HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-4, Page 8GRIGG
Brevittec, from ether pleura. See bilis for
X -nes pante iia great Variety at further particulere,
Coulson's Drug Sloe,. The following are the officers elect'
s o
- T,iook at your $5 bills and ail new
'Wholesale and Retail bill. for qtly *mount.
The Homan set works are in the
13001x5 tl donde of the sheriff'.
p A 1:,rge (stock of dried flowers,
AND atgot bloke(' end e t'lonleon a Drug Store.rd receivers,
ument or
FANCY` GOODS DEALER I sheep were elAnother nlppsd rge fromgthe ri .on'
here p Tuesday by Mr. John Willis,'
t The finest hue of Xtnae cards ever
shown in Exeter, at the Family Drug
The man who ]ryes on t' corner lot
- _ -,- during sat+w season has no reason to
TEN0-ENTE",Recline for iirstinsertion. soul join a gymnasium,
sMI6 win beohaxgo fur oasts a.p eat g 'The Shavatioit Army in Exeter is
In this galena. still pushing the battle, acid Are en-
eouraged by seeing quite a number
I• seeking to be freed from tho nandege
Iij''''' of sin and eaten.
Nearly alt the aoldiere of the Eire -
ter carpe of the Salvation Army and
TRURSDAY, DEC, 4 1,1884.
LOCAL . k.: ..---Ile shall ire happy to re»
eetre at all braes, from any part of the
County, items of local never, such air ac-
cidents,ar any iisterestiny incident whet. -
ever front arty of our sxbscribers or read-
ers generally for the purple of pubiic-
Local, Happenings,
+t number of ether citixeus auto e a
for Lebanon Fore t Lodge, No 193,
A. F. pad A. 141., Exeter, for the en •
suing Masonic, year
Bro. t`has. Senior, W.114.
tiro. Dr. Rollins, S. W.
Bro. H. Barnwell, J, W. Bro, Rev, E. J. Robinson, Chap.
Bro. Geo. Barnwell, Treas,
W. Bro. U. Eacrett, Secretary..
Bro. Wm, Brooke, Tyler.
Exeter Council Doings.
The conned met by order of the l
.Reeve. at the Market House, Exeter,
Nov; 28tb., 18$4.
A11 present. exaellt Messrs. Pickard
sh Johue.
The minutes of the prtvioue Meet-
ing were read and confirmed,
The Couuoil to examine drain on
Snows] et., with a new to supplying
lambor tf advisable. F YOU WANT
eommunloation from Ur. 3o1in I
MoDonald, of Toronto, was laid oyer
uutil next meeting of the Commit, Carpets, Fine Olothiug, Fashionable Millinery,.
RE4La zg=s:
LIDID 11D flEyT�E�I�N !
You will do well by calling and inspecting our
Silks. Dress -goods, Dross Trimmings, Lacus
A. G, Dyer, y foster Gloves, Prints, Cottons, She
en 1�reattl d f 1 t eek provide polling Plage. appoint I?ep �
grapes h8,1101jah "tea fight at I.iuoan '(loved. by W. Bissett, recoetted by
Dor that by-law, Z3 9
to �
oo M�?Q as R - , F. , , e
The (',outttp Contrail oonvened at letnruing Otfieere, &o„ having been
Godericlt on Tuesday last. The rep.
xe+tentativee from Exeter and the
ueighdioring uwntoipal►tie• are pree-
tett at the ulee.tinR.
A full aasortureut of Chrietuiae
t also o tined
Cards of Latta, Deeiga , t?
out s large stook of b`aney Goods
suitable for Cbri'.tmae pieseute at the
i Central Drue Store. C,Lurz. Prop:.
1 The suuivere%ry sermons of the
Wsentedie. lain street Methodist church will be
•mart sad tutetlfgei't lad to less the :