HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1884-12-4, Page 1"HEW TO TUE. LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY, MAY."
Vol. XII., Tta:l'
JUlit'N llvaultTX .t RON
Publishers and /Proprietors.
Just Received--'
New Raisins, New Currants, New Figs, New Dates, New
Prunes, Fresh Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Siseee8
Herrings, Yarruoth Bloaters, Fresh Haddies,
Ovaters by qt., can or dish, a good stoohlof 'Xebec-
Das, and rifles ;cheap
At G. A. E Y TDM.A,N'S.
;close iuSstawell'siltook, Exeter.
ed to Post=
(tglce 131001r.
Teeth ex-
out pals..
the Conntyotguron. office, apposite to
Era •Ortrlinn'i itore.nieter
• P. E. Graduate VictoriatiniTeraiti'• oAlc
andr+s*Monett. Don;Inion1,aboratotv.Exeter.
trio amino A$soLuTE DIVORCEE FOR
pe;soue residing throughout the
United States and Canada for desertion, non-
support intemperance,erualty,incompatibinty,
ere. Advice free, State yourcase and address
ArroRN]i•:Y WAlip, Wotld Rending, 1947
8eoadway, New ',cork.
Now & Superior gaBada Maps 1 Charts
AS payin?as any agency in the world. For
full pi rtioularo, tree, address. H. Q. TUNIS0N
Asap Publisher O85 Richmdnd•at..I,ondon, Ont.
or Sale.
Mr. Rusty, a Canadian, employed.
at the Green Oak, (Vieth.) fruit eve.
porattng works, felt dead of heart li-
tmus the other day. Hie home was
near Windsor,
Berson F. Atkins, the Toronto
rtrtl>,t, who slew Car Conductor Rack-
et* for familiarity with his wife, iv
dymg iu Clereleud,Ohio. The wife
returned to EuglnuQ ii -short time ago,
where she has resumed her profeseiou-
el duties as an art►et's model.
ars prospects of a water fa-
i7t1Ae in some part* of Emelt oouoty.
In the townslh►els bordering ou Lea,
St, Clair welts' slave, been drying up for more than a pear. Among the = small children were sleeping. She
for tieverat weeks, and farmer* are papers was s letter paying the Re• found /hat three rats lied snacked the
obliged to draw water from the lake, children whiles they were :asleep. The
rata stood Their ground when the
mother C45 to their rescue, followed
by the fnaller,who killed 1.0 of them.
The ohjldren were both Uitton ou the
kende and in tube too, The uthabit-
snts of the ueigliborhood sre so much
alarmed by the bold and destructive
iooursione of tpeee rata that they in-
tend to hold meetiu,gs to devise some
means to rid the Oommnnite of them.
A well flutohedandconvenient Dwelling Rouse
and loot onl3nron Street, East of Alain attest
1:•orparticularaapply to
Arlt. it V F.LLI:IZ',
Solicitor ;fie.
te^��Ii J. A. ROLLIN°S, M C.
J / O. Mare, stain Sal .xeter.Out. Residence
house recently occupied y P. cP1 tlllp ,RquT I
r1 LUTZ, M. D.,
N.A • tit/treat his residence Exeter.
Ve:nSITY TrtnItyColleg Member College 1
ouveieiana 4 I gtrrtiaont Ou:.,ritice'Hirkton
and was boarding with the Ciller wo, dations of bteildings, and have daetroy-
man, togetber,with Oslvin Redmond. ed ,many cisterna and rained milk-
ilk-Saysa allot Ueda:toad and Dolls Out- houses. Many farmers; have had to
ler dead. He *leo tried to kill break abandon their cellars, Granted*.
Blue, who wan In the house, but the barca ewsrne withthem day and night.
latter ettoaped, and informed the Aar- Fitrmere say that damage to the
i1I. Hayne was captured, and will amount of thousaade of dollars have
probably be hanged. He says he in- bean done by the pests this sewn.
tended to kill Blue'beeauee of hie in A farmer`s boy eutered a corn. -crib,
tptaoy with bins. Hayne, via he kis. iu which he had (iaoevered a number
led the othere becau.e they had bar- of the rats and attaoka4 them. They
bored her when she left. turned npoa him and fought him so
Dr. F. D%Castro, a resident of fiercely that he was compelled to re.
