HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-11, Page 4.eie'rxte'.
Boundary be entertained;, the work to hone going dowel a hill, the bolt carne
Clone under the superintendence of t It of tilt, tloabletroe, the horses took
Mr, ttcGee, fright, and pulled him out, breaking
1'III41FSDA.N, DEC, lith, 1884. Moved by' J. Shier, seconded by 11. itis ehtaultler b:'i e,
elorg}'lneli, Singers lied i'ublie Speak -
`ere, wits tinct kiobinsoil'si'liosplioriz-
P ea ai' mutates. of the greatest locneiit -to
1 thein win re there is an ants yney to weak-
W. nese of the thu,:.t or t.ientl.i: l tubes, as it
-..... �._M...,- .--_-•------'""".
Tierney that �.r, laiSlllAl'►n. L t? paid tai(','. ti fogs tl ll �`'t et it yy'li"tl,� , ;1111ea.! S0Otli'$ fits lkli Mels tuttllbr ,Pc „i\j. a. t'lill
^ . _ lit aikido add, ' sunt of $84.00 for I8 weelt'el board of tone uld stre11g11 to the vocal organs and im:
SIR l,.ell9ad Cartwright Crawford jr. hip sister:and Miss Clark
>tt 6Biklo ki it -10.441g on Fres Trade al ; W. Stark, beingup to the lith inst. were al -wine. along 10'11 (ion. 131a11- ! sandlot; new
life and vigor to Cite enfeeble:11 mn:
Montreal, the other 6 -veiling, made i Carred e;hurd, iia horse shied at donne Object'
scute will, ant we ;sunlit say, tin- .....oven by J. Iltkckuey, 60eoll:lea tit:,' ee:.t t tee rig. Mise Clark re-
truthful statenaeuts. He gave the' by U. tioruey that Ales,. Carmichael c,iveti serine injuries, while the others
meaning that taxation to the work- . be paid $5 for relief.—Carried escaped. Tho buggy ,vas badly wreck
ingmen has iucreaced three -Md. I Movscl lay H. Horsey, seconded by ea.
Did he really mean this, We are i J liaokuey, that �Z'ho�. Bennet no ire Owing to iii -health, Mr. Frank Bea.
loath to determine. We wilt say for $4 for relief.---41e,rried mirth has rett'lvec1 to sell hie farm,
instance, that. front 1874 to 1878 the; Moved by J. Shier, seconded `lay .T. sleds, &e., amts renenve to Centralia.
g at lire. J'ohnn receive $4 ' industrious, themselves lave preyed
avers a waves to Cho mechauio It a• ` Hackney tb
ti Ile ai)d sirs I,et.tllinll 1
work; since that time $1.10 and work � Moved by J, Shier, seconded by J. good noi'^hoot.,, and all peaceable and
1 per day, when he could obtain for relief: --Carried,
mt•'releasily aeoured. °anada'& work - Halle that Thos, 'Wilson receive $G and feel sorry to loss thein from tho
than, even at the present tire; when', to procure previsions for Joseph Hew. vicinity.
the labor market the woridover la $0 '. itt and wife, oleo $4 for rent of 101150 I1u i''ritlsy` afterllooii, of last yveck,
depressed, in free trade. England' and washing. --.carried: wove tiro young ladies were driving
`!u motion -the (,sounds adjourned
a spirited horse along Water St- wear,
ab;ve allcouutries,is by far better off.
as regard's wages and getting employ -
meat than he was in the brightest
tunes of Sir Btohard's government.
In what article of good or clothing
has the price increased teree.fold, two.
fold, ? In Sir Richard's regime
till Monday the 29th foo, hist. it beoamefrightened at the whistle of
N. J. CLARE, Clei k
Ta I: cozuutive and rantarety,ipreolpitat.
Not,itr remit Hort<e. ing the ladies to the ground in front
of the ptaniug mill. The ladies were
News condensed slightly injured.
there was duty 0A tea ants eeffee, The capital 'stook of the St, Mary's
Caritas Club is ,oap;11 entrttnca BLACKSMITHS,
lass xear, and lieu, J. Jnmieaon, of Qrodetisli,
have bombarded and captured Tera. HERE
t 1 t aroundGrant.
That has since been talten oft there- d
fore 'sensing a fall in price toe those !
