HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-4, Page 4r :IRSDAY, DEO. 4114 X884,---reeominends Sir John to the Queen as a Worthy subject for her royal Honors --and he is accordingly honor - Imes. led by leaving the title G. O. B. con- ferred ou,him, sebum theeebove-ns, in6d editor endeavors to make light of, tTtra Oliuton New Rra would like POotor r1 Mackeuzie troubles whilst), agitated Canadian textile/7 previous to wig, with the object of iuvadiug Canada, They +Here defeated, and Shoultz was sentenced to death. It wee in the de- fence of this man that young Mace one ret won is legal sours, which aa they ;gree! and etreogthemed, in to be swept away by prohibition, is it the 1,100,000 manufactured into beer in Canada, or the 8,750,000 Si: ported that controls the' her ey mark RMO et ? 1.100,000 btRliels et 65 Geula will amount to $715,000; N ;v, d ld first h' g 1 h' supposing that Ruin is loeu to the b.tr— 011uTlitill, ley growers of Canada by prohibi ion, Iik IT iii talked /among railway cirolea ; some one to explain Baty B many Atter y tate (ferried 4t for i tilthe Datta reptile- are- termer avvrttF uof A s? std ? would Dineach teat the Grand Trunk and Can*da mechanics are being thrown out of g Sup p g 1 anifio Rail •rays wilt amalglttnate. R employment in the United States. The io the opinion of hie many admirers, each ff,rtner raises at 200 bushels ; iu "rug of enters and riot protection, as it hie brilliant defense of the . Pole, he els there will need to be 70,000 farm; *owns that were seeking for a bragclt i would like Ata readers to believe, It coutixlued hie practice for several i era. This number d,vided into the of Ole O. 1', R, will fon short in theirs is expected, eo says the Boston Tree. years with increased success, which $715,000, will glue the avbrago less bright anticipations of having aneth• i elicr, that beeleesa In every 'niggle did not, howevert prevent biro from each fernier will 8u+taiu, viz : *hoot or road from tits courses spoken of. s will be thoroughly restored before or watohing polities closely, and he had $10. Is that a sum of such import. p t with the beginning of the New Year. had evidently determined ere time to twos that so great au outcry should lar several comities where the S cote 1 Ef9rroRl4f,, NOTES. • yer iu Canada --a reputation which, we place the avers * Amount% that nn n ;elate cause is the con ntermand• ho ids good to the present day. Atter! order to produce 14,000,000 bush Is it be tens God@rich and oth0r� enter the political arena. be raised about the ruining of the Act is being Ait.tte3, the nue of ' Conservative) Hestia In. 1844 the removal of the head— barley market ? quarters of the Legislature to litg '�`"4 —'— — hove been published, and are iu os—*too gave itnpulae to leis yeaelxTnge Pittsburgh's baseball salary th ass ls;he have signed the petitions ' A. meeting of the Liheral•Conserva- tont season will bo 50,Q00. :fives of the village of Exeter was for political life, and the sante year eased 'u of the antis, This arpeare g to be quite a myotery. Fanaon'4 ball Dr Pollens in tie House of Parliament as e, represents,- erg, will find Robigs�oi>t SPiinsplxoriz. list Sir John first took bis seat in the s held ora Tuesday evening last in Cilergywen. Singers qua 1'abtio Spealc- thept, waters there is sus t'et' nay to weak' Sig .l0;tti MacDonald left for eau. oltalaved by R. Elliot, seooaded *eve 9f Eeng,stou. Be w4a a Tory tinct ,stl irtlrlstott of the greatest benefit to weld to the palls and was returned on Iona tate throat or Bronchial tubes, at it ala vta. tie.v York Sstur,la) by the !by T.. 13. Carlin that atx Aseooiatiou tgat ticket, to contignad iu otirlia� tot tete* tau+ irritated inewarow, gives full y g Meet for a number or yearn, unfit the `tout mud atreuch lotted vocal organa and loran (Omani ataaliier. iia bnjoys the very ; be now forttled to be known au tato GOD servative party was returned to parte- neer life cud ' yr to tae eufoebtedt son: Atter- . ov@ y_ Elliot, seconded nay General. This wae five years by George Willis. that Dr. Bellies be alter Ile 444 eutered politica, sad President.