880 the open season for partridge is from the let of September to the let of Jana ary. Deer can only be taken from Oct. the let to December 15,and the exportation of venison Rom On- tario is strictly prohibited. Ducks can reshot from August 16th to Janu• ary let. It is illegal to take mink be. tween April let and November let, and all other furbearing animals can not be taken between May let and Nov let. It should be particularly borne in mind that no Clog used in deer huntine is allowed to tun at large between Nov. 151h and Oct. lst,uuder a penalty of $25, or not lees than $5 for each offe nee. ,Our Markets. gas, a so opene oat a large stook of Fancy Good s suitable for Christmas presents at the Central Drug Store. C.Lurz, Prop. The Salvation army bad a grand "blood and fire" meeting last night, whish was preceded by a street par– ade, in whi•.h a good ',umber of war- riors marched, headed by a band from Lucan. Remember the S. S. Anniversary iu oonneo.iou with the James Street Methodist Qburoh on ,Sunday ir ud Monday next. A number of speakers will be present. For particulars see bills, Nearly every paper of this towns through which bbo G. T. R. pusses, is finding fault on account of the new ebeages of time, which have lately. been exacted. The change here ;s a source of much inconvenience. Gregg Graham, of Uxbridge, was Week after week, we observe re–lately, fined $20 an costs, for vio porta in our exchanges of the prosper_ !sully disturbing the Salvation Army bus state of the 'markets in other meetings in that place. He was seat owns and of the !high priors paid for to gaol for 80 days in default. Be. (drill sited bas been seoured, and that r a rink will be opeued shortly. "When chill :Coven:Owes early blasts" Sw ep tttrouali the forest's arches, And roI the roubles of their !:*,idle, Ault bend the leafs. s larebee ; 1S'I vzpl:hf;•rsw,•artheitbrighth&tsmil a, Ana rate. of c:• i[ are ruing. The level -heath -11 merchant gives His thoughts to advertising- , The tax.eollecter having made oue call, upon the ratepayer (all ha is ob• lilted to) it is now i.l order fur the ratepayer to call upou the tax collect. tor'. Pay ut), aud avoid that $ ledafter a`a;arts,u date. harp, cent. additioual, which will be o, Au Uttar becoming exeep Grated by , A ND VARIED READ TilIs! 101 atiD GE��TL��Eti Yon will do well by calling and inspecting our being threatened with a coat of tar and feather's, said iu his next issue : --"The f -a town TI a people c tell t w *nay;, G break ito somebodys hezz tenet andCO F DRY O O D S steal the feathers, but we know they are too stingy to buy the tar." Go bo Dr. Browning', far touy Limes etude, he has juet aliened tz flue *took of Christmas preaeuts,direct from the Old Country. Coate one anti all to the fonitoton Lalloratory and get your Christmas cards. J, W. BaomuNo., Prep. C. Eacrett has got the oheapest 'Hued of hoots and Shove now in to nu. Call aslzd teen ladled'at aee at $1 a " a usual prize $1.60 ; alga Rubbers aunt Over*hoes of the best American snake, rrteu'a Felt Bootee extra good quality ; Inlet) harness of every description eon - Staidly on band. Call and so for vourselv-ea. Ladies'tovershoe $1 ; k1,'Qtitletuett'e, $1.25. Talk about bard titx*et, alt ? Welt To get value for your mot oy and see what you it don't look like it, to see the crowd* !attending Brktierick'e Bankrupt Sale of boots mud shoos. Why, tete oure coag of lhia great gala ie inzweuee, It will continue for tett Clays longer. Tl,. YOU WANT Carpets, Fine Clothing Fashionable Millinerya Silks, Dress -goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Hosiery, Moves, Prints, Cottons, Sbeeti Table Toil ns, and Napkins, Blankets, Flannels, Hats a Caps, Boots & Shoes, Go to CARTA 'S. I1' YOU WANT Mena' top Note eellicg for outy $1.00 a lar, it's a Not, and if you want to get "booted" cheap, attend this sale. This is ono of the beat bankrupt stooks of basteand shoos ever offered in Exeter. Cum end aea the