HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-4, Page 5TZ,AIRM ITAWO.
2 of Potter's Best Electric Batteries for Medical use,
1 Mercurial Barometer for foretelling the Weather.
IlIclienzies'Inhalers for Catarrh, Bronel ,it s, c
.A.11010 TO 13E soma, Cum tater.
Iao323113 ,oda Laboratory, Z. W. BE.0372 11TC, Prop
Some Facts about the>ialao
These Pianos have established their excel.
leuoo in every community where tidy have
been introduced, and the most eminent per-
former, leave given theist the meet rnestalt6-
• ed approval. Their appreciator, however. is
Ladies and gentlemen. seeking a choice selection of not confined to the claw known asprofessioe
al artists,but they areas highly pas
io ilia
pada, as in tbo st1iep1 Fooir or neon itis
CIIIIVESPIRFLAS curiTsstage. Tho fact a thep areas perfect as any
iustramruta of ills kind that have been
made, and posses many qualitleyeti which
strike the critical ear aa superior to all other
t Will find just whist they Wish in. our new and rich assort- pianos. ibis is the woo sacretOf their great
meat of ARTISTIC JWELRY, carefully selected and popularity and the high Appreciation in
winch they hold by both amateurs and
especially desirable as n osi, appropriate Holiday Gifts, prmiesaienals.are
Watches in Elegant Cases
Handsomely chased, with Obelus, Seals Pencils, Etc., Mo
ern style's, and gaerauteed of beat quality
Every bottle of Arnica aC OH LiniAueuks of
to warranted by the proprietorit to give satin- I
faction or money will be refanded.
The eegmillcr Plows.
$. P►4'v ZI, L
Raving decided to clone his present stock of
the above plows, will sell
FOR $13 :BASH, and 4 O Tile
Tie plow can be seen at the building oppoe
ite Bawdtns ltfari;le Atop. (A few door
south of the market.)
Prints and repairs always kept In ateck.
P,artiea•intendiog making a ptrebase will do
well to call early.
April 10. S. POWEL1,
%SitrtYuoa w 0 611 re 070
STOP 05000 REWAlt:n.
�...►. or C oitr,l4 . Tao wgs rppa.
THIEF. wMs,C... ',Ate144eayttrxtwn
140444104 ride re Cor hap earn or Wide* Cord, o'ret*n sad tb ir*.14iap
4mghttat Mato..
host rtarsett Ann tnaast lhh zmnoth* uatip Vat sea
thstate at i
aaoa,o bp*wirdd or s
^w!dss**rodSwabottersrticao. Ws Oro sAE,rrbrahrdrd
r Masai ao for pr presto r or ear tweedy saunas asAr u
tostiovad ad or 6e40144! uareo Or AllthIPAMMI A•naS
'rasa An hiw rm. Amxtlaerr tis o. Her acre 1:4 a*A rw
•tr.bta Drugs** and Conatrs DOOM. **Oar, 10 aiod SS.
r: damn.'. is N+ Mr. tattaattrr. OASONSPrea.t
FMa. L x., irboloppEtA ata rpr405da.,
ITS PAPE. R j> t f n ea
$QWFrx. dL C0s
e0U w r ddvortlp"les Bureau SO aprnoe
tlstns contracts stag
Corrected atEo'a)ockp.m.lYodaes4I E STA B U S H E D HOUSE
Rea ... 0 68 to0 70 I,. e I aa► rout as s al
White Wheat NOW ,» ... 0 50 to 0 70 e
Rod. Wheat Now 000 to 070"
New and elegant styles. Just in the vi Atxo wattAx With a First Clans stock. Intl at prim that E FY COMPI TITION,
elle teem) .. • .. 079 to 0 76
elarley 044 too65
out* ass
Pana .•. -+ • �••'' -.. aO e6toto 0 0
Of Standard qualityforladies' and gentlemen's wear. a
. 017to010
Sutter •• » C 16 to O 76
• Flourperbbl. • -. 560t0160
Potatees,per beg • 0 85 to 040
notice [bull Apples,perb58 .- 0 40 to 060
lar edApple>tpr b , .. 0 os. ra O QB
Ocoee per lb. .., to
Turkey per lb ...•• ...... 0 0 0d07 to 0 0' 06
Ducks per pr .. 0 00 to 0 i'5
Cbickenaperpr ... ... 090 to 0 fin
Beet'�lreseedperl0a .. to 7
laidearahba. --• .•• b 00 60 000
'tdressed ... ... ... „ 050to 0 75
Sbeeppskius,eaoh .. ,.. 0 AO to 100
atskla■ ... 050 bo 070
Woo) per lb ... 0 39 to 010
Kay per ton ... 7 00 t0 800'..
Woo per cord O00to076 900 to 4k 60
Fail Wheat per biz ..a ••• $ rill to a° Ono
Watches, Clocks and Jewelly repaired on `short
Guaranteed to give Satisfaction.
