HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-4, Page 3Petro lasa .� ,r;. ' ," , r"?
For years past it h .. t
ime boasting. but
of fact, V? es,
t!h,,�e� �1y;y��1���' 'wit
torose„ All this may be of no moment,.
Coit s.certainly praeticabie; and who
S it n tell when ouch a contineney may
tinted to a certainty?" At all
vents, it itas :been mentioned ''as A
en„ to be watched.
Why a Kerosene letup Berets.
Oro t , P Ps'1'q 11t ,
has neon 110
haltp�,' t,e �l'than
t�I otilphlned,
that 7 #v' ,r e tA,•r le t
l ps foul i 1 no rt xi
very Widely, there aro hilt two 'propel -
Hent localities on the $;tavern Conti,
neat. One of these is alt the frown-
dy, anti froth that well up through As -
sant; the Other on the western cm heof
the Caspian, aroltnd Baku. Both of
'these have been long knows, and the
iindiea,tions have been that their pro,
dnetlon alight he rendered very great;
but they remained R�owparatively unde-
veloped, the eastern region sending to
market only about 50,000 barrels au,
uua:lly, while Baku turned out 500,000.
A great and most remarkable change,.
however, hats telten place within the
last few months, and it is worth our
while to look at it and study as well as
we may briefly the probable and: possi-
ble results.
Baku 11a5 c the1
SIPCO e . close of .last sum-
mer suddenly sprung into ;t degree of
vitality and a me sere of prosperity
Mid itaport;tuoe of which Ito alio had
prcvieusly any reason to dream, and
All becalmit i eobterraucan wealth is
pouring forth its treasures in a most
unwonted fashion. We in this country.
have been farmiller with "spduting
wells" of petroleum, but there small ti
ping had novae been kaowa, Some
thin; over five months ago several
",oh strikes," rl S
dhs our people ieraat
them, bean to attract attention, and
new wells were bores! in uumbors, and
yielded astonishingly-. At length ono
of the augers entered a cavity which
was really worthy •of Ciil Creek in its
best estate. It was a. "spouter," sura
enough, and threw its o}ly jet high into
the Air with great violence. 1:111$ WAS
followed, by another and another; somo
throwing their torrent of itotroloutn to
the height of fifty feet or more, Of
coarse, this fierce outpouring: its in all
such eases, diminished within a few
days, as the extreme tension from be-
neath was relieved, blit the wells eon
tinned to yield at a raw Dery for tido
tiro region. region. Additional wells,''
bored in great numbers. tail the work
is still gout; on and increasing, and
the earl is not yet by any manner of
The natural results of this have fol-
lowed. Baku has ;sown like one of
he. t Chris, as well as boys, need to under-
st stand, about 'kerosene explosions,
fnterest1n,g 'tents.
Bneklert's Age Ite Salve,
The Best Salve in the wcrie,for Outs, Brnia,
es, Sores, -Meer*, s }t $arena*„ Fever .Soros,
Tetter, Chapped 1tande, 0iitfiblains,Clorns, and
nal seoe Bruptione; and positively Cures piles,
•or -iso Hey required. It is guaranteed to give
lDtr 00 eatisfaetion or tnuey xo
Prieds5 Ceuls per boa;. For sale by all drug
t fists.
Ths constant feeling of being "'played out"'
y fatal aeoident$ happen find used ups Can readily be removed by us
lehted, Most persons happen
Z"JaTa11) LIGIiT U C=,
pose 3 the keros at ,itself ultitt ex- inlaid Lightning is the only cure for Tootlr-
ploaes, :10, ;that if tbey,atre vet % care- ache, Headache, Earache and Neuraligie, It
fu.1 t4+ g d' the oil from being uronci to u.,t take a .day or hour to cure' it but in
flght'thee4 VIA 4)0 no loss then a mluttto all pain is gone. ` Thous -
hat is trot so,. Ata ands.hieddt tested its merits within the last
left abosilt half jar ot Year, Maid Lightning is also a positive curb
not is, for k•
to flour oil. into at atop fug J er's Ssdnaperilia,
by thefire or
Can or rs, • 11 p
kerosene 1 the 011 will d
„ova .:orate," a little. anWilt #arm bgr. price
minaand.- iII in e •n !