—Carried. lest of health a,4 is it► good spirits, Liber*-VQnaervation Association of power iu 1810 with Sir Alcan Mel' its etitutiou. tie wets bidtleti a cordial levet rayyiya S d' the Villager of Exeter. --.Garvie at we head, and 1i h Sir Al us el' it by eeverat of hie English friends, d b Ai.i,teol: etas been ranoxmioated Year or two subsequently lie sucoeed- Moved by J. White. seconded by ,. eel Sir Allan kfeNab as Premier of ., prafes a to have been princely Vice President. ---harried. ed Irani R. n, *.. \. hits, Secretary, St, Diary 6, guaraut of the illegal acts committed oocurrae durtu the ,time toterveuin by bis agents in hie behalf. He will -Conduct , the election ou pure panel— plea Chia time, and ales put up $3,000 The St, Mary's"JournaV' awl "Argas" say The 8t. risxra Carriage Manufacturing , Vele. ar had full returns from gents have deemed it adv sible to1 eettppapue the c iviElOn of proAte, amounting to 8106.0(0 to t1'edneillay.December by the Refortnere of Lennox. fir• R. i too ombe, tt11#t l Ii Oarltng bs atsk, taai. when the Same �rtti pee tire y take Canada Neat. political upilea vele pisco Shsroa Are,* ,s(1) eseh.eodt un bepeon*, Masicd by J, White, saoouded by J, dame g Ont. Spaoktnao, that 1.iobael Eaorett be to lite confederaticu 'f Canada and the formation of tai@ Dominion Guv Survival of the iiteec. Dana's Elixir has Feoretary-Treasurer. Carried, outlived every other cough remedy simply gloved ley l3, V. tliot, aecouded e.,„ eminent. In the first i)omiuiau4Guv- because itis the hest. ez t ku a :► the 1'iacdOralci runcu , ow. a a� > rx a*i~ s an tis R, Farmer , that the constitution and. publication , beet as it :;itarautee of by Iaws gpverning the Oaentyo tier- Macdonald waa appoiAteti prowler by ax1u iitbtoeet Iontrealwas ac4mpan} oseol c# to se far as a 11e%bte taorsenga edtaruanafaotnx n fel' use to G1,lesaitnot neceaaartly for f Cartier Government, in 1867 Jotiu A The rtaol:t interesting feature of the recent ;4004 faith. on ««Avis« i n, l?p heard Motick, the thea Gosernor-Geis- the beleb;atea eloldeotnfrobnr-a,am' at the ba adopted by this Aa«ociation. sad seal of Canada. 8 redobu oontiuued ISMS th time delighting l`gilhoutn the oiU i 4 gin as 'o ' nternetionsl Expeei- tame the Mester. J'. White„ Robert a; tai@ hetet of ;tato ter seve ral ears al and a «pRctalQiialamit Frere awarded Lo ekes The World's a I Saurlere, and tti0 ofl3cora of the 5 s- r eelsnat the ole e ryas award. and we Bart opened at brace (Jrleans, G, 5- a., st,oiaton be a tinted a olmmtttae ft December let and will remain open to ravens the aspme aunt report to a for six menthe. The railway rates meeting of thea Association within 1 are likely to be placed ata very low m MovednvCarrby i V. Elliot, seconded d. figure. The Canadian Government b J b- 1;i wk Iia. that this Asao- a a er this. k how toe teudored bo the Ad• le 1872 he was *ppoiuted one of aria Tobacco Co. for their ettractiveexbiblt, leer l�lstud '« ,pint high 13amwis. L GNT NEALTNYeBRE . ilex sued ptentpo#antis 1. I sot in conneeticn with the commis. siuneri named by the Prl:stdeut of tete has dsoltuod to fonder asses# Hoa to manors wish it;sexprese Orr grntifi—1 United States for the eattlemeut of Canadians( whocoutet;bero, exhibiti ey mantas, and take this their eargrafi f t Alabama claims, resulting iu the thea products, there, as they opportunity of oonRratnlating the treaty of \Vanhingtou in May, 1871. considered the time for awaking prep.Right Hon, Sir John A. 11Tao3anald Oue little epineode in the career of orations too short. upon the recent high dielinotion oon— Sir John Macdonald will o to elite (erred upon him by Her Majesty the that he was p7eaeased to no am .11 Tun Queen's Bench Divisiol,al Queen, alta hope that he will long Court gave judgment on Friday Morn.five to arjoy iiia honors and the oon ing in the couapiraoy case, on the f deace reposed in bun by the great motion by defendants to set aside the majority of the people of this ooun— (rowa prooeedinge as irregular, sad try.