HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-11, Page 74 SIDNEY'S COURAGE. jump from the wagon, but ms zees were entangled. in thereins, and ho Sidney Sill was a cash -boy in a great could, only cling desperately to the city shop. side, He came early to sweep and dust, In that instant, however, some one and help polish the windows and un- rushed in. front of the horse, and cover the goods --lie crept home late at seized holdof the reins, which were nights, feeling a:s if he could almost now dragging under the horse's feet, drop to sleep before he ate his supper, dinging to them with all his weight. It was not mucin of ai< home, either. The horse, mechanically obeying :]las, Brigs kens a sallors' boarding- the pressure of the curb, began house, and the sights and sounds there back—and George Hall, taking ad were not of •a nature to edify our for- vantage of the opportunity,' got hi lore little lad feet louse, and tumbled out of th But Mrs. Blrirgs was goon to him, in wao-on, More dead than alive. One o G l , S. G1DT,EYt rlllt:k'1"itii%c+1'.i lt.uC l�.,ttl'Yllt111't: Alan tliiit..^tail"k'T es 1 �r. TU1.3LI) SA 1'O those lrlr Intend ileus lir ti:�t(' d so from the e,t.anu,ars.turer. The dealer who buys to sell again must ueeessarily t Lave a profit. We ':]shin to ;,41•etiae purchasers the tenetit, W ,1Ch oanaot tai) 5 to levet tin, vietxa of the e tireugers. Our• osnc'nsas ✓ arelessthan tLose ofcfte nialAnlaCtRrerfconsequent her coarse rough way, and she was tat next who had followed the run all the guardian that Sid had ever away animal now came breathless] ];nowt], up, and took charge of halve. Ile could not remember his mother, , "Is this the little fellow that stopped :asstl his father, a sailor, had died sed- old Garibaldi?" said one. “Eil denly in the interval between two , What's the matter?" soy t ee', is Itirs. Brigg's house, when "Yes. I stopped him," said a voice Sid was. only live years old. faint with pain. "But he stepped 4 She lead tirade a little errand -boy ut foot as 1 snatelled at the reins, an and drudge' of ]lith], until be was old I'ln afraid it is broken." Emblems a e• of t5C all the Different yr t•.B WO itLD, 71' eel) speeielatttentio co our undertakingdepiatrq oaent,whkch is more vont th pletearaever,as we have addedseverulnew designs] of late The best ctflins caskets slimuds,aud evety 'uueral requisite at tl,0: low est pruls Our new E hearse is i,ronourmed by competent judges to be 4 second to nos., U the ,+ ,rotiincea; Societies. n Neils:\1\T d UNDERTAKER AND ent,Wr.t to get a piece as cash boy, and "Why, it «s Sid Sill!" exeiaimed the then cite pocketed his earnings anti man, who was 1)r, Sturgis's gardener. • Fmterais rarr::ished .a:.:- Sef'tuetl to think that she Bail been the "1 deeiare, Sill, you're a regular little ct'ruii :t at the very tor• making of him.hero. Ilea you know that another stepMy StockotatudertApking Se, when the guise greav too loud of ,..of the old 'horse would, 11 are}liusht e i ,ti% itsaar{a •1 nil aria a bight down -stairs, Sid los fee,],. thesoli over into Kingdom Come?'er,on:ectuirinuaustitim ,loo:• of lila attic•mOnl, and lay trout- "I don't "know, --I didn't stop to as a,: it )eft el! rtta ling and looking up at the stars, and think," said Sid. I only saw that a r ail Ili s e'' ''' . ut, tel wondering if he should always live se, . George Hall would be killed if some- teetesetras, One day, however, there was an ac- body didn't stop the•iteree," eident at the big stucco -fronted shop, It was discovered, When they got awl poor little Sid Sill was taken No him to the house and sent for a doctor, for dead. "Take hint home," said Mr. ];eggs, that sonic ofr kee Ana so bones of the tine heard elan. foot were broken, and Sid ryas confined • "I don't believe he's et anyhome, to his boli for venae tho4 