g tit a he upper part al` Stoma:
the can a very explosive gas„ Xou n
not see this gas any mora than ban
see air, But if ,itis disturb/01u *Ivan
out, and a blaze reaches 1. there,Nyli:l
be a terrible explosion, although the
blaza.did not touch the oil. , There are 44
atrsni. The worst possible cases'
permnnently'cured` in one week,
ente, at J. W. Brownieg`a Barg
00 ifeWalyd,
y thio above reward for auy
Dyspepsia, Sick head,
ripation or Costiveness
Fest'u Vegetable Liver
dig tedeue are stricklycompl ed
several:other -1lquads• natal 11t, houses
and work -shops which. will Rrodaseo .a
xploalve. vapor in this wry, Benzine
}s one, burning lima is another, and.
napthe, alcohol, ether and .ohlorofaru
nay do the sams'tbiu,g
lu a New i'grlt shop' lately there was
a eau of benzins or gasoline on the
floor, A boy xtf Teepee-oid lighted
cipai'et.te aid tlitew•the burning lnattch
on t1ie fear ralaia to the can, He did
not dream the was any danger, bee
opuas the liqulti;tvas locked up in the
can: $uat alms wets a great explosion,
antl'Iat1"gns Ysr'y badly hurt, This
mato "tory mysterious, The probe
,bility is thatthe, can had beenstandfng
there ft good while, and a good daal of
vapor had formed, some of which had.
leaked Out around the stopper, and
was hanging is a sort of invisablo cloud
over and Around the can, Ana this
olqud, ',rhos the match struck It, oz,
Suppe** t4 1r1 tries: to 1111 a kerosene
lamp ichors at first extinguishing the
lalasta� - Of course the latftp is nearly
empty err she *maid not caro to fill it.
This empty Hca is fulled with a cloud
of explosive wttpor arising from the oil
in tho lttQasp, ; When she ,pushes the
nozzle' Q tlttt ofln into Lite letup at the
top, Aq,d be s to pour, the oil, run,
sting ink 51* Imp,' fills ,the empty
spaces**ltd pp hOS the cloudof explos,
ive vapor; rte vapor fed obliged to
pour over ,liik edges of this lamp into
the rodtjpt .. , Of c.pu is it strikes
g wick vrhileh the girl
by the side. The blaze
our own Oil Region towns, nod being a ainstl tsllt
unlike our own localities, situated d1 l$ hal
ia.itle. Play are sly Vegetable, and never
fai],,togivn satisf oaro. Sugar coated. Large
hese eentaini '
ng Pills 25
For sale
by all Druggists, evare of eounterfeits and
imitationse, Thebtataiuue tthaunfaetureel only
by dOfitf Q. W:1i CO,. "The fill malt- i
alre," 81 et 83 Zi t trs>
Pro trial paeksigedient by' Han t ; Toronto,
receipt of n threw cent stamp,
Are yon troubled with Salt Blown. Rough
wads, or Old Serie of auy lc}nd tent cannot
be healed 2[ veal Vermeil it be of years (tau
ding 11Ie(lregor & la arko's Carbolic Cerate Nifl
cure it, Beyotad the shadow of a doubt it is
tate best healing c ponrtd ever known, Bolis,
Feeteriugs, .Frotlt itaa, Tulle or nay Kin
Trouble, ere etirtel by it, Sold At 25
cents by 3. W, Browning, Dragglet,
Tate votrAie, Bate Co,, Itl;arsilail, 3tialr„>eil'
send Daa,I)YE'aflreeenereo lnEcTno-Pat,Tatc.