The Messes of Rev, D. McEay
The St. 'ela l r J iu n l and 118'1>" eey :
The St. 1lare. err::nge ii:ertf: t11,ro (.tae+-
, paey not ouvieg sold the wlrole WOl(k'0 shares
or had full returu from tgeet, have deeruel
it Gell isible top eil�erie the e e.ir,Fion of profits,
amounting to elt:6,rt0 to\y c Bused 1y, December
31st:1S5n, when tine seine will 1'o tively tela•
piece Shares are :2.00cach,nd eau be scour-
ed from U, 1. L. White, Secret: ry. St, 51ary'.�.'
Sltrvival of the rifest. Down's Elixir has
p onus, tret•ery otilur eougn ri she'lle smnue
because it is the best.
Jl.`I3U EE SlN(=EItS,
The most iuterestieg feature of the recent
exhibition at Montreal was a cceenarny of col,
oreli Jubilee Singers engaged in Inanufa eturing
theeolob:atod °olcdCoin 'robacco,anti at the
sante time delighting the crowds of spectators
with exquisite aouthernmelodies. A gold med-
al and a special diploma were awarded to this
Popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the
thanks atthoeornmit:0e tendered to the Ad -
4i -'1s Tobacco Co, for their attractiveechtbit..
IST1tAY.—Carne'. to the premises
of the > i) scriber, lot 1e, con. 11. Town -
hip of Stephen, on or about the 1a at of Octo.
ber, 15e4, SLnmbs. The owner can hays them
by provingproperty and paying expellees.
impartaul necessaries of iife. The
duties on sugar have increased, elm:
ly to protect our oanadian manufao-
tura. There bas been not only no
robbery of the poor laborer, but a
I1 is said that oat stealing ie he. will hear with anxiety that the French T__0�
goRttAg qui Q Preva ilia aroun � t �•
ton, uotwithatanding the preva'..ing eui, where ;he Ganadlan ruiasionaries
how prion per hush of 25 eta,
caitive ants hat been eccom ilthed Fester Ii rel. lave h 8 natva oomea we h^pa #ar the best, as
p s p ''Famous Granton Bakery' to air W,
ill giving anti elmeut apd r better the Brinell flag will shield them from
sugar. Hill euti+luyrq;aut in tkle refill_ ion el prd. We tray expect as ores, personal 11 r..ina
ing of it. In bestir aria chose sand ieuely good bread.
have their head quarters. ,Particulars
1 d's need of their are not vet to hands but nutil further
clothing they are as olleap ae if riot t The roof of Rev, ;kir. Torreoce,s
cheaper,�thau iu the time above tt:ilud. residence, Hansell caught fire a few
Scott's Emulsion of Pure
ed to, owing to a wore general Mb.days ago. from tan explosion of a
uufactare of the goods in Canada. So I lamp, Cod Liver Oil, with H tailltoaphitea,
ou wish ail the neoeeaaries of life, ex- t The members of the Methodist For Fronehiai Affection* and Lung Troubles
°opting beef, whictl is a trill* dearer,
owing to the larger eeporteticn tt'
other ootintrtee. All true thiuktu;
Canadians will. give universal un -
deuce to the contrary of his state-
Prohibition Outrage.
Sin,--Woald you please invert the
following abd oblige a oouetent read.
From the Christian 4droraate N. Y.
The secular papers have had an ac
oouut of the attack of a temperance
mob on a saloon keeper in a town in
Ohio, ending in his death. We said
nothing about it, preferring to wait
f111I psrtioulars, and now we take
net from a prohibition paper, but
from the N. Y. San, which does not
befieve in prohibition, the following:
Blandensburg, 011ie Nov. 27, The
history of the murder committed
Here a few days ago and telegraphed
over the country art a prohibition out.
rage, is is follows: A wholeeale h-
.quor dealer of Mount Vernon sent a
stook of Liquors to this place, and nut
them in charge of a murdered man,.
On the night of the Damooratlo joli-
floation a crowd became drunk and
noisy, and Anson in endeavouring to
put them out of the saloon received
the fatal injuries. While he was no.
conscious, and the extent of his in-
juries unknown, the crowd of drunk-
en loughs quitted the saloon. Not a
sober man took part in the outrage.