lily." said Mike. ileo porter. Deb durlag this fleshed ht! was exAttatd "'Wish], then, take orae to the ams- Into the position of talo most popular pita]," said Mc Regis,. boy in school, Even Dr, Sturgis said And he tented his beck on the small that ate had acted like ti, hero; And insensible f Gcorgu hall actually cried, when he or mi. iny- 'They wore Rory good to motleymotleycy begged Sid's pardon for the waat which he had behaved. the hospital- The doctor calledhian ..A "And VII he your friend always. brava little elms." and brought him au Sid, if you'll lot Ino," said he, mange orapicture,.now and ties. So when Sidney recovered, kine]. Sister Sopia, the nurse, used. to tell ]kiss, stems deehmed that ha should hila all the aloe old fairy stories that 8o flack to hitt Intel, denser, his loveless childhood had beoD '11oat- Sbo ]tad; taritolt # ,great piney to the ed out as, gentle patient little lad, and oho an- llut r"7 has zzulZ4e autve carne. pounced her intention of-adoptinghiaa on, they 'w"Oro parai:tled what to do to be educated and reared with her with hint, for when they had trent to own hos. Mrs. Briggs, they_found the house shut ••I Wu' he will do toe credit," said u p, with s big ',To pet" on it, and to elite. lkfrs. Urfa Has to be found? And hero ended all the 50r1011 *•kigtaplal" said the dastaa7 ,.he troubles hero ended 8lii'a lata, aught to iuNre a little +reentry sir, and Aad abort Siatet 8ophita heard tate thtasot ag! urea afmilkraid h, .andwill till twet_irrt et story she only nodded her head awl ta alwltye AIM to limp through life on & lame leg."s:d.l' know that that boy would. tura Stater Sophia sighed. eat well,'" "However." continued the doctor, 4.there's no reason why you and I irr lfrrttinn, should oau'oern ourselToe about it! His time is up on Monday, sad after Woet•ot'lhe dlirauuri the majority of that he will have to shift for himself!" the surface of tate earth is more or Less But Slater Sophia could not so soil neglected try the oolostial spriaklaag dispose of the question in her min pot, and it behooves poor weak man to She had a brother, who kept a boye" Irrigate artidoially wherever be can.. school in the country. Now •ou .can go into California, Utah "I wonder if he could ,find room for And Colorado, and by irrigation raise poor Sid." sate thought. "1111 writs to garden sass that will make your eyes him." bulge; but through Wyompo ing, °sofs]. She did so, and Dr. Sturgis wrote LY on tho Laramie plains, the growing back that he would keep Sidney Sill season is confined to the time.botweon ^if there for n few week, if the hey iuly 31 and August I. So that things would make himself nsciul in cleaning don't have time to mature. I will ca- hoots and knives, and helptag the copt promissory notes paying two per cook. cent. per month, however. It seemed a great deal for little The season is so abrupt, and when it half -sick boy to do, but Sister Sophia conies is gone again with that spon did not know how to make any better taneity and forthwith immediate move did and SId himself was delighted went peculiar to the flea, that before at the idea. you can put ear muffs on your corn, the Brook Hall was a long, loss, red - ears are frozen and the season's work brick house, nil covered with ivy, with is nothing but frost bitten chaos and a pretty river winding in front, and wilted wreck. nice orchards at the rear. Dr. Sturgis Still with allthis knowledge and itt patted Sidney's head when he arrived the light of a full experience we had andgood boy, years ago a man on the plains named hoped he would be a and thought nothing more about vim. Playford, who had been a fever and And the cook was cross, and the big ague doctor a year or two in the South till people told hint that they preferred boys were tyrannical, and the little boys christened him "Limp," and the ague to the style of knowledge he him for his shabby clothes lied, Then he drifted West, worked laughed at and pale face. And one dap the big on the night shift in a Colorado mine in and practiced la bull chased him across the pasture, law in quiet, shyster and he nearly fainted with terror, and kind of a. way till the vigilantes got all after that he was generally hooted athis practice and threatened to get him as a coward! 