goods. No trouble to shout them. Remember the pleas. Fanean's Block, Exeter. At a recent meeting of the Exeter School iloard,the +toad's of Geo. Hind, amounting to $22.04 for repaire, and A.. Shiers, aaronuting to $7.25 for ash house, were ordered to be paid. Mr. John bfoDouell was appoantod School Auditor, and Mr. itf, Emmett Oeaeus ''uumerator. Arrangements were made for tate holding of the M. Aust School Meeting to the School Rall, with Dir. M.. Eeorett as Returu. ing Officer. Tho eohool building Was granted fur the holding of the en- trance exatrtiantions, as they may oc- cur from time to,tizne. In ease any teacher should atteud the Normal School, Mr, Gregory wet instructed to see that the substitute provided by the teacher ie satisfac ory Meeting adjourned after instructing Seo.Treae to pay all salaties at prop. er time. J. RaVreN, Sea, Crediton, The following have been appointed: to a ttend the Sir. John convention; T. Coughlin M. P., Henry Baer, T, Yearly, 1i'. Baker, C. Coughlin C. Zwicker, W. b'outton, T. Reyes, P. Oougbiin, John Ryan, Wm. Sanders, A. Leary, John .Baker, J. Clark, D. Grant, G. Wien, R. Box, W. „White and Jas. Abbott. Stephen. All members present --minutes of last meeting and special, read and signed. Resolved that $5 be granted A. Pitcher's. to put the gravel pit et Bend in better condition. After passing the following orders, the council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday the 16th inst., at which meeting D. R. 0. will be appointed, and other matters will be taken up that were for certain reasons omitted this meetin g The following resolution was then G. Mawhinney 112 00 read, and after short addreases apro screen 1 30 pas to the oocaszon, by M re. J go to CA RLI�NG'S, as we have the best lighted village. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOOD , 1. C ABLtING ilsuel'>sne. I.tprz express profounii regret at the rhe A meeting of the I.tiMral Goueerva. lives of the Township bf Usborns what held in the Town Hall, Bib:avido, oil Saturday evening.. Dso. 6th., fax She purpose of orgauiastion, and to seleot delegates to attend the dswonetratzon to Toronto on the 17th and 1811* in honor of our noble chief Sir John A, MaoDoneld. Ur. David Mill, Presi- dent, oativied the oheir, and Mr. N. J. Clark acted as seorstary. It was moved by G. W. Holman, Smiles eeo .by Mlle, that an Aesooin- tiou be now formed, to be known as. the Liberal Conservative Aeeoetaaion of TJeborno, tad that the by-larre gov- erning oo erning the Aesaciatione of Huron and Perth be adopted by this A.eociation as far as practicable.-- Carried. Moved by G. W. Holman, see by Wu*. Belkwill, that Mr. James Hans be Prei:ident of this Aeeociation.-- Carried. Moved by W. I3uokingharn, see by W. Balkwitl, that Mr. Thomas Coates be Vice -President. —Carried. Moved by Jas. Halls, eve by Thos. Coates, that ter. G. W. Heiman, be Sea-Troat.—Carried. Moved by G. W. Holman, yea by W. Buckingham, that a committee consisting of the officers of the Asso- ciation and Messrs. A, Thirteen and James Clarke be appointed to procure tho by-laws, &o., of eheL. C. Asilooia. bons of South -Perth and South - Huron, revise the same, and present them fax adoption either as whole or in part, at the next meeting of ibis Ate ooietion.—Carried. Moved by Alex. Duncan, eeo by Jas. CIarke, that a general meeting of this Aseoci'.ation be held some time in January, 1885, of whioh due notice. shall be given, for the purpose of fur- ther orgauization.--Carried. A large number enrolled their names as members, and the treasurer reported a neat sum in the treasury. A. Disherdaw 2 00 C. Snell, gravel . 35 70 W. Dearing . 15 00 J. Holt 1 75 0, C1+ristie 4 00 J. Ford . 3 00 J. Mitchell 1 00 W. Hickey 5 00 J. Sharron 22 00 T. Carleton 5 50 C. Holt 2 00 R. Fulton• 7 22 T. Wirtz . 2 35 R. Ireland..,...... ............ 2 50 J. Clarke 2 50 W. Fo1Hs 1 50. J. Penliale 4 00. D. Dochanuan . 