"It was not a temperanee'mob then,
but a mcb of drunkards, and the poor
wretch was hoist with his own pet
l7sborne Council.
The Council me. on Dec, 6th inst.,
pursuant to adjournment. All mem-
beret preseut. Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed.
Moved by J. Halls. seconded by H.
Horsey that the report of the Board
of Health be adopted and a copy for-
warded to the Provincial secretary
Board of Health.—Carried
Moved by J. Halls, seconden by J.
Shier that Dr. Irving, Medical Health
offier for the 1Vlnnieipality, receive $5
for his services in oonueotion with the
Board; and that the members be paid
$1.50 each per day while attending
the meetings of the board. --Carried
Moved by J. Hackney, 'mounded
by J. Halle that the nomination for
Reeve and Councillors to serve for
the year 1885 in this municipality be
reoieved et the Town Hall, Elimville
on Monday the 291h Deo. at the
hours of 10 o'clock a. m. toe Reeve
and 12 o'clock noon for Counolliors,
that N. J. Clark preside at ench nom•
'Mations; and that in case polh1 be
011;1104, Hsusall, intoted bolding a Du. A. B. I'oohl> , Cedar Rapids, 5ficb.,
Chriatmaal tree entertainment, on the ssya ;_"I have used your Emulsion for ser-
evenlUR of Christmas. Oral years, in spy practice, and nava always'
Mr. Kitchen, of Lite third eau, of found it thoroughly reliable, pleasant to
Stanley, threshed last week, 800 bu•• take, and Inca' valuable for throat and lung
bels of fall wheat from eight acres of troubles.
ground. This its a very good yield.
Mr John Heywood c'f the 18th cora.
of Fullerton, MO the other day kick-!
by a vicicua better, and baa aiuce been a ing between A The
as uer hi aoleto ore sZtI
confined to hie lied. ere beti a ill name and firm f Private
Da S
A gold mine Imo beau etruok at 97 enumany at the Vines° f Hansell, in the ' IN THE
ConnGyOf#ItironllasYhladaybopu.iisuahodhv � .
the school a'cli at I'erklhill, ox airatian nt tI s an a ouuaut. Thu
OF CBEDITOathe oldest and beetiocat'
•d ELACHIMITit SHOT' in town; furniabeel
with two sets of tools ; connected with s good !,
wood shay, and has boon rnnniug oenatanthy
I Cho last 90 ynara. This is an uuparl tepid
thence for strictly first, elms man 'whit Mal-
ted Moana as I gat no r.1arge quantity of new
work. turnishtug iron stook for sante, Poseoa.
Ston at ouee. For pertleulara Apply to
04011N Zit11V T-IICE,
Crediton P.O.
Mortgage a Sale
Natio h I m d mute 1 Township of. Tay
Tho difficulty ingettingab the gra is 1 undeisigneOwen retiring
A. +\tihpll!anti Je eavthu.
Owen retiring fmm paid Arul Sohn Macarthur
that the water cannot bo pumped oat
Granton hal secured at last a prao-
tioal miller a long sought after: ne-
cessity. it is hoped t'sis ehauge will
be for the better interests of the roe- l e- Shiest and J.T.►
p Owen. W,1) Fraser J. A,MIHFLL
prosperous village. tans tcotoxcoutioa by J. JJ. T. �t t�,a��n
The Court of General Sessions was 1
who continues Cho bueinoes' at Hon teen, will
pay all intlebtednaaa and collect all moneys
due the late Arun.
Dated this 10th day ot Nov., 1831.
A Brownlee, witne.a
as tea et:pature in 0.
held in Godnrioh on Tuesday. The
suits for libel of Rev. T. M.
Caiapbell and Geo. Atoheson vs, Mar-
lyn was taken up.
A box social was held in the the
first Presbyterian Church, St. Marfa `
on Thursday of last week, at which
$20 were realized• This is a novel
On Monday morning John Dean, of
Ashfield was found dead in Ihie bed. I
The desaased had reached his 92nd
year and was one of the pioneer set-
The 41* acres of land on the south Notice
Boundary of Bianehard, formerly
owned by Mrs. 0. Falconer, bas been
Et�LEO TENDERS addressed to
purchased by Mr. Eaeterbronk for tho undersigned, and endorsed "Tender
$1,980. for Addition to Custom 8ouso, London,' will
A Curling Club 19 about to be or. be received until Monday, 15th prox.,inclnsivo,
for the erection of an addition to the Custom
ganized at Hensall. The new rink Honae atLondon Ontario.