—Carried. to otn;tnence dr Kora. tithe Court The meeting closed with cheers for held --Chief Justice Wilson—tens the the Queen and Sir John led thele. Between 50 and 60 enrolled them: Crown prooeedinge were regular and selves as members. that the motion mast be d'tsmieted. The following gentlemen were ap— The argument upon the demurrer will probably take place 'thio week. AT the regaest of Sir John Macdon- ald the Montreal detnonelealioa in honor of the fortieth anniversary of measure of the wealth of stratagem, for which he gets credit alike from friend or foe, Before the .confeder- ation, when the Macdonald -Cartier" Government ecieted, the queatiou of removiug the seat of the Guvernreent from Ottawa, the plane obosen by the Queen for it, to another city in the Province was broached. Sir John! etrenuouely opposed the move, and as ssiel, NIT OU(* YEASTGEMS The best dr hop east to the world. Bread raised by this yeast is light. white and whole- some like our randmother's detielous bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED EY THE Price Baking Powder Co., inns of Dr. Price's Special farorin Extracts, chicane. 111. St. Louie. Mo. pointed as delegates to the demon— the large number of the members of POISON titration to be held in Toronto on the the Government were in favor of it NO the leaders of the opposition moved a IN THE PASTRY 17th and 1811t ins* : Dr. Bolling, T. B. Carling, J. Hawkabaw, Jas. Oke, Bobt. Sanders, G. Willis. Dr. Lutz, B. V. Elliot, L. hisentry into pubiio life bas been de Hardy, W. G. Biasett, R. Farmer andJoun White. stead. This arae tarried, and before . forted until January, when, at the the House assembled next day, Sir flame time, hie seventieth birthday 1 John conferred with hts colleagues on will be celebrated. As this date, Jan: Sir John A. sliaeDonald. the eitnation. Next day the Govern. want of confidence vote iu the Gov- ernment, which would no doubi have carried had not Sir John put a vote for an adjournment of the debate in - nary 11, falls on a snnday, the pub- " 'lit welcome will tales place on the 12th and the banquet tendered by the Jun: for Conservative club on the following day, January 18. The following brief biographical, men* resigned, and Hon. George sketch of the Canadian Premier will Brown was oalled upon to take the leadership of a new txovernmcnt. Ac be of interest at this time. corning to the constitution:*he Mem- Sir John Macdonald was born in bare of the new Government had to Glasgow,Scotland, of Scotch parents to the oountry for re•eleetion as Sts Tilley, in the course of a recent 1n the year 1$15, Five years later be cabinet ministers after the formation interview in Montreal, stated that ii with his parents Hugh and Helen of the new Government. The Gov - Macdonald, emigrated to Canada,and ernor-General refused to adjourn the House for ibis purpose, and while the new Government were preparing for re-election, Mr. MacDonald had one of his colleagues move a want of confidence in them, which was car- ried, and this administration, which was only brought into existence in the morning, fell in the evening of the same day. The Governor -Gen• eral then called upon Sir George E. Cartier to form a new government which he did, and which is kuown as the Cartier -Macdonald Government. Sir John received the honorary de- gree of D. C. L. from the Univer- slty of Oxford in 1865, and in 1867 was made a K. 0- B. In 1872 he was created a Knight of the Grand cross of the Royal Order of Isabella (of•Spain); and now in 1884• he .has been treated G. C. B. was probable that the question of gov- settled in Kingston, which was then ernment life insurance would come up the most important sown in Upper in parliament next session. The Canada (now Ontario), near the hist working bf the government savings tont fort of DeCouroelles and Coun- Frontonao, and next to that of Que. banks system has. proved so advan— tageons by providing small investors 1 bet the strongest fortress in Amerioa. with a moans of depositing their env— The family, after living there for four ings at a low rate of interest oombin— years, moved to the Bay of Qutnto, ed with absolute security, that it is leaving John Alexander, then in his not surprising that -the similar scheme 10th year, at echcol in Kingston. The of providing life insurances on govern: t city offered many inducements then ment security should be favorably re— in the way of excellent aohoole and garded. churches, besides social advantages not existing iu other parts of Canada. The lad was placed at the Royal Grammar School under the tuition of Dr. Wilson, a fellow of Oxford Uni- versity. Those who remember young Mac- donald in his school days describe him as having °'a very intelligent and pleasing face, strange, fussy -looking hair that curled in a dark