'Then ho carne to Wyoming to grow up All this was very hard to bear, but with the country, started a paper and what could Sid do? printed it on one of those little anon - George Hall was a lubberly fellow tour card presses that sell for throe who troubled Sid more than any of dollars. This paper he published every the rest. He seemed to take a vicious day, and in the old flush times during delimit in tormenting the little fellow the building of the Union Pacific rail - lie possibly could. way sold it at twenty -live cents a in every way that He would not take oil" his boots to be week. He used it as a little -pocket blacked, but made Sidney black them blackmailer and worried himself into on his feet—and one dray he lifted nn office by knowing things about premi- en • foot during the process and knocked. nent men and threatening to publish Sid down on to the grass! them. "What clivi you do that for?" said Well, are was the lib:+'mp!ga of irri- Sid, struggling up with tears of re- (ration in Wyoming, :tum he devoted a pressed pain and mortification in his stickful a day to Wyoming agricultural eyes. possibilities. Ile favored, the organi- "Because I chose to! So there, zatien of a stock company for the pur- now," said George insolently. pose of constructing a canal thirty "I wouldn't stand that, Sid," said miles long to irrigate it dozen town - Alien Barker, who was sitting on a ships. He said we had heretofore log near by—anti all the other boys raised nothing but hemp and hell, and cried out: lie favored this great scheme. Finally "Fight him, Sid! Give it to the he got it to going and the company bully! We'll see fair play!" was organized, and a civil engineer For a moment the temptation was from Missouri named Croat took a cast - very strong. But then Sidney remem- bered what Sister Sophia had taught strueted the pioneer canal, as it was him. called. The canal worked well enough "No!" said he. "Two wrongs never where the cuts were, but along the fill yet made a right." Mr. Grout found, when it was too late, "Coward! coward!" shouted George that he had. forgotten to pat on any gall, side boards, and therefore the water "Hall ought to be ashamed of him- slopped ever :and wentdown the gulch - self!" said the other boys -and George es and buffalo wallows and alkali flats slunk away_ with his boots only` half that didn't need any irrigation. Alto- blaokod.•gether the scheme was a failure. There One night George Hall was out driv is some water back a mile from the ing Mr. Peter's skittish white horse on fiver whore it has rim down during the the road by moonlight. But. in' unite Juno freshets when the snow melts in of his boasts, he knew nothing what the mountains, and there the antelope ever of driving, so that when'the horse" comes to drink and wriggle • his brief shied at a sheet fluttering on a clothes- ' .tail, but there 'are no fie'] of waver- line. averline, he lost,all control of the reins, and . ing grain. Not a wave. Irrigation' on flung, yelling and shrieking, to the the• Laramie, plains is' still. confined to side of 'the,• little box -wagon; while . that class of agricu.ture where two ""Garibaldi" -Which was the'name of" men soal:slices of pine apple in spirits the recreant steed—dashed down a and greet each other , with,the Indian steep side. road, now never used, which toast, "Howl"—Bill• Nye, in, New York terminated .,abruptly in a deep stone- i Mercury, quarry. Geoge Hall saw it alL He tried to i DAEINET-I AR , i Iia tz,tzror red a A*, st rI CS,atntit.an,x? rtosc wo . t f'a `tn ,o i'oOits „f every er n- tiun- A c'ii2l1,to st,+eft tit lien(+ sett l laoc;suer. aliray ea heat• The latest stales Of Chamber and l'arlor Suits All kinds „f furniture. at the leRest rates. 