Newark, N. J., suioidedon Sunday
afternoon by eltooting bim:eelf in the
heal. He left letters showing that
he had been oeuternapletine the deed
treat ,cfter, being badly bitten about
the legs dad bsocla, A fortnee'n wife
was arraksued ant night by aerosol!
issuing front a roam where two of her
publican Ship vim pipit down, and
lie was going with it. Se left a will,
giving his body to any! medical col
lege that would pend his skeleton to a
in Isolate casae .gulag tett or twelve
01d people say we are going to have
a mild winter, The sfigu on which museum with the skull labelled,
they predict Muttjc tie hot that there “This iso the skeleton of Dr. F. Do-
wers uo eud of raspberry plants iu Castro, the great traveller and lin.
bltieeom We fail, as well as quite a gllist, who diad as s martyr to those
number of second growth atrtstybar• be loved."
nee. They say whou tike is the odtae,
oa need have no fear of a severe
ldamael D.tuneliy, whilst driving Private advieee,to Vanity Fair from
over a floating bridge about a wale ofploiais is Indio etatb that there is a
from Allirton, Weidrowned, ttgether
rorelgn Briefs.
lARM FOR SALE.—The under- with a tenm of bargee. He left there
teepee errors ler *Ale hit forxn,eauaicting
of one hundred
mete, acing tot A, con. a. Turin- about 5 0 Oitiok uta the eveuiug of the
ship of l'gboruo, Tho faros is till clooa.red and 24th alt., anti ou not returning home
a Doti a tv to of taltivatiou and v:el un !cr-
fra:no Li+rn. lug stable stud dwellinghouse and wjthout; avail until the •following stirring them up to atl'rife and proper-
never ftin t e wellq t w#t•r, tp scree of fall
eovut eat . in high command hays goat to Fain•
A deputation from the Ontatto land urgent detpands for authority to
puachets' Aeacci»tion Waited upon the form camve of refall° for women and.
Weimer of Eduoatiou and naked him children in order to be ready in ease
to ativeuce the Teacltera' corti6orttee dr mutiny. The government ham beau
from gentle to grade a000rdiug to warned that it is ou the eve of a great
protea buns success rt'he 1►liutetor trial..
nits be a move in the right direettee awaneeu, Norwegian sailors, who
dangerous condition of aflaire an that
country. The feelings of the natives
were never so excited ageinet Eng.
land as at preheat time, and foreign
drat ed Tbere areou the j•rt•ntises •. good search wall made ler his body, buttemjaearr;es are at work among them
alargebaarinl{orchanl td gt.tf'ed fruit, alae
chtrnea ,Vargo peers,and grape al►o three Wetlueadey teeming when It was ru nig Iberia to make au outbreak. cera
wheat in theground. aul;t acre.t fall plow-
mg done. haitifarm is bityruted4 miles from
Exeter and two from Contralti. Thera iii
schoolhouse on adjoining farm, ants& Metlto-
disto) nch. Thu; o,eofthe beat Isms in
the township alyd will 1.e gcl•r ebony. One -
purchase moneyy down 1 oa stic° may re.
main on mortgage r•i. reasonable length of
Muir For further particulars, altply to Soi:n
Dempsey an the promises or Lv �otter to
ter p. n., °r t{t Saunas Oke, attetiotreor, Motor ° Pilot Alar2hal Bertrand and Alfred
I:WantTANI:N ITICES. Vatter:to, Nov.12. lest. ptornieetl to eoutaider`the platter. It
should 110 ascitic to decide in favor of were lost last Monday from tete pilot
LlTENItY LILItER, Liceused Aue- boat nurse', were picked up eighty -
the deputation.
