HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-11, Page 3GLEANINGS. There are thirty-nine English tailors in Paris. New York City's total debt is $93,- 174:721:48. The city undertaker of Palatka,, .Fla., is R wolnnII. "Horse" Murray k now traveling, corr'esporeient fur to funny paper, Fred Reitwroek. of l►1ilwaukee, has turning bathe once used by Maximilian I, of Germany. During the present century 150,000,- 000 copies of the Bible have Pee.li print, ed In 220 d:f'ireltt languages. Asa, Bullaui has been secretary of the Massachusetts Sunday S. eheo1 Pub- lishing Company for fifty years. The management Pf the old Soldiers' Home at Newark, Iti. J. is suet; that the cost for each veteran is only 30 cents per day. William B Kirchner receives the medal for bravery ry in i580 front the New York Fire Commissioners. His feat was to take a woman from a burns ins. budding over the roof of an ad - !oiling, house, and jump across an Alley with her h his arms. Liverpool is the greatest shipping sort of the world. hs animal tonnapge Smug 2,64(1.872 tons, London is tRe next, part, with 2,330.038 tons. Glass sow ranks third, with a touuage of 1,432,854, New York corms 'earth on the list of shipping ports of the world, with n tonnage of 1,153.670. The United States Treasury has the biggest spittoon on record, It is st great oblong wooded Lox as big as a bed, idled with sawdust. It lies in the basement, at the foot of the four flights of stairs which lead to the vernme stories, and accommodates the govern. meat employee and others. The ',Major Oak," near Edwlnstowe, England, Sell before the recent% ale there. its trunk had a girth of 29 feet, Land the circumference of the top was 240 feet. The hollow stem was used by picnic partlua, andseven people had at one time partaken of a meal in it. It was known to have stead 7i10 yet+ra. Twenty -silt ;ears ago Rowse Conk - ling was elected mayor of Utica,T. Y,. the ex -Senator being then 28 years, 4 months and 2 days old. James S. Sherman, the present mayor. was 28 oars, 4 months and 10 days old when be assumed office on the 4111 lust, Aar. Conkling, therefore, still remains in the field as the youngest mayor of Utica by eight days. The Black Watch, mentioned so fre- quently in the dialeatehees from Snakim as haysng borne the brunt of General Graham's last engagement, is the Hama ieven to the Forty-second Regiment, i'ghlanders. Into this regiment were enrolled. in VV. tide ceompaulees, dress- ed in black, or dark tartans, that had watched the Highland.; during the war for the restoration of tilt Stuarts. This Llewellyn fantiiy, of Pottsville, Pa., is familiar with wooden legs.. Mgrs. ,i1nn Llewelly ti, who wears one. 'married hor late husband became he had a wuaulen leg, and t,h4rit• only son walks tibroadrn an oaken stump. Mfrs Llewellyn recently told a facetious lawyer that W111144'4 IVA, were better than woollen heads any day in the week. An ceoentrie I3ingltarnpt4in, N. Y.. man, who is married but does not Iive with his wife, proposes taking an ex- cursion to Europe next spring, and to defray all'expenses on certain. condi- tions.' The party must euu.ist of ten lir more untuarrit•.tt temples, the fe- males to do the "popping, of the goes - Hoe prier tit the yuy'age. On board the steamer there is to be our: or mere weddingsa easel day until the trip is tin- ihed. Dania' Monte:sue, of Nortltboro, Mats., has what he claims is tate oldest piano in the country. Tho. instrument is a four and a halt u'3tav4•, 4:x8 feet in si ; r, with a ;4aiitl mahogany case It was nianutaeittree.l by Benjamin Chre- oar, .of M::tr'n. England, The instru- ment was brought to this country by John Fayerwe nt1er, who many years ago was a Boston fur dealer. '.1,7his ancient piano is known to be over 175 years old. - At Ansonia, Cosa., John Morrisey owned a 20U -pound Siberian 1•lood- hound that 1iad a tumor of six inches. in diameter, and on Saturday* a horse doctor removed it. The dog was neither chloroformed nor tied, but a muzzle was put on, and at a word from his Inasicr ho pTheod himself in position for the operation and lay