Stand one door north of L. e1egraph Office, Main.st., Exeter.
County of As on abbath Sallool 1
The executive committee affhis at-
stitution met on Friday, Nov. 21st..
in Ontario Street IVletltodist 'jhurch,
Clinton,on, to draft out a programme of
proceedings inr the cowing couveu•
,tion to be held in that town on Tues
day and Wednesday, 10th and ,11th
February next: There were present
the President, Mr. D. Tillady, and
Messrs. W. Gray, Seaturth ; S. "Yates
and T. MoGiliiouddy, Goderioh ; W.
J. Clarke, Exeter ,•James Thompson,
J. t). Stevenson, A. H. Manning and
H. Fisher, Clinton. Rev. J. Gray
and. J. Kenner were also in attend-
ance. It was unanimously resolved
to invite Hon. S. 11. Blake to be pre-
sent one day of the convention and
deliver an address in the evening, Mr.
Blake is perhaps the forewoet Sab-
bath School man in the t'rovinoe,and
his presence and address will be
Can any one bring us a calm of Kidney or
Liver Complaint that. Electric Bitters Will
not speedily cure' We any they cannot, as
thousands of eaves already permenentt) our.
ed and who are daily recommending Electrio
Bitters will prove. Bright's Dissaao, Dia-
betes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint
gniekly cured. They puffy the blood, regul-
ate the bowele,and act directly on the diseas-
ed parte. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale
at 60e. a bottle by G. Lutz.
The British Grain Trado.
London, Deo. 1.—The Mark Lane express'
in a weekly review of the grain trade, aaya
"Tho wintry weather during the past week
has strengthened the wheat market and
more money is asked by holders. Prices
also increased in the provinces. The sales
of English wheat during the past week were
66,986 quarters at 38s 5d por quarter, against
73,461 quarters at 400 2d per quarter the
corresponding week last year. Foreign wheat
is in better inquiry. American spring and
red wheat have generally advanced in Liver-
pool. On the off coast trade the market is
firmer, sellers asking higher prices, but buy-
ers decline to respond. Twelve off coast
waited for with great expectancy. The cargoes aro due. In the trade for cargoes
committee proceeded to select topics on passage or for shipment the tone of the
to be discussed and decided upon the market is active and prices hardening. Flour
is fe* flail and slow of sale. .Baize is scarce
following :-1st, the Sunday school and the market against buyers. Barley is
(a) its outfit, arrangement and con- quiet and steady Oats higher..
duet ; (b) How should it be supportedn
financially and how should its ow
funds be expended ; (o) 1Ylodes of at-
tracting and maintaining attendance ;
(d) its music, 2nd, the teacher, (a) his
preparation ; (o) his responibility ; (a)
his reward. For, the evening meet-
ings the topics are : The Sabbath
School a safeguard against infidelity ;
temperance training a part of Bab.
bath School work ; "The bible, the
,world's fight and guide" ; and "The
real objects of Sunday School work."
There will also be examples of hymns
to use, illustrative aids in teaching
primary and intermediate classes, the
question drawer, and the usual offs•
vers' reports. - On Wednesday after-
naou the children's mass meeting will
be held and an :address on suitable
subjects 'given .by Mr. Clark, .Exeter,
and Rev. f.1essre. Musgrove and
Soltau. Altogether the convention
promises to be .one of, the best yet
Scott's Emulsion: of .Pure
Cod Liver Oil, •ncitlr Sypophopphitea,
For Bronchial Affections and /wig Troubles
Dnp A. B. Poomi ; Cedar 1i*pids, Mieb..
'says ;—"I have used your Emulsion for sev-
eral years, in nay practice, and nave always
found ft ,.thoroughly - reliable, ' pleasant to
'take; and mast, -valuable for throat and lung
Buos,xasAtr.—ln Winchelsea, on the 26th
ult., the wife of Mr. Wm. Buckingham,
of a daughter
WEDNESDAY, D 10.—Two Fl Mill
Saw i , nm r, Farm
&e., the property of S. Sweitzer and honeymoon. The husband and
& Co., Crediton. Sale a 10 a. m, sharp -1 wife were aged seventy and sixty years
Lunch at noon Henry Ejlber auction respectively.
Barley (bright) ... 0 51 to 000
Barley (feeding).. 0 44 ttoo 0 404M _ . _
White Oats, • • ... -.. % 5 tc 1 !10
Black Oata ... ...
apples per ail. ... ... 100 to 100
Potatoes por bh ... 095 to 0 51
Full of Alltbe Latest designs in
Worsteds, Overcoating$, Tweeds. Etc..,
And mode up in Firdt.clase style, and it prima that cannot fail to please. Ail Goods
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Bring along your Farm. Produce, for which
the Highest Prices will be paid.