Gamer ii• esGu SUCteda?mO eNstirates five miles eouthwert ofelt° fight ship
Townships. 8atesouutluctctIatmode�terraeaq. Tue atotrpler PA.uifio, of the Grant
Qltiee--AtPost•otllce„Crediton. tent.:, The under/aimedwi.sh to announce to the iriuttl:esru Trauait Company's line,
inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity that they which arrived al Owen Sound a few
bavo opened out A days ago, from the Sault and loons day. The -other sailor died op Tins-
, eutvivors saved
tate forth* Raton tt Erie Loan ' Savings
t • A S.roiety. Low rates of Interpol. Apply to John
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
AA •borneand lIibltort SlutualE,rcbnsurancc
Company, Residence -Farquhar. Orders by
matlpromptly attended to.
tr in tlto Court of Common Pleas-Ucods,
Wills, Morttages,Lcases,and all forma of agree-
ments drawn and executed according to law.
OFFICE-Inthe Centennial/fetal filock,Iten-
by the schooner Emma 1?. Angell and
brougt to Delaware Breakwater Fri
1\�ONL+'Y 'L'U LOAN A'1' On! AND 7
1V per Haut, tocor,'ing to terms, Private
Funds. Apply to
Ootober15,'80 Solicitor, Exeter
wereemGnoVSEandno FRAaud
situated on the Thames Boad.21 miles east of
Exeter. Ooodlargeframe stable and driving
shod; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re.
tiredfarmer. Will bo sold cheap for cash. Ap
ply to THOMAS ALLIN, E.ceterl' O iv 10-tf
• intho Court .I Common Pledll-Deeds,
Wills,itfortgagos. Loasnt ,and all forms of apse
menta drawn and executedacnor1ing to law.
hfortEx TO LOAN 02: next;. tt,9$ATH. Parties wlsh-
ing to borrow money on account of recent pur-
chases of land,or to pay off existing mortgagss
willtindagroat saving Dy giving no a call, Can
lend money'rt6 and 64 per cent. according to
terms. N.J.OLARl3.
Butcher Shop !
in the building formerly occupied by romp's
Tobacco Store, where all kinds of 1 resp Meat
can be had.
You will do well to call, as all meat sold by
them is Emit and, Tender.
J. Doupe &Co
--)OF(— —
K 1 R K �” 0 all of whom are yet small, and who , northern provinces had tlaued a ae•
will badly mise the ehra of their de
patted Mother." 1 gree ordering the expulai In of mission•
thotities at Pekin, the decree was re -
vented and the missionaries take ll nu-
.ekt Nienue, Moe a attest enoounier der the protcctiou of the Chiaeao
porta, resorts tho titeaw barge T0- dap nigh', and
ouutsell run ashore at at, Michael's their lives by eating portions of hie
Bay; all hands safe. The reeumeeh body. The men were nearly frozen.
had discharged her cargo at Ariotiael's It le reported that a bark passed the
Bay and was on her way out when
the Accident occurred. She is scut-
Hamilton Tunes : “The friends themThCatholic mission at Hong Kong
of Mr. Alex. Tborbon, t'.f ,,ta I'i.d.ea
editoral staff, will extents hint their has advices that the 'vioeroy of Can -
sincerest sympathy in the affliction
which has overtaken him in the
death of his wife. :Mrs. T'homgon.
wtts,t'ne of the met faithful and de-
voted of wives and the kindest cf
mothers. She leaves' five children,
lost men on Tuesday moruing, and
notwithetandiug their 'tailings and de.
monstrations paid no attention to
tou has oloaed all chapels there, and
razed the entire Catholic settlement.
A missionary who arrived at Canton
from ithe interior, :states that the
Chtistiana in the western provinces
are fugitives in the wilds of Tonquln.
Ho says the Chinese authorities in the
Fearieti Mortality.
BARROUR vu.LE, I'`y,, Dec.1.--It is
estimated that from 800 to 1,000 per-
sons have died from ttie niysterioa3das-
eaee which has been raging in the
eastern part:of Eentuoky ,cud the
south.Western part of \Ttrgioia. Itis
thought that the rainfalls slut meek
were not heavy euoagh to purify the
streams. Many pitiable cases are re;
ported. In Parlan county seven pee:
pee were buried in one day last weak.
In the family of Judge Day, whose
brother wase the firms viotitn;of the epi;
demio, there were five deaths; his wife
and four little oats fell a prey to the
plague. At Garrison's .gap ;Ara.
