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The Exeter Times, 1884-11-27, Page 7
A 1;ocill reaps * ,, '489 7;021 ilfise> UAtigt for ,, ridge!"� says it gen thee to the . ady who has just rejected him. "On the contrary," ygp,Iles" "L have been married three times." "Then why not try again'" Divoiee l a es are so eaTensiveL'"• . 4lh i ft l ilc tuioiilt 'tlte eta w scorn a ri v to C Vol- Amateur Miners the len rp. u cork' is the I of- has the Z,T11t E1r i; t►1'�: western heart been. scorched. but the eastern ontrail has been • somewhat Singed. with the "yellow" fever. Cow- boys, who have spent their lives at bookkeeping, and road agents, who evoted themselves, to camel rstift t11e is have th of Said a ionary box madly Sunda o r 01) ln„ # ill revery eomatturi neat al$d prep�iR°" . - pick up atm- Sent eceii^en hits, b,r 0 a' l tonlen' "otherwise I s:soul Rli x here given it to you!" bores for g " the arduous function Oil 04' com- mittee tie I," repliedti customer, mittee secretsryships. Tried and ex. pperieaeed matters who for years have been diggin,g, .around in claims that paid from $6 to $10 per week, are crop- ping out and. talkie "leads" and "lev- els" with q zoat and f nish that stag er An astronomioa' l rc on: Mr. Frndhemme, on leaving a meti- nee performance, satin to to friend "It is curious that each time I di. the amateurs of 149. Brooklyn as rest my footsteps into one of those day caught the symptoms in a greater or representations I never see the star. less degree and the enloulft of bao-- W hat do yen suppose is the reason'P" yard pritetlee in Op*Ms ftftdl planners "My dearMonsienrl'rttdhoatriie, ,you tot?Rltlek'ti •appal a know that the stars only shine in the , For the information of those who night!" Dialogue between uncle and nephew; ."Wilt you lend me 10,40 trance" asks the youth. "No,replies the nuclei. of a buck pistol. No matter how much Since 1 am your only haar." bark it ruby off the system, the pistol "1 do not wish you to squander your must be there. or the dirt dont pail, A luheritauce in advance; I have too man without a pistol may dig ter touch interest for you." months without results, while the fel- "Givo me Your 0414tAlt then; it will low in the next hole, with the eight replace you very well iu lutcrestl"' pound weapon strapped over the bend At the Stock lsxcirauge; in his body will toss up gilt by the "My dear boy, the business world is buelte4 The outcrop has nothing to tliridt"4 into etre igen s, tees gatublerrf do with it and the existence of a vein anti tido spcaulator3.' ' right at the edge of the pit is utterly "I don't exactly ece the differ- unimportant, The. chap without a gun eII "" gols no meta. havairied practical mining theoretic- ally a little advlee or two may be in- teresting and instructive. To be a miner One must habituate the hip berms to the constant preaenee ee'A.bowie knife down the back of the "It's very* simple. The speculator ie neck is the second element in success - the one who gains. %hen a man loses tel minion. Thousands of wen have WOULD SAY TO those vrh intend purchasing to dr so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to soli againwest neootsarity have it profit. We olaim to givothe purchasers the benefit, which esunot fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our expenses aro less than those of alte menu feetuxerr.eoaaeeq. eitt we can eelicheaper. Emblems C•ei4S G :Tn.R*Yt rt,l'1C7 ) �I11'Xl kl;t�l'E• Ala uti.the.Sti12-e2: UTE WOULD V Call epecialetttentio to our 'undertaking aerial atent,whicb Is more com } letethanover,as we have .added severe 1 new designs 01 late The best cgalua caskets shrcu le,and ove1y uneral requisite at ti•e towestprice' Our new Hearse is pronoupaedby ! l` contpatent lunges. to ter seemed to tiara to the orevineev of all the Different Societies. IIIIIIRRtAUR AND Funerals furnished a.,. conducted at the very.loe'- est rates• lily:Stock of Undertaking goodsis large, complete end we assorted, and any person requiring anythlnr ra this nue will neclit to thefradvaatago to Rive me a call and est: mine Ire themselves. a 11. ,1j,.1 "Vr 1:L RABIEIET-MAR; I bay,. ;u;trena ved a arg,e stork Waiuutend Rosewood Caskets; also Coffins of every desirilt- tion. A. oouxplete stocit At Robes se,nd Trimmings away unbend. The latent styYe, of Chamber And Parlor Suits Allkinds of furniture at , the 1owestretes Tilt; BEST,' 1-1 LAIiSE IN q ft#E OU.NTY Remember the place—Really apposite Hemp's Tobacco Store, htain.etreet, Eseter. 