mase." These characteristics he retains to the present day. After he had entered' his sixteenth year, his father took him away from aohool and articled him in the office of Mr. George Mao - Kenzie, of Kingston, where he applied himself diligently to the study of law for six years, during whish time his employer frequently referred to him as the most diligent student he had over seen. Before he was quite 21, he was ad- mitted to .the bar, and immediately evened an office at Kingston to orace tics his profession. Throughihis own natural ability and the influence of his friends he soon secured all the business he could give bis attention to. About this lime Von Shoultz, a Pole by birth, crossed ovey from Og- densburg a* the head of 500 men, THE Rev. W, F. Grafts, of New York, reports that he sent oiroulars to nearly two hundred persons who had travelled widely, asking where they had seen the best Sabbath observance, Scotland ranked second of countries, with Edinburgh as the representative ogre, but Mr. Crafts says that Edin- burgh cannot compare with Toronto, and that Toronto is,on the whole, the meet perfect specimen of a Sabbath: keeping niby that the world affords. A majority of the replies he received establishes the fact. This statement will apply equally to every town and village in the Provinoo. Tan editor of the Goderioh Signal apparently feels sore because he is not en the right side, and has act a chance to be appointed as a delegate to participate in the grand banquet. The inscriptions whibh ;he proposes for mottoes are evidence of his nerv- ousness. He thinks Sir John is a very bad man, yet in the face of all t he blank paint, MT. Gladstone, -the Reformers' groat exemplar in politic Barley. y It may be interesting to our read— ers to know how much barley ;,is :pro: duped in Canada, and how much of it is used in the manufacture of beer. The best authority on the subject, Mr. R. H. Lawder-in his "Review of. the Barley trade," gives us the following information .Last year's barley crop of the whole Dominion amounted to abput 14,000,0*10 bush— els. Of this 8,750,000 bushels were exported,3,150,000 used for feeding purposes,, &o., 1,009,000 bushels were kept for seed,- and only 1,100,000 bushels were used in ` Canada in the manufaotute of beer, From this it will be seen how little influence on the barley market the exportation of 1,100,000 additional bushels won 1 meetly those who had served Lyon- have, supposing the brewing filtered 8 IR AR= VSEL. Vanllla.Lemon, Orange, etc., favor Cakes. Creams,Puddings, dce..as delicately. and nat- urally as the fruit from which they are made. FOR STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. PREPARED 9Y THE Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, 111. St. Louis, MO. AIAEERS OF Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AND— Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Best Dry Hop Yeast. 7'0R 587.1= a3 -M" el-ROCERS. WE BAKE BUT ONE QUALITY. What is it the Ladies are talking about ? Why I those Matalasse Clonkiugs, Mantle Cloths, Ulsteriugt, Meltons, &c., at RANTON BROS, All say they are such nice goods, and so cheap, And then you ought to see their Black Fur Trimmings, Why we never saw anything like them. Bak Fur Trimmings from one inch to three-quarters of a foot wide, and all new in this sea son ---every yard of them. Be sure you see thein at STRAY.—Cave to the premises J of the anbscriber ,lot 16, eon: 11, T07921 - hip of Stephen, ou or about the last of Octo- ber, 1864, 5Lambs, The owner can have then. by provingproparty and paying expenses. THE EXETER Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and ELI1 TORT! RATON BROTII IRS CENTRAL DRUC STORE ALL 1K.INDS OF T U R NING Done to order. Iiememberithe place. 3:3Qer Al' Howard. STAT10N•ST. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Cc-- tral Drug Store Exeter C. LIUTZ Fonthill Nurseries. 325 ACRES. 325 ACRES. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION Salesmen Wanted. To begin work at once oh Fall Sales, Steady employment at fixed salaries to all who are twilling to work. MEN AND WOMEN can have pleasant WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good Agents are earning from $40 to, $1 per month and expenses., 1a"Tetmsando utfit free. Address STONE d' WELLINGTON,Toronto