Clark. and four children ied' Clark
is serving:a outline° at FrAttltfort gaol
for murder. 1n Wise county it is said
those burying the dead are two days
behind to their work, olid ceuuot
gather up and ooflia the victims as
fast a�' they fall. The people do not
appear to be ranch alarmed at the
progress of the disease.
Wesnt:wean, Dec. ;i.—Clara aBar:
ton, president of the American Ass:
°elation of the Tied Cross, reeieved a
letter to:day from Dr. Hubbell says
nothing definite is known as to Mlle
extent of the epidemic but it is quite
extensive and fatal. Twelve deaths
in a day it, oue neighborhood aro re:
ported, and the mortality is equally
serious in ;other sections. He says
the disease is due to poisonous water
of which he:proposes to make a chain:,
coat examination
° ser. arias. Upotl appeal to the higher au -
took Ince on Saturday evening be general tll<.
If •you\vaitiille bastvalu®for P Thos. Thomas Collins,Liberal-Censer•
tweeu 1st. WatkiuN, editor of the
r Weekly Herald, and John H. Diggs,BUTTER & EGGS editor of the Conrie'r, growing out of
a controversy through their papers.
DOT°- Watkins was shot and killed by Diggs,
who was arrestad.
0, 11uIANNINC's t I Doupe & Co's A. boiler in a saw -mill about seven
miles tro.n Elizabethtown, Ky:, ex -
Central Shaving Parlor 1
KIRKTON. c p'oded on Saturday, tearing the build -
For Olean and easy shaving, fashionable hair ing to pieces, and killing John 111.or-
utting &c.
1 for t dom.
to Cent ,lH Cleariing
alld four othere whose names are not
•Neatdeo_• to CentralHote Sale
clean tows gnu, James 1iorgan, Rihard , Figg,
• known. Two others were seriously
injured, and it is .thought they will
I can lend any amount of Money on form se-
curity at 6, 6i sad 7 per cont. according to terns
Private Funds a spncialty. Charges moderate
II W HALL,Barrister,Exeter
havVb "remedy for the above disease; by its use
thousands oreaeea of the worst kind and of long standing
have been cdrelL Indeed (matrons 1s my faith In its efficacy,
that I will 'send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VAL.
VASLE•TREATISE on ,his disease, to any sufferer. etveRe-
preN irffIT. 0. nddrese. D& T. A. SLOCUM, ire' Pearl 81., lI.T.
To ADVERTISERS—Lowest Rates for ad-
vertising in 962 good n'iwepaners free ad -
reels QEO P BOWEI,T. s; CO, is Spruce -street,
N Yt
Established in 1863.
This corn/ aux has been over Eightteen years
5 BUecess£utaopegation iu Western Ontario,and
continues to insure againstloss ordamage by
Eire, Buildinge,Merchandise, Manufactotles;and
all other deseriptionii of insurable property. In-
tending insurers httvo the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
Duringthepast ten years this Company has
•^s ``td '"57096 Policiee.covei lilt prdpel'ty' to the
chic t'ui-.$4O.872,088 and tfaiideln#10et+es alone
$909`, 52'00,•
,Assets, 5;176,100:00; consistingof Cash in
Bank, Government Deposit, an d the nnaeeessed
Premium Notes on hand and in fere° J,W,wari
nsar IX D. Presidot t. C . AI. TdTnoa,-Secretary'
„ S. HUGHES, !impactor. CHABLESt SNELI'.,
• gone for Exeter and vicinity,
13ack's 01d Stand.
(2 Doors north of.Post Office)
Butter and Eggs Wanted
In Exchange for Goods.
We have ink received a large consignment
of goods direct front \vholesule houses, which
we will soli at very close prices. Splendid
value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scar-
let, Canton and Homemade Flannels. A Wise
lot of table napkins and covers. Splendid
Wiiicey, Grey and White Cottd'n- very cheap
Also Tweeds and Ready-made Clouting. A.
lot of grocoriee to be Bold elxlap. •1,In Roots'
tk Shoes we have added some pewlines, and
are prepared to sell the ••beat+ -goods -rat close
Farm for Shale or Rent.