Plana and apeoification■ can bo Sean at the
id completed and a good time id ' an. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and at
tioipated by the young people t his the office of Messrs.Dnrand and Mooro,Archi-
The business heretofore carried an by the
firer of lt5earthur and Company, as Private
Bankers, at the Village of Homan .rill bo con-
tinued by Jobe Macartbue under the naulo and
Ariz of ataoartbur, In the promises heretofore
occupied by acid firm.
Dated IOtb Nov.1881.
To Contractors.
Mr. J. Snell, of Exeter, purchased
from Mr.:Geo. Taylor, of Eippen a
fine yearling colt for the sum of $260.
This is a good figure; the salt is from
first class stock.
The Rev. J. Kenner, of Clinton,
preached a missionary sermon in the
Methodist Church Hensall on Sab-
bath last, to a fair audience. The
weather was disagreeable.
Mr. T. O. Hodgins is spoken of as
a contestant for the offroe of Reeve in
the coming munioipal,election. Bid-
dulph is sure to have the names"Hod-
gine" at the head to transact its mat-
The Konservatives throughout the
in the different municipalities have
organized for 1885and appointed dele-
gates to attend the forthcoming grand
banquet in honer of Sir John Mao -
On Monday of last week Mr. Jas.
Haoket, 111h son. Ashfield, met with
an almost fatal accident while bind-
ing a load of hay. The pole broke,
causing hire to fall to the ground.
demanded, they to be hold as follows alighting on his head.
S. W.�Ward at the Town Hall Elim- i We are sorry to annoanoe Ihaka%
villa, N, J. Clark R. 0„ N. W, Ward, few days ago, Mr. Robt. Hamilton
on Lot 6 N. T, Road Thos. Allen D. had one of his ribs broken while roll.
R.0.; N. E. Ward, at Farquhar, T. ing logs down the river bank. One
Cameron D. R. 0., 8. E. Ward, on of the loge striking him caused the
lot 3 son. 10 W. Walker D.2 R. 0., acoldanl.
that said poll be opened at 9 o'olook Al the Sb. Marys Conservatve As-
a. m, and closed at 5 o,clock p, m.': eociation's meeting on Tuesday even
on Monday Jan 5th 1885, and that ing, fifty delegates wale nominated to
a By-law be ` drafted cofirming the attend the demonstration and banquet
same. in honor of Sir. Jelin A. Macdonald,
Moved by J. Shier. seconded by K. 0. B., at Toronto on the 17th -18th
J. Halls that the application of Mr. Inst'
McGee, for $15 to meek an equivalent Mr. J Henry, of the 8th con, of E.
grant, made ; by the Biddulph Wawanosh, was going from Belgrave
council in gravelliog on the South on Wednesday night, and when near
tecta, London, on and aftor Monday, 24th in -
Persons tendering are notified that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the print-
ed forms supplied and signed with their actual
Each Conder mustbe accompanied by an at- THIRDLY. ail and sing lar the following
cepted bank cheque, made payable to the order lots in the said 'Village of Hensall, viz: Lots
of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, Nos 13 to 18 both inclusive, north of Richmond
equal to five Ivor cont. of the amount of the ten- Street ; Lots numbers 21 to 33 both inclusive.
south of dill Street and oast of the London.
Huron and Bruce Railway; Lot 90 west of
Wellington street, each of which said
Lots contains nue-fifth of art acre or therea-
bouts; Lots numbers 42, 43, and 44, east of
Brock Street, containing each one-sixth of an
the lowest or any tender. acre or thereabouts ; Lots P;os. 45, 52, 53, 54, 55,
By order, 56 and 57, containing each ono fourth of an
P. H.ENNIS, acre or thereabouts, and Iot 51, containing ono
Seoretary. third of an acre or thereabouts, lying west of
Department of Pablie Works,1 Brock Street andsnutb of 51i11 Street as shown
Ottawa, November 20th, 1884.. on the Map or plan aforesaid.
IN THE COv:m"1 I.D:HHO' .