quietly, re- strained by nothing but the looks and words of his toaster, until the deed. was done. Breakfast parties are the fashionable Lenten entertainments in New York,. and are served at 11 o'clock by candle- light. All daylight is excluded, and the guests—generally about twenty in number—are seated around four small tables, five guests at each table, and the tables are placed snfliciently near for general conversation: Breakfast is served in courses, after which there may be music or any amusontentasug- gested by:the hostess. ' When'hungry pigs see 'food, their mouths water, and the; gastric secre- tion is largely increased. A manufac- turer of pepsin, taking advantage of this;fact,, tures, hungry pigs into a:;pen where a trough filled with'. food torir)its the `atirmltis; ithough a wire :sci'een:pre- vents their eating it, and thus absorb- ing the pepsin contained in the peptic glands. , Then the hogs are killed, and the yield of 'pepsin is comparatively. very large. It has been decided by the ,New York Supreme Court that the money which a widow receives as insurance; on her husband's life cannot be taken to satisfy debts, incurred before the husband's death. The case in wllieh thedecision was rendered „;'was :an at - tempt by the owner of a judgment of Interesting items. thirteen years' standing arrafnst R de- ceased hotel man, to oin tilts, widow front withdrawiug the insurance mon- ey from a bank in which she had de- posited it, and the court held that an injunction must be denied. That soldiers are not always able to appreciate beautiful scenery is evident from the following inscription. said to bo written on a tree in the Yeilowstont 'ark, the outer bark of the tree having been scraped or with a trowel bayonet; "Howard's army .e:lniped here Sept. 4, 187B, Chief Joseph andFisher's scouts three days ahead. Surrounding. scenery would be darn line if a fellow bad any grub in his stum:telt. Cod bless our t'atup—(and sendus atsupply Itrain), A. J. Fay, Company F, Twen• ty-first Infantry." Bucklen's Amgen Salve - The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruis- es. Bores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Dever Sores. Tetter, Chapped. hands. C11ilblaius,Verns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and positively cares Piles, or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect catiafactiou, or money refunded` Price 25 cents per box. For sale by alldrug- gists. FLUID LIGHTNING. Fluid Lightning is tb; only cure for Tooth ache, Headache, Earache and Neuraligie. I. aloes uvt take a day or our to vitro it. but it less than a miuute'ail pain is gone. Thous- ands have tested its merits witihiu the Inst year. Fluid Lightning is also a positive cure • for Rheumatism. The worst possible cases these been permanently cured in on week. Price 2, cents at J. W. Dro sneng's Drug Store, 3 $l'sOO Reward. JWe will pay the above reward fur any case frf I,ixercomplaxnt. Dyspepsia, Seek head- ache. Indigestion. Constipation or +Costiveness wo;„eannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pius, when the directions are sarickly complied with, They are purely Vegetable, and uever fail togive satisfaction. Sugar coated, Large boxes, containing 30 i'iUa, 25 cents, For sale by all Druggists. Beware of eeuuterfeits and Imitatione. The tienuine mnauufactured out, by JOHN 0. WEST Jr CO., "The Pill mak- ers," 81 it 83 Eingstreet East Toronto, Ont. Free trial package gent by mail prepaired ua receipt of s three cent stautp. It is stated that fieorge Stephens, C. P. 11,, will be raised to the rank of a baronetcy on the corepletiomr of the road. Are yen troubled with Salt Ahem. Itos gh. Mande, or 014 Some of any fault that newt be heeled ? veu though it bd of years stau.. ding 'McGregor 4L' Parke a Catholic Vests will cure it. Beyond. tlto shadow of a doubt it la I the best healing QeU peand ever known. Rolla, Festering, Frost l3ile , Dims or Any Skiu Trouble. are alike cured by it. Sold at 25 Ceuta by 3.17. Browsing, Drugglet. 