,Farm• of 190 acres,' ;i0 cleared. Bank i3nrn
ooeTainet Uroll8rd. ';Pri
60.. , G
640001 $1,OOQ.do n.^ :'tent, 1040.
Weather for December,.
December 2 to 4—Cloudy with snow -
Dec. 7;to 9—Stormy generally.
Deo. 12—Snow.
Dec. 16—A. downfall.
vativo member of the commons, Lon• 1 Den 18 and 19—Fine and mild.
don is dead. Uec. 21 and 22 --Very warm and,''
— `fair generally.
Terrorized by Sats. I Dec. 23 to 27—Stormy, with snow.
Deo. 29—Fine and mild.
A. number of years ago, a farmer Deo. 30—Colder, with snow.
living in Burlington township, receiv-
ed as a present from a friend in Eng The warmest day of the month will
be the 21st. There will be a snow -
land a pair of peenitar rats. They fall ou Christmas day. The early
were ascus oue•th'ird larger than the part of Christman week ;will lbe fine
common (House, and their fur was a and warm generally,and will end'
dark bine color, The farmer kept with heavy snowstorms. December
them in a large cage, where a large will be a stormy month generally'
litter of young were born. These
scattered over the premises, and in a A iratioessful tea meeting was held
at Ohiselburst a few evenings ago.
Notwithstanding unfavorable weather
and bad roads, the attendance was so •
large' that benches were required to
supplement the sitting accommodation•
of the church. After partakiug, in
the Grange room of the bountiful tea,
prepared by the ladies of the congre-
gation, all repaired to the church,.
and the chair being taken by the pas-
tor. Rev. R. Y. Tbomson, the more
intellectual part of the programme
commenced. Able and interesting
addresses were delivered by 'Revs.
ittessrs. T. G. Thomson, Brimfield ;
J. H. Dyke, Hene ail ; 0. Fletcher,
Thames road ; W. Torrence, Hen -
salt;;. and W Aladin, 'Eyster. The
spanking throughout was oharecter-
ized by thought and vigor, well
sprinkled with s gental`.hnrnor. The
Rodgerville olioir etipplied choice 'nu•.
sic. At the'elese of the proceedings
a beautiful targe storey cake was
presented to the minister's wife by
Mrs. Alexander. one of the ladies of
the congregation.
At Osceola, Polk ,Co„ a max named year not only the farmer's place, but
Smith, on Tnureday night, fatally the whole neighborhood was overran
shot his wife, and cvheu jailed cut his by rats. All attempts to exterminate
owu throat. erevious to the thoote them failed, until a pair of pet Nor-
iug the man had been pas under way rats belonging to another farmer
bonds to keep the peace at the 10- escaped with a targe family of young
stauoe of his wife,aud before that, had from their cage. These rats also in -
been charged with incest, his Baugh creased rapidly, and commenced at
coca a warfare against the. English
pests. In a ehort:,time the latter
were entirely exterminated. About a
year ago farmers in different parts of
ter being the yictlm. Of the latter
accusation, however, he was aegnit•
ted by expert evideuoe.
A posse 10 pursuit -of thieves who
robbed Shiffer'a ieweliery.stare " at the township noticed now and then
Bowmanville on. Friday night, sup• rate of enormous size, and of a breed
posed to be the Buzzard gang, came never before assn in the county, about
upon them at theedge of a swamp: on their premises. They were nearly as
Saturday afternoon, after a chase of
twenty miles. The thieves, four in large as muskrats, and of a bright
number—Abe Buzzard, .Joe Buzzard, gray dolor. They exhibited very little
and two others—were fired upon, and fear, and at times boldly disputed peg -
Joe Buzzard was out off from the rest session of barns and outbuildings with
surrounded and captured. The oth•' their owners. These rats ate now
ars concealed
themselves lathe swamp swanning the vloinity 'in .immense
and minted.numbers* and have.beeome a source
of much terror and .apprehension to
the inhabitants. They undermine
May 29th. fleeter search of alis wife, who had left hien, cellarfloors and walla, and the four
George Hay'ie,of Oraugcburg,S. C.,
'JOIN MATHESON went to the house of Della Culler in
Apply to