BEnrs 4tai3 k t;.gCznso Aertuoicaea en trieteer
lorry drys teepic» (yoann or olx) who ars af-
flicted with psreeale debility, lost vitality
olid, kindred troubles, guaranteeing j23 c�D”
apedy''.pnd' C(taliipte restoration of health and
m*1117 tiger, 'Iteldreea eta above, N.
risk fault urr,.se thirty days' trialisalloeve>:1
aaisisseTll,4 isoes7rtox,--Wiry do so many
people wet 4ee • . tea us.seeiu to prefer to suf
Ra7ab1e by'
andgeetlon, eau -
.lose of anpatite, eamiuR
-"' asdiu, w a i for 75 �eute,
ilola's Vitalizer,gurlruute
d by J. «. ]lroknins,
tatter now, John
nema)ga and tooth,
Hoar killaixme,
fee,•Wha doet't Ton go to 3, . iii+. Bio er
ing'as I7 ug Stara And gat a bottle el slit
. '
-'Y .F L=� .13.LE - O E. V .R E 14.4
The Great French Lotion for Be
the Face,
It oonceaDs abeevidence of sae. Hoe alpli•
cation x111 feake Oa most stubbornly red,au,i
rough bands beautiful) soft and white. Ito.
iuember'ihat" 4IAX tit%7r is not +s ptllnt cx
powder that file up toopores of the skins, and
that is injurious to the ski» but a Herr ,arid
great discovoty, a voget i.41e liquid, that causes
the cheek to glow with health, the neck, arras
and frauds to rival the I,ity in whiteness. I,r-
uoseibie to detect in the beauty itcontora any
artificial' character, It cures Greasy Slain,
Freckles, Wrinkled, Pimples. Blick Resits,
nh,aoPpTCrow'si, norm, Blotches, Grabs, urdaS� rCho
ped Lips, Paber's Itch, Tetter, de.. It frees
tlie pores, oil glands, and tubes:row the iniur•-
ioas effects of powders and cosmetic washes.
It all sxaGtneasthe skin,, and will aro it
soft, smooth and white; imparting i delicioma
softness; producing a perfectly healtbtr, natur-
al,aud Youthful appearance. The best Vice
lotion that the world ever e+roduced. iia wilt
send " A r.ABPE BOT'VLE "tom any iaodresa en re-
ceipt off rico, I. Whenorclerin$'mention ilii
„Address all letters to the
?r ' oung•stra, t, "i oaoi
d Reception Room for Lail.
ter and be
etipation, ai
up of the fo
we gilt:all
ed t- °art tb
coaly on a great inland. Sea, tt tne>"tlan- of the . tiro invIsltlfa oIoud of 'Ltglitraing. yott know It ewe* ail such
tile navy lms begun even ,within 'hie.things Dad Teetidaaba, i'fenralgia, Ileadaelia,
vi►ppr fl " rilzd Otero is tut explosion
brief Span() to grow into existence, It Which i incl oil and soattors it: Luusitw�¢, t 'cite, SoreThront, eta. it spikes
is not to be supposed than Mon, its itx, 1net+tnf;'re)i
over htx,tfl+utltct and over the furniture >Idetr as
tuto as ahoy( rutin; the stat f ttssttttx of xltd "Tltl:< is the icor 1 hl h lr adlatlte and children a t r
thing ratty pe�t'dvhen a ill. ours
ernment is talo ac lye alt n girl p
le metteuree' le Make' the,most of the,ove,Hao or disti4acix, wltmia resnit from fk;
vapor tthsiroda::ti (laud at casco ee 1S' IIUf1j�i31iE:?l.>.'atG>' El);
ttdtY AtaaEoof thlelgs 2dirimts "iii trans- vapor la S u ger pare of, 4*. oxn, ar
porttttiou xas,prd>vtciee<l i' ytoclfftty ti}tlsha►eriat at enough to va (giro thole
Flire abhttruetedbyp a3, ,
Pat of .Xrt f::►sp1an =tn ; offs.; ailinents, i f h 1 A pot writek them colleting.