Power of Sale c';dallied in a certain In-
denture of mortgage, which will be ptedeeet1
at the time et stt u made by Thomas John
Wilson. Dated 29th day of Jemmy, 1N 8, there'
will be told by
BY JAMES 011.14, Auctioneer, at REYNOLD'ti
TUESDAY, the 234 day of December, 1884
At 12 o'clock noon, subject to such conditious
as shall thou be produced, the following valu-
able properties :
FIRSTLY. All, and aiugular that certain par-
cel or tract of Land and Promises, situate, ly-
ing end being in the Townsblp of Hay. in the
County of Huron, and Proyince of Ontario,
containing by admensurement 25 notes more
or less, and botn roomposed of the north bolt
of the south half of Lot number Soyentoot, in
the Seventh Concession of the said. Township
of Hay. Thera aro no buildings on this land
andlonly about four acres cleared.
SECONDLY. All and singular tbo fallowing
Park Lots iu the Village of Hensall, in the
said county of Huron, vis : Park Lots 1 and 3
east of the London Road, containing each two
and three-fourths acres or thereabouts: Park
Lots 3 t7 7, both inclusive, lyingnorth of Mill
Street and east of the London,Hurou d: Bruce
Railway, containing aaoh 1 acro or tborea-
bouts ; Park Lots 8 to 13, both inoitzsive, of
cerioue sizes, and Park Lot 14, containing 6
acres or thereabouts, lying west of the said
railway, as laid out on the map or plan of the
subdisisionintoParklotsof all that part of
the north half of Lot r umber 0n, in the First
Concession of the said Township of Hay, own-
ed by the said T J Wilson at the time of the
execution of the said Mortgage, andnot there-
tofore laid out into Village Lots and no t in-
cluding that part known as the Ann Property,
prepared by 1' K Hyndmnn, Esq. P L S.
der, which will be forfeited if the party decline
to enter into a contract when called upon to do
so, or f he fail to complete tho work contracted
for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque
will be returned.
The Department will not be bound to accept
One-half of purchase money ou sales of W e0
and under; one quarter on sales from 050 to
5100, and ten per cent. on all sales over 8100 to
bepaidinCASH at the time of sale and bal-
ance thereof on or before the 1st of March,
1885, with interest at 6 per cent per annus..
A plan of the said lots can bo seen at the of -
flee o f the Vendor's solicitor.
For further particulars apply to the suction-
eer, to Will tam Wilson,Esq, Hensall, orto
ARMERS, THRESHERS, AND Vendor's Solicitor,
Machinery by using Lardine. Dated at Exeter, this 8th day of December,
FMill men will save meney, and save their
Has been victorious at all tho leading exhib
tions and industrial fairs since 1878, oerryin got
first prizes and medals in every instance. It
has now no equal as a lubricator, and will out-
wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warranted not
to clog or gum the finest machinery' You will
save money by using this Oil. Try It and you
will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations
McColl Bros. Lc4 Co., Toronto.
EILBER & SON, Crediton;
A meeting of the electors of the Township
of'Osborne will be held pflrsuant to statute
in that behalf, on
Monday, 29th December inst.
At TEN ()'CLOCK A. M., for the pur-
pose of nominating a fit and proper person
to fiill the office of Reeve of the said muni-
cipality for the year 1885 ; and at 12 o'clock
noon, on the same day, for the purpose of
nominating fit and proper persons to fiill
the office of Councillors for the, said year
1885, and if more than the requisite num-
ber are nominated, and a poll demanded, the
same will be opened at the different polling
plaoes on MONDAY, 5th day of JANUARY,
Returning Officer.
What is it the Ladies are
talking about ? Why ! those
Matalasss Cloakings, Mantle
Cloths, Ulsterings, Meltons,
(tc., at BANTON BROS, Alt
say they are such nice goods, Y4
and so cheap. And then you
ought to see their Black Fur
Trimmings. Wlty we never
saw anything like there. Blk
Fur Trimmings from one inch
to three-quarters of a foot
wide, and all neer in this sea
son—every yard of them. Be
sure you see them at
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand, Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Cr-- `rat Drug Store Exeter
Planing Mill!
!LI !!OT!
Done to order.
Rememberjthe place.
2 Tor ' noWard.