4 ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. Tux Yot,:.lc Bats Co., Marehell, ich.,wil send Da.Dxa'aCaTana4TED EZr eTite-Veer kis BUMS AND Iir.RCtare Arvr,4Axcga on trial for hilly days to men (youug or olid) who are af• aided Arai nervous debility, lost vitality arts kindred. trooblea, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and Manly vigor, Address as *base, rusk to in nrredd, as thirty des's* trial is allowed 4 ewilltTnla QuaeTrulr.*•-Why do so many laeople we flee around ner,aeeru to prefer to suf fer and be made miserable by iadigestton,00n.. Stipatiou, diszinese, Iona of appetite, outing up of *be Poop, yellow shin. when for 73 cents, we will nail them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaraate ed t• care them. Sold by J. W. Browning, Exeter. rt o vr, Wife—Wbat,s the mattter now, John ? Huebaud—Oh, that nentalg;a and tootll- *0130 near kills rue. Wile—Why don't you go to J. W. Btu an. ing'o Dais Store and get a 'settle of Fluid Lightning " Yon know it cures all snob things es Toothache, Neurelgia, Headache. Gumba3o. Earache. Sore Throat, etc. It givea instant relief. 4 The Austrian isudget shows a deficit of 1G,. 000,000 florins, More eople, adults and children. are trim - led with. costiveness than with any other ailments Dr. Henry Dexter's Ataudralse flit. d tura will caro costiveness anti pr4event th e diEeet-ve which result frau it, IT SHOULD ISE 1tEMMQVED. If the kluge are obstruettrd b}phlegm. c:tus- Ext by cold, do net tt nick thou by coughing, when the rough and soreness esti be aurid by Hagyard's 1'ceetoral Balsam, the reliable threat and lung healer. A Iil'yt:1S BAROMETER. Tho man with rhomudeti,ul esus ft d'1 tho7 ap. proaele t•f hid lwather in his :Abet j,1nt-i. Iia _ s'stra';1 Yellow Ctrl cunt rhetunatietieseSee, value 1ut,1 injm ies COMPELLED TO YIELD. Obstinate eltiu dinar, sanluna':4 of the eruption, rand r .l4 KUBs art' emelt l Vit' Intl+tut•' A Boston hackman the other evening charged a passenger :t dollar Moro than the usual fare. The passenger paid it, f quietly took note of the driver's num- ber, anti then said; "I would like to have you COnme to my oLTice at noon to- morrow." ";All right," said tiro leael! man, "wlto are you, and where'a your of£aee?" "'You will And me aG the City Rall, I am Mayor Martin," replied the other, "good llirrht;" and be entered his house anti shut the door. When his Honor reached the City hall next morning—several hours before neon -- ho found the hackman waiting for him with anxiety in his face. an abject apology on his lips, and. the extorted dollar in bis hand. AYEIA.'S Cherry e Pecto ., xloct eeeeecetdie.to:areA,t;rip:,'inestett1e11' ltttack watt+me4'iG..•'.r • 1' .' t7 ae, a nr41 lupgsa nonose tied 114 as !t t :'r. 1,414,44 [ninny. 5r5, The ca 4.:: , + or e. - t. resultin; perb;<ps from a e , or one " ..scions ex. poser., 1* oft. n '. 4,n : 1 „4u a iiia sickness. 1 • e i l r• to5Are ass well proven 1.:. • .a' a fort} seers' eglit vita Uinta, A. • • °Ars,attwlalloald,iii► taaatiu In all co. 4 w...,e,ut (why. A 1'• • "` to Cough Cared. wIn1 .1 • s r•remid, which ofaetadl �f1Y an. . , , a ..,bteoougb at4tt *SSod st1 4 r 4.: a e , . i. ",tut Step. lytic tors ,lax". Ute ct. e -4 Axaie'n Ctltta*r Pao-. TIM • E, + to , , rvirrred my lungs. Induced atee8., io t , A•• 444d me the x.. r.e1'e,pr44ry fn t • . .. y of soyStrength, 1.4 e e n the flrvi'RAl. 1c prune- r -4, ` •• rete d. 1 ant l:4w to yews old. 1 • .^ ..1 y, And am eat'Al'tetl yunr Clio.... 1 4 '4..rart4dn*e. lwakt:g I,r.AtunIteTUI:R." Itoelitlwbare,''l., duly 15, Red, (roup A Mother's Trlloto. t t s len 1 r•'emtry last winter my ;Kilo iter 1` a 1r. • 'weuld die : xstioiln e n strangewitu . I,1 i v faintly nuggeste.l the u11e eI a, , • , 1;v Pscrro1M.. a bottle of w14 -ea 1, 1^ • 1.4 ;4 is the !louse Tide lin,I frequent doers, sal nt 4. than *Aalf au m.our the Ira 1 • „ l; : {t t a., .'. l llo deo- n,: 1.4 . r t t t' 1 4. **,**i, bad , t • tr • 4 e1 ucailer at Ot1C 4,1' -:.fart O. , t 3Jt> t%%'e4,11. 11. *'l., . ... :fa; 10, ,r 1 1. toe ;4•.." • 1 r ..1;1 PrefortAr, 15: •4 do not 1 1 • Itt CIURI t e , . •. , , . e. t tr1 ever tt t t1NNE:, IA 4 41,...,8, :r n 4 :. 