1 00 Printing - 25 65 T. Haber 7 40 O. Mitchell 2 00 0. Learey J. Allen J. Lawson G. Brown M. Finkbiner J. Elliott. 2 od Stanlake Bros:, ..1636 17 arid. 69 28 J. Clarice. 25 Mee times Halle, N. J. C1ark,G. W. Holman and others, it was carried unanimously by a standing vote: Moved by Jas. Halle, see by Thos. Coates, that we, the members of the Liberal Couservative Association of Uaborne,m the Soutll-Riding of Perth take the present opportunity of con - gratulating the Right Hon, Sir John A. Macdonald o:i the many and high honors rocentiy conferred on him by Her Majesty the Queen, and on the high•esteem in whioh he is held, not only by the Royal family and other high personages in England, but by the Canadian public in general. 37 00 to vac Mr. MW was respectfully requested ... 2 05 Halls neo the chair, and Mr. James assumed the duties thereof. 37 37 It was then moved by N. J. Clark, ,n �o different kinds of grain. It is quite ware, boys 1 common occurrence to see a crowded It is becoming the belief of the market iu Exeter, so much so, in fact, tbat we have never deemed it laces• young fonts that we are not going to have a skating rink. here', this winter, sary to make any special mention. To but we are happy to learn that the SALE REGISTRR. WEDNESDAY, DEC. '17. -Farm Stock and ifn- plements, the property of Thos. N. Hayter lot 7, con. 21, Stephen. Sale at : o'clock, Philip Baker, auctioneer. sec b! James Halls that .we.the mem- bers 'of tine nembers'of.this Aseociation;,tatee this op portunity of tendering our sincere respect for.our'retiring President, Mr: Milia+for the great inteeestthe'has' at all Hates 'taken in the Couaervative'` Cauee,.hob•only in: this township, but throughout the whole coantry,aed: wo'. prtriure from our township of Mr. i Mill and can only say that what is our ' lou is Exeter's gain. After nearly all prevent had in short addresses supplemented this motion by warm expressions of regent for Ur. Mill and many wiehes for his future heppinere-aid prosperity, thrs =lienwas adopted unanimously by a stand- ing vote. Mr. Mill replied briefly, thanking rvao the Aiation fax these wart* ex. preesioue of regard mud gars the as. guano* that aaltttangh'not a resident of Usborne he would a ways martifeeb the Sartre interest in the euooere of bit old co-workers itt .the cause. The following delegatee were aolect- ett r--1). clfill, Jauree halls, Thomas Coates, Joeopb Case,James Ilandford, Leonard Hunter, H. Doupe, A. Dun- can, W. Taylor, John Glenn, W. Balkwill, N. J. Clark, W. Bucking- ham, D. W. Dalmage, T. 1i.*Ray, J. Shier, 11. C. 'Thompson, 1t. Creery, Iotthabed Bowerman, John Delbridgo. ix. W. He,rtiav, Sec.Trens. Mr. Mr. Ed. Floody, formerly general agent for the Toronto Mail, is about to start a grocery More at Clinton. At the Methodist S. S. Anniversary held at Clinton Last week, $80 was re- alized—the most successful ever held. An "E" brass instrument has re- oently been added to the St. ltfary's Battalion Band at the cost of $50. The Seaforth Expositor comes to hand this week printed from an en. tireip new dress. Usti]) further creeps to the front ranks. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. 'WAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN- SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Squill,Tolu, &c. with Chlorodvne. KAY'S COMPOUND, a demuloeni expectorant for Coughs and Colds. KAY'S ;COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servfeable: for Horses and Cattle. 1ZAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia Pace -ache &a. COAGULINE.—Cement for Brok= en Articles. Sold everywhere. Solo Makers: •liaY Bnos.. Stockport, England. .... a JOHN McDONELL ISSUER OF Morrie go lic eases, Office in Mr. T. Fitton's Jewelery Store. ALSO igeut for the London Mutual Insure once Company' of Canada, 'Mercantile Insurance Coy. Capital $500,000,00. Head. Officee Waterloo,' ',Glasgow_'.R London Insurance' :Coy. .Capital ,. $2,500;00Q,0o. Head • Office Monte . - JOHN 1lTeDONELL. EXETER.' lr Ik