0 J01111* SB.A.117P Exeter Poet Office Time Table.. SIAIGS •auto, ; awsas4 he is only :R gambler!" atterepta to get en without it, and •• ills a, a1 !Sul pin '. , Satlsfyyia� his creditors; they ,Wan o ,tenth,eastandtre:l,tnoludtngLvudoa,l3an.iiton, Toronto Montreal, 61 atilt-' G First bankrupt; Since I filed a state- won't rise an inch. A man mig t be obs,unitedstater,Englisliendforefgumails ... ...... ...... ... ... II.S0a.tn,'ar:o A. nu ilirkton,Woodbam,Win.Aoiseaand Elimvina ... im rely testify that quartz ,hent of my affairs I have bad no turned loose in a mint and starve to ;e! tel,, ea.ten4 west .,. ... peace." Second. bankrupt; It Is always so with creditors: the more you give them tho more they want." On the morning of the academie election a candidate for the vacant chair meets one of his friends. "My dear," says the friend, "allow mo to congratulate you; It appears that you have every chance of being elec- ted." lectted." "That le to say that I bad them a month ago, at the time I made my vis- its, But now it looks doubtful." "How so? lts impossible! You haven't published. anything since!" One of Rossini's mots; At the upora one evening there was sextette whore four of the singers modestly affected themselves before the two stars who wore then in. vogue. Tho two singers did not please the author of "William Tell." "Whose four who do not sing," he at last said, impatiently, "are probably the seconds. They really oughtto stop the duel!" In ono of the new girl's schools: The inspector arrives to make an ex- amination. samination. "I wish to have tbo best informed young lady to comm to the blackboard," he says, solemnly. No one moves. "Then," says he gracefully, "I should like the prettiest one to come." They all stand up! • This scone is laid in a provincial city. The body of a man found in the street is recognized as being that of Mr. Mueller, living in such a street, such a number. "Be very careful," says the lieuten- ant to one of his policemen. "and an- nounce the sad fact to Mrs. Muller very delicately." "Count on. me, lieutenant." The policeman starts off, arrives at the domicile of the deceased, reflects a moment, then smiles like a man who has found a solution to a problem, s•at► Matrimonial Peace of Mind. "Are you as happy now as you were before you were married?" asked Mrs. Yeast of young Mrs. Crhnsonbeak. "Yes, indeed," replied the lady: "and a great deal happier." "That's strange," suggested the phi- lanthropist's wife. "Not at all strange," came from the youug married woman. "You see, be- fore I was married I .used to spend half my time worrying about the dress I should wear when Daniel called." "But don't you try just as hard now to look well when your husband re- turns home at night?" interrupted Mrs. Yeast. "Well, you see," went on the bride of two summers, "I don't worry any about it now, as I have only one dress to my name —Yonkers Gazelle. Mixes Well With Sugar. death unless the knife was properly placed, with the bundle stieklug right up under the ear. Don't try to succeed without it. It may come a little awk• ward at first, but you can practice fall- ing down stairs with a stair rod under your vest until you get the suspension of the business. Thirdly, brethren. you want a red shirt. it costs $18 a dozen to get the white article washed in the mines, and the best paying claim in the district turns to pyrites before starch. The shirt must be red and button up the front. A man In the Black Hille Once created a prejudice against himself in a garment that fastened up behind, for his neighbors protested a want of stock in a shut front that wouldn't look a man in the face. The boots should come to the knee and offer a refuge for the legs of the trousers. This s the walking costume. For full dress when you turn out to troe a luau you just pull the trousers out and then you are complete. You never know when you will have to assume a look of stern de- termination and inflexible purpose. You may be called on to do a dull. tlnld act at any moment, and yon might practice on the servant girt. Hang her up in the yard two or three times a week until you get the grim purpose fixed in your mind and then shoot her Sunday mornings, so as to perfect yourself in the "cold drop" business. You might gobble her salary in order to get the clann jumping dodge down line, and then stab her every day or two to show her she has tackled the wrong bad man. You want u wide hat. Tho wider the better. The more Gainsborough you 0511 get the further it will carry you. But to wear it so the front won't get mixed up with your grub and prayers takes long and patient effort. The band around it should be full of pockets for cartridges and the top should have a hole in it to show what the revenue officers did when you were a moonshiner. When you have figured yourself out so you can walk in the boots, keep cool in the shirr, quit filling your back teeth with the hat, twist your head without berth end eaet.includin Goderleb, Wlnr hitio. liinoar4tue end all points nmrtb,, Strattotd.'Torento, Montresl,and Pastern Statee... ... ... .. ... ,,. lC.COaan 1111.2* a. m North .., ,, .,. *MI, , ,,. 