1.! ti., - t •• r, TivoreIdtlr, na{ 1 .r 4 •:111:x, 150" 1<. • ,..tnrll- 1 +v� .:f.n1;N: y A;r ,a:,r „ l• , ; i.... r.; 4• of ,aura's el; - , 4 i .1148 that mast ,••• ..- 4 .. , „ . 1•:0.1" thele 4444,M ." Pt:aka ,:.. , .:tiau; April 2«, 1' 4, No vv.-, of an auceten of the throat or ltti., s e"r:ts wlliell car hot 1t4greatly relieved by the Ivo Cf Ay:': .4 e t 4r :;;s :i"f;c 114La1, and it will nfrrrv;fa UV, Ulan the 4ifeeaso to riot already beyond tllc er:f:trul t?f medicine.. 1'raa:i.XTr;n II1 Dr.J. G.Aycr &Co.r Lawell3 Mass Sold by all Druggists. .. 1 Sf35. arpe 's Magazine. ILLCSTATED. With the note volatile, beginning in Decem- ber, lrAratrt.4t's MAGAZIN': will euneludo its thirty-fifth year. The oldest periodical of its typo. it is yet,, in each new volume, is lieu, 1nrr±fazine,uot simply becalm: itvresen s fresh• subjects and new pictures, tntal.o, alai chiefly because it steadily advances in the me hr. it Self of magazine mal,•in_. Ina -word*, the M t44- AzIsu becomes more and more the faithful mirror of current life rind=ovemes' Lcading features in tbo attractive programme for 1685 are :now s0ria1 novole by LONSTANen FE: [014kt S�'nnasov an,) W. D. Howiisx s, a uety navel 1 entitled "dt aha Iced Glove t" doscriptivo illus rtrate(' papers by1.1).MILLET,li SwA1N air- ) Form, E, it. Anasv, H. bnisoN and others ; : Goldsmith's' Sho Stoops to Conquer," illustrat- e Cd by Annex; important papers on Art,Scieneo, etc. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY ,. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY. One Year (51 Numbers). 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The volumes of .the MksAZINm begin with the Numbers for June and Deee tuber of each year, When notime is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber' wishes to begin with the ouxtent Number. The last eleven Semi-annual Volumes of HA1%Pils S MA1+AZINLn, in neat cloth binding,irill be sent by mall, postpaid, on reoipt' of ss.t:0 per volume. Oloth Oases. fcr binding, 50 cents each—by mail postpaid. Index to HARSales MAOAznin, Alphabetical, Alnalytioal, and Classified, for Volume sl to 60, inclusive, from Juue,1850,to: Juno, "1880, one vol., Svo,Olnth, °.,x'4,00. Remittances should be made by Post Office ;Money Order or Draft ,to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise- ment without the ecpres's order of HAn138R 80 Add4ess--HARPER A; B1i0TREES ,New York N ' AT�L" 11. 1a1 a 101.11V.141 . Y T..i .DY The Great French Lotion for Beautifying the. Pace. It ct.uceals tbeevIdenceofdoe. erre apple catiou win make the moot' stubbornly red;and rough bands hes utifull'1soft and white, AG' member tb§t" MAY Dksy" is nota paint or powder that ills up the pores of the skin, and that is injurious to tib vklu buts new and great discovery, i vtget the liquid, that causes. #be cheek to glow with health, the nook, arum rrudLauda to rival the Lily in whiteness, Im- tlosrible to detect iu, tho beauty it confers spy ArtlOefai cua.raater4 It euros (henry likln, Rreslclor, 5S'rinklt+,r, I'iwples. Block I;0544*, Crow's Feet, Blotches, k'sce Grubs. Sun Burn Tan. Ringworm. Chapped Hands, sere 01 Chap nod Lips.Iiatber's Itch, Totter, ere. It frees the pores.oil gtsnds, and tabes from the ipjur. iotg4eGeets of Per a4er4 and cQSwetie washes.. By its use a41 rudaesi aand roul;baeos are pro. soft smoothe Awl bitthe skin,n arcing a jdel elou4 ,4ef tue44 l:produeing a perfectly healthy.nater.. staid youthful appemance. Tire best f1.ee. Iotiou,that the world over produced. We will send w LAaGl.• sonar:" to any acidresa on ra.. ceipt ofprice,e,i. Wherlorderin; ,nenttonthi per. Address All letters to the uAY i itwl" ARE;hCI. 71 lioung'street. Torotx! 1'1►raor *4.84 Rten Room. for h' *4i TSSETT BROS., HEADQUARTERS FOR harrows CHEAP AT" Spades, .fes, Forks, Scythes, Barb wire and steel strip fenc ngs- p .cul Uoto *luny tops BISSETTBRA'S. NOWNE I) REMEDIES. THE PILLS Put He the lace rl, et+rrect 811I Pial+riles t,f (Iv", I.1\TH. ST011AOH, KTi) EYS, .A ;� I (' fi ELS, ,1'la. ;y is:v igerato 4.U1d et':4.tt,re to health Debilitated •� iinvaluable 141348,.1 flitter r,w(it•11 purify ar=il n° a1t11ett' :14.1 t18'Complaintst rt h 4.4,. i' a iartnt118.8 and aro y) 1u all • int idt. nisi to F4anut:. of all ,r 'e:. For ehaldren mat the need d ilii r are prtrelea* St ereti011.1. r. The 1'b 5eeret of snow -:i_.4£ lalr;iurk 1x1,,:1111I't' t'rs i:4 that It ants upon the btiwi is, the liver the kidney. the :.lin, 14141 th.' 1,10.