a """•r• Aydi soretteRe,dtan .bp anted b}r
al 13adsten, too reliable throat
nation fail to see this immense attires � U ,y n w c , tire rcu
la kerolyeame lama bursts, This same' Ind ` eoa41.,,, uses than
with buy otic.
to which. this map lead,' and th(r Gov- th• ailment". 1:41.,,,Henry 73axtor'R lit'an,lrakc;l3it
� t d O ergot- the oil over too fire in,. the ra tarswill cap) oastirenalls acrd itrey(ut tlta
1 notably the Krolgi; 'A pito'lino is al, msm aolstt itis utlt the itfalls.
across to the Black Sea, v. stretch of a a oil will not pecteot „you.Taking,a
arbour five hurLdred t'rtiles. On(o ttterai, There iia 9xfd�ty exec t jlt rho r
If the
b I eeldr
o11i ;the e
°bud lung h
pros& qt
ready planned to rim t c petroleum intisib' v' +lir tvltia)1 explodes
` of course it has nooess to all of eastern ,. , p ;�
Nevalv�tou et at lighted firm or
Europe and in fnot to tho markets of into alighted In.ep.11Chrftfian Union.
the worii3.
he C avo}'nment officers are pr
aurin tktest industriously and up Iii`
ly their efforts to mak( the burning of
crude petroleum a practical matter for
r *•.- » F, 40m
A GM 431.4 1)XSt,
lkfr, Whn. k hon r'a =f.klet
wit el,adai ii i ty! stiff o
the genoretion of steam. They hate or ttrerttp••' #f send tb
accanlplt`shedtnuch, and they will very *evenly tla , ¢+efte'S n
possibly work mit the 'problem. rerneditt4•«rr'ttt
.&l.lthls Is not•of sa' uuch consequence Dr. Marg a:gets=
from what has already been done, as grstifyine';retruittl.
from the probable future to which it :her verym,lttb,iin
looks, No one eats say- that there is golntely acr ;
atiyreason, from the nature of the for- 'good health for •
nation geologically, why the eatiritry- Z C . Lrit `e
about Baku should not pour . ant:,. fully a
as great floods of oil as our' own re- , -
glens of .northwestern Pennsylvania I
and its surroundings; why it should not
add a cipher to Its previous 500.Q40
barrels and double or treble it. 1f so,
American petroleum will no longer
have the tree swing it has hitherto en
hbT B,A.BOUBT$11,
rbeemstieti mu feel' the ailr4
17e143$0C IA .hits aoltrait igtnts,,
w Pitcure* rilealrogtsm,aaha11t
Senna natuocl ytflttt Oates;
Y. vrbile up
at Bra:4001A do WaadEopo-
",says: �}idyr darer t i li5gera crushed eerercly,:
tii°a f+t It 1 Lpp TO •YIELD.
'ring pm. Qba a dlobase#,ilu>�at f
nand t iLny erupt >! old sorest sire curedtorboy!' , Burdotba.blood,ck
nrgedtetry* mood
rth Hyatt eeeretiubion unify tied, rc latspll'ihe
Qrst a. , •
has $h :; 1a'$1aCIitT OCT. . :.
had each The arthro ,faf indiums of, Burdock 3310o4 Bit`
sial bottle;, r is ors neon the 1)0104' the Ii r
Virgas sitlt he kidu , e3skin, and the ob1 ; reutuv
inat of titto a nd,lrapat'ti'g'beaith and vig-
the *intent
Arra L1
But in relation to this one very im-
portant element must not be overlook-
ed. Russian petroleum is a very dif-
ferent article from the American.
They bout certainly belong to the same ,
series of hydrocarbons,.'yielding the.
same class of products by fractional
distillation; but. they ,yield them in;
very different proportions. The value;
of our Polrnsylvania: petroleum is•
+air' izi~lse.