'Site pais.!3.00 p, m May ,., ., ... "I hear that some confectioners are using tons of white earth in the man- ufacture of candles," said a New York drummer to. a.Milwaukee grocer. "Is that soft' said the light -weight champion of honesty. "I think it is an outrac,e on humanity that such base practices are allowed. They ought to be summarily stopped." "It is ritther roueh; I mast admit," remarked the traveling man, clutching his gripsack firmly •antl looking his customer square in the' eye; ""but then, you know,.tha, stuff can be bought cheap, and whenitis mixed with su- gar not even an expert can detect it." "Weil, if that's the'age," whispered the honest merchant as he glanced can- tiously around, "can't. you ship me a'. lot when you get homer"—Drake's Traveler's - Illagaz ne, , 550p. nr, a.,CO P. in. AIONRY ORDERS boned audpaid on and trona any Money Order Office in theDaiuiniuu of (le nada,Gree t Britain end /reined ,fliitioh India, Neerfoundland,Germany,Austria, Italy, Australia and the United States. POST OFFICE SAWN OSSA NE. Deposits will be received at this office train >t1toMe. Det''sit'reobraiuingthe 1'cetmaster- Oeneral'a special permission tum deposit 51000. DeposltsonSayings Blink account received from eau, to 4 p. m, OOice hours!"om 7.80 it. ia.to7 p, rrr, Lettere intended forrcgistration must Lo posted 15 mfinites Wore the closing of each nail. N 11—isle particulary requested that the sunders of "natter will kindly odd the aames of ti" Counties to the addi tosses, D:JOIUNS, Poatmarter. ITCHING. PILES—SYMPTOMS AND OCHE Tho symptoms aro moisture, like perspir- ation, intense itching increased by scratching;; very distressing, particular at night; scums as if pin -worms were crawling in and about the rectum, tate private parts are sometimes af- fected. If allowed to continue very serious re- sultsmayfollow. "S WAYNE'S OINTMENT" is a pleasant, sure cure, Also for Totter, Ica, aalk-Ithentn, Sa:lld-liead, Erysipelas, Barbers' Itoh, Blotches, all Healy -crust Skin Diseases,. Box, by mail, 50 Cts,; 8 for $1,25. Address, DII. SWAYNE d'; SON, Phila., Pa. Sold by Druggists. ADVIC E jTO :1tOTl1Elte". Are you disturbed at night and broken of your reatby asIek child. suffering and crying with paiu of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MBS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Its value is incalculable. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do - pend upon itmothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and- bowels, cures wind colic softenetato kmils, reduces inflammation, and gives; tone and energy to tho whole system' 11IIns. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILD- REN TEETHING fa Oen sant to the taste, and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Prico 25 tents a' bottle. carving it off with the knife and bend over without firing the pistol bullets into your leg, you will be a miner. You don't want any pick, shovel or pit. There is no need of a claim, interest or even grub stake. Just go right out to the diggings and walk around. You'll get rich. Don't be alarmed about re- sults. If yon don't catch any dust you'll be so rich in pure lead before you've been four hours in the regions that you can only distinguish yourself from a shot tower by the ability of the tower to stand alone while you are triced up to a black jack to keep you from dropping through the mountain. Try it, young man. Aud if your execu- tors and creditors don't wish you had stuck to the entry clerk's desk it will be owing to you're having slipped up on these instructions somewhere and missed the combination. --Brooklyn Eagle. • First detective "Hist! I have' a clew." Second D.—"Hush! Don't speak so loud. What is it?" First D.—"Are we observed?" Second D.— "Nay,, we are alone, but speak low; even the walls have ears. Where did you find your clew?" First D.—"In this paper. Here it is, right in the be- ginning of this piece. of poetry., List! 'There is,..blood upon the Moon.' Philadelphia Call, A. concert by a Chinese band was given, in New York :on ,Alonday even- ing. There were no encores. From the fact that •a member of the audience, as he left the hall, heartlessly remark- ed that if capital punishment was ever abolished lie.lvoulti ,advocate. treating murderers to a serenade by a Chinese band; it is inferred that•' he was not overwhelmingly pleased.with the con- cert.—Norristown Herald TL+ &NNENTTENNENT, Veteti- unry Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary y_ College,Torou to, have op. far, the treat Domestic Au street. Exe- -.