'I ILK nEST EiU,.3.1tsI i THE.oU `'.lt ilemember the place --Nearly opposfle g'etup's Tobacco Store, ,iiain•stMeet, Exeter. acasr,i�l 331t aa►if Ezcotor Frost Office Time Table, afdiC.i3 . :ARtyl± (near:. I Ktrktan,Waodbara.WW:helseaand Etiruville 045 4.111 srA e t;ontat,em:tendwest,lnolu4itagLondon.11amilton.•Toronto tiontreal &fault", l olia,,UnHod States, andtaraten main .. .,. . ,., A,B4 *. rn,i it.00 doutb, eactand went ,., .,. VV North and eaat,inaludi1og Goderiolt, Wiaghanr,Sineargiueand ellpointinortb,; Strattotd,Tcronto, ) otatreal,aud Easters States... ... North 1iC.fila.ua ,890 a, m SAO p.m. 5.00 P. re Hair ;8,30p. tit, SXO p, to. 0.0 )4ONET ORDP:R8 I"sued and paid on and from an y'Money OrderO®oeinthe Dominion ofCanAtrs,CirentUritainand Ireland,Brttish India, Newfoundland, rmana,Anstria,Italy, Australia and the United States. i'OSTOFPAVE SAVING881NR, Dermas wallhereceived itthis office from $1 to $500. DepositeraobtaluangthePoatmaatar- General'a apeolalpermissionci n deposit $1000, Deposition $wings Bauk account receivedirotn. 9,tn.te4p.m. Office hoeraf.otu7.30a.nr.to? p, st, Lettorsintended forregiatratfon Must be posted IS minutesbetore the closing of each mall. N B—ft ti pa:Miniary requested. thatthe sanders of matter will kindly add the names of th Counties totke addressee. D:JOIINS, Postmaster. ITCHING PILES —SYMPTOMS ANDCUBE The symptoms aro moisture, like perspir- ation, intense itching increased by soratehing; yery distressing, particular at night; seems as If pin.tvorms were crawling in and about the rectnrn, the private parts are sometimes af- fected. If allowed to continue very serious re- sultsmay follow. "SVYAYNE'S OINTMENT" is a pleasant, sure erre. Also for Tettor, kb, ;fall-liheuui, Soaltl•lioad Erysipelas, Barbers' Itch. Blotches, all scaly.ornst Skin Diseases,. Bos, by mail, 6O Cts.; 8 for $1,25. Address, DR, SWAYNE & SON, Phila., Pa. Sold by Druggists. ADVICE,TO MOTIIERS. 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest byneck child. suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and. got abottle of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP- Its value is incalculable. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and- bowels, cures winch colic softens the bums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone acct energy to the whole system inns. WINSLOW'S ZOOMING- STROP NOR Cube BEN TEETHINo is pleasant to the taste, and i the prescription of one of the oldest and bee t female nurses and physicians in the united States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Price 2. cents a bottle. TENNENT tC TENNENT, Voteri. nary Surgeons, Graduates of too Ontario Veterinary College,'Poron -canecd an office rnent of all imals, on Main is , ! „��.� ter. Calls from distance -- prorontly ut ended to. Medicines for Horses; Cattle, &e always on hand. to, have op• fa the treat Domestic An street. Exe- Health & Happiness for all. WILL'CUR! OR RELIEVE Biliousiess,•'1-leadache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice. roof y., Fluttering of the -Heist, And every species of ct v' 'se arising' Trot Sinpnre !31 „r' tY.' .' ARNICA and OIL LBTIBENT CURES ALL Pains and Aches, AND IS THE MOST PERFECT F i IY imam in tin WORLD ! SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 50 CENTS Fs i13TTLE, A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LE1' ERS. FROM THE SON, `72`147,04'8718'61 Grntfeme7: My father resides at (lover, 1•t. Heim bees a Brett sufferer from Scrot- r,ta, and theiuclosed leiter titin toll yea wks: e. mar re'.ous eWeet Ayer's Susapanlia lie'+ load in his case. 1 third; his b1ood hare contained t'_te humor for at le:.t te-1 year:,; t.:It it did not show, except tattle fort: of a scrofulous sore 0n the wrist, until aby,i: fro years ago. l{'rom as fax spots seared at that time, it gradually spread so ss to corer his entire body. I assure yo:i be i. z t terribly aii ett 1, and au object of hebe„ato1;3i1:;"y s'-trreedkiae. Now, the as) few men of his age who enjoy AS good 1:es:t'.