With ttte"ni6F vbtiiuie, beginning in Decem-
ber, }f7 re ? &GAZrxrs will conclude its
thirty` tar ' The oldest periodical of its
type,. iE, ' , o in• each new volu-n a a new
magazit"iain Annply because it presenth fresh
subjects mnctiipw uictures, but also, and chiefly
betenseit steadily.a+dvynoes in"the`.methcci it-
self of magazinemaliiur. In 0 word, the AIME.'
Aging beco)taes :arot'e and. more, tho faithful
mirror Di ouroehtllfe.aitd,movoment, Loadtag
tta4tririal•.m3boattraotideprogramnre for 188;
aro: ne'ariserial novalaby-aaxsrnivcE P NXEroiE
Woil>isott!-a d,'WaI?.,Uowurrs',a nen- move 1
entitled.Pa the.Re + a ,
traced Pe,pore by i� .17 ,Mr ams, n. SwAt x 'Orr,
smmon,of Ringaton,is lying at.
►tis, . x
Bole ,.,Wni, Mout, df Wiarton, was cni°ed',,of
eeroltr1oittt a ess,that seventeen d`octor/I could'
riot pure, dock Blood Bitters, was : the
onlyy sews remedy. It cures all iWpurities
of ti a aayra to - ,.
- knot, .,d7f tho Townshfr of Baldly, Ot--
tawa Co., wail ifted by a failing tree,idin Tues -
If joti setfi%r:.rom ,headache, dizziness, back
soba, lillioui ens or. humors of the blood, try
Eutclbclt: �d,titters. It is :a guaranteed
cute for ,iall'i5'regularitias of blood; liver -and,
,id cs: • ,. , ,, ,
r.=I1 Bixby; of Ettpliemia, killed a coon
TT Bios
andsteel strip feoua
t sit$� Ups
They hitiikitld .
Compiaints inside
Purify the$lea,l> oer7rieet,011JMsorderrt 44 the $T43.
stomAon, .Lii�iNE/§. A
talotra fffa l t Debilitleted Cooithiltioula, *44 are 1nveltitible to aril
A Batualles of all ages. ' .For childxt and the aged they are labels*
i i.
3s an ififelGbio releedy for, Baa Lege, Dep Brants. Ma wounds, Bores teed'i3ieera,
famous for Clout and Rheumatism,
kale Iete Stttlsi1s Or TIux "CHEST 1r *AO 103 mi ll$...
11'gt'" Sero hroalts. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds;, Wearier Steal:Bogs, en d *II skin.
it has t o rival ; auditor contrected sad etiftjoints ataatelike a charm,
The. P,ille,and Ointmentaresoidet Ultras Eatabiishnteat,
78, NBN oxvoltD.STiiEET„lata (53#, f3XIfQ13b•s`+'g7h; `,Tj, z0103011
also by nearly every respectable Vendor`tlf Medicine, in Boxes and Pots,at is, lad., 2s. 9d.,
4s. 6d., 1is. -22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the
is f: ;3, size ; to 4s. 6d, size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
338 size fifty-two tinges the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots,
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hart in any language
t Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
read(: enl snood from' this filet' that so;d glove„ doscitptilexltus
lite o ttl[isuportxoa 01 kerosene .can be > °'Pe 'Peke', ABn x, ,t: c>rBs,a r such others;
obtalucd from it. the kerosene being. aaiats'strt;Z's a:2lfu gtQopstd (]pdi3Oe Ar i,Sluat»cO, Po
a did 1iy Ka}zla� tlntiolit4ur 1ta�eC,s on Ar t,Stfeuco,
that part 'of the prp it -Le f of distillation etc , , L t `ie
' It
which comes from the retort after the
4r"nviti); hasreached 65 degrees B., and ""
tram that until about 88 degrees; and I ' "
RM'ifiesu le very pear double, and 1
sometimes Telly So; hat -which can be :
obtained from Baht, petroleum. I:Tere
Rat u1'i':l`IE3
erro,li&yar;t'"gr.t.tt ii{ } tat e,.anditmuss 4
city ys iel5ia1t1; ttnfd inasniuele as such 13A31•Wa0'3 LI .., .
li great. amount- ofpetroleum is de -
)1' . PBRIUBIOAI,S ':.