„�` a distance .- promptly at ended to. Medicines for HOrsee. Cattle, ete always on hand. ened auoffice ment of all imals, on Main ter. Calla/rote Health & Happiness f©r all. WILL CURE OR RELiEVE Biliousness, headache, Dys- pepsia, ,indiec.tiin, Dizziness” Jaundice, Drop°y Fluttering, softs. hut't, Aca every gperies'of iii :use front a iutiriut liit,rlei .'. ..S : • lkilr -t ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT CURES ALL Pains and Aches AND IS THE MOST PERFECT IODIEINE in the WORLD SOLO DY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 50 egNTS PER D371"..Z. T.c. •w-'— . ,.,,,. ... _.. $urs BLOOD OTTERS. WiLL CURE OR RELIEVE DILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, • FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, - DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising fro disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN & Go., Proprlet ctr . HT+i NSALL PORK PACKING !OUSE Navin•g:`cu,ntnenet,d-businesGtoi`t1ae' Fall an.: Minter. rs` Trade :We are pre pared twpurcliaseiruyquaiitit"y of Pork,sal?jecttothe followingregulstiona We will take off two poundt"per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder Mick twenty-five.; cents„ „If any of Umlaut; gats are left ia, 25 a its -extra wi11 be deviuetees. No prof( willbe bengal' ,4f any price it warm! Wewaiit ail hoes Cuttingright through breast to ht- a 1, and .Elam .s opened out to tail Citlai� ...(h i'• G & J.'Pi1J�,!'TY. WAIRREN LELAND, wheel everybody knows is the suecessfut• nese ager Of the Largest Hotel Enterprises of :' r er'ea, ssys that while a passenger from NAV 1 ort on boardak MI, pew mmoun4 Cape , : n Vie 1 early days bf emigration to cat - f: , i warned that one of the ofEcers of the t . 1, . cured hlmsel , during the voy a,l , t+r An .,ra ¢dlawye 1wtbP rise of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Slime then Mr. Unarm has recommended AVER's S sar,Altati. in many slimier eases, mit lie bss haver yet heardAt its fa tiro to erect. a r*dical mare. ,tome years ;pone of Mr. Xast R7'a fens laborers bruised Ws foe. Qwtoe to** bad state of his blood" an ugly scrofulous •wallutg erbium appeared on the injured limb. Uor- vible itcla•Ing of the skin, with burning and dsrtiac pains tbrqu Thttbe lu, atli aimoat intolerable. 7re leg beeamampade enorfe- tsoaslx enlersed,zi4 runuiae Mears formed, dlsebarging great quantities of extremely atfenalve matter. Ng treatment wag of any mall PAW the tnan, lay 7.Ir. Letamea direo* ,ten, was supplied with Arm's % MAMA- Pir.LA, which allayed the pain and irritation, seale4the sores, removed the stveftrag, and tawznpletoiy restored the Web to use. lfr, linieirM has gerwnally used • Ayer's Sarsaparilla for Itheumatlsrn, with entire sumo; and, after careful observation, declares that, is Ws belief, there Is so medicine la tine world equal to it for tae care of Lever Disorders, Goat, the effects of high living. Salt Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, and all the ♦arlous Corms of blood diseases. We have Mc. I Fr 4'U's permsatm a be invite allwhomaydesire further evidence In regard *0 the extrsordt:itry curative powers of Area's saas,irAlilIJ A tQ see him person- alty either at his maammctit Qooan Betel, Long Branch, or at tbepepular Leland Betel, Broadway, :Nth and lath Streets, New York. Mr. I,zimND'5 extensive knowledge of the good done .bythis unequalled eradicator at blood poisons enables Lira to give iairigters ;smote Taluable inforreation. =WM = s= Dr,J.C. AyerdtCo.,Lowell, Mass. told brill Druggists; ;I, az botUM Orfila DOWNS' ELIXIR . EC .D0 TVIV- ' vxaa743127. LQ Iias stood tit, lest ;lir YZARS, and hr.; proved t,., itill'. '.' i remedy known for the cur., • f Consumption, Cc:�,',-.: Colfis,Whoopin`'; and all Lung Dl :oasesi • young or old :;•liar :'v Price 25c.:x,3 $1 CJ ;or -asxsacs t , , •, . FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS.. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and cff ctuat' diftirPyer of worms in Children or Adults. To FARMEJiS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NOAH FRIED, --OF THF Dashwood Flouring Mill Wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers, for the past liberal patronage given him, and since making im- provements, which is a large saving on fuel, will do --CHOPPING— until further notice, at the following --rates OATS, SIX CENTS PER BAG, And for al] other grains (Peas excepted), SEVEN CENTS PER BAG. TUESDAY, THURSDAY (f SATURDAY, Are my regular grinding days TERMS Strictly Cash. N. B. --Flour & Feed sold at a close, mar- giu. Don't forget to give us a Dasliirood, Feb'v 7tb,:SA • •