•1 ; TrlUily- iu;; obstruction~ and imparting health and, vie. 01. AFTEll TWENTY-THREE YEARS SIT- FE1hIN(r. Wm. Shout, of'Marton, w:ls Curtin of .4erufuloszs abscess that seventeen doctors eouhi not elite. Burdeek Blood Bitters, was the only successful remedy. It cures all impelities ,.f the system. TO Ottli READERS. If you suffer front headache, dizziness, back anile, biliousness or humors of the blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters. It is n tuaranteed cure for alt 111egularities of blood, liver and kidneys. Manitoba's chums for financial assistance from the Dominion ere to bo pushed. Forty years' experience, in every clime ou earth has proved Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to be the most reliable remedy for colds, eoughs,and all lung diseases. Neglected colds often become incurable ailments. Deal with them in time, and prevent their becoming deep-seated in the system. The report that cholera has broken oath). the French fleet off Formossa is denied. Tone up the system by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will make you feel Iike a new person. Thousands have found health and relief from suffering by the 500 of this great blood purifier when•all.other means failed- 1'arneli will enter the contest in Dublin city in the general elections. Holloway'sPills.—Indigestion.—How much thought has been bestowed, and what volum- inous treatises have been written upon this universal and distressing disease, which is with certainty and safety dispelled without fear of relapse by a course of this purifying, sooth- ing and tonic medicine. It acts directlyon the stomach, liver and bowels—then indirectly,` though no less effectively, on the brain,nerves, vessels, and elands, introducting snob order throughout the system that harmony dwells between each organ and its functions, Dys- pepsia heed no longer be the bugbear of the public' since Holloway's' fills are lolly eompet ent to subdue the most 'ehronie and distress- ing eases of, impaired digestion, and to restore the misera'b10 sufferer to, health, st'rengh, and cheerfulness. A teacher in one of rho Sunday schools was lecturing a class of little girls on the influence of pious instructions in the formation of youth- ful character. "Ah, Miss Caroline," said he to 0110 elf the class, ''what do you .think you .,L:1 world have been without your good father and �+�� pious mother?" "I suppose, sir I would have been -an orphan", answered Miss Caroline' THE OINTMENT i;. an 14 k.l 13 ,' ri la, dy for Dad 114.-s., © 1 (1 Breasts, Old ' Wounds. Stares and I:leers. It io £annus. for C7ent autl I(henmatislu. 2'011 itISOIlllliUO er T414 CREST 1T If (a No EQUAL. or Sort= Threat., Bronchitis, Coughs, tolds,GIantlrlar Swellings, and all skin 41isea:. it has no siva' ; and for outvoted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The fills and Ointment aresoId at Tonins flay.r c,w.v's Establishment, 78 tiEW OXFOIRD-STREET late 033, OXFORD-STItEET),LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable. Vendor of Medicine, iu Duxes and Pots, at Is. Ikd., 2s. 9d. 4s. Gd lis., 2.2s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 94, size contains three times the quantity of the is 1.41, size ; the 4s. 84, size six ; (he lis, sine sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three • and the - 33s size iiftytwo times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. i0 Full printed dircctious are affixed to each Don rind Put, and can he hart in any Ianguage IL-4 Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Hexes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. "IL IA1YI DREW •�r ndertaker .. dertak er and Cabinet-maker. Elar.113EIR.#7 0 - ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S, BANK