► AS Le Las. 1 e .:;1'1(roily name fifty par ::.a who e. c P3 testify to the Awhile las cm... is ours truly, W.14. i''i't-r..trs." FROM THE FATHER. RI fare R a A dutp fns me to state to yea the besedt I have derived frons. the ASO Of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, SIF months ago I was comp]': tett corered with a terrible ]tumor and scrofulous *'ret. The humor caused ars tncessant and intolerable ttehlrg, and the akin (melee so as to cause the blood to Dow in many places whenover I moved, Illy sufferings were great, and ray WA A bunion. I commenced the lase of the SARSAPARILLA lA April last, and here rased it rP„t uRCly *Mee that ilme. Zify ee7dhtifm ate -9 s t„ r a:t .,1' at race, The Aorta have. all 1 e .'i. c • l f e1 perfectly well In every *• --t- ,' yc.,'etgdoagood day to ,,. as<.r r a:re . a..14::a ACO.::"r r+4 t..', .i 1,:vo hers t.' a ;ti it yr -1, ,:. :t.K+ C , rt„ v_t. Aura,;iat `:,t"1, Ifl..ax L 47' Tara." etsr.i. s SAT- -' •,rms. tures Cer.arala and ail F. (redoes C,oi,.t «.luta. I 1 8 51- claay )`;items, ll+trrltornr. L.:W.1 es, Sores, 13o111,'rumors, and I:rul hone of Ills S144. 11 clears the bleed of alllase. titles, aids digostlocysitindates the action of tbo bowels, and thea restores vitality and atroolitioas the whets system. , { iraarzaas t T Or.J.C. Ayer & Co., towell,Mttt. Isld by au Dragoon el, alit bolkiis gar tf. ELIXIR. at Iles stood the test for Firrr-Tlizi.t: ,T2. rn '4: r tau, end has proved itself the Lest 14-1 remedy known for the titre aq-"t O Consumption, Couchs, . 1 Colds,Witoopinj Cpu gl: i and all LungDiseases L. Olet, 1 yen n "r ()la s.:, 1'' ,., , s.'.. Zak* .,r cad M 'M per Zett.e. {'. ..ed I.; )1:: , .: ' l La:u It f,,datrc ••:.4^,.'! FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, surd, and cLectual- lisgiroycr of worms in Children or Adult". WILL CUR BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species disordered LIVER, BOWELS T. IILBURN & E OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, of disease arising from KIDNEYS, STOMACH, OR BLOOD, go., Proprietors, TOROMTrt. RE NSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE tlavfng commenced business tor the Fall and Winter Trade We are prepared topurcbaseanyZnantityof Pork ,subject.to the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder tacit twenty-five cents. If any of the l nog guts are left in, 25 e nts extra will be deducted. No proK will be bought at any price it warm..' We vant all hogs Cutting right through w„,..,„„,, breast to lice I. and .Elam s opened out to tai Climax Cha Iz iC. G J. PETTY T OF ARMERS! CREAT REDUCTiOP IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED. --OI' THF Dashwood Flouring dill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given ]rim, and since making im- provements, which is a large saving on fuel, will do —CHOPPING— unitil further notice, at the following --rates : OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAO,, And for all other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG._ TUESDAY, THURSDAY Ge SATURDAY,.; Are my regular grinding days TERMS - Strictly Cash., N. B,—Flour & Feed sold at a' close mar- gin: Don't forget to give us a call oo- ZiTOwt, 1' .XZD Daalmeetl, Feb'y 9tit, '54