Petr Ferri.'
lnnadedsolely for the purposes of illu-
ataitatioto.ahiS point is of prime import-
ance. , b is worth 'mentioning here,
°' Mixt rye have le striking dis5inriltrity i
H- hi n's -fi tzen
ae.It4R'3YOUNG I'E0POD oi}
HAit't Ij'S 2iZANIiinc SUAVE. LIBRA.
One Tear ((50 Numbers)..',. .. 10 0
oitrpetv,1,mrato, that of Carlltorpfa di.t ' oasts, ore to 11 b • th
ge a suuseri ors to e ,
-lferin�a' I:Viro "Its ' raportloltS ,tE0tes or Canada.
Pennsylvania .oi1., than' does that sof
'kin() feature mtiiie is w01'tit ilAing, .
}uv till 11 ll frcle,nt,liltslt.is
tXl'eepatt tvhioli t1 s; ou1;u„'l rst at } tku
may possibly Iiaite'•0n the political his -
toil of -gun p 'Thepn lisp' papers
',ere aa`leat'd; inc�iCtn" `irrn, That
oroltdof •oil vessels on /the Caspian
' ottlld very easily and wltliout warning
,itr5,nspor:t Ritssiati faire s" to the south-
east waters of the Cji§pian, their pro-
- "tdei b1'd the frontier of ,Afghanis-
tan need not 'be ' known, and they
might be wishine a few days march of
Heratbefore a suspicion` of danger
ilhe volumes of the MAGAZINra begin With the
Numbers for June and December of each yoai•,
When uo time is specified, it will bo understood
that the subscriber wishes to begin with the
current Number.
The last eleven Semi-annual Volumes of
HAr.enB's MAGAzixr,in neat cloth biudiug,will
be sent by mail, postpaid, on recipt oL $8.G0
par volume.' cloth Cases. far binding,'. 50 cants
each -by mail »ost»aicl,
index to HA»-, IVs i1AGAZIin), Alphabetical,
Analytical, and Classified, for Volume s1 to 60
inclusive, from Juue,1850,to uuo,188o, (loyal.,
8vo Cloth, 41.00.
Remittances should be macre by Poet Q3lse o
Monoy Order dr Drat t, to avoid chance of loss.
Rowspapers are not to copy this advertise-
ment without the express order of'ii,Anaitn &
Address--HAl;PBB & BROTHERS, Now York:
ow,,; day,s . �ine: e, 'f trhieh :weighed forty one
talidt${ , • ,
w,ofte t0o'ive hair "or' 'the sudden fatal
f, xotl b ,a Casa of croup, when a young
le i„ gittrb t'e baen•saved ,by the.prompt use
of - . dr etOhoft'v I. etetii1 1 Bq wise, in time
aa'lak�,d 1100 tt pottle:-of it on hand, rekt1y for in-
etdnt ue
Coilowalt"S4 pits`t Bilious complaints and
irioggiaritie§ (Ethril stela, produced by re-
" tuuea eyof vitiatedtiTe;,oatr-always be cor-
e r ,y a few doses of tiiAse-inestimahle Pills
whin ” a, everywhere athnirecd for their rare
combidian of mildness and power ; fp r
tbough4ljey conquer ; fox through they con-,
quer with base and rapidity the most obstinate
disease; ti*triever weaken the stomach or ne-
cessitate land iutet caption of ordinary duties or
amusement. On the contrary, they increase.
they appetite, strengthen the organs of diger
tion, give increased energy and life to all the •
dbitnat fanetione, and fit both 1lauri, and brain
for fresh eiertious. The sickand enfeebled
may by a single trial speedily discover what -a
happy revolution these Pills have the power 'A
to affect In the Inman system,
—Fanny E11sei�, the actress, is dead.
�- �.,arta�yemnac�n.-§niau.nm
net ma -ker.
•! "'y� •-•�•� ^per �