SEPT. 22nd, 1884.
Exeter °But cher Shop
Butcher &, General Dealer
ii:i EIA1T1S
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence.
Perhaps the most extraordinary success that
has been achieved in modern medicine has
been attained by the Dixon treatment for ca-
tarrh. Oat of 2,000 patients treated during the
last six months, fully ninety per cent. have
boon euredof this stubborn malady. This is
none the less startling when itis remembered
thatnotfive per cont. of patients presenting
themselves to the regular practitioner aro be-
nefttted, while the patent medicines and other
advertised cures never record a cure at all.
Starting with the claim now generally believed
by the most scientific meu that disease is due
A GREAT DISCOVERY. to the presence of living uarasitesin the tissue.
Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their
Mr. Wm. Thomas,of Newton,Ia„says : 'My extermination—this accomplished,. he claims
wife has been seriously affected with a cough the Catarrh is:practically cured, and the
for twenty-five years and this' spring more
nlanencyunquestioned, as cures. effected y
severely than ever before. Sim had used man,
hint four years oxo are cures still. No one
Y oleo has attempted to euro Catarrh in tuts
remedies without relief,and being urged to try manner and nd other treatment ever cured
Dr. King's New Discovery, did so, with most
gratifying results. The first bottle•relieved
hor very much, and the second bottle has ab-
solutely cured her. She has not had such
good health for thirty years.” Trial bottles
free at C. Lutz's 'Drug Store. Largo sizo
One'of the wealthiest mon in Philadel-*
phia—some say the wealthiest—is
hardly ever heard of at all. Ho is Mr.
•Isaac V. Williamson, who, although
past eighty years of age, is yet spry
anti active and may be seen any day in
the Stock Exchange moving about like
the youngest. He lives at Bryn Mawr Exeter and vicinity, that he 414 opened out a
and goes out and in every morning and u
afternoon on the trains. • His habits
and dress are those of a man eking out e3"1
9 Shoo �
a subsistence, but he is popularly re. )
pitted worth between $10,000,000 and
$20,000,000. His dress; is poor and al- 1
ways the same; his food is the simplest;
he has no servants, no luxuries, no
horses—.nothing whatever to indicate.
his great wealth. He is' ' a bachelor,
with few relatives, and lives by himself.
He is charitable, however, and has given
!large sums to ob ects.
Many deserving J
A couple whom a quarrel separated
fifteen years ago, but were never
divorced, were reunited at Monahan,
Catarrh. Th•i application of the remedy is
simple, and can be done at home, and the
present season of the year is the most favor-
able for a speedy and permanent cure, the
majority of eases being cured at duo treat-
ment. Sufferers should corresun±Sd with
Messrs, A. H.LI%ON & SON, 80s Wing street
west, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for
their treatise on Catarrh.-MontreCi Stdr, Nov.
Desire to call the attention of their customers to, and ask
their inspection of their large and
Wishes to annOLlnee to the inhabitants of
Complete assortm't of Dry QOQdS
Etc., for the fall trade of 1884. Our stock is, we believe,
well assorted and carefully selected. It consists in part of
dao — wo ax s, ono
S Mill L be F m Stook Imple Tex., recently, and Went off en a sec-
in the corner Store North of Sainwell
& Pickard's, where he is prepared to make
all kinds o; ordered work.
Sewed work a ,speciality.
Repairing promptlyattended to.
Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe
May 14th 84.
the following :
All -Wool Dress Goods,
Plain and Fancy Dress Goods,
Black and Col'd Cashrnere,
Black and. Col'd Silks,
Ottoman Cord Sills.
Staple Department.
Shirtings, Denims, Cottonades, Table Linens,
Table Napkins, Grey and White Cottons,
Shirtings (plain and twilled), Cotton Bags,
13LACIt AN) COL'D VELVETEENS In and ipeat ces.riety of shades
Your inspection of these goods and prices will convince
you they are right, as they have been Imported for this season's
Our Millinery Department is still under the care
of our MISS McINTIRE, and the stock in this department
will—if possible—be more attractive than ever this season,
embracing all the latest American. English. and French styles.
of Shapes, the latest shades in Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers,.
Plumes, Tips, &c., &c.
choice lines of English, Scotch, Irish, French and Canadian
Tweeds, English, Scotch, and French Suitings, English and
French Trowserings.
Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Ties Shits, Braces, Hosiery, Etc. We have a flood eutter''on the
premises, and guatautee a fit in every case. Our stook of Blankets is very extensive in
white. In 'Furs our stock is complete (g; ey and brown) in Boas, Capes, Sets &e., dc,,
also Robes in Buffalo and Wolf. Our Boot and Shoe department will be found fully as-
sorted in Ladies', Gents' end Children's wear,also a full assortment of Trunks, Valises,
and Satchels. _